The Brussels Post, 1886-4-9, Page 3Amu. J, 1886. THE 1111:7S13Ei.S POST, 3 hales ler Footle!!leg the R'e-0111(1, Ie comfortable pinmeet:moos»•'Aye i:Sloitatiinn l°.tOWN. lovers occupying one arm•ohatr, There as said to bo a decided rose, tion against flats m Now„York, In this part of the country the reaction has prevailed a 1oug time, It id att. plaid with the toe of the bout, "Why dust thou hide that lovely cyo 2" slugs a aporony pool, Probab. ly the owner of the lovely eye has told eotneboay he ked and the eye 1s not in tt preee•1l table eondltion, The trtulsposlLiou of quuotatiun marks,in a recent music catalogue covered the following startling au- nouncement f "She heavtd e, sigh in la flat for thirty five mints." The lay of the hen strikes the com- munity no among the most agreeable signs of a plentiful spring, but when the lay of last year's hen strikes the ear of the no-good orator it is a also that a cold day is lurking around somewhere. A Nevada man who lives near Win. nemUCCIt id looking for his house, which somebody has stolen outright: He offere $150 reward for the arrest of the house duet Wonien are liable to melte many mistakes, but not ono of them, at leabt no white woman, ever gets so far wrong that she puts pulverized charcoal on her face instead of pearl powder. Snicks came home when supper was 'over and his wife said t "My dear you would never make a good basebelt player." "Why, my love 2" said ho. " Because you aro not good' on the home run," was the reply, 1. 'Won the temperature falls euddenly there is a storm forming eotltb of yell, 2, When the temperature rises suddenly tilers is 0 stomal north of yen, 8 The wind always blows. from a region of fair weedier toward a reg. Mil where a storm is forming, 4. Cirrus clouds have a thin, streaming look, somotiures appearing like heir or carded wool, and Borns times lute a brush or broom. They are the highest oloude. 5 Cumulus clouds always move from a reni•en of fair weather to a reeiun where a storm ie forming, Cnn:ulus clouds appear in rolling masses, piled one above tmotlier, like mountains topped with snow. 6 When cirrus clouds are movuig tepidly rid the north or northeast there will be ram inside of 24 hours, no platter Low cold it is, 7. When cirrus clouds are moving rapidly from the south an) soath•east there will be a cold rain storm on the morrow ; if it be whiter there will be a snow storm. 8. The wind always blows in a cir- cle angled a r tome, and when 1t blown from the north, the heaviest raini is east of you ; if from the south, t1 is w1st of you ; if from the east, it is email of you ; 1f from the west, it is north of you. 9. The wind never blows unless rain or elicit. is.falling within 1,000 miles of you. 10. Whenever heavy white frost • occurs, a storm is ferning aithill 1,- 000 miles north or northeast of you. We Pause fel Smile. When the inventor tot a life pro. servo 111 drowned. When \to see a sausage•makerhunt- ing gronnd•hogs. When a teetotaller eats cloves and coffee to disguise his breath. When a bald-headed man asks the barber to part his hair in the middle. When fresh country butter is Bo strung that it practices on the hori- zontal bar. • When we step on another man's corn. N. 13.—Tho other man does not. smile. When the stfeet Commiesi0n0r is pulled from a mud hole by tho city councilmen, When it dude asks the barber to wax his moustache and the latter asks hint to mail it to him, When a ph)sicinil takes a dose of his PIN medicine by mistake and is sent to the hospital. When we succeeded in selling the patriarch hen which has been a family heirloom, as a spring chicken, When we fee the sheriff surround and ovelwbelm tho merchant who said it was folly to advertise. When the man who Mike in the theatre dies end is buried beside tire woman alio wore a largo bonnet at the same place.' VARIETIES. "This is a long tramp." said a po- liceman as he ran in a six foot -vag- rant. Tito first flowers of spring -Those which your alto seleetsfor her Easter bonnet. The puglist who strikes out quick - 1y, believes it is the immediate deliv- ery system. We disapprove of broom drills. The average woman can wield, a broc:m too well already. Itis seldom that it man is Willie iently colorblind not to bo able to toll a greenback when he sacs it. A bachelor's logic.— "Marriage is a lottery ; Iotteries aro illegal ; there. fore I simply obey the law by peeping single 1" Society is just like a pie. 'i'here is an tipper crust and a lower crust, but the real strength and substance lies between thein. An exchange speaks of the Russian knout when applied to the Polo as a pole eat. This hi an Icnoutrage on common scents. A German rushed into a drag store and exclaimed : "Mein Gott, young man, I eat raw pork, and I dint don ma machinery in it 1" "What straits are the most peril- ous 2" asked a Sunday 6011001 super- intendent, little bey -spoke ' dao. anda cit ut5up 1 ,P promptly : "Whiskey straights," "Waiter, this chicpen is very tough. It's all 1 can do to get my teeth through it." "Sorry, sir, hot 1 hav- en't Liana to ebew it for yon now." Julia (aged aix)— We've got a now baby tit our helm. Clara (aged six) ---What is it, a boy 00 a girl 2 Julia —Oh, wo don't know yet. We've only had it two days 1 ' "t1. seaman washed overboard," ex- claimed bfre. Eranglo as she road a newspaper h00.011110 ; "bet he was so dirty they hadn't enough water on the ship," A German scientific journal says that "bees aro good storm signals." The suddenness with which a bee raises a storm depends upon what portion of the anatomy the insect alights. If the bare neck, "thunder and lightning !"—if not a stronger expletive—will follow immediately. An old woman in North Carolina tainted a few days ago at her first sight of a locomotive and railway train. The sight of a fashionable wo• rnau's train would undoubtedly have driven her crazy. The Avlagagdivtlt Nalinginnarnik Tysaremmnsassumik is the euplion• isms titled a journal started in Green• land. Newsboys refuse to cry it on the streets for less than $10 a clay end pair of steel -plated jaws. A bachelor poet propounds the fol- lowing conundrum : "What is warm• er than a woman's love 2" In ro- eponse to which a married prose wri-. ter would like to enquire : "What is colder time a woman's feet 2" SAM SONE?, ON DOATII.BLiD RE- PENTA NC ES. Death don't bother me 1101f as muoh as life does, het you can take au empty th coffin and shake it and frighten nine - tenths of the Christians out the oity. They're more afraid of death than -- I would like to say of the devil, but they ain't afraid attic, devil. lLaugh- ter.) I don't believe in deathbed re- pentance. Iknow a minister that an d he's good for is to marry the living m and bury the dead. I'm not much on whinin' ground sick beds ; I want 8 the lite Itickmg fellows to work on. 8 (Laughter Rud Applause.) It's an lr insult to God to turn over your old, 0 worthless carcass to Him when you've a gut no further use for it. (Laughter.) You shake a fellow over a coffin a e time or two and bus runs—but not b from sin ; lie's running from the, H ct.flin. People litho about death -bed E repentence, tied then they bring in the thief on tho cross. The only Hope nine tenths of you Christiana have is that somebody will saddle up . that thief and let you get on his back and go loping into glory. (Great laughter and applause, followed by au encore.) It's a disgretce. I'd bo ashamed to go loping in on tho back of a thief. (Re- newed, laughter.) I admire the grit of the man on his cicada -bad who is given straight lo the devil and is too bravo to insult God with his old, worthless body, likea cowardly puppy. (More laughter.) I won't limit the mercy of God, but you that have had ten thousand chances don't bring up that thief 1 Heaven is the home of Men who have built oharaoter on earth. As long as Cornelius Vander. bilt could concoct a railroad scheme ho eared nothing for God, and at last, after his last dollar wae made, the old sinner turned t i o his wife tot e ng to him, "Come, Yo Sinners," and I believe a good divine proaelled him into the kingdom. (Laughter.) The only claim Vanderbilt had for heaven was that he asked ins wife to sing him a good song to waft hum into glory. I don't behove in any such nOneenae, 1believe y011 have got to be prepared to go there. Lessons were used by the Romans to Beep moths from their garments, and in the fillies of Pliny they wcro considered an excellen t 'poison, They aro natives of Asia, There is a heavy snow falx east Belleville. 'Work has at last been eommoncod on the Windsor c:leet010 railway, W,H. Rowland was on Thursday morning re•eleoted mayor by aeelam• mien, there being no other nominee. Whitby lights her streets with coal oil, and wattle to skip the period of gaslight, tied put in electricity. A cape of the Salvation Army from London baro rented a building in Parkhull, and will begin services there shortly. It is prophesied dint, unless labor troubles interfere to prevent, more building will be ereeted in Toronto this season than during the past five years. Tho Rev, 13. B. Keefer, Methodist minister, well known in 13ttmilton and locality, has resumed the office of general agent of the Ontario branch of the Dominion Alliance. The officers of the 65111 will bring action against Mr. Sheppard until lie makes a full and satisfactory retract. ion of the article concerning the regi- ment. They say they do not want hie money but en apology, Somotimos the duty on liquor is higher than the cost of it. The other day a dealer paid about $800 duty on $50 worth of gin. If mat - tore go on in this way gin fizzes will got beyond the reach of the needy. A Minnedosa dispatch says :--Rev. Mr. Longhead, Presbyterian minis- ter at Rolling River, was found dead a short distance from limo by In. diens, His riding whip. was clasped in his Maud. He was riding a young horse and was thrown, causing in• dant death. Mr. Longhead was widely known in the Northwest. John Grandy, of Maidstone town- ship, met with a singular accident the other day. Two steers were fighting in a barn yard tvhero Grandy was at work, and while trying to seperate them one of them gored him in the left eide, fracturing several ribs and lacerating the flesh badly, No dang- er is apprehended from the injuries. On the 5111 concession of West Nia- souri, on March 7, Mrs. Harvey Scott, aged about 54 years, while in the act of pouring boiling water from the tea' kettle, fell to the floor, eoelding her foot. A doctor wits immediately sum- moned, and upon arriving found Life to be extinct. Examination showed the cause of death to be haunt disease. Bishop Walsh had received the fol- lowing letter from Joseph G. Biggar, M. P., British House of Oommons "My Lord—I have the honor to ac- knowledge receipt of 488 8s 511 stori- ng, forwarded on behalf of the Lon. don branch of the Irish National League of America, by your lordship, rungb his Grace the most Rev. Dr. Walsh, archbishop. of Dublin. With many thanks." A pigeoodshuttling Olbrnmencin 31 BABY ilj fyARR p ( `f; S i of to be held at Cttawva, commencing on ilio dIiJ.4171.1KJ.lY. ll� 1F(C1i1.1I31.1Ur1HJ, May 4111, when „41,000 in prizes will be offered. It is fon red dell the volunteers c10 ing garrison duty at Kink aton will b hareem:Med, as the fort be within the city limits, E. F. B. Johns',) will return to Guelph to live about 1st May, having resigned his position as deputy At toruey General, Tho farmers of Indian head, V, W. T., began seeding en Tin -leder, and point to the foot 01 tel evidence of the geniality of the climate up there. The Queen will open the Celouial Exhibition on May 4. and will be ea oo.rled through :he Ono:1d0 a di.pe,t. ment by Jahn Laidlaw 10 perg"u On the ididlaud division of the G. T. 11., near Oampbellford, Thnrsdny, the track wae submerged with water, and all the treble were o.uao011ed The Government will not refund to Toronto the amounts 0outribnted for the roll f of the families of volunteers who went to the Northwest Inst year, and that settles it The County Attorney of Norfolk nffers a reward 'of $200 for the ap- prehension and conviction of the writer and sender of a threatening letter' to bEr. Dickenson, light -house keeper, Long Point. The contest between Jay Gould and the Knights of Labor is at an end for the present at least. The Knights of Labor are shown to be possessed of great strength, and ex- ert greet power in the neighboring Republic. They are supposed to num- ber 500,000, and if they stand togeth- er they may exercise no inconsidor• able iufiueoce In altering the relations subsisting between labor and capital, In consequence of the steady iu• crease in the .populetion of Algoma and Parry Sound districts and the formation of new school sections, the Department of Education have found it necessary to (Linde Algoma and Parry Sound into two distrtete for the purpose of school inspection. By the death of Inspector Maclean the ap- pointment of two new school inapeot. ore devolves upon the department. Rev. Gott. Grant, a Siwcoe gentleman of liberal education and experience in eebnol work, has been appointed to too inspeotorate of Parry Sound dis- trict, and an inspector for Algoma district will be appointed as soon 05 possible. The annual presentation of prizes and diplomas to students of the On. tario Veterinary College took place on the 28th ult. The session has been the most successful. in the history of the Institution. 'Three hundred stu dents have been in ettteodanee--170 juniors, 112 seemed year mu, and the remainder third year. Ont of the total number 180 were • from the United States. Fax the best general examivatroa the gold medal given by the Ontario Veterinary Association was won by John Scott, Alton, Ont., and honors were taken by P. F, Anderson, of Corey, Ohio ; A. H. King, of St. Thomas, Out. ; W Kirk, of Garden Hill, Ont.; W.P. McClure, of Brampton, Ont.; Asa MacQueen, of Liverpool, N. Y.; and L. A. Robin- son, of Buffalo, N. Y. The inquest on the bodies of John Bailey and his hired min, found in he ruins of a building destroyed by re near Wiarton last Thursday night a s tecloe horrible e ho 1bIe murder. The en had been killed with an axe or imiliar cutting instrument, and were hoeiringly disfigured. The most ex- ert eflleere should he put upon this ase, so that the perpetrators may be peedly brought to punishment - The mayoralty nomivation attract-. d a largo crowd to the Ooutroil Chan: er, who expeobed opposition to Mr. owland, and consequent excitement. . 0. Gurney, seconded by 1)r Ogden, nominated Mr. Howland in a neat speech, which was well received. The latter, on oomiug forward, was greet- ed with tumultuous ,cheering, whish lasted several minutes. It is consist. aced a sign of amity and good portent that the meeting Was unanimously favorable; His Worship received numerous congratulations. About twenty missionaries set sail from New York on Saturday for the Congo country. It costs about $5, 000, besides worlds of trouble, to put a red undershirt on a native in the interior of Africa. But atter the work is all done, what a glorious spectacle it is to see a Cbristianiztld native standing around with the last edition Bible under one arm and a n105 juicy steak of missionary under the other. Accounts of the sea fishery from 81. John's Nfld., indicate splendid season'sthe cut s fog the boot. Scala in great numbers are frequently seen on the coast, and some thousande have bean hauled ashore by people living in the fishing villages at Various points. At one place 4,8 many as 5,000 a day for several Clays in sue- ceasiou havo been brought ashore from the ieo. Tho steamer Leopard has arrived at St. John, with between 15,000 and 16,000; and another ono thought to bo the Nimrod, is reported to bo on her way to some port with a full fare. One or two coaeting schooners I r have l t' i f Il loads I have a nice lot of Baby Car- t riogos on hand that the Public slt,uld sae. WHY The Colum bus Watch S THE BEST. �III,E Alain Spring Barrel is completely 1 covered, malting it more nearly dust proof than any other. Our Regulator is nearly doable toil length of others, render- ing accurate regulation a very simple mat- ter. To replace a broken Main Spring the Barrel can be removed witheet removing the Balance or interfering with the regula- tion. Otto hair Spring Stull is so formed that two or more coils of Spring cannot catch in the Rogulator.Pfns and cause the Watch to eithor stop or gain time at an unusual rate. The Balance tonnes ruder the round, or edge, alto strongest part of the ease, not as in all others in the contra and under the weakest port These ado improvements that cannot be claimed byamd any other 111acturers. There are other advantages which the watchmaker 08.11 readily explain, and once seen, all mast with th us in saying that we 6a00 the strongest and best watch in the world. In buying and carrying a Oobimbue Watch. you will save the price of an oval - nary watch in a few years in repairs alone, to say nothing of the inconvenience and de- lay of repairs, 1''011 HALE A')' Ve 01 alncd - u oa s In the channel, and aro doing wolf, T. Fletcher 5a Brussels.; They aro Well made, nicely finished and will ha Soli. at Reasonable Prices. SM llamas g Collars! and everything in the harness lint on hand. Also Trunks, Valises, Satchels, dro., t o. H. DENNIS. firtHE GREAT TEIOROUGIIj'ABE 'CO 1 THE NORTHWEST. the Stir Paull Minneapolis a Manitoba with its 1,500 miles of road. It is the only line extending through the Park Region of Minnesota, to alt principal points in Red River Valley, Northern Minnesota, North- ern Dakota. The Shortest Route to Fargo, Moorhead, Sauk Centre, 1Vahp eton, Cassel - ton, Breckenridge. and Morris. The Only Line to Grand Forks, Grafton , Mayville, Loriniore, Devils Lako, Crooks- ton, Portland, dope, Winnipeg, Millsboro, Ada, Alsxendria, and to DEVILS LAKE AND TURTLE MOUNTAIN DIST'S, in which there 08 now the largest area of the most desirable vacant Government Lands in the United States. The lands of the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Rail- way Co. in Minnesota are particularly de- sirable for all classes of farming, are offer- ed at very low prices, and easy terms of payment, and it will be to the advantage of all seeking new homes, to examine then be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Maps and pamphlets describing the court - try, giving ratan Of fare to settlers, etc. mailed FREE to any address, by JAMES 13. POWER, Land and Immigration Comm r. C. II. WARREN, General Passenger Agent, St. P. M. & 11. R'y., Sr. PAUL, MINN, 1 A�9 A p%. lpj ofh 0 C�