HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-7-9, Page 3JULY 9, 1880. alfl'; WAMN'7.'1UJtf f THAT WAY. 81t,i was stern as Roman Cato, she had studied (Cant umd Plato, and for Wis. clout's cold potato dug In every soil and slime. Yea, she dug the 0 !:tering tuber from Kann schallra down to Cuba, from the flan. Ives to the Yuba, and in every land and slime• She could lecture on Plotinun, Athanasins and Aquinas, and Semiramis and Ninny were familiar on her tips. She'd no time for heads and bangles, and for silks and worsted tangles, while by logarithmic angles also foretold the next rolipne. She could lecture by tho hour, and with much forensic power, upon Locke and Sehopenhauer and the tuodlroval monks. And she thought it was her mission and the height of her ambition, just to scat- ter erudition, and to leave it round in oliunks. She was like a knowledge bottle from which poured, as from a throttle, views of Bacon, Aristotle, Reid, Ricardo, and Rouen. But no crazed swain tried to get her, for alto couldn't fry a fritter, dross or cooko a log of mutton' broil a fish, or sew a button ; for she never was con- structed on that good old fashioned plan. ABSENCE—"A FONDER HEART." It was in the early summer when my love and I last parted ; *She the senaide sought, and left me in the city brolren.hearted— I to swelter through the aunnnor, she on 02. sea -kissed shores to wander ; But her last words gave mo oomfort "Ab• settee makes hos heart grow fonder." How I loved the little letters' that from • time to time see sent me— lts I read it seemed that they a momentary seabreeze lent mo— • When she wrote of pin -nice, bathing, yacht- ing trips ; then made me ponder Well the truth of that old saw : "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." Oft she spoke of her admirers—how sho made them dance attendance, Made then carry books and baskets and forswear their independence; Spoke of one she nicknamed Crcesus, who on her his wealth would squander; But she added : '.Dear old goosie, absence makes the heart grow fonder." So I worked away, quite happy,, through the boiling summer weather, Longing for the conning autumn, when we'd wally tho world together, Though her letters were lase frequent, still 1 very often conned her Last one, where the postacsipt told me : "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." Power atilt were now her letters, and she wrote: "Pun very busy," I expostulated—mildly—with my way -way 'witching Lizzie; Once more came the same old answer— any other seemed beyond her— "Don't you know, you stupid Willie, ab• Donee makes the heart grow fonder?" Ono more letter yet she sent ore while alto at the seaside tarried, Laughing at our "mild flirtation,'telling me that she was married " And 'twee thus her note concluded--ria1 read my face grows yellow— "Absence makes tho heart grow fonder— fonder of the other fellow tc" Uenls of Thought. Where pride :begins, love ends. Tears are the'atreugth of women. Glances aro the first billets-doux of love. Sulr.on's Catarrh Romdoy—a positive sure for Catarrh, Dlptherta, and Danker Mouth. Sold by G.A. Deasdmu. Love decreases when ib ceases , to increase.. Love is a bird that sings iu the heart of it woman. Ono of the s:veetost pleasures of a woman is to cause regret. Barbarism reoommatleee by the ex. Boss of civilization. Experience ie.tli0 name man give to their follies or sorrows. The geatost of all pleasures is to give pleasure to one WO love. Have yon over triad Maeirogor• & Parka's' -Onrboile Cerate for soros of any kind? 18 is beyond doubt the very best preparation in the market for healing and curing Soros, Duras, Outs, Pimples. Dloteaes, and is the only proper msthott•of applying Carbolic Aoid. Sola at Ilargreayda Drag Store for ate. per box. Under. the freest constitution ignor- ant people are still slaves.: - Womon are in the moral world what flowers are in the physical. When we combat that which we love, seener or later we succumb, Whoever has loved: knows all that , Life contains of sorrow and of joy. When a lover gives, be demands— and much more than lie has given. There is no more agreeable win - minion than the woman who loves Its. Tho moral amelioration of ]nail constitutes the chef isission of wo. Ulan. '1'o dove is to admire with the heart; to admire is to love with the grind. We salute more willingly an ac. (palate= in a carriage than a friend en foot, Tho table is the only place wh we do not get weary daring the h hour. " Women are constantly the dap or the victims of their extreme se i ti velum. Use, (lo not abuse; neither ah nt:n00 nor 0x0000 ovlr ?'enders 11 happy. The prayers of a lover aro ni imperious than the In011110ee of whole world. Marriage is a lottery in which m Binh their liberty end women th happiness. Of all things man possessee, man alone takes pleaanro in bei possessed. Modesty in woman is a virtue m deserving, since wo do all wo can cure her of it. Tho pretension of youth alw gives to to woman a few more yea than silo really has. That a country may be truly fr the people should be all philosopbo and the rulers all gods. If all the hearts were frank, • ju and honest, the major part of the vi toes would be useless to us. The latest remedy for Coughs, Colds. Cron Whooping Cough, bronchitis, oto., is McG Get Lung Compound. Thera is no remedy existence containing any ono of tho sotivo gradients composing aleGregor's Lung Co pound. so do not say yon have taken ova thing until you have tried this for your cold cough, and your opinion will be the same all who hays used it, vtr: that it it the be Bold la ado. and 01 bottles by Soo. Hargroa-i & Co., druggists. How ninny people would be mu if they were forbidden to speak we of themselves, and evil of others ? There are three things that I ha always loved and have never undo stood—fainting, Music aucl Womoi —.1.+outenoll The future of society is in 11 bands of the mothers. If the wort was lost through women, she aloe can save it. It is not easy to be a widow ; on must resume all the modesty of gin hood, without being allowed even t feign its ignorance. Diseretiou is more necessary to wo men than eloquence, because the have loss trouble to speak well than to speak little. Tile only true and firm friendsiti is that between man and woman, be cause it is the only affection exemp from actual or possible rivalry. The highest mark of esteem a wo man can give a man is to ask hi friendship ; and the most signal proo of her indifference is to offer hi hers. Have you Toothache ? Uao Fluid Lightning gave you a Stif Joint 1' Use Fluid Lightning Rare you Neuralgia? Use Fluid Lightning ]rave you Lumbago? Use Fluid Lightning Are you troubled with lioadacho 7 Use Fhhi Lightning, Hero you say Pain? Use !Int Lightning, It will cure you the instant it f applied. Try It. c-eo. per bottle at Ifergtoayoa Drug Store, To remain virtuous, a man has only to combat his own desires; woman muet resist bar own Molina - bone, and the continual attack o man.. All those observers who have spent their lives iu the study, of the human heart, know geed about the sighs of love than the most : brainless, yet Bentative woman. Hypocrisy of manners, a vice pe• culler to modern nations, has eon• tributed more than one thinks to do- gtrot'" that energy of character which distinguished the nations of anti• THE BRUSSELS POST Ore to ttar ho11H, Jo it Ill th110 10 S t he tt rot few things --1 save,] utystturee, a vary little furniture and esnie of my best !]Dolts. The excitement u'ae! intense. Thu following exntnples will give an idea of the excitement : 1 reached in through the lire to sere two ,,ver 0•dtt"- Heel tt .� nterpruuf, and instead broogilt out two pair of old torn p tuts 1 heti emit off. Ono Ulan hent into his ionise to got his silver, and motto out with an nx0 in ono baud cud a hatchet in the other, A woman ram for her jewelry, end brought out a lantern in each Hand. Another man got hold of a ealthol anti went to got all 11e could 1n it; ho grabbed a pair of crinoline, put that in the entehel anti ran, Another ran from the fire 1 with only it strainer. 'These pintail. cos aro amusing now, but they servo to show the ietonaity of the excite• . merit. We have lost very heavily, but our greatest loss is our beautiful church, which our people have lately built—we had only been in it four Sabbaths, and it wits rapidly filling up. My people hers lost all and Lire unable to rebuild. ' My only way of getting a place of worship again for some time is to make a personal top• peal to some of my old friends. Knowing your interest in the O0nee of Christ and your sympathy for the snfforor, I thought I would write you and asic if you would kindly assist us to rebuild. This is n hard place, morals aro in many respects low; there is much Sabbath breaking, and so great need for a plauo of worship. Our good people have shed many tears over the ruins of our Zion. 1 hope the Lord will pot it into t11e hearts of those who have means to help us liberally. WA had a vory beautiful organ in our church, which we purchased from Doherty & Co., Clinton —this, too, was buruod ; we Will )piss it, for Mrs, T. has had to lend the singing in the church, olid it is hard for her to do so without the inetrunent. I would be vary thank- ful if you could induce a few friends iu Clinton to send us au organ of the same kind, along with a good sub. scription. It may seem bold of me to plead in this way, but it is for the Lord's cause and for a place of wor- ship, where tho Gospel shall be preached for tho salvation of souls.. Mrs. Thomson sae boon sick since tho fire, suffering from the effects of the smoke and fatigue, but I hope sho will soon be better. It is like begin- ning life again with us, though now we have little to begin with—we loot our clothing. I trust the Lord will spare us to get.ovor it and that by the aid of friends of Joses, we will soon have a church again. 1 am, yours very fraternally, Oe, ns• sal• IOU oro tiro en air }1 0. ug os1 t0 aye rB 00, TO st r• p, rein in- Y- or 00 es et. to 11 \'e 0• 1. o. le d 0 0 1- o, • y • p 3 f m d a a f chitty. The reading of romance will al- ways be the• favorite 'amusement of women; old, they peruse them to re- call what they have experienced ; young, to e.uticipato what they wielt to experience. THE VANCOUVER shit;. L0)111(1t l'1t030 A FORMER nUn0N1TL. The following letter 'taken frons the Clinton New Era was' written to a prominent person in that town, by t1 former pastor of ;liriroefiold Presby-. tenon church, will be of special inter. set. Vancouver, B. 0.,,Juuo 18, 188G. Dues Snn;—I write yon now in the ]midst of a terrible calamity which has befallen our city ,last Sabbath. About half pest G pan. one building naught fire --supposed to be from sparks from logs burning on C. P.1 B. land, A heavy Wind was blowing at the time, and inside of We flours the whole city was a mass of flame, with - the exception of 10 buildings—tills is all that is left of the city of Vanoouv. er. The remains of 7 bodies have been dug oat, but it is estimated that nearly 100 must have perished ; the heat was so intense that there must haps been complete cremation of many bodies; 2 belonging to my eon- grogation perished, Wire. T, and I went to Sabbath School at 8, but there was' so 131n01h Smoke in the church wo dismissed the scholars, not dreading any clanger of fire, for we are getting used to a great deal of smolte here. Inside of half an flour the church was a mass of flame --and was burned to the ground. We got THORAS G. Tuooxoorr. (formerly of Brimfield.) Note by Ed. of 'fire Posse.—The writer of the above letter is a broth. er•in•law to Wm. Spence, of Ethel. Cakittdtetn 1V ew,a. According to the Port Perry Stand and n oonnoillor of an Ontario county municipality, who is very fond o euchre, recently won at play. from a constituent all his loose change an the family pig, On going for the pig, however, he was so energetically re. eeived by the constituent's wife the he deemed it prudent to abandon the enterprise. The Scott Act Association' Exeunt. ive, of. Wellington` county, have de. aided 16 employ a detective force to cooperate with the inspectors. An o"ganizerle also 7o, bo secttr00 and kept permanently in the field until,'the approaching elections are over. The Association aro taping steps to raise the earn of $8,000 as nn cuforeoment and election fend, A l?eteiborouglt citizen owns a dog thatliae becotno so old and feeble that ho decided Io shoot it, 1lo ac• oovdiugly inviter] all? dog to the out- slurts of the town and fired to bullet into his e1l,rgat?s. The dog ,tools to his,' heels . and eIisappeard, and, the. tnarfisnm l thought his bullet., had failed to f)ud its. mark. A. day _ol' two after, however, the dog returned home, and on examination it wee found that the ball had passed 'elm through his body without toughing any vital part, It has been decided that the dog than be allowed to live. On Saturday last a pair of pants that bad evidently been oast off by a tramp, were found iu the barn of John Wiggington, sops the Bayfield road, in Huron Counts, Ln the peek. et Ives a leather pocket•boolr, in which were a dozen or more clippings fromfive dollar bills. Most of the pieces had been clipped right across the bill, and had tho 1u11 figure five on them. It is supposed that the balance of the bill was passed in the ordinary way, and that the clippings were intended to bo pasted over the figura 1, on one dollar bilis, thus malting what is known as a raised bill. d t 200 BOXES OF LA. S NOW IN STOCK. ALL 1OINDS.01? Fence Wire 1 Full Up with I3arvest Tools! Pcairf.ts, Oils and COZO7'W• A Large Supply of Machine Ori ! BUILDERS HARDWARE A SPECIALTY. A GOOD SECOND HAND Buggy for Sale. B. GERRY. BABY OARRIA S l -1-- 1111ro 11 Rice lot of 1'•abv ear- riagt'8 uu lialad that the }Public should. See. They are Well made, nicely finished and will be Soli at Reasonable Prices, S Hi H; 1-41 /1 I3arness ! Collars and everything in the harness line on hand. Also Trunks, Vftlises, Satchels, &c., &c. H. DENNIS. THIE GREAT Tkr[OROUGHPARE TO TRE NORTHWEST. Tho St, Paul; Minneapolis & Manitoba . 1Z AIL%V11'X', with Ito 1,500 miles of road. It ie the only lino extendieg through the Park Region of Minnesota, to all principal points in Red River Valley, Northern Minnesota, North- ern Dakota. The Shortest Route to Fargo, ]Moorhead, ,Sault Centre, \vallpoton, Cassel - ton, Breckenridge, and Morris. The Only Line to Grand Forks, Grafton, Oiayville, Larimoro, Devils Lake, Crooks 10n, Portland, hope, Winnipeg, Hillsboro Ada, Alexandria, and to DEVILS LAICE AND TURTLE MOUNTAIN DISr'S. in which there is now the largest area of tho most desirable vacant Government Lauds in the United States. The lands of the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Rail- way Co. in Minnesota are particularly de- sirable for all ehtsses of farming, aro offer. ed at very low prieee, and easy terns of payment, and it will bo to the advantage of all seeking new homes, to examine then] be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Maps and pamphlets describing the coun- try, giving rates of fare to settlers, etc. mailed FREE to any address, by TA31ES 13. POWER, Land and Immigration Conrm'r C. H. WARREN, General Passenger Agent, St. P. M. & M. R'y., ST. PAIIL, Mum. EAST HURON arriage Forks, J_&_1VIES BU"XERS —MANUFACTURER OF-- CABRIAGES, 'DEMOCRATS, EXPRESS WAGONS, BUGGIES,WAGONS, ETC., ETO„ ETO. All made of the Beo Material and finished in a Workman -like manner Ripa rin . and Painting promptly cttie72ded-to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. 1 - Eneesa;Noms.-1farsclen Smith, B. Laine, James Cutt and Wm, IvIc- Kolvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewer and D. Breckenridge, ]Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blasbill, Brussels ; ROY. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, T'urhlberiy:Tovnslhip. 13L+ MEMBBR THE STAND—SOUTH OF BRIDGE, _JAMBS BUYEIREI. E TIS E Le The undorsig>.i.ecl, having completed the change from the stone to - the olob atod,Hungarian ystem of Grinding, leas now tho Mill in First-olass Running Order, And will bo gladito soo all his old eustolners and as many Ile11" ones as possible. hopping done. Flour and Food .Always on nand. 0 — Highest Price Jaid for any quantity of Good Grains. WM. MILNE.