HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-7-2, Page 88 THE 'BRUSSELS POST: ARANO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENTION, W G & Il. a. Trains leave Brussels Station, north and south, a° fellows:— (Aping bouih, tieing North,. ATall 7.1S am, I Afixod 0:85 ton.. Express .._ n:45a.m, Alail 8:40 p.m. Mixed .,e:50p.to Express 1045 p.m. The morning trate south and the night train north will only run on Tuesdays. .8huredays, and Saturdays, rural j:lenT.S, 1 A chiel's among ye {akin' notes An' faith he'll prent it, - NEW potatoes... SenoeL Boo will Meet this (Fri- day) evening, To Ronald Engine Works are running full time again. EXTRA value in Fruit ears and pickling vinegars at Thomson's. BEEP your eyes wide open for our next issue. Watch for it. D. STP.ACHAN and P. Seat acted as judges et the Caledonian games in Wingham on Friday. Hou teltetan wanted, one who has had some experience. Apply at Tux PoSTPub- lisbing House. A civic holiday celebration is talk. ed of for Bruseels. Further particu- lars will be given next week. THE Misses Dickson and A. M. Kay, of Godericb, and J. W. Shaw, cf Blyth, were in town last Sunday. THE woolen mills at Seaforth laths place to get the highest price for your wool in cash or trade. A call solicited. Dn. GARNIER, of LucifnOw, Will he at the Queen's hotel, town, on Mon- day, July 5th, and afterwards the 1st Monday of every month. THE new advt, of Grant & 0o. re• lilting to harvest tools and machine repairs received too late for thie issue. Look out for it neat week. ONE of Abell's traction engines, tender and thresher created some lit• tle excitement by driving the threeh- er around town last Monday. Mas. F. 0. Roomns collided with a boy at Rev, Mr. Cluff's garden party Monday evening. The result was Mrs. Rogers wears a black eye. Scam mean sneak stole a large eros& of strawberries from the vete andah of J. D. Ronald's residence on the evening of the garden party. It was a very small trick. .A. resuoR concert and lawn social will be given at the Methodist par• sonugo on Tuesday evening. Sever. al vocalists from outside towns have promised to bb present. A treat is expected. LAST Tuesday forenoon W. H. Mo. Oraeken brought us a meas of new potatoes, the first of the season. Mc. who by the way, is an Irishman, is one of the most successful gardenera in the County. THE contract for repairing and re- novating the TONE Hall has been let to Watson Ainley. The work can. not fail to effect a wonderful transfor- mation in the appearance of the ha terior of the building. Contract $65. Mae, Tx°. ALEXANDER won let prize for archery at the Wingham Caledonian games last friday. The prize was a $7 fruit dish. Rachel Alexander took let for girls, a $5, butter dish, and Kate Cormack got 3rd, $2 in goods. Tan entertainment of St. John's church Sabbath School, held in the Town Hall on Tueeday ewening, was well attended by the younger mem. berg of the village, the leuture in Mel- ville church attracting the older peo- ple. The lien of elides, illustrating the sights of London, was well re- ceived, the coloured pictures calling forth roars of laughter from the youngsters. The circumference of pictures reflected was 80 feet. ''The entertainment cleared expenses, E. B. Burt was the lecturer, and gave a large amount of information concerning the metropolis of Um world. We hope to find room for some of the notes next week. GARDEN Panes.—On Monday even- ing the garden party, announced last week, was held at Rev. W. T. Cluff'e residence. The evening was fine and the attendance Large. Refreshments were provided in the way of straw- berries, ice cream, lemonade, tea, cote fee•aad cake. A good program was given consisting of songs by Miss O'Connor, Miss Ronald, Miss Cooper, . i. E. Wade, J. Barg reaves, W. 141. Sinelair, Alex. Strachan and othets. Instrumental music was supplied by Mrs. 1`. 0. Rogers, Miss O'Connor, Miss Jackson and Mies Cooper. The dnetts oftlrs. Thomson and D. Ewan on piano and violin were very loudly applauded. E. B. Burt managed two balloon aseeneione• The size of the first one was 20 fent and tho sec. ond was arranged in the form of a fish, 8 feet long. It aamo down back of Jas, G. Kelly's residence and was reclaimed by the owner, About $80 Was realized as the proceed° of the evening, JULY, SEs legal advt., Notice to Creditors, J. D. Wittman, of Doon, was in town this week. J. W. CorNE,Wardeville, wag visit• ing in town this week. ONO week from Monday will bo the glorious and immortal 12th, A LARGE number of Brueselites visited Goderioh on Dominion day. SEm the bargains offered by I. 0, Riohards, bargees maker. Bemoans businese. Tan Queens hotel ie receiving a 'thorough refitting in the way of painting, oto• Din you read Reeve Bolters' advt, this week ? He says he is giving great bargains. A POEM from the pen of Mrs: Dan- iel Hayden, of Brussels, appears on page S of this issue. TWENTY-FIVE tickets were Bold to persons attending •the Wingham Calm donian games Hist Friday,. THERE'S a boom in corsets this week. Now is the time to lacy in a supply. See G. A.. Powell's advt. THE G.T.R. white•washors were at the Brussels station last .tlriday and gave the waiting room and office n thorough renovating. MASTER Taney; NORTON presented us with a mammoth strawberry that measured 5t inches in circumference. It was Clydesdille breed, we think. Tan congregation of Melville church have purchased the property at • pres- ent occupied at) a manse from Rev. J. Fergusou,for the sum of $1,600. Hine. T. O'NEIL aeeisted the choir of the Blyth Catholic church on the occasion of the confirmation service, The Bishop complimented Mrs. O'Neil on lier singing, CouNom meeting next Monday ev- ening. It is expected the proposition of exempting Thos. Smith on condi. tion that he removes his planing ma- chinery to Brussels will come up. LAST week Rich. Leatherdale pre- sented us with some choice English cherries that would fairly make your "teeth" water. lie picked 7 patent pails full from Due tree. 13. Gerry lot us sample Some of his on Monday of this week. Yum 1 yam! its lovely to be an editor. • Ws are pleased to hear that J. D. Ronald has received an order from Vancouver, British Columbia, for one of his powerful Fire Steamers, also 4 hose reel carriages and 7,000 feet of hose. They will be forwarded by 0. P. R. in a few days. The total cost will he $0,880. Tan picnic Beason is booming just now. On Dominion day Melville church hold their annual pie -nip. in Stewart's grove. Ethel Presbyterian Sunday School plc -Ric in Stamen's grove and the Methodist Sabbath School at Sunshine hold their pio•nio in Wheeler's grove. LAST Sabbath Rev. W. Smyth and Rev, Jae. Broley, of Seaforth, ex• changed pulpits. Rev. Mr. Broley preached two excellent sermons from the texts "Aro they not all minister- ing spirits &c," and "What shall it profit a man &c." 'The rev. gentle- man will always have a welcome there. AT the oohlmunIon service in Knox church lest Sunday 14 new members were added to the church. Tlie pas- tor ens assisted by Rev. D. B. ItioBas, of Oranbrook, and Rev. Geo. Brown, of Wroxeter. The ehurch will, bo closed for the next three or four Sab- baths as Rev. Mr. Jones is away for his usual summer vacation among old friende atCliff ord, Southampton, and other places. THE following telegrams speak for themeelvoe:—"Bruesels,June 20th'86. To Mayor McLean, Vancouver:—Or• der for engine received and will have immediate attention. Please draw on me for $100 cash, towards Burned Sufferer's Fund. John D. Ronald," Their answer next day from Vancouv- er said :—" Please accept our sineere thanks for, your • geleerous and most opportune' aid. el. A. MoLean, Mayor," It •was very generous of Mr. I•Ronald. Tam Kincardine steamer takou up by J. D. Ronald gave them great sat- isfaction. Its good work more than astonished all and was witnessed by many thousand people as h was tak- en through the town in gay array, followed by our own band, with Lively music. It created quite a sensation and many expressed tllemeelves that more interest was taken in the Fire Engine test than all the other varied amusements. SUNDAY AIsU9sMENT.—A number of boys were caught by the agent on Sunday last at the railway station amusing themselves by pushing the care up and down the track, not only endangering their own limbs and lives but they might cause the cars to got off from them and run over the switch and if this thing is repeated they will sll bo arreinged before the Magistrate for troepasa. Parente might as well take the hint. liitox church is being pointed in- side and other improvemonte' made, Bay. W. E, KERB intent several days in Brussels this waek while on the way to his new circuit, Bootee cod. DAVID Haim is building an &edit. ional story to part of his house 0h Albert street, and Josopll Rozzell, Princess street, is erecting a largo wing to the south end othis residence, Too eorT AV 'ALF. ---The following notice was received by us One week for insertion. It speaks for itself and shows the simpleness of the men rho are running the agebcy '—Mntri• menial Agency.—Jensen & Co., 0 Station Road, Plaistow, London, England. Established to supply set- tlers in the States with the addresses of respectable young women who are willing to communicate with bona fide tradesmen, farmers, and others desirous of meeting with useful wives, They will be eupplied from the 'earl. cultural districts of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales as well as the oontiuent of Europe. Applieante should state their particular require- ments end preferences, enclosing postal order for two shillings, to meet preliminary expenses. LmoTURB.—Last Tuesday evening a large company gathered in Mel- ville church to hear Rev. Father Chin. iquy, the veteran lecturer, deliver an address on Romanian). For over an hour and a half the rev. gentleman dwelt on this subject of so mash in- terest to him. Ho explained the making of the "wafer" and how the same was consecrated by the priest and how the transubetautiation theory was blinding the eyes of thoueands. A. number of hair -breadth escapes from infuriated mobs were recounted which he had undergone in endeavor- ing to prosecute lux work. Father Ohiniquy ie over 77 years of age but he speaks with the vigor and energy of a man of 40. He was a priest for 25 years. This was hie second visit to Brussels, his former visit being made 17 years ago. A. collection amounting to over $45 was taken. A hearty vote of thanks was tender. er the lecturer on motion of Rev.. J. Rose, B.A., and Mr. Coburn. IT is about time something was done to stop the station nuisance as someone will get killed before it is stopped. Only a few evenings ago one of the boys name as near being killed as possible haying fallen off the steps of a oar, and the same even- ing a girl was found clinging between two care when attached to the engine and had to be lifted off by a brakes. man. Another amusement for the boys is to hang around at the cross- ing, at T. Hall's, and jump on the rear of the train and ride down to the station, and when the train is leaving hang on behind till "down the track, one boy vieing with the other who can hold on the longest and jump off. The train men have been ordered to watoh tide and if boys are found they will be taken to Ethel and allowed to walk home. We have the names of the ten boys who were •amusing them- selves last Sunday but to save their parente disgrace we withhold them this time. We want them to take note of this warning, however, and mond their ways. Canadian. New,¢. Mitchell is agitating for a public markot.` Winnipeg Oity Oonnoil has redlined the salary of the health officer to $600 per annum. The Brent Oaunty Council has made a grant of $500 towards the Brant Memorial Fund. G. Y. Smith has resigned the, Dep- uty-Roovesbip of Whitby in order to become a candidate for the Reeveship etude vacant by the death of Mr. Jeffrey. The Stratford Polio° Magistrate has fined Daniel McMullen $50 and poets, the price of a portion of Donald Fraser's ear, 'which he bit off on tho night of Inauguration Day. Jonathan Beck, of Egmondville, a few flays ago was attacked by bees while hiving. They seemed resolved to hive in hie ears, his whiskers and in Jug hair. He is ander medical treatment. The Whitby Gazette alleges that a grey ping hat brigade from Oshawa visits that town every Sabbath, and it regards their visits as so undesir• able that it recommends at applica. tion of rotten egge. The St. John, N. B,, Globe alleges that Billy Maloney, of boodle notor- iety, lona not sailed for England, but is staying at the Inch Arran Hotel at Dalhousie, and will go to England in August. Hee is not on "nil" rates. Telegraphic advisee from all patio of Manitoba and the Northwest give favorable reports of the grain crepe, More rain ie needed in some districts, but no injury has yet been done, The hay crop and garden products ate bo - low the average. The harvest will be The old Episcopal Church near Mouth Keswick, N.13., has lust been torn down and removed. This was one of the olctest churahoa in New Brunswick, having been built 70 years ago. There le Duly one man now liv ills in the plaoo, George Dunphy, er,, 80 years old, who has any recollect, tion of the time when the oharch was erected. Most of the early esttlors who took part in its erooticnare now buried in the yard whish gar rounded it, It is reported that the church was removed against the wish- es of the cllurch wardens and a large number of tho people of the place. The Mount Forest Confederate has the following :—On Monday evening about dark, while Oliver Henry, of lot 14, cou.2, West Luther, was load• ing woodin hie busts, hie Versos took fright at something acid sprang hack. Mr. Henry, however, got thein stop• ped and want about, hie worn, but iu a few moments the harses again tools fright and started'off. He sprang in• to the wagon, but while doing so he hit his shoulder against a tree, which mads his right arm almost powerlos and he wee unable to hold the team and they rale home. Shortly after Mr. Henry reached the yard he heard a man yelling for help back at the bush. He immediately started back to the bush with his dog and found John Belly, it neighbor, who had Beard biro yelling at the horses and Dame to see what was up, running around a big tree for hie life with an enormous black bear right at his heels and trying to bite him at every jump. When the bear, saw Mr. Henry it made its way off, thus 'giving Mr. Kelly a chance to got free after a very narrow escape. An attempt was made to Capture three cube, which were with the old bear, but without anccess. Mr. Henry's horses. had evidently Bean the bear, which caused them to take fright. • eruessvlF.; LVJGarket. OonnscrsD 0 ssrunLY Evsn'r Wnas, White Pall Wheat......, .. 70 71 Bed Winter 70 72 Spring Wheat 60 7$ Barley 45 50 Oats 28 Peas ... 50 Butter, tubs and rolls .... 10 Itggs per dozen 0 Ploor per barrel 4 50 , Potatoes 35 Hay per ton 7 00 Bides per ib 7 Dressed Hogs 5 00 Salt per bbl., wholesale .:OO Sheep skins,eaoh 50 Wool 17 30 51 11 00 00 40 8 00 7i 5 50 80 1 OD 20 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. St ERVANT WANTED.— APPLY et once to AIRS, E. Il. WADE, 51- Brussel Toon SALE,—PARK LOT, CON• ./. taining about. a Bores, with hoses, stable well, and a number of fruit Drees (bearing) on the lot. For terms and particulars apply to A. HUNTER, Brussels. 112.0.1 1DASTURE—THE UNDERSIGN• BD can a000mmodate the owners of nowt or horses with pasture. For further Informs tion apply to HENRY MOONEY, Concession 0 Morrie. OaoicE FARMS FOR' SALE.— Afowsplendid ,improvea,terme for sale in thetewnehip of Grey, Morrie and hteEll- lop. Apply to A DR LGAtTY,C o Auctioneer BruueleP 0 1341 1HUROHES, PUBLIC BUILD— ) tags, end Private Ho,1eas painted and deaorafed in modern styles at reasonable rates. mrilmete given, Address— PC 0/1170AS, 20.13 Goderieh, QTRAYED ON THE PREMISES of°the nedeOslgnod, lot 22, con. 1, Grey, one yearling heifer, aamo about May let, The own- er is requested to prove proporty, say 057000 - es andtalce her away, 30.4." ALH.8RT FRRAIN, Prop. rTIWO FARMS, IN GREY FOR sem, or to rent, 200 acres. 100 being to 22, con, 5, the other lot 20, am 0, Lot 22 is ettuatodtwo mtiee from the village of Ethel, seven miles from Brussels, twelve milesfrom Li etowai end 1 mile from a 1100130 failing meek. 97 acres aro cleared, most all oloar of slumps and under good cultivation and clean, sixty aortas of prop, good outlet for draining, a Dom • fortable tlwentng,bank barn, stabling under. math, a good bournorchard and garden a well oonvonient260 li,to . house ani. yard, Price 21 'm11ossfront Ethel, er 10afromLot L20 towell and 0 from Brussels. 00 aoroe °leered and under good cultivation, tin 'balance well timbered with blank ash, hemlock and hardwood. A irama house and outbuilding and a large young orchard aro on the farm. Prise, 89,000. moire farniewill bo sold separate or together to suit purchaser. Po90oe�st ort can ho givou at any time, Apdp,,ATly TAIIW.1JND Stratton, 4841 Proprietors. N'OTICE TO CREDITORS. Nation le hereby given, purtuant to the pro - Vittoria of obap. 107, 12,5.0., and 40 Vies., chap. 0,(Cnt) to all creditors and others' having olaime (sgainet the estate at Alexander Web- ster,lete of the village of Brussels. in the County of Huron, flax min manager, 800050ed ',rho died on or about the fifth day of Febru- ary loot poet, io Bond by peat (prepaid) to W. B. Diekeon, Ilruseele, Solicitor for Samos 0, Webster and Catharine Webster, Executor and Exoeutrix,Toa ootivoly, of the lass will and testament of the said duooaeod,on or be- fore the lire day of August, am. 1080, a state, ment of their , names and addroesos and frill particulars of their olaime, dulyaeeertod with o abatement of all seauritias (i3 any) held by them, And after the said 8rd day of . August the saidltxoeutor0will prowled to distribute the assets of the said doe oasodamongtho part- ies entitled thereto, regard being had only to the slainta of tvhielr nollao Abell baro here given,.ne above required. The saidlxeoutors will not be liable for the estate,' or any, pert thereof, to Buy person of Whose claim notiso ¢ball not have been given at the limo of snob dletribntien. Dated at Brussolt the 28813 day of acne, A.D, leaf,, • W.B. 1)10laI 00 02 -Fine Solicitor torruse tors. JULY 2, 1886, BANKING. Mo1NTOSII & MuTAGGART, BANKERS, BRUSSELS, Transact a General Banking BUSlit ass. Notes to hand discounted, Lttero8t allow 3101 13511(88- roa.iyablc ,a demand, Prompt attnation given to collool100t. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING._ E. WADE, BBARRISTER, &e, OIoioe lortnerly doomple 1 by A. J. tiSo• Coll, Pleq., rn L)sklo'a 13ta°k, .lonay to loan. �•/s T 13. DICKSON, (LATE WITH r r e °arrow ,G Proadfoot, Godo loli) 901(0. ltor, Conveyancer, &o. Oates, .Ir -stn's block, Brussels. Money to loan, ALEX .HUNTER, CLERK OF the 1''ourtlt DivIal0a court Co. Huron. Oouvayaaoor, Notary Public, Land, .Loan and Insurance Agent. Panda (avoided and to loan. Collo°tiooe made, 011toe lu Graham's Blook Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS, JA. NIONAUGHTON, NI, D., C. . N. L. B. O. P, Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and A000uoboun Moo, Mrs, Shiers bleak, Turaberry Street. J. A. rIUTOHINSON, 11I.D„ L. P. C. P. Edinburgh, Coroner for the County of Huron. Itosidouoo, on Ar111 Street, 01005 at Star - gramma' Drug Store. DENTAL. GL. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR • (Graduate and Member or the Royal Oollego of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. The yellows ane,ethvtioo given, also a new leo al anatsthetlu for the gums only. All oporatione oarotully performed and guaranteed. Prices moderato. Full eine of tooth from 85 to 838. (Mee over Powell's store. Hours 8 a.m. to 5p. m. BUSINESS CARDS. H. 1IoORAOKEN, ISSUER Grocery, Turnbarry streieelnaos. 0t0uo 0 08 hte A MoNAIR, ISSUER OF LIAR- rim 6•e Licensee, by appointment of Lieutenant -Governor, Commissioner, Lo., iv 33. Couveyanoer and Agent Fire Insurance Co, ot0ao at the Oranbrook Post Oaloe, Riobert nningham, INS URA NOE AGENT, Guelph, - Ontario. J- M. O'OONNOR; FIRE, LIFE, some f the bast andm et reli bee Oompen lee is the Dominion, OWoe, Brick Torraoo, Turnberry Street, near the station. 8m MISS O'CONNOR TL+1AOHER of Thorough Baer, Vocal and Inatru.; mental Maio on Piano, Organ and Guitar. Reference—Ladies of Loretto, Guelph. Bealdeuco—No. 2 south, Brio* Toeraoe 44.5m Brussels, Out W. O'BRIEN V. S., HONOR . Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, has resumed tho prat/ flee o f John Nott, V, S., and ie prepared to treat all di0easee of domes- ticated animals on s°teatiAo and unproved principles. Treatment of delicate mals a specialty, Otdoe at JohnNotb's, Y. S. M ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER Dans. Straight loan s, A�ppplyy to A, RAYAfANN, SO. Oranbrook, NvM. BLAS HILL Butcher, thankinghis. many customers fax their iberal wishes to inform past that°be ' ing burned out of the old stand has fitted up a shop in Smalo'e Block in tutu/ass style whore he hopes to see all the old customers and as many now ones as see at to give him a esti, I koap nothing but first-olase meats, all hinds of Poultry and Sensego &rest. Deliver- ed to all parka of tiro ;tows b•rao, Cash paid forFab Stock, VARbi IN GREY FOR SALE BE- ing lot 14, on the 10th oon,00ntaluing 100 40 a0000. itLob 14 is plob ertly au l cleared containinghal- :moo a anoo well timbered. A never failing oreek crosses the lot and it ie well atlaptod for farm - Inger grazing. LotiS .is mostly cleared and tinder good cultivation, the balance well time germ! with bleak aeh. W113 0011 all together or in verbs to suit the purchaser. For further pttrtiouiars apply to tho proprietor on the premises. Title lot is well drained. tf Ck1r10. AVEitY rrIHE, BEST _ D MIIJL,.i. W. fa. •IVlor.•rIm, Exasr.eroi boo lVonlos, - MITaHELL, O 1T., S'Ianafaolnrer of three diitoront kinds of Wiatlmills, Tho simplest, strongest and most satisfeotory'{Vindmlll yet made, 'FOru in water, sawing wood °hopping vein or driving any lightma5 binary they haveno equal. My CELEBRATED PUMPS Imo 'se- ounoda world-wide reputation: I guarantee them me being superior to many now in .the market, and equal to anyever made, They he level water0Partnere and feet, or etookniien aro°ri- ,guested to sand for part feu into before buying either a Windmill ora Purim, MEI I olefin the t mine ere the bast fb thnmarkot. Address W. IL. AI01bitI8, Alitoholl, Oct, NOW THE TIME f Vcokioable Premium Given Fred witro C nadct'g Popular iVccicly. The Western Advertiser, of Londoii, heel int made another important step in advance, It now' app°axe menially In twelve page form; and in addition to all its well-known popular Ioatures gives In each /Ono Sam Jonas' Sar. mobs, the International Sabbath School Los- soas, a Oompleto Story, Mc., Ma. It Is vastly improved in ivory remount Por ilalanao of Year the prion is only Goo. or hi Gleba of five for 107 b a0al each POst0g0 stamps aooepted arts of a dollar, Samples Iron, 1 ..''Each eablieTibor will bo entitled wftliout additional abet, toOna l,'f the following prem. bums, fa0 1 PortraittCi lloryl0:f, Ordered .nBealtth, 8.. Chase's' Recipes, 4, Ladies' leaaoy Work Guide. registered letters come at our risk, Adams plainly ADVA SW93B PRINTING 00., Leaden, Ontario •