The Brussels Post, 1886-4-30, Page 44 T031~ tlLiVSSELle Nt bt 1xxt 3e.s gat, I''TLT]>Ell', .•jPRII1 80e18136. Di -Wean McLauchliu took 1st prize et bbe Listowel spring show with his horse "Yoeug Prince of Wales." last week There acro a couple more illicit etLlls on'the lief of Inspector Cavan in this township, en it is said. .LiBtowet. The water-workteare to be extended, The lacrosse club has been re- organized and the ofiloers elected for the following year. A. cheesemakers' convention wes held in town on 'Thursday of this week, Early olosiug is io order this week with our dry goods stores. They shut up at 7 p. m. The Hay Bros. have purohased the Climie flouring mill. It is to be re - meddled and rollers placed in it. The town exempt them from taxes for 5 years. A large number of people from this locality have gone, or are going, to California this spring. The long, cold winter, frightens a good many people in this northern section of Ontario. The foot -bell elected the following officers :—W. B. Culvert, pres. ; R. B. Ferguson, vine pro. ; G. Gable, see.•treas. ; O. Taylor, cor, see.; R. Seaman, cept. ; H. Olimie, field cap• tain ; R. Young, B. Tilt, F. Koenig, managing committee. Mast Wawanosen. By the ova of the present week many of the farmers of this vicinity will have finished their spring Beed• ing. • The Literary Society of S. S. ' No. 10, is still flourishing. It always Ilse good programs oo hand and a great number of visitors from this section. Jas. Potter is seriously ill at pres- ent.—George Beutley received a severe cut in bis -foot by au axe the other day.— Olins. Gibson has lately hired with D. Paterson for 6 months, As he is a good worker Mr. Pater- son will never regret hiring him.— Jett, Quinn and R. 0. Armstrong be- gan sailing on the 27th inst. Tho water that they intend to sail through is from Goderioh to Diontreal.—E. Taylor has begun to build a barn for Samuel Walsh.—John Ross, who hoe invented a patent grindstone, is now busy making sales,—L. McDow- ell, wbo has been employed with T. 'Taylor, for come time is intending to go to Manitoba next weep: —E. Liv ingston returned from the States lasb week. Hie property was under she Bare of John Benteett during his ab. sence. BODY Raeovinuen.--Everyboily felt very thankful last Sunday when it eves announooa that the body of Miss Clegg had been found by 4 men in boats who wero searching about 10 utiles Clown the river from where the aooident occurred. Her hair had caught in the branches of a fallen tree and by this slender hold her body was kept there. The remains wero carried into the stone school house where they were prepared for btirial and afte" being placed in the casket were taken to her parent's los• idenee, Sunday night. It is general• ly conceded that the body weut a good dietenee down the river on the evening of the accident and all tile' searching uear where the boat upset Wits consequently fruitless, The body was considerably swollen and her face lost mach of the natural appear ance. Tbo funeral took place on Monday afternoon and was the larg- est gathering ever knowu in this lo- cality. 150 vehicles were counted' be- sides hundreds of people wile walked to the cemetery. • The interment was made at Sunshine. The.fuuerai ser- vice was eondueted at the 1louso by Rev. J. S. Fisher, assisted by Heyde. Messrs: Burwash, of Belgrave, and Smyth, of Brussels, and F. Woodhull, of the Band. An apprppriato dis- course eats preached from the text "She hath given op the ghost ; her atm went dots when it was yet day." Mr. Clegg and family have the ournful satisfaction of now know- ing the resting place ofboth soul find body of their loved one. It to not necessary to say the sympathy of everybody is with the families of Mr. Clegg end Mrs. Baines. There has never been anything happened in,this locality that took snob a hold on the people at large. trer!`esabrooDr. Chas. Dames has improved the ap- penranco of his hotel, very materially, by having a new verandah built, Bessie White, a pupil of the Oran. brook sobool, is very 01 but we trust she will soon recover her usual good health. 3. Youug, teacher of Ethel school, Mrs. Young, E. T. blemmon and S. E. Davies were visiting at A. Mc. Kny'e on Monday last. We are pietie- s' to see that Mr. Slemmon is im- proving. Quite a number of pupils were in attendauoe at the opening of the Sab- bath School in Knox church on Sun• clay last. Vire trust that every effort will be put forth to make the school larger than it ever was before. The township Oouncil talk of in- vesting in a burglar proof safe for the Treasurer. They have seen fit in their ,oisdom to raise his salary to $80 per annum. This is still below what It should be considering the eeenrlty he bee to furnish. The body of the deooased James Bird was found on Friday of last week in a ditch on the farm of Peter Robertson, lot 9, con. 9, Grey. An inquest was hold iu Oraubrook at wlnoleit was concluded that the do. costed, Jas. Bird, came to his death by accidental drowning.. The remains of the deceesod were interred in the Brussels eometory OD Sunday last. itiCoa•rita+. isatevai. David McDontyld, of iflmat has be- come a resident of our village. The Council meeting last Friday attracted a large number to the village. Last. Sunday Jno. Caber lost a valuable mare. She was valued` at $120. The trustees of our school are oak• ing for tenders to build a fence iu front of the sobool yard. Arbor day is a week from next Fri day, belay 7th, and we would suggest that some trees be planted around the school grounds. James Spence has accepted of a sit• uatiou in Mildmay as telegraph oper. ator. Jim is a elevor operator and we predict for him good euooess. The residents of thel are pleased that the body of Jas. Bird bas been found and the sensation allowed to ate, It was a sad ending° to a long life, however. David Dobson and wife started for Irvine in the Northwest last week. He will settle there for 10 while, at least. They purchased their tickets from Thos. Fletcher, Brusesls, per 0..P. R. Hones BOUGHT.—Thos. Maundoro has purchased the handsome Can• alien bred horse "French Lion," from Wm. Barrie, of Morrie, and WIMP Hayden, of Gerrie. This well known animal will be travelled over much tho sane route as last year and will be led by the same groom, Last week Duuouu Oameron had ,the misfortune to get three of his fin - gars hurt with the edging sate in the saw null, Duncan is leader in the brass band, so we have missed the music since the accident; We hope that ho will soon be able to resume work, and also his place 'in the band. Alex. Watt, tvho has boon section boss here for more than four years, leaves with his family this week for Idaho. He has accepted of a situ. ation on the Union Pacific Railroad. Mr. and Mre. Watt have the best wiebee of their Ethel friends. We wish than a safe journey, and health and prosperity 10 their new glome. The Lpoknow Sentinel says ;— 'Lord Lovett' is the name of the new bull -purchased this week by Edward Gaunt & Sons, of West Wawaueeh, from .David Milne, of Ethel, Ont. 13e 19 a very fine animal, and is,in the opinion of cattle -mon, the moat pee - feat specimen gl the Shorthorns ever brought here. He was bred by J. & W. Watt, of Salem, Ont., his sire be. ing the famous bull 'Brampton Hero,' the winner of marc fist prizes, sweep- stakes, and gold models than any other bull ever brought to Canada, "Lord Lovell," when a calf, took first prize in London, Torodtc, Hamilton tend Ottawa. Scuoon k7xAinlSATIO1C---Undor the auspices of 3, A. Young, Coacher of the Ethel school, assisted by A. lie. :flay, of Oraubrook;a public eaaruiva- Jno. ,.Bird, of concession 5, ie the early bird that gets the worm, On letedothe job of sow 1 ig dneedonf last Week 12 scree of flea and got it on, 10 good shape ,too. Woaro pleased to Bear that Chas. APazr, 80, 1886, maintained by the pupils and the promptness and intelligence with which gnestions were answered nod problems solved and explained clearly demonstrated that lair, Young's meal, nd of discipline end system of teach- ing are appreeiatod by, the mile. In spelling and mental arithmetic the school did rtniarkably well. We eon- jeoture with extreme probability, that as long as Mr, Young ie lending the of young of Ethel school there will be no dauger of them falliug into the ditch ou. tltei4' road to learning, The Ethel school, notwibhetanding that it to the largest in Cho town+bip, .is in a prosperous condition. At the close of the examivatiou the Revd. Dir. Paul wag called to Cho (their, whco short addresses were given by A. McKay, of Oranbroolr, and Mears, Siemmon and Dobson, trustees of the school, tiverciiit C seseraty" Notees. Obid Sprague has been appointed Scott Act Inspector for South Huron, The Clinton New Era reports that W, Craig, a well. known cattle, dealer, of that town, bas absconded, leaving numerous anemia debts amounting variously from $50 to $2,800. John Beattie, of Seafarth, who was not appointed Police Magistrate for the Counby of Huron, ince recoivod the position of Division Court Claris, vies L. Meyer deceased. The ap• pointmenbis a good One. The Wingbaru Advance says :— The mnnieipelity of the township of Turuberry has, during the past week, lost an old, triedaud honored mom- ber,iu the parson of Jas.. Heoniug, who for years held the position of depnbyreeve, and for five years pre• nous to, and of the time of bis death, hold the position of reeve. The de- ceaeed was born in the county of Corn- wall, England, ou the 5th of March, 1821, and same to Canada wheu nine. teen yearn of age. He first • lived in Wolfe Island, where he resided several years ; was married in Kingston, and after residing in Clarke live yeare, re- moved intoTurnberry, where he has continually resided until his death on Thursday last. We can truly 'say he was a most industrious, painstaking and persevering man, a true type of the Cordell men of old, who history Saye, matched to London to demaud from a powerful and despotic monarch the reason why their faithful and doughty champion, Sir John Trelawuy, should be sacrificed at the altar of despotism and treachery. With him right and not might prevailed, and imbued with this souse, coupled with, his qualifice- tione of,tionest and perseverance, he as a rule succeeded in carrying his point and seeing justice done to all. Ho was a mast unassuming man, and one "Whose manly strength wan grated with He had the happy power to please." tease, So high was he hold in the estimation of his neighbors that he was solicited to till the honorable pont of deputy. reeve, which he held until the reeve (ilir. Black) svitbdrew in January, when by acolatnation be was elected to fill the chair of the chief magistrate of the municipality. How ably he filled this is well knowu. Although "there are as good fish in the sea Cas over came out," we aro bold enough to say that no more practical, faith-' ful and unassumingly useful man can be found to fill the reeve's abair and command the respect of the council, and the harmonious and satisfactory conduct of the township business, both at his own board and at the comity council. In politica he wad a staunch Conservative, and his loss will be keenly felt by his party in the township, He leaves a widow, three sons and four daughters to mourn his loss, who are all grown up and amply provided for 'in this world's goods. It il3needlees to say dist that fun• oral ou Saturday last was to large one, many of hie old aequaintaneee from Winghatn paying the last sad tribute to a departed friend, f :t.itehall, wim wee 1 0 111101 to (iodericli tion was held on 'Thursday a teruagn a short tine ago for bolts; of iineound of last week. It being a dos dray the tnind, is getting all right again. Ho majority of the ratepayers were busily was not sent to London as the asy• engaged he tilling the soil and sowing luta' was full We hope Ile may ful- the seer], consequently 1110 bomber of ly recover and slice more rctttrrl to Ashore was not so large alt it other. his home. Big 13eer and throe of his head men have been reloacd from gaol. The 0. P. R, proposes to expropri• ate he way ttloug the water front in to the ventre of Toronto,' Toronto barber,ypropose to ask 10 unto for a elle,° (no commutation), add 20 eon's for hair leuttiog. It is proposed to establish an in. firmary and dispensary in oouuootion with the Toronto House of Industry. Ono million whitefish rry from the Handwieb hatchery wore. turned into Lake Erie at Port Sotoley an Satur• daA number ofwilliughende gathered together and no.er'oted the Methodist Church sheds, Oopetmvn, wheel were blown down reeout•'.y during a _hcavy storm. • The preliminary voters' het for West Lambton contains 5,020 ensues. Judge blaakenzie, the revising officer, re- ceived 428 Conservative applications and 877 Reform, A committee has been appointed by the Quebec Legislature to investlgOte the frauds of which the Late J,.V. Gale, of the Crown Lands Department, was. guilty. The defalcatious is now put at $70,000. A Winnipeg dispatch says :—Four mounted policemen deserted from Prince Albert recently, and ,wore cap- tured near Humboldt by Sergeant Mc- Pherson. They were sentenced to one year's imprisunmont at Regina. Mayor Beaugraud, of Montreal, re eeivod the following Tueeday morning from Dir. Gladstone in oonliection with the rosalntian%passed at Nordheimer's Hall some time ago :—"I thank yea for your telegram. I shalt road the important resolution you mention with interest." (Signed) GLADPToNE. D. H. Scott, of Winnipeg, accused of forgery on the Dfereheatd' Bank of that city to the amount of between $25,000 mud $30,000, and who ab scowled to Mexico, was followed and captured by:the Winnipeg chief of police, who arrived at Halifax in oharge of his captive tea Sunday night and left for Wtantpog \louday after- noon. Mr. Duncan, Clear S. S. No. 17, Dlaryboro',,. lost a cow in a singular fashion the ether day. Hay had been pitched down, land the fork was stick- ing in it, when the cows . entered the stable. One cow took a bite with a toss of her head and sent • the fork in- to the air. The fork fell on another cow's back, piercing her severely. The wounded animal rushed. out, breaking the fork handle but leaving the prongs id her bank. Sno bled internally and died in a little while, Clriltaacllieata News. Smallpox has disappeared from Smith's Falls. Mr. Sleeman, of Guelph, has cone. menced his long -threatened snit against the Toronto and Hamilton Baseball Association. The election of members of the House of assembly rfsulted in favor of the Blair Government. The new House will stand about 20 Liberals, to 12 Conservatives for New Bruns - Thu appeal to members of the Sal- vation. Army for oontributioue towards paying off the $25,000 balauae of oast of the naw temple at Toronto was nobly responded to Monday night, when $4,280 were subscribed.. Among tbo subscriptions were the New Bruns- wiek and Prinee Edward Island Di- vision, $1,000 Nova Seethe and New- foundland, Divteion, $1,000', Toronto cad Gelb Division, $500 ; Wm: Good- win would have been, Rho' order erbaan, Toronto, $500. NEW SHOP ! 1i1ABM IN GREY FOR SALE BE- A: 100 norou,aoufh. pari 10116 on 36 con., containing IS acres, Let 141a parity eloarod, the hul. once Troll lob And 10 to wall adopt ed for tarn,• Inger grazing. bot 10 1s mostly Owed and ender goad oulblvatlon, the htD iw well tint. gored witliblaeltAsh. Will ,ill all 0050/1101 rosin parts to dolt the p aeon ouor. For 'further parlloulers apply to the proprietor on the premien., This lot is wa114rn1n}Fifa. AVERT Messrs. Watts & McKagao take pleasure' in informing the people of Brussels;;and surrounding coun- • try that they have opened a Carriage and Morse Shoeing Flop, on Thomas street, opposite the Queen's hotel stables, Brussels, where they are prepared to attend to all work entrusted to them in tt manner,, that guarantees satisfac- tion every time. All interfering or lame horses treated on scientific principles. . GIVE US A CALL. Our work will speak for itself. • Watts & McKague. SELLING OFF -CLOSING OUT. Popuhr The following stallions will stand for the improvstneat of stook, this season, ae follows "nuoxr GETTER," (280]. Monday, will leave has own stable, 4t11 oon., Morrier and proceed north on the centre aideroad, 8} utiles,. thence east to W. J. Jobeston's, end concession for noon ; thence to James. town, thou east on the 2 ,l .000. of Grsy,'81 miles, then north to Alex. Robinson's for the night, Tueeday, will proceed 1} milli north, then east ou 2nd con., Howtek, to Hugh - son's for noon ; discos 1} miles east, then north 21 miles 0n sideroad, then wear to Josoph Hunt'd for the night. Wednesday, wilt proceed through Gorrie, then 1} utiles east on 8111 con. then north 'on aideroad to Jas. Gel- braith's for noon ; tbeneo west on the 15th con. to the grovel, then to Wm. Jobb's, Tnrnberry, for the night, Thursday, will proceed west 1} rniles . thou north 2k via Half -way House, then to Robt. J. McKague's for noon ; then west to the corner, and south to tho Queen's hotel, Wingham, for the night. Friday, will proceed to Stew. • • art's hotel, Belgravo, for noon ; then 24.1. miles south to con. 0, Morris, then oast to J. & C. Hagan's for the night. • Saturday, will proceed east to the gravel, then to Quoeu's hotel, Brus• sale, for noon ; thence via 5th eon. Morris, t0 his own stable, where he will remain until the following Mon- day. A. & 3. Speir, proprietors. Jos. Webster, manager. "pantos co, Doti ens." Monday, will leave his o etable and proceed to Bluevale for noon ; thence to' Wroxeter, to King's hotel, for one hour, then to(narrie, to Dane's hotel for the night Tuesday, will proceed north 24 miles, then west 2k to \Vm. Weir's for noon ; thence to Belmore for one hour, then to Amel- side for the night. Weduesday; will proceed north 1} miles, then to 'Tees. water, Wylie's hotel, for noon ; then to Half catty House for one (tour, then to the Queen's hotel, Wingham, fur night. Thursday, will proceed to . Stewart's hotel Belgrave, for 0000 ; thence to Blyth, blilne's hotel, for night. Friday, will proceed to An- drew Taylor's 12th & 18 Lb cons. -bels lett, for ono hnnr, then, via Herlook, to L. Twitter's for noon ; then to• the bonudary, thou to Beiruas' ; Walton, for one hoar, thou to 10a. Oerter's 8th eon., Morris, for night. Seta.day, will proceed to the Queen's leo. tel, Brussels, for noon; thence to his own stable wherehe will remain un- til the following Monday. A. & J. Speir, proprietors. Jas. $pelt•, man-' ager. • "ei n0G PRINCE OF NAVES." Monday, will leaie his own stable, lot 1, con. 7, Grey, and proceed to Robertson's hotel, Ethel, for noon ; thence south to the 91h and 10th eons. then east to J. 1L Baker's for night; Tuesday, will proofed to the Ilenfryn road, then north to the 70h and 8th eons., then east 1f -miles, then north to Searle's hotel, Trowbridge, for noon ; thence north to the 2nd con. of Elma, then 1} • miles west, then north on the boundary between Blum and Grey, then west to Wm. Camp- bell's for night. Weduosriiay, will proceed to school honsel, Na. 8 Wal- lace, then north on the 11ordwich road to Jno. McDiarmid's, lot 20, eon. 2, Howick, for noon ; thence west 81 miles to the Gorrie road, then south to Alex. Campbell's, oornor of Wal. lace, for night. Thursday, wall .pro- . need along the boundary of diowick and Wallace 11 miles, thou west 14 miles, thou south 14 rniles, then east to Donald LbDouald's far 11000 ; thence south to 0th con. Grey, theft west to W 1'ullard's toe night. day, will proceed along tlao Sib and dill cons., to the gravel road and thin to his own stable for' the night. Set. urday, ,viii prueeed to the t` u.r,tl :au - tel, Bruesole, far noon ; tlt,tic t, hlo own stable whorehu will Menem no. in the following Monday morning. The above route will bo iotstitlned health and woatbor permitting. D. & l). MoLuualtliti, proprietors. The Whole Stook —OF -- J. AJJ XMIBEit . Dry Goods & Hillery MUST BB SOLD OFF. Terms Cash. No Credit. J. CHRISTIE, Trustee.