HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-4-16, Page 6irootory of hnrohoo and 1E444l
;llrl.VILLE CICS itc n.• -^Sabbath Services at
Ll a.m. and 21:110 p.m. Sunday School at
2:90 p.m, Rei. dno.
tiabbath ]Set `ices A.sato 11
1Coant 0
:t.ln a) and 0 3+1 pall. Sunday tlollool at 9:30
p.m Bev. S. Joyce, pastor.
Sr Jane's Cnrnml. -Sabbath f3ervicee at
1.1 axe, and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 0:00
n.m, Rev. W. T. Uluffe, incumbent.
MErnentsl 001000.—S bUl ServicesNoel at
10:130 &alt. olid CO p.m. Sunday
2:80 p•m. Rev. \lm. Smyth. pastor.
Roxes C.ATHO1.IC 0ncacu. —Sabbath Ser-
vice third 0 nudity in every month at 11 a.m.
Rev. p T Shea priest.
ODD FELLOW'S Longa (Very ]lural a y
evening in Graham's block,
flt or before full
Mesoilid Londa Tuesday
moon in Vanstone's blook.
A. 0, U. W. Lonox meets on 2nd and
last 'Wednesday evenings of each month.
Foltn0TE0'S Loner 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month in Stnale'a hall.
L. O. L. lot Monday in every month in
Orange Ball.
Pons Oasrcx.—Office Iiour0fram 8 a.m.
MECHANICS' I:O: OTE Beading Itoonl and
Library in Iholmes' block, will be open
from 0 to 8 o'clock p.01. Wednesdays and
Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian_
No waste of the farui is mere coin•
mon or serious than that of the liquid
excrement of stook. The baruyard,
0nlees well headed is the rouoptaolo
of a vast amount of vdleable fertiliz-
ere which Cannot easily be gathered
up. Leaky stable floors waste nlnali
more, and a hole under the stable is
ae serious almost as in the roof. One
of the advantages of the basement
barn is that it usually has convouien-
ties for saving liquid.exaremeut of a
horse is worth vastly more RN a ferti-
lizer than the solid excrement from
the same animal,
ffiWby sudor from that annoying Cough wham
iteau be perfectly. Cured with \'Noel's Oaigh
Syrup, Do not hesitate, as it 15 ezaeedingll7
dangerous, as it mayprove the forerunner of
a severe Lung compaint. 51 will euro Asthma,
nronehilis, and all Throat and Lung com-
plaints. PrloO 050., See., and $1.00 per bottle.
Sold by 901u Hargreaves ,k Co„ drnegists.
Every fartnorle family should have
a bed of asparagus. It is a delicious
and healthful vegetable. A bed once
eat and properly care d for will last
for years, and grow better with time.
Roots eau be procured so cheaply that
it is not worth while in malting the
first bed to grow plants from seed.
Farmers especially should not make
the mistake of plantigg too closely.
Rows four teat apart are better than
uarrower, and plants two feet apart
in the row. With rich soil, as en
asparagus bed should always have,
the plants will soon occupy the entire
r00n1 and produce finer shoots than
if crowded.
An Age 0r IH0covery.
Wecertainlyought to a^prostate the foot
that tie aro living in an age of progress and
discovery, this ie especially appreciated by all
persons that have boon afflicted with Rheum-
atism, es West's World's Wonder or Penally
Linhnent is positiveeuro for Rheumatism.
Il la invaluable for Outs, Sprains, Bruises,
Bruns, Boalds and all diseases requiring ex.
?meet. cents Sold
sols per n bottle. es
For some days before dropping her
calf a cow should be closely looked
after to see that her bag does nob be-
come feverish and sore from excessive
amount of milk. Many Cows need
milking for a few days before Calving
to avoid trouble thereafter. If a
young heifer springs her bag long be
fore her time of calving, she should
be milked, spite of the protests of
those who urge that this practice mice
begun must bo continued every time
she drops a calf thereafter. The ob•
jest is a true one. Milking thea early
keeps the bag in good condition for
secreting and holding milk, and this
habit lasts through life. But if the
bag is neglected with the first calf
the damage is equally irreparable.
The virtue of Carbolic Aoid for healing
cleansing and purifying ie well known: but
from the many Diodes of applying 1t, the pub-
lic is uncertain how to use it. To meet that
want. McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate is
prepared, and may be used with confidence.
Do not bo TbfcGror
Parke's Carbolic °oratoo. Sold onlke att Sohn Har-
greaves & Co's. L rug Store.
There is a good reason why coarse -
wooled sheep will never become pop-
ular on thin and unproductive soil.
They require cheap and abundant
feed, and in this respect the Western
farmer boa an important advantage.
Eight fine -wooled sheep as much to
keep as an average Cow, while of the
Cotswold and Leicester five sheep
will eat a cow's rations, and the pro•
portion between the two is even more
diverse than this. Unless coarse
wooled sheep have abundance of feed
they will starve. The Merino breeds
will pick a living on the poorest land
if they have half a chance. With
equal feed a flock of Merino sheep
will produce more wool than the
coarser breeds both iu weight and
invention of the Movable Comb Hive,
there has been none made so valuable
to bee keepers, as the machine for
throwing honey from the combs by
centrifugal force. called the "Honey
Extractor." This was invented about
the year 1868, by Herr Hursehke, of
Germany. It colieists of a on can,
inside of whioll is a central upright
shaft, which is made to revolve with
great rapidity by means of a crank
and gearing. Tho shaft Carries a
reel; or tt sot of comb baskete to hold
the comb while it is being • extracted.
When the combs are filled with honey
they are to bo taken from the hives,
and the adhering bees shaken and
bruebed from them. With a knife
made for the purpose, the oapping of
the cells aro shaved off,and the comb
placed in the comb baskets within
the extractor. The combs are then
revolved rapidly enough to throw the
honey from the cells. After the Dells
upon one side of the comb are ompti-
'ed, the motion of the machine is re-
versed. The comb baskets are so sr -
ranged that they will reverse also,
and allow the other side of the comb
to be emptied. A. faucet or molasses
gate, is arranged at tbo bottom of the
Can, to draw out the honey as it ac •
cumulates. After the combs are "emp-
tied, they are returned to the hives
to be refilled by the bees.. Since the
original honey extractor, numerous
improvements have been matte in its
oontetruction,and there are now as.
neral different kinds offered to bee-
- SDet r-nxt IW.>tteee..
A. gardener Dear Baltimore is said
to have Bold Ills gooseberry crop from
thirteen acres in full bearing for $7,-
000. This is more than $500 an
acre, and will pay for an immense
amount of ioorlt. Yet fermere who
are yearly growing poorer by grain
farming complain that fruit dons not
wear. yon suffer with Dyap0Vrfa and Lives
ocure 900. scie 100,A1Headman t
Both red and black raspberries are
inclined to grow to many canes, and
will bear better if part are removed.
The side shoots of raspberries may be
used for new plantations, but with
the black caps new plants ore better
derived from roots which form from
the tips inserted in the grass ground
the previous season.
gsmos's'Cough and Consumption cure is
aoldby G. A. Headman 011 a guarantee. It
aurThie is a conical time for uew-milch
cows, and if the farmer has neither
ensilage nor roots, he should feed
liberally with grain or meal. A cow
whose milli is shortened now by lack
of liberal feeding will never fully re-
gain her meas during the summer. It
is even possible that the injury ex-
tends to after years with a heifer hav-
ing her first or secondcalf.
ifbnSl'eet breath
coned. Yhioh'sCatarrh Rmdy Price 55
heats. Naealinf enter tree•. Sold by 000 A.
Americans probably invest more
money in farming tools than any
other people. By the census of 1880
the value of agricultural implements
made the previous year was $89,000,
000. Ten years ie a long life to the
average of farm thole, and mauy aro
worthless after three or four years'
use or rust. It is probable that the
entire amount invested in farm tools
now in use is nearly or quite $1,000,-
'-0ao17r,whoop:ng tough ani bronabitie 101-
med Deidmenvedby Sliiloh's Oure. Sold by
If cabbage is properly set out it
suffers little by the operation, and
after a few days its growth will gener-
ally be more rapid than one not trans-
planted. But so often is this work
poorly done that itis worth while to
grow some of the late, large varieties
by Bowing seed in hills three or four
in a place where the plants aro need-
ed. As Boou as they get large enough
ail but, the best are removed and
transplanted elsewhere.
Fluid Lightning does not take a day or an
ltourto. remove Neuralgia, Hondeohe, Tooth-
ache, Lumbago or Rheumatism, but will do 19
instantly, and without oarryiog your bead in
a ponitico fora day or nee greaL1=4'3'1
Try a 25cant bottle from John
Nurserymen often advertise trees
in dormant bod. This ie one in which
last August n bud of some improved
sort was inserted in a wild stools, but
too late to grow. Nearly all the old
stook is cut off Clown to the bud, and
if this fails, as it is liable to with
careless transplanting, the tree is us
wally a dead loss. If the bud dies the
tree generally goes with it. But
nurserymen often succeed well with
Ulla class of stocks, and others may
with reasonable care.
The continued use of Robinson's Phos1lhor-
lsodlSmulatllon invariably Cleanses tbo stores the system from
y a slate of healthfnlueeeurities mad athat le manife
in increased Coneti10tionaf vigor, mental ac-
tivity, and lightneee and buoyancy of epirltr.
Always ask for Robinsons PhesphorIsed'
lemulefon,.and be sure you get it.
Too much caro cannot bo taken to
got clover abed free from weeds. This
is becoming increasingly difficult
every year. The weed seeds moot
dangerous are the narrow and wide
leaved plantain in clover, and in
timothy seed there are wild carrot and
daisy. 1:t is safer to take seed two
years old if well kept, than that about
which there is any doubt. Spread the
sped thinly on a white sheet and ex-
amine with a microscope. Any tie.
teriorations from the regular shape
of clover and seeds will in this way
bo made conspicuous.
'd Hai rtLdCfSSlr1..SS YOST.
36`rstellion Neat:rms.
.Evening dresses of Cream Thibot
canvas have flo wn:ea onlbroider'd in
delicate colours.
Coaching parasols m Louis XV.
style have walking stick handles of
heavy natural wood.
aorta= bank, side or chest, use Shiloh's
Parent Plotter, Price 73 dente, Sold by (1 4.
Faceted petiole are used in the
formation of high standing lnihtery
collars, with orf ends of lace attach-
ed, pearl•beaded to correspond.
White hankerehiefs are bouldered
with hand -embroidered daisies in bine
white or red. Handkerchiefs for
mourning have the daisies in blank.
Black kid gloves are stitched and
broidered with tan, and tan•colored
gloves have the stitching end borders
of blank, Long silk gloves reach corer
the shoulder.
With the rouud waists which are
in high vogue this season aro worn
belts 9f solidly beaded galloon to
match that which garnishes the bod-
ice, sleeves, and ekiri. The belt is
fastened in front with a handsome
buckle that is sewn to the edges of
the galloon.
BLlax8mtssuights, made miserable by that
foryou. a Sold byga.tA DeaOdiinane the remedy
Women are continually striking
out in new industrial paths. A young
girl in New York is a skilful and enc•
useful locksmith. She used to help
her father in his shop, and fivally
concluded to start out on her own
account. She gives satisfaction and
is making money.
Bridesmaids wear bronze kid Ro.
man slippers, worked with gold beads
and lined with pale gold satin, or
black satin, or pale chamois kid
deieately embroidered with shaded
flowers in colors which match the
dominant tong of the toilet or the
colony of floral decoratious chosen.
Mikado silk is extraordinary- look-
ing India sills. It is in rich coloring
and strong coutraets, and is reported
as finding favor with persons of nor -
rent taste for skirts with over -dresses
of plain color. The design is Per•
scan of large size and of light Dolour
upon a dark ground, over which ares•
cents of large size and dark oolour
are thrown in profnelon:
There is a rumor in Paris that the
fringe ou the forehead is to be brush-
ed bsok and that the coiffures ala
chinoiae is to be adopted. Whether
the faces that have been softened by
the light looks touching the forehead
will be willing to abandon the old
style is yet to be seen. In the Pres•
eat wide range allowed by Dame
Fashion it is quite possible that her
votaries will choose the manna. of
hair -dressing which best suits the
particular style of each.
Bruce,iRobert lettter Hooper,
been troubl-
r county
ed with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints for a
number of years, and am glad to say to the
public as well as friends, that McGregor's
all right,, thanks to ILolniregor'e Sd peedy
Outo." Hundreds of like to etimoniale aro fre-
quently received, and aro daily provfug that
thie is truly a wonderful remedy, curing Slug-
gish Liver. Bifiious Headache and Coetiv0ness
where alt else falls. Sold at John Hargreaves
& Co'a Dung Store. Trial bottles given free.
Col. Higginson writes :—I heard
lately of a lady who had always been
accustomed to wealth, but who, ou
falling ellddenly into poverty, called
the roll of her acquirements, and
found that elle knew nothing really
well except whist playing. She had
therefore the courage and ingenuity
to see if she could not made some-
thing out of that. Her proficiency
was well known, and she now has
ten small olassoe in that, difficult art,
and she receives from them a fair
compensation. There ere women
who are so well known among their
friends for theii special skill in ion
nis-playing, or skating, or swimming
that they would find it easy to form
classes for these accomplishments if
they went into the matter with ener-
gy. Of course the work must be
clone, if undertaken, in a perfectly
business -like way ; no fine -lady dawd
ling ; it must be simplying trying to
earn an honest pony by the thing a
woman knows, instead of apprentic-
ing herself to something which she
does not know.
Arum 10. 1 888
BARGAINS 1 1 ,$c7amez°ea & Colleme
In Plows, S'euftlers, Land Boiler's,
Straw Cotters," Horse Powers,
Tread Polvors, Seed Drills, Head-
ers, Hay Teclders, Hay I1,ak02,
Binders. Reapers, Mowers, Stilly
Plows, Farm Scales, tho •light run-
ning Bain Wagon, Carriages, Bug-
gies, two second hand Buggies,
13011 Organs, Raymond Sowing
Two Horses, 1 Colt, nine months
old, two Colts, 2 years old., one 8
years old, all heavy draught.
& Examine Goods
before Purchasing elsewhere.
Geo. Love,
The Whole Stock 0
Dry Goods & 1llillinery
If yon want a goocl'set of Ileavy
or Light Harness, a well fitting
Collar, that won't gall the Horses
shoulders, any odds andends to
complete your set of harness, or
anything in the Harness line go to
1. 0. RICHARD'S.
Trunks and Valises
are always kept in stock and sold
at a small margin on cost. If you
Want anything iu this lino call at
Baby & Doll Carriaes.
Just to Band a nicely assorted
stock of Carriages that have only
to bo soon to bo admired. Cali
aud•get our prices before purchas-
ing elsewhere. ,
Repairing promptly attended to.
Shop in Graham's block, oppos-
ite Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
Terms Cash. No Credit,
J. Christie,
Here we are .kMa1n1
Thanking the public for their pat-
ronage for the past 14 years I de-
sire to state that I am prepared to
attend to all kinds of House, Sign
and Ornamental Painting in It
workmanlike manner.
Paper Hanging
and Kalsomining
done in a manner that gives Sat-
isfaction every time.
Now that the house cleaui'Ig
season will soon be here send your
orders along early so that they
can be attended to iu good time.
W ti. foOtlic1 ,
The Old Reliable.
Idaviug just receivedthe Largest and Bost Selected Stock Of
Tweeds ever shown in Brussels, wo are now prepared to Sell
Our Stook is composed of
Thunder Bay is alear•.of loo.
The area of Canada is 8488,000
square mules.
Eight cases of smallpox have boon
discovered In Longuouil.
Tho late Judge Mosseau'e life
was insured for $26,000.
David Ferguson, at one time a ree-
ident of Bruce County, Ontario, but
now a mill owner in Dakoto, brought
a couple of carloads of native ponies
from British Columbia to Brandon
on Monday, and has 112exican Jack
breaking them. He is gentling some
to Boissevan, others to Gretna, and
scattering the balance around where
he thinks the best markets are to be
found. In tho breaking operations
on Tuesday, one "promising mare kill-
ed lteraelf in an instant by dashing
her brain's alit on the hard ground.
Scotch & Canadian Tweeds
Velvet finished. Billings, French Worsteds, Serges. Also an Im-
mense Stook Of
Stripa anti Checked Pautin s
Always on Hand. Our Stock of Furnishings, such as Ties, Linen &
Celluloid Collars, Linen & Celluloid Cuffs, Linen and Silk Handker-
chiefs, Pat. Napa Bock Gloves, Kid Gloves, Woolen and Cotton Hose,
Braces, Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Breast Pins, Armlets and Gar-
ters, &c., always on hand and at LOW Prices.
We intent) making the Hat and Cap trade a Specialty this Season,
as tve.have a Large Stock of All Shapes and Latest Styles, Our stock
being Large wo intend running them off at
Prices to Suit the Times.
We Lead & Others Follow.
Our° Tailoring Department
Is too well known to need any 0peeia. mention. Wo gni runt Saiis�
faction every time..
Sis ty.,
. Smale's Old Stand.