HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-8-13, Page 88minouseantlalloeimmoValloluseammagesauxesaliMpsat
Enna your eyes open for our now
continued story,
Tease BuYEns is attending the 1
During the month of
August we will Give
special bargains in Ex-
press Wagons, Croquet
Sets, Hammocks, Base
Balls, Fans, &c. Now
is the time to buy.
The Post Bookstore.
Trains leave Brussels Station, north and
south, asfollower—
CoingSouth, Going North.
Man " 05 a.m. I Mixed 10:25a.m.
Express 11:45 a.m.Mail 2;49 pan,
Mixed 8:50p.m. Express CO p.m.
The morning train south and the night train
north will only run on Tuesdays. Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
King .3Ctm tern,
A chiefs amaog ye Lakin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
SEE new dental card.
ing at Wingham last week.
i CANS Salmon for 25o. Adam Good,
50 CENTS gets THE POST for the
balance of 1886. Now is filo time to
Temperance Camp meeting at Ilam-
ilkon this weok.
DR. HoLMEs, of Godorioh, and lire,
A.. J. McColl wero in town for few
days last week.
Groceries very Cheap. Adam Good.
Miss LILY GORDON, Of Ln0kn0w, 1S
visiting her sister, Mrs, T. Pletcher,
this week,
MIse MAGGIESHAW, who has bean
at Moorefield, ie home for a short va•
REV. W. T. CLUFP, Mre. Cluff and
Mise Ronald arrived home, from their
trip up the lakes, last Friday.
limy. W. Surest will preach a spec•
ial sermon next Sunday ev.ening on
lessons from ibe life of Solomon.
MRs. W. G. SMITH and children, of
London, returned home last Monday
after spending fonr weeks with her
sister, Mrs. G. A. Beer. and other
Iime bridges arp being erected at
Ethel and Bluevale by the Grand
Tr ink Company. There aro two
gangs of 20 and 80 men, respectively,
at ' work.
A LARGE congregation greeted Rev.
F. Ryan, B. D., last Sunday at St.
Johu's church. The rev. gentleman
has a large number of warm friends
in this locality.
NEw fall goods are coining to the
front, Our merchants are preparing
fur a large fall trade. Intending
easterners will do well to watch the
advertising columns of Tun POST.
W. B. Monson arrived home from
Montana last Friday. On the home•
ward trip a collision took place near
Minneapolis. The' engines of both
trains and several cars wero bad-
ly wrecked but the passengers had a
miraculous escape. W. B. was bad-
ly shaken up but not seriously injur-
J. T. S. Kum has just received 'a large
Knitter and will now be able to knit farm-
er's or heavy yarn in stockings or cooks.
Just received a fine assortment of imported
yarns, comprising Peacock, Baldwin's
Beehive, Crown German, &c., also Canad-
ian yarns, all in the most popular shades.
Stockings or socks footed and knit to order.
Berlin and other fancy wools a complete
line and cheap as the cheapest.
FALL RACES.—At a meeting of the
Brussels Driving Park Association,
hold in the Amerman hotel, it was
decided to hold their fall meeting on
the 7th of Sept. 1886. The course
will be put in first•olaes shape and as
the Seaforth races aro a few days be-
fore Brussels alt the good horses are
expected here. An efficient commit.
tee has the management of the day's
races. $400 or $500 will be' offered
in prizes. Look out for posters an-
nouncing progam and giving full par.
THE residence of Rev. J. L. Kerr
is being beautified by a new dress of
paint tuffs week.
ExTaA value in Fruit Jars and pickling
yinegars at Thomson's.
Joan VAROOE arrived home this
week after a week's trip among his
friends at Seaforth] and Godorich.
THERE was nothing of any special
interest done at the tweeting of the
School Board last Friday evening.
NExt Tuesday evening 'a social
party will be held in the Town Hall.
Dancing will make up the evening's
THE well-known Kennedy family,
Scottish vocalists, contemplate mak-
ing a visit to Brussels in the early
part of November.
J. J. GILPnm is'having another story
added to Ins cottage, on Church
street, and will make a number of
other important improvements.
%XXXXX White Wine Vinegar at Good's.
JOHN BARNHILL and wife aro away
to Scotland for a visit. They expect
to spend several months among them
old friends. We wish them an enjoy-
able visit and a safe return to Brus-
Y., spent several days with his nous•
in, John Jones, this week. They had
been boys together in the Old Coun-
try and had not met for 88 years nu.
til this week.
To those requiring aids to vision. Be
sure in asking for Laurance's speetecles—
that yon get B. LAunANon'e—as there aro
imitations in 'the market, and see that
wary pair is stamped B. L., without which
none are genuine. Do not be deceived by
any eimiliarity in the name.
ADVERTISING pays every time. A
fete weeks ago D. A.. Smale advortis•
ed for female agents to push the sale
of the Constitutional corsets and on
Thursday of this week a Miss Smale
arrived, who will, we believe, take a
lively interest in D. A's. affairs. See
birth notice.
ON Saturday last'. T. G. McCracken,
the popular grocer, bought the brick
dwelling formerly owned by Wm,
Holman, on John et., for the sum of
eight buudred and fifty dollars,
Mao, has made one of the best bar•
gains in real estate that lies been
made in Harristou for a long time,
and we hope that he may long live
to enjoy his comfortable home.—Har.
Aston Tribune,
THE GAME LA t78.—Under the laws
of Ontario, the shooting season will
begin on the 15th of August,' After
that date woodcock may be shot;
. snipe, rail, golden plover, grouse,
pheasants, partridge, prairie chick-
ens, ducks and other waterfowl, and
hares after the 1st of September,
Deer may not lawfully be shot till af-
ter the 15th of October. No quail
may be shot in 1886 or 1887, and no
wild turkey till after 1888.
REEVE ROGERS has taken thehint
thrown out by TEE POST a little
while ago, and has purchased a hand-
some self•extinguishing tubular street
lamp, • It will shed its friendly light
on both Turnberry and Mill streets.
This will be an improvement badly
needed 'on dark nights in that local.
ity. This lamp is a patent affair and
can be set to burn 8, 12 or 16 hours
as desired and will extinguish itself.
If a few more of our business men
would follow suit it would be a
good thing,
WEnnXNG BELLS.—The corner of
Queen and Turnborry Streets has
gained considerable notoriety during
the last few menthe in one shape or
another. On Thursday forenoon of
this weak we had a 'new change in
the drama. It was of a matrimonial
nature, the contracting parties being
Thomas Thompson, of Seaforth, well
known in this locality, and Bliss
Minnie Muir, daughter of the late An-
drew Muir, of Brussels. The happy
couple were ably supported by Mise
F. A. Shannon, of town, and Thos.
Richardson, of Seaforth, The bride's
troseeau was composed of ooffea col-
ored lace, on pale blue, with lace to
match. The bridesmaid looked
charming in white eatin, with
orange blossoms. The -nuptial knot
was tied by Rev, •S. Jones in the
presonoe of several friends, The
bride was the recipient of many cost-
ly, as well as usofnl presents. The
happy eouple have taken their depart-
ure for an extended tour to some of
the most important cities of the east.
its Midsummer Number, our faeetiout
contemporary, Grip, has issued a
magnificent supplement, in the form
of a lithograph plate, 18x24 inches, a
group sof Conservative Leaders in
Canada, The picture is as fine as a
photograph, and is well worth fram-
mg. Tho likenesses and autographs
are accurate, and the whole picture is
at once striking and pleasing. It is
one of the best things of this kind
over attempted in Canada ; and not
only all Conservatives, but,thoee on
the other side, will like to enure „it.
The price, together with Midsummer
Grip, is only 25 conte, and it will be
forwarded to anyone enclosing that
amount to the Oompany at Toronto.
In this connection we may state that
the success of the enlargement and
improvement of Grip (now 16 phges)
has led the Company to reduce the
price of Canada's Comic Weekly to
$2. New subsoribets sending $1
(together with,5-oants Sur tube and
postage of plate), will get the paper
for the last six months of this year,
to Deo. 81, and have the Midsummer
Number and its find Supplement
Plate thrown in.
W, M. S;Nooala was home from
Toronto for a few days this weoll.
children, of Godorich, aro visiting in
town this week, •
HARRY DENNIs, and D. Roes intend
goingto Windsor and Detroit Mich.,
with the Clinton cricket club, They
leave Brussels ou Saturday and will
be back on Wednesday or Thursday.
lean Father of the Order of Preachers
and brother of Mrs. T. O'Neil, of
Brussels, will officiate in the Catho•
lie church here on next Sunday at
•11 o'clock.
LIEUT. SMALE, of Blyth, was visit-
ing her comrades here on Tuesday.
Capt. Rowe and Lieut. Roach "fare -
welled" theta week and a new staff of
' officers is expected.
NEXT Thursday the Assoeiatiou
cricket match between Brussels and
Seaforth will be played ou our park.
A. good game is expected. This will
be the second meeting of these two
clubs for this eeaeon.
TRE managers of the Western Fair
to be held in London, are pushing to
final completion the necessary ar•
rangements fur ensuing the success
of their great annual show. The
Western Fair cannot be beaten. See
advt. for dates, &c., in this issue.
FOR THE Oox.opIAL,— On Thursday
of this weep G. A. Deadman, the bee
king of this County, shipped 500
pounds of his excellent clover honey
to the Colonial Exhibition, now in
progress at London, Eng. It was
put up in small stone jars neatly la-
belled. lir, Deadman is au enthusi-
astic bee farmer and deserves to sno-
ceed. Keep your eyes open for hie
announcement as he has a splendid
supply of honey on hand.
Tnz Vancouver News of Aug. 2nd
Bays :—The Ronald Steam Fire En•
gine, size No. 2, which left Brussels,
Ont., on July 11th, arrived at Port
Moody on the evening of Friday last
the 80th inst. The cost of it coming
by express freight over the Canadian
Pacific Railway, is $800—a low rate
considering that the price of trans
porting a similar engine, which was
conveyed from the same point, in
February last year, to Now West -
minister, was $450. At that period
the Canadian Pacific had not been
opened, but although that road has
been completed only a few weeks the
competition has already commenced,
and both passenger and freight rates
are being largely reduced. On Sat-
urday, the Fire, Water & Light Com.
mittee, after deciding that it would
be much cheaper to have the engine
brought by road, than by water, in-
structed Berry & Rutherford to send
a tram of four heroes to Port Boody
for the purpose of hauling the steam-
er to this city. At 10:80 yesterday
morning Mr. Ronald who has been
waiting at Port Moody for the , arriv-
al of the engine, made a start with
hie charge, and reached New West-
minster quite safely and without any
untoward incident. A. halt was made
there for one hour and a half, in or-
der to give the horses a rest and to
refresh the inner man. At 6 o'clock
the engine arrived in this city, and
was located temporarily on the vac-
ant lot of ground opposite the Relief
Committee Room on Water street.
Mr. Ronald said that the horses
handled the engine with ease, there
being no difficulty whatever in getting
it over the road. He approved of it
being hauled from Port Moody as tho
journey had lubricated the wheels
and set them in good working order.
Today i; will be thoroughly cleansed
and polished. Steam is to be got up
to•night and au exhibition given of
its powers to grapple with the fire
fiend. The engine has a handsome
appearance, being well and substan-
tially made. Its weight is 5,000 Ms,
the wheels are of extra large size and
sot in elliptic steel springs, ing draft
and movements being light and easy.
It is capable of throwing one, two
and four large and powerful streams
a great height or. distance, the ap'
paratus accompanying the engine be•
ing ample for the protection of the
city. Tho 2,000 feet of rubber lioee
and four hose carriages make the
equipment as perfect as it can bo,
and we believe that there is no city
of the same size and population as
Vancouver which can boast of hav-
ing such a, complete system of pro-
tection from fire as our town now
possesses, The figures, below give
the cost of the engine and the accom-
panying apparatus :—
Steamer $8,800
Four hose carts, ordinary price §200
apiece 700
2,000 feet rubber hose, at 61.18 per
foot 2,860
Freiget charges 800
Incidentals, cost of erecting engine 840
house, eto,, oto., say
Grand total e7,500
Air. Bonald, has agreed to give ten,
years credit for the gum of $6,860
due to him, with interest at the rate
of 7 per cont. per annum.
Tire dust is beoonung nlulost inial•
arable on the roads,
KONNE•rli MCFADDEN, of Britnptoni.
is visiting hit little friend, Tack Wade.
&Ins. G.A. BEan and children have
gond to London and ,Pori Stanley to
spend three or four weeks, for a
LAST Wednesday W. J. Fear, L.
D.S„ of Seaforth, was in town and
made arrangements for a weekly visit
to Brussels for the practice of his pro•
fession. As may be seen by his pard
he will be at the Queen's hotel every
Monday. Mr. Fear is wall known to
the people of this locality and needs
no recommendation from lis.
Mn. AND Mas. Jane D. RONALD,
who are sojourning at the Regina ho-
tel, leave at the and of this week for
Southern California, where they,. go
to visit relatives whom they have not
seen for years. Mre. Barnum, a
married sister, accompanies them.
Mr. Ronald speaks highly of the easy
grades and curves on the C.P.R. He
gays that the road -bed, ties and gen-
eral equipment of the line are first-
class, making it far superior to any
railway running through the United
States.—Vancouver News.
success which has attended the In•
dustrial Fait in the past, appears like•
ly to be eclipsed by the success of the
oue for the present year, which opens
at Toronto on the 8th of September
next. Already the space in alt the
large buildings is nearly taken up,
and the character and novelty of the
exhibits will be far ahead of those of
previous years. The latest improve-
ments in farming implements, ma-
chinery and all kinds of manufactures
will be found there, and the number
of entries already made in the live
stock departments enearo a magnifi•
cent display in this respect, Our
space will not permit us to particul-
arise, but an excellent program of
special attractions has been provided,
and the reputation of the Toronto
show in this respect justifies 1.10 in
saying that they will be of au inter•
esting and novel character, Cheap
excursions and reduced fares will be
given on all the railways. A large
number of conventions and other at.
tractions will be going on in the city
at the time of the fair, and any of our
l readers contemplating taking a holi-
day, will not have a bettor opportun-
ity of spending it with pleasure and
profit than by taking a trip to the
Toronto Industrial Fair. Entries in
all departments close on the 28th of
August. For prize lista and all par.
ticulars, drop a poet card to Mr.
Hill, the Secretary, at Toronto.
SMALL—In Brussels, on the 121h inst., the
wife of Mr. D. A. Smale of a daughter.
ADAMs•—WEDS.—In Port Elgin, on 6th Aug,
by Rev. John Rose, B. A., Mr. Albert
Adams to Miss Brume Webb, both of
Fobermory, Bruce do.
Drennan—Mum.—In Brussels, on the 12th
inst., by Rev. S. Jones, at the residence
of Mr. John Nott, Mr. Thos. Thomp-
son, of Seaforth, to Miss Minnie Muir,
sister to Mre. John Nott and Mrs.
John Tait, of Brussels.
FnAsxn.--In Grey, on the Soh inst., Mary,
beloved wife of Finlay Fraser, aged 72
MOLemenmN.—In Grey, on the 12111 Inst.,
Ann, beloved wife of John McLauoh-
• lin, 12th con., aged 54 years.
Industrial, Toronto, Sept. Ot1' to 1811'.
Provincial, Guelph, Sept. 20th to 26th.
Central, Hamilton, Sept. 27th to Oot. let.
Northern, Walkerton, Oct. 5th to 8111.
East Huron, Brussels, Oct, 5111 & 011s.
South Huron, Seaforth, Sept. 27th & 28111.
Wallace Union, Listowel, Sept. 80th &
Oot, 1st.
East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oat. 1st,
West Huron, Goderich, Sep b. Slab & 22nd.
Brussels Markets.
White Pall Wheat .. , . .... 70 72
Red Winter 72
Spring Wheat 30
Barley 2045
Peas 50
Butter, tuba and rolls 11
Bags per dozen 11
Flour per barrel 1 50
Potatoes now 53
Hay per ton 7 00
Rides per lb 7
Dressed Hoge 5 00
Solt per bbl., wholesale .,, 00
Sheep skins, each . 00
Wool 17
6 50
1 00
k Y atouce to MRS, E. E, WADE,
s- Bruseolo.
ing 10114, en the 10th een,00utaining 100
°ores, eolith part lot i5 on 15 0008, oonteining
15 aoros, Lot 14 is partly oleered the bal.
anon well dithered. A never failing crook
orosees the lot and 1110 well adapted for farm•
lugorgrazing. Lot 15 10 mostly cleared and
under good eultivatton, the balanus well tim-
berodwith bleak ash. Will sell all together
or in partake suit the pm:thosor, Per further
parbloulare apply to the proprietor on the
premlons '1'hie lot is well drained.
ft 01110. AMISS •
AUG. 13, 1886.
TransacE a General Btnlaing
Nome to hand ,lleocunted.
Interest allow) 1 on depnatte ratay:Olt n
Prompt attention given to oolleetiouo,
1J O(cos farmorly occupied by A. J, Mo-
Ooll,lOeq„ 1u Lsoklo'e Eioak. aimtey to loan
V Y °arrow & Proudroot, Godorioh) 50110-
!tor, Conveyancer. &e. Oaloe, (kraut's block,
Brussels. Money to loan.
the Fourth Divleloa Court Co, Huron,
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loan and
Inourenco Agout. Funds invested and to loan
Collections made. Caieo in Graham's Block
tY • 54, 1,, R. C. P. Edinburgh. Pityslulan,
Surgeon and Aueouohonr. Office, Mrs. Shiel'0
block, Turuberry Street.
Or A HUTCHINSON, M.D.,v L. R. O. P. L•7rlinbaigh,
Coroner for the Conn ty of Huron.
Residence, 001010 Street OOtao at Har-
greaves' Drug Store.
• Graduate and Momper nr the Hoye I
College el Dental Surgoone, Toronto. The
various anatethatios given, also a now local
aoeiathetic for the gums only. All operations
amorally performed and guarantee,]. Prices
moderato. Full sots of teeth from 85 to 825
011100 over Powell's store. !fours 8 earl , to 5 p.
year L. D. S., Graduate! of To-
ronto School of Dentistry. Alt opera -
Mous guaranteed. Omoe—Cady's Block,
P. S.—Will be at the Queen's Hotel,
Brussels, every Monday ler the prsc deo
o1 hie profession.
V • 01 Marriage Liaensee. Onion at hie
Grocery, Turnborry street, 2-2g
11 sage Licensee, by appointment of
Lioatmmnt-Governor, Commissioner, &o., Q.
13. Oonveyanoar end Agent Fire Insurance Ce.
0Meo at the Oraubrook Post Oi71ce.
Robert Cunningham,
Guelph, Ontario.
a Acoldent and Loan Insurance Agent for
some of the boat and most reliable Compan-
iesto the Deminion, 011100, Brick Terrace,
drurnberry Shoot, near the station. em
Teaohor of Muoia, Vocal add Instrument-
al on Organ, Plano, or Guitar. Harmony and
Thorough Dass. Advanced pupile fitted for
Teaching. Terme on applioatioo, Reroronae
Ladies of Loretto Aoadon,y, Guelph, Rosi-
deuce—No, 2, Terraao, (south Hoar station,
• Graduate of Ontario VetorioaryCollege,
has resumed the tree Moe p r John Nott, V. S.,
and Is Prepared to treat all disansoo of domes-
ticated animals on soteotiao and approved
prinotples, Treatment of delicate foals a
specialty, Office at John Notts, V. S.
move from Brussels I would intimate to
all porsone whaeo patronage I have engaged
that araugemoate are being made whereby
parties haying work is be oompleted may
have it done at previously arraoged prices..
It rtber notice will bo given.
G. L. BALL, 1,, D. S.
Hirlt Cow -t of ,7iistice, Quea,t's
Bench Division.
Pursuant to the judgment and final order for
sale made in this clause and bearing date re -
o oeEiyoly tbo 17th day of Dooembor,1800, null
flit 22nd day of anion 880, thorn will bo Hold,
with the approbation of Sutherland Malcom -
Con Maguire of tho r pears of the sirppromp
Court of Judtoalturs 1, in tario, at GalorIae-
at the American Hotel, in tho Village of -Bros-
Brae -
eels, on the latis day OLtagnat, 1880, at the
hour of 'Twelve o'olook, noon, the following
lands and pruning in one parcel, namely: -
Lot number *Waivein the fourteenth 000000 -
Bion of the Township of Grey, in the Bounty o f
Huron, containing 100 acres of land,
This property lasituated about 51 miles from
the village of 13ruseole and about 2 miles from
the Town Plot of Grey. in c, good farming sac -
tido of the country,
About 80 acres of the said land is °leered and
tamed and about 70 aerestato from stumps and
fit for cultivation. There Is also eroded a
frame harp an da frame house. There is also
an orchard in a fairly good condition, The
balanoo of the said lot is timbered with hooch,
monk apct hOmlook,
Tho laud is slightly rolling and of a heavy
May loam.
tnnMe or+,SoLE. Ton per cont. down on the
day of sale to the Plaintiff's S0lioltors, the
Menem without interest, to bo paid into
Court within ono month thereafter, when the
Iurohaser will bo entitled te a conveyance,
Possession for the purpose of plowing and
pitting infall wheat eau be had immediately
after the oalo and lull posoens[on of the whole
of said property on the istli day of Oetobor
The purchaser at the Bine of sale will be re-
quired to sign an agreement for the wimple.
tion of hie einchase.
The property will bo put lip subj00E to a, re.
served bid,
lntosfsoohi!btheaoiingodiof fthis
Farther particulars may bo had from A.
Bunter Deq,, Brussels, Masers, liar, MaODon-
ald Davidson & Paterson, Barristers, Toronto,
orirom rho Plaintiff's Solicitors.
Dated at Godorioh the 28th day of July, 1980,
Local Master at Qodariott,
GAA1toW &PnournNoT
5.1 Plaintiff's senators,