The Brussels Post, 1886-7-9, Page 5ONO
DISTi DICT NEWS. not its n memento or our 'connection, los ptovidud at abundant supply of 1
and a token of esteem ant regard, and provisions and the wants of the inner- ' 1
I3Arx++�>:rfc�, we )tope it may measure innumerable man were well satisfied. Between 1
The Presbyterians ronl150311 %4n11 "'I 111' hours," 'rho address was sign-
ilq- floe rope swtagi and Plant's wedelns. i 6.6 1
of 240 from their harden party and rid, "T11°111'14 II. 3011u 1100, Assistnut fig lhcra was no lack of swinging,u
festival, Commissioner ; Aubrey White, Seero it wits not all loft to the clnldrou I
tory," Afr. White then called Mr, either no some staid matrons and I
Olbnon's attention t., a handsome gray headed mon took a turn at it
blavknnd grey marble. °look which too. A. very plonstnt 01110 was pnt
was standing on the nnontol•piec,, in.
musically ticking away the min Mom. Last Thursday neon Aihtu Speir
Mr. Gibsm, said be had not been six arrived home from Dickenson Co.,
year,: in Iho Doparlmsitt without Kansas, whore he had b.5on for the
learning to lcuow aril esteem ovary three months previous. 113 lootc four
member of it. Iris remembrances of entire liitreos with him and 1ispo,,u,t
the Department were very pleasant. of tltreo of theta, (lir. Spier I4giett-
Ho reciprocated all the good wishes 1y ploasod with tete corintry :tint
and nailed ,t kindred per root. to knows of no hottedlood for farming,
them. Ifo oonld not wises that every lie stopped with Edward Gibsni nut
gentleman should boa commissioner 'Tian. Bailey, forruorly of Mallett
The notograph quilt rind storcopti-
Cntl entertainment given in COnriea.
lion, by liev', Mr. Cook, netted $80
for the porsonago fnruishing fund of
tho Methodists,
John Johueton, the g011 jai and plp-
ular proprietor of the Moyne "Iiotol,
has sold out to his brother in-law,
;Mr. Sault, of (lotlarioh, who takes
possession this week. John is not
yet certain whether he will loavo
Dlnovalo or not.
At the Court of Revision, hold last
Friday, the Conservatives struck. off
28 Reformers and added '2 Coneorvnt. or overt an assistant, but he eloped township, near Kinburn. They have
ivos, a 1mat 1 gain of 8o votes. '1`!;u that ovoryona who was head of a over 640 soros of land and are dole,; I 0 00 1
Reformers struck all 21 Goitservntiv,,a branch might r 4ain his positiau and well. Mr, Spoir also met; R. Laid- ei s
ead of a
of 82tcded votoo 11
or aenetiers, a nf'totalgem votes
branch might ltvt: woemat everyoue who not
lilt because boys,R. Broadfaot, R. 0. obson, Botz
McColl, A.
, gainvette ,
over the' Conservatives. `.Cho final one, len thanked them cordially far and Alex, Yining, II. Taylor, J. Colo,
results of the extonaion of the frail tlleir kind and handsome gift. Iio R. Nott, J. Nott and :n number of
ohisc under tbo new Act ore mut Ills had no doubt that it would keep good others, forager resident's of Huron.
Grits have added in till 56 voters to time, and nt all events it wnnld servo They are .all prosporiug. "Bing of
the list and s&rook oil' 81 Conserval- to remind him of tela good time no Kintyre," one of the horses Mr. Spoir
ivos, n gain of 25, and the Tories
have added 46 and struck of 24, a
Tory gain of 22. The Grits gain 13
votes 1 11 Tarnberry.
Sale of .,- onsets
The following is the prize list of
sports :--Standing long jump—J.
Dobor, 110. Ione. ; T. MoLaaehliu,
I1ft. gin. punning jump—T. Ma'
Lauchlio, 1O.ft. ; R. Linton, 194ft.
Running bop step and jump --T, 11o•
Lauchlin, 40ft, 5in, ; p, Linton, 89ft,
10in. Running high jump—T. Alc-
L`tuehlin . and 11. Linton tied, 5ft,
Beek hold wrestle -11. Piorey, R. Mc-
-Cosh. Side hold -11. Piercy, R. AIo•
Cosh. Putting 181115 shot—T. Gib-
son, 40ft. 7�in,, Jno. Bone, 85(t. 8i
in. 100 yd. ruts—T. MOLaa bele,
T. Gibson. Boys 100 yd. race—H.
Johnstone, J. Gibson. Steeple chase
—C. Steele, J: Ballautyne. Walking
polo over the river --Albert Kaakes.
Throe clubs competed for the p3iz-
es offered for base ball on Dominion
day hero viz :—Toeswater, Mildmay
and Wroxeter. The Q. K. club of
Teeswater and the "Silver Maples,"
of Wroxeter, played first and the bit.
ter won by 25 runs, then the "Clip-
pers," of Mildinny, and the Wroxeters
and the latter again came off victors
by 15 runs. Altldmay refused to play
for 2nd prize, Teeswater was awarded
second money, with Wroxeter let.
The home club played in good form
very few errors being charged to them.
A. largo and enthusiastic audiouce
witnessed botli genies among them
were many cf the fair sex. The fol-
lowing is tlio score :—
B. 0. 0.
McGregor 4 1 Wieler - 8 8
Logan ...3 1 Sanderson.. ,5 .2.
\Vimnoi• 2 2 Paulin -i 5 2
Jasper 1 1 Forsyth 5 2
Laird 1 3 Gibson 6 0
Brook 0 8 A. Paulin 1 8 4
Small 0 4 Earner 8 2
Stool 2 2 Elliott 8 .4
Kennedy . `''0. 4 Jno. Einar 5 .2
Total 18 21 Total 38 21
R. U.. R. O.
.Dubel 0 8 Wieler 0 '4
Rossnauer 0 1 Sanderson 2 2
Burchard 0 2 J. Paulin 2 '2
Schnieder 2 0 Forsyth 2 1
Hahn 0 2 Gibson 2 1
Himmor 0 2 Paulin - 2 1
Guim 0 2 J. Lamer 2 2
Feist 0 2 Elliott 8 1
Thomas -1 1 Banter 8 S
Total 815 '1010118 15
Geo. Drummond, of Teeewater,
umpired both games and gave the
very best of satisfaction to all part-
Tho 'Toronto Globe of Tuesday
says :—Thomas W. Gibson bas re.
signed his position of private some -
buy to the tion. T. B. Pardee, and
will go into business' in Wroxeter.
At three o'clock yesterday his tom•
reties in the Crown Lends .Depart•
meat assembled in a room in the west
wing. On Mr. Gibson being ushered
in lie was addressed by .Thoniiis `-H.
Johnston,` Assistant.0ommissioner of
Crown Lands, who briefly explained
that the object of the gathering was
to present Mr, Gibson with a token of
the esteem in which he is held by his
fellow -workers. Aubrey White, Sec-
retary of the Department, read an ad.
dress from the members of the Out.
side and inside service, "In your cap•
aoity of private Secretory to the Coni
mieaioner of drown Lands," the ad.
dress read, "you hoe come immedia-
tely into contact with all of us, audit
is a matter of pleasure as well as of
duty, to bear testimony to your pos-
session of all those gimlities which
mark tho man. On behalf of the out-
side and inside serVloe, we ask your
Reiser tattoo of the accompanying pres•
had in the Department. The con, • took with him, was badly fou'tdvred
by leis groom shortly after his arrival
_.--' utero and will loco hid front hnofo.
£.11'4111 rt'' oaten Juo° Nott, V. 8,, thinks leo will pull
:bliss Oliver of Brussels, is visiting through if tho flies nod hot weather
friends Bari.—J. lr. Stowttet has gone don't bother bins too much before
to Dakota is dispose of his real estate new hoofs grow. A half interest in
there.—Alary Raymann, youngestthis (corse 00(19 sold to Relit. MoOoll,
daughter of A. Reymann is ill of j formerly of Morris. "King of Kitn-
b'anchitis, Mit under the treatment'
of a physiotrtu oro trust she will soon
recover:—On tho Brat of July',guito a
number of the villagers attended the
Sunday School pio-uia in connection
with the Presbyterian Church, Ethel.
—Your correspondent received a card
from E. T. Slommou, dated the 26th
ult., stating that be enjoyed his trip
to Winnipeg very much notwithstaud-
ing that the journey fatigued him
somewhat.—The bttslt, river, shade,
ice -house, and pump are places of
frequent resort during (ho hot weath-
er,—On Monday last, at Brussols, J.
G. Rook, Forester of Court Woodbine
No. 100, underwent a surgical opera-
tion by which a number of decayed
bones were removed from hie hand.—
pally then dispersed,
tyro's" stock in this locality is giving
good satisfaction. Mr. Speir will "a
take a trip to the 01d Country after
htrvest for another•1at of horses.
rite rxffi-y rr,
Haying operations have eomtnenc-
ell in this vicinity. flay is a very
light crop not (tear up to the a0erng0
with the erosptitn of the heads of l
timothy, L. W. Oolli) hoe on his �,
farm heads of that grass that mens- ruck ottOna
ures 10 ruches in length. Boat this
who eau ?
On ll'ridny lost John Gimlet raised
liie new frame bank barn which ss'ill
be, when completed, a flue structure.
It will not only be au ornament brit
IL want long felt by that gentleman.
As it has been very hot for some days 'Phe (raining was done by Jae. Strath -
past end the rondo aro getting un• , ere and went together without an et --
comfortably dusty we indulge the roe. John's next 40000 will bo so -
hope thatit will soon ram. otuing a partner to sltaro the joys and
happiness of life, We wonder who
01111 Gi1i1
fflJc, Coro1
�Zo> = an+
D. Cameron has built a new barn( will be the lucky ono ?
this year, Ou Wednesday evening of lost
aloin week this qut0t and sequaotered
Tho school youngsters are re little
J g place was alarmed to see a Large
over 1110 arrival of summer vacation. number of young and middle aged
Mrs. John Bird set 14 eggs under weeding their way towards the centre
a hen and as a result has 16 chickens of the village. Presently they were
living nod Duo dead. seen to assemble at the residence of
J. D. Williams fur the impose of en-
joying a social dance or Ai some put
it a "stockification," -but when the
liotur had arrived fur the merrimout
to begin, Io, and behold, to their sur.
prise, the.musioian had either forgot
ton to Make his aitipotirauee or
thtought it advisable to romniu rib
sent. However, after scouring the
country, which proved •hard on solo
leather,, they secured about midnight
a -person to take charge 01 that part
of the performance. Boysand girls
next time yon go to a dance be sure
and.tako your fiddler along.
Unison, Corarrty 341utt>,..
A handsome lot of new look boxes
are being placed in the Go.lorich post
Thos. Nash, of the Gorrie Vidette,
has taken a p.trtnor iu the person of
Mies Ida Hunt.
Thos., Gibson huts been appointed
License Commissioner for East Hut•.
OA io; place of Thos. Wilson, resigned.
dos. Stoop, of Clint in,. has 13(16
three awarmi of begs from one hive
this year and 57 pounds of strained
A very ettooessfal pie ilio was held bailey
in Wheeler's grove on Dominion Day, Mr. Pennobnlier, of the 16th con,,
under tete tinepioes of the Sunshine Goderiub township, is an ardent sup.
Methodist Sunday School. After porter of the Salvation Army, and
partaking of eatables 1. Rogerson took notwithstanding the fact that he is
the chair and the following program perfectly blind, lie manages to attend
was carried through :—Music by the the meetings alone, and make his
church choir ; trio by Airs. Powell, way home at tho close, often after 10
Mre. Fletcher and W. H. Kerr, of o'clock, without any assistance. He
Brussels ; solos by Mies May Boger- lives about 111 miles from • town, and
son., and G, Nioliolson; recitations by what Makes his home trill more diiii-
Jno. and F. Hill ; readings by Miss cult, is that he takes hie way by the
}3 annah Russell and Miss May Rog- fence side, and has consequently to
ersou, and brief addteseee by W. 13. make Ins way over logs, eto.
Kerr, Rev, W. Smyth, and the new The total result of the final revision
pastor of Blyth ciranit, Rev. Mr, of the Dominion voters' list in the
Mills. Amusement°, were provided South Riding, is as follows :—In Sea -
in the shape of swinge, base bah; foot forth 22 additional voters were placod
ball,and-footraces. - on the list; 11IcI{11lop-25 names
Last Friday afternoon the annual added, 3 corroctioue, 0 struck off,
pia -ilio of Malcolm Block's school was and 4 appeals sustained; 'Tuckerstnith
held in Donald Ourrie's grove. Dun- —7 names added, 10 oorrectious, 12
can AicLauolilin v as celled to the struck off, and 4 appeals sustained ;
°hair and the following short but in Stanley -32 names added, 4 eorroc-
terestiug program was carried out :»- tions, 7 struck off, and 3 appeals tui•
Sp000h by chairman ; music by school taiued ; 1 name added, and 9 Correa.
recitation by Maggie McKay; music tions ; Hiil1Ott--2 names added, 10
by 0, B, Harris and family, motto. ohangoe, 4 struck off, and 4 appeals
tion by Miss I. Reid ; music by" the sustained ; Bayfield -1 name added
school ; song 'by A. Grant. The lad- and no changes made.
A great deal of•gravel has been put
on the roods this sdmmer'and they
should be the better of it next fall.
Speaking of the peculiarity of
names, 011 one line in this township
there_ is a Sharp, a Platt, a BO'S, a
Lamb, a Hogg,''.a Shoridou and a
Pope. •
Tho representative of Jas. Vansick-
le, sewing machine repairer, in tho
person of Mr. Wiley, is doing a rush
ing business- in ,this,, township this
'week. •
D. ifcQuarri••, lot 18, con. 0,
brought a sample of barley to Tax
PosT Publishing Housn'last Monday,
that measured 4 feet,•9 inches. This
bate A.' I{" Robertson's, reported
last week.
Rev. J. Charlton, of Gorrie, failed
to put in an appearance at the tem,
porance meeting, ou Tuesday evening
of last week. A meeting was held,
however, at which short speeches
were made by D. Hogg, Jno. Angus,
Thos. Hill and Rev. Air. Burwash, of
Belgrove. Some of the speakers sun
prised the audience 'with their elo
guano. Isaac. Rogerson occupied
the chair.
This Time Sure 1
Spot Cash Tells _Ever, Time
4:8 CENTS A PAIR 011
M.! FOR 85 CTS®
Ladies we have just opened out and passed into stock 120 Pairs of the
May Corset that we have been selling for 130 ate. We bought them at
a Iiia Discount for' cash and, without a doubt we have struck Bottom
Prices. Just Liston to the Trice -43 cents, or two pairs for 85 cents.
Why, Powell's celebrated May Corset was the Talk of both Tovell and
Country at 60 cts., whatWill they bo now at 48 cents or two pairs for
.85 cts.? The probabilities are that if we had Telephone Connection
Orders would bo pouring in from all parts of the Country.
43c. Two Pairs for 33 Cents. 43c.
Don't have the slightest doubt about the price, when G. A. says 43c,,
or 2 pairs for 8Ge., Its means it every tittle.
Respectfully yours,
G. A. Powell,.
the Groat City Millinery House,
c. 43c. 43c.