The Brussels Post, 1886-4-9, Page 5Anne 0, 1880,• TBE 1S1tKTau u ST,
The township Council minuto8 may Fodder is getting �wartn in wine
be road in another column. Ioathtlee,
If you want a weekly budget of Victor Smith is attending this
Moit l ' • t is owe - ig eSchool,
ilirn7r shin o,
rr s owns hip Wows you s1l.tild L 1 II 1
This fs no nielodramatte antivenin. Hubscdbo for Tura Pose, $1,00 gal Toa Peer gives the Meal antis•
meet. It is an advertisement which it for the balauen of 1880. i 1 00 get it tar the batmen of 188(3.will tell you whore you can Biwa Alapla eugar is not made in very The roads Have been bad for tbo
money and buy cheap goods. Como groat quentitiee in this tows flip past Brook ilut we hope they will soon
and two our now spring dices geode, those days, Tho old fashioned sug be better.
prince, See, It will cost you nothing wring off is alneoet a thing of &ho p:s.rt. Thos. Moore Leal a young cow and
several etwee for pills: Seo advt. in
People's oolumu,
Auction seine hav, boon very pleats•
ful of late iu this township. Stools
has sold at good figures.
David Perria, tbeofagical student,
is Imola on a visit from oollege. Ho
loaves next week for Cnb0000lc.
Everybody is anxiously sweating
the opening up of spring so that work
on the land could. be preeeodod with.
About the let of May Thee. Mo•
Lauchlie and wife contemplate taking
a trip 10 Scotland, 'Mr. MoLauchlin
will purchase some Clydesdale hareem
while there.
Semi. Ar11ae jr. and wife, Adam
Pollard and wife and Alise Switzer
Arrnetroug loft for the west last Tues-
day. Theo aro a number more to
go yet before the summer camel on.
At the judioral sale of lm No. 10,
000. 7, •H1 k t:nt'd•ty of kat week, :it
the American hotel, Brussels, James
eleD'tugall wa•i the purohrt•:or at 16,-
000. The farm ie a good erre and
has belonged to the family for a null.
ber of years.
.Robe. Scott informs lts that lie has
an older book than the one owned by
James Mitchell, spoken of in chess
to look at them, Bright, new and
desirable selections for spring. Our
et oro is now filled to the utmost with
a ohoico line of carefully selected bar-
gains, satisfaotory in price, sntisfaet.
oryin style and eutisfactory iu quality.
A lot of doll glassware received this
week. A. R. Souaoi.
Tho farmers aro anxiously looking
for spring work to commence, but an
early spring may not be ours after. all,
Thunder and lightning ao early in
the year is said to foretell this,
It is said a strainer hes been tt•y-
iug to victimize some of our farmers
OD the sood wheat racket lately. It
serves a man right if he is bitten as
4JraisDroolc. people should deal with responsible
EXAMINATION -- A pnblio examin- parties land let strangers alone.
ration wits hold in. the CrAnbrUok Tho revival services at du rk. In addition
echos], last 11rirlay afternoon, the 2nd are
dKeterg goo a IR a gentleman and
inet. The teacher, A. Mohay, ryas three ladies, members of the Savage
Bioi edland J. A. Roberton Th Chas. band, and they are backed up very
! g Pu. I well by the tnembers of the church.
pits acquitted themselves In a very
creditable manner, answering the
many test questions put to than with
a readiness which plainly showed
Sunday night a splendid moetiug
WW1 held. Great things are hoped
that they had beau thoroughly drif- , nLr'—A new 200 pound bell has
led in the different subjects, With. been punmentsrchaeed inby the pr ctioeeda of
out any apparent effort by the teach- S. ti. No. 6 L r connection with
er, the beet of order prevailed. The S. Sudety fo 6 Literary and Debating
exereises were greatly enliveued by ctnfor the sc11oo1 finnan in the
section, from Grant & 0o., of Bees.
the oalietherme mange rendered by the Bels. The price of the bell was $20,
obiki7utittRunder the
of otlmientirof It was hang in In place on Monday
part1 of this week and now its mellow tonus
grain wile enjoyed by both pupils and may be hearer on every school da
visitors, and Mr. Coate eertainlyde- Y•
servos credit for the protjresa the LBO BItoEEN.--Ou M.01:141/13> after.
" children have made in 'Miler subject iu noon of last week, John, sou of Wrn. r °alumna. Mr, 1•loott's book le "The
the course of n few weeks. At the Little,. 4th slue, had his right leg St oemotor," and was pnbli-hod 111 old
of the examination Rev. D. B. broken below the knee while haul London in 1711. There are 7 vol •
. McRae was called to the chair,and Ing loge iu the mill yard at Bel- ImamThe worst was owned by some
shirt addressee lysin given by the grave. He wee walking alongside gentleman in the aid laud and was
chairmen. Dan. Robertson.J. 'f. his load whet, his, legecaught be sold lie ettla of bis effects,
Robertson, J. A. Young and Mssers: tween It sate log' by the road and the This weak James Ferguson and
obert anal Wilson, iuterprisecd by bunk of the sleighs with the result lfaloolm Lamout, of this totvnehip,
Kindergarten (mega and several read• stated above. The brolleu bene( were received two flue thoro'-bred young
iota; by tate pupils. Quito a number immodir'tely set and the injured mom- bulls,'Afarnnis of Lorne,' and 'Prince
ber is doiug well. of Witterloo,' purchased from Mr.
Glaunio, of Winterbnrn, Waterloo
ing of S. S. No, 6, Literary Society Co: They mono by train to 'Brussels
was held on March 80th.,. the Preei etatioi ou 'Tuesday. 1''ot• pedigree,
dent in the chair, The eight was blood, Sad:., tliora i, no better stook in
clerk and wet 50 the attendance woe the Dominion, .
hot Ho large se ueuol. The following The foliowiug ie the result ofthe
was the program :—Songs by Mims written monthly eaawiu,tilon in 8. S
McKay is a No. 1 teacher. iintma Mabee, Lizzie Ireland, and t No 8, for March 1886 :—rich elites—
Bonita Eltie
A DirsTEhtY.—Considerableis excite-
-A- I Ireland, C. Bt.rHarri:dsl and Dan. Ale II 01011111,Wmf Woods; eat clo s.— lit y
mens has been occasioned in this aud 'Lauchlin ; readings by Joseph Bow- Stewart, Jane 'McNair, Neil 'McNair
luau, Allan Cochrane and Dun. Ale, jr. and M.ttrin McNair ; senior8rd I
of the parents were preeent, and filo
trustees made thomeclves coueptcuoue
by being absent. We trust those
gentlemen had gocd reasons for be-
ing abeent, but we thiuk it might do
them good to peruse tbo School Law,
especially that chapter which treats
of the "Duties of Trustees." Mr
LITIMIAItY SOCIETY. —`19.10 laic meet•
ale inus disappearance Jasd. B ria,Lauchlin of recitations by Aclases Meg- class—Jas. McNair and Jemima Spiels
ere who, let hie home on
t Mont
morning of Matv ok, went tot Ethel esday ng finished up the oe and Joanna, Iu d. gat eringe for I gate, Wm. .Fulton ; jr.Tie meet- I even, Jas. Stewart,bel SriPeter
to the watchmaker's to get a °lock Te. t•hi8-seaean and the Society iteljeurii- Molntoeli, Wm. J1uether, Joon W.
paired, was seen, crossing the rail- od to meet again on the 1st Tuesday ldoTaggert and Christina McKay
road bridge about 6 o'clock p. m. tbo of uext November. , very pleasant exon Bra class—Ellen Spiels, clary
same day, apparently on his way time has boon put in this whiter awl A. 1:Iuether, and Serail Willis. 'they
home, brit where lee went or what everybody has helped push the Society Writ given u1 order of merit.
has befallen him after crossing the ung' 0. Bowaewow, Teacher,
bridge remains a mystery up to this ORANGE Bnossous.—A iraellronable -.�
wedding took pisco ou the 80th
date. It appears that Dir, laird was alt., Fre.oi.
on the 8rd con. The
Wider the influence of sarong drink des r ---
and experienced °oneicleraphe difficul• parties were mess Dora ZVray, only The people have boe� simewhat
ty in crossing the bridge. Hie people atoll Buchan n er of Reeve
Wnganin. II The ions ain tdisappearanoed for eome o of Jenese Bird sr.
'did not become alarmed eyed r:bout him guests were not uumerons, eonsietiu Juo..Cober is talkie'* of erecting a
it.ietil Saturday whorl ee.rrrey was made h o 3
I'or him but uo crane of his whore mainly of the relatives of the happy (hop ou the vacant lot adjoining Her-
was obtained. Dilligeot search couple. The ceremony was perform. fornan's.ehop. It will be 84 x 40 feet
for h1 hasbeen going on singe bat ed, by rho Rev. Afr. 13urtvnstr, of 1301 and will lis built of concrete. illi.
grieve, at the hoar of 8 tate, The Unlier'will ciao hid old shop teal sed u5,� Ready Q ^ , " ee, i�, ,�,�`�� sa n
no artfenlar clue has its yet been1' i ai
found that Would. lead to a deodatva y0uug eonple stood up lumattended by will push hi, rltjnlly increasing bele.laei
• found
Nei to . o ho hasgone b. nleemaid or groomsman, ,tut. gloves Clots. Shaver, .and James AfaDorl•
or what has happenedohere, !lima eate and other "tomfoolery" usually let-
been employed and the river dnlged in en well -oc0astoue were dis-
I��7 SZ" OUR,
ant k
a �' t�7
We Offer Special Inducements to
Parties Building.
.�..� OTS OF-� . "W GOODS
RI TZ—c- i�1�IT1y,.
$50rtme t '®w in, Stook.
±OO Mia .A 1j D S T TT'1 "US.
, 1T c
Drewe's Old Stand, Brussels.
EWaQ, PRI cf '. �li )ODDS.
•• dragged but so fur to no purpose.
tt a recipien ogtoahor. number 0081. bride
toSome m--crtiik be may have nin the bridge and fallenttep'lrito tely presents, consisting. chiefly of silver
. the river. It certainly will be it sad and glassware, which go to suety the
blow to his family and a solemn lysin• esteem in which the young lady woe
ing to those who tarry long at the held by tlioes present. After the
ceremony the party ant down to n ids.
intoxicating cup, if the poet unforinn•
ate Pubs. Bird has come to his untime.•
ly end. Another theory advanced is
that he was followed up the railroad
by a tramp, who had an oxo, and
who had been to the hotel with him
in the afternoon and foul ntay le hint
ed at. This person has' not been
seen since. Mr, Bird hada silver
watch on him batt very little money,
if any.. He stated terpeople at Ethel
station that lin wag on his way home.
He woe without overcoat or mitts as
the 'Morning was pleasant when he
alit were initiated into Court Eth,'11 ! • '
0. 3', 1081 Tame:daly ovaniag. -Savor.: In Dross Goods we are showing some of the Newest Materials in tin•
al others bava made analis tdiou for Market, of the latest Shades and Colors, all of which have been Weil
admittance --D. W. Milne 10 iu Tor. and carefully selected.
onto thio wee:la—Mem Armstroug and
children, Sam. Ameslr. and wife aur! Prints
Adam Pollard and wife left for Dalai andrngha
to lust 'ru:lsdny 1inrniu:f Teo A. . 9
FIs cher, of lernesele, sold thein tide- a need assortment,
also full linos of Ladies' Gloves, Hosiery and Pam-
pas. winch would have clone credit to ors Pit' O. pP 1.t.—Miss AleQuttr'rio h• ! sols. Full Stock of
royalty, after partaking of which Mr, vioiting hoe sister, Mrs. lfani lora.
and Mrs, Buchanan wore escorted to
Wingham by Capt. Buchanan, of 13E.uo•evazlr..
London, brother to the groom, taus -- . Staple 'Dry Goods,
Miss Bone, of E. Wawenosh, end G, Wore has began on the now clams
Wray, brother of the bride, and blies faotorv. , ' such as Cottons, skirtings, Denims, 'Pickings, &c.
()arson, of Clinton. Tboy salved rn - ,arta Pirie and Melee, of Wingli ttu,
-Winghane iu time to taste the 11 o' Imam°itfzeuaofBluevale tine weep.'`°
clock train for Toronto, from which Edw. 1'utset'o wife and family re-
plaoothey woof to the fulls, and after moved on :Cuesdm
ay to Detroit, whaI - rn1SII]. g� may.
satisfying themselves with sight as Mr. (;Hast is at present. It is their s .1LS s
ing returned to Wrngham, their fut. ,1ita11tiou 10 sectio in .Detroit perms,,.
left 1101110 for Etha1, 'rho old Page'
home. is tee worsttheir
unish bofbrightheir
lean was not of a roving disposition manyfrdelids.
Niel was very seldom away from home.
The -roads have bona very rough
There is a largo sloe(: of sawlogs fu
McDonald's mill yard this spring'• Flax growers in this district tv111
bo supplied with seed by J. to J. liiv-
ingston at Air. Neil'e store. AAft ord-
ure left tliora will be attended to.
Joseph Smith, son of Joseph Smith
lite gone to the west to try his for-
Mrs. John Sample has been very
ill during the past week. Heart di-
Heaae is the trouble,
;very farmer should bo on the
look -out for strangers ropresentat,g
themselves Its agents tor` semi grata,
for winch they not only ask extrava•
gout prices basin mealy oases the seed
ie not up to the wimple shown., Be.
sides many have boon culled on to
pay linndreds of dollars by siguing
whet, they supposed to be in order
but in reality it note, 0r 10 each a
way that it onttld be fixed tip. bytllose
Wm. Rands, wife and child, who die:Tore to reproseut a note. Such It is prnpoaed to sectio the garbage were visiting old Blend's in this town- hie beet the oxpe cense in utll0r dispoeai gnete )0 in'T'or°uto sly
their for eve rah mlin1118, have
„retched pieces and give ll sunwet 31 totoov5ty farinsr' er1111) the itches stud crennttilig thi
t. rate!'.
eptly. 1 ale range of Tweeds, Printings tiled Worsted Coatings, Gent's Fur -
Rohl.. Johnston, lately of 'Morris, I nishings and Hats in the Newest Styles. full lines of
!enriched on the Halt of commerce, iv)
general storekeeper,lostmttster, and
telegraph agent, itt Newbridge, How. oo.Per 5' Smith's Boots
ick tocvushi !i -
Geo, Pirie'e smiling face will be
p, tat week.
missed from behind the wicket at the
Post Dishes, Ho has gone np to Now- .
and Shoes in Stock.
bridge for n feu* weeks to give %tout, C5 lC fitOCERIES
Johnston wineoiuters 0u the dry
goods, petal and lightning' badness. l -
Jos. Leech's num aro at present I Teas a specialty.
engaged 1111 the "river dlriva” lie i opened ottt.
Iota about 200,000 feet tip stream this
yeni•. The boys report low water and 1 33 A A.. ., P.&•TT s
numerous cold dips its the only fent- I
naso of deo job se far worthy of 11300 always enc /hand, Monthlies given nwtty fret,. Call mad at on
lion, tion,
A new lino of Colored Glas(warojustreceived and
An .itislinction is respectfully solicited of
sTelat,a,fanikAli patois.