HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-7-23, Page 88
�' ®i,t5m ®�®a inSim this n°,
advt, of Tenders Wanted
bisr, legal advt. of sale of property
Cricket Bats, Wickets' in Morris township.
and Balls ONn week from next Sunday will
be the Tat day of August.
For Boys just to !land, Seo them. FALL wheat harvest is at ]land.
Robt, Dickson out a fiord on Tuesday
Base Balls, Hard Rubber Balls,
of this week. It was a good crop.
Croquet Sets, Hammocks, Baskets, 1VHx cauls not the timbers of the
Express Wagons, &o. in stock rind old bridge be utilized in building 11..
csubstantial foot bridge /tear the flax
sold at a shall margin on cost. mill ?
A. tannin
A nice as sortmallt of Fartss 1.G of the election of officers
in the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. DL,
choose from, aur! a short history of the Knights of
Pyt bias may be found on page 8 of
THE POST was the only paper in
SOUTHERN EXTENTION, W. G & O, R. theOounty that reported the foelebra-
Trains leave Brussels Station, north end tion of the 12th in North 'Huron, in
eoath, asfollows:- full. The Wiugham papers did not
Yioing seat:, Going North. even catch on.
7:15 am. •Mixed 16:26a.m. LEOTUBE.-On Thursday evening
Express 11;95 a.m. Mail 0140 pan,
Mixed p.m Express 005 p.m. of thio week Rev. Mr. Armand, Ms -
Tile morning train south and the night train sionary in the New Hebrides, lectures
north will only run on Tuesdays, Thursdays' in Melville church, commencingat
and Saturdays.
Ata! 1 015 'loins.
A ehiel's amang ye talcin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
LIGHT frost last week. - i, OWING to the oivio holiday coming
- -
Thursday we will publish next Wod•
SEE advt. of store room wanted. nesday evening and our correspond•
THE days are growing a good deal ants will oblige us greatly by gond•
ing their communications a day ear-
lier than usual.
THE Secretary of the East Huron
Farmers' Institute received the grant
from the County Council, amounting
to $25. Application will now be
made to the Provincial Treasurer for
the $25 to come from the province.
Ar a regular meeting of the Brus-
sels Encampment, No. 40, the follow-
ing officers were duly installed :-
Wm. Martin, 0. P. ; Geo. Haycr'oft,
H. P. ; J. G. Shone, S. W. ; A. Our.
ria, J. W. ; J. T. Rose, Scribe. ; F.
S. Scott, Treas.
To those requiring aids to vision. Be
suro in asking for Lauraneo's spectacles -
that you get B. LAunaxon's-as there aro
imitations in the market, and see that
exery pair is stamped B. L„ without which
none are genuine. Do not be deceived by
any similiarity in the name.
NETT Saturday, Sunday and Mon.
day the Army will hold a jubilee.
Special Venation, the hallelujah
trumpeter, Capt. Laing, of Goderich,
A LAWN party will be held on the and a large number of other officers
beautiful grounds of Wm. Vanstone
on Tuesday evening of next week. A
good musical and literary program
has been prepared for the occasion.
A good time is counted on. The lad•
ies will serve tea from 5 o'clock p. m.
THURSDAY of next week will be
Brussels oivie holiday and has been
proclaimed a general holiday by the
Reeve. Excursion trains will be run
to the demonstration at Listowel and
no doubt a large number of our resi-
dents will visit our neighboring
Penr1Es desirous of taking excursion
trips by the most desirable routes on Lake
Huron, Georgian Bay and Lake Superior.
Apply to T. Fletcher for information, rates,
d o. Port Arthur and return $28 ; Duluth
and return $25 ; S. S- Marie and return
$12, calling at all ports up and down.
These fares include state room, board, rho.
LAST Wednesday Geo. Miller and
Joe. Laird were away to lielmore
trout fishing. Miller caught one
that drereed one pound and seven
01111305, to say nothing of the whop-
pers he brought to the top of the wat-
er. Geo. is not much of a miller but
is a whole team and a little colt on
trout fishing.
THE Dry Goods merchants have
signed en agreement not to take but-
ter in payment of book accounts after
Oct. 1st. It will he taken in trade
as before but will not be applied on
old aaicounts. The merchants lose
heavily on butter and they are only
protecting their interests by following
the course pursued by merchants in
almost every town. See advt, in this
REEve ROGERS. has received a letter
from County Engineer Ainsly stating
that the contract for the new iron
bridge was let to W. H. Law, of Pet-
erboro', his being the lowest of five
tenders, The new structure is to be
finished by Oct. 1st. The contractor
asks $400 extra to put a sidewalk on
the west gide as well as tho east.
While a double walla would be very
desirable it would be paying dear for
the whistle to give him $400 for it.
Take stood npon the Maitland's bank
Last Sunday afternoon,
And little did the people think
He'd disappear so soon.
He undertook to show the crowd
Flow he could row a boat,
He grasped the paddle of the "Dade"
And soon he was afloat.
The "Dude" was like a baulky horse
And plunged as if in wrath,
Turned one back -notion sommorsault
And Jake went for a bath.
No serious injury was done
Like 8oyntmi
7:45, on his work their.
THE holiday number of (.trip is to
hand and is a Good one. It can be
obtained for the small sum of 25 cents.
Get a copy and see the picture of re•
presentative Conservatives.
STEwART & Lemon's mill has re-
ceived a fresh coat of paint.
Exriu.value in Fruit Tars and pickling
vinegars at Thomson's,
FLAX pulling commenced this week.
Itis 8 splendid crop this year.
THERE aro 31 pianos in town.
When you are. not busy you might
locate them.
SEE the naw akvt. of G. A. Powell
this week. He is offering big bar•
gains in summer goods, he says.
THERE, is groat need of a good,
thorough going constable in Brussels
to see that a few men don't run the
town anyway they like.
REEVE ROGERS goes on a pleasure
trip tb Duluth, per the Beatty line,
from Kincardine, on Friday of this
week. He will be away for a week,
THREE oar loads of fine cattle were
shipped from Brussels station last
Tuesday. They were taken to Mont-
real and from there some of them
will be shipped to Glasgow, Scotland.
and soldiers are expected to be pros.
ent and join in the exercises.
J. &J. LIVINGSTON, the enterprising
proprietors of the Brussels flax mill,
intend erecting.a large barn for stor-
ing flax, on the land recently put,
chased from Wm. Vanstone. Tho
building will be 80 x 200 fent, nit11
18 foot posts. The job is to be done
right away.
AT especial meeting of the village
Council, hold on Wednesday forenoon
Councillor Rinker and F. S. Scott,
clerk, were appointed to meet Grey
Council on Tuesday of next -week re-
lative to the settlement of the Laud
lmprovmant Fund on motion of Conn •
tiller Kerr and Wynn.
THE Goderich Star says ;-"The
party who wrote for THE BnussELs
Pogr an account of the cricket match
between their club and ours can fiat -
ter himself that in fact and gentle•
manly courtesy he is so wide of the
mark as to deserve contempt." The
Signal says :-"If he is a gentleman
he ought to apologise." The only
thing we have to say is it is remark-
able how great minds can differ so
widely on the some subject. By the
way, when the Signal was making a
quotation from its issue of May 28th
it might as well have given it complete
and not omitted "and the outfielding 1
wants a little attention." Our cur. i
respondent should have credited the
unfair roport to the Star instead of
the Signal.
Tun usual Sabbath services in St.
John's (march will be withdrawn for
the next three Sundays, ,ls 010 cluu'uh
wardens very generouslyadvised rho
ineutnbent to tape a vacation during
the warm weather.
Jes. YAxsrouoi, the repairer, is yet in
town and bas not found the machine that
could not be repaired. Get your maoltiues
repaired while he is here and do not throw
away 530 or $40 when you can get the old
one re•fltted and re-ilnnisbed dor the small
sum of $0 or $8, Jas, Vansickle, Brussels,
PitorLE wn Lwow, -E. J. timid
born, stationmaster of Winghtam an
Airs. Smaliheru were visiting et J, A
Creighton's ono day last week. 1.17
S. has gone on a visit to the Etneral
isle, -hiss Pansy Stewart and he
brother are enjoying a holiday VIs
at Durham. -J. D. Ronald and Mr
Ronald took the 0. 1f. It. at \Vroxeto
tor New WestminsterB. 0., la
Saturday horning. -Miss L tok, mi
liner at A. R. Smith's, has gone lion
for her slimmer . vacation. -Steve
Drewe, of London, spent Sunday i
town.=DIrs,R, Leatherdale and child
ren are visiting old friends at Elora
-The Mitchell Advertiser speakin
of the funeral of the late Mr. Gotha
father of G. Goebel and Mrs. Koenig
of Brussels, says ;-A very larg
gathering of relations and friends fie
sembled at the residence of the tat
Albert Gosbei, on Saturday last. Th
funeral procession was one of tri
largest that has been witnesved i
Mitchell for many years. Rev. DI
Roes, Lutheran clergyman, conducts
service at the !louse and afterward
proceeded to Trinity Church wher
the body was met by the rooter, Rev
J. Ridley, who read the impressiv
sentences of the English Church bur
ial service. The Rev. Mr. Ross the
delivered a very impressive addres
in German and offered prayer, afts
which the rector conducted the Muria
service in the usual way, -Mrs. Harr
Hunt and Mrs. J. T. Harland an
children, of Clinton, were visiting a
Harry Dennis' this week.-141iss Mar
Bnryers is visiting at Stratford. -
Miss Lily McLean, of Goderioh, i
spending a week at the Methodic
parsonage, with Mrs. Smyth. -J. H
Angel and wife, of Heart's Content
Newfoundland, are visiting at E. tE
Wade's. Mre. Angel is a sister o
Dirs. Wade's.-W.K. Sinclatr is awe
at Toronto. -Samuel Rivers has gon
to Algoma on a prospeoting tour. -
Jas. T. Ross spent last Sunday in th
vicinity of London. -Mrs. Handy
Swale and daughter, of Waterford
formerly of this place, are renewing
old acquaintances and enjoying a hol-
iday visit. -J. W. Shaw is filling W
M. Sinclair's place in E. E, Wade's
law office while' he is absent iu the
Queen city. -Mrs. E. W. Melson was
visiting her parents, in the vicinity
of St. Morys, this week. -A., R. Smith
of "99," and A. McKay, Principal of
the Cranbrook eohool aro gone on a
pleasure tour to New York this week.
They will be away for a week or more.
-Cadet Trott, of Hagersville, Lieut.
Stark, of Algal Craig, and Alfred
Stark, of Mich., were visiting in town
this week. -Miss Annie Laird, of
Haysville, is visiting relatives and
friends in Brussels, -R. W. Tuck, of
Shelbourne, formerly of this place, has
moved into hie new hotel. It will be
remembered he was burned out some
months ago.-Mre.,Edward Hillis, of
St. Thomas, is visiting her father, S.
Crawford, this week. -Mrs. Walter
Smith and Mabel orrivod home from
Michigan this week. Mrs. J. R. Wil-
liamson, of Stratford, came home
with them for a visit. -W. J. Browatt
wife and daughter, of Woodstock, are
visiting at G. A. Deadman's this
week. Mr. Browatt was in Mr. Dead -
man's employ for some time a few
years ago. -Mrs. Robt. Buchanan,
of Brantford, was in town for several
days, brought here by the illness of
her little grandson, Percy Bauslaugh.
She returned to Bran tford with the
Mournful little oompany on Wednes-
day.-papt. Dyson, of the Salvation
Army, Ottawa, stationed at Brussels
for a while, was fined $2 and costs
for assault, Dyson refused to pay,
folding his arms and remarking, "We
never pay any fines." He was taken
back to the police cells, but a sym-
lathizer paid the fine and he was re-
leased, -A. Hunter, Clerk of Division
Oourt, is away to New York. He
wont with A. R, Smith and A. Me -
Kay on Thursday morning. -A Gode-
rich correspondent says :-"Deputy
Postmaster Kay is the happy owner
of a handsome crazy quilt, The
gentleman obtained. this portion of
his worldly possessions for twenty five
Dents." It looks a little suspicious
to sea a young man in the quilt busi-
ness, A. bI 0. Walper, • of Exeter,
's visiting at D. A. $male's this week.
--Rev. J. S. Cool: and Mrs. Gook, of
Bluevale, were in town on Thursday.
-Mrs. John Thomson, of Seaforth,
spent a, week in this vieinity.-Chas.
Dutton is away for a holiday trip to
Godorioh and from there lie will go
up the lakes.
LAST Tnesday afternoon a man
named Welshliving in Mori'is town-
ship, got on his ear and raised quite
a racket at A. Ourrie's butcher shop,
attracting a large crowd and almost
completely blocking up the sidewalk.
It is laid he was the worse of liquor,
but the oaths and language used by
him was a disgrace to any man,
After talking fight and striking sever-
al times at the proprietor, A, Currie.
jr., appeared on the scone and waltz-
ed him out by the "scuff" of the neck.
Not satisfied with this ho fired sever-
al volleys of abuse at Reeve Rogers
and for this bad to pay a fine ou Wed-
nesday, Those little ructions aro be-
coming too frequent in Bruseels and
what is wanted is a constable who
will promptly take those would.bo
pugilists to the cooler. Tho man who
should' be fined in the cabs referred
to above is the man who gave Welsh
the liquor as he is civil enough whon
sober, He would not have got off so
easily on Tuesday only sympathy was
shown lam on account of his having
only one leg. We hope this is the
Jake set bio compass for rho shore • last row we will have to report for
And quickly there he sped, many a day.
Duan. -It falls to our lot this week
to report the death of Pony, only
child of our townsman A. Bauslaugh,
who passed away on Tuesday evening.
He had been ill for about a week and
lu spite of all that human power
could do he gradually weakened under
his peculiar dtaesao until death came
to his relief. Percy was a bright,
iliac looking, happy little follow
lcuown to almost everybody in town
and was more than beloved by his
parents. Ile was born in Winnipeg.
The oorpse wag Laken to Brantford
on the noon train on Wodnesday and
the interment took place on Thurs-
day afternoon. Mr. and Vire, Bane -
laugh have the sympathy of the en-
tire community in the 1035 of their
dear little boy.
5u,orsooa.-In Brtieaois, on the 20th inst.,
Percy Allen, only ohild of Allen ani
Bella Bauelaugh, aged 3 yrs„ 3 mons.
and 21 days.
SnraL.-In Brussels, ten 21st inst., Agnes
Thompson, beloved wife of Mr. David
Shiel, aged 82 years.
Batmoax,-In Dluevale, on the 8th inst.,
the wife of Rev. R. J. Boarder, of Oan•
born, of a son.
Fnx.-In Brussels, on the 17th inst., the
wife of Mr. Ilarry Finn of a daughter.
Brussels Markets.
Coni eoran amsruhrx ElvEOY WEaa.
White Pall Wheat,,.. .,
Bed \Vintsr
Spring Wheat
Butter, tuba and rolls ..,
1;ggs per dozen..
Flour per barrel
Potatoes now .. „
Hay per ton
Hides per ib
Dressed Hoge
Salt per bbl., wholesale . ; .,
Sheep skins, mash
70 72
72 73
50 73
45 50
20 30
50 51
10 12
10 00
4 50 00
100 00
7 00 8 00
7 7}
5 00 5 50
00 80
50 1 OU
17 20
House Aurniture, Ap 1 to
.I. J. wIAt Good's
9•tt At Good's Shoe Store.
1n lost a note drawn in his favor by Jae.
McNair for a0.60. Tho public is warned against
negotiating abs same as It has been pard.
110130. L170S.IE,
8• Oranbrook P. 0,
taining about 9 aoros, with house stable
well, and a uumber of fruit trees (boating) on
the lot. Per terms and particulars apply to
A. BUNTER, Brussels. 52.01
'Af ow splendid ,itnprovod,t arms for sale
In 4hetownship of Grey, Morris anis MOICil-
lo;p . Apply bo A osmetaTT Y,O o Auctioneer
BrusselsP 0. 15-0r
.1 Inge, and Private Houses painted and
decorated to modern styles at reasonable
rates. Estimate given, Address -
20.11 Godorioh,
wide gold ring, with the initials W. H.M.
engraved on the inside, was lost in Brussels
thin week. A suitable reward will be paid to
the person returning it to Tito POST 1 nblt011-
lug House,
Tend ors will be received by the under:donod,
up to the 0101 instant, for flooring the Second
Room of the Brussels Public School, repairing
sills, and desks , tto. Full partloulare on appli-
cation to L. 10. WADE,
8 -sins , Chairman 13.P,$,B.
' ing 16614, on tho 16111 con• outaic ing 100
acres, south part lot 15 on 16 son., containing
96 soros. Lot 19 is partly °leered rho bal-
ance wall timbered. A never failing crook
Grosses the lot and it is well adapted for farm•
Ing or grazing. Lot15 is mostly cleared and
under good cultivation, rho balance well tim-
bored with black ash. Will sell all together
or in parts to suit tho purchaser. For further
particulars apply to the proprietor on the
promisas. This 1.01 is well drainer!.
41 G100. AVERY
RALE,orbo'rout, 200 sons, 100 being lo
25, con, 5, tho other lot 20, con, 0, Lot 22 la
situated twomilesfrom the village of Ethel,
seven miles from Brussels, twelve miles from
Li etowol and l mile from a never failing croak.
07 moms aro oloarod, most all olsar of stumps
and under good cultivation and clean, sixty
acres of crop good onbiot for draining, a nom •
fortahlo dwelling, bank barn, stabling under-
neath, a good bearing orchard and garden a
wall convenient to house and yard. Price
$4,000,rent, 3260 per. year. Lot 20 is situated
21 miles from Ethel, 10 from Listowel and 0
from Brussels, 60 acres cleared and under
good eultiVat(Oo, tho balauoo well timbered
with black ash, homlook and hardwood, A
frame houso and outbuildin • and a large young
orchard ars on the farm. Pace, 82,000, Tltos o
fume will be sold sopera to or together to suit
purchaser. Possessionmu•bo given at any
time. Apply to Capt. Stratton, or to
48.1f Proprietors,
Notion is hereby given, par:mint to the pro -
Visions of camp. 107, RAO., and 46 Vlae„ °hap,
0, (Ont) to all creditors and others having
claims against the oatate Of Alexander Web-
ster,late or the village of BrOseole, in the
bounty of Huron r mill manager, deceased
Who ed on or about the fifth day of Febru-
'cry last poet, to gond by post (prepaid) to W.
B. Dlobson, Bruesale, 0,1110itor for demos D,
andExooebster utrix Catharine
spectivelWebster, rEl et will
andto:4amentof tho said dooe:Wed, on or be-
fore the Ord day of August, A,D,.1860, a state-
ment of thrill. names and addressee and full
partip,liars of their alarms, dulyasoortod, with
a statement of all soegritios (if any) hold by
them, And after rho said 514 clay of August
the said Executors will pr0000d to distribute
the assets of tho Baia do0°asod amount' e p ort-
ies entitled thereto, roped being had only to
the chime of which notfoe shall haVo hero
giVan, as above required. Tho said Gxaoutora
will not lie liable ref the Motets, or any part
thereof, to shy paraen of whose claim Hatted
s1104a,1 not have bean given at the tibio of 0no11
Datod of Bru ssols tho 281h day of Jnne,
1885, W. B. DICKSON,
02.4ins Solicitor for nx°outors..
JULY 23, 1886.
C MI 1O.
11 oINTOSII & AI°TAG(I6.11 ,
Transact a General Baia/king
Notes 10 1 t'i i .lie, mntod,
Worm: all 1.7.,1 on di,, Hitt 711,01.4.0 0
Prompt ubtontlno given to collections,
Pllloo formerly oaonpio t by A. J. Eta•
Coll, Erg., in Lootrio'a Block. Money to loan
o Darrow & Proudfoot,, Godorioh) Solio-
(tor, Convoyanoor, &o, Unloe, Graul's blook,
Brussels, Money to loan,
the Fourth Division Court Co, )7u3bn
0onvoyanoor, Notary Public, Laud, Loan and
Inaurauoo Agent, Funds Invested and to loan.
oollaotiona undo. (Moo la Graham's, Block.
F A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D., 0.
@1 „ M. L. 11. U. P. Edinburgh, Physician,
&Irgeon and Acoouuhear, Odloo, Sirs. Shiel's
block, Turn harry Street,
L. R. O. P. Srlinb,u'jl,
Cot(or nilnr�ulesdane, oMill Germ
at Har-
greaves' Drug Storo.
Gradueto nus Momnar et the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, !Clio
various omuathetioe given, also a now local
ansoethotle for the grime only. All operations
carefully performed and guaranteed. Prloeo
moderato, Pull eats of tooth from 65 to 826.
011i000ver Powoll's store. Hours 8 am, to 5 p.
. of Marriage Lioenooe. 011.1oe at his
Gro0ery, Turuborry street. 2-23
LioatOnaot Oovloruor, Licebnses
0, of
B. Oouvoyanoer and Agent Fire 1u■urauoo Co.
Office n1. the (iraubrook Post Olace,
Robert Cunningham,
Guelph, - Ontario.
ri some Accident1 hot and roost reliable Uompau
lesin the Dominion, Olnoo, Brick Tarmac,
Turnborry Street, near the station. 8m
Teaolior or 6l,t,Ie, Vocal add Instrument.
al on Organ, Plano, or Gaiter. Harmony and
Chorough Baas. Advanced pupils fitted f0r
Toe:Ming. Term son application. Roferenoe
Ladies of Loretto Aoademy, Guelph. Bosl-
denoe-No, 2,Torreoe, (south near atabfon.
17,1 W. O'BRIEN, V. S., BONOR
• Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College,
has resumed rho praotioe o f John Nott, V, 8.,
and to proparad to trout all disoasoe o1 domes-
ticated animals on eolo0tiffo 011d approved
principles. Treatment Of dellaato tools a
specialty. Oinoa at John Nett's, V. 9,
ing found a package of books on Wednes-
day evening of this week, Oke owner can have
the same by proving property and paying for
this apvortlsement.
Valuable Farm,
Pursuant to tboiudgnooutin the above 00.
Mon of rho Common Plena Division of the
High Court of Justioo at Toronto, dated the
82nd Iona, 1885, there will be sold by Tender,
with tho approbation of Sutborland Meloom-
son Esquire, a Imea1 Master at Godorioh, of
the Supremo Court of Judicature for Ontario,
tho following valuable lauds .namely :-Tho
north halt of Lot Numoor10, in the 7th othe ToreCon-
Oountyof Huron, contaiiningf100oacres, more
or loos.
About 85 notes aro cleared and 80 free from
Amnia and at for oultivatiou, Tho .soil ie
part clay andpart sandy loam. The land is
rolling and free from swamp, The uncleared
part is fsilty wooded, ohleay with maple and
frame dwelling iioue , a good land
barn abou t
96x78, with atone foundation and etabnng be,
noath,slam 0hud about 80x80 and other neo•
unary Ou4•buildings,
The farm is conveniently situated, Post
()Moo within 21 miles and Sohool 15 miles, and
good markets at the villages of Brussels mud
it distant 5 miles and 75 miles. rospootfvo•
lyThe sale will be by Condor. Condors aro to
bo in writing end and to bo addressed (postage
prepaid) to, Sutherland Maloomeon Equire,
Local Master, Godorioh P. 0„ and will bo ro-
coivodup 40
Tuesday, August iOtla, 1886, next,
on Which day they will be opened at the ollloe
o1150 said Looal Mester in the °curt Pleuso,
in the Town of Godorioh at the hoar of 11
o'oleokin rho forenoon, £'ho highest tender
winner necessarily bo accepted , uuleas a fair
price, in the opinion of the said Master Is bid,
The person whose t ender is a000ptod will be
notothim of
d liveredat trio Godorioh Postter t
Officio,and ho will bo required, within ono woo k
from he delivery of :mon loiter at the said
Posh office, to 0000ute a contract to Oarry out
the purchase and pay a deposit upon the put-
ohaso mouoy of 16 per pout. to the Vendor's
Solioitore and he shall pay the balauoo into
Oourt on or before the -lather Septembor next,
without interest, when ha will be entitled to
a 00nyeyan00 andpo0sosslon,
In other resonate bhc usual 0onditions of
sale of tho High Court of Justioo shall be ap-
Tbo bite 10 pOrfoct,
Porfurtherpartinulars apply to Meeks.
Uamoron Bot & UMmoron Soliolters, Gode-
rich, E, 51, Wado, 191m., 'Solicitor, Brustele,
David Purvis Beg., on the promiee0, and to the
Vendor's 9oheitors; Godorioh,
Dated rho 15th day of duly, 1886.
8. MAi,00E180N,
LoOai Siasber, ab Goderioh,
5.310 Vendor's Solicitors.