HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-8-6, Page 3AUG, 6, 1886.
^-....•-- ,-
Oh swaying mak by summer winds
Like natio censer lightly swung,
How slight the tie that lightly binds
Thy weight the swinging boughs among,
A tiny home soft sheltered, neath the WATS
The smerald'eorniees of fluttering loaves.
Soft bird notes brood above thy eloep
Warm nestled math a downy breast ;
And twinkling stare their vigils keep
Above the callow birdling's rest,
Bright flowers below, blue summer skies
Surround tho swinging nest with peace
and Imo.
I bend above with loving eyes
To peep into the (lofty home,
And with a ory of real surprise
Set off acroes the fields to roam,
Whoo-whoop 1 There are, as near as can
In gummed
Four hundred thousand hornets in that
tOTflIOI 00051000.
She's ve-y muoh misunderstood
And vory much maligned,
. She /eaves the good "old-fashioned girl"
A. long, long way behind.
True, she may work and also paint
Remington patterns queer,
But n more useful girl ne'er lived
In any former year.
Perhaps she owns a, dandy pug -
But, then, why shouldn't sho
There'e nothing wrong at all in that
So far as I can sm.
She's cultured, but she's practical -
Can sing, or play, or cook,
Or oleverly converse with you
About the latest book.
She rises with the early bird,
Dresses herself with care,
And of accustomed household work
She more than takes hor share.
Herself the breakfast table sets,
The dinner oversees,
Perhaps the salids or meringues,
And daintiest of teas.
Makes jollies, puddings, bread or cake
French dishes not a fow-
In short, there's hardly anything
This blessed girl can't do.
She plans the tired seamstress work,
And makes the childron's !rooks ;
And though she doesn't like the job,
She darns her father's socks.
The little ones all turn to her
to any childish strait :
On her the mother also leans
In trials small and groat.
She's just the girl for men to woo,
May you and I, sir, win :
But wo must keep our record olean,
She'll never wink nt sin.
Site is earnest and she's merry,
Brilliant, but good and true:
The most loving, brave and helpful
Girl that you over know.
Truly she is misunderstood
And very muoh maligned,
Sho leaves the good "old•fashioned girl"
A long, long way behind,
Why They married.
Tit -bits.
We lately gent out postal cards to
the married men of a small town in
western Now iork, with the inquiry,
"Why did you marry 7" We give a
few of the responses :-
"That's what I have been trying
for eleven years to find out. X."
"Married to get even with her
mother, but never have.
"Because I was toolazy to work.
"Because Sarah told me that five
other young men had proposed to
her. C."
"The old man thought eight years'
courtin' was almost long enough. B"
"I was lonesome and melancholy,
and wanted some ono to make me
lively. N.B."
-She makes me very lively. D."
"1 wits tired of buying ice.cream
and candiee, end going to theaters
and church, and wanted a rest. Have
saved money. 3.0."
"Please don't etir mo up. 3."
"Because 1 thought she was ono
among a thousand; now I sometimes
think she is a thousand among one.
"I think it was bocauee I was cross-
oyed ; now I am afflicted with two
pair of cross-eyes daily. PETER,"
"Beenuse I did not have the exper.
ince I have now, G. '
"The governor was going to give
me hie foot, so I took his daughter's
"I thought it would be cheaper
than a breach of promise mut. A.O."
"That's the same fool, question that
iny friends and neighbors ask me.
"Because I had more money than
I know what, to do with. Now I have
more to do than I have money to do
with. B,D."
'41 wanted it 00 ovation of the op.
posits sex. P. 8.-Sho is still op.
"Don'ts mention it.
"Had difficulty unlocking the door
At night, and wanted somebody to let
- -
mo in.
"I was embarraseed and gave my
wife the benefit of my name so that I
could take the betiollt of her Dann
signed to a check. Seamus,"
"Beeauee it io jnot my luck.
"1 dido't intend to go to do it, S."
"I yawned for company, Wo now
have it all the time, Emus"
"Have exhausted all the figures in
the arithmotio to figure out an answer
to your question; between multipli-
cation and division in the family, and
distraction, in addition, the 'mower is
hard to arrive at. OLD MAN,"
"I married to got the best wife in
the world.
"Dwane° I asked her if ehe'd have
mo, Sho said she would. I think
she's got me. Bums."
Fashion Notess.
Watered silk and watered ribbon
will remain in favor.
Gauze fain have charming designs
signed by artiste of note,
Ribbon holds its place as the fay.
orate adornment for mummer toilete,
Low shoes are of patent loather and
kid or of tan -colored kid foxed with
patent leather.
Little black silk melts are; a novel-
ty for Wales' 'wear, though many
mothers still prefer the light colored
Linen plush is a now material and
will be used for dressing gowns and
trimming. It resembles its woolen
Red still holds its own nt the sum-
mer resorts, and a pretty dress re-
cently noted was a fine gray surah,
with the front, sleeves, and plastron
of gray guipure lace over rad silk. A
special touch of style is the deep puff
falling from the waist around the fig-
ure. This puff is of red under the
guipure lace.
Pink toilets of every description,
from zephyr gingham to Lyons eatin,
are seen in profusion at all fashion-
able summer resorts, with some ex-
olueively pretty ones made of pink
silk illusion over surah slips. Pair
people with dark hair and eyes look
admirable in pink toilets. Success
lies in strictly s-aintaining tho color
unmixed with any other. An excep-
tion is always made, of course, in the
matter of an.addition of white lace to
a toilet of any description.
The furore for stripes seems to in.
crease rather than to diminieli, and
some of the latest novelties in this
style, present as many varied hues as
Iris herself. Most of the goods look
rather pronounced and dashy by
themselves, but combined with self -
colored fabrics, produce an effect which
is neither vulgar nor conspicuous.
Skirts and waistcoats made of fancy
stripped goods are worn under tunics
and open jackets of monochrome fab -
ries, and if well blended, agreeably
relieve the monotony which a base
of one color often productes. Never-
theless, the taste of a large class of
ladies lies in the direction of the lat-
ter style.
Iramem. IN trite vA.
Late fruits should be thinned this
month, earlier fruits should of course
be thinned earlier.
The nests must occasionally be re-
newed and kept clean. Straw is bet-
ter than bay, tobacco storm covered
with straw aro an excellent preven-
tion of insect breeding, especially
when the hens are setting.
The farmer can place no better
meat on his table than the flesh of
the sheep, and most farmers ought to
keep a small flock of sheep if for no
other purpose than to have an ocoae-
ional sheep or lamb to hill.
Tho greatest secret of raising young
duoke te not to allow them to get wet.
Give them all the water they can
drinksin vessels ao constructed as to
permit them to reach the water only
with their bills, Keep ducks and
goslins away from the ponda or creeks
until they aro fledged.
Although wild mustard is mos t
troublesome in spring grain, it is not
then that the greatest danger exists
of its spreading. In spring grain it
is easily seen, and careful farmers
will put it out. But on land infested
by this weed a few plant e will always
bo fotind in wheat crops, and it is
ripe and the seed mostly mattered on
the ground before the wheat is hal.
Brewers' grains aro three-quarters
water. Not more than between ono -
tenth and two-tentlis of bran and
meal is water. Bran has more than
twine as muoh protein. fat and fibre,
and four times as muoh nitrogen -free
extract, such as starch, gum and the
like, as brewers' grains. Of (sours°,
the amount of nutriment in brewers'
grains is very muoh less than, in
either of the other fotidore naniod.
Hog cholera eft icily contagion B. It
may bo carried not only by sleeted
animals but by droppingo, litter or
streams in which they wallow. Oth-
( r nn11101,18, largo end 51111511. as ea
end (logs, tne)1 apriftld it, so that tl
tuly safety for any infected nsighbo
hood is for the time to abolish a
mine, and after proper disinfectio
uf all 'abated cpartera, give time fu
neturo to clear up the nessilborhoo
West, am farmers have taken
growing Hubbard fquatilles amon
lined mops, and flud them more pr
litalde than the old. fashioned maim
kin, and quite its reliable, They re
quire, or at least will pay, for eons
extra ntannring and waterlog in
dry time. One cf the advisntageo o
growing Hubbard squashee with 8(31
orope ie that ninny hills escape an
visitation from the brigs.
It to a curious fact, and one aha
has led to much disappointment i
breeding for the dairy, that milk an
butter production is most C01331110Ri
transmitted through 01)e male line
Thie is the time when cows 'titanic
bo bred to have them in full flow o
mills next spring, and if the cow her
self is n good one breed to a bull tint
comes of equally good strain, and tis
heifer calves will probably be valuabl
for the dairy.
Unlike most other classes of mildew
that on currants and gooseberry bush
es appear to bo caused by mimesis'
heat. It does not prevail in th
moist, cool climate of the British Isles
but is worse in our hot American
summer. This has suggested heav
mulching as a remedy to keep th
Boil coot and meist. Bushes given
this treatment have had healthy foli
age, while those exposed to the scorch
ing sun Insve been diseased.
The advice is often given to plow
up sod -land, often that which lane
borne a poor hay orop, tend then sow
Hungarian with the expectation of
getting it full crop of that. The ex-
pectation is seldom realized. Hung.
mann gram needs rich soil, and as
the seed is small it requires a liner
mellower seed bed than can be got on
sod plowed in or after midsummer.
If warm, moist weather muses tater
the sod is turned it mu be easily got
in better condition for fodder corn
than the Hungarian, and the corn, if
it is advanced enough to tassel before
frost, will make greater amount of
more valuable fodder than the Hung-
Horses hard at work in warm
weather need water frequently. If a
handful of oatmeal id thrown into a
pailful otwater, and one or two swal-
lows given two or three tunes between
morning and DOM or noon and
night, it will stimulate them to re•
newel exertions and keep them fresh
all day. This sort of stimulation lute
no bad after effects, as does that
which men often take in the harvest
field. The work of harvesting with
self -binders is now as severe for teams
as cutting grain was in the old times
for men when done by hand labor,
and it is a time when grain feed for
horses has been mostly used up.
With the labor thus thrown on the
teams they need proportionate good
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W I ij MIT -ass.
Hammon Taos Woms, MITOPIELL, 0551,,
Manufacturer of three different kinds of
The simplest, strongest nod most
nntistnetory Windmill yet made. For pump-
ing water, sawing wood, chopping grafi, or
drtv1ng any light maeldnary they have no
equal, My O00L,P1131.1ATE1j PUMPS have e
ouroda worId-wiclo reputation: 1 guarantee
them nn being superior to many 1(0 10 in the
market, and equal to any ever made. They
will throw water 300 foot, or force it n collo on
the loyal. Farmers and stockmen aro re-
quested to sand for par. eulars before buying
either a Windmill or n Fume, as X °Wm that
mine are the best In the market. Address
W. M. monist% Mitoholl, Ont.
"Stio1 NT IS la .. 1: s. 1' Ci tiff.
01,1 I
11 UN 1,', ir" 'I t ,s; f: 'Thal
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717, N11 YE's . :TAPE 118.
Is it,
Pas 5, .11.30,4111 who
ha:41T% ' • 1). ,ntle 331
o to used
poricet success by
over 1 ,, • • 3. Plcasont, safe,
cfreomil s o,L 'Nun drug-
gist for ny,yal Wefors and
take no au' t. 1,11 10, or Inclose poSt-
ago for sealed particulars. Sold by
all druggists, $1 par box, Address
Tan Eurasian onsitucer, co., DUTROTT, Mon.
-SOLD 13Y--
Ifaxgroaves & Co., - Brussels.
, asesssssfei in rstisiss ',sops ever
30years 1,, f ,
HOM Weak..•sn, jot!
Cord, and (Ion , .0 0,•1301.n
000n'o. either sax, 10,, '.71 Milli all 511n jIlor.
caused by Indisepot, .s •wer,evertion. Slz
Packages le muzran to; .'ort core when all
other medicines fall. W.], ,ec ,,gego et, apack-
ages 35. by milli. Pold 11,.: .1,u:faints, Write pr
,Ptortplact, Rotuma th.txtuctu, 110., potrott,31104.
Sold by liar g rraves rd Co., Brussels.
Cum atialan Zvi own.
Conductor J. Quirk, of the Yin-
cardine division, W. G. & B., has
gone on it trip to Boston and other
places east.
Mr. Hillard, of the Waterloo (Iron -
tele, has disposed of that journal to
R. Munro, principal of the Paisley
public school.
On the 2fith of April last three
kinds of wheat, Red Fyfe, Blue Stem
and n Russian variety from the Black
Sea were planted in speeially prepar-
ed ground on the Kinalmeaky farm,
Headingly, Manitoba. The growth
of the Red Fyfe and Blue Stem have
been about the same, and on the 19th
ult. they both measured 28+ inches.
The :Russian throughout has taken
the load and stood 28 inches high on
the above mentioned date. Oa the
morning of the 20th ult. the ears
commenced to appear on the side of
the stems of the Russian variety, be-
ing little more than 54+ days from
seeding to oaring. Neither the Red
FyfenorBlue Stem showed any signs
of earing, and the indications are
that they will bo from tea to fourteen
days behind the Russian variety.
John Towner said :-Everything
published about my selling races is
false. I lost fairly with Ross, and
could not have won if I had tried
ever so hard. I didn't know Weisk-
orscher was there till 1 caw him, and
didn't speak five words before the
race. Courtney says that I wouldn't
row to win, so wo lost in the double -
mull race. This ts false, Courtney
wouldn't row in Any of the races
without lie was promised ho would
win and he thought wo wore to win
the double, but when he saw Ross
and Lao drawing up to us ho omUod
out that they woro going to boat us.
I told hiin several times to atop talk -
mg and row or wo would bo beaten ;
that ho eintldn't win if he tallied all I
the tins°, and we did nob win,
arriage "Works,
All made of the Bos Material and finished in a Workman -like manner
Repairing ancl Pctinting prortptly attended to.
Parties intending to buy should call before
RErnamens.—Marsclen Smith, B. Laing, Tames Cutt and Wm. Mc•
Xelvoy, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewer and D.
Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brussels ;
Rev. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry Township.
GRT sam WLart7r4,
The undersigned, having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mi11 in
First-ola' ss Running Order,
And will be glakto see all his old customers and as many new ones
as possible. hopping clone.
Plmir and Feed
1&1way o,1-1:arc.a.
Hip Price fiaid for any quantily of Good Graiv.
E 3