HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-8-13, Page 5AIri. 13, 1880, THE BRUSSELS POST DISTRICT NEWS, was vieitiug friOnde in Ilarriaton leak weals. --•-!hisses Heffernan and Senn - len, o[ Guelph, were visiting last week at 3, 0, Ileiferllau'a.--letwl•enee Uobso>A a fall wheat yielded about 130 binhele an acro. --W. 13eddiak ie ex - peeled to paint J. C. Heffernan's now horse this week,—Rev, B, Pnnl is sufforiug from inflammatory 1'hetnu- atiem.--Wo are sorry to loom 111ut EA, °ober bas lad the misfortune to 011t his tJuinb, but as 1(o has, in travelling around the surrouding country, made e0vernl aides of buggies and ushers, and, in fact, ay 3)0 is do- ing a good busiue82 generally, the accident w111 probably be to his ad- vantage, Wrirls>"I1ri,111. The Thuoa is leaving a holiday title week. The new furniture factory be about ready for work, C. F. Milne has been appointed corporation engineer for the town, at a salary of $8 per day when employ- ed mployed by the corporation. Our Council offer Jno, Croydon $75 for 1110 damage to his leg remit• ing from a fall occasioned by a holo in the sidewalk. Tide amount would have made a good many ropaira, A couple of gentlemen from Oline ton aro talking of establishing an or- gan factory, They ask for a loan of money for a term of years. A comm rnittoe has boon appointed to onqu into the woo. 11. W. 0. Meyer, received moth letter from the Pre9idont of the 0 dario and Quobao Rail Nay (Jo., to t effect that the C. P. R. Company a very anxious to build their road Wiugham, but owing to the Dino ore being in England nothing c be done until the end of this moat! Tho President shoes that he will u all his iufluance to have tho rot brought hero at once. ire P. &WOhoson and family moved froth hero to Bervio this wook. Me.er Atehosou intends malting that place his future home. Jno A. McNeil, formerly as clerk in the Rod Star grocery, here, late returned to town again and has BO- oareda equation as dry goods clerk in B. 3. 3IcGi11's. Our juvenile baso ball club went to •Winghnnl hast week and played their return mouth. At the 01080 of the he re to t- ltn se til game the score stood 38 in fa%or of 1Vinghnm. Novae mind, boys, try again. 0, A ease of t1amat111 way Irieil here On Monday last before J. Pe. Youua, McKinnon and Kelly. The plaintiff was Jno. Kerwick, and the ilefeudaut Jas. Barr. Atter 1110 examination of 901110 witnesses the defendant was fined $4 awl coats. The band concert, given in the Agrionllural Hall last Friday evening, was a most decided seems. About 8!30 the chair true taken by R. Philips. The program was up to its mark and well worth the price of admission. The oiugiug was excellent and those who took part performed it well. The orchestra and baud rendered some fine selections during the evening. The evening's entertainment was brought to a close by the band playing "God save the Queen." 2, enarr -at. W.. 1I. Hastings, from Bellevill has opened a law offico in the Cady block. In the base ball match between ,,came from the establishments of D. D. Wilson anll Broadfoot Si Box, last Saturday afternoon, tho furniture men omashed the egg men, Instead of following the old beaten path of doing nothing on the first day •ofthe Fall Show except taking entries and judging the in door goods the Directors of the South Huron Agl. Show have decided to judge the carriage and roadster horees on the first day and other attractions will be added. The "Stars" went to London last Saturday to play a base ball match with the club of that city bat owing to some irregularity there was no garb and the "Stars" were credited with winning by a scorn of 13 to 0. It would boa good thing if the club played all their games that way for that is about the only way they 0211 win a game. 'rho feltlowing letter appeared in the Daily Globe. It speaks for itself. S1a.—My attention has jnmt been called to tbefeet that on a recent oc- casion Sir John Macdonald made the statement in public that he lead never been an Orangeman, I bog to in- form you thattu tho fall of 1984 Sir John Macdonald and myself wore in- itiated the same evouiug into the Orange Lodge in the city of Kingston. This was shortly after the completion of the Kingston City Buildings, for which rens the carpenter contractor and Henry H. Benson was the Mas• ter of the ()rouge Lodge. Ogle R. GOWt1n was Grand Master of the Orange Order is Upper Canada at that time, and presided at the lodge meeting the evening we were initiat- ed. I am Bauch surprised and pain- ed to hear that Sir John should deny that he ever etas au Orangeman, and I hope you will permit mo to give a public denial to his statement. You are at liberty to make whatever use you may deem best of this letter, the facts of which I am prepared to s (vear to. ROBHRT I4911811. Seteforth, Aug. 5th, 1886. Ethel. School reopens on Monday, 16th inst., so the little boys and girls may get their liooits and elates ready. Andrew Ecl(mier, while raking a- round a field, about two weeks ago, was thrown off the horse rake. Ho hurt his leg ill the fall, and has not been able to do much work until lately. Ile boys in our village failed to impound the cows, but one of our villagers set the example by putting a Hook of geese in the pound, but !hie befog a "Scott Act" county they were released without much expouee. A party here last Saturday imbib. ed too much of a .fluid that has a tendency to loosen the knee joints, so that one would think the individual in (311ee1iou 1790 trying to tie a bow knot, with his legs, and walk on both sides of the street at once. A good question for It debating society to dis- cuss would be "Whither the Oth part of a man should not bo restricted to drink 'what would satisfy a good aver. age man." We would prefer the. affirmative side of tho question. PaosoNdLs.—Revd, A. Wilson, of 11larkdllo, was visiting friends here last week. Ho preached at Moles - Worth ou Sunday. --John Imlay left for Dakota on Monday. Ho expecte to get back at Christmas.—OLarlee Hatch and Mies Nellie Ilateh, of I Woodstock, are visiting thew cousin, Mrs 3, 31. Davies. -1111,7 Lulu Spence James Emeigh who has been word- ing in the saw -mill, here, met with a rather painful accident ou Tuesday last. It appears that Jim. 1920 rn the act of shovelling sawdust away from a saw and while doing this tho shovel accidentally caught in the saw and, flying ep, struck him a severe blow on the bead, making some ugly geshes. He was immediately taken to to doctor's office where severed shches •t'ere put in. Ho is now doing as well n9 can be expected. PHReoxar.s.--Miss Nellie Ri011ic, who has been 111 Toronto for 80111 time past, is home on a vieit at pres. ent.—Geo. Parrott, who Lay been at- tending the Business College in Lon- don for some time, Las returned home again and, wo are pleased to state, that be was suooesefui in passing him examination. --Miss Lizzie Murdook, of Lncan, is visiting her brother, Bailiff Murdock, this week.—Mr, and Mrs. Lewis, of Bluovate, worn visit• ing friends in town thio week.—Rev. D. B. McRae and wife, of Cranbrook, are visiting friends in sewn• --11. L. Colley, who has been leading 1110 band here for some time, loft on Tues- day last,for Seaforth, where he lune secured a position as band•master.— A. Lawrence has been getting Lis shop painted and it now presents a very neat appearance. Some more of our merchants ought to follow salt --R. Hartnett, who has been at Sault Ste Marie for HOMO time past, has returned home again.—Mise .Edith Young, who has been visiting friends in Lakelet, returned home this week. —Miss Maggie Stewart, of Winnipeg, is home 0u a visit, --Miss Amelia Wat- son is viaitiug friends In Stratford thio wee!(. 1loa•rirr. The threshing machine in at work and the tall wheat returns are much better than were anticipated. The long dry spell is proving die. matrons to pastures and the !silk sup. ply is falling off very materially. Oho day this week the wife of Jno...dr Pybus, who lately purchased the farm ep of Robt. Barns, presented her liege H lord with twins, son and daughter. Bt P1315 is the second time 1(r. Pybue has been favored in this way, lis A, Ranton(, who has beau assisting to Rev. lair. 31311e, of Blyth circuit, !til preached his farewell sermon at Sun- we chino last Sunday afternoon to a o large oongrogaton. Re goes to lois home where be takes alt age of 1010 on business of a reiativo. ing One day last wook an William eon an of David Moore, 8th ooh„ was notate we iug in putting up a rack lifter in his father s barn he Tell a dl3htnoe of 15 aft feet end struck on a stake ill the rade. de Au ugly wound was wade in the oth mho the ala Joseph Gulley, jr., !net with a pain- ful aeeidoalt reooutly. Ile 1224 oar- rying a grain cradle, and in stepping a ditelt, stumbled and fell upon tho blade of the cradle, cutting (>11 a large portion of the heel of his left Natal and a piece of the bone, The piece cut off was sewed on again, but 111120i1100 rotted away, and 11 will be a long timo before 110 will be able to tine t11n Baud again. Fucce.—Last Tuesday, about 1 cheek, the residence of Gnu.Render- ewe, 4111 eon., was destroyed by fire and nearly all the furniture fell a i prey to the flames as wolf. The fire originated at the stove pipe and was not noticed at the time as Mr. }fend - arson was (sway at Brussels and hire. Ilendereorl was out of the hones, too, There was 110 insurance on the prr.- porty destroyed. Wo are Hurry for Mr,F7enderson, The flax boys thought they would have a little fun ono night cooling home from Alex. Cannon's flax field A quantity of hay had been threwu into the rack to make the riding 001/1- fortablo and a smart Alex• sot fire to it in the front part of the loud. The firs spread quickly and the boyo got off without much ceremony, comiO3; to the hard ground feet fast, head first, or ally way that could be dune hurriedly. The Loses nearly ret away. The rook u'ae Maly borne and ono Horse had its tail siuge.1. joie like tide once in 50 your; 16 ateenough as there ua too big a Fie!( to TUB. a, A We lace Just 86 SCARJ9 a FOODS i98B AT GA HELD HO `rtl7' 'Fn 1. COLORED SILK PL_ SHES, to rcy. A frame house is being erected by Wm. Bird, on the 12th con. The public bobools open ou lion• day of next wok iu the country. Several pereous have complatuod to us of the very offeneive and disease breeding hole near the cheese factory on the gravel rotas, north of Brussels. The Board of Hellth should 2ttouit to this matter. Last week Jas. W. Robertson, of the Ontario Agrionitural Oullo4e, was rat 1110 Morrie and Grey elieeme factory experimenting with the milia. 'rho result will bo 111333)17 2a111fa;tor y to the patrons, wo believe. Metthew and John Oughton have disposed of ono of their farms adver- tised in T1112Pon, viz. —lot 20, 0011 6. E. Ames was the purchaser They will moll tho outer lot advertised if a suitable purchaser is found. On the farm of Wm. White, lot 13, eon. 1, John White or2dled one acre of heavy fall wheat and Neil illillay, o(Brussele, bound it, the work all being C10110 in 1110 space of one hour. Theo 010111110.0 men bound 15 acres of fall wheat in two clays, after the reaper. Who can beat this ? Last Sunday Mite. Finlay now, lot 18, con. 2, passed over to the great majority at the advanced age of 72 years. She had been a resident of Grey township for the past 20 years. Iter husband still ourvivee her. The funeral was on 'Tuesday, tho inter- ment being made at the bouudary burying grounds. Fears are entertained for the sefety of James Roddick, son of John Rod- dick, of this township. Ho W20 au engineer en the 0.P.Ii. land it is said he was in charge of the engine draw- ing the train that was burned at Don. British Columbia. No word luta been received froth him since the ac• cident. Hie wife and family are now in Toronto. [Since the above was put in type a letter hay been received from Mr. Ruddick giving 8.0 moonlitof his narrow escape from death by getting into a Bole in the ground.] A largo majority of Dundas thee - chants have decided to close at one o'clock Wednesday afternoons, It is said that with the aid of a dt• vinulg rot nil and es11 have been die - covered in Stinale, near the Not. towboat].r10e1•, A. o'unle Of Aet.,n boys auoueod themeolyee by firing a -broadside of revolver bullate through the Public School windows. Thirty-nine win• dow panes were fractured, Henry Osborne, of Limehouse, wart owned Ill. a barrel oontaiufug a ring from which he was drinking. e is $upposod to have fainted while Doping over tho barrel. Lightning struck the barn of Wil. in Watson, lot 14, eon. 7, Ptgre- oul, act fire to the building, and led the middle horse of three which re in the stable underneath, The her two were uninjured. Some boys in Oakville noticing the d of a bail of binding twine hang - from a farmer's wagon, tool( hold d soon five or ell hundred yards re laid upon the sheat. The father of a girl who was sought or by two rival Holton, One a regi nt of Marmon, township and the er of Rawdou, directed that they uld have a rough -and tumble fight victor to have the girl. The .Mar- ra man won, young man's armpit, about 4 inches lung and quite deep, Under good medical attendance he it dotng wall, Opened out our Fall Plashes in all the New tiliadoe, and marked at the VERY LOWEST FIGURES. These Goods are Very Scarce and all in want of Viola should sst ire them at once, as they have gone up 25 per cent. since we bought them, but we will Sell them at the Old Prices. They are the Cor'r'ect Thies& F07' Dresses S Dress 7..'r'iara77ai ngs For Fall and Winter. CORSETS CORSETS! ! CORSETS!!! We still take the Lead in Corsets. During the last six weeks we have sold nearly 200 pairs. Just opened out 120 pairs more of tho Cele- brated May Corset, which we are selling at 43 ets., and which wo aro going to Continue to Sell at the same Low Price -48 cts., or two pair for 85 cts. PARASOLS, MILLGOODS 1T, DRESS AND ALL SUMMER GOODS riLEA to make room for Fall Importations. a PPR 43c,, OR TO PAIRS FOR 85 OLT3, 430, For Corsets and all other Goods at the Lowest Prices, go (direct to G. A. Pow ll' The Great City JIil1inery House.