HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-4-23, Page 6s
Dirooisry of Charohoo and Cocioiiorl
WISLvfvfaz Oncaca.-Sabblith Sorvjoes`at
11 a.m. and 6;30 p.m. Sunday School at
2:30 p.ln. Rio'. Jno. Ross, B. A. pastor.
lioox Cnmhcu.-Sabbath Services at 11
a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday Bohm' at 2:50
pan. Bev. 8. Jones, pastor.
ST. Sonx'a Oouaon.-Sabbath Services at
11 eau. and7 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30
oat, Be.vW. T. Oluffe, incumbent.
MxTnonrsT Ornmon.---•SabbethBervioea at
30 pa n, Bev. Vim, Smyth, pas School at
Ro1fA0 CATHOLIC) O005crf.-85bbath Ser-
vioethirdSundayin every month at 11 a.m.
Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
ODD FALLOW'S Lonas every Thursday
evening in Orahum's block.
Mama Lows Tuesday at or before full
moon in Vanatone'e block.
A. 0. IT, W. Lonox meets on 2nd and
last Wednesday evenings of each month.
FOBEaTEO'5 Lancs 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month in Smals's hall.
L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in
{irange Hall.
Boar oiunc .-0flioe Hourefrem 8 a.m.
7 p.m.
Maononres' INSTITUTE Reading Boom and
Library in Holmes' block, awill be open
from 6 to 8 o'olock p.m. WeTtnesdnys and
Saturdays. Miss Jessio Roes, Librarian.
Most rules for losing health begin
with the injulnctiou,first catch -your`
cold. We have made a study of this
matter^and give the following direc-
tions for catching the hardest cold in
the quickest manner. We have tried
several of the methods without a
single failure. Remember them :-
Sit in a streetcar next to an open
Leave off your heavy undercloth-
ing on a mild October day.
Take'a hot drink before going out
into the cold or damp air.
For Dyspepsia and Liver Oomphaiut,. 100
have a printed guarantee on every bottle of
Sll i' Vam n,itflit never innate ouzo. Bold
Let the boyo romp at school during
recess time without their bats.
Sit in a barber shop in your shirt
sleeves while wasting to be shaved.
Wear your light -weight summer
hosiery through' October and Novem•
ehflokesourowilllmmedlatete relieve Croup,.
'Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. gold by G,
A. Deadman.
Put on a pair of thin shoes in the
evening when you go to call upon
your friends.
Fail to change your shoes and
stockings after coming in on a very
rainy day.
Have your hair cut and ehampooed
,just as a change takes' place in the
weather. •
A NaealInje0tor free with each bottle of
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Prfoe 50 conic. Bold
by G. A.Deadman.
Throw your overcoat open on a
blustering winter day to show off your
/An new necktie.
Send the children out in autumn
for exercise in short, thin stockings
and skimpy shirts.
The Rev. Geo. H.Tbayer, of Bourbon, Ind.
q5y•;-"]loth myself apdwlfeo el ourlIve0to
abil'oh'a Oonsumptioa aura.' Bold by G. A.
Leave off your rough overcoat when
you go driving, and wear your nice
.thin one to took well.
Go to the front door in a cobweb
'dress, and linger, bidding good -night
to your callers.
Why will you Dough whom Shiloh's Cure will
velmby G A.DasdmanPrioel0o.,500.,and A1,
Take a hot bath in the evening and
sit up in your room to finish the last
,pages of an exciting novel.
Throw off your heavy coat when
you reach the office in a hurry and
• put on your thin knock -about.
A royov. Glade ntieerableby Indigestio n, Con-
tkilVativon,Dlrztnese,Loea of Appotlte, Yonow
Boldby G,s voaamalnor ie a poaitive cure.
Go down to breakfast without a
wrap on a chilly morning before the
fires have got fully started.
-Put the window of your sleeping
room up before you go to bed, especi-
ally if the window is near the bed.
Bun a square to catch a street oar
and take off your hat for a few mom-
ents to cool off when you catch it,
The virtue of Carbolic Acid for healing
•oleaneingand purifying is well known; but
from the many modes of applying it, theub-
licisunoertafrthow to use it. To moot Pthat.
want McGregor &Parke's-Oarbollo Comte ie
J,re5ared, and may be need with oonfidenao.
Do not bo misled, Take only 1rloGregor tar%
Parke'e Carbone aerate, Sold at John Har-
greaves & On's. X rug Store,
Do your back hair lip high when
you have bean aooustomed to wear it
low and go out on a windy day.
Take a long bicycle ride and stand
for awhile' describing and showing off
the beauties of your machine.
'PEAT hacking° ouggh can he so quickly oared
by Shiloh's Cure. Pioguarantoo it 801d
A, headman.
Come in from a rapid gallop on
horseback and stand talking in the
open air to a friend for five or ten
The 'continued 1100 of Robinaoti's Phosphoe-
ieadEmuielnn invariably Oioaneee the blood
from all itn asides and roetora0 the s etom
• to a state of healthfulness, that 1e manifoeted
in increased OOhstltutlona vigor, mental ac-
tivity, andllghtnose and buoyancy of spirit".
Alava?e ask for Robinson's Pliosphorlend
l.mullsiob, and be sure yon get It,
Go to an evening party in a dress
suit ivitllobt putting on heavy under.
ware to compensate for the Iightneee
Atf the cloth,
Useful Rules.
PF3 B 1JS1811 Lb e06'1
• 1V.L. cent, Straight Inoue. Apply 10
The outface of a.ephere Dances the ora nbr
square of the • ciroumferenoe multi.
plied by 0,8188.
The side of an insertbed Dube equals
the radius multiplied by 1,1547.
The diameter of a circle equals the
square root of the area multiplied by
An Age or Dlacevery,
We certainly ought to a'prooiate the fact
that we are living in an ape of 1114:V00 and
die aoyery, this le especially aPProaiated by all
persons that have boon afeiatod with Rheum-
attain, as Woet'a World's Wonder or Family
Liniment to a poeltivo euro for Rheumatism.
11 is invaluable for Outs, Sarcine, Bruises,
Burne, BOaids and all diseases requiring ex•
tornal application. Sold by John Hargreaves
&Co. Prion 2toauts a ad 50oou1s per bottle.
The diameter of a sphere equals
the cube root of ite solidity multiplied
by 1 2407.
The circumference of a circle equals
the diameter multiplied by 8.1416,
which is the ratio of the oircuwfer-
.tnce to the diameter.
Fluid Lightning does not take a day or an
hour to remove Neuralgia, Headache, Tooth-
ache, Lumbago or Rumem
hoati, but will do it
instantly, and without carrying your bead in
a poultice for a day or use greasy nnontgnte
yatl cent
e tbottle from Joliav
n Harare
Co.,. &
The area of a triangle equals the
base -multiplied by one-half its height.
The diameter of a circle equals the
circumference multiplied by 0,31831.
Burton's Catarrh Romdoy-a pontive 01100
for Catarrh, Diptberia, and Canker - /South
Sold by G.A. Daaadmn.
The side of an inscribed equilateral
triangle equals the diameter of the
circle multiplied by 0.86.
The surface equals the product of
the diameter and circumference.
Tits. Robert Hooper, of Rimless, .county of
Bruce, inn letter. says., "I have boon troubl-
ed with Dyopepeia and Liver Complaints for a
number of years, and en: glad to nay to the
poblio as well as frieudi, that IfoGragore
Spoad Cure brought me around, and now X
am all right, thanks to Moliregor's Speedy
Cute." Tundrode of like testimonials are fre-
quently reoelved, and aro daily proving that
this is truly a wonderful remedy, During Slug-
gish Liver. Billions Hegdaohe and Ooetivone0s
where all else falls. SoldatJohn Hargreaves
& Co's Drug Store. Trial bottles given free.
The radius of a circle equals the
circumference multiplied by 0.180155.
Plie oiroumforence of a circle mul•
tiplied by 0.282 equals one side of a
squaretof the same arta.
The side of a square equals the dia•
meter of a circle of the same area
multiplied by 0.8862. .
I.' scriber will rent lot 20, 000, 1. Groy,00u,
talniuglOO amen, about 50 Moored, for ono or
more year•. BOUMO, barn and all other nun•
vonionoesonthe lot, Thoma Ica tinaatity of
feed that wouldbe left, by Cho baso agree•
ing to leave a gather amount whoa leen Brno
was out, The age of implements would 'alto
be allowed.
mule from \Yioxet0T res in 80 anionk town -
There le almuuo on the lot but no barn, at
tenant building a barn would he alleowed to
atop it out of the rant. Posoossion con be
given on April let. For further Particulars
apply to Trios WHITE
Canadian N ewe.
Dr. Sinclair, formerly of Port El
gin, has located in •Kincardine.
Chatham Council have'pessed a by-
law against peddlers -and hawkers.
Charlie Maddock, of Guelph, has
been named Superintendent of the
Toronto base ball grounds.
The Scott Act people of Brant
want G. Golloway, of Paris, appoint.
ed polies magistrate for the county.
The Simco• Argus has suepended
publication in consequence of the
continued illness of the owner and
The population of Tileonburg in
1885 was 2,006. liy the assessor's
returns for 1886 there is an increase
of 98 shown,
Chatham grocers have agreed to
close their planes of business at 0
o'clock each evening for the next
three months-exospting Saturdays.
Toronto is threatened with a law
suit for $6,000 damages for the
death of Rev. Johnstone Vicars,
which is said to bavo been caused by
a defective sewer.
William Weld, editor of the Farm-
ers' Advocate, leaves London for
England this week. lie will repre-
sent that journal at the Colonial and
Indian Exhibition.
Angus MoLeod, of Kincardine,
aoinetime since shipped a trial set of
harness to British Columbia. Word
has come book that the harness .has-
proved very satisfactory.
.W. Stalsehmidt& Co., munufac-:
Curers of Preston, proposed removing
from that town, and the Council have
decided to submit a $5,000 bonne by.
law to induct them to remain.
,Mr. McIntyre, a school teacher of
Guelph township, had •ills foot' and
leg entailed in a horse power, a few
weeks ago. Ilelortification set in, and
he died at the Guelph General Hos-
pital on Friday.
John Fraser, of London township,
Middlesex Co., sustained the loss of
a brood mare, 'valued et $800, a few
days ago. The animal•was feeding,
when some of the rations went' down
the windpipe indeed of the proper
channel, and death was theresult.
Geo. Ful]james gays that if Gil.
more will name a place of meeting
and make the $200 offered as wager
into $500, he will make a match
with him. 'He further says that
when he stays the hour which Gil-
more has proposed he will bet, him
$250 in the sing that lle defeats him.
The Bruce Telesoope Bays it is pro.
posed to form a union bebwoon the
Baptists and Oougrogationalists. The
platform of the union has already
been settled by private conference.
Tho matter • will Dome before the
united sessions of both 411es In Lon,
don•next month, and is tMaly to be
Dn. H. C WEST'S Nerve and Brain Troat-
moot,it guaranteed seeable for Hysteria, n r.
riness, Convulaion0, Alts, Nervous, 1tuptalgin,
Boadaohe, Nervous Prostration caused -or the
use of alcohol or toba000, Wakefulness, Ment-
al Depression, Softening of the Crain result•
ing in insanity, loading to misery, 40oav and
death. 00 remature Old Ago,Barren ass,1 0s5 01
Power 10 either sox, Involuntary Losses and
epormotorrb use moused by over.oxoriion of the
Brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence. Leah
box writable one month's treatment, 51 a box,
Or six boxes for 455, sent by ;nall, prepaid, en
receipt of price,
To aura any *ase. With each order r000ivod
by no for six boxes, accompanied with 05, we
will sand the purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the money if thOtrbatmeat doesnot
effect acme. Guaranto es issued only by Sohn
Eargreal'os & 00., Brussels. -,
Should Call and Inspect the New
Stock of Dress Goods, Lace Our,
tains of every description and col-
ors. Elnbroidlseries and all over
net Bushings. Collars,' Ties, Tab-
lings, Towels, white and gray, Cot-
tons in endless variety.
. All my goods are new and cheap-
er than shop wore goods.
Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Canned
Goods, , Spices and Everything
kept in a First -Class Grocery.
My Teas are the Best & Cheap -
.est in town, so the People say at
• The Recl Store, -
In Plows, Scrams, Land B•ollers,
Straw Cutters, Horst Powers,
/Tread Powers, Seed Drills, Seed-
ers, Hay Teddors, Hay Rakes,
Binders, Reapers, Mowers, Sulky
Plows, Farm Soaks, the light run-
out-ning Bain Wagon, Carriages, Bug-
gies, two • second hand Buggies,
13e11 Organs, 1laymonil Sewing
Machines. •
J. G. 53NE•
Canadian l'acifio lZailway Time Table,
Two Horses,1 Colt, nine months
old, two Colts, 2 years old, ono 3
years old, all heavy draught.
Call be Examine Goods
before Purchasing elsewhere.
' Yours,
Geo Love;
The Whole Stock of
Dry Goods 86 Hillery
Terms Cash. No Credit.
J. Christie,
Amur. 28, 1886.
olrness & Collars 1
If you want a good set of Heavy
or Light Harness, a well fitting
Ulm, that won't gall the horses
shoulders, any odds and ends to
complete your set of harness, or
anything in the harness line 'go to
Trunks and Valises
aro always kopt in stock and sold
at a small margin on cost. If you
want anything in this line call at
Baby 84 Doll Carriages.
Just to haiiil a nicely assorted
stock.of Carriages that have. only
bo he, soon to bo admired. Call
and get our prices before purchas-
ing elsewhere.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Shop in Graham's block, oppos-
ite Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
Here we are Again,
Thanking the public for their pat-
ronage for the past 14 years I de-,
sire to state that I am prepared to
attend to all kinds of House, Sign
and Ornamental Painting ' in a
workmanlike manner.
Paper, Hanging
and Kalsomining
done in a manner that gives Sat-
isfaction every time.
Now that the - house cleaning
season will soon be hero send your
orders along early so ,that they
can bo attended to in- good time.
Wei. Itodd3,ok,
The Old. Reliable.
Just RCCjVed
AT'T "W,
Al ' 4*
Teeswater Branch. 1
Miles Going caret.
Mall, Bxpre
0 Toronto.. Dep
0 Orangeville .. ;
4- Orangeville Jot
7i Amaranth
10 Waldemar.,..
13i Luther . , ... .
236 Arthur ....
306 Kenilworth....
88i 1t1T. Foram ..
44 Pages t......
7.20 a.m,
10.15 .6
10.24 "
10.51 "
11.08 "
11.80 "
47 IIannlesox.. .. 12.28 '.
58 .TP,ordwich . , .. 12.55 "
• 60 Gorris .. ... 1.08 t t
626 Wrosetor -'.15
69 wi'ngham Road 1,88 tit
Teoswoter..Axr 1.55 .m.
5.40 p.m.
7,05 "
M11es • Acing East.
Express. Mall
0 Tosiwater Dep
5 Wingham 'toad 6.28
11 Wroxeter .. 5.47
14 Gorrio ....
I7'l Fordwioh .... 6.02
28 Harriston .... 6,25
80 Pages $ • • • • •' 6.35
SGS Mt.Forest,..• 6.51 ''
49} Kenilworth 7.09
506 Arthur ...... 7.26
611. Lnther ...... 7.58
64 Waldemar,... 7.58
co Amaranth t• 8.04
170 Orangeville Jot '8.19
7 Orangeville .. 8,85
Toronto ..Arr. 10,4 ,m.
5,15 a.nn,
2.15 p.m,
Refreshment and Dining Rooms
• oucivattvint r.. ANS/
XATSTd'st-T=01.1. 721..A.05.75:=TO OSS
�I) JU i T V A1ER,
TICKET AGENT, striliSi4etLB,
It 4
Having just received the Largest anal Best Selected Stock of
Tweeds ever shown in Brussels, we are now 'prepared to Sell
Our' Stock is composed of
Scotch Si;Canadian Tweeds
Velvet finished Suiting•, French Worsteds, Borges. Also an lin.
manse Stock of
Striped and, Checked. antingls'
•Always on Hand. Our Stock of Furnishings, such as Ties, Linen &
Celluloid Collars, Linen & Celluloid COs, Linen and Silk Handker-
chiefs, Pat. Napa Black G141vos, Kicl Gloves, Woolen and Cotton Hogg,
Biases, Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Breast Pins, Armlets and Gar,
tars, &c., always on hand and at Low Prices,
Wo•intenf3 making the Hat and Cap trade a Specialty this Season,
as we have a Large Stock of All Shapes and Latest Styles. Onr stock
being Large we intend running them off at
Prices to Suit the Macs.
We Lead & Others Follow,
our Tailoring Department
Is too well known to nood any special mention. We guarantee Satis-
faction every time. .
Sm.ale's Old Stand.