HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-5-28, Page 7tMAy 28, 1860,
`.CITE .1:1RUSS 81.I,11:3 POST.
him gazed upon the burnished brace
Of plump ruffed grouse ho allowed with
Angelic grief wan in her fano:
How could you do it dear ? she sighed,
The poor, pathetic moveless wings 1
The songs all hushed ; oh, oruel shame I
Said be, the partridge never singe,
Said she, the sin is quite the ammo.
You men are savage through and through,
A boy is always bringing in
Some string of bird's eggs, white and blue,
0k butterftiee upon a pinj
The angle worm in anguish dies.
Impaled, the pretty 10011 to teaee—
My own, we fish for trout with flies,
Don't wander from the question, please I
Sho quoted Burn's "Wounded Bare,"
And certian burning lines of Blake's,
And Ruskin on the fowls of air,
And Coleridge on the water snakes,
At Emerson's "Forbearance" he
Began to feel his will benumbed ;
At Browniug's "Donald" utterly
His soul surrendered and succumbed.,
0h,,gentleat of all gentle girls,
Ho thought, beneath the blessed sou I
Ho saw her lashes hong with pearls
And sworn to give away his gun.
Sho smiled to find her point was gaioed
And wont, with happy parting words
(He subeoquently ascertained),
To trim her hat with humming birds 1
A littlewith tth aonteut, 18 much
To hint who'll not refuse 0,
Who takes it as the Lord has soot,
And then done rightly use it.
Most men, with nothing, have a thought
That life would bo a pleasure
I1 they could share, in smallest part,
With those wbo have the treasure,
But is this true ? Experience shows
That, in this world of Borrow,
The man who fights for broad to -day
Will fight for pie tomorrow.
Ho vows he does not wont the earth ;
His thoughts are far above it ;
The gold of Indus and of Or,
His simple tastes don't covet.
A very little meets his wants;
Enough to furnish living,
He mays, is all a man should ask,
And thank the Lord for giving.
But, is it true? Well, if it bo,
Tho truth you'll have to borrow,
The man who fights for broad today
Will fight for pie to -morrow.
Of wealth, fraction's all ho asks,
With smallest numerator,
Sot out in unit bold, above
A large denominator.
That malcee the sum of all bin joys,
Of all hie hopes and blisese ;
'Tie all he needs, 'cis all he prays ;
'1ie broad and cheese and kiesea.
But, is it true? Yon bet it ain't,
For in this world of sorrow,
The man who fights for bread today
Will fight for pie to -morrow.
There is ono thing almost ae strong
as truth itself, and that is pereeouted
Much learning shows how little
mortals know ; much wealth how lit.
tle worldinge enjoy.
THAT hooking o ough 0011he so quickly cured
A4 Shiloh'o urs, We guarantee it Sold by
Conduct is the profession. Behav-
ior is the perpetual revealing of us.
What a man does tells uo what ho is.
Strain is not strength, strength is
not straining. Regulation is reality,
and reality ie rule, and rule is rest.
All nations have agreed in the ne-
cessity of it etriot education, which
consisted in. the observation of moral
Why will you cough whom Bhiloh'e Cure will
give immediate relief. Prlee leo.,50o, and a1.
Bold by G. A,Doadman.
The administration of government,
like a guardianship, ought to bo di-
rected to the good of those who con-
fer, and not to those who receive, the
trust. •
Teach self•deninl and make its
practice pleasurable, and yon create
for the world a destiny more sublime
than ever issued from the brain of
tho wildest dreamer.
Shlloh'eOure wlllimmedlatel5 relieve Croup,
Whooping Cough and nrouahitte. Sold by G,
A. bondman,
Few things are 0o unpleasant to eat
as humble pie, and it 1s a good man
who will sharpen leis knife and band
up his plate for a slice, rather than
lot a grudge continuo or an old sore
Vox Dyspepsia and Livor Complaint, you
bave&printed guarantee on every bottle of
8hlloh's Vitaliser. 1t never (elle to ours, Sold
by G,A, Deadman.
Imprudence is nu virtue, yet able
to beggar them all, being for the
ihost part in good plight, when the
rest ataxvo, and capable of carrying
her followers up to the highest pre.
ferment, found es useful in a court ae
armor in a camp.
A Nasal Iniootor free with each bottle of
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Prion *Omits. Sold
by G. A. Headman,
A. true motherhood is a dowry for
a daughter, and a portion for a son,
more priceless than a legacy for mil-
lions. To have a good mother is to
go full aimed to life's eternosi battle,
and to stand well equipped before its -
harshest brunt. To have a bad
mother is to stand unsheltered ander
the black sky,, ltnsoreened beneath
110 pelting hail.
1fe, 11ko war, is n serine of mi
lichee ; and he is not the best 01r11
tan nor tho best general who malt
the foweel false stops, Poor nodi
crit, mny secure that, but he is be
wbo wine the most splendid Viotari
by retrieval of mistakes.
To the man that feels there ja n
podltiou, that there aro no circum
stances in which be may not by effo
and patience, by faith and prays
fulfil the purposes of the Creator r
gardibg him—to ouch a man tl
question, "Is life worth living ?"
irrelevans, for it has been answers
beforehand, and answered in the a
Aro you made miserable by Indigestio», Co
tilmtlou,Dlrzinoee, Lome o1 Appetite, Ye110
Skin ? Shiloh's Vitaliser is a positive our
Sold by G A. Demdman.
Never give way to melancholy„ N
thing encroaches more. 1 figb
against it vigorously. Ono gra
remedy is to take short views of life
Are you happy ? Aro you likely t
remain so until this evening, or nex
month, or next year ? Then, wh
destroy present happiness by a dis
tent misery, which may never com
at all, or you may never live to se
it ? For every substancial grief ha
twenty shadows, and most of the
shadows of your own malting.
The Boy. Goo. H. Theyer, of Bourbon, Ind
days 1—°Both myself and wife owe our 1Ives t
Shltoh's Consumption euro." Sold by G. A
Ho has no joy who Ills no trust
Tho greatest faith brings greatest
And I believe because I must ;
And would believe in perfect meas-
Therefore I send
To yon, my friend
This key to open mines of•treas•
Bre —
Whatover else your hands restrain,
Let faith be free, and trust remain.
Tho kind of. purity the Christian
world ought to have to -day is this.;
The purity of the little ermine, whose
hair and skin are white ae the driven
avow ; and when that little animal
leaved its den, the only way they can
capture it, is to smirch its pathway
with muddy water, and when it re-
turns to its home, and comes to
where the dirt and water aro in the
pathway, it will lie down to capture
or death, rather than smirch one of
its white hairs.
Airs. Robert Hooper �� of ilifmose, county of
Druce, in a letter, Bayo;='I halo boon troubl-
ed with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints for a
number of years, and am glad to day to the
pubiio as well as friends, that MaGrogor'm
Saar al! Ouro
right, thanksht mto Mc(nt egor's Speedy
Cure." Hundreds of like testimonials aro fre-
ie truly avwonderful remed proving that
y, oaring Slug-
gish e Liver, Billions Headache d Costiveness
who's all oleo Store.
Bold at Johne g v Hargreaves
& Uo'e Drugstore. Trtulbottles given lino.
Why dost thou sorrow for the happy dead?
Fey, if their life be loot, their toile are o'er
And woe and want can trouble them no
Nor ever slept they in an earthly bed
So sound as now they sleep, while dream-
less laid
In the dark chambers of the unknown
Where Night and Silence guard each seal-
ed door.
0 -
10 '
Go, torn from snort as these thy drooping
And mourn the Dead alive, whose spirit
When life departs, before his death had
Who knows no Heaven beneath Life's
gloomly skies,
Who sees no hope to lighten up the gloom,
'Tie he who feels the worm that never dies,
The real death and darkness of the tomb.
Hugging eociables at so much a
hug, ministers free, are very popular
in Bute M. T.
Tho farmer has one advantage in.
the counterfeit butter bueiness—ho
dosn't have to eat it.
The virtue of Carbolic Acid for healing
aleansing and purifying is well known; but
from the many in odes of applying 1t, the ub-
Ilcieuncertain .how to use it. To meet that
want. McGregor & Parke'e Oarbollo Oorato is
ra ated, and may be need with ooa8dunoe.
Do not be misled, Take only McGregor &
Parko'o Carbolio °orate, Bald at John Har-
greaves & 00'0. Drug Store.
An Iowa scientist calls attention
to the fact that this is the year for a
return of the 17•year-old lomat.
"Su do I I" sighed the tramp as he
gazed wistfully at the clothing house
placard—one dollar pants for fifty
"Will Greece fight 2" asks the Bos •
ton Hearld. We would say that if
this weather continues she will pro-
bably run.
Frankie is four years old and not
much accustomed to nausea. One
morning ho was pretty eiok, and said
very sadly, "I don't know what
makes me joggle so inside."
A phenomenal baseball pitcher,
who struck out 27 men in a recent
game, nays the secret of curve pitch.
ing can bo learned by watching a wo-
man trying to lilt a hen with a stone,
The chairman of a gang of moon•
lightore, who formerly was a printer,
sent in the body of a revenue officer
who was riddled with buckshot, and
with it was a note saying :—"`Phe
body of this matter is leaded."
An old baeholor. days, "'There's
groat sight more jewelry worn nOw•an
days than when I was young, lint
thore'e one piece that I always ad
mired Whielt I don't ofton Hoe now.'
"What is that 2" asked a young lady
"A thimble," was the reply. He
was r.'gerded with contempt and scorn
by every lady in the room for tho rest
of the evening,
Do 1'lenut--SU the Jones -Brown
match is broken off, is it ? D'Ookey
—Yes 1 The Browns objected to
Jouos being so deuced economical
Do Hestia --Y011 astonish ]tie, D'Otr
key—Yes 1 lie sent circulars to all
the mioistere in town asking for their
lowest matrimonial terms and old
Brown locked,
A coloured man wont into a Galves-
ton newspaper office, and wanted to
eubocribe to the paper. "How long
do you want it ?" asked the clerk,
"Jos as Jong as it is, boas ; if 11 don't
fit the shelvee, I kin t'ar n piece off
"1 wouder what makes the buttons
burst riff so," Dora petulantly ex-
claimed. David looked at her tight
dress, "Arco of habit, I think," be
said softly.
hour to Lightning
emove Neuralgia, tEleadaoho, or
aoho, Lumbago or ithoumatimm, but will do is
instantly, and without carrying your head in
Try a 25 omit bottle from John Hargreaves &
Uao.'odruggistulticefos.a day or use gr°dey 1lnamonts,
"You c
u ntlen
y eChUUI, do
you 2" inquired the Rev. Mr. Smith
of Willie, "Then you must know a
great deal about the Bible. Now toll
us something nine that's in the Bible
here, can you ?" "Yeth thir ; Bis
hath some dried leaves in it, a pieih
of Aunt Jane's weddith' dreth. a pioth
of my dreth when I was a baby,
thorn() hair, end Sit,' fellow's pic-
The World's Best.
It is certainly remarkable the wonderful
cures offooted by West's World's Woodor or
Family Liniment. Tile remedy has not an
eRheumatism, She prains,,or Outs,, Bruises and all
diseased requiring external application, Price
25 °onto anis 50 dents per bottle, 001,1 by John
Hargreaves & Co,
Au exchange says : "All the deo•
orative pieces of glade, china or eilver
Oh the fashionable dinner -table are
tall and high at present." Young
man, if you are plotting matrimony
we would inform you that these
things alwayo will be high. Buy 'em
now while they're tall and get your
money's worth.
Slew Trains,
A. man was one day making a trip
on it a "miked" train on a Canadian
road, Passes on these trams are
never taken except on journeys of
considerable length ; walking is as
easy and much faster for short dis-
tances. On this occasion the move-
ment Was much more deliberate than
usual and the passenger called the
conductor to hie seat and said :
"Isn't this motion pretty slow 2"
"Well, we ain't flying, I'll admit,
"Sure everything is all right 2"
"I think so."
"Wheels all greased 2"
"Yes, I greased them myself."
"Tires all on 2"
"Yee, we inn through the creek
back hero and soaked up the wheels
so that they would stay."
"Any spokes loose 2"
"You are certain the wheels are all
on the rails 2"
"They was when I come in.
"Couldn't be possible that any of
them are off and the axle dragging,
could it ?"
I have a slice lot of llal,y Car-
riages on hand that tho Public
should see.
Tlioy aro Well insole, nicely
finished and will be Sold at
Reasonable Prices,
amides ! Collars
and everything in the harness line
on hand.
Also Trunks, Vbliises, Satchels,
&a., t&c.
no St. Paul, Minnoapolis 1 Manitoba
with its 1,500 miles of road. It is the only
line extending through the Park Region of
Minnesota, to all principal pointe in Red
River Malloy, Northern Minnesota, North-
ern o Dakota, a, The
Shortest Route to Fargo,
Moorhead, Sauk Centro, Wahpeton, Cassel-
ton, Breokenridge, and Morris,
The Only Line to Grand Forks, Grafton,
Mayville, Larimoro, Devils Lake, Crooks-
ton, Portland, Hope, Winnipeg, Hillsboro,
Ada, Alexandria, and to
in which there fa now the largest area of
the mosti desirable vacant Government
Lands in the United States. The lands of
the St. Pahl, Minneapolis d; ltlanitdba Rail-
way Oo. in Minnesota aro particularly de-
sirable foil all classes of farming, aro offer.
ed at vor low prices, and easy terms of
paymen and it will bo to the advantage of
all seek' g new homes, to examine them be-
fore pu chasing elsewhere.
Map and pamphlets describing the court -
mailed BEE to any address, by
try, givg rates of faro to settlors, etc.
, Land and Imrhigration pomm'r.
Genered Passenger Agent,
8t. P.451. tit SI. R'y., ST. PAUL, MINN,
i )
arriage Works,
Al made of the Bee Material and finished in a Workmanlike meaner,
•Repairins6 and Painting promptly attended to.
Parties intending to buy should call before
RbFnl00100ES.—Marsden Smith, B. Laing James Cutt and irrrH
&Ivey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewar and D.
"I gess not." Breckenridge, Morrie Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brussels ;
"Are we going up hill ?" Rev. E. A. Fear, ICirkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry Township.
"No, this is pretty rlevel." gait i� REMEMBER THE STAND—SOUTH OF BRIDGE.
"Do you always run at this �'
''No, we generally • hump along
little faster'n this,"
"May I ask what ie the troubl
then 2"
"Certainly. Wo found a fine two.
year-old steer stuck in a trestle book
here, before you got on and dtoppeo
to help it out. You kuow the 04¢Ina
of the road aro in such oases the Jiu•
itnal belong to the company."
"But I don't deo why that sh uld
make you run so thundering sl. ."
"Why, you blame fool, we're to in'
that steer along to headquarters got
it tied behind, and it ain't useto
leadin, and don't walk up very well.
I'm doing all I can ; got the ake-
man prodding it up with an u.. roll',
and an oar of corn tied to the :id of
the bell rope. If you think I'. goin'
to start up and go howlin' aro.;, and
yank the horns of as good a et.er as
there is in the territory, Why you're
mistaken, that's all. Us tr inmen
can't expect our pay unless w bring'
in some stock ouoe'por while." Flour and. reed Always o.
Marriage license foes in A't nitoba d e1 a616
have been reduced from $7.68 to $8, 0
Rev. Dr, Sutherland,;! of London,
spentast Sunday aftttnoon taking Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain.
care of a drunken man, and the even-
ing in denouncing from the pulpit the
10011 who sold him theliquor in viola-
tion of the lioonse law,
WREST at VEIL art:: X'
The undersigned, having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the 111271 itt
First-class Running Order,
And will he glaAlto see all his old customers and as many new ones
as possible. Chopping done.