HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-4-23, Page 44 tribc 4tii:.i5se(' 13 051, FRTDA _.11)RIL 28, 1886.W Gorey. Dem. s 1) ---LAS l• Monday 'Iargar- et, b divt'tl wife of the late :John team - plc), who died a year ago, passed awes to her re.wanl, in her 55th year, The doevteecl came to Grey township in 18511 freak Reufrnw On. and was marled to Jun. Sample . about 27 years -Ise. She had been ill for 5 week-, before her death nod crossed over the river in a quiet and peaceftel manner. Deopsy was the cant a of tate (teeth. 8 olnldren,,8 sons and 5 daughters, aro left to mourn the lose of a Godly mother. She lead been a member of Enox Church for over 20 year and her funeral service was conducted by her aged pastor. Mrs. Sample wan e. sister to Donald, Dun. can, Thomas, Alex., Jamee and Neil tleLanohlin, well known in this lo• cality. Tia nut PA$'1• Ague 28, 1886, wmrm,wwNw, Winghnm. Friday, May 7th is to be Arbor day and it will likely be .made to public hralidtty. The preliminary revision of the voters' lists under the new Dominion Fre:mills° Act, for the East Biding of Heron, was held before His Honor Judge Doyle, in Wingham, on the, Oth inat, E. L. Dialiiuson presided es clerk, J, A. Morton appeared 'for the Reformers, while E. Campion, of Goderiob, wateleed the interests of the Conservatives. A number of ob• jeottons 10 names already on the lists were made and noted, but Judge Doyle stated that they could not be dealt with until the final revision. The proceedings were very quiet, neither side objecting to the new names presented for addition to the roll. Tho Ooueervativea added 81 names while the Reforuaers added 07, and distributed in munieipalitiet as follows :— it'Ro r x114. Plengbing rind eeeding is all the go, Gt .tg • Armstrong bee leased his farm near Brussels, an the north side of the couceesion line, to Frank Kelly, of I3ruasols. People wonder who is Rolm; to keep bonne for Frank. Last week while Peter, son of John A.'lsE • an, was cutting wood the axe slopped and struck him on the left foot, severing the large toe, and making an ugly wound. The injury was promptly attended to and no ssr- iout inconvenience is likely to result. Last week it stable on the premises of Wm. Ellis was destroyed by fire and two cows, a heifer and a yearling burned. The fire occurred at eight and it is not known how it started unless en incendiary was at work. The loss will be a serious one to Mr. Ellis. While working in a boat, last. Fri- day, grappling for the bodies of Hen- ry Baines end Mies Clegg, Robert Dickson jr., Councillor Mooney and A. K. Robertson were thrown out of the boat Mr. Robertson had a very close call from drowuing and has Hardly got over the effects of it yet. At a special mooting of the town- ship Council, held last Monday, after transacting other huginess, it was. moved, seconded and parried, `"That this Commit Board deeply sympathis- es with the relatives of Mr. Baines and Miss Clegg, wig; were drowned in the late boating accident on the Maitland riper, in this the hours of their sora affliction." - The following lines, bearing on the death of Mise ''Maggie Clegg, have been banded us for publication by an old friend of the deceased : THE LOVED ONF. GONE. ' A light is from our household gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A 1 l'oc is vacant on our hearth Which never eau be filled ; A gentle heart, that throbbed but now With tenderness and love, Hes hushed its weary throbbiugs here, '1'o throb in bliss above. Yes, to the home where angels aro, Her trusting soul has fled, We bend above her watery tomb With tears, and call her dead ; We call ber dead, but all I we know She dwells where living waters flow. We mise thee frons our home, dear one, We miss thee from our place -- Oh 1 life will be so dark without The sunshine of thy face I We wait for theoitt eve's sweet hour, When stars begin to burn, We linger in our oottage porch To look for thy return ; But vainly for thy coming step We list through all the hours— We only hear the wind's law voice That mariners through the flowers, And the dale river's solemn hymn Sweeping among the woodlands dim. The Urdti wo loved are singing yet Above inc cottage door, \Ve sigh to bear them singing now, Sinop heard by thee no more ; The sunshine and the trembling leaves, The blue, o'er arching sky, The music of the wandering winds lhnt float in whiepere by -- ;Ill speaking in tender tones to me Of all lsfe's parted hours and thee. I do net sea thee now•desr ono, 1 do not sae the ajow, But tern when the twilight breeze Steals o'er my lifted brow, I hear thy voids upon my ear In murmers low and soft ; 1 hear thy. words of tenderness That I have heard so soft ; And on my wounded spirit falls. A blessing from above, That whispers—though thy life is o'er, Rsronu, C°NeBsVATIPE. Wingham 8 8 Brussels Wroxeter Grey Hetrick Morris Tnrnberry ; 1 Blyth 67 1 0 11 20 17 15 19 16 16 81 Stora f"brt i. The Banner says :—We under• Mend that some parties ere travolliug in Ibis section of the country end re• presenting that they are agenee fee the Dominion Wheat Company, of which Adam Brown of Hamilton, is president, Mr. Brown writes to say that he knows of no Dominion Wlinnt Company, is not presitimnt of such company and that ttuy parties using his namo in such a omit -motion are deceiving the publta. The suit against the Rink Company, which was heard at the Liuoolu As• siset, resntted in a verdict for the plaintiff, with damages to the amount of $475, and caste. The suet was en action brought against the Rink Com- pany by A.. Howell, of St. Catharines, lessee of the rink during it part of last summer, for illegal eviction end ir- regulae seizure and Bale of hie pro• peaty for rent. The ease occupied nearly tevo full days, some eighteen or more witnesses being called. Chas. Bykert, M.P., appeared for the plain- tiff, and J. P. Mabee had charge of the defence. It is not yet known whether the Rink Company will outer an appeal or not. 1FArra ono Coranaty .eNote e. • Tho Salvation Army will erect a new barracks in Seaforth shortly. Edward Oarswell will deliver his lecture on "Laughing," in town, aboub May 151. L. Thorne, formerly of Seaforth, is carrying on a fancy poultry yard in Los Angeles, Cal. There is 'a good deal of wondering es to who wilt be appointed as sac• censor to the late Mr. 1leyers. $12,579 was the amount of motiey handled by the • poet office Savings Bank here for lent year. The Seaforth Star Baseball club has been -reorganized with the follow- ing officers:—President, Mayor Cole- man ; lst vice, Roble Wilson ; 2nd vise, G. A. Billie ; Treasurer, E. 0. Coleman ; Secretary, J. J. Brown ; Manager, Jas. E. Leatherlend ; Cap- tain, J. J.' Beattie. 1Biuevaf e. LOCAL ITEMS. Mesa NELLIE Jure is visiting in town this week, Caner fares on the railroad during the Easter holidays. rJNo, Geswsa has put up Taney linen blinds at his grocery. See logal advt. in this issue 're Jndieial notice to, eredibore. Tun oreeee is being prepared on the park for the crialcetera, by Jno, Meadows. IfoujTn :DivisionConrt wee hold on Wednesday of this week. The report will appear next week, Aua'inN GAL/ANDER, of Oallauder Bros., Clinton, was in towu this week looking after the interests of their Uttsioses, ' GEO, MARTIN, S. Laird and 13. B. Burt nee arranging ,t croquet and tennis lawn between the photograph gallery and the poet ith:u block. Rion, rare,• racy, lovely, exorupieting, snob is the Millinery gems that ladies are so delighted with and besieging Mrs. Alex- ander with orders. SooLiL POSTPONED.—Owing to the melancholy circumstances atteuthug the drowning of Iii 13aines and Miss Clegg the social annontmed to be held in the Methodist church for Good Friday evening has been indefinately postponed. COMPLAINTS are made that on BOLUS streets the shade trees are used for hitching posts and the trees conse- quently suffer. Whoever this applies to will take the hint, vo hope, its we dou't want to be paying out mou• ey every year for filling up vaoaucies 'in our shade trees octsaaional by the want of thought of people who ebould have better sense. Fon beet value in General Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, go to Thomson's, one door north Haycroft' Bros. Goot:oN PEnaic, wall known in this locality, writes tho London hree Proes as follows:—"I• notioed iu the col umns of your paper that J. D. Mc Coll, the ohampion athlete, offers any mon in °saheb" a foot on all• the heavy weights, nine events in all, If McOolt•will allow me Hiroo other events 1 will match him for $100 a side, and will meet him at St. Mary's any day he will mentiou to put up the money. Tins week we give oitr readers the opportunity of reading tt sermon from - Rev. Dr. Talmage, the celebrated Brooklyn divine, instead of the cow Untied. story. A sermon won't do you. a bit of harm beoabse now that warm weather is coming oa you will sleep almost every Sunday when the min- isteris pre:whine anyhow. Then Dr. rl'almege is talking about newspapers and newspaper men iind wo would like to see how level bie bead is on this subject. Take a look at page 2 of this issne. Win Bebill, a well 'mown Soafortlt grain merchant, died maidenly at his residence there, The Lake Shore Salt Association bas re -organized for, the year with the following officers :—President, Joseph Williams ; Vice—President, Jahn Saobia; Secretary, W. F. Foot. A. man named Jack Finnegan hoe been sent to the Goderich jail for three weeks for endeavoring to free himself from the lockup at Wingham by start• ing a fire in his cell, where he had been incarcerated for drunkenness and disorderly conduct- He was almost suffocated when resealed. Ex -Monk Widdows writse a very saucy letter to the editor of the Sea - forth Expositor, filen Liverpool, for daring to class him with John R. Clarke, the, lecturer- He. says :--I have no doubt but that alt you said about the "Boot 131tcli" is the truth, but, why °all me a buffoon, &c. ? I beg to say I am as popular as ever --- halls and churches packed. When you say I pm a "buffoon" and my lectures are "coarse," I say you are a maw I hope to he in Seaforth be fore the year ie ended, and 1'11 brand you as a public liar and coward. • Everybody busy seeding. Oor enterprieing merchant Win. Messer, is rejoicing over a baby, girl. A section of the Savage Band, un- der the leadership of Mr. Woodhull•• is expected here this week to com- mence a aeries of services, Searching parties from here were out Tuesday and Wednesday , assist• ing in dragging the river where the boating party from Sunshine met with so fatal an accident last week. We have five full fledged imple- mentdealees and one or two dabblers in the business, and you can just bet its a weary day for the guileless farmEr when he strikes our town. If it has been rumored about in the faintest possible way that a farmer in the vi• oinity is in need of anything from a seed drill to a threshing machine' it' is more than funny to see our agsuts stealing slyly out of town by different ways in the gray of dawn, and all fetobing up on Abe same lot before noon. The only consolation the farmer's wife takes out of their visit is that they leave literature enough after them to paper the horse. Listowel. The Knights of Labor ntimber 250 in town. ' Rev. Dr. Sexton has been preach- ing and lecturing in town this week. A new brick block is being erected on the lot adjoining Molldnald & Cos. banking house. The officers were appointed in con• noction with the chess club:—J. A. Hacking, president, and R. Ferguson, sot:.-trea$. A Committee of Manage- meat, consisting of .the officers and W. Davidson, II. B. Murphy and D. Nlo0osll, was also appointed. ' The band tournament committee reported over ,$7000 already subecrib• ed. Tito eommit`tee expects to be able to raise about cue -half as Hauch more, so thet the total amount to be given in prizes, will amount to over $1,000. The toarnamenf takes place on the 29th and 80th of July next. The great linen firm. of Barbour Bees., of Liebow, Ireland, and Patter - We have not lost thy love, Bon, New Jersey, have started a breech Alt na 1 thy heart in death grown told, business in Baden for heckling flax, Still loves us with a love untold. Sixty heads have beim sant over (rola No need of Ttame's proud veto for thee, l'atterson N,J., and. work was 00M. Nor need for earthly fume, t Thou art enshrined in our fond hearts, menced du Monday, a building suit•.. find that is all Elio same; Ghia for the purpose having been fur - Perth Comets, Notes. ° Mitchell is talking of forming a gas oompany. There is said to be a movement in Perth county to acetate) for Judge Li- za* superannuation. The eople of Stratford will vote on a by-law to grant $5,500 henna tc Thos. Orr, whose planing trill was burned there on Monday. The Rev. Henry Hughes, of Paris, late of Stratford, hat resigned his pastorate, to take effect Oct June 1st, when he petrposse with hie fa•=ily re. turning to settle in England. On Mayil7tltthe ratepayers of St. Marys will vote on a by-law to raise $2,500 to establish a gymnasium in connection with the Collegeiate Insti- tute there. It is etated that Mr. Boy, late tot. Lorin the Montreal Bank at Strat- ford, is short in his cash $2,500 and the tumor has it that he left in ooan- pany with, or shortly after, a female hook agent, an alleged "grass widow" who has been in the arty for weeks, The evils of association with such doeiguiug fomalee as thit Otto was known to be, are mtlteiot:0y appar• ont • LswT 'Monday morning tt horse race, go -as -you please, took place be- tween horses owned by Seatuau Laird and Beatty Bros, fora purse of $25, The course was from Walton to Brae. sets, •Laird's horse was ridden by Edward ,Drake :tad the other horse drivou before a spiky. Tho former followed the sulky until after they had passed the cemetery when tie Bulled out and rare by, taking the lead and won the race amity. The dietetics is about 5 miles and the time made was fourteen minutes. AT the Salvation Army jubilee, last Friday evening, Spacial VanAlleu, Capt. T1100Tav, Cadet Prince, Blind Jenny and a number of soldiers from Seaforth and Blyth were preemie A. new feature of the meeting was the reading of tt eliapter by Blind Jenny, by feeliug the book with her flugerc, she ale° swig •a number of sale" in a pleasing manner. The,meebing wee It good one and enjoyed by those who attended. Among the Blyth soldiers wo u°ticed Countable Davis. Titers is room in Brussels for him to clo it little'miisiouary work with Inc broth- er aonatebtes. . AN OPEN (laureates rt Goon tr°r. Ttls SouL.—After the recent fire in Shelburne, an inquest was heli and amongst those examined wee Jamie' Rawly; better Icemen :ronn•1 as "Snake Oil aim." . The following it' tiia evidence as reported by tho bice Press : — - The first witase 'swore win Jei. Roney :—Ile etated that he had, boeu in 'Shelburne, tour or five ,veeke. came from Essex Centre ; had been in jail there, was mistaken for wrath• er mein, Ain a shuemikerb,y tela, whoa not workiug at teat, 1. paddle jewelry. A. year ago sold cub it ,,hoc- makiug baguette, at Holland Lan.l- ing, Was in Grand Tslnud, N. Y., bast'suminer,got in the lock-up utero ; • was :,entente$ to the Buffalo work- house, for 20 days. Have sold snap ou the streets, also saake oil, in towns, where I was not known, am known ell over now. \Vas in Guelph jail also the Berlin jail. .Leave boat in 'all the jails in Wostorn Ontario„ ex- cept Brampton. Have beau rive nights in the Shelburne lock up f being drunk. Wits arrested iu Gslt for carrying a, 'twelve:. Was let Shelburne, two yeere tigo, bat uct at the time of the fire. Boarded with Mr, Tuck, was on gond terms with luui. \Voald get mad at Mint, when he refused to give me a drink. Was drain" cu Sudeley. night ; want ai bed about 10 o'oloos. I kettle Mr. Jolly, he kicked me ,ou Sunday nigut ; I don't know why tie kicked ate. Mr, 'L'uck awakened me the nigbt of the fire ; I w'sd aslHad •baeu to Elia Qituuas'aoun1lotol bufeep.uru'g°lu> i -i the Royal, at both plane was eefus• ed liquor ; lied some in a bottle I (serried, I promised to go to the Sat- vation Army that nigh, but was tog drunk to go. Had been in Hemet) 8t Hogg's stem on Saturday night. Had been in there several tithes. Hal also been in Foy & Mason's. Was un• dressed the night of tate fire.. I trey - died for four years with the gipiies. The examination "vat aotbiined at oonsiderttble length, but patinae naw was elicited. Ay, full of faith, and trust, and hope, nisbod by J, J. Livingston. The We tread life's troubled sea, Baden branch is to be to some exbeet Till the last throbbing wave of tints 5hali boar our souls to thea— . experimental. Should it prove saga.Co three, oh I it will be so sweet factory, there is a probability that an, With all our eine forgiven, other lot of operatives will be sent To mingle with our loved and lost, out next maim. It is also poeeible 1n our sweet home in heaven ; that' BarUour Bros, will avoutmtil g To speed with all'the blest above f .that "hero would Ue tl0 don er of 1110 Muse vie meati, An ondleeelife of perfect love 1 start Ba linea faptnrp in titin country. glass brealt lig if tine Uuilding iettiod, • Between Stratford and St. Marys on w G. T. R. freight train the other night, bra'lcernan Geo. Moody was wounded by shot first from a revol- ver in the hands of some tnisoreant beside tho track. Stratford's proposed electric light works are not to cost over $12,000~ to abort with, which will include ma• ohinery for 85 lights of 2000 candle power each. The Stratford reaper has proclaim- ed Friday, May 7th, as arbor day, the same date as the Minister of Ed- ucation has set apart as arbor day for the schools. • Of the cities of °Meade, according to the report °f rho Minister of Edu- cation for 1885, Stratfoid is first in average attendants() of pupils atb itt separate schools as compared with its totalwttendane.figures sre -Strabford, 69 perpante g ; 13raut. ford 68 ; Toronto 62 ; Kingston 59 ; Belleville, 57 ; Ottawa, 56 ; Guelph, 58 ; Hamilton, 68 ; St. Thomas, 50 ; St. Catharines, 48 ; London 48, The first annual mooting of the Stratford Mutual Plate Glass Assooi- ation was held 0n Friday evening, Oth inst. A statetnsilb via laid 1)e- (009 the meeting which showed that the association has been a statues to every •particular. Only Ewe pletes were broken last year, which cost rho association aboub $107. They have 22 miemhere in the association, and about 4.500 feet of pieta gins!) is in. eared, There are no paid salaries. It was agreed that all parties asking for iasnranoe in the aseociationrshonld have their glees fully I of an inch »hotter than the window frame, go A000nsoer,—We are sorry to learn of a bad accident wtitoh occurred to D. D. Scbregg, foreman at the Ronald foundry, of Wednesday forenoon. Tie was b:tntnoring a piece of iron when a math piece flew off end :Amok hie nose and went on to hie "tyre en- tering deep into the pupil. Two medical gentlemen were called who probed far it but found it Was too deep for their eppl'ttnced and aclvided. him to go to a specialist in Toronto, Mr. Shragg loft for Toronto. on the the noon trate on Wednesday. We hope. the sight of the eye bill be re - Wind. • WE prophesy that people who al- ways said we would not get a octet from Morris. towuehip will now turn round and say "things havejuebturu- ed out as I said." -•-That our retie of taxes will be materially reduced this year, with a nest egg of $250 and now $267 more. We are starting web anyhow.—That a better illustration The Winuipeg dun has revived tw- o' the "Lost Chord" cannot be found der the managstnout of 'C. H. Peds than in the music produced by the ton. organ of the Methodist church, some• Farmers it the front yo.vecltipa °f times.—This warm weather will cause Hastings are aoat'la3 ,;r iht 111 pot t. -- a boom in millinery and the poor ing potatoes, husbands to feel anxtoue.--Your The Cltineee papulation of Victim::itt, nei'hbors hone will soon have to run B. 0., is 2,978. Two but irad only rho gauntlot.—Brussels will become a of these aro women. , town.--•Evsryboily will go in for Lion. T. W. Aughn hal beau relent• cleaning up and by a' united effort oil as the Reform candidate for the our town will be made tidy. ---The Commons iu North Simooe, • Board of Health will gat down to A Toronto whiskey informer ,bas work—and see that tbitge are brushed been committed for trial for perjury up.—Marbles will haus 10 give way in a license prosecution ease. to base ball, --The cricketers will i oto Mayon Rowland, :tof Termite, bas commence to call out "Lag before appealed to have the imam of 624 wicket," and "Ovah,"-1iov. Mr. Ross women placed on the voters' lists. Won't leave town if the members of The Manitoba Legiclaturo will be Melville church and the people of asked t0 glee a ltitlliou dollars ae sub., Brussels, at large, have the deciding aidy rile Hudson Bay .ltailwvy. of rho t7ution,= 7!hat bbere will not Judgeto Htuganuill added 117 Coin 'bo much beeuilding done in town Erie yservativss and 52 Bs'fw'mere bo the year.—That a row of neat °e.ttagee preliminary voters' hat of West Brune. would rent "flying." --The G. T. It, The•retnains of the daughter of •Sir will scrbtelt their head more than George Cartier, who died iu Freeze, once before they give us a daily train will be brought to Canino for inter• ntot•ning and oventug.---A. respectable meat. - businome would be done in a planing At a largely attended public most - null and furniture factory. Why ing hold in Moutrsal .on Wednesday don't Surra ono push this matter ? afternoon of last week a reaolutioa '.Toro is a splendid opening.••—That fovotiug the proposal to grant a part everybody will read Tetlmage's ser- of Mount Royal Perk for tho purposes mon on aur inside, of Tota • Pose of of a botanic garden WAS curled by a large majority.,