The Brussels Post, 1886-4-30, Page 8'1$4 13N.U68J,L3 LOST. Amu, 80, 3886, AO TS, Neat, well made German Mus- kets are iu stock at The Post Bookstore and will be sold ata low figure. Call in aucl see them, It won't cost youtallything to have a look at them and enquire the. price. 9 varieties to choose from. THE POST BOOT St OBE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENTION, W G.& 3, R. t Trains leave nruseele Station, north and south, as follows:— tieing South, Going North. Dlall 7:15 a.m. Mixed ............9:95 nay. Express11:45a.m. Mail 9:49 P.m. Mixed 8:5Op.m l Express ......19:93 P.m. The Morning train south and the night train north will only run ou Tuesdays. Phuradaye, and Saturdays. 'an1.eluse1ll, A elders among yo talon' otes An' faith he'll prent it. "Swonet to Silence." Mee. JAs. Dames sr. can aeoomtno• date 2 gentlemen hoarders. SEE the advt. of G. A Powell this week. He is pushing the millinery business right along. JNo. ROBERTSON brought to our offi ie an egg, laid by a black Spanish hen, that meas'.tred 6e x 7 • inches. This is doing well lot a light draft hen.' Dwrca Set and Garden Seeds for the million et McCracken's... Tem big egg season is not over yet, Quinfin McBlain called in witha white Leghorn's egg that measured Ge x 8 -inches, It was a double yolker.^ The N. P. is doing great things for the liana in this section of the county, Last Huron is 10 clover. "Swatter to Silence." exempt and Timothy Seed at 1t2oCraelt. en's.. Is is reported that our Caledonian games will be held at a muoh earlier date than last year and in this way bettor weather will probably be en- sured. Tula week James Kelly has hem making arrangements for watering Main street. Mr. Kelly did the worts very well last year but he intends having a new box and sprinkler for this summer's wort sci ae to do Idle job in a tip top manner. E, E, WADE and 11. Donnie make a great team on the canvassing ,busi- ease. 'This v,eelt they tools a tour around town Rugs secured no leas than 75 members for the cricket club for this year. Practice will Bolin com- 1nen00 90 if you .want to enjoy thi.i manly sport hand over your Deane and the necessary fee to eutitlo you to membership. EASTER MEATS.—Although our but- chers dill not matte touch outside dis- play this Easter with their meats ow- ing to the warm weethe r, the tinkle of their shone were well etooked with as fine lot of meats. At Wm. Blasi• ill's stand there wan to be aeon one 4 year old, fed by Alex. Rues, of Grey, that dressed 800 pounds,, one 8 year old heifer, fed by Jno. Forbes, Grey, tbat•droseed 085 pounds, veal, lamb and pork.—A. Currie had two 2 year old heifers, fed by Geo. Brewer, of Morris, that weighed 500 and G00 pounds alter being dressed, respect- ively, two lambs, a nice calf that weighed 100 pomade, and several pigs. Our butchers get the best there is going every time. Naw Film —This week a now car- riage and horse shoeiug shop was opened ill what uaod to be the livery stable, opposite the Qusen'd hotel stabled, Thomas street. The prop- rietors are Messrs. Watts & btcHag. ue, both preotieal men and full of vim. 111r. Watts is well known here, having had charge of the iron work at the Ronald foundry for a long time, and needs no introduction, Mr. I'fcK.agae comes from Guelph where he has put in years at his business, the time beilig largely spent in horse - shoeing and he is oousequontly well up in this department of Me work. The new firm expect to have a wood worker with them before long and in- tend puslling.the business right along. Read their announcement in another. column. TIM RIND 00 MEN WE WANT.—The Derham Review says :—W. Stewart and A. Lowick, who have so itbly managed the Edge Mills for the past five years we are sorry to state aro abort to leave Durham, Two moro upright, gentlemanly and fair dealing gentlemen wculd be hard to find and they leave Durham without an enemy and with the well wishes of nearly every citizen, and of the teatime in the vicinity. Wo understand they have rented the magnificently °quip. ped Roller Mill from Messrs. Van. stone and Sons, of .Brussels, Ont. and will next week move to that place and take posseesion. With a good 'Hill in a good locality we predict prosper- ity for these gentlemen, ae the better they aro known the better they will bo appreciated and patronized wher- ever they go.. We wish them success 'in their "new surroundings.—The Durham Chronicle adds its opinion of our new residents in the 'following words 1—If ever we regretted a de- parture of any one from where we lived, it is that of Messrs. Stewart & Lowick, who leaye Durham ou the 1st of May. The stereotyped remarke of regret, &c. seem insufficient to ex- press our zeal sorrow. Both gentle - , men are, highly respected by all OI11BB. et and byan honorable business .;opllcsa.11ave justly won the esteem of iiFilietind poor. We aro not in the habit 'of exaggerating and imagine every person who knows than, and: reads the Chronicle will agree' with' na,tthat more straightforward, liberal and honest men never lived in or loft Durham. Honestly we do not. know of a single enemy they have, but we know of friends and well wishors by snores and hundreds. If Mr. Parker, (of Woodstock, not of Durham) had put in rollers, Durham would not have lost these two good citizens, as it is they have leased a large roller mill in Brussels, and as that is a go - a -head plane, we fool sura, of their ultimate moms there and congratu- late Brunets on gaining two such de- sirable adjuncts to their population. If its residents 'don't endorse our views after acquaintance with thein, wo are quite willing to receive a sale utation of antiquated hen fruit when we visit Brussels whiull most assured- ly wo shall next fall. However, in this commotion it is not out of place to ask whether ft would not have boon wise for Derham, to have given a bone to mill owners if they hadn't money or pluck enough to put in rot- lers. SAMUEL HoGGARD has purchased 0 acres of land with a small hone°, and, good sized barn, south of Brussels, from Philip Botz, paying $850 for the property. He:intends going into the hepery businees and in company with Rich. Leatherdale will try bee -keeping on a somewhat extensive scale. The place is very pleasantly' situated and "WO venture to say Mr. Haggard. will not lode money On hie investment. Fon best value in General Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, go to Thomson's, one door north Efayoroft Bros. CrOOD OOLLECT1ow.—P' or the past 20 years B. Leatherdale has been col- lecting curiosities in the way of 31d coins, bird's eggs, sands of different countries, ores, precious etenes, tbc. In the neatly fitted up ease are over 500different coins, brass, silver, gold, paper. •j• mite is the smallest• coin and they run up to an English cart wheel. There is a 25 cont gold piece and over $100 in Confederate bills, Two Boman coins dated back before the Christian ora. Another beare the date 1001 'A. D. Mr, Leatherdale has had a large number of offers for his collection but ho does not want to sell. The case is valued at over $000. An hour oan be epent very pleasantly in . examining these old keepsakes but yeu want blr. L. along for interpreter. 1'1Lo1TLAND PiusssxTERY: —Last Tues- day afternoon the above mentioned Presbytery assembled In Melville church to hoar the question of Rev. J. Ross' proposed translation to Scar - bore' discussed. There was n large attendance of the members of Mel- ville congregation, who were very much interested in the business before the meeting. Rev, Mr. Moliay, and two elders from the Scarboro' con- gregation addressed the Presbytery and gave their reasons for calling Rev. ylr, Ross, and why ho should go. They wore followed by' Alex. Stewart sr., W. 11. Wilson, Duncan MoLaucblin, Alex, Stewart jr,, Jno. Ororar and Dant, Stewart, who, in a very forcible and feeling manner, showed why tho tranelation should not. take piece. The congregation were very deeply moved and when Mr. Rose was called upon his decision was waited most 'anxiously. When, after a few remarks, he stated he felt it his duty tie decline the call and ;amain in Brussels, the clouds dispersed and after compliment- ary remarke from ;Ilov. Mosses. Mc- Quarrie, of Wingham, and Brown, of Wroxbter, in moving .and seconding the resolution that the call be not sustained the Presbytery was (Esmiss. eS by the benediction. At the °1090 of tho mooting a general c tngratul• atory Lillis wag put in and enjoyed by the many friends of Rev. Mr. Ross. We congratulate Melville church in being able to retain their worthy min - aster and personally wo heard the de. cision with a feeling of great eatiefac- tion. We need a good Ilan 1301° just as much as they do at Scarboro'. AN effort is being made to °loan the dry goode -stores tet 7 pan. timing the summer months, Due you read Gen. Pllippen:s adv,. ►laic week ? slit is reatly10 attend to your wants ill ills lino. GREAT bargains are being offered ill Dry Goode and Millinery, the stools of J. Alexander, Read the wive. this week, Goon Friday passed by vory gniot• ly, A. large number of Our residents spent the day at the river, helping or watching the 800001hers, for the body of Mee Olegg W. F. & C: R. VANBOONE intend tak- ing ihiee hotisos to Mauitoba with theta, to be placed on their farms u0tir Winnipeg. They will also take eever'el Noreen, ituplomonts, &'c. 'Pen card of Miss Lizzie Jackson may bo road in this issno. She is prepared to give instrUttiou5 on the piano or organ. Miss Jackson ie a natural lnueloian and ill addition to all the help she has received from local inetructore she has jn,t complet- ed a course of music, extencling raver six months, with Prof. •Forsyth, of Toronto. I1111a8 Jackson hag•fow equals on the piano. P501f.E R'E SNOW,—elks Hate Richardson and Mise Foremen) n) spent Good Friday in Seaforth..—Rev. W. E. Herr; of Essex Co., is home fur .t Week. He wrote at the examination of candidates to the ministry, int Stratford last week, and pealed and will attend the District meeting at Guelph before returning to his circuit. —Duncan Ferguson, of Stratford was' there on Good Friday visiting Iris friesids.—Miss Lily Vanetone ie home from the Ladies' College, Hamilton. —Jno, W. Shaw, of Blyth, put in his Easter vacation at Bruesels,—D. D. Shragg, who wont to Toronto, last week, to consult an oculist about his eye, arrived home Saturday night. The piece of>steel was not .removed although ho was 5 hours under chlo. reform. He oar see a little with the injured member and we hope it will ultimately come all right, or nearly so.—Last Monday James Smiley and wife and Thos. McLaughlin, all of Grey, left Brussels for the Old Coun- try. Mr. McLaughlin intends retch- ing back a number of fillies and per- haps a few horse» with sum, They purchased their tiokets from Thee. Fletoh6r.—Sam. Halliday went on Tuesday to Gladstone, Manitoba. He went via C. P. B., purchasing his ticket from T. Fletcher.—Rev. W. Smyth was away at Auburn this woek attending to tea meeting. IIe spoke on Ireland as his subject, other speak- ers dealing with England and Soot- .bend.—Rev. J. 1. Kerr preached Sun- day Sohool anniversary sermons for Rev. W. Baugh, at Ripley, last Son- day.—Russie lend Regio Fletcher, were In LI ucknow for It tow days feet week visiting their gran 'parents.— Joe, Delano, has given up the'bns busineaa and calling out "all aboard" and will work at the harnose making at 13. Bennie'. Joe is an old band at the business.—lllst Alla'Winstan ly, of Detroit, is visiting with her old school mate, Mre. A.. Wileon.-Hugh McMartin is away 011 a prospecting tour to Nipissiug District.—Juo. Mulholland is home for his vacation. —13. Gerry was on ,the sick list for severed days this week. It is not of- ten B.'G. is off his pins.—This week ,Dr. Holmes was circulating a sub• soription list for the benefit of Wm. Elite, of Morris, who suffered a heavy lees I y the burning of his' stable and live stook. It was a kindly ant on the ,part of the Dr, and we hope he ancoeeded *°l1;—Miss Jessie floss was in Kincardine -,for several days last ' week visiting relatives and frioutle.--W. Hartry.and family mov- ed to Seaforth this week. We are sorry to lose them and we oan assure the poojile of Senforbh that they are getting a goodcitizen.-S. Lean - heart, of'Mitohall, was visiting friends in town on Good Fridity.—Wo had a pleasant call from our old friend Ed. Slemmon, of Ethel, on Wadlios- clay of this ween, He lois been on the sick list for months but is im- proving so niesly that he oontem. plates a visit: to Oalifoeniabefore long with a view of strengthonieg up.— Prof, Moon, of London, Was in town RIM week arranging for classes in Highland dauoing.—Mrs. 'Myers, of Stratford, is visiting her daughter, 'IlIro, Powell, this week. Sho brought Miss Pearl Powell back with her.- Inspector Cavan, of Stratford, was in town for several clays thio weeir,— plisses Stark, of Seaforth, are visit- ing in town.—Oapt. Bowe and Oadet Coiling, are attending the Salvation Army gathering In Toronto this week. —H. Chapman is away in the' Nip. pissing diatriot on a prospecting tour. —The train Tttos, Oalbiok, r. Melly aril F. Hindus were travelling 'on, near Stun Francisco; and which they left to tako a faster traiu, ran over an embankment and sotno 18 persons woro injured or killed, Peoir, gium: tlao prgultl2 til tt 01004 in 'blueing au'l tlloy will moot twice a week in the Town Hail. A ehts-I of j01(3niled itt Highland dancing will be special feature. Fall particulars may be obtained from Prof. Hio•1n, or Jno, Alexnuulor. BORN. ' bt0es$r.—Ott Creed Friday, the Wife of Councillor Dfooney, of a daughter, D1111I+N,- Ill Morris, on the 27th ittat„ the wife of Mr. Jae, Duncan of a son. Woltz.—Ll Grey, on the 20th inst., bbs wile of Dir, Wm. Work of a son. .1lonn10.--In F1 Ingham, on the lith inot., the wife of Mr. A. B. Morris of a datigh• bor. .dTaw.t1T,--Ir Belgre.vo, On the 18th inot., the wife of Mr. Alex. Stewart, hotel-, hoover, of to Hon.. 01E0. Brum.--In Grey, on Wednesday Mar. slat, 1880, Jamas Bird sr., aged sixty-six yea's, eleven months. 130 notch* :51Cix.a•lret. ilalrnaaren •JAgnrunz.r Boats Waklt. White Poll.........100 77 nod \Viutar 712 130 Spring Wheal GO Barley 48 Oats 80 Peas 55 Butter, tuba and rolls ,14 Eggs per donee 10 Flour per bart'el 4 50 Potatoes 211 LIay per lou 8 130 'lidos porlb7 Dreaded. Hugs . 5 00 Salt per bbl., wholesale 00 Shoop satins, each 00 Vlwl 17 700 e; 31 tit 15 00 00 40 0 00 75 5 50 80 1 On 18 acmzawsasa sal 2Weller •taaztar.s ,rclar ma THE ri.3PLE'S COLUMN. v.)1re.NTiiD.—A GENERAL 5311 V V vane axe, at Tan POET Publishing Ho uee. rTt 1V0 R001±9, SUITABLE FOR OOioo, to rent. Enquire at Tire 011 00 Pu Mashing SOuso. OUSE 'Pit LET. --A NICE Rouse, 4 rooms, with upstairs, ploasaut n0lguberhood, 5.1.30 par month, newsmen 17:11 of flay. Apply at Post (nice, 41.9tu0 QUPEP,B DOUBLE DAHLIAS, kJ ONLY 200ts, earth. Parties wishing to ,se- cure Ohara of ti310 popular flower should call ou the undersigned or address ny mail, hullo- ing price. DANIEEL STE WA1LT, 43.4in Boi20, Druasuls,F'. 0. Cw110ICE GAB1II8 FOR SALE.— Afowsplendid ,i,nprovoe,tarrne for solo in the township of Grey, Morris ane MoX31- lop. .lpply so A 11I1,GALTY,00 Auctioneer nrussel0P 0. IHURC11Ea, PUBLIC BUILD— ) logs, and Private /tenses paintod and rdecorated oles. 14stimabo given, Aildr0as reasonable 1f OLUOAS, 00.10 - Godorloh. AK U810.—MISS LIZZIE JACK - 1 cox having returned from Toronto, whore alto was under the inear,oliop5 of Prof. Forsyth for the past six months, is now pee - pared to give fuatritablone on Clio piano or or- gan. Toms made known on application. EE SUPi?1,111iS.--UIVI'1S, 8E0,• 'molts, smokes, extra'tors, foundation, Imad0 from One prize mile and overiyy,ualnp' UOBd in a. kiss White Leghorn on tuts eggs natohloO. leo urOtvn 4..10 0MI'LJ1, 130E15001e. 49 4v ULL F011 SERVICE,--T11E 5uboarlber has a young Thorp -brad Dur- ham 33u11 "Lord Salisbury;' which ho will hoop for service ou lot L5, eon. 8, Goy. 12331W0.-00 for grade 0o we and 54 for thoro'- bred0, foe to bo paid by Jae: 13(1, 109T. Teo animal la a first -otos ono 41 001 01 .iu.h;ted:by his pedigree. SI LLOJLsi L N. 1331, 42-4. Propagator. 'FOR SALE. Y22 now Lumber Waggons, 2 now Buggloe 1 Ptswt1 Sot of are1-O)ae0 iron Harr000, 1 SI1- vor'Watch, The above will bosold °heap for cash or on timO, or will bo axoltonged for Cordwood: Also gasntily of Lath an band. Apply to ., F. 0. 130 alms, 42- Drools. 01IOE Being appointed bloom/ InaliOOber unua0 the Outarin .+o00re,n'lnt my duties will be to enforce Tho Canada Temporauoo'Mt," of 1878 and all parties tltoreeted aro requested to genre thom3e1v43; 3i4MLCi,I,0l?, Inspector. Jam0etown, April eta, 1886, AUCTION SALL' of -A Valuable Farm, Xrt the ''Ostdhip of {Grey, in, the County of • Huron. Undo; and by virtue of a Power of Salo eon - tabled in a c01301n indenture of mortgage, boating ,lata the t1r0t depot Oobobor, A.D. 1883, and made by Donald Motiinhal and Oattterina McNichol. whioh will bo produoed at the limo of sale ,and. in payment of whilst/ default has been made, thorn w111 be old by 'Public Ana tion, at ;RobOrt0op a Rotel, in the village o1 Til Mid, in the (Sothis; aileron, on SATURDAY, MAY nen, 1888. at the hour of Twelve o'clock noon, by Finlay parole Saptb, auotionoots _or, all and singular those '1'ownelitp or ofuGrey in thud e Osuaby of linoremiaoe in tho being composed of the wont halt of lot number twenty-eovo , in the feur111 Oo oOas0lon of tho 'Iolvnsltip of Gray, containing fifty sorsa of land, mbro er 1oso, Thbro aro no buildinge on the land. Tho pro- porbyif 0(tuated in a good farming locality, about 10 miles from the village of Brussels, about nano milee from the tOWn of Listowel, and about throe milds from the village of E 01, oat of wnioli furnish a good market for grain and other prod= o. Tlio foneee are in a good ADM of repair. 'llhoro is a goad wall on Otto 3)remi008 and a young bearing orchard of abont half en acro. There aro about ten acres of 'Woodland,lumberedwith hardwood botch and maple, Tho soil Is of a heavy elay'toam T)tnxs or (341113.—The Vendor's reserves the right tobid, onpor dont, of the p0tahass money to ho paid.te the V endel'e Soltaltor of the time of sale and. thohalftime in thirty days thereafter, Without interest, or the sato° may be allowod to remain on mortgagl ata road nn - able rata of Merest, Title inclisntltable. For further na 010111ar01ipply to 1l, B SCOTT, Aewft0no, or to Bor .E,'WA E Vendor's 0olioltor, te Dateog eat Smolatote 20th of April, 1800, DA°74C(iNg, ` .1.01N 170 111 & Mt'l'ACIOART, .71 13ANALBI, B1IMHILLS, Transact a General .Banking 0. B .ishan. :rats° to hand. dies MI.3 I. 011,0;016'4114.931 )I L'11,1 $1103 r ).10 t ,te 100 demand. 1. Preset i utteatlos e1 ,'1 10 u di.wtl01x0 3,EAL AND CONVEVANCiNg. IL'It AIt0 E-LL101' 1' L.iW U1. 'boll°, tfrant's moot., Brussels, 3fonaY to loan. R. WADI; 11,II?RI PER, &c. SJ. 0:1)4„ torn ,1 11I11312t,v 3, J. Ole' Qoll, Esq., u3 '. u.cis' 1 /1U'31. .f , t 3 . 1 , loan, -eX,T B. 1)IOIi.SON, (LATE 0:1TFJ, Y-1 s'were e k 1'reudtoo:, Ondm•lch) Ho1io. (tor, Ccuveya u, 48, flute°, x.•a.t:s black, Brussels. Aloofly to loan, , ,A LEX HUNTER, ULERli OF t� the 1.burth Otviaiou dour,' Co, [Enron Conveyancer, Notary l'aoliu, Land, Loan and L,101100 re,. gout, Yowls 1400.1. and to loan. tloil0nlibua trade. 1(0140 in Graham's Rink Smoaols, t i.; tCAi, CARDS. A. eloNAUGi1TON,'1. D., 0. 0 , Al. L. It. 0. 1'. Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Aoaoueheur. Utlioo, \ire. Shiers hlnutt, nurnoorr'y 8:rn°t. j ..1. IIUl'UtILiSON, ILD., Jr. L. 0.P. blain urgh, Tau rmno)0,0 to his rostd0uoe oa :.tali 010001, Oho rouse iorrnorly000eptod up Dr. Graham illus will b0 there at night. 310 still retain un 033104 at 1L4r0gr0aY05' on.; 1339x.3. DEN HU. Y/ -•t L. BALL, L. D. 8., HONOR VI . Graduate ani almoner nr the Loyal Oollogo of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Tho various autoslhotios given, alio n Ines: 10001 anwsthotio for the gums only. All outstations carefully performed and guaranteed. Prions moderate. 'Pull sots at teeth front .44 to 823, OIBoe over Powell's atom. Hours 8 a.m. to 3 p. m. BUSINESS CARDS. H, MoORAOKEN, ISSUER ar000ry,Turnborry, streetnnee. 0111c031 at MaNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR- • xioga Idoonsoa, by appointment of ldeutenant-Governor, Commissioner, so., Q. 13, donvaya000x and Agont Miro insurance Co, 0taco al the Cranhrook Post Othoo, P,obert Cunningham, INS UR'rl Y01'J AGENT, Guelph, - Ontario. M. O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, a Accident and Loan Insurance Agent for some of the bust and/n/4 rutlabla Compan- ies la omnpan- iesla the Dominion, 0111ao, 13rii's ibrrauo, Turubsrry Street, near the station. vin "u' ISS O'CONNOII, TEACHER 11 of r31orough Baas, Vocal and lnatrll$ mental Mole on luno, 00,3011 and linib33r. 110foreu30—Lathes of Loreto, (hoOlpu, !residence—Yo. 2 south, i3 rick Torras.. .11-9m f3rnsscls, Ont. 'LI W. O'131RIEN, V. S , 110N011 • Oraduato of Out -ori,, Votoriaar, Jollege, has resented the Inas this o) Jona Nato, r. s„ and as prepared t0 tcaat all doss tsua of donna. :iaabod atlimal3 on nut /add, wad :0)('10001 0141104,10S. Treat sm tt of delicate i -sale a 01100114V. 0,204 at Jotta Natt'e, c, a. NEW W • BLAOiSMITII. 13ring your lama hor0os to Denial Ewan, he lint LEASED W. T.. MINTER'S STAND, nrt30sels. Having practised for years and ,risen to the highest position in the loading lloroo•sb sing establishment of Grahatn,hE din - burgh, h0oasr$with hoors lrough01Also having Yoortny School 02 0-. 10, Bnit ((3 Lon10oio, O03i13td whore dhundr0ds ofcrippledhorses . pease i our, halide daily I on safely guarantee to cure nab. treaters toot or interfering honor, Now work and repairlring of all kinds done on roasonnbls terms, and workmanship that will please. By ^iviug mo o. cull I fool satisfied I would senora your trade. D, 10 WAN, 17.11 Hunter's 01,3 Stand, B.I. BA SHILL, many 01139temora for their liberal Support for tho past 01x years Wishes to .inform them that be- ing burned out of Oho old stand has fitted up a shop in 8043340'0 .'lock in ilrab.oll55 etylo where ho hoses to Doo all theold nua:omers and he many 111W Mesas so 1111 to give him a gall. I keep nothln5 but flrst•olaes moats all Wild!! Penalty}' ant Sausage Afoot. Dolivor- od to all parte Of the town O'roo. 013130 paid for Fat Stook, AUCTION SALE OF VALUA13I4E PABkt PROPERTY. Under andbyvirtuo. o1 Oho power of sale unstained ill a Ordain Mortgage, which will bo produoed at the bimo of sato, there will be offered for sato by nubile. auction, on O'BIDAY, MAY lath, 1880, ab the hour of 5100 O'olo0k p.m: by Jaime Sbroblon, Auctioneer, at Oho Queen's Hubei, fs the Village of Brussels, tho renewing lands,_ namely 1—A11 that oortaln)areal 0fland situ- ate in tho Towaeblp of of Grey, in tho Oonnby of Tinton au dProyinoo of Ontario, 0ontaining by ,du1oitootottt (101y a0roe, moro.Ax )oes, betngoomp000d of the east half of Lot num- her 1g, in 1.110 1011001 00110050 ion to Baits Town. adv. TIMMS AND Corlorrxoxe 00 SALit,--Toll per Vendors 13001(3 t015 at 0310 61Rte ofo Nilo, 60 the - ient with the old. 10 per emit, to make ono. third of tho purchase money within ono puoohe, o Ineli0V bo 1,o no soured by first tMori:- goo ovor the abovepromisee for 5yeal'a with interest at 1(100001001 6 and 1 poi cont, Per annum; payable halt yearly,. )'ho above property will he 'offend for Oslo rr subjoot to a roseryu bid to be fixed by th0 Vendor0' goliclt0rs L"or .further par Molders, ap1(3•00 • . ht15S$148, 9i0L0173i' TILT, Di1LL,FlIt 0011[ngStreet 3aast,ToronotndOxo'Sollo(tors, ' Bated this 111611 day Of April, 1900.