HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-4-23, Page 3AMU, 28, 188&, THE LOVER'S ALPHABET, A on' Or 'rniNas A 1Aellnf,e11 'ISXP$CTB IH A wire. She should be A Always affeotienato, angelic, and affable, B Beautiful, brunette, bounteous, benign, 0 Ohcoring, confiding, charming, cbeffabie, 1) Dutiful, darling, doting, divina ! E Enchanting, engaging—elegance over, F Feulticse, faithful, fair, hoe from fuss, Cr Generous, graoeful—generous giver, H Happy homemaker, Kaley, humorduc 1 I Ideally ingenuous, industriously iuelined, J' Jolly, judicious, just,jnvenesoent, If Know, known, knowable—.kissable, kind, L Lively, loquaoions,lova-luminesoont1 M kteok-mindeclmaiden, modestlymusical, N Neighborly, nice, neat, noble, natural, O Opulent, orderly, odd or original, I' Peaceable), patient, pleasantly placable. Q Quite queenly qualities: qualities queenly R Righteous, relined, rich, right, reliable, 8 Scholarly, saintly, submitting serenely, T 'Tenderly tine, temperately tryablo. U 'Unassuming ,unchanging, unfeigning, V Virtuous, yeraoioue, vanity vibrating, W Wise womanly, witty, worthily winning, X Xcellence, xtesy, xuborating 1 Y Youthful yearning -yieldingly youthful, !, Zephy-like, zealous, zealously zestful. APRIL. Oh, ever °hanging, ever free, How like a fickle maiden thou 1 Now smiles, now tears, then Robs and eight, Frowns flitting o'cr e, sunny brae I But fickle as thou art, fair sprite, We love thee in thy varying mood, And listen for thy footsteps light, Through sleeping vale and leafless woo& The stream that all the summer time Made haste adown the hillside way To meet the river, and n•]th hila To loitering through the valley stray, Imprisoned°° been by nystai wall, Hae called, fair April, long for thee, In murmuring plaint of undertone, , To smite the bolt and set thee free. The robin sonde his cheery note To robin, from the tree -top high ; The blue -bird flies with happy mate— Two lines of blue 'twist earth and sky ; Seeking their find sweet summer bona, Or last year's nest, to make repairs, Where, through the long, bright, sunny days, They'll chatter o'er their household cares. Tho young lambs gambol on the hill When° tato was heaped. the fleecy snow, . While from his perch, on lonely heights, In his onenote, loud calla the crow. An aroma of'bursting buds And early blooms, is in the air ; The leafless trees show tints of green, Life, joy, is springing everywhere. Though liko a fickle maiden thou, Oh, April, with thy smiles and tears I Thy petty frowns—coquettish ways, Make glad our heart°—ne'er wake our fears. For we a sterner rule have known— A king nustere, with visage hoar And °billing mien. Come thou and smile, And break the spell of Winter's power. THE SCISSORS' SOLILOQUY, I am lying at rest in tbesanotum Theplaceplace is deserted and still— Tb my right lie exchanges and manuscript white, To my left are the ink and the quill— Yes, the quill, for niy master's old fashion- ed and quaint, And refuses to write with a pen ; Flo insiste that old Franklin, the editor saint, Uced the quill, and he'll imitate Bon. I love the old'fellow—together for years We have managed the Farmer'a Ga- zette, And although I tun old, I'm his favorite shears, And eau crowd the eompeeitoes yet, But my duties are rather too heavy, I tttinlr, And I oftentimes envy the quill As it lazily Leann with its nibs in the int, • While I'm slashing away with a will. But when I was new—I remember it well, Though a score of long years have gone The heaviest share of the editing felt On the quill, and I think with a sigh Of the days when I'd scissor an extract or two, 'From a neighboring editor's leader, Then laugh in my sleeve et,th° quill as it flew In behalf of the general reader. I'm being paid off for my merriment then, AFor my master is wrinkled and grey, nd seldom lays hold on his pritnative pen Except when he wishes to say : "We aro needing some money to run this machine, • And subscribers will please to remit ;" Or : "That last load of wood that Jens brought us was gr00n, And so knotty it couldn't be split." lie is nervous and deaf, and is gutting quite blind, (Though he hates to acknowledge the latter), And I'm sorry to say it'sta puzzle to find Hoed or tail to the most of his matter., The compositors plague himwhenever they see The result of a limitless endeavor, But the darling old raeaal Piet lays it to Otto, , And I make no remonstrance what- ever. Yoe, I shoulder the blame—very tittle I care • Igor the jolly compositor's jest, For I think of a head with.the silvery hteir That will Soon, very soon, be at That, He has labored full long for the true and the good 'gid the manifold tretrblos that irk us, His only emolument, raiment, the food, ..mm And --a pass, now and thole to the 01r - 40C Troigiro 1 from the 'past tomos a memory bright, 010 lass with the freshness of clover, Whe tlae d me to °lip from her tresses one night Am °moral Iciok for her lover. That dear little look le still aloofly and brown, ,But the lass is much older and fatter, the youth—bet an editor bore in town Pen employed en the staff of the lat- er. The p b ds Ire IIOW �t ed. ° Toronto oxpsals,a vipit from Sam Jones, the Southern evangelist, in October. Toronto ministers are to, discuss the expediency of inviting Rev. Sala Joao to visit that city. The Canadian Pacific steamers will commence running between Owen Sound and Port Arthur about May 1. An anonymous contributor hag . cont Rev. lir. Reid, Treasurer of the Presbyterian church, $500 for mis- sions in the forth -west. A mooting was held in Toronto to coneider the advisibility of erecting a statute of the Queen in Queen's Park. For some time past people iri Grif- fin town, near Montreal, have been continually frightened by a supposed dog -faced man, who turns out to be a largo Newfoundland dog, which, be. sides having the appearance of a man in the position it lies, has a habit of standing on his hind loge ,against fences and looking around at people as they pass, and in the dark would much resemble a dog -faced man. 8lvery well regulated household at this sea. son of the year should have a bottle of West's Cough Syrup on hand, as many a weary day of sickness eau he avoided b y taking West's Cough Syrup in time. It ie a poettivo ewe for mums, oolde, 'Whooping Cough and all Throat and Lung Complaints. Price 200., 000., and 91 per bottle. Said by. John rreogrcovoe 1 00., aggiete, A dispatch from Montreal says ;— be toe shove has produced clisae- eons effects along the south shore. or several miles above Victoria Bridge ice has forced itself upon the ore in hugh mounds or pyramids, din many places has completely Ied. and blocked the highway with penetrable barriers of solid ice, ereging thirty feet in ;height, and some planes attaining a height of vonty foot or more. The ice came lashing into the shore with extra- dinaiy force, dammiug the streams effectually that file rivers, having outlet, have flowed back and flood - many adjacent farms. Some idea tho power and force of the moving ass of ice may bo formed from the t that boulders weighing fully ten s have been carried completely oss the road, a distance of thirty 1, and trees two feet in diameter vs beep leveled to the ground. In cis there have boon formed large undo, which resembles pyramids a white desert. Farmers are very eh alarmed, and have been moving it stock and families to safe dear- s, and many of them were up all t night, being afraid of further mage being Sone. The ice has ved in considerable masses An the re and abutments of Victoria dge, and has come within a few of the railway track at Boucher - o. Tho ice bridge still holds firm. lain I am g at rest in tho'eanctum to-nlght— laoc is deserted and still • — Tha stars aro abroad and the moon is in sigh Th ro ugh the trees on tho brow of the ill ; Clow rry along in undignified haste, Audi the wind rushes by with a wail— Hello lthere's a whoopin' big rat in the p aste— I'd lice to shut down on his tail 1 yatttetial.iit ' w a ilt. Ayinli5 r desires to become a town. Fr Westbrook, the Brantford bicyalien, has joined Forepaugh's cir• Ons. A police matron is asked for in Montreal to take charge of female prisoners, dr T t F eh an fit im av in se Cr Qr so no til of m fat ton oar fee lea she mo in ran the ter las da she pie Bri feet vill (5)N DECK G-eo. Phippen, Painter, - Br°usseZs, is prepared to do AR/Finds of PAINTING, - GEAINING GLAZING, KALSOMINING, PAPER HANGING, tete., &c., at Reasonable Rates. Seitisfaction Guaranteed Ica .vary Instance. ORDERS ° Left at Geo. I3ael.or's Store will be promptly attended to, TPCE BRUSSELS LS L0OS'.l'. r g BABY IJA IRIAGB.I 1UY Y'OU TZ "fRUI.LJJOI -G t 1 We Offer Special Inducements , to Parties Building, LOTS OF NEW GOODS .A I7Z, a av-ING' �7AI�lY. Pull Assortment Now in Stock. GOODS AT RiOHT PRICES. COMJ' AND 8EJ US. 4.7 , Drewe's old Stand, Brussels. EW PRING JOODS. STRACHAN RACHAN BRCS. An Now Eread.y for the Spring Trade. In Dress'Goocls we are showing some of the Newest Materials in the Market, of tho latest Shades and Colors; all of which have been well and carefully selected. . Prints and Ginghanis, - a good assortment, also full linos of Ladies' Gloves, Hosiery and Para- sols. Full Stock of .0 Staple Dry Goods, such as Cottons, Shirtings,Denims, Tielcingss &c. , Gent's Furnishings. Nice range of Tweeds, Pantiogs and 'Worsted Coatings, Gent's Pus= nishings and Hats in the Newest Styles. Full lines of C'000er ° Smith's Bbots and Shoes in' Stock. GROCERIES FRESH & GOOD. .Peas a specialty. A now line'of Colored Grlassware justreceived and opened out. v BAZAAR' PATI'RNS' always on 11and,11Fonthlios given away free. Call and get one. An inspection is rospeetftdlly solicited atlanOS r I have it nice lot of Baby Car-' riagos on hand that the Publlr should see. They aro Well made,. nicely finished and will be Sold at Reasonable Prices, S 11-4 I- arness 9. Collars t and everything in the harness line on hand. Also Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &O., S;c. H.' DENNIS I1E GREAT THOR0UGkIFABD. TO THE NORTHWEST, Tho St1 Paull Minneapolis aYMManitoba RAIL Vir.A-Y, with its 1,500 miles of road. It is the only line extending through the Park Region of Minnesota, to all principal pointe in Red River Valley, Northern Minnesota, North- ern Dakota. The Sbortekt Bout° to Fargo, Moorhead, Sauk Centro Wahpeton, Cassed- ton,Breckenridge, and Morris. The Only Line to Grand Forks, Grafton, Mayville, Larimore, Devils Lake, Crooks- ton, Portland, Hope, Winnipeg,Hillsboro, Ada, Alexandria, and to DEVILS LASE AND TURTLE ifOUNTAIN DIST'S, n which there is now the Iargest area of the most desirable vacant Government Lands in the United States. The lands of the St. Pani,. Minneapolis & Manitoba Rail- way Co. in Minnesota are particularly de- sirablefor all classes of farming, are offer- ed at very low price e, and easy terms of payment, and it will bo to the advantage of all seeking new homes, to examine them be- fore purehasiug'elsewlrero. Maps and pamphlets describing the coun- try, giving rates of fare to settlers, etc. mailed FREE to any address, by JAMES B. POWER, • Land and Immigration Cornm'r. C. E. WARREN, General Passenger Agent, St. P. M. dr, M. R'y., ST. Pour., It1'rrrs. L z H o 11.0811