HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-5-28, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST
WOOL WOOL VErnAxErteAr atorodayFPdrs' ' oto a
"WAIN-•i�--q^ �-8-7 -•r-� Tint next public ]holiday will bo
N1r -C�...N '1 i.3J Jniy let. It comes on a Thursday
QUANTITY TnE yeadividend to ereditoes in eon•
nection with the Drowe estate
I luno prepared to Pay the I-Bgh- ' amednts to 15 cents ou the dollar,
est Mnrltot Price in Cush. Len Monday was a quiet day in
R ■ GRAHAM, town, comparatively speaking. A
s large number of our residents were
BRUSSELS. : out of town.
MR8. JAMES Ross has been seri-
ously ill daring the early part of this
weak, but we aro pleasad,to state she
is improving nicely now,
THE Queen's Birthday brought
Miss Maggio Shaw, of Moorefield, A.
Sbiel, of Toronto, A. M,Kay, Dudley
and Hilton Holmes, of Goderich, and
others to town.
JAMES VAMP:BELE malls the attention
of the public, by a poetic effusion, to
the fact that he is prepsred to repair
all sewing machines in;a way to guar-
antee satisfaction. Bead his an-
A ahfcl's among ye takin' otos TSE now advt. of Great & Co., who
A.n' faiNa he'll (rent it. purchased the stook of Jas. ]Drowe,
may be read this week. They have
DANIEL CLARK i8 Bial( with Wiliam- a large and complete stook and are
oration of the bowels.
Melee your wants known through
the columns of THE POST.
0ADaAoo plants at McCracken's,
Jae. W1Lsoe, V. S., of Wingbam;
was visiting F. W. O'Brien, V.S., last
Tuesday..at 'Sleevelet, on May 24th, to run a
Miss LIMA O'CowNon sang aa 100 yard foot race at the Caledonian
concert in Seaforth on Monday even- Games, Brussels, for stake of $25,
or upwards, and as a guarantee of my
challenge 1 have deposited $5 with
F. S. Scott, Chief Caledonian Society,
Agreement to bo signed and baiance
of stake to be put up by June 32th,
NEW HEARSE•—Tho new hearse be-
longing to the undertaking deport-
ment of R. Malcom's shop ie compht-
ed. It is a handsome vehicle. Tie
gear is a Monarch. The wheels,
pole and whiffletrees were made by
Jas. Walker, the blaoksmithing be
ing of this weak. D. Ewan, and the body of the hears,
Fon best value in General Groceries, by Mr. Malcom. There are platt
Crockery and Glassware, go to Thomsons,
- one door north Iiaycroft Bros.
W. M. GRAY, wife and daughter, of
Seaforth, were visiting at Rev. W.
Smyth's last W'edneeday.
Tux demand for Mis. Alexander's bon
ton millinery continuos unabated.
MRS. Jona NonT, and son started
for Clay Centre, Kansas, last Tues-
day afternoon. We wish them a safe
and pleasant journey.
'I'aE cheap Saturday excursions aro
now run to Kincardine. The fare is
$1 00 for round trip, with privilege of
returning on any `train on Monday.
WE regret to hear that Miss
Henry's mind is so impaired that she
will be sent to some asylum for
treatment. We hope her recovery
will be speedy.
Pensmos selling eggs aro cautioned
against packing them in salt as they
will only receive half prion for them
at the stores as the salt interferes with
tho yolk of the egg.
,& meensOM11 new Newcombe piano
has been pnrcnased by G. L. Ball,
L. D. S., of this plane. The instru-
ments turned out by this manufaetory
aro very highly spoken of.
CABBAGE plants, early and late; toZdato
plants, house and bedding plants in endless
variety, at The; Kelly's Greenhouse.
REPORTS say that there is very lit•
the prospect of the grain market ris-
ing, so farmers would do well to sell
their staples grain before the now
crop comes in, Try Brunets mar-
WHAT about the street wateriug ?
Some of our business mon *ant the
street opposite their business places
watered at the expense of other mer•
chants, wo aro told. Let everybody
play fair and all will go well.
THE A. 0. U. W. Lodge has chang-
ed its nights of meeting from Wed-
nesday to the 1st and 8rd Monday in
each month, Three new members
were added to the roll last Wednes-
day evening. association• to bo known as the
TENDERS are asked, through'an acs- "County of Huron Cricket Assoeia-
vertisement in THE Peerfor 40 or 76 tion," and the following officers were
acres of laud eligibly situated for a ' elected for the prosect season ; Presi-
Poor House for Huron Oo. This dent, E. E. Wade, Brussels ; Vice•
time worn subject will be brought up Pres,, R. J. Stark, Godorioh; Sec. -
once more ab the meeting of the Treas., W. Jackson, 01lnton, By -
County Council next week. laws and constitution were adopted,
Tan Western Fireman, pubIlehsd and the. following matches for the
at Chicago, says :—''A little sensation season arranged :--May 241h, Gode-
will be created in manufacturing Dir- rich vs. Brussels, at Brussels ; June
cies when it is known that a Cana-. 7111, Clinton vs. Goderich, at Gode-
dian steam fire engine builder had a rich ; June 19111, Seaforth vs. Gode-
bid 10 for the steamer recently con. rich, at Goderich ; Juno 21st, Bens -
leaded for at bt, Paul. The protein- eels vs, Clinton, at Clinton; July 1st,ural Society
cunt bid was mach lower than any Godorioh vs. Brunelle, et Goderich; aeon to bo
other, though it was made with the July 1st, Clinton vs. Seaforth, at _1 f the Col-
4lndcrstanding that the city should Seaforth ,, July 15th, Seaforth vs. caul Exhibition, ' It, 3Owever, did
pay the duty In ease a °untrue, was Brnssels, at Seaforth ; July Milt not arrive in time, end airangements
made. It is hardly likely that Can- Clinton ve. Goderich, at Clinton ; were made that itphbuld le presented
ado will compote with the United Aug, 5, Clinton Vs. Seaforth, at Clint by Sir Charles Tupper, bt on open -
States to any alarming extent in tie ton ; Aug. 12111, Seaforth vs. Goderioll ing the atm the flowers w• a found 10
manufacture of fire apparatus. The at, lieaforth , Aug, 19111, Seaforth 78. bo utterly, destroyed, and th ceremony
Ronald steamer can down them every Brussels, at Goderich ; Aug, 81st, had to bo declared off, .omebody
time either for price or efficiency. Clinton vs. Brnssele, at Brussels, abound Loretto an onion her
Trains leave Brussels eta tido, north and
Going south. Going aorta.
Usil 15 man.' Mixed 0;88 a.m.
Express.. ..,.11;45 a.m. Moll 'AAO p•m.
Mixed 8.50 p.m Express 1028 p.m.'rhe morning train south and the night train
worth will only ran on Tuesdays. 'Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
.l7.Cia,!•G`' Ch7$±.C11l.
able to supply the public with any
thing from "a needle to all anchor."
Take a look at the advertisement.
CHALLENGE.—I, James Jones, of
the village of Brussels, hereby chal-
lenge Go t. Msogrove, of the township
of Turnberry, who competed with me
lag last.
Witmer ALEXANDER will buy or repair old
JOHN HALLIDAY, of London, former-
ly of Brussels, was in town for several
days this week.
Tim cricket club talk of giving a
concert on the evening of the Bras
eels Caledonian games.
Kent the 22nd of Juue as a free
day. Die the day of the Caledonian
games in Brussels.
SOCIAL in the basement of the
Methodist church on Thursday even -
glass sides, back and front, 6 urnes
with plumes, 2 lamps, 2 silver plated
rails, gold fringe and tassels and a
French boot seat. The outfit reflects
credit on the proprietor's workman-
ship. Roach. the new advt. this week
and see what he has to say about his
Toe last new venture in illustrated
journalism is The Mirror, an eight
page paper published in Toronto,
whose aim is "to hold, as 'twore, the
mirror up to nature," in accordance
with Hamlet's advice to the players.
We do not praises to know how finch
a publication, issued at 5 cents per
copy, or $2.00 annual subscription,
can be produced with such a degree
of excellence and yet be found remin-
erative ; but thee is, after all, "none
of our business." The initial number,
which is printed on toned paper and
may be characterized as a perfect
mode of typographical perfection,
contains original illustrations of the
presentation of the North-West medal
to the Toronto volunteers, some in-
tereeting views from the vicinity of
Ottawa and Peterborough, portraits of
the twelve members of the Toronto
Baso Ball club, and also some capit-
al original comic sketches. Great
attractions aro promised for the sec-
ond number, including illustrations
from original sketches of the anti.
Scott Aot dynamite outrages at
HURON OnucasT A550a1ATION.-0n
Tuesday of last week a meeting of the
leading cricketers of the county was
held at the Ratteubury House, Olin -
ton, for the purpose of forming a
County Association. There wore
present Messrs. Malcomeon and Stark
of the Goderich olub ; Messrs. Holm •
stead and Wilson, of the Seaforth
club ; Messrs. Wade and Dennis, of
the Brussels club ; Messrs. Bray and
Jackson, of the Olinton club, After
diseuseion, it was resolved to form an
1.1'k'it81NT5VE WANTED,
A steady boy, 15 or 10 years of age, with
good English education, wanted to learn
printing. Apply at Tilt Poe Publishing
House. --At once.
G. A, FEAR was home fey the
Queon's Birthday.Vicar heavy white frosts some
of these nights. '
Tint fireb day of summer, Jane 1st,
will be ushered In next Tuesday.
T1114 father and mother of Mis. D.
A.. Smabe were visiting in town this
GEORGE FoieerTH returned this week
from a few weeks visit to old friends
in Renfrew county. He Saye the Scott
Act is working in that county first-
Tag children of St. John's Church
Sunday School are to give a choral
service in Walton church on Sunday
Haat, at 8 o'clock. The service will
be conducted by E. 13. Burt.
TOE Grand 'l'runk Co, refusing eo
place au early train at the diseases of
the people of this locality on the
Queen's Birthday it, another proof of
how little they care whether they are
obliging or not. What wo want is a
competing hue so that we will not be
tut the mercy of the G. T. R.
Canadian News.
The widow of Biel died en Monday.
It ie oxpeoted that the Manitoba
Legislature will prorogue on '.Thure-
The Better terms Bill has been
read a second time in the Manitoba
Indians, for some time hanging
round Regina, have been forced to-
wards their reserves.
Five Bowmanville hotel -keepers
have been fiusd $50 and costs each
for violation of the Scott Act.
The drill shed of the 18th (Hamel.
ton) Batt. was eompletely destroyed
by fire on Saturday night.
It is reported in Montreal that the
0. P. R., Montreal Telegraph Com-
pany deal has been consummated.
A Victoria B. 0.. woman soundly
thrashed a Chinaman last week for
improper conduct before her two
Flues to the amount of $600 were
imposed on Peterboro'liquor dealers
last week for violation of the Soott
The St. Thomas Chief of Polios re-
cognized a thief named Vincent by a
•ed necktie he tied purchased with
'tolen funds.
Calgary in one week Llai au Odd-
fillows' ball and soiree, a St. George's
Society dinner, a calico ball, and a
Tenements' thunderstorm.
It is estimated that the Dost of pur-
°teeing the toll roads about which
tin Hamilton and Wentworth Coun-
cil' aro negotiating, will be $260,000,
no London Trade and Labour
Cocil refused to adopt a motion
tbalking Hon. John Carling and W.
R. Meredith for parliamentary fa -
70013.M s, P. O'efahony, of Guelph, set a
hen n a dozen eggs, and the result
was hirteou chickens. One of the
eggs bad a double yolk that gave
'1'b young women of Lindsay to
them tabor of 200, who work in man-
ufactu mg establishments, purpose to
form organization similar to the
Knigh of Labour. ca
Then is only ono use of smallpox
in the [oravian Indian Reserve, and
the patent 18 recovering. No fresh
cases a anticipated, as the most en.
ergetic ?reeautions to prevent . the
spread 0l the disease have been taken.
Barrie protests against . Orillia's
nerve. n the Queen's Birthday the
Queen's wn Rifles visited Crinin
and the Grenadiers visited ,Barrie,
and in co nection with the visit of
the Qusei s Own, Orillia advertised
an exalt on from Barrie to that
town- B ris♦ was horrified, • .
There is war between two farmers
of Salisbury Man. One lent the b 1I
Other it COW which he refuses -to
return on the round that he gave a
TIM for it. MM other contends that
he gave a geebldr for the hen end
must havo thsbeli A final ultima-
tum from thl powers is expected
every day. ' i
According ti the Peterborough
Times the Cautdian Pacific Railway
must be ranninga special fast Scott
Act express. A'young man of that
town who on Satirday was reported
to have gone to Iritislt Columbia was
home again on Monday, evening fol-
lowing. He was wantel as a witness
in a Scott Act cafe.
The Montreal I3orticll t
sent a bouquet to the
presented at the openin o
MAY 28, 1880.
33rendoli has 798 single melee and
577 single females.
Ottawa Werke Imo began an agi-
tation for shorter hours,
On Thursday, May 0, Oaigery ex•
perionced the severest snowstorm of
the winter,
Tnosday beet was the 108rd anus-
vorsary of the landing of the loyalists
at St. John N. B.
Duuwioll Township has defamed it
bylaw to raise $4,000 for the Dutton
High School.
Richard Harrison, of Scott, townehip,
keeps 120 hone, and gather° on an
average 75 eggs a day.
The police made a oaptere of 80
gallons of whiskey at Langdon, f1• -W.
T., recently, together with' a waggon
and outfit.
Luke Sharp, of Columbus, Ontario
County, has been committed for trial
for seducing his sister in-law, mut for
procuring an abortion.
Jtldge Travis, of Calgary, has been
given leave of absouee pending the
investigation by the commission of
the charges made against him.
The Manitoba Legislature favours
guaranteeing four per cent. Interest
on the bonds of the Hudson Bay Rail
way to the extent of ;4,500,000.
Fifty men loft Winnipeg in the be-
ginning of the woes( for Donald, en
the 0. le. R. line, where they will be-
gin the erection of Anew shade and itt
the same time fifty men wore sent
alit to the work of building round-
houses, stations, and water tanks be-
tween Donald and the western term -
inns at Vancouver Oity.
MoGuxnu,—In Brussels, ou the 25th inti,
the wife of Mr. Arthur McGuire of a
S1 uinc, In Walton, on Tuesday, May 25th
Annie Maud, second daughter of Rev.
T. J. Sabipe, aged 8 years, 5 months.
8rustist. a JSXarico,t•
OonnecrsD OAnarcLLv H7807 Wain.
White Fall Wheat........ 74 76
Red Winter 75 77
Spring Wheat 50
Barley 45
Oats 28
Peas 51
Butter, tube and rolls 11
Eggs per dozen 0
Flour per barrel 4 50
Potatoes 25
Hay per ton
Hides per lb
Dressed 11'oga
Salt per bbl., wholesale . t ..
Sheep skins, each
8 00
0 00
5 00
1 00
ANTED A GIRL, 12 or 14
scare r0f ego, as nano. Apply to Mrs*
T. O'Neil, Bruseols,
cont. Straight leans. Apply
to N',
80- Oranbrook.
Atewsplendid ,itnerovod,tarms for sale
to the township of Grey, Morrie and Alol(fi-
lop. Apply to A DELGArTY ,0 o Auctioneer
BrusselsP 0. 15.00
trigs, end Private Houses painted and
decorated in modern styles at reasonable
rates. Estimate given. Address—
70-tf Godorioh.
l�fl sox having returned from Toronto,
where she was under the instructions of Prof,
Forsyth for the bast six months, is now pro-
parotitogive instructions onthe piano or or-
gan. Terms made known on aplineation,
undersigned will keep curing this tea -
SOU, at lot 14, con, 12 Grey, (near Oranbroek)
athorongh bred Durham Bell for service,
Tanats.—$1,00 per °ow, payable at time of
cervica, with the privilege of roturniugit'ne1-
44•ti Oaaubrook.
dersigned offers for sal p 10D acres, being
lot 0, con, 10, Grey, 80 olearod, bolanoe timber-
ed with beech and maple. A comfortable
house and barn is on thefplase,
TERlis; To suitpurohaoer, • Aoply to
BOST, 0lc1':111G13TON,
47.0 Brussel%
of land suitable for a site for a poor
Benue within a moo of the limits of the towns
of.Godorioh, Olihtop, BSaforth and Winghom
or the villages of 19xoter, Blyth and Brussole,
or any other plana in the County within a mild
of a station. adorn statin price per sore will
neat 00iVed by the undersigned754A AltisoN luno
47-8. 51 00. Clerk.
2 new Lumber Waggons, 2 new Buggies, 1
Plow,1 Set of arab-mase Iron Harrows, 1811-
ver(vatoh• Tboab0vowilIboeold cheap for
005000o. time, or will be eaohanged for
cordwood. Al0Oaga•tntityot Lath on hand.
Anply to P. 0. 110GE118,•
42. Brussels.
W. Morrie,
BxseLslon Inou 1Vonns, MITSnLLL, O T.,
Manufacturer of three different kinds of
Windmills, , The elmpleek, strongest and most
setlsfaotory W tudmill yob made, Por pump.
ing water, sawing wood, chopping grain or
driving any light moo/unary they have 110
equal, StyOELEB11AT14DPCMPS have 0e•
°urode world-wide reputation: I guarantee
them as being Superior to many now in the
market, andoquai to any ever made, They
will throw water 800 foot, or force is n mile 00
the level. Farmors and. stookmmn are re -
ghosted to send for particulars before buying
either a Windmill or o Pomo as I claim the
mine aro the bo14 D£ the market,
It tille`91.
lti'ciNTO 811 tb lbieTAGGAIBT,'
)3ANIfEI4S, 131ttISoT,S,
Transact a General Banking
ji ISi126SS. ,
500101111(13 :limo mated.,
Itttir111 H11N)1 r.1 .1.1,m111 1 r,:+sr.1'de 04
Prompt ,tut a1.)., ,liv°a t•, e.dieotlonx,
doe, (heat's Block, Brussels. Money le
tloll, L. moo form0rly 000(1(404 b V 1. .T, Ste.
o1 q., ua 0.0kio's ala01, '.f rney tr 10an
a Darrow d: Proudroos, Goderich) Solid.
icor, Conveyancer, .00, °oboe, araub's block,
Brussels. Money to loan.
the pourth Division Court Co. Huron,
Conveyancer, Notary Patine, Land, Loan and
Ineornuoo Agent. Fends invested Hud to loan.
Collections land°. muco in Graham's BJoc):
Brussels, .-.z
T A. b[cNAUGHTON, 8I. D., C.
5 M. L. n, 0. P. Edinburgh. Physician,
Surgeon and deeonehour.. Officio, Mrs. Sh1o1's
block, Toraberry Street.
L. E. Cpo. P. Edinburgh,•
Eo idenee,on ACfitl'5,,ont nUdloo at Har-
greaves' Drug Store.
(1 L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR
VI • Graduate and tramper of 1110 Royal
College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. 1120
various anesthetics given; also a 110•T local
anresthebio for the gums only. All a 10001)ohs
carefully porinrmod and guaranteed. Prices
u eta store. 8 o.w. to 825.
of Marriage Licenses, Olfoo at his
Grocery, Turnberry street, 2.38
Lboe5riago Licenses, by appointment of
oaaot-Govoruot•, Commissioner, dm.. Q.
B. Oouveyaa0(r and Agent Niro luseranee Oo.
Odioo at the Oran/nook Post Office,
Robert Cunningham;
Guelph, - Ontario.
some of the betaAccident ndm eLeah t nrbablo Uginpnn
los in tho Dominion, 00003 Brick Torra0c,
Turuborry Stteet, near the station. On
01 Chorea h Bass, Voea1 and Inatru;
mental Music 011 Plono, Organ and Guitar.
Reeierenee—Ledieo of sidence-3o. e—No. 2 south 13riok Tarmac
44.8m Brussels, Ont.
L.• Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College,
has resumed the practice o f Jo lit Nott, V. s„
and as prepared to treat all diseases of domes-
vioatod animals ou eotsusiaa mud approved
prineiplee, Treatment of delloato teals a
specialty. Omoe at John Nett's, V. S.
.Bring your lame horses to Daniel Ewan, he
Brussels, Having practised for years and
risonto the highest position la the 'leading
horse.ohming establishment of (4raham,Ediu
burgh, Scotland. Also havingpalled 81111
honors through the Royal Veerinary Shceing
Wool ,of l.B.Smith,London, Einland whore
hundreds o1 crippled hora50 parsed our
hands daily I eau safely guarantee to euro eon -
treated fort et interfering Mooser. How work
and ropairtrrng of alt kinds done on reasonable
terms, and workmanship that will (lune°. By
giving mo a ea I feel 008100od J: would secure
emu trade, . D. E WAN,
^17-11 Hunter's 010 Stand.
many oe
wishes to for
fag burned Out of the old stand bas fitted up a
shop in Smelm'e Bleat( in first•olasn style
whore 110 hopes to see all the old customers
keep nothing(ta but II1e8 elope meats call
kindeof Poultry arid Sausage Meat. Deliver-
ed to all parts of the iowu Free, Cash paid'
for Fitt Btaois.
tug lot 14, on the loth oon.00ntointng 100
mores, south part lot 15 ou 10 con., containing
45 acres, Lot 14 is partly olearod the bal-
ance well timbered. A norm falling °rook
aromas the tot and it fit walla daptodfor farm.
ing or grazing. Lot 15 is mostly olearod and
nutlet good oulbivatlon, the balance well tlm..
in parts 1 self the pnrehaso', For tgribor
particulars apply to the proprietor on the
arom�0 s..Thl0lot is well draine001d0,
An Excellent Farm,
On. Wednesday, 23, at 4 o'clock p, ?Jt.
Capt. Stratton, Auotioaeer, has received in-
okthepreiinisec,11.0 11 Yes of
excellent laud, belay lots 12&advert of 1s, on
060. 5, Gray, and 80 acres, part of lot 24 con. 4,
Gray. Thera aro 100 aere9 cleared, the 1alanoo
is hardwood bush, There is n woll.aniohed,
comfortable:, brick house, bank barn, outbuild-
ings, orchard, Gale, good fences, Rc„ on tho
protnis05. 82 aures of Wheat, 80 acres of oats,
and a dorms of peas, are now growing, Pc alebs-
itnt will be given 80 days after °ale. Taints.—
10 Her dont of partime° money to be paid at
time of Palo • tudlelont to make Op Inc half' of
the prima in t10 days,whoa poa0oesiolo will Us
given, and balsam o bo seemed on mortgage,
rex 8, 4 or 5 years at 0 par. Dont. -pot- (0122.11171,'rho proOorty wilt bo sold 51311508 00 0 0000050
bid, The title is perfect, The reason for Sell.
ing is the PrOPrietOr fs giviug to fartning,
For further paltloulars apply to the Auo-
timrotr, Or 10 1tOBT, b10BE1.E,
Propl•lotor, l341111eo18 F,0••