HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-6-25, Page 88
i I Sae the advt. of pasture to let, in Knee your eyes wide open for our
this isne. issue of next week, Don't forget it.
A slew trotting sulky has been FOURTH Division Court nn Thurs.
ulade by Walker, Watts IL McKague day of this week. Report will be giv-
for 8. Laird. It it a daisy, and only on next week.
weighs 65 pounds. CHERRY birds are very troublesome
R. Leatherdale shot 28
Ir you want your baggy repaired, paint- this year.
ad or a top put on it go to the new carriage One morning before seven 0'0100.
shop Opposite the Queen's hotel stables. ti, copies of THE POST eoUtaln-
They are doing a rushing business in all ins a full report of the Caledonian
kinds of repairing and horse shoeing, games may be had at THE Ponale Pub -
A stew timetable has been issued llahing House.
by the G. T. R. but the company took Mise ELIZA BABB, of Mitchell, is
good oars not to give us the early on a visit to relatives and friends in
train every day as desired, town.
AT the bend tournament in Kincar- THE Misses Brine, hf Seaforth, and
dine on Wednerday five bands cone -
Hard and Soft Rubber Balls, Cro-
quet Sets, and Hamnlooks at
We have Fans for tho Old and
Young and at a shall advance on
Smile on Us.
Trains move Brussels Station, north and
south, as follows
Going South, Going North.
sten ...............4:15 a,m.' Mixed 9:55 a.m,
Express 11;45 a.m. Mail 2:49 p.m,
Mixed 8:50p.m Express ......10:25 p.m.
The morning train south and the night train
north will only run on Tuesdays. Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
Aohiel's amenq ye takinnotes
An' faith he'll prent it. '
NEXT Thursday will be Dominion
A. D. STEWART is laid up with a
sprained ankle.
Errnt.valnein Fruit Jars and pickling
vinegars at Thomson's,
Miss MAGGIE BHAW was home on
Tuesday from Moorfield.
NINE members were recently re-
ceived into Melville church.
A CHILDREN'S service will be held in
Melville church next Sabbath morn.
In Tax flag staff at the Orange Hall
hes been removed to the east side of
the building.
OOn cricket club go to Goderich on
July let and play match with the
team in that town.
PUBtIc School Board will meet on
Friday evening of next week at 8 o'-
THE Seaforth crioket club won an
easy victory over the Goderich team
last Saturday.
MRS. W. H. °LEGG, of Gerrie, spent
several days in town this week visit-
ing old friends.
THE report of the North Huron
Teachers' Convention may be read on
page 8 of this issue.
MRs, SAMUEL SEALE, Who has been
ill for some time, is improving nicely
now we are pleased to hear.
Ir is said some of our town boys
more than rushed the lessee of the
Salvation Army at Kincardine on
Wednesday. The boys did not get
home until Thursday evening.
As per advt. in another column, it
will be seen the County Orange Lodge
will hold its semi-annual meeting in
the Orange Hall, Brussels, to -day
(Friday), commencing at 11 o'clock.
By referring to the marriage notices
it will be seen that Rev. W. W. Pierce,
formerly with R. Nott, of Brussels,
has entered the benedietine army.
We wish him long years of connubial
LAST week Jas. Wilkinson, of Seals
forth, formerly with R. Leatherdale,
of Brussels, out off the end of the
thumb of his right hand in a jointing
machine in the factory of Messrs.
Broadfoot Si Box. He is taking a
holiday over it.
W. B. DICKSON leaves Bruesele this
week on a professional trip to Helena,
Montana. He will be away about a
month, but his office will be open as
usual. He goes in the interest of
peasons In thus locality to investigate
the title, etc., of property valued at
from $20,000 to $90,000.
E. B. BORT, assistant postmaster,
wrote 2100 words upon a postal card
one day this week. The let chapter
of Luke and the first 28 verses of the
2nd chapter was what was written
and although the writing was small
and written with an ordinary pen it
could be read quite distinctly with
the naked eye.
A. 0. U.W.—The following officers
were elected for the current term in
connection with the A. 0. U. W. 10
Brussels :•---J. R. Smith, Master
Workman, P. Thomson, Foreman;
John Shaw, Financier; E. E. Wade,
Ovetaeer; R, H. Ferguson, Receiver;
J. A. Creighton, Recorder ; Win. Ain-
ley, Guide; T. O'Neil, Inaide Watch-
man ; Geo. Birt, Outside Watchman.
THE G. T. R. authorities having
refused to run a special morning train
for the excursion to Goderich on the
ist of July, it has been decided to run
an excursion via Seaforth, by coins
fortable conveyaaoes,leaving here at
0 a. m. and from Seaforth by train.
The return fare has been placed at
$1.75, all included, and applications
must be made at once to E. E.Wado,
secretary of the cricket club, by those
desirous of going, as only a limited
number can be taken.
paved. The Doherty band, Clinton, Miss Fair, of Clinton, were visiting in
took first prize; Walkerton military Brussels bis week,
hand, second, and Listowel third. THE PuIblic School in Bruesele will
OwxNG to Dominion Day coming on close on Wednesday of next week for
the summer vacation.
Thursday, our publication day, we 0. Tuaxauan presented us with a
will endeavor to get next week's edi- mammoth strawberry that measured
tion off on Wednesday evening. Will 4.1 inches around it, both ways. It
our staff' of correspondents kindly was of the heavy draught variety,
bear this in mind and send their oar. A es You Bt:nmtxe?—Robert Armstrong
respondence in time. is prepared to lobo contracts for any kind
THE successful guesser in the but• of hili:ding and warrants satisfaction, Hie
ton contest at D. A.. Smale's was Mies past reputation is a gun route°of good work.
guessed 672• Adtlress Box 15, Teoswatcr.
Maggie Bunter, who
The bottle contained 678 buttons. Nzx' Sunday will be communion
One hundred and ninety-one persons servive in Knox church. Rev. Geo.
guessed, and the numbers ranged all Brown, of Wroxeter, will assist Rev.
the way from 200 to 1886. See Mr. Mr. Jones.
Smale's Ikeda in this issue. ROBT. WHITING has a large yield of
THE indications are that Brussels bantam chickens this summer. Out
will soon have telephonic connection of nine eggs he had no less than ten
with the outer world, as we under. chickens. N. P. again.
stand that telephone wires are being LAST Monday Hugh Wilhttms, car.
rua from Guelph to Fergus and on to riage maker, had the misfortune to
Arthur, Harriston and Walkerton, cut an ugly gash in the front of his
from .ergue to Elora, from Arthur leg with a hand -axe be was using.
so Mount Forest, and from Harrieton THE proprietor of the Queen's hotel
to Listowel and Wingbam. Saye our informant was "off his base"
WE are informed by a Scotch friend concerning the two teachers attending
that our way of spelling the motto of the Convention.
the Brussels Caledonian Society is not AN excursion train of 10 care went
good Gtelio. It should be this way : to Kincardine on Wednesday morning
—" Cuim-hnichibh fir bhur n'aithre- per W.G.&B. 40 tickets were sold
achain." Ayoung man who tried to at the Brussels station.
pronounce the above says it nearly THE Brussels volunteer company
gave him the lock-jaw, and we would did not go to camp this year a8 they
not be much surprised if it did. did not receive intimation soon enough
THE Ladies' Aid Society of $e to get ready. The company has re.
John's Church intend giving a straw- ceived a new outfit of clothing.
berry festival at the residence of Rev. Mas. Jose SMITH, of Rochester, is
W. T. Cluff (J. D. Ronald's grounds) visiting at H. J, Whitley's. She
on Monday next, 28th inst. The came to Brussels to aea her slater,
ladies will also offer for sale several Nlrs. Whitley, not having heard she
useful and ornamental Articles which was dead.
will no doubt Le duly appreciated. If SOME sneak thief has been paying
the weather proves favorable an en- their addressee to Elie pork barrel of
joynble time will be spent. Mrs. James Smart lately and other.
LAST Monday a stalk of Seneca wise making themselves at home. A
wheat was brought to our office that little hot water or a good trap might
measured 5 feet, 9 inches. It was have a beneficial effect.
well headed out and was pulled in a E. RIOHARDSON, who had just
25 acre field of wheat on the farm of nicely got over a stege from poison
J. & D. Robertson, lots 11 and 12, ivy, and had got started to work, broke
con. 14, Grey. It will be hard to the small bone in one of his arms last
bea t. A. sample of Sax was also
week while chopping. He will be
brought in at the same time that laid up for some time.
measured 8 feet, 8 inches. This will Ox Saturday of ]ask week J. Low -
serve as a measure for some time, pro- ick, of Use firm of Stewart & Lowick,
bably. left Bruesele for a trip to the Old
THE Clinton newspapers ars always Country. Mrs. Lowick and family
bragging ntonk the large amount of are visiting old friends at Woodstock
gg g g during his absence.
local news appearing in their columns Rev. 0. CHINIQuy, better known as
but when an interesting game of Father Ohiniquy, will lecture on
cricket takea pines+ in their own town Romaniem in Melville church on
and it is let slip past by a 8 or 4 Bee Tuesday, 29th thee, at 7:80. A large
item it gives their blowing away. If attendance is expected. A collection
Brussels score had been 28 and Olin- will be taken up to aid him iu his
ton 80 instead of the way it was room work.
would have bean found for a more THE lame excuse of the. Newe•Bec-
lengthy notice. Our motto is "Hon- ord, of Clinton, concerning his cutting
or to whom honor is due." out the printing of the Blyth voters'
WE are informed by Geo. Armstrong list from the editor of the Advocate,
that someone has had the "gall" to Won't hold water. Other newspaper
turn cattle into his grain field several men had the deoeucy to refuse to
times and last week they took the tender for work that should be done
trouble to take out all the bolts in a at home.
plow. He has a pretty good idea who LSAT Monday R. Beattie made a
it is, and has made up his mind to mistake of an hour, somehow, in the
fill their coat taile with old boots the time of going to the noon train and
first time he gets an opportunity. people when they saw the 'bus, hand.
The person who would wantonly do- spiked their cloaks on and made a
stroy a man's orop is mean enough rush to get dinner ready. It "work -
for anything. ed" some of them up. Bob. will have
Liar Sunday afternoon B. E. Wade to keep correct time if the townspeople
and Mies Pattison, hie sister-in-law take the 'bus for a regulator,
and Mr. Wade's little son were out THIS week will be a busy one in
driving, They had taken a tour Brussels. Tuesday, our Caledonian
around the race course and wore re- games ; Thursday, Division Court ;
turning home, Mr. Wade got out of Friday, County Orange Lodge; Sat -
the buggy to close the gate to the urday, Judge's Court for Dominion
driving park when the horse started Franchise appeals. Something ehould
and despite all Mies Pattison could have been got up for Monday and
do ran away. Before going very far Wednesday, just to keep the ball roll-
; the occupants of the rig were thrown ing. If this many meeting were held
out and were coneideraby shaken up. is (Milton in one week they would
The buggy was damaged somewhat. commence (or continue) blowing
ELECTION op Oreneene.—Lack Moe- about the "hub" being the centre of
day evening the annual meeting of the gravity.
Methodist Sunday School was held A MaETnse of Dominion Draught
for the election of officers and the Horse Brsedera Society and all others
transaction of business pertaining to interested in the breeding of draught
the school. , The following aro the horses will be held in the Council
office bearers for the year t—Super• Chamber of the city of Stratford, on
lntendent, S. H. herr ; Asst. Super- Tuesday, July 181b, 1886, commend.
intendent, G. L. Ball : See., A. M. ing at 10;80 o'clock. The meeting
Gerry; Asst. Sec., W. R. Mooney ,• will be open to all horsemen and
Treasurer, Mrs, W. Smyth ; Teachers breeders for the discussion of such
Rev. W. Smyth, G. L. Ball, K. Me- steps as will conduce to the breeding
Kenzie, Mies E. Kerr, T. Fletcher, and improving of Clydesdale, Shire,
Mrs. Smyth, J. A. Creighton, Miss and Canadian draught horses, and
Shannon, A, Calbiek, Miss Langdale, the regiatration of such animals as
Mise Town, Miss McNaugton, J. Ball, have two full crosses. Any further
Mies Orsighton, Mies Kerr. The et• information furnished on application
tendanco of pupils last Sunday was to the Secretary, Jas. Mitchell, Gode+
about 200. rich,
Jure; 25, 1880.
CA1.EpoxmAx gamea will bo held on
Dominion day at Luoknow and Code -
rich. These two plaoee are too close
to run opposition. Goderich nppeare
to have the load on her older sister,
JUDGE 'Tonne has ordered all voters'
Bats for Municipal and Ontario Leg-
islature purposes to be got up iu very
much the same style as the Dominion
Voters' lists.
ALEX, WILSON has made a very neat
and useful flower stand for his own
use. It will bold 88 pole. Ho has a
fountain arranged so that in addition
to its attractions it showers the plants.
THE Ketcham concert on Tuesday,
closing up the Musical Convention,
was a very successful and enjoyable
affair. The audience was large, con-
sidering the very unfavorable state of
the weather. To say the program
was good gives the public a very faint
idea of its excellence. In addition to
the choruses, glees, anthems, and
hymns sung by the class, Mies Lang-
staff sang a number of solos in her
best style ; 0. W. Weeks treated the
audience to a splendid solo, a quartette
was sung by Misses Langstaff and
Duncan and Messrs. Wade and Weeks
provoking a great deal of merriment.
The convention has been n marked
success and Mr. Weeks reputation as
an instructor is fully established and
any future visits will be greeted with
large classes. A Musical Society was
organized at the close of the concert
and the following officers were elect-
ed :—E. E. Wade, Pres. ; Mrs. F. 0.
Rogers, Vice -Pres. ; W. H. Moss,
Sec. ; Miss Lizzie Jackson, 'Treas. ;
Mies Lille O'Connor, organist, and
W. Coutts, director. It 28 intended
to hold the first meeting thie (Friday)
evening, 1n the Town Hall, when a
large attendance of persons desirous
of becoming members is requested.
The object of the Society is to bring
the best musical talent of Brussels
and its surroundings together and for
the purpose of training persona in
need of ib in the art of reading music
and becoming familiar with musical
HOLLINBECE.--In Grey, on the 23rd inst.,
the wife of Mr. Jacob Hollinbeok of a Robert Cunningham,
ANPEneoN.—Iu Morris, on the 22nd inst., INSURANCE .AGENT,
the wife of Mr. Quintin Anderson of a
eon. Guelph, - Ontario.
Transact a General Banking
Notes to It tad Ilse nutted,
Interest allows l ou depo+lls roa+pa',lo ors
Prompt attention given to a,llootlous.
. Once formerly maniple l by 3. J. 1He•
Ooll, Esq., 1n Lsoklo'a lit ick. .Money to loan.
a Carrow &Proadtoot, Goderlob) soli°.
!tor, Oouveyaaeer, &o• Glace, heat's bleak,
Bruesele. stoney 10 loan.
the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron,
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and
Lew ranee .(.gout. Funds Invested and to loan.
Collections muds. Otnoa in Graham's:1131ook
S , M. L. R. O. P. Edinburgh. Physician,
Surgeon and Aoeouoheur. OBloo, hers. Shiel's
block, Tarnberry Street.
L. R. C. P. Edinburgh,
Coroner for the Comity of Huron.
Besideneo, on Mill Street. Olnao at Har-
greaves' Drug Store.
Graduate and Momper or the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. The
various aumetl,etfos given, also a now local
anmethetio for the gums only. All oo0ratione
carefully performed and guaranteed. Prices
moderato. Fu11 sots of teeth from 26 to 555.
Olaco over Powell's store. Hours 8 a,m, to 5 p.
. et Marriage Liooneoe. Oinoe at 511.
Grocery, Turuberry street, 2.25
riage Licenses, by appointment of
Lieutenant -Governer, Commissioner, &o., Q.
B Oonveyaneor and Agent Fire Insurance Oo.
(Moe at the araubrook Post 0111....,
PrsnoE—MAsoN.—In Cheboggan, Mich., on
the 16th inst., Bev. W. Wallace Pierce,
of Cleveland, formerly of Brussels, to
Mies Laura E. Mason, of Cheboygan.
Brussels 1V.iarlicet.
0o311soren CeassuLLr EYasr Waaa.
White Fall Wheat........ 70 71
Bed Wintar 70 72
Spring Wheat 50 78
Barley 45 50
Oats 2B 30
Peas 60 51
Butter, tubs and Bolls 10 11
Eggs per dozen 0 00
Fleur per barrel 4 50 00
Potatoes 85 40
Hay per ton 7 00 800
Hides per lb 7 7t
Dressed Hogs 5 00 6 50
Balt per bbl., wholesale , _ 60 80
Sheep skint, eaoh 60 1 00
Wool 17 20
• Accident and Loan Ineuranoe Agent for
came of the best audmost reliable Compan-
ias in the Dominion, Oalao, Brick Terrace,
Tumborry Sheet, near the station. 6m
o1 Phorough Bass, Vocal and lactic'
mental Music on Plano, Organ and Guitar.
Reference—Ladles of Loretto Guelph.
Resideaoe—No. 2 south, Brick Torraoe
44.9m Brussels, Oat
ri W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONORL • Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College,
has resumed the prao Moe o[John Nott, V. 5.,
and is prepared to treat all diseases of domes
floated animate on eolest100 and approved
principles. Treatment of delicate (oats a
specialty. Oiiloe et John Nett's, V. S.
cone. Straight loans. Apply to
d, 1 V8r&l'S,
90- Craabrook.
Semi -anneal meeting et L. 0. County Lodge
of North Huron, will meet (D. V.) in Bruesele
on Friday, June 26th, at 11 a.m. All interest-
ed will govern themselves aeoordtuggly.
M. tXORRISON, County Secretary,
17 at once to 00105. E, E. WADE,
51- Bruseols f'..
ED can accommodate the owners of cows
or horses with pasture. For farther informa-
tion apply to HENRY MOONEY, Oonoeneiou e,
At ow splendid ,improved ,farme for sale
In the township o1 Grey, Morrie and Moltil-
lop. Apply to A DELGAI'TY,Oo Auctioneer
Brusael05 0. 16.11.
) tugs, and Private Hooses painted and
5le6lmnate modern
iven. styles
ddress reasonable
20,11 Goderfoh.
of the n.nloreignod, lot 22, 0011.1.Grer, one
y es cling eelior, same about May 1st, Thuowu-
er 10 regoested to prove property, pay 0xp050-
oa 3p 411.1. Ito her away' ALBERT V 11.i 1N, Prop,
iug lot 14, on the lath con.a.ontaining 100
sores, south part lot le on 16 con., oontotning
45 sores. Lot 14 is partly Moored, the bal•
wneo well timbered. A never tailing creek
Drosses the lot and it 10 well adapted for farm-
ing er grazing. Lot 1.5 is mostly cleared and
nuder good cultivation, the balanus well tint -
gored with blaok ail,, Will sell all together
Of in part rite suit tho purchaser. For further
particulars apply to the proprietor on the
Premises. This lot is well drained.
1 este, or to rent, 200 abros, 300 being 10
29, con. 5, the other lot 29, con, 0, Lot 22 is
situated two 101100 from the village of Ethel,
seven mike from anneals, twelve miles from
Li stowol and 1 mile from. a nover failing creek,
97 mores are cleared, most all clear of stumps
and under good oultivatlan and clean, sixty
soros of orop good outlet for draining, m-oom-
fortablo dwelltng,bank barn, Stabling under-
neath, a good bearing orchard and garden a
well convenient to house and yard, Price
$4,000, rent, 3250 per year. Lot 29 is situated
24 miles from Ethel, 10 freta Listowel and 9
from Brussels, 00 acres cleared and tinder
good aultivatlon, tho balance well timbered
with bleak ash, hemlock and hardwood. A
1mm0 house and outbulldio g and a largo young
orchard aro on the farm. rice, 09,006 Telae
farina will he sold oeiperste or together to suit
purobeeer. Possession can be elven et any
Mine, Ato
po04TTHBW 34.apt. mo.Otion U0IITON,
48-t1 M Proprlotere,
v Butcher, thankinghis
many ouetomers for their lberal
support for tho past Ha years
wishes to inform them that be.
Ing burned out of the old stand hoe dttod up a
shop in amalo'e Block in ar.t•oiaes etylo
whore he hopes to see all the old customers
and as many now ones as see at to glvo him a
call. I keep nothing but aret'olese meats all
kinds of Poultry and Sausage Moat, Deliver-
ed to all parts of the :town bred. Cash paid
forret Stook.
Exonnsron Inoti Woiute, - MITeulfra,
Manufacturer of throe different kinds of
Windmills. The simplest, strongest and most
,atlefaetory Windmill yet made. For pump -
inti water, sawing wood chopping ,grain or
driving any light machinery they have no
equal. My O19LIS SEATED PUMPS have sc-
oured a world-wide reputation: I guarantee
them as being superior to many now in the
marketwill throw wequal 00 feet,any
over orte imade. i ehon
the level. Fermate and eloekmon are re-
gnested to send for partioulars before buying
either a Windmill ora Pump,as I claim that
mine are tho beet in the maret, Address
W. M. DM IMI%, Mitaholl, Ont.
Valuable Premium Given Free with.
Canada's Popuifm Weak.
Tho Western Advertiser, of London, haul net
made another important stop in advance, It
now appears regularly in twelve page fokm,
and to addition to all its well-known popular
features gives in each lame Sam Jones' seth
atone, the Internatlouel Sabbath School_ Los+
sone. 8 Oomplete Story, oto,, oto. It 10 vastly
Improved in every reaped, For Balance of
Year the rice is only 508„ or in oldb8 of Ave
and over 400, aaoh Postage stamps canopied
for fractional parts of dollar. Samples fine,
ttr'Eaolt eubsoribor will be entitled, without
additional tont, to one of the following prdm-
iums, whtolll should bo ordered as per number,
vis t-1, Portrait Gallery, 2. Homo & Health,
a chase's Booipet, 4, Lodine' Pansy Work
plategistered lotion eomo at our risk. Address
London, Ontario