HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-6-4, Page 6nirentory of Charohoo and Cooistieot
MELVILLE Carnca,-Sabbath Servioos at
1.1 8.10, and 8:8O p,m. Sunda yy Sebes)) at
2:30 p,m. Rev, Jno. Ross, B. A., pastor.
KNox enmtott.-Sabbath Berrien at 11
a.m. and 6:80 p.m. Sunday School at 9160
p.m. Rev. 8. Jones, pastor.
ST. James Cnuncn.--Sabbath Services at
11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9:80
a,m. Rev. W. T. Oluffo, incumbent.
MErnomsr Onuacu.-Sabbath Services at
10;30 a.m. and 0180 p.m. Sunday School at
2:30 p.m. Rev. 'Wm, Smyth, pastor.
RoatAN CATnoo:o Cnuacir.-Sabbath San
vicethird Sunday in every month at 11 a.m.
Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
ODD FELLow's LODGE every Thursday
evening in Graham's block.
MASONIC LODGE Tuesday at or before full
moon in Vanstone'e block.
A. 0. 73. W. LODGE meets on let and
3rd Monday evenings of each month.
FORESTER'S LODGE gad and last Monday
evenings of eaoh month in Smale's hall.
L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in
Orange Hall.
Posr OFFICE. -Office Hours from 8 a,m.
7 p.m.
MiscnAEics' INsrrro70 ReadingRoom and
Library in Holmes' block, will be open
from 6 to 8 o'clook p.m. Wednesdays and
Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian.
o� oma
Var detietg.
An after dinner speech : "Chock,
For lamp bank, side or ohest, use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Price 25 oohts. Sold by G n.
Fashion soon tires of everything
oxcept a plug hat.
When love is blind, marriage is a
successful oculist.
(Moue ,whooping cough and bronchitis im-
mediately rellevedby Shiloh's Cure. Sold by
G. A, Deadman.
The woman who neglects her hus-
band's shirt front is no longer the
wife of his bosom.
"There's no place like home," re-
peated lir. Henpeck, looking at a
motto, and he heartily added, "I'm
glad there isn't."
sLEEpLEss nights, made miserable by tha
terrible Dough, Sbilohs Cure le the remedy
for you. Sold by G.A Deadinan,
A. poet asks, "Why are thy spirits
Thus concealed ?" Because this bar
is positively closed on Sunday unless
you know the knock,
It is better form now to say to a
man who is tiring you, "Oh, bring
me a chair," than to remark bluntly,
"You make me tired."
801Los'6 vitalizer 18 what you need 1 o r Con
stipation,los0 of Appetite, Dizziness, and all
symptoms of Dyspepsia. Prise 10 and 75 canto
per bottle. Sold by G. A.Deadman.
Tho chief difference between Utah
Mormons and New York Marmara is
that one provided for hie own wives ;
the other for sono other fellow's,
Proprietor to clerk : "Well, White-
ly, I guess the first thing you may do
this morning is to take them 10 cent
collars an' smoke 'em up a little, au'
put um in the winder well this card
I've written. I want to sell um off,
if I kin, 'fore they get out of style.
Somon's Gough and Consumption Owe le
sold by G..5.. Deadman on a guarantee. It
Seni r asks professor a very pro-
found question. Professor : Mr. W.,
a fool can ask a question that ten
wise men could not answer." Sen•
for : "Then I suppose that's why so
many of us flunk."
WILL you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver
Oomplaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed
to owe you. Sold by G, A. Deadman
"No," said dear old Mrs. Parvenu,
referring to young Mr. Ohuoklehead
"no, he doeen't d 1 any business, and
he's not smart in learning, but he do
lead the German most beautifully
every time."
(IArARnlf oared, health and sweet breath se
cured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Pries eg
cents. N seal inj actor free Sold by Geo A.
Plantation Philosophy (left over
from 18S5) -It is wrang ter allus
honor an' trust de smart man. De
fox is or heap keener clan de steer,
but he dean' do half es muoh good.
Nothing so strengthens and tones up the
Lungslike West's Cough Syrup. It In the most
widey known remedy for the positive cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, 75-
flusnzs,Hoarsoness,whooping Cough and all
Throat and Lung deceaSes• Price' 250„ 500.,
and 81,00 per bottle. Sold by John Hargreaves
& Cu., Druggists,
"Give ue, oh I give us, a man who
sings at his work," says Charlyle. Oh,
yes ; give him to ns ; deliver him in-
to our hands, He occupies the next
office, and we can't get at him.
"Are you going to send your wife
to a watering place this summer 2"
"Yes I geese I'll have to do so. I
have paid enough money to keep that
woman in good repair to have bought
throe or four new ones.
The virtue of Carbollo Acid for healing
010an0ing andpurifying, is well known; but
from the many modes of applying it, the pub-
Ilois uncertain how to We it. To meet that
want. McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Oernte in
prepared, and may bo need with ooaadenoo.
Do not be misled, Take only McGregor &
Parke's Carbolic Oerate. Sold. at John Har-
greaves &-00's. trug Store,
A reporter called on an officer's
wifo to know the whereabouts of her
husband, who was on a certain con.
mutes : "Is Mr. Blank attending a
meeting this evening 2" asked the re-
porter, "No, sir. IIe wont to the
sleeting, hilt tall hour since he Dame
back end said the committee had ad-
journed since qua non, and said he
was going down town. You'll find
lain at one of the hotels,"
"I don't wau't any castor oil," said
a sick Boston boy, petulantly, "and
Iwon't take any." "Why, Horace,"
expostulated his Mother, "don't you
know that pastor oil is made from
beans 2" And the little boy, whose
faith 1n his mother is perfect, tools
the dose and feebly asked for mora,
�ttutttlittri lolewoo.
Peterborough railway promoters
propose t0 extend the road between
Cobourg and Bridgenorth to Cbemong
Lake, bridge the lake, ernes Ennis -
more to Bobcaygeon, and thence build
through the township of Galway until
the Victoria railway is tapped at Klu-
During the progress of a Salvation
Army service at Guelph, au Monday
afternoon of last weetc, a woman ap-
peared on the scene while knee drill
was being dons, and despite his most
earnest protests compelled her bus•
band to rise from his devotions and
march for home.
Fluid Lightning does not take a day or an
llour5000mov0 Neuralgia, Hoadoabe, Tooth
nolle, Lulnba m or Rheumatism, your head
Instantly, am without uarrl'lag your head in
Trya poultice fora Joy or use greasy Iioaulonta,
Try a 2500111 bottle from John Hargreaves &
e0,, druggists.
Mr. Norqudy successfully insisted
on the exclusion of reporters from the
last meeting of the Public A000unte
Committee of the Manitoba Legisla-
tare, The books of the Treasury De.
pertinent were to be produced, and
the Accountant and Mr. Norquay were
to 1'e examjuod. w
Henry Beavis, of Pctphoro', is the
owner of a calf with t.O.e. t.tails. The
second tail springs from the root of
the nook, thud is exactly like the first,
even to ,i white tip. Tho Examiner
remarks that it is au llnprevsment ou
the ordinary single-handed article, as
it will bo able to keep the flies away
from isa forequarters at well as the
The worms, beet.
It is oertatuly remarkable the wonderful
sures effected by West's World's Wonder or
Family Liniment. This remedy.,has not an
equal in the world for the speedy cure of
Rheumatism Sprains, Cats, Bruises and 011
diseases requiring external applioation. Prloo
25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by John
Hargreaves & 00,
TwoHamiltonianson Saturday last
left Hamilton to spend Sunday at
Berlin. A practical joker at Preston
telegraphed a Berlin hotel -keeper that
two whiskey detectives from Hamilton
were coming. As a consequence the
visitors put io a dry day, and 1t is
said now express the utmost reverence
for tho way the Crooks Act ks enforc-
ed in Berlin.
A Word to the Wise.
Mrs. Robert Hooper, of Kinloss, Bounty of
Brune, in a letter, says; "I have been troubl-
ed with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints for a
1 number 0f 700x5, 23Rd nm glad to 0237 io Oho
pnblie ao well as frleuda, that MoGrogwr'e
Speedy ours brought mo around, and now I
ant all right, thanks to MOGregor'a Speedy
Ours." Hundreds 01 like testimonials are fro -
fluently received,and aro daily proving that
Bois is truly a wonderful remedy, curing Slug-
gish Liver, Billions Headache and Costiveness
where all else falls. Soldat John Hargreaves
g. Coin Drug Store. Trial bottles given free,
Three children of Mrs. W. Fergu-
son, of Carleton Place, were terribly
soakled a few days ago by the upsett-
ing of to stove on which were two pots
of boiling soap. Mrs. Ferguson had
one boot filled with the burning mix-
ture, but she did not heed. her own
agony till the children were relieved
by the applioation of oil, ' A three
year•old boy will not recover.
Jacob Schmidt, a son of Thomas
Schmidt, of the second concession of
Bentick, who, his parents feared,
might be the unknown man .murder-
ed in Bailey's house, in Keppel, has
been located on GriLtb'e Island, and
writes home to his parents that he..
slept with Wilson on the island the
night of the murder, and that "Wilson
ie that innocent that he would not
kill a hen."
The Iioodetown mail bag, which
was lost in Vernon Lake three years
ago, has just been discovered by leen
employed on a saw log drive. The
mail matter was in a fair tato of pro -
servation. The outside leather bag
was almost as goon as when last used.
There were two cotton bags inside,
ono containing only the time bill and
the other a package of letters, many
of which contained'eums of mohey.
At a Salvatipn Army service in
Halifax on Saturday night last Cap•
tain Tdtten told the audience that
owing to an injury to her spine when
a ohild she hgd.been a cripple all her
life up to thre.years ago, when be.
coming,converted.she conceived the
idea that God would heal her physical
infirmities. The day after her con.
version she experienced a peculiar
senvation in her bank and ever since
has been able to walk without crutch.
es. In the audience listening to Capt.
Totten's story was Miss Campbell,
who, up to seven years ago, when she
received a stroke of paralysis, kept
the American Hotel at Halifax, She
has since been helpless. Butinflueno-
ed by the Captain's story, she believ-
ed that God would do the same for
her and after a few moments of silent
prayer she exclaimed ;•-"Comrades,
give God the glol y, I believe I'm cur-
ed." And else then arose and walked
around the ilalI
B ryIP' '4,30-30oentopnsOnRa,nudwa-
i11 GIFT
will 111011 you 3202 a royal,
va,28 luahlwill 6,sampla 1'11'1410n1'11'14831of0 way 510210
1pat 711 -
of melting more moony nt omm.thn3Anything
else 111 A1,102104, 13001 405014 of all ages ears
live u -t house and work 311 0p tr0 133110, or all
the time, Capital 1121 respired, We will
start you. Immense pay sure ret th000 who
start at ono). STINSON ,b Cn.,
Portland, Maine
scriber 'will rent lot Sm, con 0,(lrny,o-on,•
tofu log100 acres, about 50 al oared, for ono or
Moro years. Howse, baro and all other eon•
vonlonooe on the lot. Thorn isa quantity 00
feed8hat would be loft, by the lease agree-
ing 0n leave a similar alumni t when bl5 time
WWI out The two of implements 70011Id also
bo alloyed. Also 100 mini flu 1(0wi031 town-
ship,1 mile /rem Wroxo8er. S0 acres ololtred.
There is a hones on the lot but no barn. A
tenant building a baro would be alloowed to
stop it ou't of oho rent. Possession an bo
given on April 1st. For further nartisulur0
apply to T'I OS. 771I1TEE,
D. 10. 0. WEST's Nerve and ]3rain Treat -
meet, a guaranteed 0,160100 for Hysteria, Diu.
alums, Convulsions, 811a, Nervous, Neuralgia,
Headaobo, Nervous Pronlratiou oansed by the
use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Ment-
al Depression, Softening of the Drain result.
ing in insanity, leading to misery, decay and
death. Premature Old Ago, 1S 0r2ell Des, Loss 01
Power in either sox, Involuntary Lenses aid
Spermotorrhma canted by over-oxortion of the
Drain, golf -abuse or over -indulgence. Each
box contains one mouth's troatntent. 81 a box,
or six boxes for 81, sent by mail, prepaid, on
receipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received
by ns for six boxes, accompanied with 05, 80
will send the enrollee('r our written guarantee
i0 refund the money if the treatment (loos not
effect Genre. Guarantees issued only by John
Hargrouves & Co., Brussels.
Canadian gaoifn Railway Titno Table,
1\ `w
Teeswater Branch.
Dines Going West Hall. p:xprl
0 Toronto.. Dep
0 Orangeville . •
4 Orangeville Jct
74 Amaranth t ,
10 Waldemar....
3.2i. Luther ., ..
234 Arthur ..
804 Kenilworth,...
381 MT. FOREST . ,
44 Pages $.... .
471 HAnaIoTON.. ..
564 Fordwioh „ „
60 G-orrio ,.
824 Wroxeter
69 Wingham 11104
Teeswater, . Arr
7.2 a.m.
9.50 .'
10105 "
10.15 .1
10.24 "
10,31 "
11.08 "
11,30 "
11,58 a.m.
12.15 p.m.
12.28 '
12.55 "
,15 "
1.38 "
1.5 .m.
7,22 11
7.32 "
7.38 "
7.44 "
8.10. "
8.46 ".
9.10 "
9.31 "
9.46 "
10.15 "
Mlles GotngyEnst Express
Teeswater Dep
Wingham Road
Wroxeter • ••
Gorrie • ••
Harriston . • •
Pages $......
Mt.Forest•• •.
Arthur.... •.
Luther.. ,.
Amaranth t .
Orangeville lot
Toronto .. Arr.
5.15 a.m,
2.15 p.m.
2,90 "
2.49 "
2.56 "
8.00 '"
Refreshment and Dining Rooms
2,,'r7'STC21170S7• BAM=OBI 00 OST
And Eye -Glasses
-That Will Preserve Your Eyesight. -
F. L✓1 Z(/IR US,
Manufacturing Optician, late of the iirm of
Lazarus & Morrie, 28 Maryland Read,
Harrow Road, London, England, has ap-
,pointod an agent for the Renowned Sped -
soles and Bye -Glasson which have boon be-
fore the public for the past 25 years.
L,IUAuus' Spectacles never tiro the oyo.
Last many years without change.
-For salt by-
JAS. DBIIW3S, •:- hardware Merchant
81111m° Brussels, Ontario.
JUNII 4, 1884:
BARGAINS 1 1 Earnerscollars 1
In Plows, Sisufleers, Land hollers,
Straw- Cotters, IIor'so Powers,
Tread Powers, Seed ])rills, Seed-
ers, Hay 'J'udders, Ilay hakes,
131nd018, Reapers, Mowers, Sulky
Plows, Farm Scales, tllo light run-
ning Bain Wagon,. Carriages, Bug-
gies, two second hand Buggies,
Boll Organs, Raymond ewiug
Fl IS.
Two Horses, 1 Colt, nine months
old, two Colts, 2 years old, one 3
years old, all heavy draught.
Call & Examine Goods
before Purchasing elsewhere.
Geo. Love.
Geo. Phippen,
Pcfi72ter, - .BribsseZS,
is prepared to do All Kinds of
010., 0c.,
at Reasonable Rates.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
In Every Instance.
Left at• Geo. Baeker's Store will
bo promptly attended to.
If yon wtiint It good Set of Heavy
or Light harness, a well fitting
Collar, that Won't gall the horses
shoulders, any odds and ends to
complete your sot of harness, or
anything in the harness line go to
Trunks and Valises
arc (311v1lys kept in stock1 and sold
at a small margin on cost. If you
want anything in this line Call at
Baby & Doll Carriages.
Just to hand a nicely assorted
stools of Carriages that have only
to bo seen to bo admired. Call
and get our prices before purchas-
ing elsewhere.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Shop in Graham's block, oppos-
ite (moon's Hotel, Brussels.
Here we are Again,
Thanking the public for their pat-
ronage for the past 14 years I de-
sire to state that I alt prepared to
attend to all kinds of House, Sign
and Ornamental Painting in a
workmanlike manner.
Paper Hanging
and Kaisomining
done in a manner that gives Sat-
isfaction every time.
Now that the house cleaning
season will soon bo here send your
orders along early so that they
can be attended to in good. time.
Wan. It®ddic :,
The 010 Reliable.
)01 4C
Waving just received the Largest and Best Selected Stock of
Weeds ever shown in Brussels, we are now prepared to Sell
AT V CRY iO W �v' _�•Z1'S.
Our Stock is composed of
Scotch & Canadian Tweeds
Velvet finished Suitings, ]french Sorsteds, Sorge,. Also an Im-
mense Stock of ,
Striped and Checked. Pa tthgs
Always on Hanel. Our Stock of Furnishings, such as Ties, Linen 0
Celluloid Collars, Linen 85 Celluloid Cuffs, Linen and Silk Handker-
chiefs, Pat. Napa Buek'Gloves, Kiel Gloves, Woolen and Cotton Hose,
Braces, Cuff B11.ttons, Collar, Buttons, Breast Pins, Armlets and Gar-
ters, 0e.; always on gland and. at Low Prices.
We intend making the Hat and Cap trade a Specialty this Season,
as we have a Large Stock of All Shapes and Latest Styles, Oar stock
being Large we intend running them off at -
Prices to .Suit the Times.
We Lead & Others Follow.
Our Tailoring Department
Is too w011 linown,10 need any special 11201111011, Wo gt1araiitoe Situs
faction ovory time. -
Smale's Old. Stand.