HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-4-16, Page 41 Gen. Middleton has recommended CI le $,rttsods DSS. the recall of the batteries from the ,,,,__, North. west. �_ --=='.===e---.7--------=--------=.—Toronto obtained its supply of FRIDAY, Al'BIL 16, 2586• horses et 50 cents per day last year ; this year 5h mate will be paid. d^te.rut,lticttre 1Rl<rrrrre, E. II, Goff, ex•Preeident of the 1tIontronl ie arranging to build a Canadian Agricultural Insurance Company, has been arrested in New small poi heepital. It id proposed iu Toronto to erect York. Montreal butter dealers are pro- le monument of the Queen 1ee in SOM.tostmg against the violsbiou of.the memaration of Ler jnhiles' law with respect to oleomargarine Wartime Ross writes that be will importation, row against Teenier at Oak Point on Jotlu Scratch, of Dresden, commit. Decoration Day, and against Hanlan tad suicide early Saturday morning July let, byloan iu himself in a barn. No r�OUSE TO LET.—HOUSE, 7 The Nova Scotia Assembly on Fri - cause assigned. roams, atabte an l garden, Annoy at J. day passed without a division the David i\1iisc1. ,son of Pro#oaaor Aloxundor's etrre. J:lAIIDB OHnISTIID. second reeding of a Ltcenes Act of liloLaren, Knox College, Toronto, the moat stringent ohaiitaill has received and accepted a hearty 1OR SALE, --A YOUNG CUSP Montreal volunteers will make a mall to Alexandria, Ont. soon to calve, and 2 or 8 Bores noun to large turnout en the Queen's Birth. The prospects of an Eaefiern wax lamb`l kO70ean for sole, arc�ol°itn e' day, and it is suggested that the mod - are looking up. The Greeks leave 40• Ooo,10, Grey. ale be then presented to the North - taken stops to reveal a fixed intention 'west men• of attacking the Turkish forces Gilmore hes contracted to knock in rlrhaesaly. They have dint• out a big fellow named Rowe, of Meet • ioned on the northern frontier all the ford, in leas than eight • rounds at eordiera now available, have called out highMeaford, April 21. Rowe is six foot two classes of the reserves, and con• high rend weighs 185 pounds, If he voted the legielature for the avowed carries eight rounds he gets half the g purpose of placing in the field every gate receipts.able-bodied member of the male pop- Ilarry Collins, Deputy Reeve of ulntion. Klug George's Ministers Kinonidine, and merchant in that profess to believe their land army �'1t1,3,11FOR SALE,CONTAINING to town, has decided to remove to Cal - strong enough to seize the territory 100 acres There are good buildings 70 f,ary in the course of a few weaka. claimed under the Treaty of Berlin, builliings1OThel above propertytadjoinsgthe His removal will necessitate the elect - and tilers is oven talk of the Greek village of Stusaols and will be sold apply reason- ableion of a successor to the Council. gest which for some time has been 500100. Forf � fo ElRMtllltCtt tPrbp A resident of Portage du Fort, Quo. prepared for action, forcing a passage by his who, by }lis nnateady and dlsreput through the Dardanelles to Consbau- able habits, had made himself a nn- ,tfno le. teancs to his fellow villagers, was The Ontario ams law, as taken from his house last week and ed at the tariiog est closed, amend- tarredd and feathered. About 200 eau atte.• is to secure special priv- men witnessed the per€ormanse. lieges for articular districts by the A dispatch from Winnipeg says:— local re resentutives, provides that Under Mr. Norquay's Redistribution p • the close periods shall be as follows: Bill the proposed increase of repel santation will be from thirty to thirty. —Deer, elk, moose, reindeer or Sari - eight. Frenoh representation will bon, between the 15th of December not be disturbed. The new seats and the 151th of October ; grouse, are mainly in the western portion of pheasant, prairie fowl, or partridge, the Province. between the 1st of January and the The gale of last week drove a de• lst of September. No quail shall bo tatched piece of land to within half a hunted, taken or killed during the mile of Hamilton piers, %there the years 1886 and 1887, mud no wild island settled in 42 feet of water ; 15 turkeys during the years 1886, 1887 ox 20 poplar trees are growing on it, and 1888, and in each case thereafter but the exact size of the island eau- not between the 15th of December not yet be ascertained. It is not od o k shall not be October Wbetween known where it came from. the let of Januar and the 15th of A wedding of very untieuai interest, y owing to the advanced age of tbo August ; snipe, quail golden plover of parties concerned, took place at Glen- all kinds, between the 1st of January me on the 5th inst., James Stenson, and betweenhe et of Sspthe t etmoo May swans sand tor of Glencoe, formerly a yeoman, aged geese he 87, being united in the "holy bonds" let of September ; duces of all kinds, to Widow Burr, Enphemia; the lady and all other water fowl, between the having also attained the mature age let of January and the lst of Sep of 78. teneber ; bares between, the 15th of Ex-Ald. McGill, of Brantford, re. Marsh and the 1st of September. cently signed what be thought to be The New York Tribune, April 7th, A recommendation for a certain Brant- says :—Jobs 11cHaxdy, a stout young fordite, who was engaged to oanvass man with a determined appearance, for a Toronto house. The document set out a few days ago from Luaknow, has now turned out to be a bond for Ont., undismayed by the experience $800, and as the canvaeeer failed to of Texas Holland, to have a bout with perform his duties properly the Tor• the "se -v -dust" men of this city. A. onto people now want Mr. McGill year or two ago he lent a friend $200, to come down with the cash. He will and the friend dame to this city do dispute the claim. response to a seductive circular, and There is a tremendous popnlsr ex- bad the experience of many others. citement at New Westminster. The He bought good money, but on the Legislature, just before adjourning, way to the express office the bag son- paesed a bill prohibiting all • coni• taining it was changed. AlcHardy, parries chartered under the act of the whose money was involved, made local Parliament from employing some effort to recover it. He is a Chinese on Works. Among the coni• county constable, and finding him- panies was the Canadian Pacific self unable in any other way to obtain Railway, proposed to build a branch the money, he opened correspondence line to New Westminster, its soon as with "A. Gerard, 801 East Seven - it was apprised of the Anti•Cltinese• teeth -street," an address which he ob- Bill the company refused to build the tained from his friend. Mallard), line. People rose in their wrath himself adopted the name of "A. D., hanged the members, of the Legis- Gibson," and Gibson and Gerard oar- lature m effigy, and afterwards bur- vied on 8 correspondence of the usual —'• TM B J� A S g I L L, ned the figures. Tar and feathers kind, in which one wanted to sell and e r IIutobor, thanking hie 'aro said to be at a premium on the the other pretended to want to buy t 1 3nany easterners for their liberal mainland, "gesso goods." By appointment Me- Wished to inform them tli acne- Mr. Jamieson inbreduced a Bill in- Hardy came to the city and registered m11e bey oo8 out of the oolld stand[ 4 armee 107 0 to Parliament to further amend the at the Grand Union Hotel yesterday. where he bocce to see, all the old ovetomyle Care da Temperance Act of 1878. Ho was visited by a inns who gave nen etc wane nothin0 but Ant-csee lass moatshim s He explained that the I3f11 was hoax• the name of Briscoe, and a latter was wndaolPoultryand sausage Meat. Deliver• ly similar to that introdueed by him banded to him directed to "B 2," the ed to an pate of the hewn t•roo. Gash pals last 055810n. In the first placeit was sign l y whole he was to be known, for Pat Stook. propoeed that petitions • for the Act Briscoe took MoHardy to a liquor A UOTION BALE OF would only require to be deposited in store in West Third•sb.. and there in--Lel- one n-r one registry office where there was trodueed him to a man whom he VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. incite than one in the county. It was spoke of as Gerard. MoRardy had Tinder and by virtue of the power of sale also proposed that where there were been in correspondence With the Post uo tainprods d at certain ter Mortgage, said til whichWi no counties the Act might bo cub- office officials, aid yesterday ho had offered 1or,sa t by time auolo, thea l be witted la electoral districts, whole a conversation with Anthony Com- e sale bY, MAY lion, 1888,' would meet the difficulty oxperinced stock. The reedit was that while Me- at ton, Auo 00 oar, nt theq ueen's13' 1, in in .British Columbia. In the districts Hardy and his new friend were talk- teeviusee of mruas01s, the follesving lands, of Algoma there wore judical disbricts ing, Deputy -Marshall Bernhard walk- nami eyed- —All that seri of �i•,`iool tinct d altu. y and it Was propoeecl that the Act ed in and arrested Gerard and Bris• a e in the Township of f Grey.in the oo nt),, might be submitted in these distxiots. cos. They were taken before Coda- LI tt!t805 o6od of th0 AIRS 0t Lot num. A clause provided that druggists and missionsr Shields and an examination bee ls, in the L'iith0 GOn0005i 1 11. gala mown• others could Bell in quantities of lase was held, Tamee P. Davenport 0p- 'hTrznazs AND CONDITIONS 011 aAnls,—'Can per than one quart. Provision eves made pearing as counsel for the moused Vendors the irchasem0000yto t paid o 0it°• for a penalty in the case of medical men. The exnminstion of Gerard tl3ird lot the put hneo eonnoyto make one men giving fraudulent or colorable was not finished, -but Briseoo was month thereafter, and the balance or sr4 certificates. Officers ulidex the Act diaehargod. When Assistant District- g go ower t�euabove norouli onto yAnt 6 years with were to be allowed to enter any ponce Attorney Poster said to 13ziscoe, Wo interest at the rate of a end i per oast, per At any hour of the day or night, and do not want you anymore," the young a Th above pble roperty l0i1001y7w6iiiibo offered for dale half of the find in cases where parties man jumped toward the door and wa �ae:A Bono erose° rot for h° rj atticntnxg° were prosecuted for infringement of was down the stairs in a moment. I apply io the Act should go to the pr•,seeutsr McHardy wore a flannel shirt, and einem eamouic, TILT, einmsR and the•other half to the municipal• looked like a farmer. Iio was ex• a enowTliCXO Vendors' *dielt ors, ity. Trio Bin was read the first tremely earnest in hie manner of pct. 811iingsiroot14as0,Toronto• tie_ ing evidence. i Dated this 111th day 01 APrilo I890. `d13k: DHCt SI:.i.,; POST. A. doputatlou nonetatiag of present, Farrow and Coughlin, ;S1.P.'e, and 1', W. Johnson, Goderieh, waited up- on the Minister of Inland Revenue on Tnatley of last week with reforenee bo having a standard barrel for salt, the slime es for apples, The depute time way of OpiniO1 that the neceetiity of weighing woald be thus obviated. The Mime ter promised to considered the luattee clueing recede. • NE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ANTED,•—A GENERAL SER- vau0, .7717 to 111108. G1iA73e1A1. (l idOICE FARMS FOR SALE.— VAfowsplendid , improved, terms for sale in the township of Grey, Morris and ldoXil- lop, :1pply to A 0 IOLIOAPTY ,0 o Auoti0000r% 13russel07 G . 15-tf (111URCHEa, PUBLIC BUILD— J Inge and eriyato Rouses painted and decorated in modern styles at reasonable t' tes, 1•10t1ma*o given. Address— H OLUOAS, 90.01 Godertoh, l t N DECK.—GEO. P11IYPl]N, iJ Painter, Brussels, Out., is prepared to do ale kinds of painting, ii'raluing, Glazing, 7ia1- gomining,Paper hanging, 610., at reasonable rates. Satisfaetionguaranteed in every in- stance. Orders left at Geo. nmker's store will be attended to promptly. 80.01 ‘-'_OLD LOCKET AND CHAIN 'lA 10st last Sunday, One aide of the lookob wag trimmed with blaok and blue and the other aide was carved and bad a small bird on it, A small look of hair was inside. A suitable reward will be .paid to the person leaving the locket and chain at Tut•, Posr Publishing House, at once. oTICE 1• iioing spa/dated. Liao rise Inspector unuer the Ontario Government my duties will be to onforoe The Canada Temperance Aat;' of 1878 and all parties intereotedgg are requested to govern themselvesa11. astl0ZLt7R, Inapeotor. Jamestown, April 55.1, 1506, p �ry •i••�j1 Soad0Ooe ntsp oetage, andwe to IOI IL 61i '19' will mail you tree a royal, valuable, 0 b0% 01 goods that will gilutt you in the way of making more money at oncethan anything else in Americo. 130th 00000 of all ages Dar live at home and work in spare time, or all the title, Capital not required. We will start you. Immense pav sure for those who startat once. STINSON 0t PoYtland, Maine BEES FOR SALE. The eubsoriber has a anumber of 0010niea of Pure Italian and Sire -Italian lions for Salo and as I am removing to Seatorth the stock must be reaueea before May 100. They are drat.olasu bees es the Queens were reared by the best bleeders in the United States. They have wintered welt, are iu prime condition, are in good Moe, woll•pa1n50d hives, {JOnec style) and will bo sold en reasonable terms 40-11. W. Y. VARM IN GREY FOR SALE BE- -ing lot 14, on Idle 10011 aon.eoataining 100 a4100, south part lot 15 on 10 eon.. containing 45 acres. Lot 14is partly °feared, the hal- °roaewwell he loft and it Jewell adapted lox farm ing or grazing. Lot 15•i4 mostly cleared and under good cultivation, the balance well tint. bared Nethblankash. Will sell all together or in port s to suit the purchaser. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on She 710108006. Thee lot le well draineld.tf, AFII&Y 1AR11 TO BENT.—THE SUB• scriber will root lot 20, 000,0, Gra y,aon• taanlug100 acres, about 00 cleared,for one or more years, 1301100, barn and all other 0011. vonienoosontho lot. There is quantity of feedthat would be loft,by the lease agree- ing t0 leave a similar amount when his time was Out, Tho use of implements would also be allowed. Also 100 cores in Howiek town- ship, } mile from Wroaob0r. 80 acres cleared. Therefor shame ori the lot but no barn. A tenant building abaro would be alloowed to stop it out of the rent. Possession Gall be given on April 1st. Pox further pparticulars apply to • TARS. WE1TE, ;'lean, 16, 18130, And the Two Show Windows of Prints & Cretonnes at the NEW A I ;1 HOUSE are the Leading Topics of conversation in Brussels To -Day. r IL -Q-As 1`'��a15 tf Now that our jolly old friend Winter has gone and Gentle Spring has set in with its welcome sunshine, accompanied by its fresh and appropriate array of Dress and Fashion and it often leads to anxious worry, particularly among the Misses and young Ladies, as to what will be the Newest and most becoming Style of Costumes and Wraps for thele, and where they can best purchase Fashionable Novelties At naso:table Prime, We state, without fear of contradiction, that we are showing such an EXtTJISITE ASSORTMENT OF tOVELTIES IN OUR DKR AND PRINT DEPARTMENTS as will suffice to please the most fastidious and all At Lowest Prices. Dress Department. In our Dress :Department we are showing the Very Latest in Picot GAS [f; ERE Kerry Gow, Mikado, Ottoman, Solill, Albatross, Black Cashmeres, &e. 1111d C:)lored Our Prints are the.Admiration of Mt for Lovely Patterns and N'°west Coloring. Go Direct t© for Combination Print Suitings. In MANTLE SILKS we have a very large range. In Ottomans, Black Broche, Oicillian, John and Samos, Cloth, &c„ &c., and marked at Last but not least our o itUl 41*Att has Opened up with Wonderful Success and Ladies would do well to Gall and Leave Orders Early, na wo anticipate a very largo Spring Trade. Yours Respectfully, G. A. POWELL, The Great City Millinery House.