The Brussels Post, 1886-4-9, Page 4•
3!),3:, titt(ASS helet YOST
ibe >)i'rt 5eI 41,05t reorganised,
Stayner into sweet an exhibttiou
building, (meting $2,000.
FRIDAY', :17'1111, td., 1889, The Guelph junetien
charter has beau extended,
Oriltia's population, according to
tide year's assessment, is 8,801.
Jo1>u.Ohnrlton, 1f. P., North Nor
folk, has contributed $1,000 to Knox
College Endowment Fend.
The absence of Mr. Mahon, a local
barrister, from Iiiutlston, is cautling
smile anxiety them.
Steps are being taken to organize
a joint stook company to give electric
lighting to Stratford.
At several places in. the Belleville
District, of the Midland Division, the
railway is vary badly washed out.
The Militia Department will not
sorted in Imperial Parliament by consider the protest forwarded by the
a small number of members, who officers of the 9th Battalien against
The Loudon Field Battery is to be
Toronto (globe of 1lrednes-
day says :---Oar Loudon corres-
pondent. whose information on
British politics throughout has
(leen extremely accurate, sends us
what 11e hates to bo the oatiln o of
Mr. (ilatlstone's Home Mule scheme
as given to him by "a well-placed
informant." Briefly the measure
confer, upon Ireland logillative
powers ahnost equal to those en-
joyed by Canada, but Ireland will
have to contribute to tho Imper-
ial Exchequer, and will be repro-
will not take part 111 discussion of
any but Imperial questions.
i'iIn: Northwest alultlle manage-
ment of affairs there is proving a
very fruitful subject for debate in
the Dominion House but only this
week another resolution asking for
papers concerning the Northwest
was voted down and discussion
Shut off If everything is all right
in the, west wily refuse to bring
down the papers asked ? They
would clearly prove the Opposition
in the wrong. It looks a little as
if there was "a nigger in the fence"
orad on accotmt of having a good
majority to back thele upthe Gov-
ernment will do as they please in
this matter. There aro a great
inane* persons of both political par -
Lieut, Ocl. Amyot, as the protest was
contrary to the spirit of the army and
navy regulations.
It is said that the people of Lab•
rador, between Esquimaux Point and
Blanc; Sableon, are starving and keep
themselves alive only by eating the
flesh of 500 dogs, which have been
11111ed, It is believed that 100 to 150
people will die this spring from et 70
Two wtaiskey in formnre, Barton
and Ireland, who came to Toronto
from Hamilton recently, were each
eentsnced at a Tustin of Peace Court'
to three months' imprisoumeni for
endeavoring to extort money from
O'Neil, a saloon keeper, on condition
that they would not praoeed with a
ease of illegal ligner selling against
The Tilsonburg Observer says that
E. Sllaght and Ti, York, of Waterford
ties who believe iu ' fairplay and propose to put in. a Ball Electric Light.think the fullest information should plant to lligt the atreets and stores.
be placed 11t the t.isposal of any or The plant cannot be put in before the
every member in the House. middle of ;clay, however, as the dyn•
solo cannot be procured before the
let of May, It is proposed to put in
a 25.lamp plant, the lights being of
2,0On•ctandle power each. Tho cost
wi;l be about iso per light for ,-tore
purposes, and Stie for street lamp.
The St, Thomas aatnployees of the
G. T. R. have received a reply to the
CUn1n10aiC.ttletl sent to General Man-
ager liickeon dem:maim; 0 581000ati 0(i
of the former rate of wages. It gives
a distinct guarantee that if the teen
will accept the partial restoration the
additional amount will bo restored
on the lot of July. Upon this posi•
tine understanding the loon .agreed
to itccept.tbe terms, and to continue
\corking for the tneautimo under the
one•lialf restoration.
Ball and Hammill, the two Peter-
borough photographers who were ar
'rested last seek on a charge of issu-
ing forged bills, were taken from the
Barrie gaol ou Friday last to Peter.
borough to give evidence at the pre•
lilnivary investigation into the charge
against Iianlmill. Retinal WAS ar-
rested at Peterborough. Ball was
arrested at Orillia. When Ball was
arrested in Orillta, on Friday last,
he confessed his guilt. An officer
subsequently visited him in the lock-
up, and suspecting he had an aceom•
Alice, persuaded him to give infor-
mation which led to trio arrest of
Hammnil. The story told by Ball is
that he was living with his father,.
who is wo'•th nearly fifty thousand
dollars, a short distance from Peter.
bore'. The latter consented to buy
out Hammiil's business for his son.
abed $28. 2nd, Important noti- Unmeantcoutihuod in the business
cog that should have come before for sometime after Brill assumed charge
their Board, and 10 the possession of it. One day IInminill said that
of the Reeve, were withheld and
all through he played' the role of
obstructionist. 3rd, At the Coun-
cil meeting last Monday evening
he denied, in tote, any knowledge
of ever being served with a notice
stating that Dr. W, T. 11. Holmes
had been appointed arbitrator by
Brussels Council, The service was
iS'R the glad to be able to state
that .T.11. Miller has been appoint-
ed. License Inspector for East Hur-
on, tinder the Ontario Government
and his duties will largely consist
of seeing that the provisions of the
Canada. Temperance ,Act are rib -
900101 We have stated all along
that. the Act should have at least
a fair trial before it is condemned.
That it has not had yet in Huron
and a good deal of the success will
depend on the Inspectors and Po-
lice Magistrate. We believe In-
spector hiller will do his duty.
The cnforeiug of the Act can not
snake iuueh difference to our hotel -
keepers as, they say, they have
only been selling „ginger wine"
and "spruce."
Tins week n good many people
have been discussing the claim of
Brussels on Morris township, in
connection with the settlement of
the Land Improvement Fund,
This matter has dragged along a
long time, too long for thepleasure
of either municipalities, but wo at-
tribute this state of affairs very
largely to the ex -Reeve of Morris.
Our rcasons,for making this state-
ment aro these :---lst, The depu-
tations that waited on Morris Coun-
cil were treated anything butcivil-
ly and no satisfaction could be ar-
rived at more than the offer of
it wee an easy matter to make bank
notes, and that they could be cironl•
aced without danger of detection, ad-
ding that he had been engaged in the
business before. Hammill then went
to the Bank of Toronto where be got
$85 to $40 in five dollar bills. rTe
selected from \these one which he
thought would suit Ms purposo best,
washed it with soap and tutor, anti
a personal one and was made by obtained a negative from it. Some
the Brussels village Clerk it the
presence of another witness. We
have no hesitation- in saying if the
present Council hi Morris had leen
suitable paper was procured from a
stationer next door to tho photograph
gallery, and photographed bills wore
produced, and after being retouched
were considered ready fol circulation.
dealing with the question in the 13nnnnill asked Ball to try bis hand
past it would have been settled .,..piassmg these coneterfeit bills,
long ago. They have agreed to Ball was rather backward about At -
allow $150 but • the Council of tempting to pass them, an(t urged
13ruesels think they aro entttled to haemo to handle them Hammill
the full moat of the award, vie.
$266 ae It is the decision of the
Governor hi Council. Neithei
mu nieipalities want any law on
the lug° er and we hope the claim
.o oeoutoanlv0 and 2 ar 1iwus, soon to
limb. 170101011 fur sale, eh art of -7 011010,
Amply to 'L`a')H, M0013,1l,
a0.. flor,10, Oroy,
.Jmew splendid,(mprovod, tumuli for sola
in the tlwu0hlp of Grog, ;Verrill end 31u1111-
lop, '.pply to t, U11t 0A rTS,llo tnctionoor
BrussoluP 0. 1041
oone for sale, They aro both mares and
001 tieing 0 goals old. They are the gut of
• Onturprlso," For 1 urthor II,articularn apply
0744 Lot 8, Con, 0 nroy
r'ildUIi0HL5, PW3LIU BU!LD-
lJ Ingo, and 0avat0 houses painted end
Imitated in modern 31ylns 117 rea00nable
vies. i4et1mat0 given, Ad110008-
20.11 Goderlch.
100 wee, where are good buildings, 70
novas cleared, or will Ball 50 aorta 111, 3 good
uildiugo, Tae above pr.,poroy adjoins the
Wage o1 dru81313 and will be Bold on reason-
nble toms. For full particulate, apply to
O t10..11L:44[ST1kJNli, Prbp
�( �Y I)ECIi.—GEC.
V' Painter, 111,130013, 0)17„ is prepared to do
017 Made of eaiutlug, ta'raitling, Glazing, 1ia1-
00m1u1ug, paper hanging, ,Ca., at reasonable
,rates, datietaetioll gaa00313ed tit every M-
etalline. Ornate loft at ;Ilia, Beaker's store
will be attended t0 promptly.
lostlest Sunday, Ono eine of rho l0akat
Woe trimmed with blank it ad blue and the
siker Milo was oarved aatl had a small bird
001 10, A email look of hair was Inside. A
suitable reward will he paid to the parson
leaving the locket and Ohafn at Tun 7007
Publ,shing E10110a, 177 once. .
lining appointed. 1,100 use Inspector armor
the Outwit govern 10(0117 my ditties will be to
enforce Tho Canada Temperance Act," of
16714andall parties iater00t0,1 aro requested
to govern themsoires eacotelilgly,
J. 1t, OMILLet a, Inspector.
Jnn103towe, •1(70115t a, 1885,
A. Of
fro a.t mem tea wart in spare time, or all
Ire time. Capital 1104 110qulrad. Wo will '
tart van. Immo ;so pay sure too those who
tettet-oneo. STINSON tm 00„ —000000—
Portland, Maine
Saud l0 cents postage, and wit
will mail you tree a royal,
valuable, sample box o1 goods
that. will put yen in tho way
1 making more money at once anytb in
Isola A600r10a. ea11.170Se8 al all agog eon
, Aplur, 9,1.830.
Ara? (=l
y 't
Having just received the Largest and Best Selected Stock of
Tweeds over shown in l3rassels, eve are now prepared to Sell
Ar=' V i' T 1-70 W P Ri2^:BJS.
Our. Stock is composed of
Scotch & Canadian Tweeds
Velvet finished Snitings, ]Preueh Worsteds, Sergos. Also all Im-
mense Stock of
tT sea, an& Checked P ti gs
Always on Hund. Our Stock of Furnishings, such as Ties, Linen &
Celluloid Collars, Linen & Celluloid Curls, Linen and Silk Handker-
chiefs, Pat Napa Buck G -loves, Kid Gloves, Woolen and Cotton Base,
Braces, Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Breast' Pins, Armlets and Gar-
ters, &e., always on hand and at Low Prices.
We intend making the Hat a11(1 Cap trade a Specialty this Season,
as• we Have a Large Stock of AU Shapes and Latest Styles. Our stock
being Large we intend running them off at
Pri3ON tort the T ,sen
We Lead & Others Follow .
BEES :?011 SALE.
Our Tailoring Department
The subscriber has a a umbar of 031001es of
Pure Italian and Biro -Italica Bees for sale is too well known to need any special mention. We guarantee Saris=
and as I nut removing t, 60aterttl the stack 3 1
must be reduced before May 1st. Tu ey aro faction every time.
0081-Oletse bees se rho Queens were reared by
the host brooders in the 'Unit 4,1 States. Tile y
have wintered well, are 10 prim" o,,uditioa,
are in good pion, .veil pain .,d (lives, (Janos
stylof and will be 0,11 rots maple terms
4011, w. llelt'rwtx,
ing lot 14, nn the 10th con.0outaining 100
aor00, south part let 10 0u le eon., containing
45 mores, Lot 14 is partly cleared, the bal-
ance well timbered. A never failing creek
0100000 the tot and it is welladapted for limn.
Ingot grazing. Lot 15 is mostly cleared mull
nutlet good ou111vat(on, the balance 80117103.
borod with bl:tok ash. Will esti all together
or an parte to suit the purchaser. For further
partioulare apply to ilio proprietor on the
Promisee. Tills lot is well drained.
.711 0.190. AVMRY
scriber will rota let 2e, con, 5. Grey,oel-
tainiug100 acres, about 50 elearod, for ono or
more years. 110use, bare and an other con.
y0nte0oesantho lot. There iso quantity of
1cedtbme would be left, by the lease agree-
ing to leave a similar amount when his time
was out, The nee of implements would also
bo allowed. Also 100 acres in Mowiok town-
ship,tutile from Wroxeter, 80 acres cleared.
Morelsnb0ueo oh the lot but no barn. A
tenant building n barn would be tIloowod to
stop It out of elle rent. Possession can b0
given on April 3811. F01 further particulars
apply t0 Taos. WHITn,
hatchet, thanking his
many customers for their liberal
support for the petit six years
\triches to inform them that be-
ing burned out of the old stand has fitted 0p a
shop in Smale's Sleek in nrst.01081 style
where he hopes to see all tho old customer
and as many um ones as see fit to give him n
call. Ikeep nothlel but tint -class meats, 1111
kinds of Poultry and Sausage Meat. Deliver-
ed. to all parts 01 0110 fawn Free. Cash paid
for Fat Stock.
u i
Shale's Old Stand.
How is it that the Great Boot 1b Shoe /lease did a larger trade last
year than any year since the business was st.:lrted in 1879 ?
1st: Because tho prices are lower than 11t ally other store, quality
81.00 f 81.00 51.00
Ladies' Ladies' Ladies'
Button Boots,-ButtonShors,''Xid toe Slip•rs,
worth 81.50. i worth 81.110. worth 51.30.
070. 95e,
Ladies' Men's
Carp'Low Shoos,l 80111) 81.70,
Dress Shoes,
worth 82.00.
2nd:—Because you cannot get- such a good assortment anywhere else
in Brussels and the styles are always the very latest.
or from any other cause. Ladies' fine
The Accident Insttra0115 Cnn3panyl polish Calf
Srn A. T. GALT, 'G. 0.11 I. G., -Fusser ex, ialty.
will insure you against acoidont,.100801ling or
otherwise, for tho sum of 250. per day, sr 54.-
5apot ntont>1,s00nrliteyou +z10.00 per Week if
laid up 700u1 the mm111011,01 83,000 in case of
death,11 that should Mint time mouths al.
for the accident.
Agent, brussels, 0µs
OF NORTH. A111tRICA - Boots a spec.
The undersigned begs to inform the ,public
that t1.10y 1107'0 manufactarad and ready
for use
Cisterns of
said 110was too busy, and would not. Any dimension.
10850 the place. Ball was finally pot.
60031.0d to go out with the bogus bilis, Gems or ALL Slz>:s.
Ile went to brittle on the train. Coors 11.1;102.0
-About 20 fives were predueod by Ham •
will be settled amicably and trill. The negative used could not
found when Hamann Was arrested.
promptly. But when the officer from Barrie took
Canted—taxi iVc1a. Hall to the photograph gallery the
latter pointed out that the negative 11cDon,gtt 's ("elebeafod li zltdrnil. We have in stock the very latest styles
Win. E. Sinotliir, tete treasurer of was concealed beneath a board which can and English goods at a living profit.
Barnum's show, ;oak $6,500 of his lead been placed littler the leg of a Wilson & Pelton All kinds of Produce/taken in trade,
of a superior construction. Examine our
stock before purchasing elsewhere. A Call
solicited. We aro also Agents for
Ladies' fine ;Ladies'Anler.:infant's bJobe•La3ies', ;tile- Men's Boots d;
French 17(0 Boon Slippers' in endless lees', tL ohild- Shoes It
Boots all i\vilh wood'µ C• variety. 00n's slippers. tremendous
prices. leather 1leels,1 stock.
3rd.—lire never misrepresent our Boots. When we say that they
aro solid leather you can swear to it.
Boots and Shoes to Order
aegt t i seal LOGS set Prin.
mpl y is money and departed for table, Ball says !10 expee7s to go to t
e lot
Bectu, Ile bas not been heard of Penitentiary, and expressos bis sdtis• 51109 Opposite P. Scott's l3IackslniOl Shop.
since. pie is 7uppl•.sod to be in Can- faction at having been detected be. 1,. S,—prompt attention paid to ali re- The, Credit Boot
.8d$ : fore be got deeper into the crime. pairing of Pumps,
in Straw and Felt of Atneri-
6- Slt.oe Hozx., e,