The Brussels Post, 1886-4-30, Page 7Aram 50, 18lia. '2 ...If U. 13U PQL' isawerssuotrerovcrawartratersertmwessmatasvormsonvoceowsmwersawswrawitro=sessworcsewarsnaratessessramwesomsworaseartaccoottrarsantasa .1 Switzerland ld about to regulate by law the amount of gored 'pre -inure the ladies 'nay pat upon themselveo." It would be a tight ggnoez0 to pass such law in this conotry, Magistritte.---"lIave you ever boon arrested before, Unele itastra ?" Unole-"Yeo, yo' honab, less arauce," "What was the (thaw against you ?" "Tun dollars au' coots, ettla," It would etand eoloring,—"Isn't your account of the elopenaeut rather highly colored, Peters ?" asked the city editor of hie reporter. i4No more so than the parties—both wore neg. roes." "The beer -drinkers' fleet," socord- ing to the Pittsburg Telegraph, "is first a eohoonor and then a smaek." And it might have added that a fright- ful wreck often follows after the drinker gets half seas over. 81111.00.1 Vitalizer is tyou need f or Oon triepatlon, loss of Appetite, Disci rums, and 1111 symptom sof D Map sla, Pr* 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by G. A.Derulman, First Socialist—Let'e plunder some building? • Second Socialist --All right. Here's t building right here. "Oh, go 'long there's nothing we want there." 'Whitt is it ?" "Why man, it's a bath home." HS oae Sitagf10(1,—"I tell you I won't pay that bill until 1 ,get ready to," exclaimed an importuned credi- tor. "Oh, well, if you say you'll pay it then,litat will be perfectly satis• factory. All I want is to have some time set." A country man, who has been sev- eral times married before, has brought a new bride to the parsonage, Clergy- man (about to perform the marriage ceremony) --Will the bride and groom please rise ? Countryman—We 01105 sot before, A. Catastropho.—"I. had rather a bad fall last night ; remained uncon- scious nearly eight hour." "Bless me I and walking but as usual to. clay ?" "Yes, it didn't injure me in the least. The fact is 1 rather °raj sy- ed. it." "Wonderful How did you fall ?" "Fell asleep." suttees Cough and Consumption Our e is sold by G. Deadinan on a guarantee: It ohms consumption. A. society paper says that at a brill- iant soiree recently given in Wash- ington, "everything was , swell." From which at may be inferred that the.suppor consisted of dried apples and warm water; and the yonug mon's beads—Well, they couldn't have been so "swell" next morning unless there was something stronger and more exhiliarating on the table. An exchange tells of a Kentuckian who put up at an expensive Now York hotel four days, and the bill of $56 being presented he said :--"Gees again. You haveu't reached the bot - Catitscillsass News. Paieley le going to hold their Cale. :Ionian games ori June 2.13rcli, they propose offering $1,1300 in cash prizes. G. W. Ross, Provineial Minister of Eduoation, will shortly proceed to England in connection with the Ex• A. man named Arthur has beau ar. rested at Hamilton, and ()barged with fraud in connection with advertising dodges, Sir Adolphe and Lady Caron will present Northwest medals to the Montreal Garrison Artillery, next Saturday, An English syndicate has jest pm, chased 4,000 nem of land in Califon nia, which they will sub -divide for an English colony. Smith, sensed of the Murder of Armstrong, has been tried at the Norfolk Asnizes and found gnat), of manslaughter, A report from Quebec is to the ef- fect that W. H. Kerr, Q. 0,, is about to be raised to a Judgeship in the Supremo Court. . It is believed that the idea of light. ing tho city of Kingston by electricity will be abandoned, the oast being about $2,600 more than gas. Notice of motion have been given in the Quebec Legislature for 'resoln- tious of sympathy with Irish Home Rule by Mr. Monier and Mr. Oar- br. ay. A. contract hoe been made for tit 3 construction of fifty miles of the IVlauitoba and North-Western rail- way, and work will be commence(' at 0000. Joseph Yanetone has been elected Deputy•Beeve of Kincardine, to fill the unexpired term of Henry Oollius, who is about to leave for Calgary, N. W. T. Private Dowart, of the lilth who Gory:din the Egyptian campaign was presented with the Soudan med- al at Kingstini on Friday by General Middleton A. large number of calves and hogs have been seized at the Montreal abattoir unlit for .human food. A steer,which was also seized, was in a putrid condition. A short line of railway from Broed Street, Ottawa., to theChaudiere lumber yards, is to be constructed at once by the Canada Atlantic Rail. way Company. The inhabitants of 'St. Matthew's Ward, Toronto, are talking of indict- ing the city for maintaining 0 nuis- ance by allowing Kingston Bead to be in its piesent state, St. Thomas Times :. D. J. Don- ahue has been notified by the Ontario Governrodut that he has been ap- pointed county crown attorney for tom of my Poeket. yet." He Wati a Elgin, me Jas. Stanton, reaigued. - e brother of the man who told the *ticket 1 Guelph Presbytery. met on Thin .day in Melville Church, Fergus, and celebrated tho fiftieth anniversary of the pastorate of Rev. Dr. Smellie with interesting and impressive der- vicee. The proposal to meet a in ,imment in memory of D'Arcy MeGee, who was as.assinated on the moruiog of April7th, 1868, white returning home i front the House of 00D111101.1d, litte yas." "And cottou ie down, • t o agent who charged him $5.00 to see the Forty Thieves, that he dido't care abont seeing the other thirty nine. WILL you suffer with Dyspepsia aid Live, Complaint? tibilnIt's Vilaliger to guaranteed to euro you. Sold by G.A. Deadman Ho Wits tryiug to beat. a Chatham street dealer down on to atilt of &dashed, he finally observer :—"You'll admit the wool is down, wont you 2 .0, "well, been revived in Ottawa. labor is down." "Sheet oo,' R. Goulet, of St. Boniface, Mau., then, how con you call that Emit worth has' been appointed solo Conimissiou- fourteen dollars ?" "My friendt, you or to dispose of claims of North-west haf ontirely forgotteu clot buttons vhas half-breeds and origival white set - way cop. Dot Vlind dor baois 1 figure tiers that were not presented t i the .A. touching example of confidence Commissioners last year. The Pelee Islandenr are opposed 00 iisntetunceeninskrreaolittstend fLotoartraiolfiatrItlana,satIte:11 the reran; Order-in-Oouncil, which makes the close Beason for fishing for ical jourtnal. A couubrymitu, with o distreasing toothaehe, asked a druggist pickerel and basfront April 15th to June lab, aud held an iudiguation for something to relieve him. "W4:. have varioneremeclies for that trouble' meeting lately to protest agaiust it, The people of Wardsville are anx. said the *lrug man, "and can give you ious to secure some better water sup• anything you like." "In that ease," said the countryman, "I guess you Ply system titan the old wells and lin give me a small battle of the Boo- tanks now existing, and Thomas ton faith cure."' English and H. A, Wilson wore in. Loudon collecting information on the in Age of Discovery* Wopertainly ought 00 appreelate the foot subjeet. that 00 010 living in an age of progress and dig cover y, tnts is especially appreolateAt the request of ft defautatiou of persons that have boon aillleted with lt hd hy olnn- temporauce advocates the Council of Wan, as Welt's World's Wonder or Tatally Georgetown has retrolved to memoi, motoroct ls a positive Miro for Ithatimatitoo. 11 is invaluable for Outs, Sprains, Britian, Wise the Dominion Government in Stuns, Scalds and all diseases requiring ex. tnrual application. Bahl by 17000 liargreaves favor of the Scott Act, in opposition &Cie. Price 20 cents and 5Ueents per bottle. to the petition of Milton Commit pray. It 10 said that 0 man at Chapin- ing for the repeal of 1110 measure. villa, Conn., 111151 fixed his waggon io Mrs. Hurley, who &aimed that she ouoli way that a crank connected Wo s 109 years of age, died at Torou- • with the rear tale is made to churn to on Thursday and.was buried Fri. butter while he is driving around the clay, She Watt wiflOW of tin offidar of country. rag, inan has a *groat head tud ought to be congratulated, but Boyal Engineers, who came to this the oonutry during the war of 181'2. She should go farther and add to his' in. had -named. daughters in the city, volition. Now, if he could rig up bob preferred to Irv,: alone. Sho some sehouse by which the motion of Wiled therfaculty of 110.tring to the the wagon, while driving through the country, would milk the 0017th out the last. People have boon stupidly hoaxed. wood, or hunt hen's eggs, his fortune lay the publication Saturday inoruing wotrld be made, in the News of .Geo. Waeltington'a Counsel for the owners of the Ore- memorable farewell address, alightly gon, 10 Bumming isp the e*idetioe altered, and purporting 00 bathe fare- well address of Sir Joni) Miterfoughl, taken by the 13oard of Trade Com - It is dated. Ottawa, April 1(3th, mid mittee asked that the Gond render a decioion that the Oregon foundered takes up five columns, It is 1.111110c. solely because her bulk head. door fail- I. oosary to say that ib created a sen- sation. ed to close. NOTION. partdoi wishlill Druggist's Ditpier Itioonso ;Mould apply for form 01 0. lineation 00 th8 andorstremei: Appliettloug must bo Math. before 01 ty R. AlIf/I/1111, Inepeotor, April, !Mt VW. J11111040W13 0. 48,3 .BRUS3E1.3 LIME WaRK3 STILL i=11i.8.4D, Tbn Eu0)300,018% t vim this op p 18tun'ty of re. turning thanks to the inhabitants of Bromide and vicinity for pest patronage, nnu hog 00 state that having made ssYCIRI41 rov oirtunta in tbeir Mtn and ,o,1a Of burning, they are now tuft better position than e ter beton 10 001017 the Public with First•Olass • Tills being the twelfth season of Our land - nags dealings In 11r0e1n, an d having elven no. q calla od setts:notion or fa'', the peens uan ro• ly 01 1000170 40,01 Greet 1,11t and. 0101-olass ertiole from us. Vir4t4liass f. s at 15 cents 00 010 kiln. Wo als0 burn a ;Ie.!. nine 1,,r plte100 rind at the same price. Boma mbar tlie 4;, 11-10, 1.84011 7,7oi 101039.01. TOWN & SON. 42 Notice to Creditors of Catherine Aferlolland Tames 0.841,1) di, ceased. Pursaan1 to ail order of the ID di Court of Snstice, Chancery Division, insole In o certain galena fa UeuliIioll, fderfol 1 vs, Cumobell, tho Orilditoni of tlatberitio McNeil, 100,of the Village of Walton, in the Court ty Huron, WOO dual fa or nthtut the mootli of Oa toner, 1871, and hones Campbell, of 1110 same place, who died lu or about the umuChe of 117.trc1,, 1801, aro ou or baforo to, SOto day 04 58811, 1880, 10 00041, by post pro.peld, to CA01,114,1 es at 4,1144, i.earowel, Muir 1311110011411 bud 8I1V03111,30. 0..141.1.10000 1o/1 1,15- 00r,131100,1, 11,0 hill arGloal led of 5.4oir 0101(108, stalantent of 'Moir nuoottotti and tee nature 01 008 nOnarltio. (it ,tty) hold oy 411001 Or In default GlOrtiOf Cony will be preme ;only ex - eluded from Ws o.t le 11 or 11 s OA order. 17voryoredltor holding sety to toerty 03 It us). dace the Sarno before 1110 can tuaarsigneil 01008 in thism ,ers or 11U i,gm 1' /et 01 J00- 0100, 00 my Onantbers Id, 8geo.10 Ifeti, in the city or Toren co, cal too Vieth day Of Any, 1880, at eletaart foreueou, "wing toe 9time appointed fur a 1.1(,Its.tt1J1 uu the °hams. 1)0ted the lab. (lay of Ad GI, leid, IIINOLD, 48•21u Clock fu 01161.0b0r$3. AUG PION SALE OF Valuable Property, in the Township of Orey. Under an.: by virtue of the Power of Sale oontained rn a certain Itlertgace, which will be produned 111 two Onto ot gals, there wit, be offered n,1 sale, by Public ,11,1,00,olt MO:s..TDA.Y, MAX 17rn, IBS°, atTwo O'clock p.m., at Tuck's ,,0.l4,, tbo Village of Oraabrook, the following lands namely 1-..011 earl singular Omer Curtain put - Uel 501 0a1t.1 of loon 11,1,1 1141,, (4,', 1511(0and 1101.14 la oho Towusato aruy, the County of Huron, and Trevino° 01 Ontario, 000184111U 0 0 e 1101t 10010, )1.4 or 'cos, butter known mill ilosortbal 1.1 Soliowo i—tioing known as blinding 1°11 'Millburn throe and 10nr, survey 1,1 part 0( 400 number six- teen, 18 the said twelfth concession. Com: monolog from0 state, easterly, 1WIJ C141111113 1.1,1 gftylinkil 11.1011g 1110, .0011013 C0000880011, fro nort0.w01t unglo of sald lot num bo, Man and fusesuring southerly and Intranet to silo Due two ermine ; tlontoo owitorly and parallel with Gin uonouslion two uhalos iota tit ty links ; thence 'tort:1°0y to tne 0,086101 0110.14181 01101100 tvetterly two obtins end fifty Sege 01 000 040,3 01 110410,1P:0. (hi the p rein LICA 010,0 seed trete eawollIng an 1 lutoli. on, trona., oblior u11m1bi41ugo, alms a good largo fro no Iragou 11.310 paint shop, and a good owlet,. 0,111 k111011110,1 Wall °reliant and fruit trues, 00413 1 4101 stead for a touchable. Tame k 0 00 ALIO. —1 n per cont. 04 the pur• obese tummy to MA 1101d 11 1110 11010 07 11h10. H111110100 0 114 111 11(0 0,1)1 10 par 11110. to make oue•halt et the purchase money witutri one month them titer, and t ne beettn•to of turd • • 11111011000 10 01147 t.1 nes .0oro 0 u)..111:01 toot, itepai,77,724 gage over 000 0../..00 0 10 •01805 for two yeart with interest at tun 0310 of 1,41011 per Omit, per annum, payable early. TO(' above propeitv will be Offerua for rude 11,b1 00150 a reserve 1111 11 le ilte,i by so o Vendor. k'or further itarttoulars apply to A 0I1'N'VeiR. Brussels, April 20th. Volhfol.'d sascro0.soessecoots:scoiciss,.........siso.....,esec:.seses.00ss HUBON AND 13BUClE Loan & Investment Oo. Tliks Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security /AMIDST ItAIWS of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED, SAVINCH BANK 1315Alti01I. '3, 4.and 6 per cont. Interest Al- lowed on Deposits., according to amount and time left. Orrion...On corner of Market Square and North street, Goderich. Horace Horton, Goderich,Aug.5th,1885 AIANAGEll' WEAR SPECTAOLES Ana Eye -Glasses —That Will Preoertie Your Byestght,— .21, Le/ 24.1i US, Manufacturing Optician, late of the 11701of Lazarus tt Morris, 28 Maryland EOM!. 11017001101700 Road, London, England, has apt - pointed an agent for the Renowned Spect- acles and Eye -Glasses which have been 'be- fore the public for the past 26 yearr, LAZAIIVIV Spectacles never tire the eye. Last many years without change, —For sale by— Lb.S. DREWE, Hardware Merchant 81.8m* Brussels, Ontario, NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS. Vaustcale & Bono, 2roprieton, We have much pleasure in announcing to ,the public that our New Roller Mill is in Complete Running Order and is giving the Best Sat- isfaction. SHORTS, MEAL, & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON NAM We also make the following brands of flour : Patemi, Jersey Lily, Canadian's .Pride and SnOW StOrni. CiPiStillg attended to with Promptness. . All kinds of Lumber cut to Order. HIGHEST MARKET PRIE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. EAST HURON arriage 2eTTY- .JER,S --MA.NUFACTUBFR OF-- OARRIAGE 8, DEMOORA.TS, EXPRESS WAGONS, BUGGIES, \VAGONS, ETO., ETO., ETC. made of the Beet Materials and finished in a Workman -like manner. C612(2 Painting p7'07npt171 catencled to. WH The Coluinb Y , us Watch Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. , 13.181013DENODS.—Marsden Smith, B. Laing, James Cutt and Wm. &Ivey,' Grey Township ; W. Camel:Ma, W. Little, G. Brewar and D. Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brussels ; Rev,. E. A. Fear, Kirlitoti, and'T. Wright, Turnberry Township. REMEMBER THE. STAND—SOUTH OF BRIDGE. IS THE BEST, JAMES UYER.. THEL Xv.TACIVIR,ZL 0 TILL' Maitt Spring Barrel 13 completely '.1.1.t0 undersigned, having completed idle ciluinge from. .the stone to the coveted, milting it mom noarly dust I proof than amy ogler. Our Regulator is Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in nearly double the iongth of others, render- ing aocurate regulation a Wry elm plo nub. tar, To roplitoo a broken Main Spring the Barrel can lie removed without removing the Bothtnee or ink:claim; with the regula- tion. Our Spring Stud is so formed that two or more coils of Spring rantiot °atoll b11 the.itegulator Pius and oarme the Wirtel: to oithur stop Or gait, time 1.1 111 Unusual rats, The Balunee 0031108 11 the rellnd, or edge, the strongest part of the ease, not In altothers, in tho centre mod 1111,101 tho wealtorrt port. 'IRO),, ore rryni improvement:1 that tremot, be via/mei by 11,1 lour any other mean ructetrerr, There are other advantages which the watchmaker sax readily explain, ;Ina 01500 soon, 1th 1011,0 agree With 00 in saying that ml's have the strongost n,na best estop in the world, 4481 In buying and carrying 0 Colt:mhos Watch you will save the price of an ercii- • nary weben in a few rare in '01110110 'Moue, Hie/test to say nothing of the mconvenienee neull do - lay of repairs. - 17011 SALE AT T. Fletcher's, Brussels. . First-class Running Ordei:, be7glad to neo all his old customers and as many new ones as possible. Chopping done. .4224 Feed Always on 1-14-1h. 0 — price paid for any quantity of Good Glvi 1, 114