HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-8-13, Page 3A.uct-. 13, 1880. "ravy, YOU NOT A WORD FOR JESUS ?" A MOM:4 POE VITO LOV1t inst. Have you not a word for Josue ? not a word to say: for Him ? Ho le listening through the chorus of the burning seraphim 1 Iia is listening ; does Ho hoar you speaking of the ti inge of earth, Only of its passing pleasure, selfish sorrow, empty mirth? He has spoken words of bleseinge, pardon, pertoo, and love to you, Glorietuf hopes and graelous eomfort, strong and tender, sweet and true :Does lie hear you taing others something of Hie love untold, Overilowings of thanksgiving for His more - les manifold. aave you not a word for Jesus ? Will the world His praise proclaim ? Who shall speak if yo aro silent? yo who know and love Itis name, You, whom Ho hath called and chosen His own witnesses to be, Will you toll your gracious Master, "Lord, we cannot speak for Theo ?" "Cannot!" though IIe suffered for you, died because He loved you so! "Cannot 1" though Be hoe forgiven, making scarlet white as snow I "Cannot I" though His graoo abounding is your freely promised aid I 'Cannot I'' though He stands beside you, thungh He says, "Be not afraid I" Have you not a word for Jesus? Some, per- . chance, while ye are dumb, Wait and weary for your messages, hoping you will bid them "come Nem telling hidden sorrows, lingering just outside the door, Longing for you hand to lead them into rest for evermore, Yours may be the joy and honor His re- deemed once to bring, Jewels for the coronation of your corning Lord and Xing, Will you east away the gladness thus your Master's joy to share, All because a word for Jesus seems too much for you to dare. What shall be our woad fur Josue ? :Master. give it day by day ? Ever as the need arises, teach Thy children what to say, Ciro us holy love and patience; grant us (loop humility, That of eelf we may bo emptied, and on hearts bo full of Thee; Give us zeal and faith and fervor, make us winning, make us wise, Single -hearted, strong and fearless --Thou host called us, we will rise I Let the Might of Thy good Spirit go with every loving word ; And by hearts prepared and opened be oar message always heard. Yes, wo have a word for Jesus! Living ech- oes 'we Will bo, Of Thine own awed words of blessing, of Thy gracious, "Come to Me." Jesus, Master I yes, we /ore Thee, and to prove one love, would lay Fruit of lips which Thou wilt open, at Thy blessed feet to -day. Many an effort it may cost no, many a heartbeat, many a fear, But Thou knowett, and wilt etrengthen, and Thy help is always near. Give us grace to follow fully, vanquishing our faithless shame, Feebly it may bo, but truly, witnessing for Thy dear Name. Yes, we have a word for Jesus 1 wo will bravely speak for Thee, And Thy bold and faithful soldiere, Stvv- 10110. wo would henceforth be : In Thy name eat up our banners, while Thine otvn eball wavo above, With Thy crimson Name of Mercy, and Tby golden Name of Lore. Help us lovingly to /ober, looking for Thy present smile, Looking for Thy promised blaming, through the brightening "little while." Words for Thee in weakness spoken, Thou wilt here accept and own. And confess them in Thy glory, when we see Thee on Thy throne. DER SPIIIDER LIND DER PLY. I reads in To,wcob's shtory book, A couple veeks ago, Ten fired rade boern, rot I clinks, Der booples all should know. I'd ask dis goat conundhrnm, too, Vioh vo should brolit by, " 'Vill you indo mine parlor valk ? Says der ephider elf dor fly," Dot see me clinking, righat army, Und Then, von afternoon, A shbeculator he worm in Und dells me, parity noon, Ide bat a 'Alter niine to soli, Und ask 5110 eof I buy, I clink off der oxberionce • 011 dat pine pottle fly. Der oder day, then on der oars, I vont by Nie Torok oudt, I meets a ftatilopt on der train Who dold me, mit a pout, She likes der Deutseber shentiernans, Und dells me sit perside har— t says, "Mine friendt, 1 vas no. fly, Bei you vas peon a sphider." vent indo der ehmolcing oat, Vhere dber vas blaying bolter, Und alga, deaf Someding dbey calls Der furors), "leetle joker." Some money id van changing hands, Dhey vented mo to try -- I soya: "Yon vao ton brevions, I donscl vas been a IV. On Coriiral Park a shuntrclt young mon Says : "Strauss, how vas you peen ?" Und take 1110 kindtly py der hand, Und ask of mine Katrina, Ilo vanta to shange tt, feofty bill, Und says hoes name yae Schneider— Maype, berhaps, ho vas all righdb ; More like be vas 0 sphider. Mood ofry day some shwindling Chap Eo dries hoes leedlo game; outs me quilt dot sphidor Mew Und Boot id in a frame ; Itighclt lis mine ehtore I hangs it oup, Und near id, on dot slily X pope glub, to send gvielc Mutt Dime° ephiders, "on der fiy," Ocarina :IN t•tota, --- Gather flower seeds at feet as they ripen. Wear a cebbege leaf in the hat on hot days. so 0109e diet it a Ill litlitrOelY A. little niilk o and meal will keep wn, 015501(1551 ovor She calf growing. nigw, bran contains the Tho beet way to preserve egg o neoperute for the pigs hut 1 hot weather is to convert them into money every week. h'inly. :die oil meal (old prones .„ the bran, ono pound to four W Milk is good for chinks even in e and white feeding pet to eoek out too much at a time. hot weather or July, but don't Put gnired quantity to make a feed utitoe einelq, feed out own, THE 'BRUSSELS POST c.9 • • . randy runners fin I ficult to tint necessar for their growing niete. On of the demand is high end se»roo, end the bran y elope i rl ig i Tkpj 'ill CI ed actually nee ite ore id oo, 1 `',21V fir (1,,, :. iikt 1 rk, 04.7 , tleoirod i 1 fa. • . r141 .. 1..4 8)1:71:115 I THE COCK'S BEST FEN r five. the re- I rpHE BEST • In -1- 8 :',1)leakt i wrisr 3:D iviiia.i. tim Progressive agriculture don't h p p „LI 5151,1 pat te enough for next feed. Add to tide acres, but tether is progression in the the ettiotleuills l Ctritabee sieve, and other direction, by the eraetice of n .thing ',erudite of milk will beat it. methods which will make 50 aurae Feed thio during the .summer and have the productive power of 100. fall, and you hey° a Eremite and con. The following will cause leg weak- stitutioe to asuituilato corm If fad nees m ohiolca or fowls : Roosting on warm pipes or warm floors, too lunch corn ell crammer, when the new crop sulpher in damp weather, too much comes they are partially burned out, and if (llama is in the neighborhood coal oil on any part of the body It they too easily fall a prey to it. Thrift sometimes kills) or heavy feeding so as to have them too fat. is what we want, and perfeot 1 to reeist the prevalent disease. It it stated that Great Britain and the „„d eelyoung theme Ireland imported from Jan. 1 to June deicing the ehenues of loss. 1 this year, 75,315,000 pounds of but. there are three crops of pigs on ter ; 1,508,000 Bea• from Denmark, ram, and the plague catehee t 16,576,000 115s. from Holland, rind the mortgage on the farm is not 85,980,000 lis. from other coun. tries. Say sprouts and dead limbs should Chtexaciticalit Ne be taken off whenevernoticed. Eith- er is an injury to the tree and the sooner they are removed the bettor. 1)o not allow the strawberriea to form many runuers, cut them off. They draw too much vitality from the par- ent plant. It is a mistake to place the roost. mean progressing from 50 to 100 W. MC. Allov.r1,,, Exagr.aron Inoti Worms, • PrIr.ronark, Os?, •--- bleumfaaturov of throe different kinds of Windmille. The limpleat, strongest and most satisfactory Windmill yet made. For InuttP• fug water, sawing wood, chopping grain or driving any light machinery they bay° no °Tull. My OIALIABRATED 1.12dPii havo so. (lured world.wide reputation: I guarantee them No baing superior to many now In the market, and equal to asir ever made. They will throw WelOr 300 1005, -or tome it Mile Oh the level. /Partnere and t 10 al th oteheotze ir.,‘,14im.lifiolr r? ulitre b of ore bu5yi'lig push mine. are the best in the umme'i'•X. I.tidagethu 0 y re- W. M010015. ULM/tell, Ont. linen the hem, lift - The Ontario barley crop is reported to bo finer and larger Chau het yew. Portland kOttawa county) farmers complitie of the ravages made by wolves among their !looks. A. match ratio for 411,000, between Gaudaur and Beach to be rowed mg poles at different heighte, rising Sept. 18, in England, 'has beau guar. from the front, because all will strive auteed. Gauthier and Flamm sail to get on the highest one, and the for Englaud oo Thuraday. weaker ones are crowded. off and fre- The West Middlesex Couserrativee quently fall to the grounds, only to assembled at Mt. 13rydgee on Time - repeat the process, or if injured re- day and nominated Roble Brown, of main on the ground all night. Place Metcalfe, as their candidate for the all the poles at the same elevation. local Legislature. All farmers know the fatal effects A. Gloucester fishing schoo of (slaver bloat on cattle, 1 cure which attempted to clear from S mine by tying in the animal's mouth Immo without reporting -oft o a smooth, round stick from three to hauled by the Dominion endear T four incites in diameter. I put a lit. ror end compelled to conform Iv tee salt in the mouth to make then the regulations. chew slid swallow. In 20 or 80 The Oalario Beekeepers' Assoc minutes the gas will pass off through .tion has arranged ti send to the the animal's mouth, when the stick than and Colonial Exhibition a ler may be removed. supply of honey, no eoon as the s Very often fruit trees set out in sou's crop 001008 1?]. spring will make but a few leaves on Frank Brereton, a Guelph batch the top branches, pnalling out ehoots and friends ate heartily of blsokb from the stein. Do not out off these ries the other night, and almost 1 shoots, but leave them to grow the tlteir lives in consequence. It w whole season, cutting them off in discovered that the fruit had be winter. Every leaf they make menus pleutifully sprinkled with Par raore 00058,5 1051 these roots will feed green. the tree next year, Many a tree has Augusto Leuglois, a farmer been destroyed by the too early re. Point•aux-Trembles, while feedin move! of such growth. his fowls a day or two ago was a Wont's Pain Sing works like a °harm in re- Walked. 'by game Pook• If lfting h lioving pain in the stomach, all bowel diftleul. ties and Cholera, No traveller should be with. hand to push the bird away, his hall out 11. Should always be in the house. Oasts was pierced by the bird's spur but 25 cents. Itept by Zohn liargreayes ds Oo., • • • , • DruggistO. Langiots took Luce following da 311DGING OATTL/A AT FAL/M-1110 and, after terrible agony, died fro National Live Stock Journal says 1- lockjaw. Our present mode of judging cattle Te Chatham Banner says that at fairs givos very little satisfaction ono of the most peculiar of the re- tina To see a lot of cattle belonging to the sults of enforcing the Scott Act is dine loos of taste which it has inflieted 00 850000 instruction to the spectators. same class led into the ring and sit. many good judges of liquor, who take ently examined by three men, who the witness stifled, kiss the book, and finally put a blue ribbon on one, a avow theniselvee unable to distinguish red on another, and a white one on a whiskey from ginger beer, soda wat third, without eaymg a word, is not er, or cronk I a very imposing or edifying sight. Two charred marks wore noticed The enlightenment growing out of recently on a barn near L'Orignal, the operation is not apparent. This not far from the Ottawa River, and is especially in the case whorl the caused a suspicion that a fire -bug had judgment of the spsotators does not been at work. On further exarnin- correspond with that of the judges. ation, one of the boards of the build - The question involuntarily springs ing •was found te have ignited from up in every mind :-“Wley did they the effect of the raya of the sun, which put the blue ribbon on this one in- were concentrated upon it by a bright stead of that ?" And the question- tin milk can, ing goes around, but no answer comes to the questioning. The jud- ees are probably right, if they know their business, and the spectators wrong. But all would like to know on what grounds the awards wore made, and wherein the opinions of the lookers ou are wrong. A. settle - factory answer would not only be gratifying, but educational. Why Otto it not be given ? Why can it not be announced in the list ab what hears the several claims will be judg. ell, and why eau not a competent per- son be employed, and, of course, well paid for his time and labor, to give ooneething like an offhand lecture on the group of animals, and on the in- dividuals in particular, pointing out the merits and defects in clear and comprehensive language ? Here would be ocular and verbal teaching combined, and everybody must of necessity be interested and instruct- ed. We should very much like to witness euch system ofjudging and to listen to the words of the speaker, illustrated se they would he by the presence of 'the animals. We .throw out the hint to our fair managers, and hope something of the kind may be adopted, even at this 'year's fairs, Seers roe ens Pias,-Deeing the spring and early summer, says tier hal- ver. er111) - ia. In. go ea. er, Or• 005 500 050 is a Carriage t- 51 I8 cl a. Y, 0 0 50 51 8 0 051 10 0 0 0 0 51, T HAND SATCJIEI, WAS lost laid week, on ,tet, lirussols. The tinder wi11 he suitably rcw.,rded limy - tug it at Tug Puter Pub 'Minn g nionse. MONEY TO LOA.r. .1.T 6 PEII -0-11_, cent. Straight Imtna. 51,143' to A, liA Vet ANN, 00- Cron brook, • . .•;,01P,Erts, vr„,e, . ,:lylifeien who hashcl a 1,M Jo....r experience in trealime MoonSetl. Is wee piniect oneness by over J. Pica:ant, safe. effectual. :La.:Ps ark your drug- gist for r.mnyroyal 'Wafers and taken° stl.,`Ititute, or inclose post- s aflodforacialedrrciculars,lvd by EMAK2011kgrAt 1001).,111!?Trz.inT3d1Zrr, --SOL1) IrY— Iitt,rgreaves & Co., - I3russele. TEE GREAT ENGLISH PRESORIPTIOS AsuceOsefUlmediclnoteitieciover SO years In thousands or mot. ProMptlyouroolteromis.Prontra- tion, Weakne..!, optrain,Spinal Cord, and Gowns/rue Orleans of 61 neer., either sex, hinted fonsancl ell ills caused by Indiscretion Or over-exertion. Sir packages is guaranteed In offoct n cure when all other medicines fall. Onepookatin 31, six peak - egos FA by mall, Bold by druggists. Write/or Fampheet, EtinEXAC,UhutcALL10., votroit,Arich. Sold by Hargreaves ct Co., BPassels. fe4r,,14 t tit t't 2 0,04 , , .,. cp. u- .., F' V0-3 .. • .. j g• .. Pa a'. 4 g 1,.' . p.. 0 i ch 1 9 1 1.1 vitER, ,-, o al:ti 3,i 1-3 4- l'3E,1 o, R. •-ct 0 m ;,......g , .7.:1 ,,- 'L•0 ,i' ¢-R- g. tvi,b 0 6- 23 ..1 grd E',' ":1 Et : r 0 EtIV g G ,3- 0 CI c F. a 500 0 ti- - att''ftil um o ,,, P r.1 1,4 2 ''' g V.: ,,,!dg. 1. 77 ir ..., i u 41 0 g.' i. i...q. re: P, ••••:. 3 1. el La 'F, --le -..P sa rT CD ; , a tf — oo .., 3 g Pi -: tie ti en - ee '' ') ti .. r+ eetv,s,,,g-I g , g, a Fr IT 1:74,. ij-.d. iiii, 1: Pe' .s. c,,, r.••=-.= a, ' o .0 0' 01.0008 gg geg gel- !Fd 3 -143 0 0, cis I/6E7'- N o. Abraham Tolley end his etep•son, about 12 years or age, were looking for porpoises in the Bay of Fundy. Toney shot a largo sea porpoise, and wits paddling towardsit s t when the animal arose from underneath, putting its bond entirely through the canoe, which immediately filled. The boy was thrown into the water some ten feet off, and the rifle and arataun• ition went to the bottom. By getting astride of the canoe, whioli floated, Toney was able to paddle towards the boy, who was just oinking when he got to him. Both were rescued by two fishermen. The now British Cabinet has been announced as follows :--Seeretary of War -Right Hon .Win, Henry Smith. First Lord of the Admiralty -Lord George Hamilton. Lord High Chan- cellor -Lord Salicibury. Secretary for India -Right Hon: l3'rodk, Arthur Stanley. Lord President of the Coun- cil -Viscount Cranbroolt. President of Local Government Board -Right Hon, Henry Chaplin. President of Board of Trade -Right Hon. Inward Stanhope. Postmaster General - Lord John Manners. net Commie. sioner of Works--Itight Hon, David Phinkett, Attorney -General -Sir B. E. Webstok. Lora Chancellor of Ireiand-Lord Aebbourno. EAST 50, HURON Works, ti.A.IVIMS 33 T_TY"..h.l..H./S CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, All made of the —MANUFACTURER OF-- MOGRATS, EXPRESSWAGONS,1 WAGONS, ETC., ETC., ETC, Bes Material and finished in a Workmae-Iike manner Repairing and Painting promptly attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. REFBRENOES.-Harscleu Srnith, B. Laing, dames Cutt and', Wm. Mc- Kelvey, Grey Township; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brow& and D. Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blaslull, Brussels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry Townshi ) REMEMBER THE STAND -SOUTH OF BRIDGE. JAMES BUYER. fee ETHEL arsari eyt Firat„.200-74; ,aLLs 0 The undersigned, having completed tho change from the stone to the Celebrated ITungarian system of Grinding., has now the Mill in Pirst-olass Running Order, And tvill be glad to soe all his old customers and as many new ons as possible. hopping done. Flour and Peed Always on nand. 0 Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. M. MILNE.