The Brussels Post, 1886-7-9, Page 1t.
BIT/860S hibliC wc11oo1.
f,02334'7 1,Ifh•1• CT,A88,
Thomas Norton, IAnnie Webster,
Annie Seale, !Toddy Grewal,
Lorne Dunford,
Edgar Veal,
Maud Holland,
Thomas Tinily,
Russet Lyons,
Gordon Cooper,
Willie Wake,
Angel; Kerr,
Dufferin Chapin
Hugh &Ioirtartin
George MuCo110
Nollio Webster
Martha Smart,
The following is the standing of the pap- Maggio Baeltor,
its in Brussels Public School at the .tato bred Hunter,
promotion oxnminntions, • Fermin ]1foGarva
1sT w3rARTMENT, ' Frank Le13on,
- Freddy Robb,
Kennedy Cousley,•'
b d . e Edith Boer
;; Willie Ainley,
rtb. `
a .l' ch 2 try !q is c7 q r-, Allele Small,
\faxllnum,.,. 100 100100 100 100 100 50 80 100 780 Annie Whiting,
U. 73u11 84 ae 74 7R 71 8R 4 R 35 71568 Sarah Dudley/
14, Wynn 88 GO. 04 90 88 810 46 50 570 Ida Blnsbiil, Alfred Lowery.
G. Rogers a8 S5 83 71 80 80 40 80 55 481 Muds Tasting M. Ross, Teabber
&, Boss as 70 40 00 71 00 43 37 81 408
H2. Roryr 84 72 71 60 80 50 25 91 488
. Lull 05 60 44 05 05 80 42 412
A. Young -22 25 a4 04 00 80 40 27 47 390
T. Wilson m 28.40 84 80 04 45 ef17
A. Cormack , 70 90 82 59 80 974
J. Stewart 40 1 52 101
]G'urr► 1.71 171vjssl0py3 Cell rt.
The regular sitting of the 4411 Divisiou
Court was held on the 24th ult., His Honor
amigo Doyle proaidiug. •
The following oases wore hoard ; T
Wamatey vs. Farrow, --action for wages
-Wado for plaintiff, Elliot for defendant.
Adjourned till text Court, costs 40 abide
310eUloheo11 °TS. Carr. --action on con -
an, traot--Wade for defendant, no eonna0l ap-
, • roared for .plaintiff, 'and a consequent
ugh, judgment of non -snit with costs resulted.
Armstrong va. Dunbar. -disputed store
account -Dickson for asaigaoe, Wada for
defendant. Judgment for plaintiff for $29.
35 and Goats forthwith.
Masaey Co. vo, Docket, -suit on proruis.
sory nota-Wado for plaintiff, Adjourned
to next Court'at.plaintifi'a• instunee,
Jackson vs, MoLenuan.--disputed nota -
Wade for plaintiff, defendant pleaded his
own naso, Adjourned till next court.
Bruoe'v . Cooper.--garnishee-No order
made as no ono appeared for either party.
Davis vs. McMurray. -action for cutting
cordwood -.a iarge numberof witnesses
were examined in. this case, and after long,
argument a judgment of non -suit was giv-
en with Goats against defendant, •'
Oakleyvs.-Delgatty.-..notion for damages
for cuttingtimber over line -Dickson, for
plaintiff,; Wa41e for defendant. Judgment
for plaintiff for $10 and posts.
3lornuion vs, Jones. -disputed note -
judgment for plaintiff for $15.12 and coals.
A number of judgment summons debtors
examined and a number of ,committals
ordered and 4116 usual orders made in other
menu snMATZ ./MI. -MAT. 750.
Wm, McCracken, 48914 Hnntor, 477
N. Gerry, 458 A. Smith, 449
H. Bogard 439 L. Jackson, 436
M. Turnbull, 429 A. Town, 418
111. MoNaugliton, 882 id, 11•I0Lauchlio, 342
M. Ross, 824 S. Plant, 806
Ii, Cornier*. 809111'• Jackson, 285
J. Ballantyne, 279 K. Wilson, 277
IL. Alexander, 255 3. Richardson, 249
A. Ross, • 220 A. Whitely, 207
C. Thomson, 178 M. Hinds, 103
1', Kelly, 151 L, Veal, 130
M. Stewart, 122 E, Creighton, 119
M. Ames, 08 Ti. Shaw, 34
The papers of the 541 class aro not yet
examined. .7o1N Sane., Tonchof.
2ND 0ErinTM1NT.
Alice Drewe, 197 Nellie Bennett, 475
Jessie Sinoiair, 455 thin Thomson, 414
Ent Cooper, 412 Noll Jackson, 407
Maud Thomson, 404 Tem Bennett, 404
Maggie Boma, 400 Ellen Wilton, 871
Andrew Burgos5, 888 Diok Young, 366
Maggio Cousloy, 385 Min Stewart, 325
Annie Stewart, 286,Co1 Shaw, 960
W McCullough, 240 Geo Lova, 215
May Kelly, 9111J5n Thomson, 901
Hattie Crawford, 1901
SENIOR 513.=MA3, (305.
Ida May, 884 Jauc Norton, 310
Kato Wilson, 263 Walter Waite, 269
Willie Bradwoll, 253 M McMartin, 947
Jim Thomson, 203 Alf Broker, 199
MISS H. SAT11,8, Teacher.
3011 DE1A7lT1lRNT,
Eva Turnbull, 258 John 111oMartin, 251
Osgood Ross, 229
Rob Richardson, 290
net Hannon, 213
AMoCraoken, '200
Edith Eastman, 187
Archie Jackson, 178
IS Calbiok, 170
E Broker, 139
Teoy Hunter, 110
Thus Fletcher, . 222
Lex Alexander, 218
Willie Shand, 212
Wm. Crawford, 196
Kenzie Soot), 187
B McCullough, 173
A Currie, 158
E Buyers, 121
Martha Maxwell, 110
Wm Lowry, 98 Charlie Grower, 79
Be111t Stacey, 59
MOOR 30D, -sax. 815,
Eva, Laird, 214
Jessle Newsome 172
Allis Cormaok, 168
Sarah Hinds, 155
Willie Stewart, 148
Jim MoLauchlin 139
Frank Ward, 129
Jennie !hose, 118
Ernma Denbow, 80
Willie Honing, 81
Donald McKenzie 61
Rollie Stooey, 77
Lacy LeBon, 31
Miss Iitra BromtRnso3, Toaoher,
Hannah Hewitt, 201
Geo Smith, 167
Charlie Beam, 155
Aggie Shiol, 154
Edith Whitely, 147
Hilton Laird, 134
Lilly Holland, 195
Willie Griffith, 88
Sidney Hicks, ' 82
Thomas Bradwell, 78
Naomia Williams, 08
Willie Clark, 88
Martha Clark, 10
47'13 16..A0T511NT.
8ENIO1 2X» CLA8S,-MAX. 260.
Albert Blaahill, 167 Maud Kelly, 164
Dora - Smith, 165 Sidney Love, 154
Hurry Whitley, 158 Fred Calbiok, 152
Alfred Cook, 149 Willie Burton, 148
Lily Ainley, 148 natio Kitchen, 141
Clara Hunter, 189 Willie Baker, 138
Willie Stuart, 184 Jane Smart,, 132
Rob McCracken, 1301! lora Hoggard, 124
Jos Hunter, 121 Fred Veal, 120
Addie Vereoo, 118 Edward Hart, 114
Walter Smith, 94 Kat McDonald, -62
Maud Welsh, 44
smite to 2300 CLASS, -MAT, 215.
Ludy Webster, 164 Reggio Fletcher, 157
John Grower•, 185 Jennie Howe, 149
George Buyers, 148 Harry .'Caird; 1'48
W311io Love, 145 Clara Crawford, 144
Mina Norton, 140
Arthur Wake, 184 Bode Lotion; 124
L 3zzio Roddick, 120 Albert Weloli, 119
Harold Creighton 118 Fanny Clark, 111
Jenne Smart, 12.0 Bort Gerry, 107
Thurse Gerry, 98 Maud Hall, 9:t
Robbie Ketr, 93 James Grimoldby, 01
Annie Clark, 00
MIes L, A. HALL; Teacher,
Rollin 1Vard, 141
3T11 D01"A1tTMONT.
01(NIOR MA80.-MAX, 325.
Jack Wado, 257 Loon Jackson, 246
Maggie MoNeil, 245 Emma Webster, 284.
Robeoca Hewitt, 228 Johnnio Finn, 214
Walter Lowry, 214 Willie Cousley, . 908
Carrie Nott, 200 Duncan Stewart, 904
Clara Deem, 198 Nina Malo0lm, 186
I•larry Blaine, 186 Peter McMartin, 180
Harry McCrae, 188 Alex Clark, 132
Agnes Newsome, 101 Neddid Nichol, 08
` aroma GLASS. -MAX. 140,
Prod 'Thompson, 128 Willie Lynn, 118
B Bawtinhimer, 115 Frets Wilson, - 111
Ld Motauehlin 108 Ornlena 730110)', 108
Nellie Ainley, 107 Aggio Stacey, 102
,/hair Finn, 97 Willie Holland, 94
Fanny Rogers, 92 Es Dudley, 82
Agnes Richardson 89 Dan Stewart, 80
Charles Lyons, 72 Annie Scott, 72
May Gibson, 61 Kenneth ikfclionzio57
ll101110T 71081 IT,ABm 10,5X, 154,
Stay Shaw, 120 A Dlobardsen, 117
.Ilthnund Robb, 101 Alice Brat/well, 92
Lizzie McLennan, 84 Dob Billings, 79
Edith Stacey, 71 Reuben I4iuds 70
Edith Dunford, 70 Donnie Forsytl'i, 013
Ira Gerry, 04 Dollie Gibson, 51
Charles Gambian, 48 George Waxbill, 47
T11oe MoLauohlin, 42 Flossie I33aehill, 27
Blanche Welsh, 90
Oa'><el, et.
mules 1,0 v5. 505)0161(213,
Our return cricket match with Goderioh
was played on Dominion day on their
grounds and resulted in our team being de•
Mated. The following more will show how
am game stood at the close,
Iet Innings, 2adInninge.
D Ross o Elwood, b Mo.
Dermot- e b McDermott.... 3
Waterer, blHolmes 7 bHolmea
Dennis a and Holmes.... 8 ollays,h holm• 7
Currie, b'Holmes ae
Vonl, c Enmity, b McDer-
mott s Not uut 0
J Rocs,' b w bldoDermott 1 c, b McDermott 3
Kitchen b McDermott ... 1
MoRangi,ton, a Vnys, b
,McDermott ...... ... .. ...... 0 o straelme, b
Laird, not out Holmes a
Thomson,b McDermott0 b Holnis J0
Ma31e1ia . b Biopsy, a 0
McDermott 5 b Holmes,........ 0
Byom , 8
Lou byes .............. . 1 9
Mies""""" 0
Total 87 Total......... ,..72
• 00mmnmn.
184 In Wings. 900118818 gs.
Hayti, a Laird, b Ross, 5 ib w b Boss...... 1
Stark, c and b Nita/ion 4 Not out 0
lOonpoy, o McLennan, b
Tiitotlon 9 e Ritobou b
Drummona,l cwbaose3i Not oosout " " u
MoDormott, b lines 3 To bot 78
Holmes, b 1Citaban.,, 4 e D !toss, b
Armatron Thomson 14
g,'rads Ont_.....,. 3. a McLennan, b
Malcomson, b nose.......,, 0 Tbomeoa.,D
Elwood, b litto0en,,. 2
Roam, a Dennis, b 3 Itoss... 3
Strachan, not out ........... 0 ltuu oat2
Byes 1 a
Lug byes
MilosU 22
Our Goderioh friends, through the "Sig.
nal," chose to speelo very lightly of our
beautiful park (a place of which we aro so
justily proud) as being unfit for cricket
playing and also of our,laek of hospitality,
attributing their defeat !torn in a ,,meat
measure to hunger. This may be true, in
hungry before they left home, and some of them ut aaobetter
opportunity for retaliation is seldom at -
forded than our Goderioh experience gives
us, though we will not take full advantage
of it, In regard to refreshments they had
lunch on our grounds and free supper at
night. This is in accordance with the re-
cognized rules of visiting hospitality. We
gut the lunch and paid for our suppers.
So much for treatment. Their grounds, of
which we.oxpeeted so maob, no Celtic clan
was over more secure amid their own native
cliffs and glens than were our Goderioh
friends anlonget,iho "Tootoly heights" of
their boasted grounds. Truly if the ball
passed a prescribed limit it was hop, step
and jump from the top of one hillock to
another, the intervening rats being so deep
that some of them were used as reeepteolos
for worn out whiskey stills and other rub-
bish, as being the moat unfrequented place
around town. On such grounds as these it
is easy to sea our "Baan Ball sluggers" had
but a poor show. Tho game, however,
passed off amicably enough, no disputes at
all, except; perhaps, a word or two through/
Mr. Drmmmond's inclination to hide hie
wickets with his legs.'' i•Ieesre. Drummond
and Stark are truly the backbone of the
Goderioh team. The reputation of the
"Baso Ball sluggers" would have suffered
a great deal more were it not for tho well
watched 030130ts of Seaman Laird, The
umpiring by lawyers Elliot, of Blyth, and
Dickenson, of Wingham, was very sstisfac-
tory and the scoring was attended to by F.
S. Scott, of Brussels, and Hilton Holmes,
of Godorich. A goodly nntnbor of visitors
witnessed the proceedings. Coin.
1:$1•ia5aolts Seliocil Gourd.
The regular meeting of Obe.above Hoard
weds held in the Council Chamber on Fri-
day, the 2nd inst.
Member present --E, 36, Wade, F, S.
Sootl, 13, Donnie and Mrs. Smith, •
Minutes of lust regular and special meet•
Inge were read and confirmed.
Moved by F. S: Seott, s000nded by H.
Dennis that ineura100 policy expiring on
28rd inst. be renewed, Carried.
Moved by F. S. Scott, seconded by I3.
tennis that tho amount of Chris. Dickson
for maps bo.paid amounting to $21.70. •
Moved by 1I. Donnie, secondad 1113 Mrs,
Smith that a now floor bo laid in Miss
Hambly's room, Carried.
Tho Priuoipal presented a report ex fol-
lows for,7uno and corresponding month of
1885 :-
1880 1st 211(1 8rd 4411 5th
A4erage..,, 40 84 44 46 89_253
No, on roil, , 44 40 51 55 103•---903
1885 ist 11
Average. •., 80 '1ud 88 8nd 45 1th 46 5L 75-285
No, on roll,. 40 58 58 50 00-•277
County Oleek Adamson and Juo,
Me11Iiila/I, Reeve of Hallett, started
for the Old Country this week. 1)r.
Holmes, County 'Treasurer, wiil at.
tong to Mr, Adnmeon's work daring
}11.8 absence,
Dominion Voters° Lists Courts,
The Courts for the East.' Riding of
Hurou,aro over until the Reform ap•
peals are tried for Grey and Brussels.
In Turnberry the Reformers struck
off 22 and added 11. The Conserva-
tives struck off 25 anti added 2. For
Morris township the Reformers struck
20 off and added 4. The :Oonserva•
dues etruok 10 off. On Monday the
Oourt assembled in Wiugham. The
Conservatives gained 9 there. The
Reform gain in the Riding is 69, and
their appoale in Grey aud Brussels to
be beard yet. If they aro allowed
Thos. Farrow will Have a heavy row
to hoe at the next election.
The Post Don't Like
LONG credit,
Naxr Sunday morning the Oranges
mon of this locality will attend the
Methodist church, when the normal
sermon will be preaohed by Rev. W.
Smyth. Servide oommenoes at 10:60
BRUSSELS 00UNCIL.--T11e thenal
monthly meeting was hold last Mon•
day evening. The full Board wag
present. The minutes of last
meeting were read and confirm•
ed. On motion of Councillors
Bicker and Wynn the following no•
counts were ordered to be paid :-
Jas. Gibson, gravel, $59.95 ; Wm.
McOullough, lumber, $88.11; W. H.
Kerr, printing, $29; Airs. Stacey,
charity, $4 ; Wm. King, lumber, $2..
75 Mrs. Hart, charity, $2 ; J'as:
Hicks, coustable's fee, $1.50. Wal-
ter Smith asked for grant towards
erecting a footbridge at the flax mill.
Left over until next meotiug, The
question of exempting Tho4. Smith
from taxes was dincuosod but no
notion will bo taken until another
meeting. Council then adjourned.
REAM 's CONTENT, -Lief of contri
butiona in aid of the fund for re -build-
ing the parsonage at heart's Content,
Newfoundland, collected- by Mrs. E.
E. Wade, Brussels :--
Rov. A. H. Baldwin, Toronto, $10,00
John Cayley,Toronto,. 10.00
E. E, Wade, Brussels, 2.00
1;, L. Dickenson, Wingham, 2,00
Mrs. Reynolds' Godorich, 2.00
Miss F, M, Wacle, Batavia„ 2.00
Mrs. Harcourt Vernon, Guelph, 1.00
J. L. Darling, Listowel, 1.00
Miss Eva Patteson, St. Thomas, 1.00
Mrs. >I. J. Strang, Gvderich, 1.00
H, McDermott, Godorioll, 1,00
S. MaIoomson; Godorich, 1.00
!tire. R. Reynolds, Goderioh,1.00
W. 11. Sinclair, Brussels, 1.00
EC. Dennis, Brussels, I.00
Mrs. E. E. Wade, Brussels, 1.00
Rev. W. T. Oluff, Brussels, 1.00
0. Pollowell, Toronto, 1.00
Mrs. John Sh3el, Brussels, 1.00
1VIiss K. A. Patteson, Brussels, 1.00
Mark Wade, Stratford, 1.00
Gifford Elliott, Blyth, 1.00
W. H. Moss, Brussels, 1.00
W. H. Kerr, Brussels, 1,00
W. B. Dickson, Brussels, 1.00
Total 847.00
A.0.TJ.W.-Last Monday evening
J. Alexander and T. Town, senior P.
bra= youngatern. M.W., of Brussols Lodge No. 188
Tire ohronie grumbler.
To dun people often to pay up.
TIM "1 told you so" individual.
Love sermons in hot weather.
Mosprnxons when you want to
PIMPLE who are always a little.
late. ' , Receiver ; 'Wm. Ainley, i3•. ; T. O'Neil
GRAVEN crossings, when the gravel I,W.; Geo. Birt, O.W. The semi -
is coarse. annual auditor's report, certified to
Tim idea of our band boys going by Rev. J. Rose and ' W. H. Kerr,
without a uniform, . auditors, showing the financial•slate-
Teur way the Old Conntry people ment and progress of the Order was
carry on their eloolions, • next submitted and received with
To meet waape and bees alien they great eatiefaotion. The said report
are on their business tripe.. , ' oommenoing Jan. 1st 1886 and otos-
To sed our cricketerswalloped, but ing June 80111 chows as follows
we'll back the boys yet. Membership 26, increased to 88 ; oath
Tim man who can't speak a dozen balance on hand $88.71, increased to
wards without swearing, •$181.96 ; ;Dash received for all par
Max who Will 0v1) .ds, anything poses' during term $888.81,' Bens
unle08 they aro the, "bell ;glop.", fictary assessmentduring term was $8
Tun young -lady in her• gigglehoocl per member. ' From ilk's amounts td
and the young man .in, hie: booby- in by eaclligcliviilual.'mombor of stile
hood. :. 20541Iodgeesin, Ontario about $100,000
PEOPLE hv110 .know ton tulles 1ner0 !las' boon paid. during this last' tern!.'+
about other people's: bhsiuess, than Pause Christian brothorn,' tell tie do
they do about their civil, 3050 know of any other donominatiug,
To sso people wastingtheir time or Sooiety, carryioig on such a glori,
taking in $15 or $20 a day where 0ns purpose ? If not cope under our
they might do three tines as much banner, join us In the glorious work
by jttdici¢ns edverrising In Tun of deep, magnetic brotherhood that
1)01e, cheers the orphaned multitude from
TRU ' mean Alan who says 1713011 80a to sea, from the river oven to the
asked to 8311)soribs for new8papor ends .of thio great continent. The
"there's nothing in It," Yet would' groat triumpliant wave of full hands
have a sick spell of ho could not sinal' and open hearts is increasing . in ma
the reading of it from could honest
man wlio pays for what lire gets.
assisted by A, Morrison, Walton,
as Guide, Installed officers for the
semi-annual torm as follows : -'J-,
Town, P.M.W. ; J. R. Smith, I4I.W, ;
P. Thomson, F.; E. E. Wade, 0.;
J. A. Creighton, Recorder. ; John
Shaw, Financier; R. H. Ferguson,.
Tun Dundalk Herald has Changed
hands, the new proprietor taking pee.
session last week. The Herald, un-
der the able managonient of Ivlr. Hall,
has done much for the village and the
people should give the paper the
cordial support it deserves. Mr. Hall
will snood' wherever he goes.
BAND 'TOURNA1rn3T.-011 Ibe 29th-
and 90th inets, a grand time is anti-
cipated at Lietowol.' Thorn ie to be
a band tournament, review of troops
with sham battle', athletic epode,
bloyelo races and any quantity of
short. A big orowd is going to Lie -
towel on 111e days mentioned above.
The 'Tournament Committee very
kindly and thoughtfully remembered
tile Brussels Connell and sent thorn
complimentary tickets. Keep on the
lookout for further particulars in
next iseue,
NO, 1
sand, He was of present fn oom-
mlunrcation with lie old partners in
the gold fiolds and should health per.
mit he would unfurl his sails for Ida-
ho and should they never meet again
his prayer was that they all would
moat in that glorious evermore.
H0125E RACINai,-OD July let there
wore horse races at Forclwich and
Wroxeter, tho first mentioned place
having their's in the forenoon, Ac.
cording to the bills 1t was to be the
boat 8 in 5 !teats. King's "Little
Judy," of Wrcxelcr, Taylor's "Mag-
gie," of Clinton, and Brumpton's
"Little Billy" entered. "Little Judy"
took 2 heats, "Billy" got 2 and "Mag-
gie" 1. The judges ruled that "Billy"
was entitled to let =toy and would
not allow another heat to bo trotted.
The like of such decisions was never
heard of before' and -it shove very
plainly that the judges ..either knew
nothing about the rules df the turf or
else played "dirty to keep the money
at home. At Wroxeter King's
"Little Judy" tool; lst place, 13rump-
ton's "Little Billy" '2nd and Ifconig's
mare 8rd. Thos. Hall, of Brussels,
held' the ribbons over his favorite,
"Little .Silty." He says the Ford•
wioh races wore rich only he -wanted
another haat and 1st money.
OURPREAMIERo,...4,ast Sunday Rev.
W. T. Oluff, preached from John 1st
chap, and 8th verse at the morning ser-
vice, in St, Joba`e church, and from
Matthew 25th chapter and 17th verse
at 7 p. m. Mr. Gruff is an excellent
reacher and for a young man ie a good
preaollor.--P,ev. W. Smyth, pastor of
the Methodist church, selected Joshua,
28rd chapter ant1.l4th verse, and St.
John, 17th chapter and 20th and
21st v0rees, ea the foundation of his
two discourses 001 Sabbath. The
rev. gentleman has no pour sermons.
-At Melville church Rev. J, floss,
B.A., delivered two of his customary
style of sermons from the torts found
in St. John's Gospel, 4411 ebaptor,
28th, 29011, 80th, 89811, 49!11 and 58r3
verses, and Matthew, 8th chapter,
2nd and 8rd 3eree3. Mr, Ross
is a close reasoner and sticks to his
text wait. -Knox church congrega-
tion, over which. Rev. S. Jones pre.
sides, is leaving a holiday, but their
pastor fires red-hot shot and atoll
strikes close, too. -Rev. P. J. Shea,
of Seaforth, officiates in the Roman
Catholic church on the third Sunday
in eaoll month. He is held in high
esteem by his parishioners, -.At the
Salvation Army they are all preach -
era, but Capt. Rowehas been in nom-
' Mand for some time, 'She is a sens-
ible little body and if those who at-
tendthe barracks pay attention to
what the says they willnot go fa;
astray. Brussels has as good a re-
presentation of clerical gentlemen as
can be found in anyplace of its size
aud the only fault lac 1111d is that so
much of their preachi}yg is . ,that
by the various congregations without
much outward- manifestation of it
effecting a great deal of good.
Tran. Kincardine Reporter says :---
The committed, after 'soiilo negotia-
tion with J. D. Ronald, of Brussels,
manufacturer of steam fire eugines,
persuaded hire to, ship one of hisoele-
bratod' engines here and give .rtn ex-
hibition of its powers. A3 the con-
olusiou of the sports in the park, the
crowds hurried book to the to,vu. At
four o'clock the steamer, to which was
hitched 'Watson Sr Malcolm's team of
blaoke, was taken to the dock in front
of the fish Houses, After thdt delay
630)581 Bed by putting water into the
boiler, the fire wits lighted. This
testy and love. -Think of -tile 200 was at 87 minutes- past four o clock
widows and orphans'. in Ontario alone 'Throe minutes later the steam whistle
gave •a toot. At 4.49 a prolonged
whistle n'ae given, and two 'Dinettes
later, or just eight minutes Iron) the
time the fire was 'lighted, a full head.
of steam was reified and the engine
commenced pumping. The stream '
thrown was a powerful one. First .
one line of hose was used, about 500
feet, and watt forced to the height of
fully 150 foot through a 1} inch
branch, and about 200 feet horizont-
ally. A second line of pipe was at•
$sated, and the fire fighting capacity
of the engine was immediately doubl-
ed, The engine worked like a charm
and in the minds of Kincardine rate•
payers'tled the faof that when the
town dsoi a upon scouring more cif -
Active fire protection than wo have
at present, that noilikig, but a steam
fire engine will bo puxoh*sod.• Cur•
rent history informs us` that its a rule
corporations make the mistake of no -
810431413g to provide the best fire pro-
teotion, until au evil day arrives,
during the past 6 months, these add-
ed to thousands in years gone by,
surely their prayers; .and, songs of
praise go up for tie: seeing the groat
progress that is attending our Order.
After reading, sneaking, and advising
uhder'the separate beads of the 're.
port, the retiring .Financier handed
the books, papers, monies, S;o., over.
to John Shaw, The report was re -
missed aud passed with great accept-
ance after which several brethren
moved thai the sum of $25 be pre-
sented to John Alexander, just as a
reminder that the brethren who had
fought the pioneer battles of the Lodge
together had not forgotten the faith•:
rut sorvicbs he had over rendered,
more directly as Finauoier for ,the
past three years. Mr, Alexander
thanked one and all. He said the
reollections of so many nights spent
together in sweet friendship would re -
imam graven on his heart, be it on
mountains wild, distant 5010 or rolling