HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-7-23, Page 66
JULY 23, 1886.
"rain'tee" triumph•tntlyosolaim•
A fy 7� 41." 41) 'ntap,xtnge,n' 1, tiUL L FO LI 51i]13VIUt; •—'P11Pi
m1 i n O1 t -_! N__!.1:. , > t¢��r 14141 til til via (too n rxmy,lL
I ed Bobbie, from hie perch on top of .11 1 j S v tau tofu,44,11;40.A o! edx � undore!hnad will Is nln)g lbN NOR-
achair gazing 110w❑ On Aivflrllon'd chat+vtlll"ILynl In rho way son, at let li uan.11 Elroy , Wet rBram. root)
' g g oNn:tklno muco 1110110V M. .h�ul nurtlli„g nth,r°ugh toed Durham, Bull fur north's.
head. "What io not Irue 2' doubt. i'Euaw.-5h0u yet oma•, 411, 'Al tit tbnu ,:f
: ilitivnrl. Ctteucn, Sabbath Services at
11 a.ur. and 0:30 p.m, Sundsy' School st
9i30 p.m. Rev. Jim. Ross, 43. A., pastor.
six's Citoiwll.—Sebbatll Services at 11
a 141 and )'•'3'1 1 m Sunday School at `2:30
04x0111 1,"RI0*) 111414 xeu bi R al) ages Oall a°1'vlu0, tvi111611e pri-Osge o/ rutllfllitlg Lf lWT
the I l -n d+ 41 4 10,1 in 9p t)r t. 141+, or all 04M)' •, J411( %$ MLI:N%IU)' ,
the inn e. ninma oat ru,,ul r0) wn w111
start yon. Luuuonxounvsura !141 these who
4.1.4( 0nnabruok•
1/art•RonO0, 8T11431)N +k ,
1'„rtlnn,l,• Maine �p Aitl11 1'011 SAL1U,—TLi.I7 UN•
dorohiood off era for }tale 100 mores, being
lot 0, eon. l0,,srey,9) eloarod,uati time it labor -
rill!) TO 11IhNT,--T 111.'. SUI3• o't lviw brach ami map!' A Minto'table
Leese and Baruisuntee einla
srrpnvw'nruuth,43n, 'rj•,0o 1•' 'r Irons.—T,1 suit ptnuhnsur, Amply to
1110 lr ,.01 tie ••9 til cut Su sl,) 1)1.
for •,:u, ,•r h011'1. IIONAUui1TON,
1,1,I, 4., I1* 4 horn :And all n°)It. 00n•I •17.204 Brothels.
fv,%01, ,,..v',I,Ltlr 114 carte ,x'1 „cant LV '( ,
f.°d,.4alwunid UO 4041, by tap seta' ,t: run-: N
14.01,+I•+nwao..l'':nr ,l 11:01J 14 •e'hun h!+I;wo O
n•nx•'01 '14,041x0 of Leeln.ee,l!.i would
hu 514..541.:11401VW:40104 in Bewick town-,
014.p.; :0!10 !rum \Vroneber, Rif nares eluarod,
is mimosa o4) the lot 1403 no bare, t
Lr.ntnt nn 41111 n„ abarn would be npuoxod to
x!911 it ons of 41410 runt. Possession anti be
avec 00 April Isl. For further perl,oab)rs
apply to TM OM, w.nrr rl,
fully asked his sister Maud, 11Why,
you said ,91gy was so green that
grass wee growing from the top of
p.m. Bev. 8. owe, pastor, hie head, ana (determinedly) 'there
ST, J01i4's Cnmlcu.•.Bnbbsth Services at I i1)'t any thorn,' flow 'Maud ex -
11. a.m. AAud 7 1 1.m. Stmday 6013001 at 0:30
plaiued the situation 10 unknown,
THAT L nukin g°'ugh on o ho s c quickly curt d
AyD iloh'snure, 140 guavante001 Mold by ti
A young matt recently married,
suggested to his wife that they ehoutd
argue some quostign frankly anal fully
every morning, The first question
happened to be "whether a woman
could bo expected to get along with.
out a hat.” Ho took the affirmative;
and when last seen he haps climbed in-
to a hayloft and was pulling the lad-
der after hip,
A Nasal Injector free with each 'bottle of
Shiloh's Ontorrh Remedy. Friona() trouts. Bold
by G. A.Doadnlou,
"What a very pretty girl your
friend' is, Mise Constantine. 1” said
Darnley. "Such blight eyea and
clear ecmplexion One seldom sees.
Hasn't she Irish blood io her veins ?
"0h yes.” Mies Constantiea replied ;
"She is it true dough ter of Erin Go
Bragh." "Well, all I have. to any
is," added Darnley, who greatly ad-
mires a pretty girl, Mr. and Bra, Go
Bragh ought to be proud of her."
This is to certify that I hive used MoGreg-
or's Spoody Cure for Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint, and de honestly soy that if It coot
mo one hundred dollars (8100.00) a bottle t
would not be wlthoul it, as it has done mo
more good Mum all the medluinos I ever used,
and I fool like a sow 01021.—Yours truly, ALES.
STllmlo Oarlotoo Plage, Ont. This inedioino is
for sale at 600. and rO1 per bottle tit Borgroavos
He had a copaoity—Squire Bunker
—"Profeesor, my son has been at
your instftool for some time. What
do you think he is capable of 2" Pro.
fearer Simpson—"What calling or
profession do you wish ilim to fol-
low 2" Squire Bunker—"Well, you
see I'm well fixed. All I've got will
be his, au' I'm not expeotiu' him to
do anything." Profeaaol• Stmpsou—
"From what I have seen of your sea
Squire, I would say that 11e has ca-
pacity enough for that."
Ile 011 your Guard.
Don't allow a cold in rho head to slowly and
surely Oevolop itself into catarrh, when you
eon be cured for 16e. A fenv opplioatlons will
cure Incipient Catarrh. Ono or two boxes will
cure ordinary Catarrh, Ono to Rye boxes will
cure ohronie Catarrh. Try Dr. Chase's Canad-
ian Catexrh Cure—it will cure you.
Augustus Edward •found his be-
loved weeping bitterly when he called
011 Monday night, and when he asksd
the canes she explained : "Ma has
no respect for my feelings at all ; the
servant was giving my sweet pot Fido
a ride in the baby carriage when ma
lifted it out by the nook and put the
baby in its place. Wasn't it cruel
And Fido looked so mortified." "Aw,
it was dreadful ; just say theword,
ew, and 1 will lift the baby out by
'the neck, aw, and replace' the dawg."
HEPw014va May 6,1886,
I own say with oonddence that X
derived ver great relief !reDr.
Jug's Medioinm a. I had been ill for
over five months with congestion of
the singe andwan reduced to a very
low ebb, when o friend induced ma
to try this medicine. 1 received
very great benefit fromit and attrl-
buto my rapid recovery in a great
measure to its °gents,
bins, J. L. Mummy,
Sold by G, A, Deadman.
At the battle of Shiloh, ono of the
fellows desiring to withdraw, gather-
ed up a wounded man, slung him
over his slonlder aud started back.
On his way back a cannon shot camp
along and took off his burden's head.
Prett3% soon ho met a surgeon, who
asked where he was going with the
man. "Back to the hospital, to', got
his 'wound dressed." "What's the
flee of taking him back ? He's got
n,o head on him I" The fellow glans•
ed over his ehoalder, and exclaimed:
"The liars He told me he was shot
in the leg."
A hen at Overton, N.S„ has pre-
duced an egg measuring eight inches
The Dom'iniou Government will
recognize no 011008080r to l'onnll.
maker as Oree loader.
Itis alinounced that Hon. Wm,
Macdougall will oppose Sir John
Macdonald in the county of Carleton.
The Guelph Electric Light Oo'y
have determined to establish a branch
in Walkerton,
Why Employ Doctors.
Consult a doctor, for a 6 or 8 oz. bottle of
medicine $1—oohnult yeur druggist and he will
give you a 12 oz, bottle of Dr. oha0o's Liver
Cure fax 81, and a valuable noolpe Book free.
Sold by all druggist'.
The work of deepening tho chancel
of the St. Lawrence at 'Montreal to
27; feet is progressing so rapidly that
it is expected to be completed early
next year.
Ff nyeyon Toothache? Use Pluldldgittniag,
Have you Rhoumotisnl? Use Fluid Lightning.
Have you a Stiff ,Joint ? MN Fluid Lightning.
Have you Neuralgia? Use Fluid Lightning.
Have you Lumbago? Uro Fluid Lightning,
Aro you troubled w1111 noadaehe? Use Pinid
Lightning. Have you any Pain? Dm Fluid
Lightning. 'Xi 4y111 our° you the instant it to
applied, Ivry it, 260. per bottle. at Hargroav00'
Drag Store.
•t1. son of Rev. Thos. B. Gulliemont
of London, has been suspended by
the head master of the Collegiate In-
stitutefor calling the janitor 04 liar
1 s or two' persoos," with appropriate adjectives.
a.m. Rev. W, T. Oluffe, iuoumbent.
MF,Tuoncs'r Coronets.-Sa4bath Servic00 at
10:30 a,m. aud 6:30 p.m, Sands)' school at
2:30 p.m. Rev, Ivm, Smyth, pastor.
Routs CATnot,[c Cnrmtcu,—Sabbath Ser-
vice third Sunday in every tuouth at 11 a.m.
Rev. P. J. Shea, priest,
Om) FELLOW'S Lonna every Thursday
evening in Graham's block.
Magma(' LODGE Tuesday at or before full
moon in Ironstone's blook.
A.. 0. V. W. Lenon meets on 1st and
3rd Monday evenings of 01014111011th.
P01E0TE4's Lonox 24111 aud last Monday
oveniags of each month in Smnle's bash
L, 0. L. lot Monday in every mouth in
Orange lion.
POST OFFICE ---011100 Iloursfrom 8 a.m.
7 p.m.
M0010 .2100' Iasrircrl! Reading Room and
Library in Holmes' block, will be open
from 0 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and
Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian.
A man who writes poetry in his hat
is a versatile man.
People who always mind their own
business in this \'orld get rich faster
than people of the other hind do, but
they lose lots of fun.
The Bev. Geo, H. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind
0aTe:—"Bothsmyseltan,lwtfOOwe ourllv.a to
811110)1 8 ConsumpLloa euro." sold by Y. A
An Alderney 00w swallowed a sov-
erigu seven years ago, and the coin
was recently discovered in her stom-
ach after she was butchered. Her
owner wondered what made her milk
s0 rich.
Arayou made miserable by Indigestion, C011-
tipatlon,Dizzinss,Loss of Appetite, Yellow
Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure.
Sold by (1- A.Doadman.
It is easy enough to be agreeable in
society. All you have to do is to lis-
ten while the other man talks. If
the other man 1s a woman, you've got
to listen anyway.
Why will yyou cough whom Shiloh's Oar° will
give immedints relief. Price 10e.,50c„and 01.
Sold by G. A.. D eadm an.
"You did not pay very close atton•
tion to the sermon, I fear, this morn-
ing.” 11011 yes, I did, mamma."
"Well, what slid the minister say."
''He said that a pic-nie would start
at 10 o'clock Thursday morning --
and oh 1 ma, can Togo ?
Shilob'sOurewnnmmedlotei3 relieve Oroupp,
Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. sold by G,
A. Deadman.
"Doctor 1 I'm worried about my
husband.. Do you think him serious.
ly 111 2" . "To the best of my judg-
ment, madam, he is suffering from
gastritis." "There 1 I know it. I
told him his trouble was from fooling
with the gas•metre."
For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, yon
hove -a printed guarantor on every bottle- of
Shiloh's Vitalizer, It never fails to cure. Sold
by G.A.Deadman,
"A. politician writing to the widow
of a deceased member of the Legis-
lature, says : "I can not tell how
pained I was wheal heard that your
husband had gond to heaven. We
were bosom friends, but no v we
shall never meet again."
SEILOE's Catarrh Remdey—a positive aura
for Catarrh, Diptberia, and Canker Mouth,
Sold by G.A. Doaadmn.
"Julia, you sat up with young Ad•
olphus till' nearly 12 last night,"
"Yes, mamma." "It was quite ehil•
ly." "Weren't you cold' 2" "No
mamma." "Was there any fire in
the room ?" "A mere spark mom•
Have you ever tried McGregor R Parka's
Carbolic Comte for sores of any kind 7 It is
beyond doubt the very bust preparation in the
market for healing and during sores, Burns,
Cuts, Pimples. Blotoll es, and ie the only prop er
method of applying Carbolic Acid, Bold at
Hargreaves Drug Stora for ate. per box..
Mr. Lincoln was once disturbed by
a noise in a nursery and investigated
it. He found that Ted was crying
for Bob's knife, "011, give it to him
Bob, to keep him quiet," said Mr.
Lincoln. "No," said Bob, "I need
it to keep me quiet."
If any of our readers that are afflicted with
Rheumatism have never triad West's World's
Wonder or Family Liniment 1v° advise them
to do so at once, and be a0nvinood of its extra-
ordinary merits. It will positively more you.
It Isa never -failing remedy for Outs, Sprains,
Bruises and all complaints requiring external
treatment. Prion "_5 cents and 60 ee11t0 par
bottle. Sold by John H5rgreaves h 00., drug-
Small boy dialogue actually hoard
at the ohms : ''Say, Patsay, which
would you rather, that the hippity•
pottermouse was a ruunin' after you
or the ryenoweerboes 2" "By golly,
Mike, I'd ratherig was the kangaroo,
'cause I could getinsido and, rider"
Winter has peened and now cam's sbmmor,
with all the terrors of cholera, bowal own -
plaint, Bur, oholera inlantum, etc Do not bo
caught unaware but secure e. bottle of 'Westin
Pain King. Only 23 cents at I'Iargroavoo' drug
A woman called at a grocer's in
South Troy the other clay and asked
for a quart of vinegar, It was meas•
tired off and put into her .gallon jug.
She then asked for auotllor quart, to
he put into the samajeg, "Anil why
not ask for half a gallon, anis done
with it 2"- said the grocer, ".Och I
Bless yotl:little bit of a itoul," and
answered elle, "it' f t
Da. H. 0. WE0T'6 Ner00 cud Brain Treat -
4001), 1+ X14 area 100A suedes for 41 ,sto•le, Diz•
2')41140, GOOIUIOIOu,, 211x, Nur,mle, Nullexighl,
110,1dnah'', N,rvmn+ PrueLratiOu elulaud Uv mho
n,r of „luol,til nr lrmne00, ryahetule,•sx, 91o4t•
til 410pr1•,+ siou, Sl.'t'u!l:g or Leo Ilra!u re3'144'
lLig 1., 110--.1,r Ly, ,' I .14 10. 111190'y, ,iecay 4"441
deals, 1',w01.414c•00 Id Age, Barre.4114, 1,009 01
11,00, in elt00) e'"t, 100010 HI 4•y 4.',0003 4)4111
ti44'' 4,44.1t"rr Mu.; 01411)0.1111' ,vau.u0o'4iell of the
[1, 40. solbhbute nr oyer- n')oige000, Mitch
bo%ens L,li'h cue ,001110.41 Lre1t1,lieul, 1.f abox,
4)r 440 hoses for .=a, seat 0y mall, prepaid, 041
receipt of pile 4.
17.11 G1' al1.INT1111 SIS !BOXES
TO alt r0 ally 010x0. 1441111 encu order received
by ,19 for sic boxes. neat. lap mile/ w441) :31, we
tv.'.1 .unit tau gumboot. 011 o•„tto41 guarantee
12 ruf."n1 the money 4i the treatment doe, nut
oOuoLo Jure, (40114Y01)00040041011 oily by job
Hargreaves k Co., Brussels.
C�n� i n � 1 ific kthrly Time Tablet
'Geo. Phippen,
PC6i5.1bter, - B,ibssels,
is prepared to do All Kinds of
tCc., &o.,
at Reasonable Rates.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
In Every Instance.
Left at Geo. Baeker's Store will
bo promptly attended to:
Oring your lama Lavaca to Ua11)ol !Swan, he
LeideeI AC, T. IIUNTr11t'M STAND,
Brussels, Haring practised for years paid
risen to tho 11 (ghost position 1n 44), loading
)tor'su•sh(Mile l'l,nb110h meet of L ralatn,ptl1n•
burgh, Boottooa. ,C loo hnv),) 1,111041 wtt11
1100010 filming; iho Royal O'0torr',nr) Lill cuing
8011n1101rL•14,tlw4lb, l,onluu,14n111"ui wherehuudda roof ers pp 1.111 horse' passel our
Londe deny I ono safely gnnr;ultoe to earn Nth -
tractor' foot )r interfering hos na. New work
and 1'opairlralg of all kin fn dune 041 ruasonnble
tints, and Workmanship that 10111 Pleas', 133'
uiviug 1410 a call I fuel 0,011,010d I would armors
your trade, D Y) WAN,
1?-tf Han tor's 01d Stand.
Hero we are Again,
Thanking the public for their pat-
ronage for the past 11 years I de-
sire to state that I am prepared to
attend to all kinds of House, Sign
and Ornamental Painting 111 tt
workmanlike manner.
Paper Hanging.
and Kalsomining
done in a manner that gives Sat-
isfaction every time.
Now that the house cleaning
season will sooli bo Moro send your
orders along early so that they
Can bo attended to in good time.
Wm. nocIdick,
The Old Reliable.
Teeswater Branch.
Miles Going West Mall. I+:31»
0 IT01Outo•. Dep 7.2 a,m,
4 BOr141411 ll°J.. 4.0.50 '`
76 IAmn notlt 1 •• •40.15 'i
30 IW1!d00101.. •-• 10.24 1
19, T,r4ti10r.• ,, ,, UL91 '
28'4. IArihlic ... .-
30r 111on1101:t''0,..,
38' )Bi.. 4'o4tesr .,
11,58 n,m•
44 IP1000l,• ,.. 12,16p.tn.
471 jIlanlusrow.. •• 25 ,
12 ',
661. ;Fordwich ,... '
60 G„trio
626 Wro50111 • •
G0 Wing11ats 407044.11
T000waLer .. bar 1+5 .m.
.15 '”
1.38 "
6.40p m.
Miler iioing Elkst
EXviress Mall
Teexwator Dep
Wingllam Road
Wroxeter •• •-
Gorrio .•
Harrioton ..: •
Pages 1..
Mt. Forest .•
Kenilworth •-
Arthur ......
Lather •..• .•
Waldemar.. ••
Amaranth •t . •
Orangeville Jot
Toronto •. Arr. 1'0.4 m•. . .
Refreshment and Dining:Rooms
9.15 p.m.
' 5.10
5,35 "
3 .m
01r1N(1EVit',LE ANIS
C,LitLETOY•rUY0 r10Y,
.—100Twnl0N-'. . ..
And EyO•Oiaesoe
—That Will Peoeorve Your Eyesight. --
,F. zr 1Z41LE rs,
Manufacturing Ot tiolail,,llute of the firm of
Lal:arti5 tU Morris, 28 Maryland Rood,,
Harrow Rond; Londdn, England,' has 'apt
pointed an agent ter the Renowned Sped.
soles and Bye•Glagaes which have been be-
fore the public for the past 25 years...
LA2.tatis' Specta0le0 never 411'0 the oyo.
Layt many years without dump. •
-lea sale by-
JAS. DIEL' 1V11, Hardware 010robant
31.3m* 13•40ssels, 0nterie
Aal TI -3 x
0 i��`','•13
I-Iaving just received the Largest and Best Selected Stock of
Twoods over shown in Brussels, we are now prepared to Sell
'AT V R.Y. I O'W . P R10Es.
Gur Stock is composed of
Scotch &.Canadian Tweeds
Velvet finished Suitings, French Sor'steds, Serges. Also an Ina -
n101180 Stock of ' .. .
Striped.ai ,d .QhOoked Paintings
l Always an Hanel. Our Stock of Furnishings, such as Ties, Linen cC
Celluloid Collars, Linen LC Celluloid'Cuffs, Linen and Silk Handker-
chiefs, Pat- Napa Buck Gloves, Kid Gloves, Woolen and Cotton Hose,
Braces, Cuff Buttons; Collar Buttons; Breast Pins, Arinlets and Gar-
ters, LCs:, always on Hailes ailed at Low' Prices.
Wo intend making the Hat and Cap trade a Specialty this Season,
' as Wo, have aLarge Steolt,of A11 Shapes and Latest Styles,.' Oto it 01
being,T10. go we intend .running .them off at'
'ccs ,o Sint ih® ��,es ,:'.
'eJ` Lead. & O'thers ' follow,
-•-000000— ,
Our Tailoring Deliartrnent
To,guarantee Satis-
Is too .well.known to need 1ony snecinl mo11Giou,
faction 'every time. ' . ,
" ' :Smale's'Old Stand.