HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-6-25, Page 6B
Dirootary of Churohos and Sociotissl
M1:ix w.s. Cncucn.—Snhbatil Sorvices at
,11 amt. and 11:30 pint. Sunday School
0:30 p.nl, Rev', Jon. Boss, B. A„ pastor.
14x.:1: Ctt113.. Sabbath Services at 11
a.m. and 0:34 p.1n. Sunday Sohool at 2:30
p.m. &'v, R. ,]ones, pastor.
Si. J..f,s's Ctirat•tt.--Sabbath Survives at
11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 0:30
a.m, Rev. W. T. Clutfo, incumbent.
Mt:ruoven Cnrnt:n.—Sabbath Services at
10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday School at
2:30 p.m. Rev. \vm. Smyth, pastor.
Roma CA'ououIo Ottuocn,^Sabbath Ser.
vice third Sunday inevery month at 11 aim.
Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
Opp 1'al.l,uw's Lamm every Thursday
evening in Graham's block.
ilAsoxlt Londe Tuesday at or before full
moon in Canatoue'a block.
A, 0. II. W. Lonoe meats on 1st and
3rd Monday evenings of eaoh month.
l.'onre'rrnt's Londa 2nd and lost Monday
evenings of each month in Smalo'e hall.
L. 0. L. let Monday in every month in
Orange Hall.
POW OFF1ce.—OOlCe H011re from 8 a.m.
7 p.m.
JlecnAiiCS towrrrare RoadingBOOm and
Library in Holmes' block, will be open
from 0 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and
3sturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian.
CeLIL.aili.t[LlL PJ 83W N.
PAM] Oft is putting clown $10,000
worth of block pavement.
Victoria, B. 0., complains of Sab
bath work by railway navvies.
wu.L you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint? Shilmh'e Vitalizer is guaranteed
to cure you. Sold by G.A. Deadman
Palmerston Scott Act drinks are
'satisfaction," gnarantee,''roee water,'
and 'sea foam.'
The Long Lako Railway has been
opened for traiic for a distance of 25
nes b y nn ouzo& health and sweet Sbtlob e Catarrh LtemOdy breath
euros. Price 25
(tents. Ii esulinjaotar tree Sold by Geo A,
Deaden au.
The Ingersoll branch of the Impar•
ial Federation League is arranging
for a series of lectures.
Tho Kent County Council has Vot-
ed $3,400 to the High School nt
Ridgetown, and $5,000 to that of
Ear lance back, side or cheat, use Shiloh's
Porout Plaster. Price 25 conte. Sold by G A.
The Ingersoll Council have given
instructions that the Town Hall shall
not be rented for pugilistic contests,
Listowel wants a cow by law, and
the itlitchell Advertiser offers to sell
them the old 11litcbull by-law cheap,
S130Loa's Cough and Conaumptloa Cure is
sold by G. A. Deadman on a guarantee. It
auraeThe Orillia News•Letter, enlarged
and improved, is ono of the handsom-
est and best county papers in Outer.
The Essex County magistrates de
cided by a unanimous vote not to op.
point any hotel -keeper it oonuty con.
SaxLon'e Vitalizer 0 whet t you need f or Con
etipetion, loss of Appetite Dizoinoes, and all
symptom sof Dyepepeia. Trice 10 and 75 Dents
perbottle. Soldby G. A. Doedmaa,
The seven o'clock closing regula.
tion has proved a failure at Petrolea,
and a return to the eight o'clock rule
has been made.
Fifteen thousand head of cattle
have been importod into Manitoba
and the Northwest 0s
t fro
m the Ens(
since the opening of spring.
Cltorp,whooping Dough anal bronchitis im-
mediately relieved by Slliloh's Cure. Sold by
0. A. D eedman.
Hoary Conn, of the village of
Stamford, last week began moving to
Fenwick. Ha had token one load of
furniture and on returning found his
wife dead.
In the garden of P. Howard, of
Collingwood, a large white rose,
about two inohee in circumference,
has grown out of 0 cluster of small
apple blossoms.
At the Welland County Court,
Walter Young, for shooting William
Stout, one of tt party who cha rivaried
him on the night of his marriage,
was acquitted by thejnry.
John R. Cline, who was killed by
lightning et Moosojaw, N, W, T., on
the 41b last., at one timo residod in
the County of Elgin, and was a son
of Hiram Cline who lives near Oak-
Be on your Guard.
Don't allow e cold iu the head to slowly and
surely develop itself into Catarrh, when you
oanb0cured for 15c. A few applications will
Duro insipient Catarrh. Ono or two boxes will
ours ordinary t3atarrb, Ono to ffyo boxes will
cure chronic Catarrh. Try Dr. Chase's Caned.
inn Catarrh Cure—it will mire you,
Neil 1vloColman, M. P, P. for Bast
Grey, has been appointed to a pod.
tion In the Northwest which it is ex•
pected will lead to his retirement
from Ontario polities.
At the Westmoreland, N. B., Co11r1
throe boys fur incendiarism and bur-
glary, the eldest fifteen and the
youngest nine, wore aentenced to five
years, two years, and six months re.
spectively, 111 tho Dorchester peniten•
There is much excitement at tho
Cayovish Creels, B. 0,, mines. Two
The dynamite 110111 is at work in i A (y r1 m send to conta posltgO, And w0
t,1 11 1' will mutt you free n royn4
(Sarnia, U LL ,.LL val«nblootatttplu bax 01 goods
Vancouver, B. O., is repOrte.1'burn+ , that will put you lit the way
of «laking nmro mono,. at°nue,tbn n anything
ed to ashes. oleo lit A11103100. H.11 h sox00 of all ages own
Calgary offers $1,500 in prizes fol'livor k'r-,stn 11111 work la 40 'mu time, or all
rho Elmo,Capital nob ru,ynlrud, We will
Dominion Day sports.
Residents of Belleville complain of
letter oolleotors reading postal cards,
The Thoological College 13111 has
been killed by the Qoebee Legislative
Diphtheriais,very bad ind ncaster.
Three or fou' persons are ill in some
The polios patrol which has been os-
tabiished along tho boundary between
the Canadian Northwest and Atuari-
can territory, is reported to bo doing
good service 01 preventing horse steal-
ing and other crimes of n similar
BLaarLEssnights, made misorablo by Ibe
terriblo (tough, Shiloh's' Ciro 10 tho remedy
for you. Sold by 11 A Deaden tin.
A hon belonging to n resident of
Ayr hatched out a brood of 01810lteile
and then died, and now the rooster
has token the chickens under his pa-
ternal wing find is discharging the
duties of parent with orodit to him-
self and eOtisfaotion to tho whole
community.If you aro ameba! with EhoutnalIsln call on
Hargreaves A Co., urngglsta, inlmedlnioll' and
prooura a bottle of Waste World's Wonder or
ram fly Liniment Itis a mullein and positive
euro. It is infallible for Sprains, Cute,11 ruises,
Burns, Soaids, and all dieoaens reigniting ox-
tarnal aeplieotian, 3rioo 25o. and 50e, per
bottle. Sold by Jno, Hargreaves,Co,
The Lindsay Town Council has
adopted. a rosolulion expressing the
opinion that the town constables
should take 110 special notion to en-
force the Canada Temperance Act,
but should nee all their efforts to pro•
SVCS peace and good order, n0 mat-
ter when their duties may be regntr•
Final Olghtningg dnua not Lako a day or an
hour to romovo Nouralgi0, Hoadaubo, Tooth
noho, Lumbago orliboumatism, but will do is
instantly, and without uarrying your head In
n poultioo for a day or neo greasy llneme000, di
a 25 cent bottle from Jolla Hargreaves •
Co.. druggists.
Thirty men have been thrown out
of olnploylnent by the shutting down
of the llichipieoten copper mice. The
track of the vein having been lost, it
Was thought best to cease operations
for the summer. It is intended, how-
ever, to procure a diamond drill, and
in the meantime to matte the necese-
ary ex001011ons for its working when
it arrives. A large force of mon will
probably be sent to the mine again in
the fall, as the indications are that it
contains an abundance of native cop-
The virtue of Carbolic Aoftl for healing
cleansing and purifying is well known; but
irons the many modes of applying it, the pub.
lto is u000rtaln how to use It. To moot that
want. McGregor 0 Parke's Carbolto Cowan is
prepared, mod may be used with oonadenoe.
Do not bo misled, Tako only MoGrogor S
Parka's Carbolto °orate. Sold ut John Ran-
eroavos ,0 Co's, L rug Storo.
Miss Jeanie Watson, the celebrat-
ed Scottish vocalist, died suddenly at
her home in Toronto on Tuesday of
last week. She returned last Nov-
ember after an absonee of soma years
in the United States. Miss Watson's
death will be regretted by thousands
of persons to whom she has endeared
herself by her agreeable manners and
beautiful rendition of tho songs of
Scotland. Miss Watson, it is said, 35.E
was at one time in her life a polisher 500}
apart vonIm rnonuo pair 011 es !al thnso who
ntart,tt undo. STINSUN dt 170,�tlnnd, ytnluo
.1lAlili TO 1?ENT. —'CI1L 5U13-
1, euttbor Willrailt 10090, (Inn, S. Rray,00a,•
tsIn111glOO stores, about eo uloarod, fur ono or
more years. House, barn aid all othor urn•
5'ooiepoOeol the lob, Thorp is a 111011th} of
toed that would be loft, by the lease swott-
ing to 'intro a similar amount whoa hl• Halo
was out. Tho neo of ImplOnlonte would also
bo allowed, Also 100 sant in FIowick town-
ship, luno from Wroxolor. e0 time uloarOd.
Thant is tt house on rho lot but no barn. A
tonantbnildlug a barn would be ahoowod to
atop it out of rho rout. Poseossion omit bo
given ml April let, For fortdlOr narlionlars
apply to 113105, \VMI1Ti„
Da. E. 0. WnOT'9 Nerve mud Drain Trout -
meet, a guaraitood 0000l0o dor Hysteria, Dia.
olueo0, °onvulsiOus, 8140, Norvuus, Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervous Prostration amount by Ito
a1 Dprossinn or 80l*00ing' of tho grain 'raoult-
ing In itleanity, leading to misery, duos}• and
death. Premettiro Old Ago,narr0ness. Lase 0)
Power In oithar sox, In vaiuutery Lassos and
Drain, • osolf•abusacaused
oor ovoi�ndulgenuo n Each
box contains Duo inonth'0 treatment. 81 a box,
or six boxes tor 55, sant by mail, propald, on
modulo( nrlo'.
To care any osteo. With each order received
by us for six boxes, a0a0mp anted with 05, wo
w ill gond th0 purchaser our wriiton guarantoo
to refund the money if the treatment 0000E01
off0ot some. ,=u,ra ulessued only by John
Hargroayes 0 Co„ Brussels.
Canadian hoido 1 illvay Time Tablol
Teeswater Branch.
Miles Gelrtg 01'001 Moll. Exprt
0 Toronto•. Dop 7.2 a.m.
0 Orangevfllo .. 0.50
4 Trangavilie Jot 10,05 "
71 Amaranth 1 .. 10.16 `
10 Waldemar.... 10,24
12 Luther .. ' - .. 10.81 "
23* Arthur .. . .. 11.08 "
801 Luther rth.... 11.80 "
881 SIT. FonneP .. 107010....260580017..
1.58 a.m.
44 Pages 1..... 12.15p.m.
47 p. -.T.
, , 12,28
56} Fordwioh •...
. ,. 113.12022....218001569.:‘;.
2.05 "
60 Gerrie ...... 1.06 "
624 Wroxeter .lo" "
69 Winghan, ]toad 1.88 "
Tooswater.. Aa0 1.5 .m.
7,22 '
7.82 "
7.38 "
Miles Going. Nast Ea11ro50 Mall
0 Tooswator Dep
5 Wiugham ]toad
1 Wroxriote.re •• •• ••
14 Ger• •
171 Fordwioh , . • •
26* 3arriaton .. • •
80 Pages;......
Mt. Forest....
I4enilworth ..
Arthur.... •,
04 Luther .... ..
84 Waldemar....
66i Amaranth } .
170 Orangeville Jot
Toronto .. Arr.
Refreshment and Dining Rooms
in a piano factory in Glasgow. Her
magnificent vooal powers, having re-
ceived good training, brought her in-
to favorable notice, and she devoted
her life to Scottish song. She has
appoared many times 01 nearly all
the cities and towns in Canada, and
was always appreciated and admir•
A Word to 1110 17000.
Mrs, Robert Hoopor, of Iiinlose, county of
Druoo, in a letter. says:—'l have boon tronbl•
ed with Dyspop0la and Liver Complaints for e
number of years, and am glad to say to ilio
public as well as friends, that McGregor's
Speedy Cure brought mo around, and now I
am all right, thanks to Mctlregor's SPOOdy
Oma," Hundreds of like testlitouiale tiro 000-
queotly received, and aro daily proving that
this is truly a woudorful remedy, curing Snug -
glen Liver, 01)810us Hoadnobo and 00011 one00
where all also fulls, Sold at John Hargreaves
& Co's Drug Store. Trial bottles givon free,
The Young Men's Liberal Club, of Tor-
onto, adopted and agreed to submit tho fol-
lowing platform to the illontreal Convon.
1. Independence for Canada.
2, Tarin for revenue only.
8. The necessity for the oomplotion of the
confederation systom by the admission of
4, The reservation of rho settlement of the
fisheries dispute to Canada alone.
6. Commerolal union with the United
6. Tho abolition of the Senate.
7: No State -aided immigration.
8. Grouped oonetitueneies and cumulative
9. Tho Commander -in -Chief of the Oan-
'adian militia to be appointed by the Canad-
ian Government.
10, Manhood suffrage.
11. No Chinese immigration.
12, No Civil Service superannuation.
18, The condoinnation of Government
Hallway /rands.
14. Total prohibition to bo submitted to
the pnblie veto at tba next election.
16, Arbitration to be resorted to in vaso
of labour troublos,
16. No violation of the Indopondenee of
Parliament dot.
17. A Canadian to bo appointed as Gov -
hundred Chinese are on the ground, ornor-General•
and every day adds to their number,
Within ten days 10f) claims wero 00 -
were recorded, and only ten of them
wore for whites,
18. The adoption of the ponoy postage.
19, The. condemnation of the Domioion
Government Franchise Aot,
20, Tho condemnation of till manago-
moat of the Northwoot,
6.15 a.m.
5.47 "
5.63 "
6.02 "
2.30 p m
2.49 "
—nr•.Tw101031 +
And Eye -Glasses
—That Will Preserve Tour Eyesight.—
2?, L47,4R US,
Manufacturing Optioian, late of the firm of
Lasagna 01 Morris, 28, Maryland Road,
narrow Road, Landon, Sngland, has ap-
pointed an agent for the Renowned Speot-
aoleo and Rya -Glasses which have bean lye•
fore the public 103 the past 26 years.
IAMBUS' Speotaclos never tiro rho eye.
Last many years without ohangc.
--For ante by --
7 A.5,
y-71.5, DREW11, Hatdwaro Merchant
31.3m0 33.russels, Ontario.
f( UIL 1701i SI:11rit11$,---T11L
LL uodurolgn ed will Imocuring ,bio .ea -
Ilan, ntlut10 nun. 111 (troy, inntr Crauuruek)
a th irouga 604 Ihub 1.111, ,3 1b tar norviee,
Tnnare.--S1.011103 (low, 1101'181110 nt li o0 of
sorvloe, 0)1)1 the privilegli of ratnruluglf ua0-
JAMS)) e1,blMl11,N,
Cann hroo lc,
1.414841-::1refo FOR
L. (forefoot
iuul.'"lt l
hieo4ind Maple. Aletttuce
ho,100 and 118,1111+0 the Pia 10.
9:1:10118,—Ta Snit putslilte0r, A«pty to
tical'. Stela :1.1i01i1 RNaolh
Geo. Phippen,
Painter, — B,'u,ssols,
is prepared to do All IKinds of
at Reasonable hates.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
In Every Instance.
Loft at Geo. Baokor's Store will
be promptly attended to.
JUNS 25, 1886.
\\! b1l1A0K 3111 fl1,
)8riu; your 1an1) I,,rade to 10 tido! 'Swan, ho
LIC']. 10;11 \v. T. llr.:0Tlait'8 STAND,
1l rusw4s i080114; practlsod for years and
gin a, t„ the 110'1,11 pus1El m U, 11 , lund1ug
holxo-ehu•ins; athlis'mt,utuf 8)l0hnu1,Gdi4'
burgh. h „il•t I L 11+, l(e 1 is O., "0.1 with
amt, 000 throttle ,111. I4478) r„tl, l'1 ri007 8,41.103
Hole+M ,..f 1, 0..9nt11.)), Lon tint, .1 u.nl, whore
hundreds of 4,811,141101 1p,riu0 Vn.,00.1 011,
11041111 daily 1 on., anh,ly gu u'ante:, to ours o0tl'
1141018,1 lout 18 til trrforing 1,0e+',. NOW 0000)1
stud repnhirio4 of ah r,.oaanabll
t, non, and tvoolumwahip 1111L1 00)81 pastas. sty
nlViug u,, M1 earl 1 fuel salisaod 1 would sau«ro
yoltr trail it, D. la (VAN,
17-tf Guntor's Old Stand
flare we are Again,
Thanking tllo public for their pat-
ronage for the past 14 years I de-
sire to 51)1(10 that I 0111 prepared to
attend to nil kinds of House, Sign •
and Ornamental Painting in a
workmanlike manner.
Paper Hanging
and Kalsomining
done in a manner that gives Sat-
isfaction every time.
Now that the ]louse cleaning
season will soon be hero send your
orders along early so that they
can be attended to in good time.
Yr r. alatlo8 ick,
The Old Reliable.
Having just received the Largest and Best Selectod Stock of
Tweeds ever shown in Brussels, wo aro now prepared to Sell
Our Stock is composed of
Scotch & Canadian Tweeds
Velvet finished Sailings, French Sorstecls, Surges. Also an Im-
mense Stock of
Striped and Checked Pauti'g1s
Always on Hand. Our Stock of Furnishings, such as Ties, Linen &
Celluloid Collars, Linen & Celluloid Gaffs, Linen and Silk Hanclkol'-
chiefs, Pat. Napa Beek Gloves, Kid Gloves, Woolen and Cotton Hose,
Braces, Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Breast Pius, Armlets and Gar-
ters, &c., always on hand and at Low Prices.
We intent' making the Hat and Cap trade a Specialty this Season,
as we have a Large Stock of All Shapes and Latest Styles. Our stock
being Large we intend running thecal off at
Prices to Suit, the Times.
We Lead & Others Follow.
Our Tailoring Department
Is too well known to need any special mention. Wo guarantee Satis-
faction every time.
•',. ® g
Smale's Old Stand.