HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-8-6, Page 66 Director9 of %hurohoo and Sooiotiosl MELV:LLE C'uoncu.-Sabbath Services at 11 a,ln, and 6:30 p.m. Sunday School at 30 p.m. Rev. Juo, Ross, 13. A„ Pastor. KEox Cnoiton.-Sabbath .Services at 11 axe, and 6:3) p.m. Sunday School at 2:30 p.m. Bev. S. Jones, pastor. SnCnSmithies at 11 . .dm.SuSohoolat0:30 11.01. Rev. W, T. Cluffe, incumbent. METnODMET COMICli.-Sabbath Services at 10:30 a.m. and G:80 p.m, Sunday School at 2:80 p,m. Rev. Wm. Smyth, pastor. Rumex CA'rr101Se Onnncu.-Sabbath Ser- vice third Sunday in every month at 11 a,m. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest. ODD FELLOW'S LODGE every Thursday evening in Graham's block. Mesoxlc LODGE Tuesday at or before full moon in Vanstone's bleak. A. 0. U. W. LODGE meets on 1st and 3rd Monday evenings of each month. PODEBTEf's LODGE 2nd and last Monthly evenings of each month in Smale's hall. L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in Orange Hall. POST O7'r'lca_ O1Tfce Hours from 8 a.m. 7 p.m.' Mumma' INSTITUTE Reading Boom and Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Semis; Ross, Librarian. Varieties. The proper etudy for mankind in man. That is the only reason why girls go to school. Under a recent decision of the postal authorities, dudes are now car- ried as thud -class mail matter. The New York Sun says :-"Slli• cids now within reach of all -kero- sene only fifteen cents a gallon." Caution to married women : Man is like a lump of ice -the warmer you make it for him, the faster 110 rune away. Hays you ever tried McGregor R; Parkes. Carbolic Cerate for soros of ani i. 11101? it is beyond doubt the very best preparation n (100 marketiur healing and cur ug Sores, La,n.., Cuts, Pimples. B totally:, mud i s tb e a 111;' prop Pr Hergreeves d of Drulg Storeior 0tic per bon., cit What a language is ours ! Speak of a man's eagle eye and he'll give you his hand ; mention his parrot nose, and he'll give you his fiat. "Bees," eays a scientist remember • a man, and a man undoubtedly os. members a bee, if he over makes his professional acquaintance. A correspondent says that milk- weed is the proper thing to plant on a milkman's grave. He is wrong though ; a water -lily is the thing. Tide in to thrill's that 1 hive wed 'Meet ^eg. or's Speedy Cure for 11)441 Fp, a 1.111 I. cer Complaint, and 11 V11000601 •:.1 1' 1111' me ono buudred dinners 1- 1: 1.1 1 'poi,. 1 would not be tr•tbmlt it, .s t 1 ns d0e0 ma 01000 good than ell the rued t nes : 0,111 used, and I feel like a now l00.n.- 'e0 s ('1'1. •t-. 1,1. STEEL, (:al'1etOu )'loco, Out. 51. s rued el u a i; Tor sale at000. 181(11 01. per boai0 et e0111011r ra Irug Store. Modern Engagement -"Your at tentione, sir, and your offer of mar- riage are exceedingly flattering, but I am already engaged for this season," "Can you give me n definition of nothing ?" "Yes, mum ; it's a bung hole without a barrel round it," shouted Ted Saunders, whose papa is a cooper. A )(Aver Cure. Ono single trial of Dr. Ohnee's Liver Cure w111 oonyt800 the most skeptical and 08002ul better than thonenads of testimonials tont it is a surd ours. Medicine and recipe book. 31. Beware of the young man who writes love lettere with a typo writer. They may be dictated, and if he dic- tates before marriage ho will boss afterwards. When a young lady runs off and marries a coachman a great fess is made about it ; but every day some bride marries a groom and nothing is thought of it. Thelaloet remedy for Cna;lrr. C0'nr. Croup, Whooping (lough. Ili s 1:e, Pct. or's Lung Coiopon011, 'Inu1e ', , o con a. 10 existence cut,ti sins 111131100/ ' 1' 0 tot )1. gr0dleuts r1n,posn,g 1,1011.01.4 18 ' 1 ('4 0.. 300.1111.0:1110 1146 nay 31,u 111.0 1,111,1 (1t11 - thing until on hove tri on 1 n,. 'tr 1001 e4 .1 ur cough, aml'30nr npiufol, w 1 11' 1101 8110:11 ea all who have men i8, VIM 7 WA. .1, 14 4 110•), 80ld in 8110. and 01 bottles by./ uo. Barkle.tves S Oo., druggiole. "What pow:r will tho Prohibition. 1818 exercise in the coming political campaign ?" asks au exchange. "Well if they aro true tc their principles, it will bo a water power. A Brussels girl wants to know, "If it is true Kissing will cure freckles." Wouldn't say positively, but a simple remedy like this is worth trying. Call after business hours. A correspondent asks : "Would you or any of your many readers, in• form a readerrhow to learn to play a flute ?" No ; we havo some sym- pathy for the long suffering publto, um on your Guard. Don't allow a onl1 in the bond to s:0wly end surely develop 960111 into Outnrrh, when yon oeu be cured for 110, A 1088 applloatrone 85) Miro inOi3ien6Cnterrh. Ono 0rtwo b0so8 wr mire ordiosry Catarrh, 010 to Ivo boxes will curecllr0nio (.111110111. Try Dr. Cu01e'1 Canad- ian Catarrh Core -it will ours you. A man in Boston in hie hurry to assist a fainting lady, got a bottle of mucilage instead of camphor, and bathed her face lvitll it. She was a great deal stuck up with his attn. tions, When you see a man fake off his hat to you it is a sign that ho respects you, but when ho is 80011 divoeting htlnsolf of ilia oottt you can make up your mind that he intends to try to soaks you respect him. THE BRUSSELS POST AUG. 0, 1 S80. ('Bello, Smith ; suppose a :nap Marries his first wifo's stop ais100'0 :mut, what relation is he to her ?" "First wife -um -step Runt -or -- let's see , I don't know." Bright fellow 1 -"He's her husband," Now that Niagara rapids have been safely navigated thcro is but ono more world to oonquer. If some man will go into Wall street and come Ont nnsoratohed the Niagara Falls hero will not be worthy to blank his shoos. Sotentlets inform us (bot wo may expect a visit this simmer from the terrible ecourg0, kcholera. Always( ready fors a8 Om sudden atter Pr100 only 28 ousts. Sold by atm Hargreavice 0o. Here is the 'abutemailboy story, told at a Washington dinner the oth- er night. The new rector gazes mild. ly at the small boy in the Sunday school and said : "My dear little fel- low, have you read tho Thirty -Ninth Article ?" "No," rejoined the small boy, "but Pt rend The Forty Thieves." "Yes," said a Now Yorker, "I had a very pleasant time over in Boston. In foot I always do. It's a cultivated city." "Anything now beicg discus• sed there in social or literary cireloa ? "No; nothing uow. They aro still agitating the questions, "Who is to write tho American hovel ?" and "who is to whip bullivau ?" ianveyr, , Tut .001,0? 1'oe 110'.1 1 •,•b ln. Y• n330 31 14 (11.1 0401 i 1 1 - • . 41 • •0, l'1"•';. Niro loµi ll.:1.. 1.11 F,.1 •'•l, K, 1111)0 3011 110,1, 1.. 1 8111 44 .8• llayr 31.0 :.00.1 MO.: 11 1 0 Bain •s. Are 01111 r(4 04.411111 (Inn i.r'a• i -,it 1•14. 1,1,;1r.n,1T. t;8 „c e 1'12 1 00 f 11,.1 1.1;08or ,l.n, I14• •11'1 it ,1 1411114.13.. .. - c, 3et40111001 nn steave.i 11rog 860,0.1 "John, clear," 8110 said, ''yesterday I covered your bootjack with silk plush anis made some beautiful em• broidery with flowers on it with my New Williams. You will bo delight. ed when you see it. I know," "I'vo seen it," said John. "You have ; when ?" "Last night. I throw it ata eat." "O11, yon mean fellow!" she cried. 1 t 1. 1P,r. 1 -te 1 ,' MO 1.' 11 i„'n1,, 1 1 t1., ,t,0'.. tr,'Ian •,.'. •i', • • 8j 0801, 11 ''I • 9 01..1:b 00. 1.1.11. 50111 11 d0:.0 iia . 1... ,.. .1. 1:0,, d 111; 809(,. They are in 111e country, for the summer, and Baby is kept very busy supervising all the farming process- es. Two or three nights ago 8110 pushod away her bowl, declaring that she did not cart to feed any longer on milk. "But, my dear," said madame "why not ?" "Beoauoo," said baby, superiorly, r'1 know all about it. Milk is only chewed grass I" I.1 January,1888, when in Bran- don,Manitob, I oonlraotod a severe sold that settled Emmy 10090,oene- fug bronchitis and consolidation of the upper 300810nn of beth lunge. I endured great pain and became very weak, and though I tried various medicines, and (=suited many em• lnont phy0lotnne In Manitoba, Unit. od states, and Ontario, gradually. grow worse. In 8eptembor, 188s. was induced to try the Paaido coast, whore I sent 8,5 months in Los Angelos, Cal., San Jose,Monetay, and ether notod health resorts, but deriving no benefit, returned to Ontario woree than when Bort, spent nearly $222,000 in search of stealth, and began to think It wars useless le try anything 01025, when W. H. Ma- gee of the Q.T.D., induood me to try Dr. Jug's Medicine and Pills. After using two bottles my appetite began to return, oleo etrenglh and weight, and 0.m new ea w011 as ever. I bo - Bev Dr, Jug's Medicine eared my life E. Hen0000, Stratford. Sold by G. A. Deadmau. The following lines are from the Chinese :-Whore spades grow bright and idle works grow dull ; Where gaols aro empty, and where barns are full ; Where church paths are with frequent feet out -worn ; Law courtyards weedy, silent and forlorn ; Where dootors foot it, and whore farmers -ride ; Whore ago abounds and youth is multiplied ; Where these signs aro, they clearly indicate A happy peoplo and well governed state. The second growth of timothy, or aftermath, does not get enough eine to warrant cutting, nor would it be ad. vlsable if it did. It is, however, very important in keeping the grass from being run out. Timothy grass has a bulb just at the surface, and the roots are mostly straggling and near the top of the ground. It is not liable to be thrown out by frost as glover is, but it needs protection as much from the burning sun of summer as from the frosts of winter. • The pertinacity with which white clover appears in land where it has mover boon BOWO suggests that it is awry reliable seeder. Thio ie a fast. If white clover were not 8o valnablo a forage plant it would boa had weed, as indeed itis in strawberry beds. It propagates not only by seeds but by runners, just 110 the strawberry doom. In meet oases if the browned heads aro examined they will be found filled with and. 285160x, white °lover propagates often whore it is loast ens. pectod. In meadows where no white clover is visible at mowing trine the tiny plants are hidden under the grass, and 500n show blossoms aftor their shade is removed. Tho fact that white clover has a hard struggle fur oxiateneo among grass makes it all tho surer (motior. a,. Idi�1 DeJUGS' MEDICINE. LUNGS LIVERS, glum A (1111 to Hund loc0nts l0elng0, 111111190' II''rIL ii' w111 (nail *013 rroo n royal, vwluwhle,aamplobox nI gauss that will nit yea Iu the way of tucking mere moony 121.'uuu,tho. uanything oleo lit AmerirnBA), stone cl 11:1 egos can livor t hemp and work In eper0 Bin 00 all the time, (1,1pital not renetred, 'We will start you, 1tnu10nnopay Sur* 'el thine who 55%01,8Oao0. 131I11ON ✓. (land, Maine p1A1131 TO RENT. --'.CITE S1J13. eoribor will rent lot 80, ono, ,Orny,nou.- talnil1g10eaOrme, about GO 0l0a9'8d, for ono or mora Years. Haase, beau end ell other Don 707118nco0on Mao lot. Thorn fen Onantlty of food that world bo loft, by no lasso agree. tug to l0avo a strutter 121000111 '131 1111u his time VAS 011t, 'Pio 1150et implmumrbl 820n 11 also be allowod. Also 100 acres in ilowlok town- ship,t 11(10 from 1Vrox0(8r, ad 002000lonr0d. Therein aheuse on the 1 1 bat no barn. A tenant building n barn would be elloowed to stop it out of the runt. Possession 01111 be ars 111o1Aprii let. For further 1p113orFOS. WHITE, HEALTH IS *WEALTH, Da. E. 0. WIOT'e Nerve and Drain Treat- ment, n guarantood onociao for Hysteria, Diz- ziness, Convulsions, rite, Nervous, Ncurelggin, H0adaoho, Nervous Proetr0biou unused by the 1100 of alcohol or tobacco, \Vokefulnees, Mena 1t1 Depr090ion, Softening of 1:10 Brain result• lug in insanity, loading to t lioory, :loonyend o tenth. Premature Old Ago, Power in either sex, Involuntary Lome end Sp0rmotorrbcon unused by over-oxertlo1 of the Brain, solt.abuso el' over-tndulgo0c0. Bonn oNzbsau,1tr or NIX boxes by mall,, peopuid, on receipt of price. ,9'E GU 1,131\T:IPI 8101 ((OYES by mnro any ease. luccomlath utol with rdor 08,eMS we w, ms for 810 Loins, 13111 +and the money if 1 e written gtta000001 oftoo refund the money if the trolltmeut doge not efroot&aura. Uuarautoes issued only by John Hargreaves C 0o.,1900116015. Canadian hoidc Amlway Time labia: r-(S�rr?rrmm� --.aC i•.- .._, .l5' .fir.� Teeswater Branch. Miles Doing West Mall. Ezprt 0 4 109 12 231 30/ 44 38� 47'1 0"0*; GO 62} 69 Toronto.. Dop Orangeville .. Orangeville 338 Amaranth i• Waldemar, .. • Lather ...... Arthur ...... Kenilworth.... M'r. Fon10T .. Pages 1)..., H1Amusrox.. .. Fordwioh .... Gerrie ...... Wroxeter Wi'nglutui Road Teeswater..Arr 7,2 a.m. 0.50 " 10.05 " 30,15 '1 10,24 " 10,81 " 11.08 " 11,30 " 11.53 a.m. 12.15p.m. 12.28 12,55 " 1.09 " .15 r. 1.38 " 1,5 ,m. 5.40p.m 7.05 " 7.22 " 7.92 " 7.38 " 7.44 8.10 8,29 8.40 9.01 9.10 9.31 9.41) 9.46 10.03 10.15 Milo Going East Express Aiall 0 5 14 I7d 26i 30 35 431 60i 611 64 66i 170 Teoewater Dop Wingbam Road Wroxeter •. •• Gerrie .. • • • Fordwioh .. • • Elarristotl .. - • Pages j, .... • Mt.Forest.. •• Kenilworth Arthur .. .. • • Lanier.... •, Waldemar,. •- Amaranth t Orangeville Jet Orangeville Toronto.. Arr. 10.4 5,15 a.m, 5,28 5.47 5.58 0.02 6,25 6.35 6.51 7.00 7.26 7,58 7.58 8.04 8.12 8.35 2.30 p.m. 2.49 " 2.56 3,06 3.29 3.40 3.57 4,19 4,89 5.10 5,17 5.24 5.35 5.55 .3 41 1r 11 u 11 11 .m Refreshment and Dining Rooms -AT- TORO NTOJUNCTION, . ORANGEVILLE AND f1ARLETONJUNOTION, T•+JN%fSi 0MS" 33A.S=381Tr3 ON', THROUGH TRAINS -nETWE1aN•- -TORONTO AND MONIED/di.- T. I+'LETCHER, TICKET AGENT, BRUSSELS. WEAR SPECTACLES And Eye -Glasses -That Will Preserve Your Eyesight. -- Z+'. L,/iZ4R ZTS, Manufacturing Optician, late of the firm of Lazarus l2 Morrie, 28 Maryland Olcad, Harrow Road, London, England, has ap. pointed an agent for the Renowned Spect- aeles and Eye -Glasses which have boon be. foro the public for the past 25 }oars, LAZAnus' Spectacles 110703 tire the eye. Last many }oars without change. -For sale by - JAS. DREWVE, hardware Merchant 8I.8m* Brussels, Ontario. , ULL 1'011 Slt11VICE.-Tilt undersigned will hump (luring this 0016- 0011, (t lob 14, emu. 15 11003, moor (nevernak) n 1119r(ugh bred Mullein Bull for serl'ime, 'L'gna(o,-SLOW per 00W, payable et bine of eorvlo0, with the privilege of roburltlug11 100• misery, JAbtbiS MAMMON, 44•tf Ceatlbrook. TilAltM F011, SALIN.-Till': UN• 1l 1orsigno•t off ern for sale 100 80ros, Indult lot )1, Den, 10, Ilroy,a) cleared, 1111151100 tiulber• od with bench lout maple. A comfortable hon so and barn is on the 1111110. Titans. -To sail mu0haser. Auply to WEST. 11oN:AUG EC110N, 137•2n, Brussels, ON DECK. Geo, Phippen, Painter', - Brussels, is prepared to do A11 Kinds of PAINTING, GRAINING, GLAZING, KALSOMINING, PAPER HANGING, &c., &c., at Reasonable hates. Satisfaction Guaranteed In Every Instance. URDE'ES Loft at Goo. Baeker's Store will bo promptly attended to. AGENTS • WANTED 1 Steady Employment to Goo:l Jlel't None need bo idle. Previous experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 Bien Nantes to Canvas for the sale of'Canadian grown Nursery stock. The Fonthill Nurseries, ff Largest in Canada, Over 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can fur- nish first -oleos references, and Want to work. No room for lazy men,but can employ any number of energetic men who want work. Address ' Stone S, Wellington, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont. BABY r &BRIAGBS ! I have a nice lot of Baby Car- riages On hand that the Public should see. • They are Well made, nicely finished and will be Sold at Reasonable Prices. SEE T23EVE ISerrness Y Collars I and everything in the harness line on hand. Also Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c., &c. H. DENNIS. TENDERS WANTED. Tans rr0 trill he r0celand by the 111111ar11415011, ap to the Blot instant, for ll1 uring ilio 8eoond Boom of tho eruseols Pub110 0ohool, repairing 01113, 119111 (111)190, 120, Pall pm rtlon taro on emit• o>lbion to E. E. \V Elle:, (.1)11,8 _.. 0 bairon11 n.P,1,13. • eT•l^:1V 111,ACKS1IITII, 1'9 ttring your lento horses to Ds et Ewan, uta has Lio:lsl1D W. T. 13UN'i'k:ll's STAND, nruesolo. having praoli8oll for yens end rieon to the blgh:st position In the leading horot.ebuimg ostabltal(ntou t of (Ir,llaul,ladin• burgh, Seotl,ud, .11110 laying passcil with honors through, tho 1103.1 Veterinery 8)110101(1 School,of 3.8,slulth, London ,Llughul6 whore hmulrode of crippled horses pasood our Bemis dally 1 can Heftily gnur,ultee to turn nom, tr,tobed feet 1r interfering h0esor. Now work mod repalriring of all kinds done on reasonable terms, 0114 workmanship (bat will plenum. lay Giving ala 1t call I feel 811000011 I wound nouns your trade. D, 101VAN, 1741 Humor's 9111 Stand l 1 17 e are Again, Thanking the public for their pat- ronage for the past 14 years I de- sire to state that I and prepared to attend to all kinds of house, Sign and Or'naulental Painting in a workmanlike manner. Paper Hanging and Kalsomining clone in a manner that gives Sat- isfaction every time. GRAINING A. SPECIALTY. Now that the house cloaui'lg season will soon be hero send your orders along early so that they can be attended to in good time. W. aodd.iei , The 01d Reliable. 11PORTr.NT I• TO DAKOTA SETTLERS. LAND OOMI\IISSIONER SPARKS' FAM- OUS ORDER OF APRIL 31u) RE- VO1t01D BY SECRETARY LAiMAIR. Honest settlers not bo made to suffer be- cause of a few disreputable characters. Reported Resignation or Removal of Sparks. Washington, D. C., Spacial Telegram, April 7. -The text of the order 01 rovooation and a history of the order of April 9 wore laid before each member of the Wilmot at yesterday's meeting. Tbo language of the order of revocation was approved as it stands. It is said that if any evasion of the order 1s attempted, Mr. Sparks will be called on to resign. TEST OF TUE (MIMIC Following is the full text of the order of revocation: -Department of the Interior, Washington, D. 0., April 6. -To the Com- missioner of the General Land Onlee :-Sir, On April 8, 1885, yon issued tho following order :- Practice, Suspension of Entries -Final action in this office upas all entries of the publio land, except private cash entries and such scrip locations as aro not dependent upon acts of settlement and cultivation, is suspended in the following looalitles, All west of the drat guide meridian west in Kangas; all west of range 17 west in Ne- braska ; the whole of Oolorndo, except land in the late Uto reservations ; all of. Dakota, Idaho, Utah, Washington, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming and Nevada ; and that portion of Minnesota north of the indemnity limits of the Northern Paoido railroad and east of the indemnity limits of tho St. Paul, Minneapolis 62. Manitoba railroad. Iu ad- dision, final action in this otlioo will be sus- pended upon a 1 timber entries under tiro act of Juno 3,1878, also upon 1111 cases of desert laud entries, [Signed] W. A.. Si, s s,. Commissioner. Whatever neoossity may have existed at tho time of its promulgation has ceased to be sufficient to longer continue an order suspending all actions, and involving in a oommou condemnation the innocent and the gailty, the honest and the diehonest. While I earnestly urge the exercise of the strictest 71511(ne0 to prevent by all the agencies within our power, the cou0umma. tion of fraudulent or wrongful laud claims, yet, when the vigilance of all those agencies shows no substantial evidence of fraud or wrong, honest claims should not bo delayed Or their consideration refused on general reports or rumors. The above order as is- sued by you is therefore revoked, and y011 will proceed in the regular orderly and law- ful ooneidoration and disposal of the claims suspended by it. Very respectfully, [Signed] L. Q. C. LAnrll(, Soorotary,