The Brussels Post, 1886-4-16, Page 8u
Express 'Wagons soldin 4 days,
!tad 2 Wheelbarrows thrown in,
We have the Dandies.
Just to hand a nicely assorted
stock of Fancy Baskets, snail as
Ilio-uic, Lunch, Dinner, shopping
and work baskets. Have a look at
them even if you don't want to
buy just now. They aro princi-
pally German make. Call at
The Post Bookstore.
N. B.—The Grand Trunk Railway will
have a sin to answer for as they charged
us 41.87 freight on 20 pounds of baskets
from Hamilton. Some people would have
given them the baskets to settle the freight
but we didn't.
Trams ]core Brussels station, north and
south, as follows:—
ollows:Going South, Going :Porth.
Man i:10 ROD .' !Mixed ,...........0:85 n.m.
'Express 11:45 a.m. Mall 2.40 p.m,
Mixed 8:50p.m Express 10:25 p.m.
The morning train south and the night train
north will only run on Tuesdays. 5.'huredaye,
and Saturdays.
A cbiel's among ye !akin' otes
An' faith he'll prent it.
The sixty-seventh anniversary of Odd-
Fellowsbip in America will be celebrated
by the brethren of Western Star Lodge,
No. 140, Brussels, by attending service at
the Methodist oburoh on Sunday, April
25th, at 10:30 o'olook a.m. ' Members of the
lodge will assemble at tbo lodge room at
10:15 a.m., sharp, A fall attendance re-
quested. Geo. FELTON, N. G.
Antra showers.
SwoItN to Silence."
HotisE to rent. Advt. in People's
column. '
CLovEa and Timothy Seed at MaCrack-
SER legal advt. of sale of farm prop.
arty in (}ray township.
A Bnveej.Ls young lady amuses
herself by carrying in wood.
2 eorrasnu Lady Agents wanted at ouzo.
WATCH for our new story "Sworn
to Silence," by Mrs. Alex. Iri.cVeigh
GEORGE MILLER has sold a Band -
some 8 seated covered carriage to
Beatty Bros. for their livery. The
rig is la now one.
WE ar epleased to state that E. E.
Wade has recovered sufficiently from
the runaway accident to be able to
get to his office and attend to busi-
Fon best value in General Groceries,
Crockery and Glassware, go to Thomson's,
one door north Haycroft Broe.
A RVNAWaT team, belonging to a
men named Carnoehan, created a
little excitement on Wednesday after-
noon. Wagon and harness badly
THE advt. of G. A. Powell, on page
4 of this issue, ha's been closely seau-
ned. by you, of oourso. He has a very
handsome stock of new spring goods
to tempt the purchasers. Call on him
Cs and see for yourself.
NEST Friday will bo Good Friday
and will be observed as a general
holiday. Services will be held in St.
John's church and the Methodist
church. A social will also bo held
in the basement of the latter church
on the evening of Good Friday.
DIED.—Last Friday morning, after
a long illness, Miss Margaret Murphy
pae,ed over to the great majority.
She was a sister to Mrs, Samuel
iiurgese, with whom she made her
home. The funeral' took place at.
nrday afternoon, service being con-
ducted by Rev, S. Jones.
Ho l nom tern Wuev,—Fare to Winni.
peg only 421.00, other pointe proportionate.
ly low. Purchase your tickets for Dakota,
Minnesota, Manitoba and the Northwest,
via Canadian Pacific Railway. Lowest
rates, quick time and less changing, Bag-
gage properly oared for and checked to des-
tination. If you cloir't buy tickets, oall and
get all information from
Taos. FLETcHEe,
Agent C. 1'. 11, Brussels,
Rao. S. H. OATRROF, of Syracuse, a
weatherprophet who diagnoses from
the sun spots, and who. has been
•wonderfully successful in his predie.
bene, writes :—"On April 18tH a dis-
turbance is due, which is the only
known chance that we have, appar-
ently, of breaking the force of the
` grant disturbance duo Saturday,
Aprill7th, and on Monday; the 10th.
If the spot on; April 18011 comes to
time, we shall have a weather die-
tnrbanco commencing April 14th and
15t1). If it does not, the storm of
April if)th and 20th will be terribly
severe, asite force Will then be entire-
ly unbroken,"
"SWORN id Silence."
AEMEMnER A, R. Smith's
MONEY TO LOIN. --•Apply n
Publishing House.
Tna band gave their opening weok•
ly concert last Saturday evening.
HE'LL likely buy the cigars, See
marriage notice for further pnriion.
EARLY.—Samuol 1Toggerd has a
breed of chickens on deck already
this spring. There are 10 of them.
G'xr. wanted to aot as saleswoman. Ap•
ply to Adam Good & Co,
R. GRAHAM shipped fi VS care of
wheat to Walkervillo this week. It
will be 'made into sehishoy, probably.
TEE Salvation Army hold a big
jubilee in the Town Hall this (Friday)
evening. A number of prominent
officers and soldiers are expected to
be present,
GREY buffalo robe lost last week between.
Brussels station and Ethel. The finder
will greatly oblige Beatty Broe. by leaving
the same at their livery stable, Brussels.
LAST weok some young men, who
should have known better, went to
Mrs. Wallaoe's home and pounded
on the door end other raise annoyed
her. An example will be made of
mime of ']hese youths if thio thing is
I continued.
A MroaANro sonde us the following
conundrum and answer :—What is
the greatest nuieanoe about a Shop ?
IA. loafer that sits on the end of a
pelting the workman to walk around
him whentools are needed.
Fort Ocean passage, via. Anchor Line
from New York to all points in Europe,
lowest ratee. For safety, quick passage,
obliging officers, this line of Mail Steamers
.$i:1 13BUSS ELis l"0f'a'1.
Ann, more than half gone already.
SERVANT wanted. See People's
Nexe Wednesday is Fonrth Division
Court day,
MAO day will be two woelfs from
Saturday of'this week,
J. G. SICENE's now advt, appears
in this issue.
Tim erusteo's'este is etill in prog-
ress at. the Lion'a store. Read thele'
advt, this week.
Tux flax mill will goon 1)e through
with last season's crop of flax.
WATOII out (0) 3'Oo. Luve'e edvl,
in this Week's paper. See what ho
LEAVrt your orders for route 'bine
early. We have a nice assortment
of outs.
A CONVENIENT epics has been fitted
up in the roar of the hardware store
of B, Gerry.
FRIDAY Of this week is the Eltet
Huron Spring .Show, on the agricul-
tural grounds, Brussels.
A. R. SMITH has been charming
hie customers by the swept tones of a
music box that plays eight tuues.
MAIN street has been receiving a
good scraping this week and a largo
amount of stuff will be carted away.
AT Toronto's groat millinery openings I
eelectod the raciest styles, combining grace
and attraction, purposely got up to enhance
the winning chorine and lend to woman
that sweetness becoming her visage and
complexion. Come all to the Lion's store.
Tux Pon'
meohanio's bench goseipping, oom-
excels. Apply to T. Fawroann,
Tam intelligent compositor made a
funny mixture of the types in a re-
pent issue of the Paisley Advocate.
That a report of a curliug match
should get mired up with a church
local is unfortunate enough at any
time, but when the wretched little
types wind up a church sacrament 14
points ahead on three rinks, the sit -
Ration becomes distressing for the
editor at least, however it may feel to
the parson.
FOR THE WEST.—After an absence
of about 20 years Francis Belly has
returned to Victoria, British Coluth-
bia. Ho spent 6 years there before
and made a host of friends who have
net forgotten him as the years have
rolled away. Frank is a good-heart-
ed Irishman and will get along when-
ever lie goes. He was accompanied
by Frank Hindes, who is assured of a
eituation as soon as ho touches land.
We wish them a good time and a
gold lining to their ,pants pocket in
their western home.
PARLOR CONCERT. -00 Thursday
evening of lest week the Ladies' Aid
of 5t. John's Church held a parlor
concert at the residence of R. Leath-
erdale. A. very pleasant time was
put in and the evening was enjoyed
by all present. Proceeds over $1L
Tho program was as follows :—In-
strumental solo, Miss O'Connor ;
quartette, "We'll have to mortgage
the farm," Mrs. Hargreaves, Miss
O'Connor, J. Hargreaves and A.
Straohan ; dnett, "Only a : violet,"
Misses Cooper and Grower • reading,
Rev, W. T. Oluff ; ductt, "Only thee"
Miss Ronald and W. M. Sinclair ;
refreshments ; (all the company took
part in this part of the program) solo,
"Bachelor's hall," W. H. Moss ;
Harmonica, A. Hingston ; song, T.
Town ; quartette, "Cousin Jedadiah"
Itirs. Hargreaves. Miss, O'Oannor, d.
Hargreaves and A, Straehtin, A
vote of thanks to she host and host.
cgs, and the National Anthem brought
the evening's entertainment to a
TEMPERANCE.—Last, Tuesday even-
ing the temperance meeting was held
in the Town Hall, according to • an-
nouncement. The attendance was
not very large ,considering the fine
night. The program was an excel
lent ono and would have done credit
to a much higher priced entertain.
went, Rev. S. Jones performed the
duties of chairman in his usual happy
style. The program consisted of
two exbelleut selections from the
choral club, "Triumphal March,"
and "Good night beloved," both giv-
en in the best possible style ; reading
"The Battle of Flodden," by W. B.
Dickson, who takes a leading place
as an elocutionist ; a ten minutes ad -
dross by Rev. J. !toes, B. A.., brim-
full of otimmon sense ; solo, "Only a
wandering child," was sung vary
nicely by Katie Wilson ; an essay,
"Temperance from an educational
standpoint," was read by is.. loloKay,.
of Cranbrook, and was very heartily
received as it should bo ; reading,
"Camp•neeetina in Texas," by Miss
Richardson, was good and well given
Rev. W. Srayth's pithy address, and
the National Anthem brought the
program to a ciose. We wonder
where all the lovers of temperance
were on 'Tuesday evening?
Like flower buds dazzling in the sun
Will Alexander deck each crown.
PERSONALS. --Lae! Monday after-
noon Wranit Kelly sr., Frank Modes
and Thos. Calbick left town for Brit-
ish Columbia, They went by San
Francisco. 'We can't speak for the
two former, but Dir. Calbick had vary
s0roug attachments in this part of the
country that he disliked severing for
a time.—Dr. McKelvey arrived home
last week after an absence of nearly
five months in New York, where he
has been perfecting himself in his
profession. The Dr. speaks very
highly of the course of instruction
there, We are trying to persuade
flim to give us an account of hie trip
and perhaps ho Iva—The Gcderich
Signal rays :—Rev. John Ross, of
Brussels,' one of the ablest Presbyter.
inn minietere in the county; has re-
ceived a call to Scarborough. -Mrs.
Smyth and Millie have gene to Hain
ilton to visit relatives and friends.—
Harry Bennett has a situation in
Welland.—Thos. dawkshaw is just
recovering from au illness of two
weeks. He had his lege injured by a
load of wood upsetting and catching
cold he was completely laid up.—Miss
Ronald is visiting at Ohioago.—Alfred
Lowery arrived home from Nebraska
lash Monday evening. Alf. thinks
there is no place like Brussels yet. He
says work is very scarce in the west
and every job has about a dozen men
waiting for it.—Alfred and Charles
Town left Brussels for Winnipeg ou
Wednesday of this week. They will
be away all summer.—Next week
Mrs. Hutehiueon, Mrs. Cormack and
Afrs. Tufts go to London as represent.
ativoa to the Women's Foreign Mis-
sionary Society.-Jno. Fear was away
at Toronto last week and brought
Mrs. Fear and family with flim, • He„
has leased James Drews's residence
on William street. --Airs, E. F. Blook,
of Wingham, and Miss Allison Lees,
of Toronto, were the inmate of Mrs.
Robe. Ross this week.—Harry James
cubic home from Shelburne last Wed.
neaday. He says our old friend Tuck
although he lost heavily by the re•
cent fire, will resume bneinese as
soon as the block is rebuilt—E. A.
Martin, L. D. S., wee 3n town this
week visiting his brother George.
He has not yet decided where he will
IsinseeE —In Morris, on the 4th inst., the
wife of Mr. Wm. Isbister of a son.
Moonm,--I0'wnrnberry, on the 22nd ult.,
the wife of Mr. Solan Moore of a dough.
Lana—In Bluerale, on the 18011 ult., the
wife of Mr. Hiram Lake of a son.
IItNO.—InBluopale, on the 800h ult., the
wife of Mr. Geo. King of a daughter.
Oiam—Ili Grey, on the 13th inst., the wife
of Mr. Robb. Oarr of a son.
Stfa'n—FAwoITT.—O0 the 7th inst., at the
Commercial hotel, Listowel, by the
Rev. Wm. Burgess, Mr. Win. Smith,
of Grey townelnp, to Miss Mary FAw.
oat, of London, Ont.
ARatsmnouer—Gurzz,—tin McXiliop, at the
residence of the bride's parents, on the
14th inst., by Rev. John Ross, D. A.,
Mr. Amos , of Brussels, to
Miss Elizabeth 13., eldest daughter of
Mr. Samuel Getty.
Smzw,nT.—In Grey, on the 14t11 inet., Mar-
garet, beloved wife of Mr. Alex. Stewart
or., aged 86 years.
McnenY,—pa Brussels, ou the 6,bli net.,
Margaret Murphy, aged 66 years.
Lrtaxfn.—Fri Cranbrook, on the 9th iueb.,
Mr. Thos. Leokio, aged 60 years. '
CIANTELON,—En Morris, on the 6th inst„
Maryloved Wife o
87 yearsMr. Sam-
uel cantata],
Leve. --In Morrie, on the 01h Inst., the wife
of Mr. Samuel Love.
Spring shows will be hold in this vicinity
this season es follows :
Last Huron., at Brusselo, Friday, Apri110
Manelweter, Friday, April e.
Seaforth, Tuesday, April 20,
South Huron, 13ruoolleld, Wednesday,
April 21.
Stephen unci Usborne, at Exeter, on Fri.
day, April 25.
etratford, au Thursday, April 22,
St, Marys, Wednesday, April 21,
Listowel, April 21.
Mitchell, April O.
Newry April 20.
Wingham, Apri114,
fell a tar:sea.Yta ;bXaifrket•
Oonnzernn OAUUB.rULLY Evnnx Worm.
White Fall Wheat., ...... 70 77
Bed Winter
Spring Wheat 50 70
Barley 48 55
Oats .. , 20 130
Peas 53 05
Butter, tabs and rolls 15 17
Eggaper dozen 10 00
Flour pot barrel 4 50 00
Potatoes 25 40
Hay par ton .......... •Il 00 O 00
Hides pot lb 7 7
Dressed Hogs 5 00 5 50
Solt per bbl.,wholeesle.;., 00 80
Sheep akits,each 50 1 00
Wool 17 18
Apnn, 16, 1886,
1� OINT0 iIi iG DiuTAGGART,'
BANISHES, -:- B11USS:411,S,
7'r'ansctct a General Banking
i4,0 i to head discounted.
Inter It a:1. ,ve 1 on doposity r„ nsyable ion
Prue pb 0' .,1tl• z given toe lloltbnl4.
See, Grant's ]hoot, Brueeole Money to
ap-*. E. WADE, BARRISTER, Ica.
• O,nro formerly 000npio l b v 4.. J. Alo.
Coll, 0eq n1 C.3isla'4 Bl ,1s. 1011ay to loan,
Cerruti, & Proudfeos, Goderloh) dello-
Itor,Coin'o'ancer. &e. Office, ar;1ut'a block,
Brussels. Money to loan.
_i. the !Muth Division your§ Co. Huron,
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and
Inaerance agouti, bunds invested' and to loan.
Oollectione made. ()Mee iu Graham'o.iBloek,
0 of AIamolage Li0Ouees. Olnco at his 0Y M. L. R. 11, P. Edinburgh, rhyelelan,
emery, Turnberry street. 2.23 Surgeon and Aeoouohenr, Olnoe, Airs. Shiers
block, ranihorry street.
1s. • riogo Licenses, by appPointment of
Lieutenant -Governor, Oommiseteeer, &e., Q.
13. Conveyancer and Agent Wire Insurance. Co.
Officio at the Oraubrook Post 01aco.
Robert Cunningham,
Guelph, - Ontario.
o Aeoldent and Loan Insurance :agent for
some of the best and most reliable Compan-
ies in the Dominion, Officio, Brick Tartan,
Turn eel eat, 11 ear the station. 8m
Bring your Immo horses to Daniel Ewan, he
Brussels. Haring practised for years and
risen to the highest position in the loading.
horse-ohceiag establishment of Gzaliam,rldin•
burgh, Scotland. Also having passed with
honors through the lioyal Veterinary Sliming
School ,of I. B. Smith London ,linglaud where
hundreds of crippled horses passed our
hands daily I eau safely guarantee to cure con-
tracted feet or interfering boner, New wort
and repairiring of all hinds done onreasonaale
terms, and workmanship that will please. 137
giving mea 0511 .110 el satisaed I would secure
your trade. e. ll, Hunter''s 01d Stand.
:VI. L. O. P. edirturyli,
Has removed to his residence 011 lull street,
the horse formerly °coupled by or. Graham
and will be there at night. 010 etill retain
nn oilloe at Hargreaves' ])rug Stora.
,( 1 •
College o1 Dental SurMember n, oronto, ltlihe
parlous auelsthetlos given, also a noir lonna
anaesthetic for the gums only. A0 operaqtions
carefully performed and guaranteed. Priem)
Pweo soze. Hours no p.
m. ,
of 2boroug8h Base, Vocal and Inetrn;
mental Alusio on Piano, Organ and Guitar.
Reference—Ladles of Loretta, Guelph,
Besidenoo—No, 2 south, Terrace
44-5, Brussels, Ont.
1.I11 W. O'BRIEN, V. 5., 13ON,OR
e Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College,
has resumed tbo practice of John Nott V. S.,
nada prepared to treat all diseases of Nott,
sleeted aaimnle on ooientlllo and approved
principles. Treatment of delicate feels a
specialty. 0icoe at John Nett's, V. S.
Gl tui
1Oth 8z 17th,
Under the Management of Miss Lack,
Success in the past is a guarantee fox the future
X ur
elod.rarnatio 1\ np_ounoe .ei.t.
It is an advertisement which will tell you where
You Oan Save Money
and buy Cheap Dry Goods. Como and Soo our
New Spring
revs Goods,
Prints, &c. It will Cost You Nothing to Look at Them.
and Desirable Selections for Spring.
Bright, ,New
Dui ° Store 5,B Now Filled to the Utmost
With a Choice lino of Carefully Selected Bargains.
Satisfactory in Prices,
atisfactory in Styles,
atisfactory in Quality.