HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-4-23, Page 8a
liEUSSb.1-''d eosr..
SWORN to Silence."
Orn population stili coobUL1) to
Duren Sot and Garden Seeds for the
million at McCracken's.
J. I -I. HUNT, of Dorchester, spent
Sunday with friends iu town.
$267 paid into the town treasury.
"Better to be born lucky than Holt."
SuoKEna aro quite plentiful in the
rlvor, and some of then] are not in
the rirer at all.
SAML. GRAwltoao'e house, on Albert
street, has boon greatly improved by
the painter's brad', hie spring.
Jas. MOLAconLIN and A. Roo, of
\\ ingham, were in town on Tuesday,
Mr. MoLauobbn was attending the
funeral of his sister, Mrs. John Sam.
OUR implement men did a lot of
heavy work on Friday in talking up
the tnotite of their respective mach.
Iinv. ;No. Horox, of Londesborc',
of one time the Methodist minister in'
charge of Brussels circuit; was in
town on Wednesday of this \veolt.
A GANG Of rnnghs !rein Wingllam
were iu town last Sunday and had
a oloso cell from being brought be•
fore the beak for creating n disturb -
:ince oil John street.
LAST Sabbath morning the pasture
of the two Presbyterian churches ex•
changed pulpits. The congregation
St Melville ehurcll was cited to at-
teud the meetiug of Presbytery or,
Tuesday of next week.
EanLY.— P. McKenna brought a
bunch of oniony, to this office last
Wednesday, pulled from his on•
ion bed, that measured 2 feet from
the end of the roots to the tip of the
stalk. Pat is a perfect hurricane on
onion; and "prtitees."
ON Monday evening' of last week
James Oliver was presented with a
purse of $1O, for the, extra work he
was called upon to perforin dun
ing the special services in the Meth•
odist ohurah in performing the. duties
of eexton. The looney was collected
by Mrs. Smyth and Miss Creighton,
Mr. Oliver replied oppropriately.
Centre, Eesex Co., were in town on
Thursday of'ast weok inspecting the
Base Balls, the "Dead Bed,"
and "Clipper," for boys with hard
hands, and Rubber Balls, plain
and painted, for girls with soft
Sldpping Bopos that girls "can
skip 500 with easily and not be• tt
bit tired."
Hammocks for folks who -want
comfort or those who are inclined
to be lazy, also splendid little ones
for a baby to swing in. Have you
a baby ? Well then get the little
creature a hammock at •
THE PGisT BOoxa'ronE.
• Arc you musically inclined ? Do
'you ever . expect -to distance
"Ruby ?" We can supply you with
Harmonicas, from 20c. to $1.25,
Tin Whistles, Urines, Tambour-
ines, Policemen's Whistles, Trum-
pets, Babies' Whistles, and Combs
that you can put a paper over and
have a whole baud. You did that
when vole were younger, you re-
See our stationery and school
necessaries. Make yourself happy
by smiling on us, at
The Post Bookstore.
P. S., N. B.—Do you ever read advertise-
Trains leave Brussels Station, north and
south, as follows:— ',, ,
inning South, Going North.
Express ......
Mail 7:15 a.m. Mixed 9:55 n,m.
...11:45 a.m. Mail 2:40 p,m,
Mixed 8:50p.m Express 10:25 p.m,
Tho morning train south and the night train
north will only run on Tuesdays. Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
fag Pius Pius,
A defel's among ye talon' otos
An' faith he'll prem it.
The sixty-seventh anniversary o£ Odd -
Fellowship in America ' will be celebrated
by the brethren, oh Western Star Lodge,
Do. 140, Brussels, by attending service at
the Methodist churoh on Sunday, April
05th, at 10:80 o'clook a.m. Members of the
lodge will assemble at the lodge room at
10:15 a.m., sharp. A full attendance re-
quested. GEO. FULTON, N. G.
"S. woRN,t0 Silence."
Lames' Aid social postponed.
P. MCILENNA made a very good job
of the street scraping this year.
CLOVER and Timothy Seed at McCraok-
SERVANT wanted, see People's Col -
READ legal advt. of sale of property
at Oranbrook.
Tan street watering cart will soon
have to be called into use.
STIOE to your flannels. There will
be cool weather yet before summer.
MoNEr To. Lonx.--Apply a TOE POST
Publishing House.
GET ready t0 commence our new
story next week. The title is "Sworn
to .Silence."
Wnpublisb a little earlier thio week
so that our employees may get the
full benefit of the holiday.
SEE advt. of vehicles and imple-
ments for sale by Reeve Rogers.
Advt. in Peoples Column.
THE Plymouth Brethren have rent-
ed part of Wm. Hannan's house on
Albert street where they hold a week-
ly service.
Gear buffalo robe lost last week between
Brussels station and Iibbel. The finder
will greatly oblige Beatty Bros. by leaving
the sanle at their livery stable, Brussels,
Miss Lanus JACKSON arrived home
from Torento last week where she
has been completing her musical ed-
ucation. She is an excellent pianist.
Mics. J. Ji. Deform, of Saginaw
City, Michigan, is visiting in town
this week, She came over to Clinton
to see her niothpr who has been very
THE attendance of those /interested
is called to a notice in the People's
Column, from Inspector Miller, relat-
ive to Druggists licensee. Tho ap-
plications must be Trade before May
TEE members of Western Star
Lodge. No. 140, I.O.O.F., will attend
public service at the Methodist church
next 'Sabbath morning, at 10:80,
when an appropriate discourse will
bo preached to them by Rev. Wm.
NEXT Tuesday afternoon a special
meeting of the Maitland Presbytery
will be held in Melville Church in
this town. The boniness before the
meeting will be to deal with the call
from Searboro' to Rev, Jno. Rosa, 13.
A., and arrange foe a call from the
Walton congregation.
Ronald steamer. They had been on
a tour of inspection and visited is
number of cities and town. Both
gentlemen expressed themselves high-
ly pleased at the tidy, business like
aspect of Brussels and the 'fine class
of buildings found here. Brussels is
hard to beat and the outside world is
finding it out. •
THE Goderich Signal of last- week'
says :—Wm. Halliday, who has been
iu the employ of J. W. Smith, baker,
for the past three years, left thia ]reek
for Brussels, his old home, having
served the full time of his apprentice-
ship. Mr. Halliday is a most res-
pectable young man, who knows how
to mind hie own business, and we ex-
pect to bear of him getting on in the
and Saturday of last week the ,millin-
ery show room in connection with A.
R. Smith's store was thrown open to
the public for the spring and summer
trade. • Mies Leek, who gave good
satisfaction in'tbe past two years had
everything in apple pie order, and
her arrangements of hate, bonnets,
plumes, ribbons, .laces, silks, satins,
&c:, showed to good advantage. There
was a large attendance of visitors
on both days and what was better
than sight seeing a large number of Pea,
orders were taken. A good season's Butter,•tubs and rolls, •... 15 •
trade is anticipated, and the public eggs per dozen 10
may rest assured Miss Lack will giro pion{ ger 15x10] 4-25
F. 0. ROGERS' show room was the
,poen of bustle and stir on Friday and
Saturday as ladies, young and old)
short and tall, married and single,
good natured and cranky, filed into
the store and passed their opinion on
Miss Green'shandiwork. Miss Green,
by the way is the new millinery, and
consequently has her reputation to
make here, but tf the display on the
oponiug days is a guarantee of what
she. can do ]ler euceess is ensured.
The'h1ts and bonnets are very differ.
etit to last year in every respect ex-
cept one, that is the poor husband
always thinks them too dear,
The room was very neatly and ap-
propriately dressed for the opening.
FOR THE LADLES. --On Thursday)
Friday and Saturday of this week the
millinery opening at the Garfield
House takes place. If you read the
page advt. yen will know all about
tto arrangements and will be able to
see the display at the best time.. OD
Thursday and Saturday evenings tho
13rnssels Band will give serenades
and add to the pleasure of the visit;
ors. On Friday evening tins store
will be open for the inspection of the
public. The proprietor has gone to
a lot of trouble in preparing an ex-
cellent display, Go and see it by
all moans,
"SW000 to till -5500."
Anviu Bunn, it borne for his 11111
er vaeatten front Toronto
PIMPLY Of thin w00k ,,id Piaster
Monday \vill'be•bolidaya iu oar pub
lie sebonl.
Tr10 Grand Trunk ft R. Provident
Socie'y lets re-arran�od tli, ineddeal
alt�^t,tlsn'co for its int:10 'rs and ap
pointed l)r. Holmes snrneon for tnis
tglvlein i,.
Paeskeson Moog will be in town
next \\tedictul iy • and .will meet nil
those desirone of taking 1):tsou•t in
dancing, Glnriug the evounlg. Rooms,
Gt:tut's bigot,,
Tuwo & SON have their sglrlug an•
nonnoesn nt in this week. Tiley are
old hands at the business and un,rdr
staid their work thoroughly. Read
their a.lvt, and thele go and order
your Intl'.
\\C, IlharaY wishes to 'lt•t ••e Vett it:
will be at his home, in Brussels, on,
the 28rd, 24th, 211tH ftn:l 2701 lusts.
to di peso of his Blinn to illose want,
ing thein, or to those weir have al-
ready MAO arras enir-nts for bees.
Soars miscreant threw a geed Sized
stone through an upstairs windoly in
Edward Dunford'e house, ]est Friday
night. Whore the feu •comes in
pelting a lime with stootos is 11• con-
undrum. If the guilty party i, fo and
out they will be made smart for it
yet. Parttime were seen in that neigh
bort ood that night that suspicion
rests strongly upon.
ON Thursday of last week four'
Listowel gentlemen came to town i11
a boat. They returned by the even-
ing brain. The Listowel Bapner
says :—The canoe Watorlily left her
moorings on `Thursday )Horning on a
trip down the river for I3ruseele, with
a cargo of "hay." The Drew eonnisf
act of \V. J., N. R and F. W. Hay,.
And the pilot. Navigation may now
be considered AS fairly opens.
Auasr.--In Brussels, on the Gth inst., the
wife of Mr. Philip Ament of a son.
GREY/IE.—In Brnseels,.'on the 16th Met.,
the wife of Mr. John Grower of a,
WrLsote.—In Brussels, on the 15111 inst.,
the.wifs of Mr, James Wilson of a
Dxoltson.---In Grey, on the 18111 inst., 111
wife of tor. Dickson, of a son.
WA'1T.---In Grey, on the 16th fust, the wife
of Mr. Watt of a daughter.
APRii, 28, tt3*16
d r',stabi nn1 genian. Apply at AissutoJ
JAtowselun(lld improved taxies for gale
in the towrloliip of Grey Morris 11ntl A'foltil-
lop. Apply to A 1)I1b( PTy,Oo.Auotioneer
Brussels P 0. 15 -ti
Inge. and Private Hone= painted and-
duoornted In modem styles at reasonable
stun. Estimate given, Addrees—
11 O r,UOA5,
10.11 GIodorlob,
HgAnEnsol---LITTLE.---Oil the 14th inst.,
at the residence of the bride's father,
by the Rev. J. S. Fisher, Mr. Robert
Henderson, of Bast Wawanosh, to Miss
Mary J. Little, of Morris.
BAxitss,—Drowned in the Maitland river,
near Brussels, on the loth inet., Henry
Baines, aged 80 years, 2 months and
11 days. i.
Claim—Drowned in the Maitland river,
near Brussels, of the 15111 incl., Mag-
gie, eldest daughter of Joseph Clegg,
aged 17 years.
Clatatanon.---In Walton, on the • 16th'inst.,
S. Oammeron, aged 76 years.
SAuroe..--In Grey, on the 19111 inst., Mar-
i • garet, beloved wife of the late John
"t Sample, aged 54 years and 11 months
MONDAY, Anere 26th.—Farm stook 'and.
implements, on lot 84, con. 14, Grey. Sale
to commence at 1 o'clock. ]1011. Bowen,
prop„ Capt. Stretton, auot.
BrutgMolw Itlai'ket-
ConnacrBri OLnrr0LLY Dvent Wess.
White Fell Whon .... . .. 78 77
Red Winter 78 80
Spring Wheat 50 75
Raney .48 55
oats .. 80 81
58 55
Hay per ion 8 00 9 00
IIlde r per lb 7 7i
Dressed Hoge ` 5 00 5 50
Solt per bbl., wholesale : 60 80
Sheep skin's,eadh 50 , 1 01
Wool 17 18
[[[[[[•••••aaY'''ANTED.—A GENERAL SER.
v V vent. Apply at Tun Pon Publishing
• sr, can a000mmodato 2 gentlemen board-
ers. Apply for parbioulars at realdenee, Mill
ebioot ,opposite Alexander street,
A D subsoribor has a young Moro 71rod Dur-
ham Ball ""Lord Salisbury," which he will
keep for service on lot 15, con.8, Grey.
TEnets.-52 for grade oows and 54 for there'.
broils, fee to be paid by Jan. 15211, 1887. The
• animal is a ant -aloes ono as cal beJi"udged:by
hfa a2 digree. MALOOLbt L AMO N PT 1lrl0tor,.
2 now Lumber Waggons, 2 now Bugglee1
Plow, 1 Sob of 0,001.01459 Iron Harrows, 1 Sil-
591Wntel. Tho above will be sold cheap for
cash or on thus, or 1x111 be exchanged for
cordwood; Alcoa quantityof Lath on hand.
Apply to (1 P. 0, ROGERS,
42. - Brussels.
Any DDartios wishing to obtain Drngglst'e
Limier Lionise shnnlri apply for own of ap-
plieati0cto 111° undorolgnedl .Applications
must bo mean ham May 1st.
&M. at1LLE5
April, 2011z GM. Jamestown P 0.
a. 400 stores. Thorn aro good buildings, 70
aorna cloara,l, ek will Holt a0 soutnlning 00012
bn1dlug9, Tho 51,170 ill insrty ,Shins 1510
village of BTnneelg *15512 55.111. hu sold on resume.
able turuls, r01 fill particulars, apply to
GEO, tnstwTitN'e, Prbp
Being ems -doted i,ivaut) Inspector tumor
the a 1111ie Government my Sublet will be to
0uforce Thu 0111,1115 'Temperance Aot," of
1.070 and all pdrtlo 1 t 'terata l ern requested
ae rtnvern th•crosclSan S. n, HELL Y. Inepootor.
Jmuc•^tawn, April 514, 1043,
ly ,, Slon,l of cents postage, aid Ivo•vlll mall you free a royal,
1. vaLuobIo, nampla box of floods
Shut will out you lu the way
of ou•oki5 ; :norm Money id: 0nee ,than auything
elss1u :entwine,. Bath 6exe9 of all ager eau
tivo'.,I I,!,1' 911 •anrk f„ oprrl Hive, or ell
the time, Onpltal 1100 rotprlrrid, \VS will
start you. In"pan00 oar sure .,r th0n0 who
start atono o, STINSON .k Co.,
Portland, Maine
F131l11.il I'!0R, SALE.
The subscriber few ,a 0.111 ober of colonies of
Peru It:,liao and Nlru•Ltalln5. 13004 for gale
and as 1 am removing to Sealortb the stook
must bo mimeo before May lsb. 11 5y aro
Bret -elites hoes ns the Queens wore roared by
the best brooders in the United States. They
have wintered well, are Lu prime condition,
are in good ptoo. well-painbod hives, (Jones
style) rand will be sold 0514440unble berme
40-11, - W. HABTRY.
ing lot 14, n n the )0th con ,containing 100
soros, south part lot 1.5 on 10 eon., containing
45 acres, Lot 14 is partly cleared, the ba
crosses the lo111111)01.0d.
and i 'is well never
41140etlifor farm
ing or grazing. 00115 15 mostly cleared and
under good cultivation, the balance well tim-
bered with block ash. Will sell all together
or iu parts to suit the purchaser. For further
partiouiari apply to the proprietor on the
promises. This lot is well drained.
Notice to Creditors
of Catherine McNeil and James Campbell, de
ceased. _
Pursuant to • an order of 1he High Court of
Justice, Chancery Division, made in a pertain
action of re Uampbsll, MoNel1 vs, Oempboll,
the creditors of Oatberiue McNeil, late of the
Village of Walton, in the County of Huron,
who died in or about 1110 mouth of Oc tobor,
1871, and James Campbell, of tho same plaoe,
who cited in or about the months of March,
1884, aro on or before too 80111 day of April,
1880, to send, by poet pro -paid, t0 DARLING
& MA13EE, Barristors, &c„ Listowel, their
0lai9tian and surnames, addressor and de-
scriptions, the lull a articulare of their olaime,
a statement of their amounts and the nature
of the securities (if any) held by them or' 10
default thereof they will be prempborily ox -
eluded from the benefit of we said (Itchy.
Bveryorodlfor holding any 50311;113, is to pro.
duce the same before mo the undersigned
Clerk in Chanibora of the Elea Ouurt of Sue -
tie°, It my Chambers in Osgood() Hall, in the
city Of Toronto, on. the MTh day or Sony,
1886,mat eleven
tore o'clock,
on the
Dated the 12111 day of April, 1880.
42.215 Mork in Chambers.
3001V1V .2 tsiOlmt.
• —L'—
Mho subsoribors take Ibis opportunity of re
turning thanka to the inhabitants of nrussele
and violnity for past patronage, and beg to
state that having made several improvomaote
to their kiln and mode of burning they are now
in a bettorp551110n than oyez before to supply
the Public with First -Class Limo, .
This being this twelfth 00aeon of our bud -
nose dealings11113 usseleadhavingfivenun-
gnaliflod saisfaction so far, the publl o canre-
ly on receiving good trootnxon t and all ret -class
article from us. Pirst•Olaes Lime at 35 cents
at the kiln.
We also barn a No,111me for plastering ab
the same price.
Home mbar the spot—Brussels time works,
42 TOWN & SON.
• Valuable Property,
in the Township of Dray.
Under and by virtue of the Power of Sala
a =tamed to a curtain Mortgage, which will
be pranced. at the time of sale, there tells be
offered for solo, by Public Auction, on
MOND.A.Y, MAY 174u, 1886,
at Two O'olookpan., at Teak's Hotel, in the
Vllinggo ot. Oranbrook, She following lands
upmel) —All and singularbh000 certain par.
bels or bracts of land and premises, altuato,
lying and being in the Township of Gray, in
the County of Huron, and Pr0yfnee of Ontario,
°out lining ono halt wore, more 00 less , bettor
known and dosoribOd as followo:—B01ng
known as building lots numbers throe and
four,10111er's survey of }hart of lot number six.
toon, in 5110 said twelfth 0onoeesl01l. Oom-
m0n0iug from a stake,easterly, two chains
and nay links along he twelfth 0000,0910.,
from north -wont angle of said lot number six.
teen and manuring southerly and parallel to
side ill 1 with two
conned= two two °halve and
fifty links: thews° northerly to tho coneossion
two chains; lhonee westerly two Mining and
fifty links to the pian) of beginning. On the
promisee aro a good film a dwelling and kltob-
en, frame stable and other outbeildluge, also
a good largo name blaekemitb, waged and
paint oho'', and a good garden, well ;upplied
with cruller (loud fruit trees, and is a Eretmla5e
stand fora mo0bani0.
Zulus or SILT,—Pon per dont. of the pur-
chase money to bo pair] at the time of sale,
sufilaiuntwith the said SO per cont• to make.
ode -halt of t1,5 purchase money within ono
month thoreaftor, and tho belanee of said.
purobaSe money to be secured by (trot Mort-
gage over the aboyye prattling for ter° years
with interest at the rate of given 110r Dont,
per aunnm, payable yearly.
The above property will 310 oftered for gale
subiootto a•r05orvoliid to be exert he Atte
rthprparticulars AaI to
13;tNK1111s, BRUS8EI,S,
'Transact a 'Gencral Bauhin,
Notal to hand disoatutted..
Internet alt, n•sl 4,0 dem ,4[tt r•t,+•y 411410e
Prompt attmitinu *01011* 10 0 /11001[00`1.
doe, Grant's Bloat, Bruossls, Money to
PJ • 0111no formerly noonplo l by \, ..r. ltto.
Coll ling,, in 0 ,,ktoa Moak. 3Com t1 loan.
Ghtrrdw s l'rondtnn8t, Glsorsr ce+) look, "
iter, C.envoyauo,r, fit. 0:3150,
itruseols, Money to loan.
the Vourti, 0lvi4lo❑ 40011 Co. Huron;
Conveyancer, Notary eahil. Land, Ln,mt 11,11*
Insurance .1 gout. Fluids invested and 101040,
C01100 14013 m sdo. U11100 ht (a rah ,.m'a ;:diloch,
A. AIuNAUGHTON, M. 1)„ 0.
ef a .d. L. 10. C. 1 . Ptlinb,rrgil. t')rystglen,
Surgeon and A00510henr.. Ofdau, Mrs, 8511010
block, l'urnbarty Street,
D1. L. 0. P. Tauiiabarplb,
Has removed to hie residence on Rtill street,
the house :formerly occupied by 0r. Graham
and will ho there ab night, Re atilt retain
nu aloe at Hargreaves' Drug Stern.
y L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR
• Graduate and Moneta of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Tho
various nomination given, also n now loom'
anmsthetlo for the gums only. All operations
carefully performed and guaranteed. P4001
moderato. Pull sots of tooth from 45 to 0020.
Office over Powell's store. Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.
f T
21 21• of Marriage Litheness. Moo at his
,Grocery, Turnborry street. 2-23
.C3.. • riaao Lloenses, by appointment of
Llentnonn -Governor, Commies onor, fie„ Q.
B. Ocuveyuuosr and Agent Fire !neuran°o Co,
OdIoo at the Craubrook Post Office.
P Obert Cunningham,
Guelph, - Ontario.
• Aooldoub mud Loan Insurance Agent for
some of the best and most reliable 03mpan-
iee in tho Dominion, Oliloo, Brick Terrace.
Turnborry Stroob, uoar the station. 3m
of Phorough Bass, Vocal and Inetru3
mental Music on Piano Organ and Guitar.
BLoterenoe—adies of 'Lorene, Guelph.
Residsnen—No, 3 south, Brlok Terraon •
44.3m Brussels, Ont.
L • Gradudte of Optarlo Veterinary College,
has resumed tho prao Moe of John Nott, V. S.,
and as proparod to treat all diseases' of domes•
boated asthma on sclentido mud approved
principles. Treabnlout of delicate tatle a
specialty. 01eoe at John Nolt's; V. S.
Bring your lame horses to Daniel Ewan, he
has . 0
Brussels. Having praotlsed for years and
risen to the highest position in the loading
horse -shining establishment of tfrahnm,todin•
burgh, Scotland. Also having , passed with
honors through the Royal Veterinary Sliming
School ,ot I. B Smith, Londan,Englaud where
hundreds of °rippled horses 95050x1 our
hands daily I eau safely guarantee to erre con.
tract= foot es interfering ho0sor. New work
and repairlring of all kinds done on reasonable
terms, and workmanship that will please. 13y
giving mo a. call 3.10010atiedod I would samara
Mir trade. D. )E WAN,
17-51 Hunter's 01d stand.
Butohor, ,thanking his
many oustomors for their liberal
support for tho past six years
wishes to inform them that be-
ing burned out of the old stand has fitted up a
shop in Smn1o'e Blook in arabmlass style
whore he ].topes to see all tho 'old customers
and a0 many naV' onetime sec fit to give him a
call. I hoop nothing but first-class meats, all
kinds 01 Poultry, and Sausage Moab. Deliver-
ed to all parts of the town Free, Cash paid
for Pat Stook.
Under and by virtue of the power 05 solo
contained in a certain Mortgage which will
Ise produced at the time of solo, there will bo
offered for sale by public Emotion, on
FRIDAY, MAY 14ri,1888,
a6 the hoer at 5:90 otolock p, m. by Jamog
Strobtou, auctioneer, at the Queen's Hotel, in
the Village Of Brussels, the tollowi0q Mande,
namely w—A11 that oortnln 115xeel Wiled situ-
ate in the Township of of Grey, in the Counts,
of Huron andProvinoo of Ontario, containing
byadmoa5uromenb fifty noro0 more or loss,
being aonx 000doftheoasbhalf 01 Lot num-
ber 1s, In the Fifth 0onoosoluu 1h said Town•
TEnbfs AND 0050x2050 OB SALn,--Ton per
Dont. o1 the p)irohaoo money to be paid to tin
Vendors' Solloltoro at the time of Sale, suet°
font with the said 10 per cent, to Mahe one-
third of tho purobaoo men= within ono
month thereof tor, and tho balance of said
purehns0 mortoy to bo secured by first Mort-
gago over the abovo promises for 5 scare with
int eroot at thereto of 0 and {, per cont. poo
annum ,payable half yonrlyq
The Obovepttporty will 8o offered for Salo
sebioot to a r5Ser7o bid to bo daorl by the
'Vobdors' Sblioitore. Per .further partioulaea,
apply bo
VDOlt[ngSbrootLa55,Toren odors' Solicitors.
Dated tklslath day of April, 1880,