HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-8-13, Page 44 •
1 9.L Big Bitddocic n snake had swan•
(1��1 �I . 115. $e On,'a , lowed a lizard but the lizard ate a
._- ... _ hole in the snake's neat and with try•
lug to escape when the authority tor
FI; II) 1l', dU(iT'Sl' 1f3, 1880.tide anecdote cttnle along, while the
-- -. snake was writhing 111 agony.
PAY U P i 111 Penetang the driver of a refuse
'We ask pereonl who are indobt- burner, wheal the weight of the eal•t
cal to us to call or send the amount drew the unfortunate boast Into the
due. We have w ages to pay every burner, and it was baruria to death.
Saturday night ; rent to pay every The hoseobert wQas
a van able v t. of
tireo mouths and bills for paper, ion cootinont it an
111 tbooto curly
ink, type, &e. falling due every the
of this eentary, died at his home
mouth or so. These debts cannot 1ear Orr Lake, last week. 1Ir, 01031
be mot without money and yon ryas in his 94th year, and bade' arried
are requested to settle the amount n ballot in his body for over '70 years.
due u. We are not asking char- In a recent aermou Rev. 11r. Par-
ity but our just right, a groat part civet, \f0tllndist minister, commented
of which should have been pail a very severely on the morals of Via -
year ago. Try and help us. toric, B.O. lie spoke of beer halls
W. H. Kerr. in full blast and a theatre eateriug to
WE are pleased to state that
there is every prospect of the ap-
ointment of Andrew Govenlock,
of Winthrop, to the position of Po-
lice Magistrate for East Huron.
Mr. i'iovonloek is well known
throughout the riding and will no
doubt fill the position creditably.
For many years be has sat on the
magistrate's bench and is conse-
quently well qualified to deal with
the cases that will comp before
him. We hope the two other rid-
ings of Huron will soon secure
equally good men for Police Mag-
. istrates, if so the Scott
Act this
yereceive a
IN another eolumn will be found
a short communication bearing on
the question of securing the plan-
ing mill of Thos. Smith as an in-
dustry within the corporation of
Brussels. We strongly urge upon
the proper authorities "to make
hay while the sun shines" and
take advantage of this opportun-
ity of helping our town. We don't
want any chance work about this
matter but let it be clearly under-
stood and all the necessary ar-
rangements for the completion of
the transfer finally agreed upon.
Let us be alive to our own inter-
ests and when we have an oppor-
tunity of giving Brussels a lift let
us do it and do it heartily.
In Haute, N.S., one of the Lllree
Canadian 'News. tittle girls who were playing 011 n
wharf fell into the water, rho tide be -
'Owen Sound is delighted with the
in. Her stater, who is only 9 or
is light. ' 10 years old, immediately sprang ov-
OSA Was backing up the horse to the
Now that the Summer Vacation is
about over wo direct the
attention of
And Pupils
the pleasure -seeking public on Sun- •
to the Necessity of Purchasing
day evenings,
Frederic Bastian, n resident of Al -
manta, who served through the Am•
erica) civil war, has just succeeded .na;� c '44. avD
in establishing his claim to a pension a,
of $8 per Month. The arrears,
amounting to $1,350, will be paid to
him at onoo.
el las a
' ll V
of Ute \Vm, Greenwood, g, � 100Siiiiiili
working his team on a mower whenthe neckyoke slipped over' 111e hold -
buck. The machine was going down
hill, and the knife nearly severed
both the horse's hind. legs. The ani-
mal was killed.
Dr. McKay, chief trader of the H.
B. Co. in 3110 Upper Pence River, said
in all interview that the crops sown
there look well, •lull that there is no
danger from frosts. '2blxg3 is a largo
quautity of good agricultural land on
the south side of the river.
A correspondent of the Port Arth-
ur Seutitial says :—Au exceedingly
large trout, weighing forty-two pomade
was caught in Peninsula Harbor by
James Scott. Wllou the fielt was
opened another trout about a foot
long was found. inside. Thi1 small.
fish contained a herring six inches
James McGuire, of the Caledonia
gold mines, was at the Halifax hotel,
Halifax, recently with a bar of gold
weighing about 195 ounces, and
worth nearly four thousand dollars.
It was said to be the product of twen-
ty tons of quartz out of forty-five tons
mined in one month by twenty men,
twenty-five tons romaiuiug to be
A. Bible agent claims to have solo
$800 worth of Bibles in Halton Coun-
ty lastweek.
Evans, the absconding G. T. R.
agent at Port Dalhousie, is said to
have got away with $2,895.
Rev. Dr. Burns lectured on Home
Rule before a large Peterboro' audi-
ence on Wednesday of last week.
Ross and Lee have issued a dial-
lenge for a double scull race, for £200
a side, with any two men in the
Two English gentlemen, Mr. Char-
rington and Capt, Hamilton, are vis-
iting Canada with the object of found-
ing a Home for Immigrants.
George Forbes, of Cleveland, form-
erly of Woodstock, has bought James
Golden's nomination in tho Hartford.
$10.000 purse for 2.20 class trotters.
Oliver E. will have a chance of dis-
tinguish himself.
The remains of the late Thos. A.
Telfer, one of the victims of the yacht
"Cruiser" disaster on Lake Huron,
arrived at the Richmond street depot,
nd the
funeral procession Saturday poceedaedto the
Lobo cemetery.
.Hog cholera is spreading to an a-
larming extent in Blume county.
Many of the foomerS do not under-
stand what is the matter with the
bogs, and after the animals are dead
they leave them lying around, thus
spreading the disease far and near.
Among those who have suffered most
heavily ib W. D. Stoddart, who has
lost between 60 and 70 hogs.
A deputation consisting of Mayor
McGregor, Aldermen Gordon and
Dufton. and T. Ballantyne, M. P. P.
for South Perth, representing the
city of Stratford, went down last week
to meet Joseph Hickson, General
llianugor of the Grand 'Trunk Roil -
way, with reference to the location 0f
the Grand Trunk shops for the west-
ern district in their city. The city of
Stretford proposed to grant a bonus
of $120,000 to the company in con-
sideration of the shops being conoeu•
Crated there. The deputation reach-
ed Toronto on Saturday and reported
that the result of their interview was
most satisfactory. From 'what pace•
ed it was understood that if the city
by-law is passed Stratford has an ex-
cellent chance of being chosen as the
0.r and grasped her just as she was
sinking. Being near the wharf sho
managed to gain it hold. with one
hand, and with the other she Held on
to her suitor until help dame.
A working man of l3analmo, was
injured in the jaw by a splint from n
blasted rook. As time rolled on the
wouud refused to heal, and Drs. Davie
and Eelmoken of the Royal Hospital 100 Page
were applied to for relief. They set
to work to remove what appeared t0
be a portion of decayed bone, but un-
earthed a large piece of granite rook
about one inch in length and half an
inch in circumference.
centre t f the mechanical department
in Time.
tetB yl
To whom it ma v0,133031'3l,.-.t1,' those 11140t•
od to 30011 Nott V. FL, are requested to settle
their a3annnts before Sept. 1011, 1313,1, titter
cordingato law. a A good will
atom bo foro0810.no.
1 1A1.101 FOR SALE BY'1'LJ'NDrI1.
—romans -tor 1ho 103011060 at north halt of
103 20oon. a,Mende11111 bo reauleod till F111•
ILLY, Saler, 1otb,1880. TIIero are 44 naris 01081.
ad, nn 0x61111001 orchard, n ,leg ]louse, tram 0
and n plentiful supply 111 go
stable nuod Mater 00
the Owe. The soil in n riots sandy 10amu.
This 10 a rare 011181t50 to secure a good farm
ora state prim), easy
buoy eon ji(333' ing pu down,
and nista r0 or security offered forLlud5,8 ',
Ph 0114111003 011iguy0o0'1tOlIlIOr0 not 130cos0nr31 ao-
copted. Address 111011AR0 LH 16(3,
8.4331 Y cul,
has received a supply of SchoolRe-
quisites and aro ready for distribu-
tion. Our Stock consists of
School Books,
Copy Books,
Scribbling Books,
Exercise Books,
Lead Pencils,
Slate Pencils,
Pens, Inks, &c.
--01' THE—
IN leIINti y0JLWr3 EH, It VAL tiro.
'Po be oommenood wilonovor a sulncient
number of subserll>ors is obtained to Dover omit
o1 publienti00. Sungari Hon to tho Nino Vol.
Quebec 8x2,00 to to NProt, ]Brunswio of ck Ontario or Nova
Scotia 51100, to Manitoba or to British 001.
anlbla 50,00, to Prince 32d3036,110laml or to the
Northwest Territories 130.00. Each Provinu0
to have a May.
Picasso somal ler PrJO IN LOVELL.
Manager and Publisher
1I0nx1311.),, 4111 August, 1890,
To Clear Out our Stock of Serib-
blers to make room for New Goods
we will Sell a
The other evening Mr. Mooney, of
Weleford, N.B., found a two-year-old
heifer and a hear struggling in a
swamp, the heifer battling for life
withher horns. When Mr. Mooney
and two other men draw near the
bear retreated a few paces, but came
back when they attempted to lead
the heifer away. The men retired,
and Bruin renewed his attack on the
Heifer, A. bark torch made him
"abandon his prey," but he followed
the party to the clearing, much dis-
pleased at losing elle supper.
A. Niagara Falls, Out., despatch
says : William Potts and George
Hazlett, aged respectively 25 and 22
years, made the perilous trip through
the Niagara rapids Saturday after-
noon in the presence of over 10,000
spectators. Excursion trains were
run in from all directions. The men
entered their curious craft, made
barrel•chape, ten feet long, with nn
air -tight compartment in the bow
The stern had a small propeller
ghee] and rudder attached to work
from the inside. They were towed
nut into the river from the Maid of
the Mist landing at 4:85 p.m., and
twenty minutes Inter they were dealt.
ed about in the furious breakers of
the rapids. The bands were lined
with people from in front of the Pros-
pect House to the whirlpool, every
ono fully expectant to see the barrel
w1111 its oeoupallts tossed into eter-
nity, but atoll was not their fate. In
five minutes they had passed through
the dangerous waters. Making one
=ant of the whirlpool they wore
shot out into rho river through the
lower rapids, badly shaken up but
safely landed 56 minutes after start-
02th4road in the immediate future, ing• They propose to repeat the feat.
For 3Cents,
200 Page Scribbler
For 5 Cents,
Good Paper in both.
Paper Slates
for Little Children for de. apiece.
A nice range of
School Bags,
a Choice of 6 or 7 kinds and as
many different prices.
Orders Filled Promptly for
Maps, Tablets
Agricultural Exposition, x886
Tt R :o`INTO
An immense Programme of NOW AND GREAT
ATT,AOTrons is prepared for this Exhibition.
Cheap Pares ,nui Timo1ersiotis on 1,R Ikea
Copies of Prize List and Entry Forms sent to
any ono on application, by post card or other-
wise, to the Secretary 01 Torooto, Ent3ies close
Saturday August 08th. H. J. RILL,
NO. 3. WVITHROW, Manager and
SeeRex o.
A.ucl. 181 1880,
Dittoing, thanking lax
many customers for Wog IJbor'al
support for alto past six Years
wish ss to inform theta that Ito -
(ng burned nu t of aha old 01318,1 hes (Mod up o,
nb011 b1 emnlo'5 Sleek In firsi, class style
301101e hp 11013 08 88 000 all 111,1 old 0130‘33331035
81(1 as nlally 11',30 03100 an neo lit to give 111m 38
ell. 1 hoop nothing but 11081.oh1130 meets all
1 salt parts of the 111333 (lroo, Ca8f% vel
fur Pat stook,
1.00R SALE,--PWO 7! AB:MS.--
4 Lot l4, on tho 6111 eon, and lot. 13, on tbm
7311 con., of Marria, onn11m10(1 100 litmus 00(11,
nb.nt 013 ,taros Ol8ar04,. 6800 from stumps on
,neo far, and abont Is1 aoru s 1,
Other. The cleared land is in it good gal of
cultivation and W011 fon0011, good 3111100 born
and 01ah180,a0 dealt house o11 Orley 33101 on the
other 88 log house and log barn. There is a
Qod boating 06011 mrd on Int 14. A never-tail-