HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-7-16, Page 66 THE BRUSSELS POST JULY 10, iggO, Directory of Chtrche looleties, Sabbath ftertict s at 11 a.m. and 9:34 p.m. Suirdn! School at 33:30 p.m. Rov. 3bn. nos., 8. A.. pm.tvr. Knox Ciinach. tittliirtili r• •re, nt p.m, and 632p.m. Sun 2..y Fichoe a 2. V•111„ • 11" v. '4, •10nrs, bugsy riding," 11. am:. and 7 p.m. 824014 821.2.,' al, 0:32) not , . rilA ROI TO --T 11 g SLIT, 1401t. ;104 N''s CFUnt111. • 4,1,1,3 '.11 3'1t "1 ICA OW what you wean by being en asuman, 813111 gentio• s 31 111 Rev. W. `V, Cl0fre, 1 v•isin L. nnr '.e• 1- co. 11, rot, 1..1 -.0,"o '‘Vho was about hiring a boy, es "Is ; ffirTromes 8.1 • ), \ t wan ; -- - 'Do you like winter, Mr. Ititewait 2' "Not vory much, Freddie." "Then why do you always go buggy riding on to cold day ?" "I don't. What makes you think so ?" "Why, sister Clara said it would be a mold day t t ss when you oftered to take filly girl Of it,»lCI1)lI. 1)1 3I 103344) 01,10 1.4 •441.4441. .0.4 .114 441‘4441 .3 all Onn g (iron In 111 1 .2.3, I id ro ), ,14. • Or 011 .4'..,/4.11.,41.,1 110u 11 r.,1311r0.1. VT1' 43111 L""a" 313 11" 11Z8)01101111, 111'17'(0 14,1 cltol, )1o1110 • , •19•I 1,14••• 1••• • 10:30 a.m. and 0,3, p.m. Sand I „ /101 I, I' 341 "but you worn barb 111 Irelatal. 0 .0 , • ut.40 a•f 2:30 p.m. Hey. NY 3s1. , "001, your honor, if that's all, said 11.01•11.1 C0111101,01 C /MU 1.15.111/ .11.11 08l' ilio boy, 4,8,1,1111 blame to that, Sup. vice third Sliming in every month a 11 a.m. Rev. r. J. Slush priest. pose your cat was to have kittens in ODD FELLOW'S LOOM,. every 7'huredsy the oven would they be loaves of evening ill Graham's blocs, bread." • XASONto Loony! Tnentlay at or before f u'l "I'll allow no twin to call me a moon in VS11.81on010 block, liar and go unpunished," said a Texas A. O. 1j. W, Liming meats on 1st and judge to to lawyer who had just corn- :WM=411;y oVC•ninge 411 snob Montb. Foutsennt's Lonna 21111 101111 lest Monday milted that offetMe, "Yon are fined evenings of each mobil; in. Emele's hall, $10, sir." "It's the truth," replied L. 0. L. let Monday in every month hi W• e lawyer, as he paid the meney. Orange Hall. .'I clon't wore if it is tbe truth," re - Poets °mos.—Office Hours 6 rom 8 a.m.. 7 p.m.torted the judge. "A court of law is lignakkics' TtraTITI1T1411Entaitigno0rn and no place to tell tho trr th." Library 111 ritknea blur", w»'l 1.1 omit from 6 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wedecsdays and 'Saturdays. 'bliss Jessie Ross, Librarian. Varietie0.4. Pat krFlaherty said that his wife was very ungrateful; for "when I marriea her she hadn't a rag to her baek,and now she's covered with 'ens. oursopoehoesies cough 102111 bronolgtia int nteatitly relieved/3y 8)1110118 0,1136. Sold by G. A. Deadmalt. A. Brussels girl wants to know "if 13 18 true that kissing will onto freck- les." Wouldn't say positively, but a simple receipt like this is worth trying Call after business hours, Hityn ynn Pler 1)1'-0'11',30" 10 P111." carbons 0008130 Ns sores • 1, n • , •••• 1 „, beyond 11)18111 the very c ices • . - market for 14 ruling and v.. 1 ;.•.. • ••, v• O0(8,PllflhllOO' 11801.0118a, t11,1, ,. method or !Implying earn, *=••••00 HargreaveS 013313 Stott, i pe. "Doctor, bow is Banker Jones ? I heard that he was very sick." -,He has joined the inntunerable caravan," said the physician, solemnly. "What 1 You don't meanie say that Jones has skipped to the States ? Well I Well I" If arty et onr r03110)111,11.1., .00 44 31' ,• 311100.4.111,1001 Lave 1800' • NVOliclet or Fr •rt tly . ; , 8011u so at out..., cool bo.t 4. • , ,s- Ordipuiry eyi,s, t. Will • • • „., • We neve•r-ltilting Mot • 1' 3.1,. • amines col oil complaitc , , ; • ,,c,.1 treototout. 26 coo.. ••1 11) bottle. 01l111'3) Jobb Um,: 00., gists. Jones—A.re you going to Europe, 'Brown ? Brown—Yes. Jones—Take your wife with you ? Brown—No. She is not very well, so I shall leave her at home. Jones—What are you going over for ? Brown— For my heal tit. • a‘b0 latest temedy for 11,4 Oroopc Whooping C..c 33.1 I‘r.%t . 0., or's Lung Cootoocind, r - • •..1 .,• •or western:et-, tang any 0 o t, ; GI -rainy te et 111100111U 11.114 • •• 0 ' .n 12. to- poloot. 410 '0 1.01. Sfilf • •••• 01110 y4.1, 1,11,1011.01011 1 ,,, cough, anti 3413)1' 1)1180100 ,• c, tc, O., oh all who box° used it, vls : . ; t'a, Sold in SW. nod 01 bot Lles J no. SU, p003130 ,t Co.. drurxista, "You say the trout weighed ten pounds ?" "Yes, sir ; it was the big' gest trout I ever saw." "Will you take an oath to that ?" "I'll take no more oaths. I swore enough when ho got away." 1lavoyou Toothache ? Use Fluid Lightning. Have you Rheumatism ? Use -Shod 1.1glituing Have yobs Stiff joint ? 1.1,a e•it td Have you 018uvalg1n3 Use Fiaid itightnin,; Have you L,toobll003 Dee 131,61 ,1 Lightning. 4100 7101 -Lroublon -with 11 tool:woe ? Use Plutd Ligb tot og, 11,100yen 11111' re;,1? 11h30 4' 1)3,1 Lightning. 11 will euro you toe 1,,ellint appaed. Try It. 250. -per hot, ot Kt Stara:To:re.' Drug More. "When 1 goes a shopping," said an old lady, "I alien asks for what I wants, and it they have it, and it's cheap, and it's suitable, and I feel in- clined to take it, and it can't be got at any place for less, I almost Idlers take it, without chaffering all day, as most people do." This lo to 11,3Sty Mutt 1 lt 1313 or'a Speedy Cure tor 11.,,teo, t'l 1.400 Oomplo it, 1, amide hones- t• 1' it 0.401. 1110 01141 11111,414.13d (1011/1,1, • ' • wrens 11410 1.1. it, 1••14. al0 13)33 more good 1•11011 0111,110 iner c 0011, 6003, and 1 rpm lige a new mai, , • .•1•. A ST1.11,1... Platte, Ou- , T: 11- to .1 tor sale at tee. end per I., ,. , Inv Store. 'Young mistress—Mary, what do 700 000300 by chalking the soles of my boots? Mary—NV ell, ma'am, tho fact is I have a pair of boots exactly the mune as yours and I like mine best, and 1 chalked yours so that I would know the difference between yours and mine. A P13011831 1143 (11',', Pew 11101 144,00 Renolt.. • 1.110 3,31.1 i1111101.114Of 110 Y. Ittid goo. • • s 1 e colehreiced I)1',(?113110, .• I 0.331.3 (.1 133W33 been trdti in r1n,.02. 3)11 1320,1 100013) 3101.00 1,-,111,14,41 1101,0 .1.1. 1)70p0p010, i • • 1 13 .1,••, v T00111110,1 30 call at 0. 11.1,1 • • 1. bottle or Dr. Chase% Lk, • 3 4' - 3.1., 70a. 311033.,.../ 43) 111 (1016131361. "How do you sell those bustles 2" inquired a lady of one of our 0107138 Me other day. He looked in the di- rection indicated and then blushed, (dear to the roots of his bait as he ex- plained to the lady that they were not wire bustles, but base ball masks. "John." inquired the counsel of the witness, 183 1110 same titre casting facetious glance at the jury, "when you Chinamen take your celestial oath in court, 31311016 15 done with the ehieken after its head is cut off 1" "Soule lawyee glet him," replied the witness. D6JUGS' EDICINE FOR LUNGS ' Liv ERA BOOR_ r • , • .1 n • / •• • • k 11. 1)1 101,, ..0.• '1, 11 1'3/Wig 1.131/1y—My dear Professor, I want to thank you for your lecture, 'You made it all so plain that I could understand every word. Professor— I am truly glad you did understand it, I have studied the subject for about thirteen yeass, and I flatter myself that I can bring the stibject within the comprehension of the weak. est intellect. A neovly married lady, not well posted about household matters, said to her grocer, not long since: "I bought three or four hams here a couple of months ago, and they were fine. Have you any more of them ?" Grocer : "Yes ma'am, there aro ten of those barns banging up there." "Are you sure they are off the same pig "Yes, ma'am." "Then I'll take three of them." Mrs, Hobson—"Now, you and Bob- by must stay to luncheon, Mrs•Hend • ricks." "Really, Mrs. Hobson,:you are vory hind, but I couldn't think of it. We shall be expected home, and er I ought to have gone long before this ; but 1 had no idea that it was late, and Bobby has a cold." Bobby (anx(ous to stay)—"My cold is a good clanl better, ma, and besides you told the cook not to get any lunch for us, besidee we wouldn't be home to eat 16." outrintditatt ew ea . The Norwegian corvette, Nornea, arrived in Montreal harbour last Thursday. Kingston's tax rate for the current year i estimated at 171' mills on the dollar. Rov. Henry Ward Beecher preach- ed at noon on Thursday of last week in Rev. Dr. Parker's Oily Temple, in London. Excellent counterfeit ten dollar bills of the Bank of Ooinmerce are in circulation in the leading cities of the Dominion. Tho Montieal Knights of Labour have decided to nominate candidates to contest the three divisions of that city al the approaching Provincial el- ections. Recently an Arran township farm- er drove into Paisley with a load of sheep in a wagon, on the box of which was painted in large letters "home manufacture." The Advocate says there was doubt expressed as to whether the label referred to the sheep, the wagon, or the driver, On Thursday afternoon, of last week, in Belleville John Pentland, a pensioner, deliberately allot his land- lady, Mrs. Maok4 inflicting a probab- ly fatal wound. Ho then shot three times at Mr• Mack, missing him eaoli time, and on the arrival of the pollee shot himself and died shortly after- wards. The County Gaol at Whitby is etupty for the first tima since it was built. There is not a single prisoner confined within its gloomy walls nor has there been since last Friday. The fact is a significent ono following as it does so closely the coming into force of the Scott Act in this county. Some may claim that it is purely so- eidental and will not oeetir again. That may possibly be the case, but still the foot is there and it cannot leo gainsaid. The Scott Act people would not be doing justice to them- selves were they to let such an op- portunity elip by of proving their con - tuitions. They claimed that the passing of the Act would decrease Grime. In lose than two months crime has been reduced and the gaol le free of prisoners for the first time slue it was opened.—Whitby Chron- . icle. •••,. , • , A 1101 4.41 /17,...• I ....1•4 Y 's 1•:•4 1"11,4(:")N DEaK. •• It T., 1,41 In o 41001ri • 00 0) (111711, l0 4,41.30.0a 144 llow lel to .3 .I• /1110 1 o • lo 1. .l -)I 1.17.44114.10.... 411 0.074441 C144.)4 841. 131104001 a 001100 0 71 .1111101 140 la 3,are. A 1,1,1111)71)3,3,0)411114) hi .341 1/1 (10,11011 10 sh•eltontot 0110 3,411., 110A,..101.01 04.1 140 1.3 0041. OU .3 bit to,. leer tn-2403 20,1.0004:re itpeiy to tr 001. 31311T14, 13133 '111-44' 41T. 1'1 I 1 1/31 .1 1'111 . I» 11.14, . 4011, ill. 1441, 1 1, con, 14 tire/ t r th 'rough lord Nu vlotto 13.01 for uurvi to; TY1111.3.—$1 inn- 0l1W 11.1. }.00.43.1 nt Limn of For,44/••; W1111.010 nriviingv.01 puturniun it 110, 0nsary, J.L.1Laci 0(133131 04.1.1 Cleo brook. !OA 1004 SALb1,—Till'il UN - A: dorsig cool offers for solo 100 neron, being • Jot 0.0,1'0. 10, 1,01 014.1 1.11,,bor. 0, 10Da 144.004 0041 111 oloo, A uoinfortablo . houtn, nn•1 Imen 011 inn On 10, Tangs.— To snit 10110 1104110. A 413» 31' tn tuna. :u034.0121 taus% 87-2311 ... . HEALTH IS WEAITII, n. M. . WitiVs Nerve s nd 11 rat n '117 11-- - c. V.•/ .14 n414.., 1 4.4•4,14.^ • f • +I , :Ott, ia. 1/17,- • 4•O• •• I 011.34.14:10., 14, 141-.0', S4. 1,0,14 • ••,111,-.111,13 13434 1.1•'• 01r ,, 0. o' INIent• eet. I I,' » P 11. 11,11 et.1 •I 1..1 • ••• ,0 .14 . .100013 tu.,1. .1••mtt,. 1'• •• 00341 .410, Om» 01.4.141. 1,005 ol !toter, lo 44.400 44 • , 1 .1.4. y 1,•4100.44 11313 -.-----------------------,. ti ori4.-444.0 1100 011110 3. Oil. 13014 011,(1 , .. 1.11a Aft OW. 14(1011 ••••.,, .4..0 .11.11:3111.,./.v.11,001. 01301,031, Or 'OK .. • 000,191141. 011 veelvi •,..• WE or %W.I.NTEE Si X BOXES To cure 1vny case. with (Mall nrcler received by us tor alx tomes, ocuomps ttio•I will; 05. 11,1 w1 -I 'our) too (10. 11(113401 unr WtO11011stinralitee 1 ., rano.) the looney i: the ire01010ot does not e Hee t o,uro. eloaran toes 'tomb! only by Jobb Ear -grew, es A: Co., Urcasels. CanatliainLi11W7 Time Geo. Phappen, Pain,ter, - BPIGSSCIS, is prepared to do All Kinds of PAINTINC+, GRAINING, GLAZING, KALSOMINING, PAPER HANGING, &c., at Reasonable Rates. Satisfaction Guaranteed In Every instance. OR.D E S Left at Geo. Backer's Store will be promptly attended to. 1,1311114 71111)' 1481110 1101160,1 10 Dan col 1340o/3,110 1148 elfEASEI) \Ve T. Ifisscristt's STAND, 10 rtui0011. Ito) Inn prItOthltin 10r )l (10 cull race)) to 811,1 1111411PM 11110341.111 111 111,1 10011100 11441300,01140114(3 Or4/11141 le -noun of 11130(001,1,,,14111111, ;corgi), 1 -tootle.). Alno havin-; I,L,,,,,1 honors thrntoch oho ltoyal Vac.. emery Sliceing 00115401,0( 1,14. /11111111, 14011.1014,1,.0.!1.4,01, whoro hinolecols of orlm.1041 IiornOti 1u054111 1.11' 11011119 nail Y 1 01,1,1.s1‘101Y Sloven tee to 01100 0011- 871001,01 1003 it I »I cortvring NOW 31101.10 141141 rep/arm/1g oli kinds dun,. on 70 31.1011010 Errn111. and workmanship that will itionse. 13Y giving nie r. call 1 feel Hottentot I would 000110 your 1111.410. WAN, 17.8! Hunter's 0111 Stood Hero we are Again, Thanking the public for their pat- ronage fin. the past 14 years I de- sire to state that 11001 prepared to attend to all kinds of House, Sign and. Ornamental Painting in a workmanlike manner. Paper Hanging and Kalsomining done in a, manner that gives Sat- isfaction every tilde. GRAINING A SPECIALTY, Now that the house cleaning season vi11 80031 be here send your orders along early so that they can be attended to in good time. nocuiok, The Ohl Reliable. NEW SPRING GOODS 1111es Going W110 1 0,1-11 1.1.• • Ito Dee! 7.2 11.•111 10. EWil,,t11•11111911,. .. 10.21 , .71 0 1,061 2,,,,enyv 1 32,1 "C111 :121'llillelwrC0.1...1, 1 311 08 30 NTT, Fonterr 11.58 t.m. 42' 'Pares • • . ,1-2.13 pan 47'; 21 w,oeusrox.• ii2 n So( .1,12.55 4, 00 ,14.•rtie1.08 6'41 ,W'0031013 1 4..15 60- ,Winghato Ilona 1,19 117190111V•ther., A:911' 1.5 ..m. Miles 4(083,5 East 0 14 11 261, 80 311 591 611 (11- 66j 170 610e•water Wingliam Head wr,,xoter - • • 8011t1e •• .• •• loordwich . • • . garriston . • Express 5.15(0,0). 5,28 " 5.17 " 5.53 " 0.02 " 6.25 " 0.153314, " 1.141 Vor,-st .. • • 7.021 imiltvtn'th • • A r1,24ar .2 .. 7.26 1 ,,41.11,21, 7.53 Amaranth Wahloamr . 5387:101280' Orangeville jet 8.35. pra,104.0Vt 0 • • T0403100 A 22r. 10,4 it 14 it 5.40p.m. 7.05 7,22 7.110 7.3S 7.14 8.10 6.20 8.16 9.01 9.10 9.31 9.40 9.46 10,03 10.15 2.155.m. 2.50 2.40 " 2.56 " 3.06 " 3.29 " 3.40 :3.57 " 4.10 " 1.30 5.10 " 5.17 5.24 " 5.35 " 5,55 " 111 .3 .114 Refreshment and Dining Rooms • --AT— l'OltIONTO 1113CT1ON4 11I8I; 1,111 ILLE AND ALELE'r011.1 UNCTION, IVT-72:••TCT.--23E1CIS 731.10.00:07.==95 0110 THROUGH TRAINS —mixtvuton- -TQRONTO AND MONTR111AL.— T. VGETCHER, TICKET AGENT, 58IE1(0188168. WEAR SPECTACLES And :Eye -Glasses —That Will Preserve Your Eyesight,— if, L„IZABUS, Manufacturing Upticlian, late ot the firm of Lazarus 111 Morris, 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Bond, London, England, has ap- pointed an agent for the litenowncd Sped. mass and Eye•Glasses which have been be. fore the public f or the pest 25 years. 1,43,tnusi Spectacles never tiro the eye. Lag many years without eluonge, .--Por sale by— JA.S. MOWN, Hardware Morehant 01.8m* Brussels, Ontario, M 7E1-1 HI —000000— IP 31 Having just received the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Tweeds ever shown in Brussels, wu are now prepared to Sell '\7:1=2)7- :LOW- P.RjIC.B_IS. Ow: Stock is composed of Scotch & Canadian Tweeds Velvet finished Suitings, French Sorstecls, Borges. .Also an Im- . 11101180 Stock of Striped. ai Checked. Pantin Always on Hand. Oar Stools of Furnishings, such as Ties, Linen & Celluloid Collars, Linen & OellalokI Cults, Linen and Silk Handker- chiefs, Pat.' Napa Bik,k Gloves, Kid Gloves, Woolen. and Cotton Hose, Braces, Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Breast Pins, Armlets and ea tors, ecc., always on hand and at Low Prices. • , Wo ind makingtenthe Hat and Cap trade a Specialty as we have a Large Stock of All Shapes and Latest Styles. this sOur sstock being Large we intend ruuning.them off at Prices to Suit tile Times, We Lead & Others Follow. —000000 -- Our Tailoring Department Is too well known to need any special mention. Wo guarantee Satis- faction every One. ROSS BROS., $male's Old Stand. I 3