The Brussels Post, 1886-4-30, Page 3ARa1L 8O, 1880.
Fling away thy idle fancies. •
They but weaken heart and bride—
Break the pleasant dreamy fetters
Of romance'e shining ohain.
Couto from ont the misty Iringdont—
.Thou hast lingered there too long,
Come out girdled as far battle,
A; mour true and spirit strong.
Sib no longer by the waters, murmurs sweat—
Up I while yet the meriting shineth—
Then go forth with earnest foot I
Cast away thy idle drearnings,
Work with ardour, willing, brave,
Per, 0 dreamer I life ie notion ;
• And to act—a duty brave.
Steep and rugged is thy mountain,
Yethhe faithful toilers say,
When they gain its hallowed summit,
"Blessed was our weary way."
So to then, when thou haat battled
Bravely, nobly for the right,
\S'ill thy labor, though a burden,
Seem, with sweet content, bat light.
Truth and error wage a warfare,
Constant in this world of ours;
Wo have need of champions fearless -'-
Come from dreamland's rosy bowers I
Cast away thy idle fancies;
They will cumber thee in life,
I3e henceforth a warrior mighty—
Earnest in a glorious strife I
I am sitting in the firelight
Thinking sadly of the past,
Of the friends eo long departed,
All are gone save me,—the last.
First, I see my little sisters,
As they played about our door ;
Now that happy home is broken—
All, yes all, are gong before. •
Years passed on, and all was peaceful—
' had tasted of sweet joys— '
I'was then a happy mother,
Murry with my girls and boys.
Next a sadder scene awaits me :
Soft, the angel death is near,
Oh, my husband he is dying—
All the world seems dark and drear.
But my cup was overflowing ;
My darlings laft me, one by one,
And my human heart strived vainly
To say "God's own will be done."
Then I turned my sad heart upward,
Asking God to give me peace ;
Give me courage to live this life,
Till my weary heart should cease.
And I got the strength I needed,
Over my sad heart Ho shed
Divine peace and consolation,
And my hungry heart He fed.
Now I patiently ant waiting,
Till my troubled life is o'er,
'Till I'm called unto my Father,
Resting peaceful evermore.
Blindfolded and alone I stand,
With unknown thresholds on each band;
The darkness deepens as I grope,
Afraid to fear, afraid to hope
Yet this one thing I learn to know
Each day more surely as I go,
That doors aro opened, ways aro made,
Burdens are lifted or are Laid,'
By some great law unseen and still,
Unfathomed purpose to fulfill,
"Not as Lwin."
Blindfolded and alone I craft,
Loss seems too bitter, gain too late ;
Too heavy burdens in the load,
And too few helpers on the road ;
And joy is weak and grief is strong,
And yearsanddays so long, so long;
Yet this one thing I learn to know
Boob day more surely as I go, ..
That I am glad the good and ill,
By changeless law are ordered still,
,'Not as I will."
"Not as I will I" the sound grows street
Each time my lips the words repeat,
"Not as I will," the darkness feels •
More safe than light when this thought
Like whispered voice to calm and bless
All unrest and all loneliness.
"Not as I will" because the Ono
Who loved us first and best has gond
Before us on the road, and still
For us must all His love fulfill—
"Not as I will."
It ain't just tho story, parson, to tell in a
crowd like this,
With rho virtuous matron afrownin', and
ohidclia' the gigglin' miss,
An' the good old deaoon a noddin' in time
with his patient snores,
An' the shocked alect of the capital, stalk °
in' away taro' the doors.
But then it's a story that happened, an'
every word of it's true,
An' sometimes wo can't help talltin' of the
things that wo sometimes do,
ATI' though good society coldly ehete its
doors onto "Teamster Sim,"
I'm tliinkin' there's lots worse people they,
better known than him.
I mind the day he was married, an' I danced
at the weddin', too,
An' I kissed tho bride, sweet Maggie, daugh.
ter of Ben McGrew,
1 mind how they set up housekeopin', two
young, poor, happy fools,
When Jitn'e only stock was a heavy trunk
•an' four Siaintucky mules.
Well, they lived along contented, with their
little joys an' cares,
An' every year a baby carne, an' .twice they
came in pairs ;
'1111 the house w0.0 full of\ohildren, troth
their shoutin' nn' playin' anksdualls
An' their aiuggin' and laugbin' and tryinl
made Bedlam wothin its wane,,
Au' Jim ho seamed to like it, an' ho spent
all his evonin's at 11 onto,
Re said it was full of niunie an' light, an'
peace from pit to demo,
Ile joined the ; hurob, nn' he used to pray
that hie heart might be kept from sip,
Tlio etumblio'ost prayfn'—but heads and
hearts used to how when he'd begin,
So they lived along in that way, the same
from day to day,
With plenty of time for drivia' work, au' a
little time for play,
An' growth' around em' the owoelest girls
and the liveliest, manliest boyn, •
Till the old gray heads of the two old folks
wore crowned with tho homeliest joys,
Eh ? Come to my story ? Well, that's all.
They're hula' just like I said,
Only two of the gide aro married, an' one
of the buys ie dead.
Au' they're honest, an' docent an' happy,
and the very beat Christians I knots,
Though I reckon rn brilliant compiny they'd
bo voted a leotlo slow.
Oh, you're pressed for time—exouso you ?
Sure, I'm aerry I kept you so long ;
Good-bye. Now bo looked kind o' bored like,
an' I reckon that I was wrong
To bell ecce a 'commonplace story of two
such commonplace Iives,
But we can't all,git drunk an' gamble an'
fight, an' run off with other men'o
Vo,raJaion Notes.
Upper skirts grow fuller.
Under skirts remain plain.
Buttons are works of art at present.
The beautiful topaz atone is again
in favor.
Ashes of fosse is a favorite color for
Easter frocks.
Round ball buttons are more in
favor than flat ones.
Some of the new buttons n.00 as big
ae individual butter plates.
Even jewelled dresses are among
the importations for Eastertide fes-
Very elegant are the buttons of cut
or engraved pearl, with silver mount-
In silks ae well is in fancy woolen
goods strips in clusters aro the pre-
vailing style.
The fashionable woman makes her
toilet for dinner before taking her
drive in the Park.
Pleated bodices in various styles are
hi high favor, and are particularly be-
coming to Blonder figures.
Now are the days of fresh aspar-
agus, spring lamb, and mint sauce or;
fashionable family dinner tables.
Separate dog collars, 00010 with a
plastron, jabot, or fiohu attachment,
are sold in all the bast fancy store°.
Sanglier, a rough woolen °rape-
like stuff, bids fair to have a run of
popular favor for seaside and moun-
tain suits.
Wooden buttons on which are paint-
ed or scorched designs of figures and
even landscapes appear among other
Very small rosary bead buttons are
used to trim and edge jackets that are
fastened with big, fiat, or medium.
sized ball buttons.
Too abundant neck dressing meets
with small favor ; the oloae, neat high
collar effect being preferred by those
Who know how to dress.
Tho delicate tissue paper flowers
that aro se easy to make, and exquis-
ite in the imitation of real flowers,
will be used in baskets for Easter
decorations this year.
Transparent bonnets of blue tulle,
puffed and pleated on the frame, ,and
studded with jet, and other transpar-
ent bounete of jet net on wire, aro
favorites for Easter. •
Solid colors in hosiery are as yet
preferred, but there is a tendency to
return to fancy stripped, olooked,
embroidered, plaided, barred, cheek -
Bed and figured stockings.
lmitatiou veined comedian buttons
set in silver as medallions, or in ball
form with only an eya of metal for
sewing on the same, are used on the
handsomest tailor mads suits.
A Word to the 'Mos.
Do not allow that cough to weaken your
Lungs, but immediately purchase a bottle of
West's Clough Syrup at,rneatargreaves dr Go.,
DruggElotc, and you wal be perfectly cured, It
10 an infallible remedy lot' coughs, colds, bron-
chitis and all throat and lung ditnoufties.
Prlee eco., 500., and $1 nor bottle.
As both Bayador and Pekin or
lengthwise strips are in fashion, both
slender and stout women can dress
becomingly this season, the slender
wearing the Pekin and the stout the
Bayadere stripes.
Jewelled dresses, brought out only
fpr millionaires' wives and daughters,
have the entire fronts of black net
studded with square stones imitating
emeralds, sapphires, rubies, pearls,•
diamonds and other stones, ` while
small stones of the eamc kind aro
scattered in a design like embroidery
over the net.
Agitation has been etart00 amongst
clerks in Toronto retail stores, in favor
of a ,Saturday half -holiday.
Rev., Sam Jonoa has announced that
his revival season at Toronto will ex-
tend from October 8rd to 24th.
Numerous horses in .Kingston are
suffering with a now disease which
'effects the logs. r1. worm borne a holo
in the heel of the animal and oats its
tray into the leg, and the 008111t is
the leg swells and the skin falls off. -
.At• �
R.4l./ WARE
3-3UX "Y- OUR
At 'at Co's.
We Offer Special Inducements to
Parties Building.
Full Assortment Now in Stock.
aT qtk cum
Drewe's Old Stand, Brussels.
Are Now newly for the Spring Trade.
In Dross Goods we aro showing some of the Newest Materials in the
Market, of the latest Shades and Colors, all of which have boon well
and carefully selected.
Prints and Ginghars,
a good assortment, also full linos of Laches' Gloves, Hosiery and Para-
sols. Full Stock of
Staple Dry Goods,
such, as Cottons, Shirtings, Denims, Tickings, &c.
Gent's Furnishings.
Nice range of Tweeds, Footings and Worsted Coatings, Gent's Fur-
nishings and Hats in the &west Styles. Full linos of
Cooper 6' Smith's Boots and Shoes in Stock.
Teas a specialty. .A :now line of Colored Glassware justreceived and
Opened out.
,BAZAA.:R, PA•' urMR1•TS
always on hand, MV,Conthlios given away free. Calf aod'get oleo.
An inspection is reslioct'firlly solicited. at
I have a nice lot of Baby Car-
riages on hand that the Public
should see. ,
They are Well made, nicely
finished and will be Soli at
Reasonable Prices,
lia,rness Y Collars !
and everything in the harness line
on hand.
Also Trunks; Valises, Satchels,
&c., &e.
The St, Paul, Minneapolis a Manitoba
with its 1,600 miles of road. It is the only
line extending through the Park Region of
Minnesota, to all principal pointe in Bed
River Talley, Northern Minnesota, North-
ern Dakota. The Shortest Route toFarg ,
Moorhead, Sank Centre, Wahpeton; Cassel -
ton, Breckenridge, and Morris.
The Only Line to Grand Forks, Grafton,
Mngville, Larimoro, Devils Lake, Crooks-
ton, Portland, Hope, Winnipeg, Hillsboro,
Ada, Alexandria, and to
n whioh there 19 now the largest area of
the most desirable vaoant Government
Lands in the United States. The lands of
the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Rail-
way Co. in Minnesota are particularly de -
sirable for all classes of farming, aro offer-
ed ab very low prioes, and easy terms of
payment, and it will be to the advantage of
all seeking new homes, to examine them be-
fore purchasing elsewhere.
Maps and pamphlets desoribing the coun-
try, giving rates of fare to settlers, etc.
mailed FREE to. any address, by
Land and Immigration Comm'r
General Passenger Agent,
St. P. M. di M. R'y, Sr. PAUL, Mri,,x.