HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-6-4, Page 88 .6144.6191031.148124. WOOL ! WOOL ! W A -f t2',ED A QUANTITY OF GOOD WOOL. I tin prepared. to Pay the High- est Market Price in Cash. R. GRAHAM, GRAIN DEALER, - BRUSSELS, GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENTION, W. G. & 0, R. Trains lenvo Brussels ata tion, north and south, as fonows:— Getng South, Going North. Wail • 7:16 a.m. I Mixed 9895 a.m, Express 11:46 e.m, Mail 5140 p.m, Mixed ...........,8:50 p.m Express 10:85 p.m. The morning train south and the night tram north will only run on Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays. gnat aphys 4b.ein , A chiefs amang ye takin' otos An' faith he'll prent it. JUNK. DUST. • CALEDONIAN games. REMEMBER Tuesday, June 22nd. CABBAGE plants at MoCrsoken's. BORT. BLACK w8.8 in town last week. Tim wool market is Commencing to boom. DON'T fail to examine Adam Good's grocery window. Simon Board will meet this (e•ri• day) evening at 8 o'clock. WILLIE ALEXANDER will bay or repair old fiddles. MARE your wants known through the columns of THE Poem. BORT. ARMSTRONG and 80n, of Toee- water, were in town thie week. THIS week hirs. A. R. Morris, of Wingham, was visiting old friends in town. Miss ELLA MULHOLLAND, who has been in Hamilton for several months, is home again now. OouNCn,LOR VANeTONE arrived home from Winnipeg Last Monday. He was absent about three weeks. Foe best value in General Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, go to Thomson's, one door north Haycroft Broe. THE fence along the road at the cemetery will stand a little repairing, it should be attended to at once. IN the absence of Rev, W. Smyth, who is attending conference, the pulpit of the Methodist church will be ocen- pled by Rev. J. L. Kerr next Sabbath. A SPECIAL collection of $56 was asked for at the Methodist church, Last Sunday, the handsome sum of $52.27 was realized. These are the kind of collections that Count. ' Tim new advt, of B. Gerry, of tho Beaver hardware store, came to hand too late to be changed this week. His stock was Dever so Complete as it is now so you just watch out for his advt. next week. Don't forgot. OLIMAGB plants, early and late ; tomato plants, house and bedding planta in endless variety, at Thos. Kelly's Greenhouse. Tams week Mrs. W. Long put in a large plate glees mirror, 5x8 feet, with solid walnut frame in the mill. ivary show room of the Garfield House. The price of it was $100. It is a fine glass and shows off every. thing to splendid advantage. ON Wednesday of next week the Conservatives of East Huron will meet in Wingham for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the Dom- inion House. It is expected that the present member, Thos. Farrow will bo the nominee, although the name of Wm. Clegg and a few other prom- inelit Conservatives have been men- tioned. LAST Saturday while Samuel Hinder was assisting G. A. Dead- man, on his bee farm, a "bumble bug" gob into hie ear and despite all G. A. could do with a pair of tweez- ers the insect would not Come out. After performing sundry evolutions not describable, Mr. Hindes came down town at a 2.40 gait to an M.D. who relieved him of his "buzzy" companion. To have a bee in their bonnet may do a Sootohman well enough but Mr. Hindes does nob want .any ou his plate, thanks. Soornin—On Thursday evening of last week a social was held in the basement of the Methodist ohnroh. After partaking of refreshments B, Gerry was voted to the Chair and the following program carried through :— Solo, "The Sexton," 0. B. Harris ; reading, "The blank Bible," G. L. Ball ; -solo' "Rock Ino to sleep moth• er," Miss Kerr ; address on 'Berries,' W. H. Herr ; dusts, "Come to the forest," Mrs. Powoll and Mrs. Fletch- er reading, "Training a husband," Rev. W. Smyth ; solo, "Memories," Mise Herr ; solo, "Why do summer roses fade," Mrs. Powell. An enjoy able time was spent and $15 roaliz. od, THE BRUSSELS POST API'IIENTIOB WANTED. A steady boy, 15 or 16 years of ago, with good English Grimalkin, wanted to learn printing. Apply at 'THE POST Publishing. Rouse,—At onoe. 75 CENTS for 7 months. MRs. GEC. 'Tno5rsoN is visiting at Galt this week, REEVE Realms is attending County Council this week at Geduld'. G1toc101tiEs away down. Come and get prices. Adam Good, 75 CENTS, in advanoa, pays for THE POST for the balance of 1886. Take it at once. Miss MARY FITZPArRIOt has been very ill during the past week but is on a fair way to convalescence now. BISHOP WARD is home from Nebras- ka. He thinks there is no plane like Ontario yet and he is not far astray. THE Guelph conference, of the Methodist Church, is oonvsned at Goderioh this weak. W. H. Mc- Cracken and W. ]f. Herr are the rep- resentatives of the Bruesels circuit, Yovn choice of 5 lbs. of Currants, 9 lbs. of best raisins, 2 lba. of Coffee, 4 lbs. of lawn• dry staroh, 5 lbs. of dried apples, 51be rico for 25 cents. Adam Good. AT a meeting of Melville ohurch congregation on Monday it was re- solved to make an offer for the house at present 000upied by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Ross. By a unanimous vote Mr. Rose' salary was increased $100, malting it $1,000. LAST Sunday Rev. J. L. Kerr preached for Rev. 0. E. Stafford, formerly of Brussels, at Palmerston. Owing to the lose of their ohurch by firo the services are now held in the Town Hall. The contraot is let for a now ohurch. LAST Saturday evening Jas. Dudley brought us a handful of fall wheat, pulled on the farm of Thos. Roe, Mo- Killop, that measured over 8 feet, 9 inches. This is a good length for this time of the year. blr. Roe has a whole field about as good as the sample sent ue. Two Scott Act cases were tried at Wroxeter on 'Thursday of this week, before Justices Miller and Bose, wine! Wm. Dane, of Gorrie, and Robt. King, of Wroxeter. Inspector Miller proseuuted. The decision was not given in time for this isms. The case against John Allan, of Gorrie, ivas not proven. AN old gentleman living not shun• dred miles from Brussels, afforded considerable amusement to a num- ber of our reeidents over his unwilling- ness to believe in the telephone and the unseen and wonderful manner of conversing with a persou at a die. tame. It was his first experience with the "phone." Trios. Ceramic, writing from New Westminster, B.O., says :—He found. his brother all right and doing well. Although he secured employment soon after getting there, he was more for. tunate than the majority. He says there are five men for every opening offered, and the people are still.rush• ing there, but he would not advise auy one seeking employment to go there just now at any rate. He is getting $2.50 per day and pays only $8.50 a week for board, but the usual charge is greater, from $8.50 to $8. Taking it all in all he likes British Columbia from what he has yet seen of it. IN speaking of the concort in Sea - forth on the evening of the Queen's Birthday the Sun Bays :—The band concert on Monday night was a very good one indeed, although the and• fence was noticeably small, those that were there appreciated it, and how could they help it when the boys in blue had engaged the best talent to be found for miles around. Mise O'Connor, of Brussels, whose singing was just something immense, and was heartily encored each time elle made her appearance. We are sure that ie enough to guarantee what her singing qualities are as the audience present knew what they were doing when they hoard good music. NORTH HURON TEAOHERs' As80oIA- TIoN.-The regular annual meeting of the North Huron Teaohere' Associa- tion will be held in the Central School, Brussels, on Thursday' and Friday, June 10th and 11th, 1886. The Ex- ecutive Committee has much pleasure in submitting the following program : —(1) President's address, D. M. 14Int- loan; (2) Delegate's report,' J. C. (8)LinklaterTreasurer's report, W. E. Groves ; 4Drawing, J. W. Shaw ; (5) Arbor day, W. E. Groves ; (6) Education, from a moral standpoint, A. McKay ; (7) Orthoepy for entrance Claes, A. Burchill ; (8) Connective use of "A's", W. E. Groves ; (9) Discus- sion dreading oirole ; (10) itne tables for ungraded sohools, W. G, Duff; (11) Subjectnnamed, W. H. Stewart; (12) Election of officers. Entrance Examinations will be held in the Central Schools at Clinton, Seaforth and Wingham, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 5th, Gbh and 7th, D, M, Malloch, President, W. E. Groves, Secretary. FRUIT growers say strawberries will be plentiful thie year. SEVERAL interesting items are orowded out this week. Mies Luisa MoxLEY, of Seatortll, was in town last week. Viorstaz oounoil will meet on ltlon• day evening of next week for the treneaotion of business.. TEN woolen miile at $euforth is the place to get the highest prion forour wool in cash or trade, A call solioited. Tux habit some merohante have of sweeping waste paper and rubbish in- to the street should be stopped at once, Burn it up, gentlemen. W.'1'. Lowe, wife and son, of Chi- cago, are visiting at H. Dennie. Mrs. Lowe is a sister to Mrs, Dennis, and daughter of Mre. J. Y. S. Kirk. JOHN C. HALLIDAr ie improving the appearance of his residence, King street, by the erection of a new fence and making other improvements. THE Street Committee are having a heavy coat of gravel put on Turn - berry street. It will do ail right and will be just the thing repuired if the stones are broken properly. bAOEAIIENTAL services was held in Melville church last Sunday. Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, preached on Saturday and Rev. Mr. Stevenson of Molesworth, ou Sunday evening and Monday. Tun Salvation Army have boarded up the space formerly occupied by windows in front of their barricks. It looks neat too, but who is to blame for the smashing of the windows It does not say much for the youth of Brussels. Trios. HAYOROFT left Brunets last Friday for New York whore he took passage for England. Mr. Hayoroft has not had very good health of late and he goes to the Old country with a view of recruiting. We wish him a pleasant trip and a safe return to Brussels. TEEM Vanatone family are scattered a little this week. C. R. ie in Win- nipeg, Man., Mr. Vanatone er,, Mies Vnnstone and Mrs. Good are visiting at Goderioh, Mrs. Vnnstone sr., at Galt, Mrs. W. F. and Miss Addie at Toronto and Councillor Vanatone at Montreal. THE Senegambinn Minstrels gave an entertainment in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening. .Although it was not what you could call a first- class show the tambourine playing of L. McQuann, and the character sketches of The. 'Truss and Ed. Gor. man were very well given. The pet elephant brought down the house. The troupe are all colored people, ex- cept one gentleman, and they are a well behaved lot. They have a full band and wear a handsome uniform. REFERRING to the recent cricket match between Brussels and Gado - rich the Star remarks ;—The first match cf the new County Association was played by these clubs at Bras - Bele on May 24th, and proved a close and exciting game. The wicket is a credit to the local olub, although a little hlird on that day, and the field too small for good drives. Brussels went first to bat; several of their men in hitting exhibit morn of the base ball style of batting than is con- sistent with good cricket. Oar own men shorted lack of practice in field- ing and throwing, whioh we trust will be remedied before the next match. We cannot mentoin the in- dividual play as we would like, from lack of space, but let us say that the club have found a good man in Mr. Drummond of the Bank of. Montreal. His good style inspired confidence, and although his first innings was cut short by a decision of the umpire, his second ecored good double figures although in this too a decision pre. vented better -results. His "Cam- bridge poke" seemed to disturbthe miude of the Brussels players. Ens - peg, Hays and Stark also did well, and it ie but fair to say the excellent bowling of the Brussels team, espeoi• ally that of 3. Ross made the Gode• rich men Careful in planing their hits. The match was a very pleasant one throughout, and we cannot speak too highly of the, treatment the visitors received at the hands of their Brue- sele friends. WM. Histor,—In Grey, on Tuesday, Juno let, Susan McNair, beloved wife SfAndrew Hislop, aged 46 years. Etrneflamlta Market. Conn:soup OAusrvnns Evan: Winne. White Fall Wheat........ 72 74 Red Wintir., 78 75 Spring Wheat 50 75 Barley 45 60 Oats 28 80 Peas .,.,... ,..a... 60 51 Butter, tithe and :elle .... 11 12 Eggs per dozen 0 00 Flour per barrel 4 50 00 Potatoes 25 80 Eay porton - 7 00 Hides per lb, 7 Pressed Hoge 5 00 Salt per bbl., wholesale •, 00 Sheep eking eaoh 50 Wool ................ • 17 8 00 71 50 80 1 00 18 -_ w It is expected that the watering cart will get down to work on Monday of next weok. A. gauoral tidying up of Main street has been in order this week. 'inc prospeobs for a suooeesful ilea - eon in the sale of Ronald firo enginee are good and a number of steamers aro now awaiting shipment from the Ronald Works. Two portraits, the work of A. Hun- ter, have been on exhibition in the window of the furniture store of Mrs. W, Long Illi,' week, They refloat oredit on the artist, and look first- class in the elegant gilt trainee. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER cont. Straight leans. Apply to A, RAYMANN, 90- 0renbrook, CVa�-V'','30ICE FARMS FOR SALE.— ,tfowsplendid ,lmproved,farme for Bale In the township of Grey, Morrie end MOND- top Apply to A DELGArxx,Oo A.notionoer Brueeol'e12 0 . 1541 rlHUROHES, PUBLIC BUILD— l\ S 1050, and Private Houses painted end decorated in modern styles at reasonable rates. Estimate given. Address - 11 OLUCAS, 30-11 Goderlob. it/USIO,-MISS LIZZIE JAOIi- soN having returned from Toronto, where she was under the iuetreetions of Prof. Forsyth for iho past sir months, is now pre- pared to give inetruoiious ou the piano or or- gan. Terme made known on application. plto ULL FOR SERVIOE.—THE • undersigned will keep during this 'sea- son, at lot 14, eon. 12 Grey. (near Oranbrook) m thorough bred Durham Ball for sorvioe. Times.—$1.00 per cow, payable at time of sorvioe, with the privilege of returning nee - 000687. JAMES SLEMM0t4, 44.11 Onnnbrooli. 11ARM FOB SALE,—THE UN• deraigaod off era for eale 100 mares, being lot a, eon. 10, Grey,e0 cleared, bale:me timber- ed with beooh and maple. A comfortable house and barn is ou the ;plan. TERMS.—To eulhpurohaser. Apply to BORT. MoNAUGHTON, 47-5 Brussels. OPRAYED FROM THE PREM. L) lees of the undersigned, lot 5, con.1, Grey, On or about May let, a rod and white heifer, 9 years old, and 4 yearling calves, 2 of them are heifers, one roan and the other a blank, and the two steers are rod , and red ,and white. re - opacity ely, Any information leading to their recovery will be thankfully received. wtt. BEHARRIELL, 4011 Jamestown P, 0, NOW's TILE TIME! Valuable- Premium, Given Free 'with Canada's Popular Weekly. The Western Advertiser, of London, heal net made another important stop in advanoa. II now appears regularly in twelve page form, and in addition to all its well-known popular feature° gives in each issue Sem Jonoe' Ser. moos, the International Sabbath School Lee- oene, n Complete story, c to., ate. It in vastly improved in every respect, For Balance of Year the pries is only 50e,, or in elsbe of ave and over 400. each Postage stamps accepted for Motional parts of a dollar. Samples free. r0'E welt oubaoriber will be untitled, without additional oo at, to ono of the -following prom - iume, which should be ordered as per number, vises 1, Portrait Gallery. 2. Home Se Health. 5. Chase's Deoip es. 4. Ladles' Palley Work Gaide. • Registered letter° come at our risk. Address plamly— ADVERTISER PRINTING 0d , oOntario. THE BEST VSTI1V'13 MILL. • W. 141. 141orrira, ExosoeIos IRDS Womts, - MITG0ELL, ONT., Manufacturer of throe different kinds of Windmills. The simplest, strongest and most aatiafaotory Windmill yet matte. For pump- ing water, sawing wood, chopping grain or driving any light moohlnory they have .no equal, My MILE BRAT/3D PUMPS have se- cureda world-wide reputation; I guarantee them es being superior to many noir in the market, and equal to any ever made. They will throw water 800 foot, orforoo it a mile on the level. Farmers and stockman aro re- quested to send for part Molars before buying either a Windmill or a Pum°, as Iclaim that. mine ora the booth' Address M. MORELS, Ont. SCOAsmagueggsa OALEI;O: AN GAMES! Northwestern Oircuit. Games will be held in connection with this series at BRUSSELS, Tuesday, Juno 22.. PAISLEY, Wednesday,' June 28. WINGHAl1I, on friday, Juue 25 Good Program. Watch for R. E. 8. SCOTT, J. T. BOSS, Chief. Secy. JUNE 4, 1886. 8 . ,.•.m � �,rr na•aw DANKIPW. vrc INTOSH ,C 1[o'1'AGGAI$T, —� l 13ANItISRS, BIOUSSELS, Trallsacf a General Bflfihing Business. Notes to hind Also suited. Interest ells rt a int dtyn3l1( r„ .51. ,lo o0 demand. Prompt attaution „i vas tooclloot(nna. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. loan IFFARD ELLIOTT, LAW OF-• floe, Grant's Ulook, Brutish. Money to E. WADE, BARRISTER, leo. Olflao formerly °couple 1 hr 4. J, Mo• 0011,105,0, u, L ,uic le'e elook, thnty to loan 13. DICKSON, (LATE WITH • Garro, d; Proudf000, Goderioh) Solio. Iter, oonveys.ucer, .to, Once, Grant's blook, Brussels. Money to loan, ALEX. HUNTER, CLERK OF • the Fourth Division Court Oo, Huron, OouvOyanoer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Imo ranee Agent. Panda invested and to loan.. Collections made. 011boe in Graham's Block Bruoeole. MEDICAL CARDS, T. A. MaNAUGHTON, M. D. C. R w M. L. R. 0. P. Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Acoouobour. Omoo, Mrs. Shiei'a block, Turuborry Street. J• A. HUTCHINSON, 1i.D,, L. E. C. P. Edinburgh, Coroner for the County of Huron. Residence, on Mill Street, 08100 ah '8ar- gramma' Drug Store, DENTAL, 7 L. BALL, L, D. S., HONOR • Gradunto 0341 Me0Dor nt the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. 'Pho various anwetu:ties given, also a new local anmethetio for the gums only. All operations carefully performed and guarantoo,l Prices moderate. Pull sets of teeth from 85 to 585. Officeover Powell's store. Hours 8 eon, to 5 p. m, BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoCRAOKEN, ISSUER • of Marriage Licenses, Oifloe at his Grocery, Turnberry street, 2.29 • A MoNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR - 11 • riage Lloensou, by appointment of Lieutenant -Governor, Commissioner, &e., Q, B. Conveyancer and Agent Piro Iosuranse Go. Oinoe at the Oraubrook Post Onloe, Robert Cunningham, INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, - Ontario. M. O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, some of the boat andrnost reliable 0ompmn- lee in the Dominion, Onloo Brink Terrace, Turnberry Street, near the elation. 9m TurisB O'CONNOR, TEACHER of rhorough Bass, Vooal and metro; mental Music on Plano Organ and Guitar. Reference—Ladles of 'Loretta, Guelph. Residence—No, 2 south, Brick Terme44-9m Brnseols, Ont W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR e Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, has resumed the eras tie,, of John Nott, V. 3., and is prepared to treat as d(ee t3 os of domes - pleated animals on eota:Atha End approved priuoiples. Treatment of delicate foals a spoolalty. Otaoo at John Notts, V. 8, NEW BLACKSMITH, ' Bring your lame horses to Daniel Ewau, he has LEASED W. T. HUNTIIR'S STAND, Brussels. Having practised for years and boree-shceiu highest of i Grahaleading burgh, Scotland. Also having passed with honors through the Royal Veterinary Shoeing Sohool ,of I. S. Smith, London, England where hundreds of Crippled horse, Passed our hands daily I can safely guarantee to cure eon., traded feet or interfering hoseer. Now work and repalriring of all kinds done on reasonable terms, and workmanship that will please. By giving me a Call I feel satisfied I would soour, your trade. D, A WAN, 1741 Hunter's Old Stand. lvf. BEASR:ILL, many outomere for their liberal support fob the past sex years wishes to inform them that bo- ing burned out of the old stand has fitted up a shop in Smale's Block in first -elms style whore he hopes to see all the old erste mora and as many now 0)100 as Dee at to give him a oall. I keep nothing but aret-olase moats all kande of Poultry and Sausage Moab. Deliver- ed to all parts of the town Free, Gash paid for Nat Stook, t1ARM IN GREY FOR SALE BE - SS' lot 14, on the lath oon.o outaioing 100 eared, south part lot 15 on 10 eon., oontaining 45 stores, Lot 14 in partlyoloarod, the ' bal. • oneo well timbered. A never falling Creek eroseo, the lot and it is well adapted for farm- ing or grazing. Lot 15 is mostly cleared and nndor good °uitiyation, the balance well tim- gored with black nab. will sell all together or in parte to snit tho purchaser. For further particulars apply to theroprietor on the promises. Thle let is well drained. tf GEO. AVERY AUCTION' SALE OF An Excellent Farm, On Wednesday, And 23rd, 1886, AT 4 o'OLoox 7.00. 0ooiefOho°udoag bo°ell,betrtonrom the sl, y Public Anotion, on the promises, 110 acres of excellent land, being lots 12 and part of 18, on 000, 5, Grey, and 80 013005, part of lot 14 oon, 4, Grey, There are 160 acres cleared, the balance Ishardwobd bush, There is a well -finished, comfortable brink bonne, bank barn, outbuild- ings, orchard, woad,ood fatties, So., on .the promises. 82 scree of i wheat,55 Mores of Oats, and 8 soros of peae,ate now growing, Poesess- 1on will he given 80 days after 0610, Thum, - 10 poi cent, of puroliaoe mono, 15 be paid at timo o1 sale ' snffloiont to makb up one half of the price in 80 days, when possession will bo given, and balance to be scoured on Mortgage ma 8, 4 or a years qt 0 per cent, por anu, The property wll'1 b° sold subieot to a reserve bid. The title or perfect, Tho reason fOr soli. ing it the proprietor is giving up fanning. Nor further baltlonlare apply to 1ho Atio- Honor; r; or to 10011, oft 11, Proprietor, llruseelp P.C.