The Brussels Post, 1886-4-2, Page 8THE BRUSSEX,b POS% Arum 2,1886. Wallets, Pocket-I3ooks, per ESS 'Once upon a time And a .very good time it was, Wien dogs elbowed lime An turkeys chewed tobacoo, The, houses were covered with pancakes, And the streets werepaved with two -penny loaves, A. little pig ran up and down the streot, With a knife and fork stuck in its back, Crying out "Who'll est me?" Now is a good time to get a handsome Wallet, Pocket -book or purse, neat and cheap at THE POST BOOK STORE. Presbyterian Hymnals, All the EditiouS, in stock. Call in and Bee 1.7e. .,513•14.101104111 GRANB R. 0141o140141o14 up. Wentz, you April fooled Amivare away, away down at THE Pon Bookstore, CLoven and Timothy Seed at ItloOrnok• an'a, Now is the time to help old Sol, in getting the snow off your sidowalk. Daren Set and Garden bloods for the million at MoCrsekon's. Sem the Auditors' Report of tho financee of thie corporation in this issue. Hoeszeinei willa find to their ad- vantage to call on 1)2 when route hills are wanted. Fon bast value in General Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, 140 to Thomson's, ono door north Hayoroft Bros. IF you are about to render ecieounte call at THE Pose and see our eamples, and get our prices for bill heads. Ail kinds of job work done on short no. tioe and at reasonable prices. Gomm slut lost, between Brussels and Jamestown. She has a black back, brown legs and brown spots on her head. She an- swers to the name of flaunt°. The finder will bo suitably rewarded by returning, hor to A. Cumuli, Butcher, Briminfis. TRUNK AILWAY A P111) Wag very numerously SOUTHERN EXTENTION, lAl G.& 3. R. signed by our villagers this weak pray- ,„,nd ing tiff, Grand Trunk authorities to south, cm fullOws:— on lb e early [Ina late trains OD Going South, slang North, the days now omitted. The company men 7:10 am. j Mixed 015 0,m 2110Ula not turn a deaf oar to :his re. Express 31:220.0). Mall 2:40 aan , Mixed ....... 8:508.1». • Express .....10:01 axe. pest. The morn ing train south and the num train OC•BA2i,—.7. R. Grant, agent, Postoffice, north rill onl,y run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, offers strictly first.olttes passages, 101.V. and Seturdays. lEd Pius Item5. A. chiel's ainang ye Wein' oteo faith he'll prent it. Mnn. BUDS. SPRING. APRIL. MAPLE sugar. APRIL ehowers. BDSINESS quiet. Nnlinaora robins. FINE weather soon. FOLD up your ulster, ammo:mu your furs. Bineaw your subecription. nHoistings I" "Knuelsle Fan." EOG trade commencing to boom. Velar out for ori new story. Dick's Sweelhenrt, will conclude in another week or so. TOE revival services in the Meth- odist church will bo continued on Friday eveping of this week. Ox Thursday evening of next week, the 8th inst., a parlor social will be 'held et the reeidenee of B. Leather. dole, career of William and Albert streets. SEE the large stook of letterheads, noteheads, hillheads, statements, me- moranduins, envelopes, Sm. at TDB POST Publishing House. Don't send out your accounts on scraps of paper when you can got neatly printed bill heado. MONET TO Lubc—Apply a Inc Poso Pablishing House. THE curling club committee of management met 'Wednesday night at the American hotel, according to appointment. The financial state- ment was received showing a balance in. hand. Some important business vat transacted, among other the adoption of a constitution, drafted by :President Grant, and a resolution to affiliate with the Ontario Branch of the R. C. C. C. for next season. Fon Oceau passage, Tin. Anchor Lino frpm New York to all points in Bumps, loVnisli rates, For safety, (pick passage, obliging officers, this lino of Mail Steamers excels. Apply to T. FLETCHEZ, Agent. Peons \Omar° suspicinue will find a le ground for alarm in the peozn- ee which Friday 1138111.116S this y Some .one has pointed out that 1S0 001170111 on Friday, and will go out tai Frilly, mei bath fifty-threo Fildeyo. Two months in this year (mince in ou Friday. There are fiwo u7b5 111 tho year that have five The plume of the moon (Mango five tinu•A on Friday, and the 01117 was eclipsed on March 6th, whieb fell.on Friday. The longest day in in. the year ana AGANA both fall ou a ifriday: T Canada Pacific Hallway Co. kayo to run special fast Colonist train to Et and the Northwest on April ath 1. Por tickets and all information o T. Ammo, Agent. Tete date of tho end of Km world is fixed for the present year of 1886. There is an ancient prediation repeat- ed by Nostraclamus in his "Center. ies," which says that when St. George shall enmity the Lord, when Rt. Mark shall raise him, and St, John shall aesist at hie ascension, tho end shall come. This year it hap- peDS that Good Friday falls on St. George's day, and Holy. Thureday (Ascension Day) will be alsolhe feast of Saint John the Baptist. 1.f you owe for THE POST pay tip and hold a receipt at that date. en aPal 47' any other, with choice of roto and best lines, either via Portland, Quebec or Nov York. Get rates and plan of steamers. No cattle or bogs, nothing butt ast timeand utmost comfort, A TAVERN -KEEPER in a village near Walkerton was committed to gaol in that town for refusing to pay his "Scott Act" fine of $50. He ohmic) to go to prioon, as business was dull ho said be could not make $50 easier. He pecked up hie kit, papers, books, glasses, tobacco, &o., to have an easy time, but ou arriving at the gaol he had to divest himself of all, don the prison garb, turned into a, cell with a negro end some other filthy person. One day cured our tavern -keeper. The next day he made away and paid his fine and came home ce wiser men. Ourene Noma passengers for Manitbort can proenre through tickets at Railway Station to destination, and have their bag. gage checks right through. No change of oars at Toronto or jostling among baggage getting it wrecked and excaungIng of oars and tickets at that crowded point. S. A. CREMUTOR, Agent. Tire Canada Presbyterian has a oorrokpondunt whose °Redone are al ways readable and highly inetruetive. Ile thus refers to a, clans which ii eomewhat numerous in this noighbor. hood :—Thore must be eeveral imn- drod thousand people in this country who can edit is eevespaper.• They can sit quietly in their homes and with- out any trouble say exactly how every article, every contribution, every paragraph ought to be written. They can see at a glanoe what ought to be kept out and what put in. In fact, they can make up a model newspa. per in a moment—in talk. To hear these worthy people speak one would think that publishing a. newspaper is o pleasant kind of pastime iu which people might engage foe amusement and recreation. Writing every day or week is an easy kind of intellect nal exercise that anybody can take— until he tires. These people don't prove that getting out a fairly good journal io emu. They simply provo that they know nothing about journ- alism and that it ie always easy te taik. ORICKET, —The annual mooting of the Brussels cricket club took place iu the parlors of the Amoricen hotel on on Wednesday lasG, at 8.80 p. The large attendaueo nresont indicat- ed an increasnig interest in tho pop, Mar and manly sport. Tho business of the past year was reviewed and tin financial statement, showing a sur- plus, was adopted. The following officers for 1886 worn then elootod hy open vote i—E, E. Wade, Preeidont ; A. Veal, vice•do ; J. R. Grant, Soo, Trees, The mausgiug Committee, composed of H. Dennis, Jas. Road, 3. Eitchon, A. Ourrio and M. adieu- nan, together with the elective offic- ere, were chosen to manage the af- fairs of the club generally for the cur- rent season. The President, Secre- tary and H. Dennis were selected as a committee to solicit subscriptions for 1866. Tho question of forming a County Association for 1886 was fully considerod and tho Secretary emulat- ed with the duty of corresponding, with tho other leading dubs of the county to ascertain the views ou the eubject. Tho club °More upon the season with "great expoetatione" and when tho committet report tho grounds in condition 13russels 0. 0. will be pleased to moot both old friends and now to contend for tho honours of the pluming and gentlemanly gamo, Cox- respondenee addrosaed to the Scioto. Gary will be'attended to. PEOPLE And some difficulty in 00 - curing lionsoic to rent in Lowe. 20,000 ENVELOPES 151 81.004 151 THE POsT Puttlishlog House. Givo no a call if yon want anything in this line. OUR FRIENDS.—W, FitZ1MtrigIC, Of B31111.01>t , was visiting at lib, micla'd, Geo. Fitzpatrick Dn. a WPOlf.,—Sf.s. D. Poreyth,stenographer in Binh. mond, Virginia, and son to 1150. For, eyth, ex -Reeve of Morrie, wito iu town hut week. He is doing well in the west—Mies Minnie Gerry and Miss Edith Town were soliciting aid from porcione charitably disposed to help a poor squaw, Eliza George, well known in thie looality.—Henry Chapman talkof going to the Nipissing coun- try on a prospecting tour in the course of a few weeks.—Tho Mitchell Adver- tiser of lest week sive Lilly O'Connor, of Bruseels, is speeding a few days with Mrs, W. B. Davie, and other friends in Ithtehell. Mies 0" Counor, is ft young lady who is high- ly accomplished in the art of music. Her father was one'of IvIiteliell'e °El- ea pioneers in tho mercantile line, 11110 51 geutletnan who wee highly re - ice -holed by all who knew . W. Geery, who ie a graduate of TDB POST, WW1 11 hp' top printer, hos lawn on the sink list and R111 lake 31. position iu his father's storo for a year with is hope that a obaugo of employment may prove houcifieial,—J000ph Boll. aotyli. has biiti a situation at Sly th --Geo.-Lovc and Andrew Cousley have been down with pleurioy.--liev. J. Ross, B. A.., is in Toronto this week attending a Clornmittoo Mooting in connection well the 111iseionary Society of the Presbyterian church, (qrs. Roos and. Alex. are vieiting at Elora.—Tho Goderieh Signal says :— A. U. Kay, of Brussels, has aeoepted the poeition of assistant in the post office, and has entered upon his duties. Ile has had considereble experience in the mail businees, ana will, we be- lieve, give satisfaction to the publics. He was formerly a typo under the wing of the present proprietors of The Signal. and he has out his eye tooth. --Wo must congratulate our old friend Robb. Piercy, of Bluevele, on the arrival of a son. Tho happy event ocenrred on- Mareh 19th.—Geo. For- eylli talks of taking up hie abodeiu London for a while.—Tho infant daughter of G. A. Beer has been very ill during the past week.-3no. Stan- ley, of Seaforth, formerly of Bruosels, was in town over Suuday.—Thomas Hinds is compellei to use crutches owing to a bail eat ree.eived on his left foot while chopping wood.—Miss Maggie Shaw retuened so Muorfield last Tuesday moruing, where she re. sums her position as milliner.—Five Owen Sound hotel keepers were fined $150 for selling liquor in prohibited !mum R. McKinney, formerly of this town was 000 of the number,— Miss Maggie Hislop, who has been visiting at D. Straohan's left Bruseola for IvIabitobit on Tuesday.—Oharlie Pierce, son of Thos. Pierce, is away to Manitoba to try his fortune in that prairio land. --James Danford is laid up this: week with an attack of some- thing like inflammation of the lungs.— Robt. Thomson, who hoe been ill with bronchitis, is able to be about again.—A. R. Smith, of "No. 99," is sway this wed: at Toronto on It put: - chasing tour. A. R. is counting on a big spring trade and intends laying in a. choice stook of goode.—Miss Eneffieuna McDougall. of 'Michigan, ie visiting Moods in this vicinity.— W. Puterbaugh, uf Sinithvilteeis vis. icing an old friend in town ,his week. —W. J. O'Brien, of Lasing, York Co., was visiting his brothor, one popular V. S., lest eveek,--Mrs. D. &own, and claildro_m of Chicago, aro visiting at Samos Laird's this WOOIC. MPS, Seown io a sister to Mrs. Laird. — Adam Angus and family loft 131115seele for Galt on Thursday morning. Wo are sorry to sae Mimi go but Sir. Angus thinks he can do much hotter 211050, ionto 1115 remeval.—Daniel Kneolitel, a sou of 3. N. Kneobtel, was in town this week. He is travel- ling for 00010 wholesale house in London, we undorslited.--Mrs. ton, of litleerieton, is visiting with Mrs. W. Grabam.—Chas. Watt, of Welland, is in town. soRN• Tmos.—In Morris, on the 31e1 ulb., the wife of Mr, Dongatd Taylor of a son. MARRIED. tho parsonage, Sea - forth, by liev. Jah. Broley, on the QsLth ult„ Mr. David Dobson, of Grey, to Mies Jane Nioholls, of Rullett, AUCTION SALES. TIUDISDAT, APRIL STIL—Varm stock im- Moments and household turnituro, Litt 10, con. 7, Grey. Sale to commenco at 10,80 o'clock. rotor McDougall, executor. Goo. 'Kirkby, auetioneer. TOUSTILY, Arum stook and implements, on lot 35, con, 12, Groy, Salo to otinunouco at 1 o'clock: M. Slingorlan 0, prop., Geo, Kirkby, auct, sentriGt Spring shows will be hold in HAS vicinity his season as follows : Bast Huron ,nb Brussels, Friday, Apri118, ivfnnehaster, Friday, April 0. Sonforth, Tnoinlity, April 20, South Huron, Bruoefield, Wednooday, April 21. Stephan and Lisburne, itt Brotor, ou day, April 23. Stratford, on Thursday, April 22. SC Marys, Wednesday, April 21. Lintowol, April 21. Miteholl, April 9, Newry, April 20. Wingham, April 14, •- -- — Brussels Market. 00BABOTED Od.rortilia E TSUI WIDEN. White Fitli Wheat.... .. 77 78 78 80 48 20 58 12 10 Its& Wintot Spring Whost Barley Oats Pens Butter, tubs and rolls , Bggs per doom Flour por barrel Potatoos Hay p05200 Bides per lb Dressod Hogs Salt por bbl., wholesale Sheep skins, each Wool 79 78 56 30 00 15 00 5 00 • 00 25 ' 35 800 1401) 7 72 8 00 8 50 60 80 50 1 00 17 18 MeOBAOKEN, ISSUER, VY s id:Urdu& 1,1aoutoS. 01625 at his Grocory,Turaborry street, 2-23 McNAlit, 1551J1i11 01,' MAI?. riage Licensee, by appolututoul. Lioutenant•Govornor, Commissional!, &a, Q. Bn B. Coveyana cer nd Agen Fi re Insurance 10. Oftco at tho Orembrook Post Office, Robert Cu n ni n gh am, INS URA NOE AGENT, Guelph, Ontario. T 121. O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, ti . Accident and Loan Ineuranoo Agent for mum of the best and most reliable Go moan - les in the Dominion, 011100, Brick Terraoo, Turuherry Shoot, 0005 1110 station. Bin NEW BLA.OESMITH. Bring your lame horses to Daniol Ewan, he has LEASED W. T. HUNTER'S STAND) n mesas. Haying practiced for years and 01002140 tho highest . position in tho leading horso-ehoeing establishment of Graham.Ettin burgh, &Oland. Also having passed with honors through the Royal Veterinary Shooing School ,of 1. S. Brat th, ondou England, whet e hundreds of aripplod horson passed our hands daily 0 oar safely guarantee to Cure 0011. Stranbeel 1651 03 interfering homer. New work and repairiring of all kinde 1000 031 roasonanle terms, and workmanship that will please. hy giving ma 5. call I fool satisgod I would Gomm your trade. D. EWAN, 17.15 Hunter's Old Stand. BANKING. MuiNTOSIIsis VoTA.GGAIT, BANKERS, .:- BRUSSELS, Transat a General Banking 1311541145S. Notes to hand discountod. Intermit allowed 531 deposIti repayable op demand, Prom pi attention glyon to oollootlons.. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. (1IFFARD ELLIOTT, LAW OF - LA floe, Grant's Illook, Drumlin Money to loan. 131 E. WADE, BARRISTER, ctte. . ()Mae formerly monolog b y ltIo- Coll, Esq., 333 LuStie's 131 51.347' 5.1 loan. B. DICKSON, (LATE WITH Darrow & Proutlfoos, Gioderloh) Convoyancer, 11111.10, Grant's block, Brussels. Money to loan. A LEX HUNTER, CLERK OF the Fourth Division ,301irt Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan mut Insoranco Agonb. My embed and to loan. Collootions made. ()Aloe in Graben -3'e 131000, Emmons, MEDICAL CARDS. .1 A. :Mc:NAUGHTON, M. D., 0. eY o M. L. 11. C. 1', Edinburgh. Phyeician, Surgn eoand Acconutiour, 0111oo, Airs. Shiel's blook, Purnb•,rry 4151,1, T A HUTOHINSON, u • M. L. 0.1'. Edinburgh, Has Annoyed to ale 1.0010.111100 011 AHD atroat, the house lormorly occupied uy Dr. Gramm d w nod be there at night. ho 01111 retain nn °Moe at 15argrOur00' Drug Store, a _ DENTAL. (Z L. BALL, L. D. 13., HONOR a.ea • Graduate and Momper nt 1110 Royal College of Dental Surgoons, Toronto. The Various milesthatice given, oleo n. 110..4 looal ansistlietlo for tho gums only. All operations carefully performed 141.1(i guarentood. Prieos modomee. Pull eats 05 22,111 from 50 to 825. °Moe over Powell's store. Hours 8 a.m. to Ip, DIMNESS CARDS. ;jfISS O'CONNOR, TEACHER J.. of Thorough Bass, Voual and Instru mental Music on Plano, Organ and Qatar. Reforms:le—Ladles of Loretto, Guolph. Itosidou00—No. 2 south, Brick Tarmac, 4d -Sin 13rusaols, Ont. L1 W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR 1.2 • 00011318.10 01 Ontario Veterinary Collcge, has resumed Mut prao lice of John Nott, V. 5., natio; prepared to treat all tHsoame of domes- ticated animate on soluutilla 11,1 approvad prinoirdos. Treatment of dalicato foals a specialty. 03300 at John Nott's, V. S. melte" e .t1. 331 Caused by .A.. It. SMITH who has just received his Spring Stock of Canadian & Scotch Tweeds, English and Scotch. Worsteds and Panting, and French Suitingd. Can Save from $1.50 to $2.00 a Suit by.Purchasing from A. R. Smith and have a bettor selection than. 5517y store in 1351152e18. I have file High Prices ,and Guarantee Satisfaction DIP OR NO SALE, Gall & Convince Yourse]ves ir 9 The Great Clothier. • 1