HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-8-13, Page 66
Directory of Chrobss and Sooietiest
Mktvioiti CEV30g,—Sabbath Services at
11 a,m, and 0130 p.m, Sunday School at
2:80' pin. Rev. Jno. Roos, 13. A., pastor.
hsox Counts.—Sabbath SorYi00s at 11
a.m. and 0:30 pan, Sunday School at 2:80
p.m. Rev. 0. Jones, pastor,
Sr. Jcile's Cli 011. --Sabbath W31'41000 at
11 eau, and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9:80
aan. Rev, W. T. Cluffe, incumbent.
METnQDI81 Crroncs,—Sabbath Services at
MOO a.m. and 0:30 p.m• Sunday School at
2:30 pan. Rev, Wm. Smyth, Pastor.
Itono. Casroonrc Cnuacu.—Sabbath Ser.
vice third Sunday in every month at 11 a.m.
Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
ODD FELLow's Loner. °very Than:day
evening in Graham's block.
llinsoNra Lopes Tuesday at or before 101
moon in V anstone's block.
A. 0. U. W. Loner. moots on 1st and
Ord. Monday evenings of each month.
kbnESTEa's Lonoa 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month in Smale's hall.
L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in
Orange all,
Pass OirrlcE.-0ffice Hours from 8 a.m.
7 p.m,
3(Xresn'klce' INe1'scU4a Reading Room and
Library in Holmes' block, will be open
from 0 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and
raturdays. 'Miss Jessie Roes, Librarian.
A Joint Affair—A. fishing rod.
A West Virginian is having a big
run of luck. His cousin has eloped
with his wife and six children.
He (on horeebaok)—"Shall we take
the highway home ?" Sho—"No ; I
would prefer the bridal path, I think,"
Have you ever tried arm:regor & Parke's
Oarbolio °orate for sores 01 any kind? It is
beyond doubt the very beet preparation in tho
market for healing and curing Soros, Burns,
Outs, Pimples. Blotcbee, and is the only proper
method et applying Carbolic Acid. sold at
Hargreaves Drug Stor431er 21c. per boX.
Things one would rather have loft
unsaid. She (to her partner)—Du
you like the Lancers ? He --tags.
It's so jolly to be able to dance with
another fellow's partner, you know I
Visiting clergyman in Indian Ne.-
tion—"Aro all these Indians Chris-
tians ?" Irish waiter—"No, sur, not
wan of them ; some is Comanachee
and some is Episcopalians."
"Theo you have never !incl ally ed-
ucational advantages ?" Boy scratch-
es his head and says, "No, mum ;
not that I knows of. Bat I've had
airysiplas. If what you said is wares
nor that I don't want to ketch it."
This 11 to certify that I have used Moflreg-
or's Spoedy Cline 102 Dyspepsia and Livor
Complaint, and dc honestly say that if ft coat
mo one hundred dollars (88100.00) a bottle I
would not be without it, 0.8 it baa done me
more good than all the medicines I ever used,
and I Seel like a now man.—Yours truly, ALEX.
Grum, Carleton Place, Ons. This ni 0411ine Is
Tor sale at Mc. and 31 nor bottle at Hargreaves
:Drug Store.
Burglar (sternly)—"Give me your
watch ?" Funny Mr, Smalltop—
"With pleasure. It's a Waterbury."
Burglar—"Well, then, your elothes
go with it "
"Aly Husband's Crime" is the title
of a recently issued novel. He pro-
bably hid his loose change in his shoe
or slyly took it to bed with him, o
she couldn't find it when she went
through his pockets after he had fall-
en asleep.
Haveyon Tootltaohe? Use Fluid Lightning.
Have you Rheumatism ? Dee Fluid Lightning,
Have you a Stiff Joint? Uso Fluid Lightning,
Have you iieuralata . Use Fluid Lightning,
Have you Lumbago? Use Fluid Lightning.
Are you troubled with Eoadache? Use Fluid
Lightning. 'faro you any rain?. Use Fluid
Lightning. It will cure you the Instant it Is
applied. Tryit. 251. per bottle at Hargreaves;
Drug Store.
Johnny—"What's the difference
between sense and sensation, papa ?"
Papa—"Whoa I come down•stoirs,
Johnny, to ehinglo you, you Usually
bolt out of the door. That is sense.
When I grab you and apply the
shingle, that is sensation."
A wag brought a horse to a atop by
the word "whoa," and said to the
driver, "that's a fine horse you have
there." "Yee," answered the young
man, "but he has one fault, he was
formerly owned by a butcher, and al.
eve etOp0 when he hears a calf
If any of our readers that aro afflicted with
lthetmatlsm have never !Siad West's World's
Wonder or Family Liniment we advise them
to do so at once, and be convinced of its extra-
ordinary merits. It will positively cure you.
/tie a novor-failing remedy for Cuts, Sprains,
Bruises and all complaints requiring external
treatment. Price 26 cents and 00 cants per
bottle. told by John Hargreaves & Co., drug-
"What was the trouble at church
thie morning 2" inquired one Dakota
• citizen to another. "I understand
there \RS a row." "Oh, it didn't
amount to anything,. Some of the
members in the back pews threatened
to shoot the minister unless he spoke
louder. That was all."
111re• Brown (laying down the paper)
—"I goo the loveliest women in Kan-
sas are found in Cherryvale; and,
strange to say, they never wear oor-
tote. BOY different from our North-
eru women," Brown (disgusted)—
"Yea, indeed. Up here our society
ladies scarcely wear anything else.
"One hundred Doses, Ono Dollar,"
advertises a patent medicine manu-
facturer. If the proprietor of the
compound will amend emu° by offer-
ing a pries of "One Hundred Dollars"
to anyone rash enough to take "One
Dose," maybe he'll find some hard -up
citizen willing to risk a trial of the
AUG. 13, 1886.
Hie Future Assured.—"I geese I'm
pretty sato about going to heaven,"
remarked Bobby to young Mr, Veath-
erly. AIF. Featherly replied that be
earnestly !loped 80, and then inquir-
ed why Bobby felt so ooufident spout
the matter, "Because," explained
Bobby, •'l.Ia says that it ain't safe to
trust me where there's fire."
The latoet remedy for Coughs Colds, Oroup,
'Whooping 004811, Brauchitis, oho.. is MoOrog-
or'e Lung Compound. 'There fano remedy in
existence containing en,,yy ono of the aottvo iu-
gredlente l0mpoaing 11doGregOr's Lung Com-
pound, so do not say you hove taken every.
thing until you have tried this for your cold or
cough, and your opinion will be the sumo as
all who have used lt, viz : that it is the beet,
Sold in No. and 31 bottles by Juo, Iiargronyes
& 00„ druggists,
An English waiter estimates that
all the gold in the world, if melted in
one lump, could be stored in a cellar
twenty-four foot equnro by sixteen
feet deep, and a San Francisco editor
offers to furnish the cellar, if the
people who own the gold want to
store it, The chances ars that that
editor is dishonest. He would steal
the gold end go to Europe, and marry
a duchess.
Ire ori year Guard.
Don't allow a lobi in the hood to slowly and
surely develop itself into Catarrh, whou you
can be mired cor 1fie, A. few uppBoations 11111
euro incipient Catarrh. One or two boxes will
cure ordinary Oa1orr11, Ono to aye boxes will
euro chronic Catarrh. Try Dr. 0I1,00'0 Canad-
ian Catarrh Ouro—it will cure you.
What He Got.—The West Texas
patriots who lately made pilgrimages
to Washiugton mantling for tin astray
Mnrshalollip are struggling home one
at it time. "Bill," said ono of the
latest arrivals, accosting a friend
whorl he met 011 the 810001, "Bill,
congratulate me," "What for ?"
"I've been to Washington." "Did
you get anything 2" "Yes, I got
A !'roc 411f:.
Around each bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure
Is a Modie:a Guido and 130oipe Book oontaiu
Mg useful information, over200 receipts, and
pronounced to, Doctors and Druggists es worth
ten times the ooet of the modioino. Medicine
and Book $1, Sold by all Druggists.
Florence, aged 4, demanded as her
perquisite, the wish•bcne of every
fowl brought into the bonne. One
day she was carefully arraugiug her
collection when her father came into
the room. "Fader," elle said, look-
ing, up —"Fader, is you dein' to die ?"
"Why, yes, Florence, we must all die
0um0 time," he said, touched by her
earnest look. "Fader, when yon does
die, may I have your wieh•bone." •
In January, 189.9, whom in Bran-
don,Maui Mho, I uou fru otod a severe
ooldthat settled on my 1,1080,0008'
000 br000hitlo and consolidation of
the upper porli0m of both lungs. I
endured great pain andbe0sme Very
weak, and though I tried various
m04101300, and consulted many em-
inent physicians iu Manitoba, Unit-
ed Status, and Ontario, gradually
grew worm. In September, 1880,
was induced to try the Paoigo coast. whore I
spent six months in Los Angelos Cal., San
3080, Monetay, and other noted health resorts,
but deriving no benefit, roturnod to Ontario
worse than when 1 lett, spent nearly $0,000 in
search of health, and bogan to think it was
useless to try anything more, when w. H. Ma-
gee of the G.T.E. induced me to try Dr. Jug's
Medicine and Fills. After using two bottles
my appetite began to return, also strength
sod weight, and am now as well as ever. I be -
lime Dr. Jug's Medicine saved my life
00. HonorXs, Stratford.
Sold by G. A, Deadman,
She was quite agreeable.—A. Brook.
lyn lady recently employed as Iauud-
rese an Irish woman who came well
recommended and who soon made
herself very agreeable, Mrs. S—'s.
front name is Annie, while the wash-
erwoman bears the name of Sarah.
On Monday Sarah reported for work,
and, during forenoon, Mrs. S., who
happened to be in the kitchen, said,
"I guess I shall have to call you
Sarah hereafter, it is so much abort -
or." "All right, unarm, do, and I
will call you Annie, It comes natur-
al. I used to work with an Annie
years ago."
The College B3ey's Diary.
Matriculated by the shin of my teeth.
Arrange for residence in college.
Smoke and dream of gold modal I
Join Football, Cricket and Lacrosse
Get a bad kick in football match.
Still sore. Can't fix mind on study.
Greet jamboree down town with boys.
Not feeling well. Must begin to cram.
In bed all day. Begin in earnest
In bed all day—feel much better.
Attend lecture, but mind wanders,
Meet of cricket club. Fleeted presi-
Buy a skulling shell and take a spin.
Very bad cold from yesterday's spill.
Old Prof, tells me I'm getting behind.
Lacrosse match—win all noy bots,
Bed all day reading Greek Testament,
Mind made up to study for Medal.
Join Biryole Club, My first mount,
Too sore to study after that tumble.
Write home for funds, Must study
Big time with boys in gallery Royal.
Funds received, Billiards and boor.
Cramming for Examination) Wed.
Doing Icing. Made beautiful 'mash.'
Cricket match—"It) and not out 1"
Must cram in fury to•dsy.
Examinations. Awfully tough day.
Smoking and awaiting result of
Plucked, by Gracious 1 Pluolced 1 1
r Ldoo:.
' i Nuu+t!00,1114 p ostag*,((11,1110
A G1l 1' 1111! 14011 you frau n royal„
lUA 11 1 vnlnablu,son,plo''"0 of goods
that writ put you in tho way
lorlan.11llott, entoe 10 10111ag a 0011
nvoatheme and work!): eparo 411(10, 00 all
the time. Capital not required. Wo will
start von, Iuln+ensentY Sure ;0.1 those who
starbat once, STINSON & 000•!10411, Inlaiue
norther w111rent lot 10, oou,0, Grey ,00u;
taiulug100 corse, about 10 oloared, for ono or
nloro years. House, barn 81111 all other con•
yOm(Ono091u the lot, Thom lea nuautlty 01
foodthnt would be loft, by the loose agree-
00 S 011b, Thsimilar
a 0 of Implemet nts would time
be allowed, Also 100 sores in Howlek town.
ship ,1 mile from wroxoter. 80 neves cleared,
Thera Is ahouse 0o the lot but no hare. A
tenant building a barn would be nlioowod to
stop it out of the rent. Possession can be
given on',ipril let, For further 0artlonhtrs
apply to THOS. \v0i1T10,
Dn, E. C. WEST'S Nerve and Brain Treat-
ment, a guaranteed enocif a for Hysteria,
ziness, Convulsions, Fits,Nervous,
Hearlaobo, Nerveu0. Pronira8iou caused by the
use of eIoohol or toba000, Wakefulness, 230015'
al DOp7000iOfl,S0((0010t of the Brain result-
ing in 11110110y, leading to misery, decay and
death. Premature Old Ago,Barrones0, Lose of
Power iu either sox, Involuntary Losses and.
Spermotorrhaaa 00.11000 by over-exertion of the
Bruin, salt-abueo or over -indulgence. Each
box eon tains one mon6h's treata10u6. 01 n box,
or six boxes for ea, Sent by mail, prepaid, on
receipt of pried.
WF, GU l it ANTES SIS 010:0E3
Ta ouro rtny case. With each order received
by ns for six boxes, ucoomp muted with $e, we
will scud the purchueer our written guarnutoo
to refund the ,money it the treatment dons net
affect °cure, 0uarantees issued only by John
Hargroaves & 00„ Brussels.
Calaadian Paoi9c kilway Time Tablet
Teeswater Branch.
Milos ,,lo tug West Mail. Eaprt
0 Toronto.. Dop 7.2 a.m,
0 Orangeville . , 0.50 "
4 Jrsngeville Jot 10.05 "
7} Amaranth! ,• 00,15 'i
iD Waldemar.. •.10.24 `
121 Luther ...... 10.81 "
23* Arthur , • . , .. 11,08
301 Kenilworth,,,• :11:00....23300815
1,30 °'
381 MT. FORUM!,- ll.58a,m•
44 Pages t.... • • 12.15p.m.
47¢ HennIOTO0.. . 12 28 "
561 Fordwich •. „ 12.55 "
GO Gerrie ,. , ,. 1.08
02}• Wroxeter ,tri "
69 Wtngham Road 1,38 " 10.08
Teeswater„Arg 1.5 .m• 10.15
7.00 ”
+1lr1es Going East E0pross
0 Teeswater Dep
5 Wingham Road
11 Wroxeter •• ••
14 Gerrie . •
171 Fordwich • • • •
261 Etarriaton .. • •
30 Pages $,... ••
351- Mt. Forest,. •.
43} Kenilworth
50} Arthur... • ..
61* Luther .
64 Waldemar...
661 Amaranth i .
170 Orangeville Jot
Orangeville .
5.15 a.m,
Toronto , • Arr. 10,
2•.15 p.m.
g,i"IQit S3Lli.—I'.1;iiK LOT, CON'
tames about 3 acres, with ramie, stable
well, and it ,,,,,,,1500 111 fruit !rose (bearing) on
the iot leo terns and 11art1011htre apply to
A, 130NT 1:11, itruas000 5' -tf
11AItA1 POI! SAL1+a.—THE UN•
1- dumb -mod sir era for sale 100 acres, 1101,8
lot. 0, eon, 10, (troy, 0e elear0,1, i,nlau00 Ilwbm'-
0d 0,1011 bomb and maple. A emotertablc
hoe 80 and bare 10 U01110 00 30.
T,annr0.—T0 snit purchaser, AIply to
47-2)n Brussels,
Geo. Phippen,
Pc6imter, - Brzassels,
is prepared to do A11 Kinds of
&e., &C.,
at Reasonable Bates.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
In Evefy Instance.
Left at Geo. Backer's Stora will
be promptly attended to.
,Steady 'mploli)n•e)lt to Good 3ren(
None need be idle. Provioue
experience not essential.
We pay either Salary or Coin -
100 31e11 Wanted
to Canvas for the sale of Canadian
grown Nursery stock.
The Fonthill Nurseries,.
Largest in Canada.,
Over 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can fur-
nish first-class references, and
want to work. No room for lazy
men,but can employ any number
of energetic men who want work.
Stone & Wellington,
Toronto, Ont.
-�— I have tti nice lot of Baby Car-
, riages on hand. that the Public
should see.
Refreshment and Dining Rooms
�.v V�fis-7.ON' $.A.01FT8 OTi"
250112.1 AGLNNT, lthtO6SEO,S
And Bye -Glasses
—That Will Preserve Your Eyoeigbt.—•
T, L L4R US,
Manufacturing Ot11ieian, tette of the firm of
Lazarus di Morels, 28 Maryland Road,
Harrow Road, London, England, has ap-
pointed an agent for the Renowned Spect-
acles and Byo•Glassss which have been be.
fore the pnblie for the past 25 years.
LA'J,soBo' Spectacles never tire the eye.
Last many years without change.
—Por sale by --
JAS. DREWE, ,d. Hardware 14015011ant
81.3m* Brussels, Ontario.
They are Well made, nicely
finished anti will be Sol'I at
Reasonable Prices.
sTrii TI M
lEalr.eas v Cellalrz
and everything in the harness line
on hand•
' Also Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
&c., &c.
f 1iI0£U1, 1ALI.it1S FOR SAL Iti,—
\.•'eCee•enelelll lutnrovud, 1,08,0 for salt,
In it -lie 000(letup 01 tiruy, nouns laid )10c)I.
tr,t1, ,\ 11l 1' to A 11,44C,1 0'115,00 .\00(104000
ltcoee l�e l' U, 10.11
LST 1V 1ULAOKS,1117:11,
,01411 your lams borons to Duolel Iowan, he
LEA81'111 W. T. HUNTH.10'S STAND,
(irn0sel0. Flaying practised for y00ra and
rleen 10 0110111811001 310111(011 In 4W, loading
1!0000-s((0ing oolabllslunert of Grahan1,10din•
burgh, Su,naud. Also twine passed wlih
1)01,080 through the hayed VotortunrY Bhmlhg
'+Iliounodlreds I.
081 11100Lonorse pasdingsed
)hands dally Y 008 safely guarantee to earn oen-
ndre foot Irt o! ell kinds 0011000(1 rotsou bre
andropnldr or
terms, and workmanship I feel sat that will wool'I0please. By
giving me s cell fool satisfied i would 000404
your trade. D. 19 WAN,
1441 Hunter's Old Stat.d•
)ii • ; e Again!
Thanking the public for their pat-
ronage for the past 14 years I de-
sire to stats that I am prepared to
attend to all kinds of House, Sign
and Ornamental Painting in a
workmanlike manner.
Paper Hanging3
and Kaisomining
done in a manner that gives Sat-
isfaction every time.
Now that the house cleaning
season will soon be here send your
orders along early so that they
can be attended to in good time.
WM. fitoadt .ok,
The 013 Reliable.
Honest settlers not bo male to suffer be-
eause of a few disreputable oharactere,
Reported Reeigtlation or Removal of Sparks.
Washington, D. C., Special Telegram,
April 7.—'Tho text of the order of revocation e f
and et history of the order of April 3 were
laid before each member of the cabinet a.t
yesterday's mooting. The language of the
order of revocation was approved as it
stands. It is said that if any evasion of
the order is attempted, Mr. Sparks will be
called on to resign.
TEXT OF IMF 0011100,
Following is the full text of the order of
revooatiou:—Department of the Interior,
Washington, D. 0., April 0. -To the Com-
missioner of the General Land Office :—Sir,
Oa April 3, 1885, you issued the following
Practice, Suspension of Entries—Phial
action in this office npatl all entries of the
public land, except private cash entries and
such scrip locations as aro not dependent
upon acts of settlement and cultivation, is
suspended in the following localities, viz.:
All west of tho first guide meridian west in
Kansas ; all west of range 17 west in No.
brasica i the whole of Colorado, except land
in the late Ute reservations ; all of Dakota,
Idaho, Utah, Washington, Now Maxie°.
Montana, Wyoming and Nevada ; and that
portion of Minnesota north of the iudemnity
limits of the Northern Pacific railroad and
east of the indemnity limits of the St. Paul,
Minneapolis c@ Manitoba railroad. In ad-
dition, final action in this ofdoe will be s•
pearled upon a 1 timber entries under the
act of Juno 9,1878, also upon all eases of
desert land entries.
[Signed) W. A. , Srenrat, Commissioner,
Whatever necessity may have existed at
the time of its promulgation has ceased to
bo sufficient to longer ooutinue an order
suspending all notions, and involving in a
common condemnation the innocent and
the guilty, the honest and the dishonest,
While 1 earnestly urge the exercise of the
strictest Nigllanoo to prevent by all the
agencies within our power, the 0onstlmma.
tion of fraudulent or wrongful land oiains,
yet, when the vigilance of all these agencies
shows no substantial evidence of fraud or
wrong,, honest claims should not be delayed
or their consideration refused on general
reports or rumors. The above ordor as is.
sued by you is therefore - revoked, and you
will proceed in the regular orderly and law-
ful oonefderation and disposal of the claims
suspended by it. Vary respectfully,
[signed] ' ' L. Q. C. L30180,
o- t - L,!
° tt% wz