HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-4-16, Page 1sq‘n ‘44 1)4, P T. r:C ntaxwommannommosonit • BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1886. NO, 4L VOL. X111. Spring Wheat rowan g. A Leiter from Professor Brown thrift Enetnet R. In response to he invitation of Mr Deputy Commissioner of Agricult take particular pleasure iu drawifig t tontion of bo farmers of Ontario to important things in connection with wheat. This action on our part is t suit of very many inquiries, pectic from Grey, Simoos and other norther north-eastern counties during the pas ter rut to procuring new varieties of grain through Government agency. I ht.= thought by some that 'tho money ed on the estimates three years ago To porting new varieties of wheats from iishould 'now be handled for that puree Otherwise appropriated for farm While the gooresd inten bionk of tho Legiel in thisrespect have not as yet boon So ed up to a practical issue, I think it i a strong point in the smartness of our f th ors at part of the Province took noticeof the unexpended money untilhr ea at the farmers' institutes daring past winter. That the province of Ontario ,IIIIM main a prominent grower of the oar whatever branch of her agidoulture predominate during any particular pe 113 no doubt true. Competibion does ;greet mixed farming in comparison %el specialty, nob as dairying, and wheat absolutely necessary part of aystero orop growing cannot be neglected iu thorough maintenance by a system work in selection, change, and even making of now varieties. Before sub ting the more special subject of this le I Lind it is necessary to say a word ou whole qneetion of maintaining the aha tor of wheats in this country. The sole of the subject; is not a prominent thing a where at present, for what has been d ie creditable to tho practical farmer m than the botanist. The world 0,5 yet is well up in what it is that affects the a duct of wheats under all tho variety of aumstanatte and phyeical conditions. witting that there ic a close Analogy in variation of plants and animals underonostioation, mestication, the living thing that walks bout is'easier diaguoued, so to speak, tl the standing plant, and must always more interesting and teceive more stn than the other. I think one of the unc tivated fields of wheat improvement is t use of the microscope. If quality, perm enots, immunity front disease, and oth characteristics are not part and piece of t internal Anatomy, then all our mestere physiology have been wrong. Why, th the neglect of this simple mad efficient los There ate early, late, northern, souther rich soil and poor sod types of wheat, th tell of their whereabouts and oharaoter the way the grain and straw are put 1 gather. Take an example of this that o tinned in Ontario ton 3 ears ego in the as of the Egyptian or Eldorado spring whoa which sold at first for $10 a bushel. Ela our fanners And millers been femillar wi the propel: mixture of science and praotio needtd to detest good and bad in this pa Hauler lino—aud whith, by the way, in th case required no microscope—they woul at once have said, 'No, not oven as a gift ; because the coarse structure of the broke berry and the pithy, spongy nature of th straw told of things wo do not want. an that this wheat could only produce- Ti prime objeots, of course, are to uphold th best types already in use, and if possible t improve them, to also import new varlet/0 and hybridise in view to establishing ne 01110 This work sh.o aid be pat tly the wet of experimental stationa. Crosses ansongrs • wheats have not, however, lalado that roli able sort equal to the beet original kinds and at present wo ottnnot ask Ontario t wait Inc developments in this way. On th other hand the muting of varieties fro Entopelms been hitherto the mainstay the oeutinout. Even as far back as 50 years the wheats of America were found to be identical with the native sorts of Britain, and it is something worth knowing that Britain does not owe a single good variety of wheat to any other country. In this con - motion our present and futare experts should remember that varieties are nob produced en moth, if aity, by.soil climate influences, but by what is termed "The prodigality of nature," Climate possibly oan only affect in size, vigor and staying power, and when from such. oircumstanoes Wo have a variety doing well, it is not so adapted to change on now conditions of growth, while on rho ether hand, others are possessed of so much Variability of ;sharer& or 00 to conform themselves to (Menges readily. And hero Allow tho remark that tho idea of producing tho best variety for all districts is contrary to the true prinef. pias of improvement, and in order to grow many wheats successfully for a period' of years wo must be well acquainted with the conditions that made them, as, for examploo it mth ay boat high cultivation Mid thin goading or early and thin seeding are- quite pppotted to maintaining their whole char- oath:WE iles. I have to thank Mr, vershed, of England, for several of the foregoing notes, Any sountry of suoll importance as ems should systematically introdnce and test wheats for its poople—no sounder pol. Rth ios an this, and the future should not be negleeted in this ifrm. Meantime there it another work demanding greater Alton. tion than it has hitherto received. .A vory common and good praotioe amongst our farmer0 is change of seed one from another, and from distant parte of tho Province. In this respect our leading aeockonen have al- so done excellent *work. Many of these changes halm not succeeded. where it May be wo hade bano "With after tiro event." The 'wheat regions of Canada. are already well outlined, and possessing the ranee wo do of altitude, elevation, forest innuendo and soil, it ;teems somewhat strange that no effort has .been made to 0000 00 outline tho'countsy by rho kinds of wheat that .tharaetorizo them. Snell le the variety of these eonditions, 01,0,11 itt Ontario, that we to OWo o m our own hands, possibly, a greater wheat variety field them Europe itself. At the pregoot momentm Coo of the older standards, such as Rod Fyfe, aro said to be doing 40 well in tho northeast of the Pm- vinoe as they did a quarter of a century . Blue, ago both there and in the more southernure, ure, distriets, whale tont it is said to be im. he at. possible to seoure the orops of former yeare, HOMO or to uphold the ninny goodnesses of such spring a variety es the Red Fyfe. In this there he re- are evidently important facts for the Pro ularly Vince—so mush so, think, as to demand n and immediate soientifia inquiry. Bo it eoil, t win. Wit -nose, or other looal peculiarities, there seal is an inoaloulable national value in the veri t has idea of part of our Province being able to t plea- maintain some wheats for an indefinite r int- period in all their original oharecteristiee mope The home of a particular variety mey as se or reasonably be met by conditions in the seeds. neighborhood of Ottawa as of others, or in. attire deed, of the Tory 00100 kind in Russia, im. Bow. mediately north of the Black Sea, from s not. which some of the best spring wheats have arm. been obtained. any Another feature of our wheat growing is oach- just beginning to loom up in the distant the Northwest. Tho great field and physical area being covered there so rapidly is as likely to illustrate the capability of uphold. ing the basis of the flAMO or another wheat fife for many years, if not permanently, as that referred to in Ontario. In place, there- fore, of longer waiting and greater risks by importations, it is clearly the duty of On- tario farmers to immediately seoure the good old York from the northeast. tieveral arguments could be advanced io favor of this r000rnmentlatith. These is, after all, more Chance of SUWON by the improvement of those that have done well with us, both by the selection of particular harries and their reinvigoration by studied conditions. Would it not pay Ontario many hundred- fold to he able to see the old FYf's days again, and therefore to hold a first.olass m experiental expert for the purpose in- dicated? I alose, meantime, in the hope of seeing a big response to Mr. Blue's suggestion. Your Obedient Servant, Wimmint BROWN, Ontario Agrioultural College, April 9. Unameasia Catalaitray James Stevens, Samuel Sloan and Peter Eisner have been named Li- cense Cominiseioners foe 'West Hur• on. G. N. McDonald for many years lighthouse keeper at Goderioh, has accepted the position of city naission- ary of Trenton, N. J., at a salary of $1,000. He will work epectally itt the interest of tbo Presbyterian Ohurches at Tree WU. ATI exciting and hotly contested five -mile race came off at the Exeter roller rink last week between Rob. sot Oornyn, of Wingham, champion skater of Huron County, and John Veal, of Exeter'for $25 a side and the allampionship of Huron County. Veld won by over threaquarters of a lap. Another race has been arranged for $50 a side to tako place in Wing. ham before long, t re. eels, may riod, not th a 10 010 tttio its atio the Iter, the 000. 1300 ny- 013.0 000 not on- oir- Ad- the *10. 0 - be dy ul- he an- er he 111 00, ? 13, ab )3, 0- 50 t, bit re- in 0 0 k 0 Poitatts. Chavisatx Safo-cetta. Bishop Walsh will oonsoorate the R. 0. Church at Stratford on June 0, it having been freed from debt. Prominent oitizens of Stratford are organizing a company for the intro- duction of tho eleotrio light in that city. W. Good, a forms r strident of the St. Mary's Collegiate Institute has just graduated at the Philadelphia School of Medicine. It ie expected that several olubs in the west will join rho Western Oratae- io Amateur League. The Secretary is J. H. Duffer, of Stratford. At the final revision of the Strat- ford Voters' Lists by the Revising Of- ficers, 120 Conservatives were placed upon the lids,. and 40 Reformers, On April fool day a Rirkton men Went through a transfiguration as - sliming the oharaotce of a female hump; gulling a number of the en. lightened onee; At tbe Court of 'Renision held at St. Marys 105 new nanny vers ad- ded bo the list for. St. Marytaieof which 57 are Reforraere 1 88 named' <rem Downie wore added, of which 85 'a.re Reformers ; from Usborne 28, tg which 24 are Refotauers, and from Blanshard 58, of which 29 are Re- formers. An individual named Palmer, hail. ing. from Pool township, has been viotimiziug sevoral parties in Listo- wet, Linwood and other places lately by pretending to have a fine propetty, and thus getting credit on that score. He•was brought beforo a bench of j, P's in Berlin and committed to stand hie trial at the next assizee. He is now out on bail, Nelson Sage, of London, is purohae. ing about three hundred yearling mares for shipment to the North-west, Where they will be utilized on some ef no largo melee for brooding pur- pose& COMMUNiCATION, Stine Improyement Fund. 1') tan Fleltor of TUB Poss. Sta.—Io last week's VoSr yen published ton article on the conduct of the ox-Reove of Morris on the Land improvement Fund burtinees. The whole statement is totally 06 varianoe with feats, and you know it, mads for the purpose of gaining a point with the Morris Connell. If thoy take the awkward bait X am greatly deceived inbliotn, thorn. Xours, dm. Brussels, April 14. Ex-listsvn of Moms, [NoTs Br Entrou,—Our statement and that of the ex-Reove is ROW before tho pub- lio. Without consulting anybody we will refer anyone who desires bo know who is stating the lads of the case to thio Cremes of Brustsole for the past three years, Taos. Kelly, or the members of Morris Council for that matter. The ex.Reeve does not point out a single instance where our re. marins worn "totally at varianoe with facts" and ho knows 11,1 LON, 1.1 ITFYIS. "Sweatt to Silence." Amu GOOD received, yesterday, seoclucl lot of thee qieramore" hats. Adam seems to have a boom in hats as part of this last lot were sold before they arrived. BOLLER MILL LIMSBD.— On Thurs• day of this week Wm. Vanstoue & Sons leased their well arranged. roller mill to Messrs. Stewart & Lowiok, of Durham, Groy Co., for two years with the privilege of five. The lams are both prachaal, thorough gotng men and stand high in the comraun- ity where they beloug. They will take possession of the mill on May 1. In addition to exporting they intend working up a large' local trade in grishng, &o. The National Roller Mills are well known and being fitted out with the most approved inachin• cry the new firm will do well here, We understand that W. F. and 0. R. Vanstone will spend part of the sum- mer in Winnipeg and the Northwest looking after their real estete. Down Set and Garden Seeds for the million at MoOrmokon's. Once /swab, spring, gentle spring, wid its balmy breezeo, re- dolent wid de accumalatorl odoriferous izadcleringe ob de past winter, am upon us, and whore am de man who can't rejoice, and feel he am a new critter, after de sanitary influence ob a bottle of Bloodook Bur Bitters hab completed de raraification ob his physoological anatomy; as he slowly meanders his way fro& die beautiful kentry. And Itis face em fanned by de gentle zephyrs as dey come laden wif de oders ob de agricultural de- positories of de tillers ob de .eile Once mo' de Beason hab arriv when e farmer can don his last' harvest's meek and oberalls, and air hie win. rs oloze in de kora field. Natur' hab at on her green mantle I De Can da thistle and de bur comes forth in 1 dere glory, to gladden our hearts if dear sweet smell and de barmen - us 001055 01) de crows am heard 'in dietetics dey take dare flight from home eh de man wise prectises too rich economy in de feedin eb hisMaks. Maks. Once mo' de agriculturist ee him up aria, in de inornia' and his forth, to hum de plow, de rrow azadmder implements of toil, na de fence corvere, whey he deposit. dant de prebious for shelter m de bleak winters blasts. Agan do mp, iu de inn000ke of his heart, mei forth from de county jails poorhouse, and perambulates only frog de Icetatry, soliciting nd-out and set -loos, (as de sale s to humorous too mention, al cle same titan) koopin his eye nned to see what am layin aroundos, se, awl whim do Ilene roost 1 De rry voice ob de skeeter am agin rc1 010 he eingeth rejoicingly on his , and gadderith food for his young. 0 more do bull frog emerges from slimy winter quarters and glad - s our inmost being wid lits mani- las melodies, and tolls us nightly spring hab sprung,' Die old hod s seen sebenty-Eve, winters and rage come and go until 11 1102 blos. ed like de ripe dandelion but rejoice deer brederen,"cle glorious am 01102113111 when we will haban or Grain spring. No froot, no anow,s14 pery sidewalks, rheum- t lightuin" rod peddlers, trey a tit, chilblains, sewing machine i small poxi or chills, but an er endin epriog, Whoa de water d no am nebber green nor plugged, o gentle sou of Africa'e sunny f s, can feast on chicken, widout ob a bar trap made white man's 0 gun. Hopin te see you all dar so 1 tow gently rambneenlate to my tat Gatansamaii jorneente, of L. R. 0, l' to al w io de do 113 all ino str fro de fro tra 00 all SOr bit bill and ski leo me hen way Ono his den ribet ifluo he.6 epri can tinao nebb hail, atiz, ager men, table an' d clime de risk dhot 1 wil seat. Carladian N Wf4 Judge Ross has resigned the posi- tion of revising barristor for Carleton. A. beautiful mirage was neon on Lake Ontario trona Rochester on Thursday. All the old Doodlers are racketed, with the exception of Mr. Oriekmore, for whom Mr. Lash is substituted. Mount Forest has et last settled the fire protection question by pure chasing a chemical fire,engine, wbiob cosh about $4,000. Lnoknow Caledonian games will hike place on July lot, A Montreal youth aged thirteen bats confeseed to eleven burg/caries. Fifty•seven tramps have been eta eomnaodated in the Strathroy loolr-up from Jan, 1 to April 8, 1880. Toronto is still without its telephone service, and Manager Neilson stabs that it will continue 'without it until the end of the month, The Grand EfISOX Connty dieted Sol. Whiteyite, M. P. P., and a rominent barristor, for aggravated I Reilly. itted in on the • The vote in O Ne CY blowb avoid a amine At St. Oatherines. Saturday, John Hilton pleaded guilty to the charge of issuing counterfeit coin and was t sentenced to ten years in the peniten- Eton. Oliver ilfnwat and Mrs, Mow- 3. at paused through London on Sat- urday en route to the Paoific slope, Et including a stay of some weeks in 0 Colorado. Win. Beach, champion familiar sail- b th lend. He challenges any man ia the 0 the championship. Since March 1st there were admit- ra te tad 21 patients to the Montreal Small. pox Hospital ; number of deaths, 8 ; 10 number dieoharged, 14 ; in Hospital he at present, 25 patients. ho fine. Tracy, ablacksmith, of Bich - mond village, near Ottawa, clied on r Friday from blood poisoning, caus• ed by a bite from a deceased horse, given while being shod a few days vie ton 13 await on au old farmer tweet. The Sonet Act will be 801.343 he city 01 131. Jahn, R. B , Otto inst„ for the second time eiteurci was defeated by a tie 881. The ice in the Rideau rive dinburg, near Ottawa, was p with dynamite, in order to reatenieg jam and further d y floods. Stratford wants the Queen's Own to there iu June and spend the twee- eth anniversary of theft being guar. rodal that place during the Fenian id excitement. A farmer named Downes drove in• Tees water with a $800 team, which left standing ontside an adjoining tel. The team walked into 0 mill nd and were drowned. There is a prospect of electric light rks being eetablished in Walker- Negotations are on foot with a w of forming a stronglocal eompany ed last week from Melbourne for Eng - world to row hint on the Thames for g Li ago. to Hon. A. M. Ross, Provincial h„ Treasurer, accompanied by the Gov ° element Architect, were at the Agri for cultural College lately surveying the n0 grounds for the new buildings propos- tun ba to be erected this year. J. Weir drove into the Situgeen Ka siet river near Paisley last week to wash „cm his horse. The flood washed the - T horse and rig away, and Mr. Wier, tors encumbered with a heavy overcoat, nam had great chi:Realty in winning the elm shore. A fire in the Berlin gae works came- am arni furnish the best modern opt ma of kiting up the town. An Irishman named Kannada, naerly a laborer in Lonlota but w of Detroit, is the heir to a far- e of a million dollars, left by a er, who died in Australia, and venal is not in a position to be- e a sport. Wo tittle sons of a farmer at Bat - ea, Frontenao County, whose is not learned, went into the d and finding their father's gun, lead themselves with it for some a. Finally one of them said to cid the supply to be shut off from the the othe consumers from Friday to Monday last. . There was great inconvenience brae. felt, and the churches all held their eau Sunday evening services at six o'clook be instead of seven to get another hour .anyi0 of daylight, Tite temperaime workers of Lamb- A ton aro arranging for a great demon- 00n1 stration to bo held at Wyoming on sessi be held in other counties which laet into May 8rd, to celebrate the inauguration t'IP of the Scott Aot in the county. It is a_0',u probable that similar other, "You shoot me," when the r lad shot the little fellow iu the at, killing him instantly. De• ecl was 7 years old and the other 10. They thought the gun was instance of lir. Drury, a mitten was appointed at the last On of the Legislature to consider q11686.0/1 of reducing the cumber ounty Councillors. This 00113. se secured a good deal of inafor- on and made extensive inquiry the subject in various directions, as unable to arrive at any defin- nolusion. 'Rho proposition most oved by the committee was one need by bit. Dryden, of South rica Mr. Dryden proposes that ownship Domicile and County oils shall be entirely sceparated hat the Membere of the County cols shall be directly sleeted by ar vote. He would divide the y into districts and elect one entative from each or elect the Council at ie.rge. Ile also tinge that the members of the county should hold office for three one third retiring annually, It o that on the lines Kr. Dryden id down a satisfactory solution whole question could be work- . The dietribution of repreeent- Would not bo materially affected proposed change, and no doubt the members at' the County is would be drawn from the munimpal bodies. Perhaps ly difference of importance the abolition of deal services. plan of eleotiug at large, able perienced men would be seaut• the too prominent intrusion intereste in a measure abated, would, of course, always be the of conflict between the town nship interest. It may even this danger would be inoreas- e plan of electing at large. As al rule, however, the election ty represeutatives would pro- s determined by other imam, one of the most oomplicated r municipal problems. Tho 0 bo sought ie io create a Colwell that will represent population, the assortment, tonal inlereste. Our present f county govertnr, while effeotivo in rho eotin- eumberson and expensive ies of largo area and poplin- systeni that will be at onoe cheap, aud efficient is much. gatherings will un" men year adopted the Act. but w Dr. Porault has entered action rte 00 against the L'Etenard, of Montreal, „,„„r for $10,000, for alleged. libel. Dr. awa Pernik furniehed Hon. Mr. Ohapleau theta with a certificate that while Riel was the T confined ip Longue Pointe Asylinn he was not insane, but only shamming atint 'madness. L'Etenard !snorted that the Doctor had no connection with Coon the Asylum at the time, and it was cr0-iTat pointed physician. The insinuation A- is.that the Doctor furnished. a false wiolo three years later before he WU ap• 2;eenetrses certificate; hence the action,. . body A pebuliar aceident happened to years, Robert White, a trackman near Pais• may h ley the other day. He was on a hand has la oar; going down tlie long grade abciut of the four miles north of Paisley, when the ed out crank caught his coat and threw•him. ation off on hie head on the track immed• by bas Welts in front of it. His bank fell es now across the rail, and the oar ran over Oounoi him full speed with three men on it. minor He wee badly bruised, but was tip the on and walking around the next day. would b A patent right fiend called upon 13y tho Wm. MoLarnon of Seugog, Ontario and ex county, the other day, offering to aps ed and point him agent for an invention to of local dry washed clothing on a rack fixed There around the dove pipes. Mr. Ole' danger Lemon made a verbal arrangement and tow which was to bo written efteewarde, be that agreeing to the proposed tornas. The ed by th agent road the agreement which e. goner seemed satiefactory, and Mr. MoLarn- of coan on signed it ; but it turned out after- bably. wards that there was a difference be. This is weon the way the agent road the of all. on greemezat and the punctuation, arid object nstead of the company being cora- County called to furnish the machines ,mn alikethe emend," Mr. MoLarnon was to pay and tori he money on demand. It was, there- system o oro, a note as well as an order- It 'tolerably s stated Mr. 1VIoL offered the agent ties, is t omothing handeome to settle the in count hailer be sueeeeded or tot.—Port equitable atter ; bat wo have not hoard ttoionbe. alrod, erry Standard