HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-7-9, Page 88
th I SI:vonab items of intcrent are
Tlf'l0TXT 1 ,1B 11 f?, ii'ilh �Im crowded out this issue,
Pose Scorns, --Seventy barrels of
eager wore brought to town last Sat•
urdny,--Tile bridge across tho Malt,
land has been up 12 years, --Meth-
odist Sunday Sohool pie-nic on Fri.
day nftcrnoan of this week, 111 Arm•
stroug's grove, near the salt block,-
Raspberriee aro ripening fast and
they will be n largoerop,-Somo fun-
ny (?) youths Lore down tho booth
used by the soorers at cricket match•
es, on the park, last weok aid they
hadd-to put it up agaiu this week to
save themselves troublo.-The
Orangemen from hero go to Wing -
ham next Monday to celebrate the
12t11. --The now advt, of Grant & 0o.
has not been ekipped by you this
weok, has it ?-Boal July weather
this weok,-=The town boys are anx-
iously waitiug for flax pulling. --
Preachers are cuttiug down their ser-
mons while the hot weather loots.--
oots,School youngsters have been very un-
easy waiting for this issue, of THE
POST to 800 t110 result of the mid-
summer exnminllLious —A number of
Brusaelttes at'ended the Baptist pin•
nic, held in Jou. Pelton's grove,
Winghatu, on Dominion day. They
report Laving hod a good time. -The
Wroxeter voters' list was placed in
the cleric's hands hist Monday, It
was printed at Tao POST Publishing
House. -Jas, (water works) Kelly's
rod watering cart is just the thing
the doctor ordered. --A large quantity
of wool is being delivered at the
Brussels woolen hill this year. Try
it if you have not disposed of your
Wool. -G. A. Deadman has 250
swarme of bees this year. -Wm,
Vanstone & Sons shipped 500 barrels
of flour and 8 cars of middlings to
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, this
The firemen firemen Thad the euglue out for
practice last Monday evening. It
worked well. -Un Dominion Day the
10 o'clock train took 4 con01108 of ex-
cursionists to Luokuow from the oast,
They claim to have had 5,000 visitors.
If there were only 2,000 and they
made as much noise, in proportion,
as some ou the homeward trip the
mistake by the Lucknow people is
quite exousible.-Installation in the
I.O.O,F. lodge on Thursday evening
of this week. -See advt. of Foothill
Nursery in this issue. -The potato
bugland Paris green are becoming very
closely connebted this season. -The
Directors of the. Grey Agricultural
Society don't seem to give a cont
whothor their Show goes up or down
by the little interest taken about a
now agricultural park. -Hand in the
personal items. -The Ronald steam.
er for Vancouver, B. 0., was shipped
this .week. -A large number of Brus•
Bellies will go with the Orangemen
next Monday.-lIelville Church Sun-
day School pia-nic on July lot was a
very pleasant and enjoyable one.
Strawberries were dispensed with a
lavish band. Short addressee were
made by W. R. Wilson and Rev. 3.
Ross, B.A.-George Miller has boen
improving the appearance of hie resi•
donee, Elizabeth street, by a coat of
paint: 5''2 Brusselites took in the
sights. at Godarich on Dominion Day.
Some of the excursionists were great-
ly disappointed at the lack of oom.
forts at the park near the lake. -
There ia;a certain man in town who
thrashes kis wife and lie is going to
do it once too often for his own good.
There is a'great. out -cry by a large
numbor of our townspeople who say
they will snake him stop 1t or cluck
him. We any shame on the man
who would abuse his wife. -By spec•
itel request the illustrated lecture on
Old London was repeated on Thurs-
PARLOR CONCERT. -T1.10 parlor non- day evening of this woek, in the Town
cert and garden party held at the Hall. -A. Currie killed a calf, 6 weeks
11I°thodist pa rsonthge plat `Ieosday old, last Tuesday that dressed 180
Queuing was a very enjoyable 0110. pounds ofvan', It was a good one: -
The musical selections aro very seldo::] The contracts for gravelling the gravel
equalled at the best contorts. The road were let on Tuesday. George
Johnston got it for the north at 49
cents a square yard, and Wm. Den -
bow got the south at 40 cents. Jno,
ieadows and Robb. Burns do the
spreading. -Tile American, Central
and Queon'u hotels look fine in their
now dress of paint. Our hotel-keepors
mean to have their hotels loop•
ing tasty. -Selby & Co., Scott street,
Toronto, publish a paper-oovered
book, " Boquet of Kindergarten
Songs," It contains eighteen exgvlo
situ little melodies which are explain-
ed by Mrs. J. L. Hughes in an inter'
estingly written introduction. The
songs are pointed with references in-
dicating the appropriate gestures,
and after each song are notes by Mrs,
Hughoe and Bessie E. Ele11imanu, ex•
plaining the references,=See notico
of posting up voters' lists for Bras -
sols. -See F. C. Rodgers' advt. in this
issue• -Claude Waterer got two dandy
drives at the ball at the cricket match
in Goderich. They each added five
to his score. -Thursday of next week
Brussels meets Seaforth, at the latter
piece, to play the Association Cricket
The Post Boo: Store
and n Fan and I oxpoet to take it cool dor.
hag the hot season.
They have some luyely Baslrets there too.
I'll have to get one for the Pic-nic,
My "pony" is in good lit for the Fall races
bat I hear there's another race on baud. It
is a race after the Standard Musical Lib-
rary, You got y nr choice of the best yocal
and instrumentsl selections, at Tits Posh:
Bookstore for 10 cents. I'd boy a liAnlro.a-
1mt, for they have "boss" ones, ouly its such
rough riding over the coarse gravel. Good-
bye for the present.
999 in the Shade.
Trains Ioavo Brussels Station, north and
south, as foil ows:—
'Ito tug south, Going North.
Fxpross 11:45 a.m. Mali...............2:49 p.m.
Mixed 7:15 a.m. • 011x54 0:35 am.8:50 p.m l;xpross ...,..10:55 p.m.
The morning train south and lbs night train
north will only run on Tuesdays, 'Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
A. ohiel's among ye talon' notes
An' faith he'll front it.
How do yon like us this week ?
IT would be nice if everybody was
honest and paid as they bought. --If
the young gaffers did not want to
bathe when people want to row. -If
all the cricketers could make a score
like S. E. Laird's at Godarich, but
some of them "aiut built that way."
-If all the vocalists of the various
congregations would join in with the
Musical Society already established.
--If whiskey could be shut out of
the Dominion for 10 years, on trial.
--If politicaus always told the truth
and if they did not lino their pockets
with our mousy. --If we had a tom•
poting liue of railway with the G.T.
R. so as to bring down freight rates.
--•If the cricket club had to pay Choir
'bus fare and for their suppers when
playing )patches with outside clubs
as it makes the boys independent you
know. -If one mat did not call an-
other mat n liar and there were no
bloody noses. -If every Brussels dam•
sel had a "fellah" white the ica
cream season lusted. -If people
could sleep without snoring as it
would make church sleeper more en-
joyable companions. -If folks did
nut growl when Tnre POST trumps on
their corns. -If cod-fisla aristocracy
did not put on so mach "agony.": -
If people who have towork hard
ovary day could live as. comfortably
as those wilo do nothing. There
aro a great many other things that
would be aloe but we havo to stop
now to go to dinner, so we will leave
a little space right here for you to
fill up with what you think would bo
program was as follows :-Harmonica
selections by;A, Hingeton and D. itic-
Donald; solo, "One morning, Ohl
so early," Mics Johnston, of Seaforth;
solo, "A. bird from over the sea," Mrs.
J. S. Oook, Bluevale, and an encore
"The cows aro in the corn"; violin
and piano instrumental by H. L.
Jackson and Hiss Lizzie Jackson ;
fluett, "The 1 ishermen," Mrs. Bright
and Miss Johnston, of Seaforth ; 5010,
"Masks and faces," Mrs, Hutchinson;
instrumental, H. L. Jackson and Mise
L. Jackson ; solo, "When the day is
done," Mrs. Cook ; solo, "Our Jack's
come homo again," A. Strachan ;
holo, "When the heart is young,"
.Mrs. Bright ; solo, Mies Johnston,
Mrs. G. A, Powell and Miss Lizzie
.Jackson presided at the piano as ac-
companists. Our home talent fully
sustained their past reputation and
the ladies from Seaforth and Blue: -
vale gave unbounded satisfaction and
the mention of their names on any
future program will ensure a full
house. An abundant supply of re.
freshments was provided and a ilea -
gni lime spent.
SUNDAY Sebool.in Kuox cllurelt has
been withdrawn until Rev, S, Jones
returns owing to lite fainting and
other improvements being in opera.
lion Itt the church.
Excel val00 in Fruit Jars nud plekling
vinegars at Thomson's,
Gum) IIIIOALIST.-Wo have a great
deal of pleasure in stating that our
old friend A. A.1, Taylor 51008000(1 in
winning tho gold model at tho Univer-
sity of Trinity College in his final ex-
amination. Ho has proved htmsalf n
worker over and over again and we
expect ]aim bo bake a leading position
in the profession of his choice. A.
51. has a large oirolo of friends in
Huron Co. who wish him tho •sucees
his energy and hard work entitle Aim
to. We say, well done Taylor.
Trios. SMITn agrees to build a two
story briok building, 56x73 feet, and
an engine house and dry kiln, 12 fent
high, 18.45 feet. with gravel' ''roof,
JULY 0, 1880.
,IRCCArR 112!=e1 VAKI R. 'rM.blep.... 7CSI' MOMI M
TEE Acton Freo Prose (00 pasned
another milestone and ie oe bright
and tames' as over. WO wish lire,
aloore continued prosperity.
FALL Rtose,-'The Itrnssels 'I)riv•
ing Park Association intoad holding
their fall meeting in Cha Inst weolr of
August or first week of Soptconbar,
when liberal prince will ho givon. Talo
intention is to mak° '1 circuit of
Stratford, Seaforth, Bruls'lls end
Winghan], so a gond meriting awl
good hordes 1e °spatted. Soo posters
!i;siilU ai,
-t:1NT0S1I & It1uTAGGART,
Transact a General Banking
Yobs 8o hand. disc mated.
Interest gal 10' 10:1 els sot: r.il 15,4' &I 10
I'ro:n pi) attention :Ivan t'1 oolla;tinn•t.
for full particulars. Thos. Halt 1'g .Ls.
7T1 E. WADE; 13ARRISTE1I, &o,
BausauLs is cotniu r to rho front tar 1 4. 01nco tm'rooriy oaouplo i by t. J. 'ato-
6 Ooll,b3sq„ to L331100 !Nook.lfono> to loan.
well kept lawns, grounds and flower
plots. Foremost of alt ie the hand• J3. DICKSON(LATE WITH
some residence and premises of Reeve . 001000 C Proudfnot (enlerloh) surto-
• ftor,Othnvoygcen ke, Odlaa, rtOt'e bisol,
Rogers, \Villi 119 hedges, shrubs, prusoola. Mon ly to loan,
trees, plants, flowers, summer houses, ..-
&o. We don't know of a plana in the A LEX I-IUNTER, CLERK OF
County that will 13urp1458 A. 11Tr• 0oo:wuyanoo'rtrtut1 evyle unli,°Loud, fma�u uo l
Rogers bas reason to feel proud of llie Iueorauoa t;tuu1, Purvis inv estofl nud to loan,
Bruseeisns unset 01lloe 1,, Grobnm'a IIlook
the Sec.—Treas..
balding to cost about $2,500, put in grounds. Then there aro the well
$8,500 worth of maoluinery,and em-
ploy 8 or 10 hands, if the corporation
exempt him from terse on his. build-
ing and machinery for 10 years. 1flr.
Smith will pay taxes on the land and
house or houses. If the exemption
is granted the brisk and all other
necessary building material will bo
kept plots of G. A. Deadman, E. E,
Wade, Thos. Kelly, J. 11, Smith, G-
A. Powell, J. AS Creighton and J R
Grant, to say nothing of the gardens
of H. Dennis, Dr. Holmos, Dr. Hutch.
limn, Rev. J. L. Karr, Wm. Van -
stone, 111rs. Henry, D. Sinclair, R.
Leethortlalo, D. Ross, Jlio, Fear And
got on tbo ground next winter nud others who will in the course of a few
the work will be pushed ahead its yoars have very attractive looking
soon as rspsng opens. The contract places.
for the brick work alone is setimntecd
et $985
Wlrnan.-In 13rnesels, on Juno 30th,
PERSONALS.-- A. Httuter arrived tbo wife of illr. James Walker of a
home last week after spending a short danghtor.
time in London, whero be has been Lran.—In Brussols,.on the 3rd inst., the
taking lsssone at portrait painting.- wife of Mr. S. Y. Laird of a daughter,
in front of his jewelry store. It is a H. L. Jackson has a new sign put up lilEo
s.• -an Groy, all bio 5th inst., William
Banal, infant son of Isaac and Ettie
Lake, aged 4 months 15 days,
largo wooden horse shoo with a bronze
watch suspended frau the same. It
is novel in appearance and looks well.
-J. J. Gilpin, Watson Ainley and
Jno. Oonsley havo greatly improved
the appearance of their places by us-
ing the paint brush freely. -Mrs.
Clark went for a trip on the upper
Mites last week. -A. G. Dickson son
of Robt. Dickson, who has been in
poor health for some time, loaves on
a tour through Europe before long.-
Itlra. Jno. Shaw Ind May returned
last Saturday from a week's visit 13
friends in Hullott township.-Jno. E.
Smith, of Brandon, Man., formerly
of Brussels, is in tows this week. He
is as full of the, west as ever and is E
the same Jno. E. of old. -Airs. Bear,
of Sandwich, is visiting at her father's,
James Buyers. -=S. H. Laird wears
au 80,0 smile this week. It's n girl.
-Miss Sayers and Miss Humbly are
away to their homes for vaoation.-
Aggie Shia' was injured at Melville
church pia-nio, on Dominion day, by
the rope tied to ilio swing for pulling
getting wound around her neck.-
eck—Sirs. Goorgs Good, of, Seaforth, was
in town this week. -Mrs. F. 0. and
Mrs. Geo. Rogers wore visiting at
Walkerton this week. -Miss Burt, of
Harriston, is spending part of her
vacation in Brussels. -Samuel Laird,
who went to camp with the Wingham
company, topped the list at rifle praa•
ties last weok, at London. He stood
second in the Battalion. -H. P, Ohap-
man has purchased some property at
South Rlvor, Parry Sound, and is
erecting a shop. This looks as if the
place suited him. -Mrs. W. F. Van-
stouo arrivocl home last week from
her visit to Toronto and Campbellford.
-il'lisa (Rare Creighton has beau
Visiting at Mildmay this week. -Mrs. HURCEIES, PUBLIC BUILD
G. L. Ball was visiting for n weok at J ing., and Prlvote ;louses painted and
Bluevale. - A. 11'1. Taylor arrived decorated 1n modern ebylns at reasonable
home from Toronto last Wednesday, rotor'. 1 ,581ma80 given, A lir OLl]oA9,
He and his father think of taking a 50-t1 Godoriob.
trip to the Old Oouutry soon—Reeve
Rodgers, Rev.,W. T. Muff and wife,
and J. D. Ronald, wife andtlanghter,
purpose coin g to PortA1'thnrfor apleas-
uro trip. They start next Tuesday
and will take rho 0.P.R. from Wrox-
star to Owen Sound where they wi11
get the boat, They will. be away
a oo0lple cf weeks. -W. M. Sinclair
Bud A, Strachan sang two solos and a
duebt at ;the Blyth Public School en-
tertainment on Wednesday of last
wooly. -J. W. Shaw, Principal of
Blyth Public School, ss• home for This
vacation. J.W. now rides a bicycle.
leWm. Wynn fell down stairs this
week and was injured quite.ssrionsly.
We hope to see the old gentleman
around soon.- Mrs. Jas. Ross and
daughter and Miss Friendship, went
to St. Johns, near London, on a visit
on Thursday of this work. --John
Bennett, who has been atbonding the
Dundee High School, is'home for his
holidays.- Jas. Laird returned to
town last Tuesday. -Ibbs. Koenig was
called to Mitchell on Thursday of this
week on acoount of her father's sud-
den death. -Dr. Holmes' two neph•
owe from New Yorlr aro here for their
summer vacation. The doctor met
thele at the Suspension bridge on
Monday.-Jolhi] Tait, Queen street,
has a,beautifll climber in the shape
of a deep pink rose, called " The
Queen of Elio Prairie.". Lust weok it
Thad 125 blossoms.
13rnastsrt;lss ltXarAie;t.
00105OTnD 0.11i60BLLT E0RAY Wzso.-
White Fall Wheat........ 70 71
Bed Winter 70 72
Spring Wheat .,. 50 73'
Barley 45 50
Oats ,,. 28 00
Pons 50 01
Butter, tubs and rolls 10 11
Eggs per dozen10 00
Floor per barrel 4 50 00
Potatoes..- . 35 40
Hay par ton 7 00 8 00
Hideo per lb 7 73
Dressed Hogs 5 00 5 50
Salt per bbl., wholesale .:00 80
Sheep skins, each ' S0 1 00
Wool 17 20
t-•7 general servant wantod in a tma11 fancily.
Apply at once to MBS. J. W. FEAR.
at (moo to M1(0. E. D. WADE. .
51- Erne sols
tataing about 3 norOs, with bowie, stable
well, and a number of fruit trees (bearing) on
the lot, For terms and parbicolars apply to
A. BBNTElt, Brussels. 55-tf
IID cau accommodate the owners Of cows
or home with *0501,0. For further informa-
tion apply to HENRY 010014EY, Coocaaslon 0,
STRAYED k'?101I '2HL PREM.A••) isos of the undersigned, lot 15, eon.11, soar
Or001100 k, an Juno 24otl; a white Suffolk now,
about 0 months old. Any information that
will lead to reoovery will be thankfully r000iv-
ed. MRs. JAS. BIRD,
lJAfew splendid ,tmproved,Lanus for sale
In the5owashIP of Grey, Morris and MOW -
lop .'Apply 0o A Old LOAMY ,0o Inc tionoer
Brunie? ,O , . 1'5-0t.
AA 5115, or to rent, 300 acres, 100 being to
23, eon. 5, the other lob 20, eon. 0, Lot -3 in
eituatodtwo 031135from the village of Ethel,
950501uihos from Brussels, twelvo cutlet) from
Lf .towel mutt } mile from a n000r failing crook.
97 sores aro cleared, most all clear of stumps
and undor good ouibivatiou andclean, sixty
soros of Drop good outlet for draining, a coat•
tertablo dwelling,bank baro, stabling undo,.
neatb,agood hoaxing orchard and garden a
wall oonvoulent to house and yard, Priem,
$4,000,ront,5550per year. Lot 30 is oltuatod
2,1 miles from lomat, 10 `front Zdetowel and 0
from Broseois, 60 soros cleared and under
good oultivatlon, 8110 balanoo wo11 timbered
with 'black men,bomlook awl hardwood. A
frame house and outbuilding g and a large young'
orchard aro on the farm. Prima, 55,00a , Phos
farms will bo sold 3op0ra85 or togotkor to suit
purchaser. Possession con be, given at any
time, Apply to Capt. Strati on or to
48.12 Proprioto re.
Notion le hereby given, pureuantto the pPro
Visions of chap. 11(7, 33,8.0., and 40 Vice., chap.
0, (Oat) to ell creditors and abhors having
Maim against tbo estato Of Alexander Web-
ster, tato of the villag0 of Brussels, in the
Count), of Huron flax mill manager, deaoneed
who sled on or about the Arch day of Fobru-
ary last past to send by pest (prepaid) to NV.
B. Dickson, past, Slhsibor for James D.
Webster and Catharine Wobstor. j9sooutor
and Ilxooutrix,respecttvely, of tho lest w111
and teetamont of rho amid deceased, on or be-
fore the Ord day 01 August, A.D. 1885, a mato-
moot of thalr names and addresses and felt
particulars of their olefins, duly aosorted with
a etabemant of all 000urftiop (if any) held. by
thorn, And after rho said Ord day of August
the Bahlldxgoutore Will proceed to distributo
the assets of the paid dooeased among tho part-
ies ehtltlod thoroto, regard being had only to
the claim 5 of which notice shall bavo horn
given, as abort) roqulrod. Who saidlgxooubore
trill not 11011ablo f or the assets, or any part
thero0t, to any person of wh05o 01aim notice
eball not have o0ou•giv0n at the time of such
Dated at lOnssolo 1110 08th day 02 note, A.D.
1880, W. B. DICKSON,.
52-1ips Solicitor for Peoeutors.
j A. MoKAUGIHTON, 111. D. 0.
eM, L. R. O. P, Edinburgh. Physiolan,
Surgoon and A000nohour. 011loe, 01ra, Sbiol'a
block, 'rarnborry Street,
L. R. C. p. Iddfoh irgh,
Coroner llenionce, 11MilltSttrout. Oflloo at Har-
greaves' Drug ,Coro.
�y L. BALL, L. D. 5,, HONOR
• Collogo of 'oontnl Surgeou.e,er or Toronto. n Che
various anm0th011Os given, hist) a noir local
anlnOtlloblo for the gum+ only. All o0oration
carefully psrlormod and guaranteed. Prices
moderato, Pull sets of teeth from 85 to 355.
Oflico over rewoll's store. Boors 8 a,,n, to 5 p.
e of Marriage Licenses. 00300 at (115
Grocery, Tar5borry stroot, 543
riogo Lioonees, by appointment of
Lloubenast-Governor, Commlostouor, &o„ Q.
B. Oonvoyauoor nod Agont lOire Iururaueo Co.
Olfi00 at the 110601 05ok Post Office.
Robert Cunningham,
Guelph, - Ontario.
eJ Acoidout and Loan Insuranoo Agont for
some of the boat and most reltabla Compan-
iosiu tbo Domluion, Otnoa, IIrlek Terrace,
Turoborry ,Boot, tear the station, gni
01 Phorough alas., Vocal and Inetru
m0u8tt1 Music on Piano, Organ and Gnitar,
ltef0re0a5-Ladles of Loretto, Guelph,
ltosidonoe-No. 5 south,. Brick Terrace
44.5m Bmesols, Ont
has roamed Ontario John Nott, 0 BSO,
and le _prepared to treat all dlooasos oomes-
ticated animals on selenium nod approved
principles, Treatment of dolioato foals a
eueolalty. Clado at John Notts, V. S,
cent. Straight bans, Apply to
50- Cranbrcok,
many oustomora for their liberal
support for the past six years
wishes to inform thorn that be-
ing burned out of tho old stand has attod up a
chop in Smale'o Block in 'ireb•alass style
where ho hopes to see all the old customers
and as many now onuses soo at to give him a
pall. 1 loop nothing but prat•olass moats all
kinds of Poultry and Sausage Moat, Deliver.
ed to all parts of the ;town Oros. Cash paid
forret Stock,
ing let 14, on'tho 15th eon. oontaini ng 100
soros, south part -lot 15 on 10 eon,,. conteloing
40 acres, Lot 14 is partly cleared tam bal-
6nco well timborod.� A hover' lading crook
.crosses the lot and itis well adalltpd.lOr farm•
ing or grazing,- Lot 15'is mostly alearad nod
undor good oulti ration, the balnnob well tiro -
tiered withbleak anb. 00111 eolt all togolhor
or in parts to suit tho purc11aeor. For further
particulars apply to rho propriotor 011 tbo
promises. This lot is well drafnod.
-52C7' 1S T9 MILL,
W. LWF. relic ra•8t ,
ExOl418I011 Iaox lVonics, • MITCHELL, OXT.,
\fannfoobnror of three ihlforont .kinds of
Windmills, The :simplest, strongest and most
mali520otory Windmill yet wade. I'or pump.
1115376851', 36003u wood ohupping gt'ain or
driving nay 31(1110 t42401loryy Choy hays no
oquol, Myrd-id reputaPOMPI havo 00.
curoda world-wide reputation: I guarantee
them as baing suporlor to 016)1)' now in the
irlarket, throw,
end equal to any .for mads, le on
will tit el .IuYd)lor 500 foot, or fork it a collo on
the Level• sondmrr, and stockmen oro re-
quested to no0dfor rartkalara before buy4og
either a tho
or a Pump, as I claim tba t
mind are filo host in the market, Address
W 31. 110101118, Mitchell, Ont.
-Municipality of the Village of Zcrilreele, in
the County of Huron.
Notice is horeby given that I havo krone
milted or dollvelod to tho Maroons ,uenttonod
iniho1rdand 4th 000dons of tho "Votors'List
jot," rho copies required by Bald auction to be
transmitted or delivered of tbo list made pur-
suant to this Act, of all 'persons appearing by_
the last rovisud assessment roll of rho said
Mualolpality. to be entitled to vote in tho said
Municipality at oleo bions for the members of
Ito Logl0l6Iva Monthly and at Muaiofpal
SOleottone, ,and that.1110 Raid List wi8 first
posted at my olaoo to the Village of nrussole,
on tbo 7th of Ju,y, and remains there for in.
spootlon, Electors are celled noon to 01001 -
Inc the said List, and it any om1831one or orb-
orerrors aro found, to take immadlata pro•
cowling to have rho said orrore oorrootod ac-
cording to law.
Dated 7th July, 18130.
F, s. SCOTT, Olork,