The Brussels Post, 1886-7-23, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST
JuLy 23, 1880.
: ! ANow Aimee, Man„ dispntoh says:
%"raC l l"ll'S5I5 41nSt. . _Indians have given the dealers
=eh anncyanee and trouble, coming
into the houses and refusing to leave,
even going es far as lying oil the beds
etc. They also milk the settlers'
sows, Ono settler going out to find
his cow, was surprised to find a big
buck Indian lying cu his book uucler
her, with a pillow to support his
head, suelting milk for all he was
worth. On the settler's appearance,
Mr. Indian made himself scarce.
Sandford Fleming, 0. E., has gone
to England, it is stated, on behalf of
the Canadian Pacific railway to con-
fer with the Imperial Government and
the Australian agents -general con -
corning the establishment of cable
communication between Canada, Ja-
pan, China and Australia, and to as-
certain the amount of annual subsidy
FRIDAY, JUt,1' 28, 1880.
Cctntaaiun Ne'twh.
There are seventeen Change lodges
North 13rnco.
Hon. E. Blake is summering at
Nabant, Mass.
Owen Sound, Ont., will use elec-
trio light for its streets.
Remarking upon the tendency of
young men towards atheism, s. Ham-
ilton lady says that her nephew was
brought up as a Christian, but is now
an acrosttc,
It ie announced from the British
Foreign Office that Her Majesty has
been pleased to approve of Charles H.
Waterous as Vioe Consul at Brant-
ford, Ont., for the Republic of Chili. which the colonies wonld guarantee.
Miss Ida F. Joy, artist, late of Til. Sir Charles Tupper, the High Com-
sonburg, has entered an action for miseioner for Canada in Loudon, has
$500 against J. 0. Patterson, M. P., also received instructions from the
Essex, the price of a portrait of Bleb- Government in connection with the
op Walsh, painted by Miss Joy on scheme. Tice idea is to lay the cable
the order of 11Ir. Patterson. from Vancouver, B. C. to the Alou•
Mrs. Margaret Webber, of Cam- tian or Sandwich Islands in the Pac-
deu, asked little Eddie Wood to drive the. thence to Yeddo, Japan, thence
her chickens out of the yard. Boy- to Hong Kong, and from there to
like he threw a etone and to his Australia and New Zealand. The
surprise hit oue of the finest m the only question no ,v to bo decided seems
flock and killed it. At this Mrs.
Webber became very angry, and with
a stink of wood beat the boy until he
fell at her feet. Tho boy died ton
days after. lIrs. Webber has been
The Christian Winds points out
that the net increase in membership
for the year in the Methadiet Confer.
ences so far held le as follows :—
Toronto, 2,828 ; .London, 1,077 ;
Niagara, 2,081 ; Guelph, 1,005 ; Bay
of Qninte, 1,288 ; Montreal, 1,858—
a total net increase in these six con-
ferences of nearly 10,000, or nearly
20 per cent. in two years.
A lady living near Minnedosa,
Man., was walking over the prairie
lately, when on turning a small bluff
she was suddenly confronted by a
pack of wolves not more than a dozen
yards off. She did not scream, but
cooly counted them, and then pick-
ing up a club advanced toward them.
This astonished the wolves, and Bett-
ing up blood -curdling howls they
turned tail and fled, leavinglthe woman
master of the situation.
Charles E. K. Gregson, an officer
of the Allan Line, bas applied for a
Dominion patent for a heatable mail
bag. The beg ie 0, .double one, the
inner lining being of corrugated rub-
ber. It is entirely impervious of
water, and can be used as a pillow
orkven as a life buoy. The invention
is intended to obviate, as far se poss-
ible, any such catastrophe as that
which happened to the Oregon mail
bags, A. strong effort will be made
to secure its general adoption by the
chief Powers, and besides patents be-
ing taken out in Great Britain, Canada
and the United States, applications
have also been made in France, Italy,
Germany, Austria and Belgium.
James Kirk, of the township of
Moore, had a delicate operation per-
formed on himself about two weeks
ago. He was taken sick last winter
and was told he had an attack of
pneumonia. His condition did not
seem to change and ho kept gradually
sinking until he was thought to be
going into coneumption, and was ad-
vised to go to California and see what
a change of climate would do toward
restoring his health. He consulted
Dr. Vail, of Sarnia, and after exam-
ination the doctor concluded his chest
was filled with pus and its remove].
- would be necessary. The sick man
stayed at Sarnia for about a week,
when an operation wee performed on
him and about two quarts of matter
was taken from his breast. The pa-
tient was relieved at, once, and short-
ly afterwards was removed to his
home, and by last accounts is fast re•
gaining his strength, and bide fair to
recover oompletely.
Recently several merchants of
IBrooklin, at the instance of a detect
ive, sent out by the Druggists' Assoc-
iation of Toronto, were summoned. to
Port Perry to answer a charge of soil-
ing Paris Green contrary to law, and
were each fined $15 and costs. The
ground of conviction was the failure
to observe the provision of the law,
which requree that none of the poison
shall he eold to a stranger until he
has been properly introduoed by some
person known to the seller. The
same detective at Whitby was not
treated with gushing hospital-
ity. It became known who he was
and he was promptly ejected from
every store he entered. kor some
time he found it impossible to hire a
conveyance to get out of town and
he was followed around the streets by
a crowd of men and boys, who booted
and jeered him with the utmost en-
tbueiasm. AtPickeriug his reception
was almost equally unsatisfactory.
to be which is the most. practicable
route, via the Aleutian or the Sand-
wich Islands. It seems to be an un-
derstood fact that the cable is to he
laid and connected with the Canad-
ian Pacific telegraph system, which
is being rapidly completed, and will
be opened very soon.
Wo, the undersigned Merchants
of the Village of Brussels, hereby
give notice to our respective Cus-
tomers that
NO ]3UTri'E1:2,
Book Accounts
after October 1st.
G. A. Powoi u,
J. G. S%ENE.
I have a nice lot of Baby Car-
riages on hand that the Public
should see.
They are Well made, nicely
finished and will be Sold. at
Reasonable Prices.
Earness 1 Collars !
and everything in the harness line
on hand.
Also Trunks, Valises, Satchels,
!ie., &c.
seat, etraigl,t loans, Applyta NN,
00. Cranbrook.
Utmost settlors not be made to suffer be.
cause of a few disreputable oheractors,
Reported. Resignation or Removal of Sparks,
Washington, D. 0., Special Telegram,
April 7.—The text of the order of revocation
and a history of the order of April 3 were
laid before each member of the cabinet at
yesterday's meeting. The language of t'io
order of revocation was approved PA it
stands. It is said tbat if any ovasfou of
the order is attempted, Mr. Sparks will be
called on to resign.
Tim' op unit oan}:R.
Following is the full text of the order of
revocation :—Department of the Interior,
Washington, D. 0„ April 0.—To the Com-
missioner of the General Land Office :—Sir,
On April 0, 1885, you iesuod the following
order :—
Practice, Suspension of Entries—Final
action in this office upan all entries of the
public land, except private cash entries and
such scrip locations as are not dependent
upon acts of settlement and cultivation, is
suspended in the following localities, viz.:
All west of the first guide meridian west in
Kansas ; all west of range 17 west in Ne-
braska ; Cha whole of Colorado, except land
in the Tate lite reservations ; all of Dakota,
Idaho, Utah, Washington, . New Mexico,
Montana, Wyoming and Nevada ; and that
portion of Minnesota north of the indemnity
limits of the Northern Paeifia railroad and
east of the indemnity limits of the St. Paul,
Minneapolis di Manitoba railroad. In ad-
dition, final action in this office will bo sus-
pended upon a 1 timber entries under the
not of Jens 8, 1878, also upon all oases of
desert land entries.
[Signed] W. A. . SPARKS, Commissioner.
Whatever necessity may have existed at
the time of its promulgation has ceased to
be sufficient to longer continue an order
suspending all potions, and involving in e
common condemnation the innocent and
the guilty, the honest and the dishonest.
While I earnestly urge the exercise of the
etrictest vigilance to prevent by all the
agencies within our power, the consumma-
tion of fraudulent or wrongful land claims,
yet, when the vigilance of all these agonies
shows no substantial evidence of fraud or
wrong, honest claims should not bo delayed
or their consideration refused on general
reports or rumors. The above order as is-
sued by you is therefore revoked, and you
will proceed in the regular orderly and law-
ful consideration and disposal of the claims
suspended by it. Very respectfully,
[Signed] L. Q. C. Leann,
Steady'Employmcfnt to Good Bien
None need be idle. Previous
experience not essential.
We pay either Salary or Com-
100 hien Wanted
to Canvas for the sale of Canadian
grown Nursery stock.
The Fonthill Nurseries,
.Largest in Canada,
Ove,' 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can fur-
nish first-class references, and
want to work. No room for lazy
men,but can employ any number
of energetic men who want work.
Address •
Stone & Wellington,
Toronto, Ont.
� ''ONS
Binding Twine
—AT --
Pure Paris Green.
MAXIG IN. 11 OuLiw
All Kinds of Harvest • Tools.
iiUU�Si110� IIIE ��E 11 TatC
HIS has has been fully shown clnring the last week., Corsets that
lJ were being sold it' GOe. per pair, pact the public wore told they
were a groat bargain at that price, have actually been reduced to -1:8c.
per pair by the same party who was calling at GOc. Those who bought
them at 60e. must soe they wore grossly imposed upon and should by
good right have the difference in price refunded. Spot cash or no oth-
er excuse can possibly make the matter right. The Corsets were
bought from Crompton tt Co., of Toronto, a most respectable firm, and
they cannot be bought now one cent cheaper than two weeks ago. Had
we not reduced them to a fair living profit the same Corsets would still
have been sold at 00c.a pair.
We are determined to still pursue the same course wo have hither-
to clone, to sell everything at the eLosiesT LIVING PROFIT and not bo un
dersold by anybody.
Dominion diIotl.SO.
are Leading the Trade in
Best Machine Oil
Always on Hand.
Grant & Co.