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The Brussels Post, 1886-8-6, Page 5
Aua. 6, 1886. THE BRUSSELS POST DISTRICT NEWS. f eeit;tnvvasi. On Thursday end Friday of week the blind tournament wee 1 anordieg to announoeineut. T was large attetldaricn of per from all the surrounding towue, first day's performance °outdated sham fight between the different a panies of the 28th Batt; bared c petition between the Waterloo, So and Guelph betels, the prune b awarded in the order mentioned ; a grand couoert ill the roller rink night. The program for Friday tho 2uc1 claw band competition, which BOwmauv1110 organ band t 1st prize, and a series of still ed that in addition to tike Campbol 4 Calnerson, bankers, of LUeknew have a largo chine a;;a1ust biro. Tito last deserted wife, Mrs, William, received lobi, a letter from her recreant husband, horn bearitag u0 address whatever, but H0110 stating tient elle D00(1. not expect lout Thu to come back, As a result elle sold of a off all the Lousaiiold goods and Ieft one. for the home of hoe p11rente near 0m- ltucklloty She is roprasonted es an rata oxooedingly worthy woman, ©tug Tho following pupils passed the and entrance examination:• -Gan, Ohrya• at for 428, George Fraser 0113, John way Bartley 882, Fred, Inglis 407, IlouIleu- mbon Jowett 407, Frank Madan 480, oolc Alex. Rees 880, Maggio Cargill 446, tato Edith Davie 421, Genie Elliott 449, qtly Barbara Fortune 40,1, Jenulo Gregory fait 418, Annie IIabkirk 429, Maggie pis. Meetings 422, Hatie Jameseu 458 1 war, that capaxsized at Spithoad iu 178011nd drowned the whole n1886 SCAIICE COODS. 1886 om- party. This piece was neared long years ago at Portsmouth, .A. goodly number froni dila section wont to sou the feu at Listowel last week. Niro, Shine, of the 1218 con., has a new kind of beaus to use green ; the pada aro nearly a fout long, very large 11uc1 tender, and break like pipe slim with no strings. A great many ealf•binders, as well as hay forks and rack lifters Lave been purchased throughout the town- ship thea season. The rising gener- ation will know as much ab001 hiud- ing by hand as chides knew about raising setreurowe from the seed. Robert Shields, of the 15th con,, hurt himself nearly throe weeks ago lifting at a largo stone they were put- ting in the basement of his father's barn ; a fear days since they hail two doctors to sae him, an1 they can du nothing for him; he has no feeling iu COT his legs, and is perfectly Helpless ; no t -r hops is entertained that he will ever be hotter. The trustees of S. S. No. 8, have re•engegod 0. Bowerman as teacher for 1887. Although his time doss not expire until January next the trainees know they had a good teach- er in Mr. Bowerman and have been wise in securing him in time. The school ie n largo uuo and bas been We have just Opened out our Fall Plushes in all the New Shade.=., and brought to a high state of prolieieney under blr. B'e, tuition. The salary for 1887 ie $450, being an advance of $50. School re -opens one week from next Monday, the 16th inst. sports. Thera were A greet m faikere and gatublors who made r on the hard earnings of their du Whisky, lager beer, leo., flowed free- ly, and fights and arrests followed in quick aucceosion. The various mun- icipal delegates were treated to lunch- eon at the Town .Ball, at noon, on Thursday. 1131y- Lawn 31yLawn ten0is is all the rage in town at present. The Fall Fair to be held here in October premises to surmise those of former years as groat pains are be. ing taken to make it a great success. The band purposes holding 11unth- er gaand ooneert on Friday evening, Aug, 61h. This promises to be the best of the season tie an excellent program tae beau prepared. PEa(ONALS. Dougall Turnor, of Hamilton, was home on a visit last week, -harry Gueman, who has been in Dakota for some time, returned home last wee!:, -plies Attie Sloan is viefting friends 10 leetowel this wee -Messrs. :Metcalf, Soutllcott nu Gilley were iu Toronto this week. Miss Jessie Coney, of St. Marys, visiting her brother, H. F. Colley, present. -Reeve Belly attended th hand tournament at Listowel 1a week. -Jack Shaw and W. Wrigh of Brasoels, were 10 town this week. -Jno. i(1e?dlllan has opened out a bakery business in town. He has se- cured the services of J. Van Allen to take charge of it. Jno, thielcs there is nothing like opposition. -Wm. Van Egmond has leased the Central hotel and will continue the business as usual, -T. R. Mitchell, of West- field, shipped from here one day last week a find car load of borne, bound for the Western States, --(eco. Roe ertson, who has been learning th dry goods business with 11, J. MoGil for some time, leaves town this wee for Ethel. Geo. purposes going to the States shortly. -Mrs. Cullis lef here on Tuesday last to take a trig up the lakes, -Miss Eliza Dickson formerly a school teacher here, wa visiting friends fn town last week. - Mr. Politica, who has been running the Onkel hotel hero for some time past, thinks it don't pay and will ro• move to Exeter shortly. -Jae. Gos• than, sou of Hoary Gasman, is nu, able to leave the house from the re- sult of a sprained arm. Eliza Jauo Peacock 420, Annie Tal- bot 441. Recommended -Jas. An- derson 487, George D. Fortune 416, John Inglis 855, Jainee Loogly 870, George Paul 896, Jennie Elder 458, Martha Tipling 888, Lydia Yonhill 428. Number who wrote 50; num• bor who passed 17 ; number recom- mended 8; number of marks to pass 878 and one third on 011011 subject. V1•tI, lb5.00lc. Tho threshing machines aro com- mencing to boom. There is some little talk of mother store being opened out next fall in Dames' store. Next Sunday morning Roy. J. L. Herr, of Brussels, will preach iu the Methodist church at 10:80 o'clock. At the close of she service the sacra• ment will bo dispensed. The adjourned Court for the final revision af the Dominion voters' list k I for Grey township, which was to be d held on Tuesday, was adjourned to sotne futuro elate awaiting the decia• i1011 of the judges in Toronto. ,t Rev. D. 13. McRae is away thie a 1 week for his summer vacation. There will not be service in Kuox church .t I fur the next two Sabbaths. The rev gentleman will visit Southampton and Port Elgin and enjoy the Lake breezes. What about a celebration in Oran - brook this fall ? A pleasant after, noon'e sport could bo arranged con- sisting of baso ball, quoits auci a few games. There are plenty of young !Hen to _push a eelebretiou 1f 1t is Once started, > 0tttoi. • 6 I Our pupils who wrote for teachers' 11 certificates aro anxiottely atvaitinkz k the result. J. A. Young, teacher of our public t school, is pushing the sale of fruit trees for the St. Catharines nursery in the townshtp of Howled this F., week. As Rev. Mr. McRae is away for G his holidays the usual preaching ser- vices in the Presbyterian churchhero th will be withdrawn for the next two c Sundays. 00 Ed. T. Slemmon writes from Car- as berry, Man., as follows :-Weather ov exceedingly warm. Crops in this 0u vicinity are very good. Harvest has on commenced, wheat being out on July 28rd. The straw is short but there th has been no frosts. Orops in many L parts of the Northwest are a complete th Ware on account of the very dry t weather. Illy health is gradually im- proving. I like the country hotter than ever, Best wishes to alt. W'itll�'hanl. "GONE w10i1 A HANDSOME snag," -- The London papers furnish the fol- lowing bit of gossip concerning well known reeideuts in this town :-The people of Wingtiam are at present ex- ercised over an elopement story. •For some time past lir. Smalthorn has been station agent of the Grand Trunk in that town. Ho recently left upon a trip to the old country with the expectation of bonelttiug hie health, which was feeble. Amongst the residette of the village has been Alfred Williams, formerly of Luck• now, who was agent for an organ company, and he apparently succeed- ed in ingratiating himself strongly in• to the favor of Mrs. Smallhorn, who is a very comely matron. Indeed it is alleged by a conductor of the G.T. R. that 011 nue occasion- he observed Smallborn in the smoking car of his train, and subsequently noticed Wil• hams oecuppying a sant in company with Mrs, Smallhorn in a paeseugor coach upon the same train, her head resting upon his ehoulder in a man- ner altogether too confidante' and af. 1eotion11te, After the departure of lir. Sniallhorn it is stated that Wil- liams, who is the father of two small children, quietly startedoaetward one day presumably upon a business trip. Itis also alleged that upot, the fol- lowing day lira. Smallhoru' proceed- ed to a banking house and drew therefrom the sure of $1,000, which, it is claimed, site tied a ,right to do ander the powers delegated to her by her husband, and also departed. She left behind her 2 daughters and 1 sou, who are visiting at friends of the family at Brantford, Williams Was involved 211 debit() a eonsiderablc extent, and shortly before leaving he disposed ut' 11 team of horses owned by 111211 et 11,,'ristnu 'It I's alstl scat THE AT H FIELD SILK 0 SE. PLUSHES. DIED' -On Thursday morning of last week Susan, relict of David Tay- lor, died at her residence, lot 17, eon. 18, at the anent' age of 71 years. The funeral tools place on leridey anemone. The deceased was born in the Oo. Down, Irelaud, and calve to America 52 years ago along with her husband, who died about 12 yearn ago. They lived for 2 years in New Yorlc state after which they removed to Vaughan township, Ont., and 0111IIe to Grey 25 years ago. Five sons and two daughters are left to mourn' het: decease. Three of the children live in tine township viz Mate, Thos. Eo• his, Mrs. Peter Sinclair and David Taylor. The deceased although well advanced in life enjoyed good health and was only clown sick for a few weeks. Bev. D.13. McRae took clutrge of the funeral. To the Editor of Tao Poen. Theta Sea. --At the regular bnainess quarterly meeting of Henfryn minima the following resolution wits 90180(1 by a una0imens vote of the Board :- Moved by Bro. J.. 11, Baker, eeocnd- ed by Bro. T. Whitfield that we, as a Quarterly Board, having learned of the departure by death of ono of our umber, m the person of Bro. J. imblet, who, for many years, held e position of local preacher and lase lender, we desire to plane on cord our high appreciation of him a man and a Christian, who wits or ready to lake bi., centre in loyally pporting the cause of God, and At we tender to the bereaved family r heartfelt sympathy, praying that o Divine blessing may rest upon, d that Divine grace may support em in this trying hour. Resolved at a copy of this resolution be nut o Mrs. Gimblet and to Tim BRUSSELS POST and Christian. Guardian. L. W. PANasnxsie, R.S, One of those pleasing events which eeema interesting to everybody took place at the resideuee of L. McNeil, 14th eon., on Wednesdity dint week being the marriage of his daughter Jessie to Peter 0. Dimon, 011ie( of Police, itt Brandon, titan, The nup- tial knot was tied by Rey. D. B. Mc- Rae, Oranbrnok. Tlio bride was sup• ported by Miss Duncan and the groom by a brother of the Bride. The bride and bridesmaid were very neatly at. tired in white dressas trimmed with lace. This young lady was held in high esteem by all who knew her and Iter. Duncan is to be congratulated on his choice. The wedding presents W000 many and valuable. A. yery pleasant social gathering tools prate at the residence of lir. McNeil en Friday evening, when ever two bunt dred people responded to the invi- tations to bo present, a foot which shows the high esteem iu which 41r. McNeil and family are regarded by tbeir neighhore and acquaiutenoee. The young couple leave for their home in the week in it few dept. We unite with their many Monde in mull- ing them health, weeith and prosper- ity. Grey. Our threshers are getting things in order and will be ali at week in a few days. G. Perrie, the noted athlete, is at present at his parental home iu this township. Mies Mary Francis, who luta been visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Bryan, returned to her home, Houghtou Gen. ire. this weelc, Last Sunday the regular quarterly meeting of the Henfryn oirouit was held at Wltitfield'e church. The pastor, .Il'ev. J. W, Brandon, preached. `filo jury reeommende that a part of the bridge on the 12111 con , known ae Calder's bridge, have new plank put on at the earliest opportunity., to the old plank is gutting very, thin and fall of holes. Some person, forgetful of the 81h commandment, stole two white shirts off a line on 0ue of our ooacoseions row eights ago. Any person, who will do this is a mean sneak and would steal his grandmother's por- ridge, With' the continuance of good weather the fall wheat will be all se- cured this week. It is web headed tied the grain a good sample. Tit's harvesting of barley and peas tae al- ready commenced and both aro a good amp in general, Thus, heritage allowed its a great curiosity last week in the shape of ti London, Ont., hue voted in favor of the proposed 0. P. I1. extension bonus. Jelin Iilaodouald, the Toronto w1101081115 dry goods merchant, who ie in Europe, on hearing of the cies- traction of Vancouver by fire, Diablo,! piocu of oak (0rm0r1y a part of the ' iitstruetwee to (rand over 0 donation 'Rept' 1 G ya 001130 itu L11e 811 mats of of $500 to the suif,irert, marked at the L*WEST FIGURES. These Goods aro Very Scarce and all in want of them should secure them at once, as they have gone up 25 per cent. since we bought them, but we will Sell them at the Old Prices. They are the Correct Thins Tyr .Dresses j Dress T7'i77Uni711s For Fall and Winter. RSE TS B CORSETS! ! CORSETS! f I We still talo the Lead in Corsets. During the last six weeks we have sold nearly 200 pairs. Just opened out 120 pairs more of the Cele- brated May Corset, which the are selling at 48 cis., and which we are going to Continue to Sell at the same Low Price -48 its., or twit pair for 85 its. PARASOLS, MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS AND ALL SUMMED GOODS to make room for Fall Importations. PRICEk 430a, OR TO PAIRS FOR 88 CENTS, 43c, For Corsets and all other Goods at the Lowest Prices, go direct to GW alt w ;' ell's, The Groat Giiy Jillinery House.