HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-8-6, Page 44
AUG. 0, 1880.
Ibe `I>,ix tits Vast,
Canadian N eves rs .
Ottawa city Connell has decided to
annex Now Edinburgh.
A Scandinavian National Union
has been organized at Winnipeg.
Petroleum of good (polity has boon
Oxford Caledonian Society games
at Woodstock on Aug. 80.
The death is announced of Robert
Trudel, ItL,P.P, for Champlain,
The taking of the census of Man-
itoba wee commenced on Saturday.
Eloctria light works and an eleotrie
street car line is ta1 ked of for Wood -
The Cbambly election resulted in
the return of Mr, Profontaine, the
Liberal candidate, by as majority o!'
The Independent Order of Oddfcl- It has been decided to repine° the
lows have completed arrangements
for the eroatiou of a note hall at To•
Onto of military inatrnction will
be formed on the 27tH of next month of $40,000.
at Niagara, Kingston noel Aldershot, The Northwest Rebellion Ulaims
N. S. Commission have arrived in Itdoutre•
Bay. Jno. Dooglae, of lfurley, al, where they will complete their
Mau., will tape three Indian chiefs labors and prepara their report,
with ]aim to attend the General Con• The International Exhibition, to
ference of the Metbudiet Ohnrolt. be hold in June, 1887, is announced
found oozing trona a bole in a river 120. Samson & Cols'e elephant broke for Adelaide, the capital of South
bank in the Duck Mountain District. A Hampstead cat, whoso kittens loose at :Emerson, Man., Wednesday Australia. This will furnish au op -
It is asserted that the Labrador were drowned in tho spring, secured morning, and smashed tate, cage con- Pwrtnnity for Canadian manufeetur-
horror stories wore circulated for the in the woods two young squirrels, taming the two•hoaded cow to oplin- ora to make headway with their wane
which she roared sucoess£ully. tors and ran riot through the town. iu Australia, which should not be
It was captured with ooneiderable neglected.
difficulty. The gold medal given by Prof.
Niuty-five candidates wrote for ail- Shuttleworth to the student at tho
nlissiou to the Collegiate Institute in Ontario College of Pharmacy obtain.
Galt ; 24 were successful, 106 wrote ing the highest marks in chemistry
in Brantford ; 72 passed. St. Georgo'a, has been awarded to E. L. Harvey,
school sunt up 8 ; all were successful, of Watford. The Avtson Inedal for
some of whom, under 12 years of age, materia medic t has been taken by
took a high number of marks, J. E. Tremble, of St. Marys.
Officers of the British army who Tho proceedings of the Phial Court
ere iu Canada baying up bor.ee, of Revision at Walpole Island aro in -
have suggested that the Bard of Di- Wresting. Application was made to
rectors should offer prized at the the revising officer to put on upwards
forthcoming Toronto Exhibition for of 80 Indians, but they all expressed
borsee best fitted for cavalry pur.
poses. It was decided to offer five
prizes for the best riding horse fitted
for light, medium or heavy cavalry.
The Canadian Pacific Railway au-
thorities offer to divert their line
through) the city of St. Thomas, and
erect a new passenger depot on the
basis of the settlement of the snit in-
stituted against the Company by the
Corporation, and in cousideratiou of
the abandoning of the vercliot of $12,
000 rendered in favour of the city by
the Master in Chancery. The Com-
pany also ask a right of way along
the streets it may be neaoesary to
travel with the new spur lino.
Lightning played some queer
pranke with the residence of A. J.
Fortier, Town Clerk of Pembroke.
it onterod by a window, broke sever
al boles in the wall, and went across
a bedroom breaking a Margo mirror.
On the ground floor it passed through
the parlor, cutting away part of Miss
Fortier's shoe, and burning a leg off
the piano. In the dining room it
went through the wall, burning a
picture. Mr. Fortier was standing
at the back door and loot part of his
boot. His son was sitting by the
window when the lightniug onterod
and although the sash and glass was
smashed he was unharmed.
Sinwoe, Bruce, and other portions
four massive stone towers which sup-
port tho big tables of the Suspension
Bridge at Niagara Falls by strong
iron supporters, at an estimated cost
purpose of Injuring the Hodson Bay
Railway projeet.
A. resident of Arthur village has
been fined $100 and costs for a sec•
oad violation of the Canada Temper.
ance Act of 1878.
A young man named Albert Arises,
of Montreal, Ilse been sentenced to a
fine of $5 or 15 days imprisonment
for masgnerucling in women's clothes.
A thief visited the Berkley Street
Permission has been given for the
sale of liquors on the Canadian Pa -
ciao Railway dining room cars while
passing through the Northwest Ter-
Philip Garnesu, Rie1'e private
secretary during the rebellion, has
been released from Stoney Mountain
Penitentiary. He intends to write
a history of the rebellion.
Methodist Church, Toronto, and stole At the Brockville market a lady
the Sunday School collection of the purchased a pail of raspberries at
previous Sabbath, amouutiug to $0. what she considered a bargain, but
A Chinaman named Alt Lung, changed her opinion when she found
landed at Port Arthur the other day the pail half filled with basswood
and was much disgusted at being leaves.
compelled to pay the statutory feo of As one result of Hon. Mr, Foster's
$50. recent visit to the Maritime Provinces
C. 8, Drummond, of Winnipeg, is and lite personal investigation of the
at present in London seeking to pro- fisheries profeetion service, a steamer
mote the railway from Winnipeg and having a speed of twenty miles en
Regina to Port Nelson on Hudson hour, will in a few days be added to
Bay. the Dominion fleet.
A young son of Donald Lamont, of A codfish caught by the schooner
Saugeen, fell from a load of hay on a Lightfoot last week, near Kentville,
fork, a prong of which ran upwards was found, on being cut open, to con -
ie to his body, passing through a part twin a cent and a po rtion of a human
of one lung, and penetrating the sac scalp. At the same plane this spring
of the heart. a fish was naught with a button em•
The Dominion Government has of- bedded in its heed.
fared $250 reward for such evidence Tho Methodist ohurcb this year is
• as will lead to the arrest and °envie- sending three additional workers in -
tion of the party and his accomplice to the Japan mission field, Rev. F.
or accomplices who stopped and rob- A. Cassidy, 113: A., and Rev. J. W.
bed the Prince Albert mail south of Saunby go out there shortly, and E.
Humbolt on July 1711. Odium, Di. A. at present Bead master
A. strange bird has a nest of three of the Pembroke High School, will
young ones in the orchard of John go about the end of the year to take
Harris, at Charlestown, a short die• charge of the preparatory department
taneo oast of Orangeville. The bird of the Tokio College.
is larger than a duck and has fent The eight -foot statue ectilpture by
like a hen. lts species is a mystery Reid, of Montreal, for the monument
to the whole neighborhood. to be erected in Winnipeg to the
Near Peterboro' a young lady was memory of the men of the Ninth
standing ou a wharf saying good bye Battalion, who fell during the North -
to some friends who were leaving by west rebellion, is completed, and will
a steamboat. A epark from a smoke- be shipped to the Northwest this
stack set her dress on fire. The week. The figure 1s that of a private
flames were extinguished by a young of the Ninth. Battalion, with a rifle
man, who grasped the blazing calico in his hand, and weariug the full
in his hands. dress winter uniform of the corps.
Edward Eaulan, the oarsman has Tho Government having made Port
been offered $500 in case he breaks Stanley a life-saving harbor, they
the single scull throe -mile record. He have provided a new lifeboat which
will nutlet tho attempt on Lake Quirt. cannot be swamped. It is manned
eigamond on Thursday, August 12. by a crew of six, who drill twice to
If he should not succeed in this at. week. They are taken out by the
tempt, he has the privilege of trying Ruby on Wednesday evenings and
again on August 18th and 14th. capized several times, always giving
Mr. and Mrs, Floyd, of Detroit, the occupants a ducking. The boat
while seated in a Grand Trunk car rights itself and the crew are saved.
en route from Montreal to Toronto From Isle Royal, in Lake Superior
Saturday, were startled by a bullet come reports that its fishermen ars
shattering the glass of the window euspocted of having rifled the bodies
where they were seated and strikiug of the 40 victims lost in the Algoma
opposite the window of the oar. The disaster last fall, and that to avoid
lady fainted and remained unconsoi- detection they sunk the bodies far out
nus for soon tune. in the lake. The revenue cutter
A fen days ago a jug of whiskey Andy Johnston left Milwaukee for
enclosed in a valise arrived at High. Lake Superior, and will probably
gate addressed to a well-known in. make a thorough investigation.
dividual._ The boys "smelt him Wreckers are now at work on the Al-
breff," unlocked the valise and added goma, and although a careful search
a little croton oil to the whiskey. But has been made, no bodies have been
before the owner of the jug could recovered except one or two pinned
claim it the liquor was stolen by a in the framework of the vessel. The
party bound on a fishing expedition. theory that the islanders robbed' and
The result was a lot of very sick fish• sank the bodies is strengthened by
ermen and a very small watch of fish. the finding of mutilated clothes and
There is a breach of promise case articles of value in their cabins.
in prospect for the Middlesex Fall The General Conference of the
Assizes. Some intensely affectionate Methodist Uhureb of Canada, which
letters may bo produced. In one of will commence at the Metropolitan
these was enclosed a look of hair Church, Toronto, on September let,
with a few versos imploring that a will be one of more than ordinary im-
kiss be sent in return, and expressing portance and interest. The Local
a solemn conviction that a kiss on Committee are already busily engag-
paper would bo better than no kiss at ed perfeoting arrangements. The
all. This is a point of some scion- names of 1390 delegates and visitors
tido interest, and, no doubt, will en- who will be present have been receiv-
gage the best attention of the court. ed, while the total number will be
It is said that the defence will de- about 500, including all the dieting•
mand that the kiss be 'produced. uished ministers in the Methodist de -
It is reported at Ottawa that Lieut- nomination 1n the Dominion, the
enuant•Governor Richey, of Nova majority of the most eminent laymen
Scotia, will be appointed to a seat delegates from Bermuda, which is
on the Supreme Coact Bench of Nova under the jurisdiction of the Metho.
Scotia, that Mr. McLean will be. diet Church of Canada, and also vis -
made Lieutenant -Governor, and iting delegates from the General
that Sir Chorlee Tupper will auooeed Conference of Great Britain. and the
Mr. Mc]reen as Minister of Finance, Oonferenoe of the North and Sotlth
The latter is now 1n Nova Scotia, and United Status. The Conference will,
is said to he winding up his affairs if night sessions aro held, taut two
preparatory to taking office. Mr. weeks, otherwise the business will oc-
McLean has been a terrible failure aupy at least three weeks. As the
as Ftuanee Minister, and the Tories proceedings aro legislative, a number
think that only by bringing Sir of questions upon which interest as
Charles Tupper back oat they hope centred will be finally disposed of.
to secure any support in Nova Scotia Among them are University Fedora -
at the next election. If Sir Charles lion, the number of Oonferenee Pres.
re•entors politics it will be with the
assurance that Ile is to succeed Sir
John Macdonald as leader of the Tory
party within a short time.
of the Province early in the spring
were visited by a nun selling small
paper packages, the contents of which
were warranted to destroy potato
bugs. The packages Dost 26 cents,
and was represented to cantina
enough powder to kill all the bugs
that could find footing on an acre of
potatoes. Purchasers were advised
not to open the packages before the
time for using, as the preparation
would lose its strength. A large
number of persons bought the peak -
ages and when they were opened they
were found to contain Wu small
blocks of wood with directions print.
ed ou them as follows :—"Take this
block, which is No. 1, in right hand,
place the bug on No. 2, and press
then together. Remove bug and
proceed as before.
Putting grain into eltoolfe appears
to be simplo enough like cocking up
hay, yet much of both grain and bay
suffer from being poorly pat up to
meet the rain. Of course it is desir-
able to get both without rain, but it
is not always possible. A corms
pondent of an exchange says .–When
a boy it was the business of the writ
er to carry grain together after the
binders. There wero no reapers and
binders than ; all was done by hand.
But the boy was not considered com-
petent to put up any of the shooks
except such as were formed by set.
ting the bundles by twos in a row of
seven, with the 15th one at the end.
We soon learned to put together the
round shook of a smaller number,
but the capping was beyond our
reach, in a double sense. The bund•
les had their tops pressed tightly to-
gether, with the butts slanting out•
ward a little, when a cap, made of a
bundle of the longest strawed oats,
raked even and bound near the butts,
was dexterously opened in the centre
and set square on the top of the
shock, with the long straw hanging
gracefully and evenly down tho sides.
In this way, the oats would stand a
long rain without much injury. Some-
times two smell bundles wero tinct to-
gether at the butts, and placed ou the
aliock, one hanging on each side. In
all cases, the knack was to got them
on evenly and firmly, so that an ord-
inary wind would not blow the caps
off, It is much more difficult to
shock wheat so that it will shed rain.
Idents, and the extension of the itis- Tho bundle or two laid on tho top do
orae' for five years. Important aa- not shod the rain like the oat -Sap da -
tion is expected in tolerance to tent- scribed, and we believe it would pay
potence and prohibition. Ito use cloth caps, as with flay.
their determination not to go on.
They made inquiry what they wero
so do in order to prevent their names
going on the voters' list, and they
were told that all that was necessary
was to stay outside of the hall and
not answer when their names were
called. This the Indians did. lir.
Fraser, who was acting for the Oon-
vervative Association, found it im-
possible to get an Indian to cement
to have his Bans pat on. Not an
Indian answered ; not oue of those
whose names had boon given in would
enter the hall ; they refused to do so,
and their determination not to mix
themselves up with the political dis-
cussions of the white mon was exbib•
cud iu tale most unmistakable num-
nor. When tho time mune to con•
eider the 22 names that hail been
placed upon the voters' list at the
preliminary roviston, Indian after In-
dian cane forward to donttntl that
his name be taken of! 'Obey said
that they did not give anyone auth- after October lst.
erlty to put their 11110102 on the list.
One old mau, 00 yen g
nearly blind, in answer to the guise -
non why he wanted his name off, re-
plied that they had stolen his name ;
that he had not asked to have it put
upon the voters' list ; that be did not
avant it there.
nutabor, thanking hie
many ouetomore for their Moral
support for the past six years
wishes to inform then, that be-
ing burned out of the old stand has fitted op a
shop in Smals's BIOME in Orst•olaes style
whore ho hopes to 9o° all the 0111 oustou>ors
and as many now (mesas soo at to cava hint n
°all. I keep nothing but Ilrst-class moats a1l
kinds al Poul try and Santiago Meat. Deliver-
ed to all parts of the 10100 L roe. Gash paid
for Vat Stock,
111012 SALT.. ---TWO FARMS --
Lot 11, nn the 041 tun., and lo b15, on the
711 eon., of Morris, o0utaroiog 1,00 apron Dant,,
about 00 aoros cleared, f000 front stumps un
0310 farm, and About 00 acres olearod on the
otter. The cleared hand is lu n good state of
cultivation and wall 1mnood, Gaud fauna barn
and stables, andlog house at one, ami an the
other a log hones and log barn. There le n
goodbonrtttg orohard ort lob 14, A. novor-fail-
lug spring crook runs through both places.
township,o Those a p111there 000 ano roer admirraably
adapted for grain growing or grazing, and
within avo utiles of the flourishing town of
Brussels, T he places will ho sold together or
separately, and can be bought cheap and on
easy terms. Apply ou 110 promises of addrose
the proprietor, Sunshine P. 0
UX'r0 SIOAL10,
0 tt Proprtotor.
stn„ or to rout, 200 acres 100 being lo
01, con. 0, the other 101 20, con, 0, Lot 13 Is
situated two milas from the village of MMtitol,
seven miles from nruesols, Iw01vo miles front
C.I newel and } mile from a novor failing crook,
07 acres aro cleared, most all clear o1 stumps
ane under' Food oultivatlen an,l oloau, sixty
aortas of crop, good outlet for draining, n com-
fortable dwelling, bank barn, stabling under -
nos th, agood bearing orohard find garden, a
well convenient o house noel yard, price,
4,000,rout, $050 per year, Lot 29 is situated
21 miles from Ethel, 10 from Lieto wet and o
from Brussels. 00 acres cleared and under
with bleak 0010. hemlock well
from a louse and outbuilding and a large young
orchard aro on who farm. 1 rtoo, 03,000. rtl000
farms will be sold ,oparo4e or together to suit
}>ur0hnser, Possession ono bo given a any
time. Apply to 0apt. Stratton, or to
d9•tt proprietors,
We, the undersigned Merchants
of the Village of Brussels, hereby
give notice to our respective Cus-
tomers that
IVO _3TTTr�'
Book Accounts
yams of ago, and
F. 0. Booms,
G. A. PowELL,
J. G. Brow.
We are now receiving our New Goods for the Fall Trade and hope to
be able to announce our Stock Complete in the course of a few days.
Miss Green, who has given such universal satisfaction, is again En-
gaged for the Winter Season. Through her splendid taste and good
management we have done the
this Season, in fact nearly doubling all previous efforts.
hand our
Wo have to
They are Cheaper this Season tend Better than for many years past.
Being Scarce and. Dearer is all gluaabug.
Thoy can be had to any extent and we Guarantee to supply them at
the Present
A.s soon as our New Stock is Complete we will give clue notice, and as
all classes of
Goods are Exceedingly Low
two intend to marls our Goods at the.
and not allow any Store to Undersell ns.
F. C. 110G -ERS,