HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-6-4, Page 5JUNE 4, 18$6.1
There is a very large quantity of
eggs eolleotad in this section of coun-
On May 29 a steeling wee held in
the store of E. Snell, for the purpose
of organizing a base ball club, W.
Belden was elected chairman,. after
which the following officers were
chosen, viz, :—W, Belden, Captain ;
E, Snell, Sec,.Troas, ; A. MoDonald,
'Umpire; Geo, 13altor, Alex. Simeon,
Robs. Strachan arid R. H. Outs, Com-
mittee of Management. Thera were
82 names on the roll at the time of
the organization of the club,
Oast Wa•wauojh.
The wife of G, Creating, who has
been vary sick for some time, died
last Monday.
Hugh Ross has lost some sheep
Milled by dogs. It is suppoeed to be
Blyth dogs.
A. meeting of the Plymouth Breth-
ern was heldat Sameon Carter's on
last Monday and Tuesday nights.
The Sunday School of Hoover'e
church intend holding a pic-uio in
Hoover's buslr on the 9t11 of July.
James McGill took a paralytic
stroke last Thursday but we are
glad to learn that he is recovering.
R. 0. Armstrong is now curing pee.
ple that stammer in their speech. He
shwa been very sueoeseful curing about
twelve already.
While the son of Mr. Lochart was
coming from Manchester on Friday
the horse took fright and threw him
out injuring him severely.
Court of Revision was held on
Monday of thie week.
We learn, by a leiter, that Alex.
Forsyth has a large crop in and ex-
pecte to reap a lot of grain.
Trout fishing in a number of the
brooks in Morris ie all the go. You
can sen townspeople almost every
da T. W. Grant Jeffers, of Luoknow,
brother to Mrs. 0. B. Harris, of this
township, broke his arm while skating
on the roller rink at Guelph,
John and Wm. Martin, aged ,10
and 12 years, respectively, brothers
to Jas. M. Martin, of lot 27, 4th line,
started for ban Francisco, California,
on Thursday of this'' week. They
take this long journey to join their
father who has been in that part of
the country for years.
''Last Tuesday afternoon Wm. and -
John Johueton, con. 6, left Brussels
for New Westminster, British Colum-
bia, They go on a proepeoling tour
and expect to be bock rn time for
haying. They have friends in the
west who have been.tbero for several
years. The Northern Pacific was
the route they took.
Read the advt. of cattle strayed in
this issue.
Sheep shearing is in order this
week, as well as the unexpected bunts
from last year's pet lambs.
Mrs. Beharriell is erecting a neat
and comfortable brio* residence on
her faros, east of Jamestown.
$160 has been grauted by the
Oouncil as their share towards grav-
elling the boundary between Grey and
Thos. Heritage is at Godoriolt this
week attending the conference of the
Methodist church, as a delegate frnm
Ethel circuit.
Fall wheat, especially in high or
underdrained nettle, looks splendid,
and is beginning to head out, which is
considered early.
Mrs. Mark Oardiff sr., and Mrs.
George Cardiff are away this week on
a visit to Perth Op. They went via
0. P, R. from Wroxeter.
Those who attended the Farmers,'
Instituto meeting at Wroxeter say it
was a splendid meeting, end that it
was a day well and profitably spent.
William Blake had his old barn
raised hist week for the purpose of
having stone stabling built under-
neath and an addition put to it.
Grey township is now composed of.
7 polling eub-divisions instead of 6
and in future a polling plane will be
held at Shine's school house, 12th
Implement agents of every descrip-
tion are round these days as think as
toada in a thunder storm, and some
think they ought to be well remuner-
ated for mouthing down the roads.
A telegram from Father Point
states that 'Thos. MaLauchlin had
arrived there in safety. Ito expects
to be home next Tuesday. The pass-
age has been a long one as they left
port on May 201b.
Mrs. Issue Currie, 15th oon., start
ed last 'Tneaday for Qu'Appells, Mau.
where she will visit her sone for a
short time. She went via 0. P. It,
to Owen Sound from whieh port she ,
took the steamer.
Bon. Johnston, W t lot 11, eon. 18,
A largo fraena barn was reified on
the lam of Jno. Whalen, 14114 oon,,
on Friday last. The captains for the
000051on were H. Stewart and Ohas.
Hooten, When the race commenced
the Beene was wild, men were running
hero and there like wild oats. Stew-
art's side came out victorious by a
long chalk. The frame is a very
substantial ono. Milt: Hngho has the
Oarr.—Last Tuesday afternoon
Susan, beloved wife of Andrew His.
lop, passed over to the great majority,
aged 46 years. Tho cause of her
death was infi.atunuttion of the lungs,
The deceased was a deugt.ter of the
late Neil McNair and was born in
A.rgyleshire, Scotland, She came
with her father to America and, after
short eojourns in Vaughan and Stan.
ley towusbrps, settled in this town.
ship in 1858. Twenty-three years
age she was married to her now sor-
rowing partner. - There are seven
children liviug, 6 daughters 'end one
sou. The deceased was a sister to
Mrs, John McTaggart and James,
Alexander, Duncan, Donald and John
McNair, well known residents of Grey,
The funeral took place on Thursday
afternoon, the interment being made
at the Brussels cemetery. Mr. 'lis -
lop and family have the sympathy of
a very large circle of friends in their
affliction. Mrs. Hislop attended the
Presbyterian church, Walton, for
years while the congregation wits
ministered to by Rev. W. IL Reid,
Perth County Notes:.
While A. M. Driver, treasurer and
ex -reeve of the towuahip of Blanshitrd
was returning home Friday night,
and when a mile from St. Marys, he
met with his death. He wise driving
a tram of horsed which wore attached
ton heavy wagon with some himber,
and was seated upon a high spring
seat, and it is supposed that he fell
asleep and tumbled oft the Beat in
front of the wagon, one wheel passing
over les bead, fracturing the lower
jaw, severing an artery, from which
a largo quantity of blood camped, and
producing such other injuries to the
head that death must have been al
moat instantaneous. He was . not
found till five o'clock next morning,
when Ooronor Sinclair was called,
who did not deem it necessary under
the circumstances to hold an inquest
ae there did not appear to be any
sign of foul play, es his money and
watch were not tenoned. Itir. Driver
was a highly respected and influential
farmer, living six miles from St.
Marys, always taking a deep interest
in the municipal and educational
matters of the township. In polities
he never identified himself closely
with either party, tending rather to
be independent in his views. He
loaves a widow and eight children to
mourn his sad death.
Grey Cavemen Directing.
The first sitting of the ,Court o
Revision for the township of Grey
was held at Tuck's hotel, Oranbvook,
May 261h. Members --Strachan,
Oliver, Bryans, McDonald and Ennis,
The necessary oath being admiuister-
ed, Mr. Strachan was appointed
chairman. The following changes
were made in the assessment roll :--
William Elliot, assesed as tenant for
lot 26, con. 8 ; Alex. Smith, aeseesed
as teuarit for n pt lot 22, con, 9 ; Al.
bort, George sed Thos. Whitfield li.,
assessed as joint owners of lot 26,
oon. 12, instead of Landholder's sons:
George Laird, seemed ae joint uwner
'lot 25, oon. 8. The Court adjourned
till '2 o'clock 'p.m., and then general
business was taken up. Minutes of
last meeting were read and adopted.
Moved by Ed. Bryans, seconded by
Thos. Ennis that Pater Robinson be
granted the sum of $10 to be expend-
ed on gravelling in his road division.
Carried. The Reeve was inetruoted
to write to Daniel Byers authorizing
him to procure a road scraper for his
division. Wm. Dark applied tor
grading to be done between lots 9
and 10, con. 10. Moved by Edward
Bryans, seconded by Jas. McDonald
that Wm. Cook and Dennis Howard
be permitted to work their statute
labor on side road between lots 80
and 81, Dons. 10 and 11. Charles
Alderson applied for repairs to road
at lois 14 and 15, con. 14. Bylaw
No. 4, dividing the townehip into
seven polling sub -divisions, was read
and passed. Moved by James 11fo-
Donald, seconded by Thos Duels
that Robb, Rose be pathmaster in
plebe of Chas. Grieve, wio is inovieg
away. Carried. Oourt of Revision
reopened when further changes were
made in the roll, A. W. Shaw, lot
11, oon. t, Thos. MoLauchlin, S S. lots
1 and 2, oon. 6, Bennett Dobson, lot
21, eon, 8, Jae, Porrbe, lot 10, oon. 12,
John MoLttuchlin, lot 11, con, 12,
John Robertaou, lot 11, eon, 18, Jas.
lelnliadzeau, lot 4, •eon, 17, Arch.
Dinseauson, W - let 12, eon. 17, he,
.l)unettneou, E } lot 12, oon. 17, and
were all assessed as Landholder's
Bans, Walter Longman, Edgar
Smith and Chas. Williameou were
assessed iso wage earners. Moved by
Walter Oliver, seoonded by Jas, Mo -
Donald that .the above changes be
matte in the roll and the Came do now
adjourn till the 711i day of Jnne,
Carried. Council busieesq was again
taken up. Moved by E. Bryans, sec,
ended by Thoe. Eunir that Alex. Ross
bo appointed arbitrator in the matter
of U. S. S., No. 16, Howiek and Grey,
referred to at last meeting. Carried.
Moved by Edward Bryans, seoonded
by Thos. Ennis that Joe. Armstrong
be appointed a member of the Board
of Health in plane of Geo, Brown,
moved away. Carried. Petition of
Donald McNair and 8 others praying
to have the swamp, between tote 28
and 24, con. 14, gravelled. The
sum of $25 was granted. Moved by
E. Bryans, seconded by Thos. Ennis
that the sum of $120 be expended in
repairing reticle in each of five divisions
in the township. Carried. Moved
by E. Bryans, seconded by W..Oliver
that the sum of $160 be expended on
the gravel between Grey and Morrie
provided the Morris Council grant an
equal sum. Carried. Moved by W
Oliver, seconded by Thos. Ennis that
the following aeoounts be paid:—
Andrew Sharp, repairing caivort, at
lot 25, con. 7, $8.50 ; George Den.
roan, plank for culverts, $8,08 ; Bobt.
Smith, ditching and culvert on bound.
ary Grey and Logan, es per engineer's
award, $29.97 ; Duncan Campbell, Remember these aro Not Trash, but a Corset that is sold at $1.00
planking bridge on side road lots 6
and 6, con. 12, $8,00; Robt. Oonits, Pair all over.
gravel, $2.90 ; Win. Bishop, salary
as assessor, $100 ; Chas.' Greve, A e
gravel, $1,65 ; Hugl, McKay, repair-
ing side road lots 15 and 16, con. 17,
$8.50 ; A. Duncanson, underdrain
across road at lot 12, eon., 17 $2,00.
Council then adjourned to meet again
at Dames' hotel, Oranbrook, ou Mon-
day, the 71.h of June,
Wtr.SaiN"'Cleric. SEE OUR SHOW WIN004V
Catrz.•re al31 IWevv'';r. OUR
Nova Scotia elections will be held
on June loth, the nominations being
June 811i.
North Axe has been elected to suc-
ceed Eagle Tail as Chief of the Rie-
gel Indians.
Toronto Street Car Compact' have
formally opposed the granting of li-
censees to the opposition 'bus line.
The Kingston Sc Pembroke Rail-
way Oompany has granted the train
and shop employeee a raise m Wages,
Ex•Monnted Policemen in the
country around Fort McLeod have
formed a District Mutual Benefit As-
James Whelan, a Nova Scolien
seamen, was hanged yesterday at
Winebester, Eng„ for murder upon
226 PAIR
Ladies, we have passed into Stook this week
The Largest Lot of Corsets
Ever3brouglit into Brussels, at one time, and bought at a Sacrifice for
Cash, and will be Sold
"GO dee the May Coreetl� at S 0'
It is a little Gem for the Money,.(Sizss from 18 to 25).
the high seas.
The Builders' Labourers' Union,
Toronto, has resolved that nine hours
f shall constitute a Clay's work
after June 1st.
Geo. H. Leonard, the missing
Hyde Park, I11., attorney, is thought
to be in Canada, His thefts and lie
!Allies are $40,000.
A young sou of John Rombeani;h,
of Foxboro', was killed by the kick of
a Dolt, while in the field with his
father on Friday last.
Tho Lambton teachers adopted un•
auimously a resolution approviug of
the adieu of the Minister of Baileetion in Having prepared a series o
ecriptural readings for use in schools.
At the recent session of tiro P. E.
I. Legislature a bill was passed 10
enable the Charlottetown City Cann•
oil to issue debentures for $8,000 to
meet the cost of the smallpox epidemidee of last fall and winter.
A faebionabiy.stressed and Land -
some woman named Marie Belletnore
has been arrested at 'Montreal for rep.
resenting herself to be the daughter
of a prominent merchant 805 pur-
chasing goods in hie name.
On Friday morning last constables
connected with the London bureaus
armed themselves with tweuty-seven
warrants and invaded the county of
Middlesex in search of violators of
the Scottt Aut.
The ten -year-old B
ffirookville boy de-
tected in the ant of opening a post -
Wilke box from which many letters
had been previously abstritoted de-
clines to make any confession and
has beau committed for trial.
A convention of delegates from the
four counties of Cape Breton is to be
held et Sydney, to determine what
stepe ®Nall be'tekeu to secure separa-
tion froth No Bootie and local salt.
government as a Province of the
There bee just died in Dumfries
township Mre, David Cope, in her
eighty-second year. She was born in
New York State, but while young re.
moved'to the township of Beverley,
where, in 1824, eke was tuarried by e
magistrate to her now surviving ]Fits
Goads O Blood, and Light Mae.
We still continue to take the Lead in
OurjStock is one of the Choicest, and for Quality, Style, and Price are
Many may question the accuracy of this statement, but we would kind-
ly ask the most casual observer, to take a visit to our store,
some the length of the Millinery Department, and
there you will meet with a deserving
We Owe u, lot of'the Busi,
Bustle to Our .l dvertisentert.i-s.
Why should we not ? We advertise nothing only what a Gennin o
House is prepared to act up to. Now, we say with all confidence that
we can Sell Millinery at Prices Unheard of in Brussels. Now we can
do this, we only ask you to Come and
Inspect our Stoop,
Zee ger Tovnelves
Ani, Decide °lir Value.
It will repay the Pocket of the Public to note these Facts.
Come and See Our Millinery.
Our Trade is more than doubled this Season. Don't forget to ask
to see the'jMay Corset at 60c.
G. o well,
The Great Gly Millinery House.