HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-7-16, Page 8ost Wookstowe.
Cricli.et Bats, Wickets
and Balls
For Boys just to itand. Bee them.
Base Balls, Hard Rubber Balls,
Croquet Sets, Hammocks, Baskets,
Express 'Wagons, &e. in stock and
sold at it small margin on cost.
A. nice as sortment of FANS to
choose from.
Trains leave 13 russels Station , north and
south, as follows :–
Go lug Soul's, Going North.
Express 11:45 a.ra. Mail
m. Mixed
0.40 p.m,
0:35 a.m.
Mail 7:15 a.
Mixed p.m Express 10:05 p.m.
The morning train south and the night train
north will only run on Tuesdays. Thursdaye,
and Saturdays.
sestameneeseasasewsasaar iN•511.1022.131•
xrcai Ed% PIUS.
A chiel's amang ye taldn' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
GREEN peas.
WET about our civic holiday ?
The Salvation Army is arranging
fcr a jubilee next week.
EXTRA value in Fruit Jars and pielding
vinegars at Thomson's,
T HERE are four row boats on the
river this summer belonging to Brea.
SEE Miss Lille. O'Oonnor'e card in
this issue. Miss O'Connor is a good
teacher and has a large class.
SEN the new advt. of the Beaver
hardware store this week. B. Gerry
is ready for the farmers and the har-
vest time.
Two pupils of the Brussels pub-
lic school wrote at the exannnation
last week for Teachers' certificates.
We hope they will be successful.
THE Ohoral Society met in the
basement of the English church, last
Monday for practice. They meet Sa-
gain next Monday in the IMMO place.
ROST . Km and Wm. Montgomery
killed two garter snakes that meas.
ured 5 feet and 4 feet, respectively.
They contained 48 and 41 little
snakes. That was quite a consider -
sable snake harvest.
A GARDEN party, under the auepicos
of the Ladies' Aid. Society of the Meth-
odist church, will be held on the arn.
modious grounds of Wm. Vanstone,
on Tuesday evening, the 27th inst.
Partieulars later.
To those requiring aide M vision. Be
sure in asking for Laurance's epectsoles–
that'you get B. larrnioos's–as there are
imitations in the market, and see that
exery pair is stamped B. L., without which
none are genuine. Do not bo deceived by
any similiarity in the name.
Tax Methodist Sunday School pie•
Mc last Friday was largely attended.
Tho youngsters. and the "oldsters"
too, put in a jolly time. Swinging,
foot nos, tug of war, ball, croquet,
eating and drinking made up the pro.
LAST Sunday morning the Orange-
men turned out in full force, 120 or
•180 members, to service in the Meth-
odist church. B. Gerry was director
of ceremonies. A suitable discourse
was preached by the pastor, Rev. W.
Smyth, from the text found in Jaime.•
4th chapter and 24th verse. The
churoh was crowded.
AT the celebration ab Neopawa,
Man. on Dominion Day Geo. Currie,
sun of A. Currie, Brussels, took 1st
Prizes in 8 standing junips, running
Lop step and jump, standing hop step
and jump, 'standing high jump, run.
Mpg high jump, and 100 yd. foot
race. He also got 2nd in standing
long jinni), running junap, and vault-
ing. George has not forgotten the
drilling lie got as a young Caledonian
here several years ago.
A. PEW suggestions to the Post Master
oneral for hie new Postal Regulations,
et.–That arrangernente may be made
by which letters without postage will be
immediately forwarded–to the dead letter
2nd.–A pair of onions will go for 2
8rd.–Parties ars compelled to link their
-own stamps and envelopes, the postmaster
oannot be compelled to do tbie.
4th.--Nitro-glyeerine and dynamite must
bo forwarded ab the risk of sander. If
they should go off in the postmaster's
Lands he cannot be held responsible.
6th.–When lettere are received beariffg
iso directions the parties for whom they
ere intended will please signify the fact to
the postmaster that they may he forward.
od at once,
• Oth.–It is unsafe to mail apple and fruit
trees with the fruit on them, as some of
the postmasters have a weakness for ouch
a thing. Bottleof whiskey must bo well
7th.–Ii is earnestly recmestedthat lovers
writing to their girls will please °Online
their galling rhapeorliee to tho •inaide of
the envelopes.
8th,–The placing of stamps up side
(town on letters is prohibited, several post.
mestere having recently been seriously in.
;aired while tvying to strata on their heeds
to cancel stamps placed on hi this manner.
enn advt. of gold ring loot and books
found, in this issue.
OCR subscription list has been nice-
ly increased this last week.
Two weeks from Saturday of this
week is the last day of July.
SEE notice 01 posting up of Grey
township voters' lists for 1886 in thie
R. Tani:ferments shipped between
50 and 00 thousand feet of hardwood
lumber this week.
1°ssoy Bteunestion, the little son of
A. Bauslaugh, photographer, has been
on the sick list for the past week.
A UNION pic-nio between the Walton
and Brussele members of the Episco-
palian church is on the tapis for the
near future.
MR8. DAVID SEMI; has been very
ill for the past week and as she is
well advancdd in years her recovery
is doubtful.
THE Brussels cricketers played
Seaforth on Thursday of this week.
The account of the match will appear
in our next lane.
T. O'Isinin, of the Central hotel, te
building a large addition of 27x85 feet
to hie barn this week HO es to accom-
modate the public.
W. M. SINCLAIR attended Division
Court atHerristou, last Wednesday
in the interests of his dint. W. M.
came out firet best, too.
In the garden of Rev. J. L. Kerr
there might have boon seen laet week
the peculiarity of ripe cherries and
blossoms on the same tree.
A CERTAIN person is taking the
trouble to milk Hugh McMartin'e
cow several times A week and if this
thing is (=tinned he intends making
it sultry for them. Tho party is
LAST week, in referring to nicely
kept grounds wo inadvertently omit-
ted Geo. Rogers', J. D. Ronald's and
P. Thomson's. The last mentioned
'place is very nicely kept and is a
credit to the • owner and his claugh•
REV. J. Boss, B. A., Thos. Strach-
an, and Rev. D. B. McRae and wife,
of Cranbrook, attended a meeting of
the Presbytery of Maitland, at Kin-
cardine, on Tuesday and Wednesday
of this week. Rev. Mr. McRae and
Mrs. McRae visited Reba McDonald
and wife, of Lorns, formerly of Grey
townehip, while away.
PEOPLE we Know.– Mies Minnie
Gerry is visiting at Mitchell and vi-
cinity for a few weeks.–Miss Addle
Vanstone is enjoying a holiday visit
with relatives and friends at Godo-
rich.–Mrs. A. Webster and daugh-
ters left Brussels last Friday for a
visit among relations in Listowel and
Millbank. --E. E. Wade, and
0. Waterer are taking in the
Grand Lodge, A. F. &A. U., at Wind-
sor this week.–J. 1). Ronald and Mrs.
Ronald go on through to British Col-
umbia from Port Arthur, per O. P.R.
They will take a run down the Pacific
ooast to San Francisco to see relat-
ives residing there. We wish them
a pleasant trip. Mr. Ronald has pro-
mised to send us some jottings by
the way if he finds time.–Miss Jessie
M. Ross is away thio week to Toronto
where she will put in part of her •va.
oation.–Mrs. Sheriff has been laid
up with something like paralysis in
one side of her face. Wo hope it
will soon disappear.–Mrs. Barnhill
was enjoying a visit with old friends
near Park Hill last week. -5. Fear
was laid up last week from the effects
of a light sunstroke.–James Bennett
has taken the position of foreman in
the cabinet factory of Broadfoot &
Box, Seaforth, Mr. Bennett is a
good workman and will fill the posi-
tion with credit to himself and satis-
faction to his employers.–Miss Annie
Mitchell, of London, is visiting friends
in this locality.–Liedt, Roach, of
Elora, has been taking the place of
Oapt. Rowe at the Army services this
week.–Mrs. Thom. McCullough, of
Bay City, Mich., le visiting her par -
ante in Bruseele for a month or so.–
Mrs. Wm. Foster Clinton is visiting
her sista, Mrs. deo. Miller, of this
town.–Aliee and Laura Turnbull, of
Attwood, were visiting al po. Rich.
Turnbull's last week.–Miss Ida Pel-
ton ma. brother, of Wingham, spent
several days in town last week visiting
friende--John McCallum and Robt.
Henderson arrived home from New-
ark, New Jersey, last Wednesday ev-
ening.–Saml. Wake who has worked
at the Enterprise Salt Works for some
years, is reported to soon come into
posseseion of a large fortune through
the death of a relative in England.
The whole property to be divided is
rated at $175.000. We hope Mr.
Wake's claim will prove valid.–Rev.
Mr. Smyth fell, whale fixing a clothes
horse, last Tneaday morning, and was
laid tip for a few days. --Rev. W. T.
Oluff postponed his departure for a
week,–.T. R. Grant expects to lie
hell about August lst.–Mies Minnie
biomes arrived home front alorwich,
where she has been engaged eat
liner, last Saturday. •
Quaid a change in theaweather.
Joins E. Saran expects to leave for
Brandon this wools. He Into pur-
°lmed 10 horses and 2 thoro'•bre.d
cattle to take with him. The thoro'•
breds dost him $000,
Ix is reported that S. & J. Living-
oton have purchased the land belong-
ing to Win. Vanatono, on the east
side of the river. The price is dated
at $60 per acre. The land will prove
a valuable acquisition to the flax mill.
Pecienn say an amateur battle of
the Boyne took plaeo Monday night,
on Turnberry street. The residents
of that part of the town don't want
it repeated for a year.–The rain will
do a "power" of good.–A. oouple in
town take occasional tripe to the
spring near the flax snill in the early
morning. They kept a cup there , to
drink out of but someone took it, so
the young gallant allowed the fair
lady to drink a cooling draught out
of his hand,–The 12th was like a
Sunday in town.–Haying will soon
be through.–There will be a fashion-
able wedding in town before verg long.
–Eye glassee and spectacles are be-
coming very fashionable and all the
old folks aro going to be in the style.
—E. B. Burt's •entertainment on
Thursday evening of last week was a
goo8 ono.–We can't got along with-
out THE Poe.–T110 USO of &s -ams
in town should bo stopped as several
narrow escapes are reported where the
firing was done by 13011.10 careless per-
son.–They had more fun than you
could shake a elicit at, at the pic-nic,
last Friday afternoon.
Canadian late-evess.
Diphtheria is spreading at Hatnil.
Berlin property•holders, on Mon-
day last voted a bonus of $10,000 to
the Crompton Corset Company, tb in-
duce that firm to locate in Berlin.
It is reported that Hon. William
Macdougall has intimated hie inten-
tion of opposing Sir John A. Macdon-
ald in Carleton county at the next
general election.
A despatch from Yokohama an-
nounces the miling Saturday of a
Becond tesaladen elup. The cargo is
to be transferred to the Oanadian Pa.
Mac Railroad for conveyance across
the continent.
Ittaunfacttsrsrs within easy roach of
Niagara Falls expect to utilize that
mighty w ater fall soon. A company
has been incorporated with a capital
of $8,000,000 to develop this scheme.
A great pipe or shaft is to be cut
through the rock close by and parall-
el with the Niagara river, 160 feet
deep and rnnning half a mile or more
hack from the falls. It is said a wheel
as big as a man's hat will supply 200
horse power.
Joseph Wrightson, of Bruce town-
ship, who owns some 800 bee hives,
had a warm experience a few days
ago. Sixteen 8 WarMS that came off
at the same time all lit on one branch
of a tree and farmed one huge roll
several feet in circumference and
about five feet long. Mr. Wrightson
separated them, finding out each of
the sixteen queen bees, which he put
into a hive and gathered enough bees
to make s swarm until he had the
whole sixteen quietly settled in new
T. B. Ieaaos, head of the counter.
feiters operating in Canada, has been
captured at Trenton. A large quant-
ity of bogus money and plates forbilis
on the Mohawk National Bank, Do.
minion bills, the Maverick National
Hank of Boston, the Sioux County
Bank of Sioux Oity, Ia., and the Mer-
chants', National Bank of Kansas
°HY, were seemed. He also got a
book showing the names of. over 50
dealers in epurious coin, Thie record
shorts that over $1,000,000 of the
"queer" has been cireulated.
The windows of a nuraber of Scott
Act supporters in Sydenham having
been broken, they finally decided to
engage a detective to endeavor to die.
cover the perpetrators. A watch was
set on the officer, however, and he,
succeeded in accomplishing nothing.
A few days after his return home a
stranger arrived in the village, and
being taken for a second detective ho
was enticed to drink until ho got
drunk, when his 'head was fixed in a
hole in a fence and he was left there
struggling until rescued by 'a pedes-
The monthly statement of the num-
ber of deaths in the cities] of the Do-
minion for the month of May has
been issued. The total of deaths for
the largest cities is as follows :–Mon.
treal, 887
iToronto, 225 Quebec,
147 ; Hemilton, 76 ; Halifax, 60 ;
Winnipeg, 29 ; Ottawa,78 ; St, John,
60 ; London, 88 ; Kingeion 24,
Montreal has a clean bill of health as
far as smallpox is concerned, and only
two deaths aro reported in the Do.
minion from that cause, both being in
Sorel. Diptheria appears to have
boon generally prevalent. •
Of the thirty-fonr candidates for
namission to the Royal Military Ool.
lege, it is understood theb the full
number allowed by law, twenty•four,
have been eneoessful,
Arrangements are being made by
the St. Catharines Street Railway
Oompany to rnn their cars between
that oily and Moreiton and Thorold
by electricity instead of heroes.
Samuel Thompson, au old pioneer,
or the aunty of 'York, an ex•alder-
man of Toronto, and for several years
editor and proprietor of the Colonist,
died last Thursday, aged 76 yeare.
The Ontario Fruit•GrowersA.9800-
iittiOu made nu excursion to Bobetty-
geon last Thursday, and while there
oloeeil the business of the glummer
mooting. The fall meeting will be
hold in Toronto.
Indians are elanghtering deer by
the wholesale in the back townships
of Renfrew. Hunters fear that un-
less the Government promptly inter -
fares to prevent such wanton de-
struction in the close season the deer
will soon become extinct.
"A" and "B" Batteries, stationed
respectively at Fort Qu'Appelle and
Moon Jaw, N.W.T., have been order-
ed to return to Kingston and Quebec,
and will start as soon as the neces-
sary arrangements for the journey
ase made.
Wm, D. Farrell, of Elora, 82 years
0( 1850, while getting over a fence,
was attacked by a colt. The animal
()aught him by the shoulder with his
teeth, pulled him down, dragged him
around, kicked and trampled on him,
and broke his thigh. He will maw.
or hutelowly, owing to bis extreme
While tome outdoor gamblers were
plying their trade at St. John's, Que.,
on Dominion Day a slightly built
young follow who had been watching
the progress of the game suddenly
olutched a pile of bills, lying on the
table and fled. He was followed by
half a dozen persons, but succeeded
in escaping from them all with $75
of the gamblers'–or rather of their
On Dominion day Mrs. Thurlow,
wife of a West Niasouri farmer, was
found. hanging in the barn, dead, and
at the inquest a verdict of suicide wee
returned. Mr. Thurlow and a form-
er servant named Ada Pitt were ar-
rested at the instance of Mrs. Thur.
low's brother, who charges the accus-
ed with having murdered his sister
and 'afterwards suspending the body
in the barn to cover up their crime.
MILLER. –In Brussels, on the Ilth
the wife of.Mr. Geo. Miller of a son.
SPELU.–In Morris, on the 13th inst., the
wife of Mr. Jae. Speir of a daughter.
Buowo–WIIITING.–Ill Oil On the
12th inst.., by Rev. D. Pomeroy, Mr.
Daniel H. Brown, late of Itinlois,
Bruoe Co., to Miss Martha, youngest
daughter of Mrs. D. Whiting, former-
ly of Bruesels.
sfmran.–In Brussets, on Cloth& inst., the
infant son of lPeo, and Christina Mil-
Iligruswels Market.
White Fall Wheat.... .. .. 70 72
Red Winter 72- 78
Spline Wheat 50
Barley • 45
Oats ........,.... 29
Tea 050
Butter, tubs *and toile 10
Una per dozen.. 10
Flour per barrel 4 60 00
Potatoes new 100 00
Ray per ton. 7 00 8 00
Hides per ih -7 7a'
Dressed Hogs 5 00 5 10
Balt per bbl., wholesale ,00 80
Sheep skins, ezeh 60 1 00
Wool 17 20
kJ generaf servant wanted in a tinall
Apply at once to MIAS. 7. W. FEAR,
itow splendid ,improved,t ammo for sale
lo tlio township of Grey, Morrie and AloHil-
lop . Apply to A. 0101104.00000 Atietioneer
BrulliseleP 0 1 5•tf
Digs, and Private TIO 115 p auto d and
deoorated in modern styles at reasonable
rates. Estimate given. Addrese–
0-81 Godorich,
JL) bag found a package of books on Wednet-
clay evening 00 4810 week. The 0101100 0011 have
the same by proving property aud ,paying for
slabs apvertisernent
VI wide gold ring, 41111 tho initials W. W 50.50
engraved en the ineide, was loot in Brunets
this 'Week. A imitable reward wilt be paid to
the person returning 10 10 Tnia Poem Pnblteh-
tug Reuse.
8. ing lOt14, on thle% con.00ntaining 100
eons, south patlot 15 on 10 o 6 5., oonts ming
41 totes, Lot 14>10 pertly Oloored the
61100 1V611 timb, rod, A. never laitIng °reek
ermine the 106 and it le well Gagbed for farm -
Inger grazing. Let 15 is Meetly °leered and
under good dUltiVation, the balance well tint -
bared With bleak agh. Will eon all together
or in 580b 080 Ault the purehaser, For further
particulars apply to tho proprietor on the
On:Mime, This tot is well drained.
juiY 16, 1856,
Transact a General Banking
B usiness.
Holm to hand abalone tad,
Interest !Ill, g/J 1 .13 dap )3163 r » gya.,1) 11
Prompt attention given to oilleatione.
• muse termini, mounted
Coll, Esq., 10 11008104 Block. Money to loan,
NV• Garrow Proudfoot, Goderloh)
itr, Conveyancer, era. °glee, 4ra01'0 block.
Brussels. Money to loan.
.CA.. the Fourth Divielon Court Co . Huron,
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, n oau and
insure nee Agent. Funds invested and to loan.
Oolleotions made, 011150 in Graham's Block
T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D.,. 0.
05 • M. L. R. 0. P. Edinburgh. Physician,
Surgeon and Aceoueheur, °Mee, Itirs, Shiel'e
block, Turnberry Street.
L. L. C . P. Edinburgh,
Coroner for the 000uby 01 Huron.
Re '
sidence on Mill Street. 0Moo at Hitt-
greavee' DrugS Sboro.
k.se • Graduate and Momper 01 the 130701
College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Tho
various anteethetles given, also n 11010 leani.
antesthotio for the gums only. All oteratione
carefully performed and. guaranteed. Prices
moderate. Full sets of teeth from $5 to 420.
Officeover Powell's store. Hours 8 a.m. to 55.
11 • of Marriage Licenses. Oglee at his
Grocery, Turnborry street, 2-28
•53.. • limo Licensee, by appointment of
Lieutenant -Governor, Commissioner, Sm., Q.
B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Inguranee Co.
00100 54 the Cranbroo k Poet 01100,
Robert Cunningham,
Guelph, - Ontario.
09 • Accident and Loan Insurance Agent for
some of the best and most reliable Compan-
ies in the Dominion. Otlice, Brick Terrace,
Turuberry Stent, near the station. Sm
Toaoher of Music, Vooal add Inetrume nt-
al on Organ, Piano, or Guitar. Harmony and
Thorough Saes. Advanced pupils fitted for
Teaohing. Terms on application, Reforenoe
–Ladies of Loretto Acadongy, Guelph. Resi-
dence–No, 2, Terrace, (south near station.
. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College,
has resumed tho practice of JOhn Nett, V. 5.,
and 10 prepared to treat all diseasee of domes-
ticated animals on scientific and approved
principles. Treatment of delicate loabo a
specialty. (Mee at John Nott's, V. S.
.1Ul. cent. Straight Mane. Apply -to
BO. Oranbrook,
W. LK. Morris,
Exourmon Tim Worms, MiTcHELD, ONT.,
Monet acturei. of throe different kinds o
Windmills. The simploet, etrongoet and most
satisfactory Windmill yet made. For pump-
ing water, sawing wood, chopping grain or
driving any. light =ea binary they have no
°quill. My OBLESRATED PUMPS have sc-
oured a, world-wide reputation: I guarantee
them as being superior to many no w -in tho
market, and equal to any ever made. They
Will throw water 800 1008, 00 tome it a mile on
the level . Farman and etooktnen are re-
quested to send OOi par r..,clilars before buying
either a Windmill or a Pump , as I °Mina that
Mine aro the bast in the market. Address
W. M. MORRIS, Mitchell, Ont.
Minticipa2ify of the froultiship of Grey, Is
• the Goutity of Munn',
Natio() 10 hereby given that I have brans-
mitted or dolivend to the 5000008 mentioned
In pe 13rd and AtliseetiOne of the "Voters' Litt
Act," the oopioe required by said Beaton to be
transmitted. or delivered el the list made MU,
fluent to 011.18 A 01, of all Meets appearing bp
the last revised assessment roll of the mad
Municipality. to be entitled to vote In the said
Municipality at eleoMens for the members of
tho LogislatiVe Amenably and at Winning
Eleetions; and that the said List was first
posted at nly office in the Township of Grey,
on tho 14th of gmy, and retuatne there- for in-
spootibn. Electors are milled upon to exam -
hie the said List, and if any omissions or oth.,
er errors aro found, to take immediate Imo -
0O0(11110 to have the said errors oorreoted a0 -
wading to law.
WM. 801110050, Clerk,
Dated 14th day July, 1010.
J.. HALE, or to rent, 200 acres. 100 being lo
21, eon. 5, the other lot 20, oon. O. Lot 22 10
situated two miles from the village of Ethel,
Seven miles from Brussels, twelve =ilea from
Lb,tlWobafldt, mile from a novor failing creek;
87 Korea aro °leered, most all dear of etunlpe
mud under good miltivation and clean, sixty
aoreaof crop, good outlet for draining, a coin •
forts:we dwelling,bank barn, stabling under-
tioath. eMood bearing °milord and garden, a
troll cionvoniont hedge and yard. 'Price,
84,000,rent, $200 per year. Lot 20 is Situated
21 milcurfrom Ethel, 10 from Listowol and 0
from Brussele, GO acres cleared and toiler
good aultivation, the balmier, well timbered
with black aeli, Ingralook and hardVmod, A
frame house and outbuilding audit largo e.oting
milliard are on the farm. Price, 82,000 Th000
farms will be sold generate or ogatho to oult
purehaser, Pommel= can be given at tthy•
Lima, /only to Dept, Eittetton, or to
48-01 Trepdetere.