HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-7-16, Page 5JULY 16, 1886. THE BRUSSELS POST
Ethel. •
Your eabsoribers here were much
pleased with the appearance of Tnt
Poste Last week.
It is man reeidont of our smart
little village will shortly go tato double
barneea, We won't mention - any
names yet.
Quite a number of our viliagere ae-
companted the Orangeman and Young
Britons to Wingham on the 121111.
Our band was alto on band that day,
and acquitted tbomeolvos very credit-
1)r. Cale had quite a runaway last
week. He wee taking his horse into
• Wm. Simpson'e yard and left him in
order to shut the gate, The horse
took fright and started off into the
orchard, After making two or three
circuits rotted the trees, the animal
was brought, to bay. He sustained a
few slight toratohos in the frolic, but
the buggy was badly wrecked, The
Dr. has got it rigged up again how-
ever, and we wish him better luck in
PrcttsonAr,s.—Jttnies McKelvey eail-
edtfrom New York on the lircl inst.,
for Londonderry, Ireland. Ho will
be on Nie old sod now.—J. Ietuace,
station master, has resumed ciutiee
again,—Mr. Panabaker, of Hespeler,
was visiting his eon, A. W. Panabak-
er, last week,—Wm. Doig, our ever•
getic watchmaker, has purchased a
village lot from John Cohen—Geo.
Brewster, a former resident bore, hat
boon paying our village a friendly
visit. lie has been workiug in Ohf-
ford since he left here.
Rev. Mr. Mills preached a special
sermon last Sunday to the Orange-
men of the Sunshine lodge.
On Wednesday of last week as Jas.
Brown wits going to Wingham, on a
load of tanbark, his seat slipped off
and the wheels passed over hie left
leg breaking it et the ankle and oth-
erwise injuring him.
A. K. Robertson, lot 20, eon. 5, will
not be beaten on the barley question
and to meet D. McQuarrie'a tall bar-
ley of last work be brought a eampie
to TRE Poso Publishing house that
measured 5 feet in length.
On the morning of the 12th inst.
as the son of Hugh Elliott, 7th con.,
was leaving home with the milk wag-
on, for the Walton cheese factory,
the horses ran away throwing the
driver off and injuring his head se-
verely and otiiewise bruising him.
A. Banton, who took such an ac-
tive interest in the Salvation A.rmy
some time ago and latterly belonged
to the Hallelujah Band of Rev. D.
Savage, has been sent to the Blyth
circuit to assist the pastor, Rev. Wm.
Mills. Mr. Banton has a large num-
ber of friends among the young peo-
A ,wean, white -livered sneak, about
the height of a man, dieplayed his
abilities by robbing three little child-
ren of a largo pail of raspberries, in
M. Cardiff's berry patch, one day hast
week. If the thief will call ou the
father of .the children, who is in A.
Good's employ (H. J. W.), he will
readily obtain some "auger" to pre-
serve the stolen fruit.
Tho Blyth Public School has otos-
ed for the summer vacation and will
not open till Aug. 10th,
J. W. Shaw; Principal of the Blyth
Public School sent 10 pupils up to
Clinton this week to try the marmot)
J. Van Alla n, our popular baker,
hat disposed of hie business to Geo.
Bailey, of Georgetown. Mr. Van
Allan proposes going to London
where be has secured a'firet•olase
situation.' Mr. Bailey will continue
the bneinese as usual.
A very pleasing Affair took plane at
the eeeidence of James Scott, of, this
town, when Wm. Cooper, of Morrie,
and Miss Mary Alin Hwang, of Blyth,
*ere united in the holy bond's of
matrimony. The ceremony was per-
formed by the Rev. A. McLean.
Wm. Montgonimery, cooper in the
Blyth salt works, came very near los-
ing his life on Saturday last. Mr,
Montgommery:, who has been suffer.
ing from an attack of neuralgia ob.
tained medicine for both internal and
external use, but unfortunately he
mistaking the medicine took a
draught of the external remedy which
contuiued deadly poison. .Medical
aid was at ones procured and by tho
administration of au emetic the pa-
tient was soon relieved of his terrible
suffering and isnow in a fair way to
Noen.--The above wag reoeivod too
late for last week.
D. B. McKinnon has been making
an addition to his lawn which adds
very much to the appearance of hie
Mr, Dover, formerly of Blyth bat
now of Detroit, paid our town a fly.
ing visit this week,
A largo number from Blyth attend-
ed the Orange demonstration at
Wingbam this week.
A movement wee on foot on Sat.
urday last for the purpoee of having
a watering. Dart 1n our town, and N'e
aro pieaeod to state our business Men
were unlinimously in favor of it, This
movement should have been introdum
ed long ago as our town was greatly
in need of it.
The Band boys made their fret ap-
pearance on too street with their now
uniform last Saturday mooing, They
look gay and no doubt they feel proud
of themselves. Jno. Finish is their
drum major, Jno. is a good man for
that purpose and the boys feel very
fortunate in securing him.
Juo. Barrack, who,lies been putting
up rack lifter/tie the neighborhood of
Port Albert, had the misfortune to
fall from a beam, 18 feet, while in the
act of sawing a board. Medical aid
was esut for and by an exautivatiou
it wee found that Homo of his ribs
were broken. lie is still very weak,
but is on e fair way to recovery.
E. Mountcastle met with a painful
accident on Friday last, While go•
ing into the stable, in the evening, he
had a bag of bedding over his shoul-
der and upon approaching the horse
it immediately toots fright and kiok-
od Mr. M. in several places break
rug his leg. Although he will be un-
able to leave hie bed for some time,
he is doing as well as could bo ex
On the 14th inst. the wife of Robt.
Forsyth, of this village, died of par-
alysis of the brain. Deceaeod had
lately tahen up her residence here,
having arrived with her husband from
Michigan, ho having lately ereotod a
largo woolen mill in Blyth. Although
strangers in Blyth much sympathy is
extended to the bereaved Imitated and
family in the lose which they have
PEnaoxAL8,-0. E. Tanner, banker,
is visitiug frioude in Alvtnston this
week,—Mies Brodie, of Washington,
D.O., is at present the guest of Mrs.
R. Phillips.—Wm, Boll, who has
beeu iu Kansas, returned to his fam-
ily on Saturday last.—Miss Pieta,• of
Listowel, is the guest of Miss Sloan
this week.—Wm. Southoott paid a
visit to Exeter this weelc.--0. R.
Shane, of Detroit, is visiting friends
In town. Charlie looks well and city
life eoeme to agree with him.. '
Gt•r eeeie,
When everybody got fatrly into
haying the rain came, Yes I well,
who said it didn't ?
A large new frame barn was raised
on the farm of Robert Robertson, lot
82, eon, 15. on Wednesday laet.
Jno. Barker's two daughters, Han.
nab, of bait, and Laura, of Muskoka,
were home on a visit for a few wooled.
Geo. Hall and Fannie Hall, of
Montreal, were visiting at Williern
Hall's and among other old friends
last week,
At the clotting exercises of the On.
tario Agricultural College, Guelph,
W. R. Bishop, of this township; tools
honors in Veterinary Science.
The recent raine will do a power of
good, not only to the grain and root
orope, bat pasture which was getting
very scarce on account of the long
spell of drought.
Thos. Heritage has an old bonlc.
the Songs of David, printed in Old
Fnglislr style, bearing the date 1048.
It has been iu the family for over 200
years and is it valued heirloom.
The Plymouth Brethren have bold
a series of meetings Lately at the resi-
dence of Jno. Ctasb. The meetings
are not so largely attended as former-
ly as penple's curiosity has been in a
great measure satisfied.
A ditch ie to be dug from lot 7, oou.
6, to Alex. Forsyth's for the pun
poseof draining ,ie number of low
lots along that concession. It is
badly needed as in the wet season the
road is very badly flooded,
We clip the following particulars
of the sudden death of Miss McFad-
den niece of Uriah McFadden, from
the Neepawa Register, of July 2nd
—The death of Miss Ida McFadden
by lightning has caused a profound
sensatiou. She attended tho celebra-
tion here on Dominion Day and with
other several young people entered
fully into the enjoyment of the mut-
ton. In the evening she went to Os-
prey to spend the night with Mrs.
Barr, and it was there the accident
occurred. Site was in the act of put-
ting a sheet over the window when
the lightning came down from above.
1t struck her on the head and passed
down her body tearing one of her
boots to pieces. Death was instan-
taneous. The young lady had been
teaching Oberon school attd was off
on a two days' vacation. Tho bo.
reeved relatives have the sympathy of
3. Cowan, barrister, of Sarnia, wne
visiting hie brother-in-law, Thomas
Calder, this. week,
Wm. Bateman, of lot 18, eon, 0,
recently pareltnsed the old log Prim-
itive Methodist church, It had stood
there for over 20 years and many was
the refreshing liras enjoyed within
ire wells. Mr, Bateman torn the
building down,
A great many tools advantage of
the dry weather to burn brush and
other rubbish on low lands whiel ha-
Came so dry that the fire generally
made a clean swoop, which greatly
facilitates the world of bringing such
lands under cultivation. "It's ten ill
wind that blows nobody good."
Mrs. Neal and sone are visitiug
friends in the neighborhood of Park
Hill this week,
Cheese -maker Loch sold his gray
roadster last week for a good round
sum. The boast trotted a mile on
the Brussels course inside of three
minutes the morning it was tale
Last Friday as Jno. Hewett was
driving the mowing machine he fell
off and the largo driving wheel press
oil over him breaking three ribs and
atherwiee rnjuriug him. As he is
getting well up tett years the old
gentleman will probably be bud up
for Home time. lie hay out in the
field for some time before be was dis-
covered by some of the twill men.
.a'-mtwt Wrtwwaoic» ie.
Many of the Orangemen spent the
12111 in Wiuglam this year.
'1'. Mitchell sent a ear load of horses
to Dakota with B. Collis last week.
Mrs. Win. McDowell iutende start-
ing to Dakota next week to join her
Wm. Cooper, formerly of titre town-
ship, bntuow of Hullett, was married
Last week to Miss Al. A... Evans, of
F, Nailem the Mil assessor for this
township, was badly injured by some
brinks falling ou him and is not ex-
pected to live.
t' eerort County i`tic,tow.
Mr. Creery, of Usborns township,
says hu paid $180 for thirty bushels
of wheat last spring. Ho got a splen -
dal eampie of wheat, and if he can
only rise as good himself, he is quite
sure lie will have no difficulty in sell-
ing it at two dollars a bushel, The
sharpen had him in a pretty tight
place, for besides the six dollars it
bushel he was to pay, they were to
get half the crop. He got a settle.
ment with thou by paying the $180.
He sowed fifteen bushels himself and
gave oat elle other fifteen among his
neighbors, and he is to get one half
of the crop. The crop at present is
very good,
OIL na diEtri N e w M.
W. Johnston, of 12inuedosa, Men.,
desired to marry Mise Turner. The
young lady's father objected. On
Dominion Day he took his daughter
to Miunedosa to see the sports, and
Air. Johnston took advautago of her
presence in town-tocall a minister
and have her declared his wife. The
old gentlaman when informed of what
had happened' acknowledged defeat
and relented.
'.here wits diphtheria in the family
of a shoemaker, caused, Itis alleged,
by a dewtyiug mess of refuse treat
and bones from a butcher's shop.
The patient was kept remote from the
oboe store over an adjoining shop,
but the shoo store was placarded and
the butcher shop was not. There
was. no Gutraoeoto the dwelling from
the stare. '.Pito shoemaker suffered
heavily by loss of custom, and he re-
gards tris case as one of decided hard•
ship.—Hamilton paper.
Proceislinge have been taken
against T. 0. Steele, a Barrie school
teacher, for alleged assault on a pupil,
The pupil's punishment was due to a
virtual to answer a second time a
quostioa on the blaolcboard, the boy
alleging that he could not do it any
other way, and that if it did not pieasa
the teacher Ito could do it himeelf.
The teacher is alleged to have broken
a stick over the bay's back' and to
Lava strnolt him between the ehould-
ere with his closed hand.
At Ponsc, N, W, T., Mr. Blair, duce
the opining of spring, has handled
over a hundred toes of buffalo bones.
Ho has also hantlled largo quetutitiee
at Bells Plain and other points. Six
dollars to toil is being paid. A num-
ber of Halfbreods from Wood Moun-
tein have also been at Pens° for see•
oral weeks, engaged is the bone buvi•
noes, an 1 are making money. Over
one hundred oar Joule of buffalo bonus
were shipped over the Oituathan Pe.
0160 Railway from various points iu
too North•woet Iasi year, and it is
estimated that this year the am mot
will be mote than doubled.
c. I
CARP ELiil i
s f t aUSE.
fall' rt BOc. F ay CM
Struck Botto ten
This Time Surae
Spot Cash t. eU.s Every Time
Pi ti'3 f"^a . r FI)R
Ladies we have just opened. out and passed into stock 120 Pairs of the
May Corset that wo have boon selling for 60 eta. Webought thein at
a Big Discount for cash and, without a doubt we have struck Bottom
Prices. Just Listen to the price -48 cents, or two pairs for 85 cents.
Why, Powell's celebrated May Corset was the Talk of both Town and
Country at 60 els., what will they be now at 43 cents or two pairs for
85 ets. ? The probabilities Eire that if we had Telephone. Connection
Orders would be pouring in from all parts of the Country.
43c, Two Pairs for 3S Cents. 43o.
Don't have the slightest doubt about the price, when G. A. says 43e.,
or 2 pairs for 85c., he means it every time.
Respectfully yours,
G. A.t Powell,
The Gree City Millinery House,
430. 43c. 43e.