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The Brussels Post, 1886-4-9, Page 2
2 DICK'S SVWEETHEART formation -scones," says lura, W etuyss, . etaudiug on the lawn at Greyiambi and eddrossiug those around. her. " Yon will could to mm, 1)33851 \laturin, and you, By the 51111101 of "llltnusn Tm>v.+s3nx," Sir 1;4icllard with Dolore6? And yon, Btem M 1. J3 lime, 1.nn>:srolm," Bea.'O' " P11171.34.,"3uiss Ponsonby "—turning gracefully to ol.l,r BAudrey, who is t tlliiug idly to Sir crouching on the confines of it. Ohioksy on her right hand. The (le0lme and fall of Lady Bonverio, "I never go any where, thank you," the ascent andrise of Dolores, have been r0bnrne Audrey slowly, lotting the late received with widely different feelings rose-lo6Veri in bor hand fall nyabenne. by the many in Deadmarah and sur. deadly to tho earth ono by one. All the more reaben it by yon 8110(111 be,rounding country. But Audrey Ponaen- colo to 300," TO3nrn8 tho pretty willow Uy at least is on the whining side, brightly; "and the Elms is re lily' tut She lead gone up to Grres's return, s the distance at all. Tlhough why t'le moment elle board of Dahappys's gee ,113lms' ? That mime is the olio lat- her nothing i d of the taken t e gill i to answerable oouundrunl I know," ux• her fortune, and had ler the warmth luta oblima abo, turning to Bruno and laneb- 111 had sem kissed of with a warniit. ing :aily. "It exercises ole more tut +.n th a had somelittle,thing leof here as in it. 1 e 11 say, Was it meet in irony '? Del 10 her had eatdoeyes share was alight ed they give my nufortunate hotuo tut it D great over of the h er rteality yo f the ref- n01110 Simply because there wasn't en factionsshe had broughtmtoitlife the ref - elm within a mile of it?" Then, wit'1 her breast. midden change of figure that brings her Dolores bad kissed her back again, ag'biu ftwo 10 fico with Audrey—" You smiling three_! her team, and then the will conte., Miss Ponsonby ?" n t great yews Was whispered to her. It 1 really never go auywlhere, 1or- was wonderful, roms.ntlo! So Lady fists Audrey, lint very goutly, perL'Yen,11t to a Duchess or a Dolores," n11! l 11 I) not 7 D Iots, the alter r0tol11; lies. 1Vunlyss, laughing. " 51ak0 all! Au41 Dolores take het. ), the dna- leo your third exception." poetical ane—was to f it her plaeo! The lJootical jnstico of it was aallpletm! There is som0tbing so irrosistillly Miss PousOuby herr}ed Immo to carry friendly i11 her manner, her senile, and the astenishin;; iute,l,getl0o to " etas," 11111' tittle 111.0 retrousse, that Ate trey hcsi. Dolores standing 011 the stone steps of tetOH. Ah, yog, dear Andrey 1" Whispers 11tH hail ,lune 310 w aw 111 taeb far 14 Neer Dolores, Blipping her arm through hent, 1.fl a4 a11H Went h h then, avenue. Never .1 Thank you. I shall 110 v11ry glad to afterwards t dad very ergot bow Audrey come to you," says Andres' impulsively, had been the very ngst 11 ce cruel elto her, raisin'1, her Road and smiling one of her Ibatdfo a013816 in 1110 crus! talo 15110' mil", at' :,3rs, \Venq•s9. that had a little time dant her young " So glad she has co11seuted to come life into 113(I shadow. to n)e I" murmurs Mrs. \VOmys911reeent- han you over hoar anything Poi; mora enchanting, dad ?'' (Wield Bliss Pmlaou1(y, ly, tnrumg to Vyner, who haplJeuB to ho 11 le when she tells the story in tarn to her fatltor. " It has all Cie sublime satis- faction 01 a fairy tale, To think that her crest should he lowered!" ".tinsl1., 11ty dear! Remember, it is yolnl atlub of whomyon are speaking, over whom indeed you aro, as 1.1111,113 ray, exnittu3.'' Exultiug' the word," 11358 Pon- sonby says, 'laughing. " To have her 3alteu'doWrl a pep, or two—it is deli- cious! No dinner our me to -day, I thankyon, dad, I have, I muskier, dined meet lUxur101181y LMT her discomfiture." " My dear, you should recollect. It is het 'ily Christian --el) V' ' Therefore you ars the. more bonnd to admire it, if 'it ' 311(11)l3, 1.11• appreciation of ns' lame s du,tiita 1. Anything Pe- pe, 111110W, enlistsyoursympathies at 0U"li. Witness all these musty old tomes over which yen are perpetually poring. but the truth now, dad ]"— seating herself on 11!s kuee and turning up his chin with her hand. " i (.11a1- 1mu30 you! Is there not something soothing to the spirit i11 my 110318 ? All, there ere is, or I sbei n't half enjoy it 1" "Well, she certainly was aggrwvatiug in many ways," confesses tho indulgent " dad." But yet, my dear, 'WO allonld not openly rejoice over—" " Openly—no 1 But in tho bosom of one's large family I" says Miss Penmen. by. Then she pats her chest lightly, " Here it is," she says. " I'm glad, do you know, that I'm all the family. 1: should have been jealous of any com- panion in your love." Mrs. Wemyss, too, is glad at the girl's reborn, though somewhat harassed by Bruno, who shows himself very low- spirited over his mother's changed pros. pacts when first the discoveyy of Sir Richard's 0xietenc0 is Made known: !Sat this soon ceases. Sir Richard and his brother meet. Therm is a very joyful recognition between them, fu 81)310 of all things ; and then presently it becom08 knownthat "the late " Ser George and his wife aro to take posses- sion of a house belonging to the estate in one of the Northern counties, with tom income sufficient to maintain them in very good style, 11 not altogether in 51.3 as they have hitherto been ac- customed to. But to the book -loving (Morse Bouverie this change brings few realets, while his wife, 'true to tho haughty spirit that governs her, says little, anti Seems only passionately anxious to hasten her departure from moundthose who have wltueseed lice former glories. DCUno remalas bellied in the pretty home left him by the will of an ammeter, paying his parents every now and thou short visits, the shorter perhaps in that he finals a difficulty to tear himself away for any lengthened period from the preemies of Mrs. 'WI:40799. tet his mother Dok Into seen nothing si one their parting in the drawing -room at t rc'ylands, but of his father be has tauten an al'f01'6i011ate farewell. 1. 21111e11 nnhnosity that tllrw 1.tees to last for (til r11ne1 11x15338 tnwar,is h1111 in the mined of tiie 1441, r,11,1 Lady 11unvarl0, an 0113 too, city oloeely copied by }meson. But, with (:1d little gentle soul beside hint who is so 8.1011 t" L" 1131 lir s oomp11nion, it id n•lly 1.019 11111)18 3H 8uP1.o4e that 5111 14111. nasty of 80010 sort --3f only for his l'ather's •,51;:51 will he patched up a• 111(1(15393 themsootier or litter. With "tri. Drummond and persons ofas' that al. dire is the (dismay for lu,Jueelt on D030118, triumph. A sense of libel' t1311111'11 3111:91.911)31) them. Thoy 11' fl ll'h. lately 1.e1n :"13 to •m.1a ee hey v kiln the sun shone, amt now tho rain is dase0n,i' Mg upon thorn. Too late in their sub mission, too late the flurrying to and Ire and the casting of tho offerings at the idol's foot1 A ball is given at Gr0ylauds by 'puna iiaturin, a, ]rind of informal introduction to the county of Sir Richard and his)12n'hter, the young Attune, at whioll Die Duchess and all the best people in the neighbourhood ln0130 it point of being 311080 it, but for which MIso llaturiu for- gets to send Mrs, Drummond an invita- tion, standing near her. She is am, i3,R(fS h..V3 as r, 13avo 1)011)011 to make it, And rani!••; what, ono omuld wattage to iorMeb 3,11(. 3451511'31 at all a had young man,' ll ' 1' 112y dear B1r1, Woc.....,yse, con2 r what you are eftyiu5I line1I T have allvaye understoo1 that. Reginald Dr11131. •"+'� ; r adore wets widowed. by a beneficent / r gar• whiteness of poet Reggio'ft as lee, e 3 1rg1) R,',t1't it 1f L 314)1 FRIEND Nature, as a s0t.ofl to his heck of ane0l. THE ©COWS BEST q' RIEND tors, with 11 disposition replete with, ra tyt Y Wb 1)10rality, Don't destroy ley fond i1n• — — pr 5210118; dou't malign the absent. rl(11IE BEST 1110 is, too, the very imago of the ;;noel Georgina. I can't tell yon holy I admire him." -7V" i.l.' + Sabiro is it poor thing !" said Mrs, \4 onn'ss, curling her dainty lip, "And, ' 1 +< ila'uw fast and loose with very capit I1•.114m"H", BuCtts10nIitoxl\'anKs, • 1iI'rClll 3111, Oxr A 10011811 thing, for youth wou't lust lot --- (WOE 1 I wonder "—with another 8Wilt genuine -term. of Gluey. tiff Oren t kinds oS glanc0 at him—" W11y it is she won't windmills Vlndmllleyet iest 51radoestandDuranost satiefaetomarl'V ? ° lug water, aawog wond,10l8, chopping grain or Is that a riddle?" netts 1(0 airily' drivin g'1� Ui17 L1LB1tATl:i) PUMPS hovel u• "31 80, I 0au't help yon 10 a solution 03 equal. M - it, 33 38 one that T uty8e!f have sought 01x01 aworld-wide reputation , S guarantee for years to solve in fain." " Y031 there must bo 0801Utien, for all that," I dare say; at any moment it may dawn 01,nn ns. I IOle3v rmnple 11'11131,1111 in 1'nuil?/ /'111—they 0311.1,1 themselves "Pootsio-1\•001530,'—and they took it le very ill,e11 indeed I They used to gl'1"•l all the c0nnndrluns straight off. :I wish WO had 1110111 here 110w, (100'3 yen ? " " No, 1 11011'5," said 'Mrs. \ "I), u., rather w1 ,tuhllly ; " and I dnn'b '(51 either what they have to do with Androy." Oh, nn, they haven't anything; to do with hor," arknewled"a's Vyner, mildly, " So far free tint, I don't believe she ever even heard of theta. Oh, dear, un, But, talking of Hiss Ponsonby, do peg know I—I nava at limb formed an idea W. ills. l4Cor1.3s°, at alt events, I tthluk Audrey i y' ch.ermiug girl 3 I like her more than I " (rood heavens 1 ' exclaims :51:8. 111)3 ;ay. Don't you 3 9 'Worn ys, irl3 ioally. ";3-u, not more than I mild say. " 1' O)V who la 1n0 :11161 , " r0,11'nls lou Itis tone i, disparaging, whatever his reproachfully. " But just lielen to 1»e; Lords may he. at this very moment ennlethin;l 11:4s ac - 111.9. Wnn1y'8' glauues eft hind quickly. 0urred to iso." " lint you do like her ?" she asks, He 5/1n1oze8 his glass into his eye land w:t1t pretty per5ir.teuee. turns upon Mrs. Wonlyss a cola len tie 1 "1)o 1" glimeo, It is so confidential that she "I ail asking you the question."' wa131110 to it.- His voice sinks to a 331(10- "A111 Well, now that you compel mo per. to think of it." says Mr. Vyner reeectivo- " I have it ! " 310 seri. • ly, e 1 h1t' t believe 1 conld honestly "All, yon have et hist g lensed I " cries make my answer ' Yes.' No, ' like ' is uhf excitedly. She bonds forward to them echoing superior to Loony now Ln the market and 0qua1to luny spar made,'011oy willterow watere00 toet,or force it a mil on the level. Formers and stockman are re• gueote,toio0d tnrpartioularsbef0r8 buying either a Windmill or a Pump, an l claim that minoerothe bostrin LOR9(Mitchell U W' RInt, ONEY TO LOAN. • Anile, 311, 1584. CUSTOM TAILORING, The undersigned begs leave 00 intimate to the public that lid tuts opened t toiler shop in the Garfield Douse block, over Powoll's store, 351(0(5 duo is prepared to at- tend to 111e wants of the publio to cutting, fitting and nutting clothing in the latest and most fashionable styles, My long ex- perience together with 14 001(180 of 111struo- tion under one of the best cutters in Toron- to is it guarantee of being able to do stale - factory work. Satisfaction guaranteed. 311.3m G. A. BEER. MONEY TO LEND, Any amount of Money to Loan on Perm or Village property at 33 (C 6 PER CENT. YEARLY. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying 'when -required. Apply to A. HUNTER, Division Court Clerk, I3russels. NOTZCE. M'.noyto eon n nem nroi arty at , The Undersigned still keeps on LOWE11T 1IATES. hand the Genuine Bell Organ PRIV ATE ANC COMPANY FUNDS OF GUELPH. V. B. DlclisoN, Solicitor, New Raymond Brussels, Out. Sewing Machine. Money to .Lagan. He also keeps the - BEST GRAIN GRINDER PRIM TE FUND S. ' in the world. —_-- STRAW CUTTERS, Largo and Small. ROOT CTTTTERS, at prices.to suit pil.rchllser. Barn Trucks; Clothes -Wringers, or any- thing you want, except motley. $20,000 1101, the word." =oh -obis 11is bolft f•of Pr.vateFunds h just been placed in ;,1'o» v. -at 1,01)11111S ?" suggests st•s Mrs. e Yes—at lest the truti111'1'4411v» •-'ve " 1 my 11a11dnfor Investment R eel •se ; but elle b t>s her lip slightl reeelf to ole. " lie glauc05 round him y AT 7 PER CENT. and regards him with distinct dzsa, c:rliti0`l:{ty, as though a"raid o[ being PER {': pointmeut. . " Or perhaps ton strong. " Your taste then is not t9 bo de- pended upon 3" exclaims she, with a shrug of her shoulders, casting at 11in1 a half -contemptuous glance that 90e1T133 to Amuse bins highly. " She May 110001 a littlo over•roservnd and cold, but 11,0 fond she is worth a dozen of most girls." "An ordinary dozen or a baker's down?" questions he teasingly. " How full of purpose she is, and what a aplondid daughter she males 1 " goes on Mrs. \Vomyss, declining haugh- tily to notice his frivolousiutorruption. ' What care she takes of that dear old book•wo1•rn I Why, he could not Have fewer wants—thanks to her•nevor end- ing 313ong1,3101ucss—if his small income were broole what it really is 1 I call hoe devoted. Aud just imagine what a cruelty it must be to a girl like }ler, with bor beauty and fiuisll and naturally high aspirations, to bo compelled to the perpetual counting of the cost. .I can't think why she doesn't make a goo(3 marriage andput an 111d to it all." She pauses, as though i» expectation of an answer, or perhaps to take breath. " Neither can 1," says Vyner, return - Mg her steady gaze in kind. " A with. Or11153 contempt for our sex, no doubt 1 She 31-1113 you say—so very superior," " There is Sir Ohieksy Chaucer," 00110111168 .Mgrs. \V0mys5, darting a keen glauoe at biro, which 11e receives with the most admirable, fortitude, and then returns to her again. " lie has been at her feet, an we all know for ages—Pro- poses to 11cr once a week without fail, I hear; yet 5110 won't even look at hint." Ah, that sediments for it I" says 'Y'yuer, " If she did look, you 200, she wouldn't be able to refuse him." "You may•8caff if you will "—a little warmly ; " but I can tell you that, after all, he is not so ,eery much to be des- pised." • " After all—no 1 " " Itis rent.roll is enormous; it would cover a multitude of sins with most women,,' says Mrs. Wemyas, a trill() vehemently, as though nettled by his tone. " And then there is the titlo 1 110 is as good a match as I know." " Excellent 1 Why don'b you have him 701110111?"malts Vyner, 10.0531111:;, who is a sufficiently old friend to Le 11.1,10 to say what he likes. Well, 5110 won'b have anything to ra,r to hire," 5ay0 11318. Wemyss 1,litin- tivr;ly'. " i call it a clear throwing away nk due's opportunities. And if -it was n',ly Sir Chicltsy; but there was---' I;; •t'.1,,-by0,. rdid you hear of young 1,'unfil0u(1's affair? " " N0." " Pm not breaking confidence, you v ill understand, if I toll you, beottiee ( 1'113,11)0 and Mrs, Drummond were so 13,110 1 that any ono should darn to re- fuse their. ' darling Reggie' that they v,.,trd that poor youth's 1oje0,tion alt over the piece—could not keep front talking of ' that Miss 1'onsonby's impor• too1100 i' even to save his blushos."4 " 13'hatnvas he 1(10511ing about ?" „Audrey's iodfgnant releotlon of lois advances. 310 came down here, you may remember, about a month ago, just before you wont n1) to toWn, azul fall bead oyer ears in love with her. Brit she would none of him. 10oolis1 girl, say 1.1 Ile Will have a princely terbium by-tcud-by--it'goad titin, at any time, Leven 31(011;„1'glemitism:'s' sugrte may " I think I want to give a 110010 (1131119n o hanottr of all 3110801mtr1dlt0ux trnlr9• overheard, and then leets leis manest gaze upon bor. " Look hero !"henaps Borrowers oanhave their loanecomplete impressively. " You take my word for r three days if title is satisfactory, it ; she has hor Dye on Bruno Bouverie." Ho lets 11:51 ueites fad!. In spit() of himself, a 01:3..0l110V01113 laigh falls on the 1 tis 01, air. Tnrniug abruptly upon h 1, ho wallas away leisure'y. firs. Watnyss, her cheeks a charming red, gazes after his retreating figure; that he is laughing 14, 11e, goes is we. rout to her. After a prolonged 011501.1.1 - tion, she too gives way to a subdued merriment. " I owe you 0110 for that, Master An- thony," she says to herself good-L'u- moutedly. CHAPTER .YNIiT1 . Tho dinner at the Elms is a. great tine - 0089. Dinners, of all eutorteenlnenls, seldom ttrs•; but this one at least is all it ought to be. Every one is i1, the gay- est spirits. The '43011.1011.8 gowns are ax- qui8ltely toned, the wines beyond (115. pate, the entrees het ; what 11101.0 0811 111, desired'? l:veu Sir Iliehard has come out of his accustomed reserve, and chats with open interest with his pretty neighbour, who of course happens to be his hostess too. Dolores is looking radiantly happy,. Iter eyes are shining; her curled hair, that has ' Tho lva,00f 009-44.1413or, And the 98'4'9 gold 1,1b," is nestled about her white brows and throwing gentle shadows into the gent• ler orbsbeneath. She looks 510 yuan::. so true, so lovable, that all hearts ;;o out to her. She is the very sweetest thing in all this fair round world," thinks her lover, as he watahos hor with fondly eager eyes from the other end of the table. But a good from grief's full pod falls everywhere. To Sir °hickey (Menem: alone is it permitted to proaen3 the in• 0vitable contrast that is wanted to show off the fl3uess of t110 dominent joy. 1,.s does the part to perfection. All through (limier he sits 1l ower;ng upon space, with now (11151111(0» arHltca- Lion that enables hint to fix upon llr, Vyner, who happens to 110 meted next to An,11:07, rt most 1110311V010110 eye au 1 a 04110(1 full of deadliest enmity. \'o• nor, 1n the course of time beconeb;i awed e of the eye and the enmity, is at five,b surprised by them, and then 311. t(a1se.17 34333 119.3d. Presently, !10410.;•1, i{rolviug tired of 11110 little baronet's spasmodic glances, ho turns to iia com- panion. Well, oxo you satisfied?" he osizs, in a low tone frill of half• 0olltenlptnoi.1. p10^.sa11t03'. "I 11660 hoes hearing a good (deal about you of tato, 1013, frons what 1have gleaned, your harvest's great; everybody has asked you to mar- ry 313111—is it not se? Your, scalps Hurst bo considerable." Audrey looks at him 0urion81yfor an Instant, and then hor lips widen into a simile elisions as 1101 glance. "No, not everybody," oho answers coolly, slightly mituioking his tone, " So you 500 my cult of joy is not y0t 130100 0111." "FIow malty yet r0nsain to bo un• Apply to E. E. WADE. 0 0 WATCHMAKING. o1,rfEA Tho lu1dersignod talcs pleaser0 in in forming the people of Ethel and surround ing country that he has opened a shop whore ho is prepared to attend to the re- pairing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc., In a planner that will giro the host ofantis- fection. All work guaranteed to be done in a satisfactory mantle) or ne ollarge Made. A °all solicited, —Shop opposite il,obertsons Rotel, B thel.— b1 Boig. rlO11IPO13TABLE HOUSE• FOR ea10. Tltc prop etty ie menton on Thomas street. 'There is 0110 0018 of splendid land, well fonco4, with 'young orchard, Re. There is a aemfoltable dwelling, stable and all tho 001(0011100000. The property will bo sold for SM. 901(00112ol aid clown and the balance to suitnurebaeor For full particulars apply to LT, 0 [iAPlll 1N, ALE��X 1113371111 U, Brussels. 98-310 ALLAN. LINE: ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. eee'r 020 TO L(}LASCOOP, I,OiLON ONDE'Ii1RY, , Dece Steerage. $88,110, L14.e1•9931, 1150110118.0r3.7, 1aesust0wn,141asgow,sr Belfast to Quebec and always a,1.10)1 its by anyllrst-tI)n0 1mo. $L`-11:ULR ARRAlar>nni>;NT, 1886. Lvretrol and Quebec Service, P, runt LivOrpanl. from)151190 y1idtty, ,Apt'. 9{. 011.8033331148h'r1day Kay 14, 'Tllurs,fy, Au• 211. Polyuosfuu '1buesd y Amy 20. 89.91.3918.1,331 my a, l ari51lu11 wher',dny 51ty 27. T'riclay, May 14• Sarmallan Friday June 4, Thursday, May 20. ttot'dinhoi Thers4'y ifun. 10. k+3lday•1`lay 251. 011•oassian. Friday luec 18. 13,90511'y, ,71111.0. 'Polynesian trhurs'dy Jun 24, 11lnrsd'y 390.10. I'al•1o19.31 9311111.5837 Tul'y 1. 1.0r1l9v,.4e1/+18. kaana1fieu .b'l149.1Jrily1). .Thursday, Jun.2d. 914r4tini5)1 Teursd'y J'1y 19, The Met train connecting with the ',Leaner at Quebec 189ve5 Taranto 7S'011111s89ye at 8,110 44.111 1'955934101.0 nap 10avo Wgdno'1078 at 8100 [1431, 000, a1111 0011noot with the steamer at P0rt15nd over''yy Thursday until opening of, navigation at 331005188 053 14531 01 lay, at same done ?"—" 0110." ratesoahtle, sheep111' 1315151 ars, carried on the " And that one ?" Mail atm:mord of the Allan Lino. Miss Ponsonby raises her straight Vox stick toalnd Berths 0,1(1 every inform°, do brows and looks at him With audacious d Ainnr, y;; a noierne110 in 1101 glance. 'r ' ' . C� n•nss>At the P, 3 o141a, Brussels, sins says distinctly. G. -LOVE, Opposite Town Hall. Brussels Woolen dills, bog to iufo.nn tho farming com- munity that I am now prepare![ to take in Carding, Spinning And Weaving, at lily New Brick Woolen. Mill, and promise to give Satisfaction to those favoring us with their trade. I have o11 hand inct will ksep constantly in stock a full as- - sortlnent of CLOTHS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, DRUGGETS, BLANKETS, KNITTED GOODS, DRESS GOODS, YARNS, Cotton Shirting, Gray Cottons, &o., &c. • PINE CANADIAN TWEEDS Pant/a/4151 and S rges for Suits which five will get male up on short notice and a good fit warranted every time. Iig ltesf( mnayket rice —PAID 370lt-^- Mater ter, Eggs, GIVE ME A CALL at my New Mills before going else- where. Geo. Howe.