HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-4-16, Page 7Amon, 10, 1880. 010A1118 COLO, h Weary not well -doing. 1)0 right and fear no one, Always bo faithful to duty. Be patient under dilliontties- Be a friend to the friondlosa. One hand cannot expittto the wrong of the other. Harmony is thekeynote of all household comforte. Fortune givoa too much to many, but to none enough. An open mind, All open hand, and an open heart will find everywhere an open door. A, deal of what paasea for the milk of human kindness would not boar ekireming. It is no part of wisdom to be mis- erable to -day became we fear we may liii to.morrow. Groat minds lower, instead of ele- vate, those who do not know bow to eupport thorn. Opportunities to do good aro never so scarce that any one need do that for the doing of which an excutee must be offered, It ie with narrow-eortled eople as with narrow -necked bottles ; the less they bare in Wein, the more noise they make pourtng it ont. Speak well and little if you wish to be considered as possessing merit. The beet education in tho world is that ot by etruggling to get, a living. A gloomy Christian is like a cloud before. the rainbow was vouchsafed. The borrowing friend is an enemy to whom no quarter should be 'mown. 0.'he highway of the upright i to depart from evil ; he that keepoth his way preserveth his seal. There aro two classes who do not bear prosperity -one of them being those who du not get it chauce to bear it. The more we do for God, the more we are indebted to him ; for oar suf- ficiency is of him and not of ourselves. The rose wept for a gift and the Lord gave it thorns ; .the rove wept until it saw the antelope eating lilies. Envy feeds upon the living ; after death it ceases, then every man's well-earned honors defend WM against ealiunny. The chief ingredients in the com- position of those qualities that gain esteem and praise are good nature, truth, good sense and good breeding. In civilized society external e.dvan- Cages make no more reeyeeted. A. num with 0, good coat upon lila back meets with a better reception than he who has a bad one. Nob by literature or theology,, but .niegrity, by a Luau permeated and perfumed with airs of Heaven -with manliest or womanliest enduring love -can the vision be clear. The pleaeuree of the world are de- ceitful ; they promise more than they give. They trouble tts in seeking them, they do not satiety us when poseessing them, and they make us despair in losing them. There is nothing so delightful as the hearing or speaking of truth, for this reason there ie no conversation so agreeable as that of the mall, of integrity, who hears without any in• tention to deceive. traglIsh Opinion on Giadstone's Polley. Judging from the comments of tne leading English papers on Ur. Ulad. stone's home rule speech, the prevail. ing feeling in the British mind ap- pears to be one of utter amazement and bewilderment, from which, as yet, the p,ublie have hardly recovered sufficiently to pasajudgment upon the merits of the scheme. It ie singular that this ehould be the case, eeeing that oolong a period has elapsed since the premier avowed his intention of eonforring self-government upon the Irish. Having pledged himself itt favor of a home rale =Retire, he could not have redeemed promise lly any lose compAeheneiva echeme than the one now before the people. It is a little difficult, therefore, to understand why the deolaratiou of the main details of hie policy should havo given such a shock to public opinion its seams to have resulted. Eunwing the downright earnestness of Mr. Gladstone's character, exponents of English sentiment could hardly have anticipated that he would •"keep the word of promise to the ear and break it to the hope," or that any such de. ceptive Mance would suffice to retain the support of the Irish Nationalists. Poseibly they fancied that tho opposi- tion which has been manifested in quarters where Mr. Gladstone looked for support, tnight have caused Win to aworve or hesitate in his purpose. It does not say much for the dieern- ment of English politicians that after hardly anything Mee but the proe- puts of home 141110 lin been talked`or written of for weeks, the announce. ment that Mr. Gladstone really meant to persevere lulus dedlared intentions r stoms, beating them opponents' time should have fallen oh them like a by 4 seconds. J. D. McColl was the a thunderbolt , out. of a clear sky. time -keeper. Evidently we must wait a day or ttvo longer until they reouver from their impreesions of mingled surprise and conaternation , order to get an in. tolligible idea of the 001100118114 of Englisb opiniim on tho hill. One peculiar pilau° of the situation is the feeling among the English Bad- loals in favor of the retention of the Irish representatives at Weatiniuster. Of late the Iriela have proved valuable allies to the Radicals la their attitalte upon antiquated. nbaSee, and if Glad - tone's scheme as it stands is carried out, the forces of Democratic innova- tion will be perceptibly weakened. As the Irish will still be taxed to (=- tribute for Imperial pnrposes, they have clearly the right to B01110 repre- sentation in the Westminster parlia. ment. That the British .Baclicals are anxious to retain the assistance of the Paruellite phalanx, is an encour- aging evidence that the people of the t tvo °nun tripe are beginning to understand that their true intereete are in common. Worth Knowing. Drain pipes cud all plans tha sour or impure may be cleansed hme-water or carbolic acid. 011 of lavender will drive a flies. Grained wood should no wa with cold tea. If a bedstead creaks at each in unlit of the sleeper, remove the s and wrap the end of each in old u paper. 'VEIN will prove comp eilencer. Carpets should bo thoroughly en on the wrong side first, and on the right side, after whiali s may be reinoved by the usa of or. or ammonia and water. Cayenne pepper blown into cracks where ante congregate drive them away. Tito 8111110 rem te also good for mice. If gilt framou, when new, aro c ered with a coat of white varnish, epecks can then be washed off w water without harm. Strong brine :nay be used to vantage in washing bedsteads. R alma water is also good for this p pose. If the wall above the stove has bo smokld by the stove, cover the his patches with gum -shellac and th will not strike through either paint kalsomine. Hellebore sprinkled on the floor night destroys cockroaches. Tli eat it and are poisoned. Mortar and paint may bo remov from window-glas's with ho, aha vinegar. Furniture needs cleaning as mu as other woodwork. It may bo tvaol ed with warm soap -suds quieltly, wi ed dry, and then rubbed with an Di cloth. To polish it rub it with ro ton stone and sweet oil. Olean o the oil and polish with chamois ski When hard -finished walls 1111V been kalsomined the solid coat should be washed or scraped olE be fore 11 new one is put on, This i the moat disagreeable part of the pro oess. The furniture should be coy ered, as the lime makes spots the are removed with difficulty, especiall upon black walnut, t' are with way shed ove• lots ewe - late eat - hen pots gaJl the will edy ov. all ith std. ot 01- 00 ok ey or at ey ad rp eh 1. p. ly t. if 0. 0 • y Remove flower -pot stains from win- dow sills by rubbing with line wood mites, and rinse with clean water. Cold creatn, which easily becomee rancid, may be preserved by the addition of a small amonut of saboy- Ho acid. A niedteal journal says that in carrying children in the arms care should be taken not to carry them habitually on the same side, as this tends to make them one-sided. A good finger nail polish is pure oxide of tin, tinted with carmine, and perfumed to nit. 1-1:.k1.11) liURON AND BRUCE ( Loan sec Investment Co1, Mitt Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at LOWEST WATER of Interest MORTGAGES PUItOlIA.SED. SAYINGS DANK MUNCH, 8, 4 and 5 per cont. Interest Al- lowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. Ototacn.-,On corner of Market Square and North street, God elicit, Horace Horton, 4WEAR SPEOTAOLES And Eye,Glasses -That Will Preserve Your LIZ,I.BUS, manufaeturing Optiolan, hateo the 6rin of Lazarus cte Morris, 28 Maryland Road, Marrow Road, London, 16ngland, has ap. pointed an agent for the Renowned Sped. axles and Bye -Glasses which have been be. fore tho public for the past 25 years. LAr.Alres' Spectacles never tiro the eye. ast marl, v a,,, 'thn,,t I -Por sale by- plax.takk. JAS. DBE W14, Hardware Menebitot Go deri ell , Aug, 5 *h,1885 31.f3rn" Brussels, Ontario. NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS, Wza. Vanstono 134 Sonz, Pxopieton. We have autch pleasive in announcing to the public that our New Roller Mill is in Complete Bunning Order and is giving the Best Sat- isfaction, SHORTS, NIEAL, BRAN & CHOP CONSTANTLY DN HAND. We also make the following brands of dour : Patent, jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Stor712. llristiug attended to With Promptness. All kinds of Lumber cut to Order, HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. EAST HURON arriage Works, JAMES 13-ETY*1?...,S ...--11ANUPACTURER OP- 10.0RV,Pid, EXPRESS WAGONS, WAGONS, ETC:, BTU., OA.RRIAGES, BUGGIES, ETI. All made of the Best Materials and finished in a Workman -lite eraecer. Pail? ti714 promptly atte,7' lded to. Parties intending to buy should call before .purchasing. • BEFERENCES.-Marsden Smith, B. Laing, James Cutt and Win. Mc- Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewar and 3). Breckenridge, Morris Township • T. Town and W. Blashill, Brnoisell'; Rey. E. A. Pear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry Township. REMEMBER THE STAND -SOUTH OF BRIDGE. JAMES BUYERS. ETHEL allEtzwr wit Tuesday an alderman of Kingston1 • received a letter from the west cow taining the key of the safe of J. A. McMahon, the absconding lawyer. Actions have been taken to remove certain mortgages made out by Mc- Mahon, one for $6,000. A. man named G. Benoia, employed in the Canadian Pacific elevator, Montreal, was smothered last Thuns. day afternoon, itt a bin 9f grain. Something was obeirneting the shute, and deceased in trying to remove this loot his balance and fell into the bin, which was fifty feet deep.' Some time after he WAS missed and the bin being emptied, the body was found, but all attempts at munition failed. OUR 7 ONEY r.r0 LOAN AT 6 PER eeut. 114ral 1,,son. Apply tr. I4A171411,111`1. Oranbrout. EFATE 1810117111 • aiwiirt-i • sreA Drt,31. 0. Wnsy's Nerve awl Brain Tree*, meet georsateo,1 eneeitio ler Ilyetorla. Dire ziness, Colon /F101*. NetTOUN, liouranda, Ifienieche, Nervous ProAratiot, eons, a bv the 11h4,et 0loo414,3 ir tOlov cal), Wakefulness, Mout. 211 DepreE1,4011 Oofi nt rio rO Ore tile,, ramA. Ing tz:ji:7Yt2iTh 000Y1 '4oaIPr1ttV1i,1rs9,1 iigPirTil.t.t1,171,,,,m,uw 11 11,7,,, ,,J1.)Iluntary fosses ,nal t111.1111. 00 00 loxfc Inc moirs 01 vyico (' tv loon, pc, eta, on 065 oc.i2tANTEE PliN BOXES To elm any Gam Wrth mil n,,rr recelvol by MI Inc six Loses, iteeempoule,i win) ns, ulll fend 114, inn eh ate t our wrrtitl. 4:41,411,4,4se be refund the leoney if the 0 (+Mu: vi.6 Coil 103 effeat e,urs. num ante et. haued obly by .7ob 13 r grows 005, Ce., ItY116M•In. - - WHY The Calitinbus Watch IS THE BEST. frinf Main Spring Barrel is completely j_ covered, making it more nearly dust proof than any other. Our Rog:Ili:tor is nearly double the iongth of ethers, render- ing accurate regulation a very simple mat- ter. To replace 9 broken Moan Spring 1h* Barret can be removed without removing the EtilaZICO or interf, ring with the regula- tion. Our Rair Spring Mud is so formed that two or more oils of 1,pKu4.4 count:t catch 0 the Regulator Pins and cause the Watch to either slop or gain time at an unuenal rate. The 13411t1100 10/111.11.1 under the mune, or cave, the tonmerst part of the ease, noi as In all 0171E414, in the mitre and under the mr•akest part. !num are i improvernents that epnint, ho eiainmd by • any other rn a:mint:tut ,:t , There are other i 1 which 10, watch:hale•r eau readily explain, end illee seen, ali inner strongest and best watch in the world. I Watch you e ill save the price ef on oral - In bnying end carrying a Colmnbun 1 nary watet, in a few years in remit, alone, 00 say nothiug of the ine.onvonieuee and de- lay of lepairs. 0011 SLE AT T. Fletcher's, Brussels. Unadin tailway Tablt, • Teeswater Branch, Goin g West 11r31. , 0 / !Toronto.: Dep 7.20a.m. 5.40p.m. 0 Orangeville ,. 9.60 ' 7.05 • 4 Orangeville Jot io,o5 " 7.22 7i Amaranth f 0.15 10 Waldemar,. 0.24 " 7.28 3.2i Luther .. .. 0.51 " 7.4.1 24 Arthur 1.08 " 8.10 84 Kenilitor414,. „ 1.1.00 8,29 sti FOnnsy „ 11.58 hall. 8.40 44 12.1upma. 9.01 47. TIAA11181,0,1, • 2.28 " 56i Fordwio812.55 " 0.28 60 Gerrie 1,08 " 0,40 62j Wroxeter ,15 " 2.46 69 Wingharoltoad 1.88 10.03 74 Teeswater..Arr 1.45 u. 10.14 nfitirca:418/.. Males . :going Gast • Express 141;4.1 0 Toeswater Dep 5.16 11.1.13. 2,30 pan. 6 Wingbarn Road 5.28 ' 2.810 " 111 Wroxeter 5.47 " 2.40 » 14 Genie ., oats 2.50 171 Fordwich ,. 0.12 " 3.00 » 262: ,Flarroten 6,25 3.29 20" Pages 1,.. 6.55 r" 8,10 0 85R )11.t.l'orest„, .. 6.51 8.4740 ilcenilworth.. 7.09 " 4.19 " 404 lArthur • . 7.26 " 4.119 9 64 !Luther .. 7.58 " 5.19 » 2411Vaidernar. 7.08 ''5.17 " 65i 'Amaranth f 8.04 0 6.24 17)0 ,Orangeville Jet 8 12 0 74 Orangevi I) e 8.115 5..15 0 22 'Toronto ,. Arr.%10.4 ,3 aft Refre8liment tmd Dining Roorn 01CAN:41,- .111:1-1,11,81 AIM TOROATO.14 UNCTION. C A RI,ETON JUNCTION,. SA.72:7CE-I521C41.\-, =.0..fEnr=CCE Patin The undersigned, having eompleted tlt*r change from the stone to thip Celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, hat DOW the Mill in First-class Running Order, .A.nel, Will be glad to see all bis old customers and as many new Oltia PG poSsible. Chopping done. I d Piour. and Food Aivy8 Two professional sawyers welm_ into the Western Hotel at Liman and challenged any man in the house to saw a Match for money. '`.11lie pro- 0 priotor of the , hotel, Isaac liodgin.s and Harry Debi* accepted Ale clod. lenge and pitched into a 284 inch black ash lqgt which thoy cut in 40 Highest PHI* fiaid for any quaniily of Gond Grain, WM. MILNE THROUGH:TRAINS -TOR ON TO AND M ON EA T.14 '•••• 1r. PLEPCJIE)I, TIM* I. Ators likt0A6E1111