HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-7-16, Page 3JULY 10, 1886.
They strolled together through the grove,
And aa they lingered on the way,
In fervid mum ho told his lovo,
That tuunmer day.
His ardent vows Elbe, trombing, hoard,
Nor cheeks with brightest blushes dyed.
Anil as her glances sought the' sward
She softly sighed,
"Speak, darling, speak," the lover said;
"Oh, any my pleadings are nob vain 1"
She answered not, but hong hoe head
And sighed again.
"That you aro diffident and shy,"
He said, "those downcast looks denote;
You will not speak? then you and
Will take a vote.
"It is an easy thing to do ;
A ballot, sweetest, oast with me,
The question being, shall we ttvo
United be ?
Again she let her lashes fall;
Then murmured with a charming air :
"Dear Jack, why 3iced wo vote at all,
Why can't we pair ?" •
.As sometimea it may happen that dry goods
must be bought,
You should have a little list, you should
have a list,
Of the places in the city where low prices
can bo caught;
And that never should be missed; that
never should bo mirsed.
There's the toilet for the summer, a most
important thing,
Which, of course, includes the toilet for the
balmy, gentle spring,
And a hundred other things, malting quite
a lengthy list
Oh, they never shook' be missed ; they
never should be missed.
First of all there comes the trunk—a very
big one, too,
To hole the fancy odds and Duds, and all
the ribbons bine ;
Then a combination mit, which you'll buy
at the least cost—
This never should be lost ; this never should
bo lost,
And a dress of summer fabric ; a pretty
• mull or lawn ;
So pretty, bright and lovely, like the dewy
sun.kissed morn.
You should have these on your list, should
have them on your list,
For they surely would be mit:sod; they sur.
My would be mimed.
Then there's the summer silk, of texture
bright and rare,
That matches so superbly, :your dark or
golden hair,
And white, embroidered robes, or in colors,
if you like,
With a stylish little paeasol to finish up the
And Mem and embroideries in all the latest
And a fan of snowy whiteness to cover up
the smiles.
Yon should have them on your list; should
have them on your list,
For they surely will be missed ; they surely
will ba missed.
To mention all the fancies in the toilet of
the spring
Would be quite a tedious thing ; would be
quite a tedious thing;
So we take it that you know them and will
buy 'em all in time,
Oaring little for the jingle of this silly,
monstrous rhyme.
But there yet .remains the object, ere its
mission is complete,
To tell again the story which the public
will repeat ;
That the places to find bargains—the best
in town—no boast,
Aro those that advertise in Tnr. Baussims
You should add them to your list ; should
add them to your list,
For they never should be missed ; they
never should be missed.
Canadian Flatteries.
The number of men engaged in the
fisheries of Canada last year was 59,.
498, the number of veseels 1,117, the
number of boats, 28,472, and the
=tuber of fathoms of nets, 8,014,-
384. The value of the vessels was
$2,021,683, of.bonts $852,25'7 and of
nuts $1,218,284. including weirs
and other fishing materials, the total
value of the fishing plant in 1885
was $6,697,4130. These figures show
an increase over those of 1875 of
6,809 in the number of men emploYed
of 3'561 tons in the vessele, of 6,262
in the number of boats and of $558,-
010 in the value of veasels, boats and
The official value of the yield of
the fisheries of Canada in 1885 is
given at $17,722,072, of which Nova
Scotia is credited with $8,289,928,
New Brenswiele 40,005,480, Prince
Edward Island $1,298,490, British
Columbia, *1,078,088, Quebec, $1,
710,460, and Ontario $1,342,692,
The values of the yield of . some of
the principal fish in 1885 are i—Oocl,
;14,580,782 ;
• herring, $2,474,118 ;
lobsters, $2,618,781 ; salmon, $1,-
152,848; maelceral, $1,500,424; had-
dock, $651,088 . trout, $494,982;
sardinea, $858,781; whitefish, $286,-
Editing 0 Papor,
Editing a paper is ft pleasant bug-
Mees—if you like it,
If it contains much political matter
peuplo won't have it.
If the type is large, it don't contain
multi reading matter,
If wo publieh telegraph reports,
face say they are nothing but ilea.
If wo omit them, wo have no enter.
prise, or suppose them Inc political
If we have a few jokes folios sae wo
aro nothing but rattlebeads.
It we omit jokes folks say wo are
nothing but foestle,
If we publish original matter, they
abuse 1113 for not giving eelections.
If we give selections, people say
wo are lazy Inc not writing more, and
giving them what they have not read
in S01116 other paper.
If wo give a complimentary notice,
we aro censured for being partial.
If we don't all bends say wo are a
great hog.
If we insert an article a inch pleas.
os the ladies, the men become jealous
itncl vice versa.
If we attend church, they say it is
for effeet.
If wo remain in our office attending
to our buainess, folks say we are too
proud to mingle with other -fellows.
If wo go out they eny we don't attend
to our business.
Heated newer Boxes.
The heating ot the boxes of the
reaper or mower frequently occasions
vexations delay, and occurs without
any apparent cause. It is noticeable
that a box once heated is more prone
to heat again, and if the box holding
the shaft to which the !sickle driver is
attached is ever thoroughly heated,
future trouble can be avoided only by
the greatest care. If the box fits too
closely around the shaft it is apt to
heat. So, too, if it fits too lootely.
The shaft must have enough play but
no more. Too Minh play is more
frequently the cause than too little
Lack of proper oiling will, of course
canee:the boxes to heat. Very few
are so careless as not to .supply oil
often enough, but the oil may be in-
ferior. It is well to buy oil of only a
reliable dealer, reni =boring that
poor oil may be sold at a low price,
but good oil canuot. The rule for
oiling a mower and reaper should be
"Little and often." The boxes in
the sicklo-driver works should be oil-
ed every few moments. If too much
oil is applied, not only is the excess
wasted, but dust ie gathered, and this
is a frequent cause of the boxes heat-
ing. If a box heats, the first thing
to do is to remove alt dirt, if there be
any in it ; and this is the first mea.
eure of prevention as well. It will
also reduce the wearing of the parts.
If the ground is quite dry, the dust
will Well find its way into the box
and make, unless removed. Some-
times grass or straw will get wound
around the shaft in the box. Ho who
would never have a hot box must
have a sharp eye and be of a careful
The following.bulletin has been is-
sued frotn the Ontario Agricultural
College :—The business of dairying
when intelligently and carefully fol•
lowed insures to the farmer a safe
and steady work. The Province of
Ontario is favored with all the natur-
aradiantages needed for the produc•
tion of cheese and butter of the finest
quality ; and as the permanent sue •
case of the dairy industry depends up-
on tato quality of the product, every
dairy farmer is or should be interest-
ed in its itnprovement. To help in
that direction is the purpose of this
bulletin. In producing and supply-
ing milk to cheese factories and
creamoriee the following points re-
quire attention in order that the best
results may be obtaited
1. Milk from healthy cows only
ehould be used, and not until at least
four days •after calving.
2. Any harsh treatment that ex-
cites the cow lessens the quantity and
injures the quality of her yield.
8. Cows should be allowed an
abundant supply of wholesome, suit-
able food, and as much pure water as
they will drink.
4, A supply of salt should be plac-
ed where cows have access to it every
5. Cows should not be permitted to
drink stagnant, impure water, tier to
eat cleanings floor the horse Stable,
leelca, turnip tops, nor anything that
would ,give the milk an offensive
O. All milk vessels should bo thor.
oughly (Amused : first being washed,
then scalded with boiling water, and
afterwards sufficieetly aired to keep
them perfedly sweet.
7. Cow, ttbrinla bn Witlt dry
itt141 only after the udder, have
been eitehed or well
8 ililking nlinuld ho done and
mint ehould be kept only whore the
Herr/eluding Mr le Imre and free from
obji•etionable and feinting odours
ltlillfing in IL rc,ul.,12)61iiug etoble or
yard impaiti 1.1 milk an injurioLs
taint. Sour whey should never be
fed, ifer should !loge, be kept in a
milking yard, or near to milk stand.
0, 1 in pails only ebotitl ho used.
10. All milk sleeild br properly
strafinal, itninediaiely lifter milking,
and for that purpose 8 letached
strainer is preferitble to a strainer -
FOit niLileli FACTO0/N8.
11. 111 propariug tiiilk fur delivery
to it ebeeee lechery it if honld bined-
iately after strewing be thoroughly
aired by pouring, dipping, or stirring.
This treatment is an benefieiel for
the morning's milk tis Inc the even.
and is even more necessary
when the weather is cool thee when it
is warm.
12. In warm anther all milk
should be cooled after 'thee been air-
ed, but not before.
18. Milk kept over night in small
quantities-.-uay in paile—will bo in
better condition than it kept in a
larger quantity in ono vessel.
14. When both messes of milk are
conveyed to the factory in inc eau,
the nuxing of the inoriling with the
evening's milk should be delayed till
the milk wagon ranches the stand.
15. While the milk is warmer than
the eurroundiug air it ehould be left
uncovered, but when colder it envy
with adv,.ntage be covered.
16, Millc.pitils mid cans should be
protected from the rale, and milk-
stande ehould be constructed to shade
the cans from the euu.
17. Only honest milk with ice full
cream and full share of strippings
should be offered ; violation of this
requiremeut leaves the patron liable
toa heavy penalty.
Tileouburg has sold $6,5B0 of town
debentures at 115.121.
An old lady 85 years of age YMCd
for the Crompton Corset 13y•lar; 11)
Ei,easeights. made miserable by the,
terrible °cough, Shilehts (Jure is the remedy
for you. Sold by Ef, A Demdman,
Two Indians have been committed
Inc trial at Regina for having set fire
to a stable and implementshed.
n,tattatmourerl, health and sweet breath so
oured, by Sh(loh's Cletarrb Itatnedy Price 25
Gouts. Nasaltnj eater tree S tad by Goo A.
A. bear which weigbel when time,
ed 800 pounde, hits been elicit in the
neighborhood of Calgary.
We aro pleased to learn that Jobe llargreay.
es dr Co., our enterprising druggists have re.
ceived the agency for the truly • eelebrated
West's Pato Eing, 0 oortain mire for aw
ll bo
difficulties, colic. cholera nimbus and cholera.
Only 25 mints,
The Iyux catch 0( 1118 Canadian
Northwest during the past winterwas
about twenty-five !housed skins.
Wrx,x, you suffer with Dyspeptia mud Divot
0002plaint? Sniloh'e Vitalizer is guaranteed
to ouzo you. Sold by G.A. Dominion
At Gleichen the passengers on the
first through train to the Pacific pre.
seated Chief Orowfoot with MI ad-
dress and a sum of money.
FOr lame book, side or cheat, use Shilori's
Porout Plaster, Price 0500010. Sold by G A.
The St. Thomas Times says that
that city has ouly escaped the title of
",the baby city" to become "the orph-
an city," as they are now without
city fathers.
fIntLon's Cough and Consumption OU.1.0 111
sold by G. A. Decidinem on a guarantee, It
euros consumption
The wheat harvest has fairly com-
menced in Essex and Kent, and in
ofwheat have boon reaped. This in
he vicinity of Loudon seiteral fields
said to be the earliest that wheat has
ever been out la Ontario.
SITILOWS Vitalizer le what you need/or Con
stipatIon, loss 0/ appetite, Dizziness, and all
symptoms of Dyspepsia. Prim 10 and 70 cents
per bottle. Sold by G, A.Doadman,
The Young 8Ien'e Ohrislian Assoc).
istion of Lindsay have decidedly dis-
sented from the view that it is their
duty to undertake espinionage upon
hotel -keepers of the town with the
object of securing a proper enforce-
ment of the i9oott, Act.
A resident of Oalgary alleges. that
a cinnamon bear, which seems to be
afflicted with rheumatism, goes reg.
ularly to theBauff Hot Springevery
night for his bath, and that as a con-
sequenee a marked improvement has
been noticed in Bruin's appearance.
Ile on yflur Outtril.
DOu't 11110W a 111 10 the l,. t in slowly and
mob, IhrVaIo t,tda into (Iodate!, when yell
CUM be ea re, t r 1' •, A f ew op 1101111 ly; .1
4000 11)4,i5101.0 II:LEurrli, I/ 410 1,5,1 00111,1 0)11
0010 01,4..1,1 V.Itteril, Ono Cu1., turn, wit1
num Oran), 111, Tty Or, 1'11:14,1'4
14411 OILLI1Lril lItISu -14 Will (Mid yoll,
During a performance of the Mi-
kado at Peterbord' on Wednesday
night J. W. Herbert, playing the part
of Koko, dislocated his shoulder, It
was done by a sudden thro-,viug up of
both arms. Mr, Herbert dislocated
the same shoulder while playing in
Hamilton in Vebruary.
N.." sr CAlleo 14, It'IDE,
11/101t Vi 1, I It IC 10 P. HON.
S. tab:: On•raa, Wit, gmhj.,
il,:".:11;',101) AT Tel
A. it U V'1'.• it • 1,4-11.
18,, hi is hereby giv 11, peni
(. mni of ole,,,ano i V a+.
fi (Mai 00 It 8101lOori 1111.11411.4. 11.,
ids hos against the estate OI A laid0,1/.1. Web,
rter, 1 tto or tbe of nr11,tiolit ho
Collo ty of Huron, flax trdll /1/4•0,1•,...1
100,i died on or About MO fltrb flay 1lonbrn-
ary laat past, 00 send (prop:0,11 to
it, pluks ,n, fti..lialtor for James P.
Wolts ter and Cs thartho Wobitar, 11cotto tor
nod le, Kean trix, respectively, of Ws m Isa it
and Lament out of the said tiodon.o.d, re, or hr.'
fore the lr,1 day ot August, A.13, tw), .0 00,
1,10111.. Of their names alt arldroaltieAnfun
rtlem ere of their 01 almit,1.1111
10 ota tenon( at an P14020E11.1; 111 an) 'bit ty
1.11.111. A1111 eller the id yl 1119 of Ant:11*c
too 810d 80100 000/1 Will tIffludt..1 to
Win 101180011uf 1119 84111 riot VAN.
ius entitled thereto, reuded being 80+1 may to
t• 0118 of whim, notice 81,011 Imva tore
Rivun. 00 titnru rag Weed. Thu sellPI,Locillor,
will not 4.1111blo for Le to 500000, Dr 0, ny 11,14.1.
Ltiore0I, 10 out puroon of whom) ala!ut nation
shall nnt have nnon given 111 Lnu W110 of tooth
distrilm 10.
'Thug! at ilrussole the 2310 ,ln
,ty e, Jae ,
1030, 0. B. DfChNO`1,
52.1Ins tic/Netter for 1.e tors.
\ AT Al. 13 1, 131111,
V 11o1,':,'r, 1. ot 1, 1111.1
11.u1 1114ti 4.•.. 1 • • 3 Ai
411 0.. - •
Pr000rindoa of a physician who
hoe had n life tong experience In
treating female dlettaftes. 10 0004
monthly with perfect success by
over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe,
effectual. Ladies ask your drug,
gist for Pennyroyal 'Wafers and
take no substitute, or Intdose post-
age for waled pa:tic:Werth Sold by
an eregmo=
gista, et bAddress
10 years in thousands of oases.
Uon PromptlyoureeNervourProstra,
Wealmeal of Brarrt,Bpinal
Cord, and Oenerutive &meteor
°fore, either sex, Entissfonsand all ills After,
caused by Indiseretion or over.exertion. Six
packages Is guaranteed to (Afoot a cure when all
other medicines fall. onepackage 81, sixpook-
ages So. by man. So/d by druggista Write for
Pamphlet, EURE11.4 °MOM= Co,, Dotreit,Msch,
Carriage Works,
All made of the 13es Material and finished in a Workman -like manner
Repairing and Painting promptly attended to.
Parties intending to buy should call before
linronaarroEs.—Marsden Smith, B. Laing, Tames Cutt and Wm. Mc-
Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewer mond D.
Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brussels ;
Rev. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry Township.
isa:ursgr R-rLocrizt raxLIEAS.
The undersigned, having completed the change from the 'stone to the
elobra ted Hungarian ystem of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First-class Running Order,
And will be gladito see all his old customers and as many now ones
as possible. hopping done.
Flo' and Peed Always oz.
Highest Price Mid for any quantity of Good Graiv.