The Brussels Post, 1886-4-2, Page 4fEly ' !gussets VOL, T'If7Ur1Y, .1PRIL 2, 1881. Perth comity Noires. The Granton Spring Slimy will be held no the 14th April.. There are 222 pupils on the roll of the Oollegiate Institute of Stratford. A convention will bo bold at Strat- ford on April 5th of westernemateu£ baseball clubs for the purpose forming a league. Tbos, MoOlay has subiet the mason wnrlt of the now Methodist church et Alitcholl to A. McArthur, of Clinton, for tho stun of $1,550. Al the final revision of the Strat- fo'd Voters' List, by the J1ovie,ing O doop,enit20 e lists sandtwere only 40Liber• ah• The Merchants' Petteotivo enil001• lective Aseociation of Ontario have eetetblished an agency in St. Marys and will 00mmenae operaliou8 et once, The Presbyterians of Stratford end Chatham at their late meetings 013801' eni o 1y erne melee Bev. J K. Smith of Linux Church. Galt, as rru,tterator of the ,ext General Aenembly, J, D. McColl, the Heavy -weight ch•,mpion athlete of Canadn, ie mak' reg arrangements to bold a grand aelebrtition of Scottish games at, St. Mary's on the 24th of May,• and se cured the Opera House for a Scotch concert on the evening of the Queen's Birthday. Tl e North Perth Reformers hell .'i Obesse factories in Hastings will not be opened nntil May 1st. SmalP. Q has a0ne deathain u1188t 00 Manville,nnville, e, miffed, anti several now arias are re- ported. The Marine Department have un- der consideration of of v0seiefor the fiellerniesarprote t on service. Forest intends iloldtng its second annual Caledonian games on or &bent the 10th June, an $500 will bo dig• tributed in prizes. Arobbiehop Tasoherettu's elevation to the aerdinelato will be celebrated in Quebec with great pomp. The electric light was lit up for the first time at Belleville Thursday night, and gave general satisfaction. It Is alleged that the Canadian Pacific railway Company are anxious to obtain control of the contemplated Gatineau Valley Railway. The Royal Grenadiere, of Toronto, have eft a corps decided upon sub. scribing $200 toward the Col. Wil- liams memorial, and other local corps are expected to follow suit. His Excellency the governor gener- al has dtsallawod the acts incorporat- iug tate Emerson and North western railway and the Manitoba Central railway company's amending aot. Capt. Cl. C. Clapham, of hMont. real cavalry troop, pleaded guilty in the Police Court t.0 a charge of ped- dling knives with obscene pxcturee in the handles, and was fined $40 and costs or three mouths. Mrs. Sharpe, of Kingston, whose husband was suffocated by gee recent- ly, obtained a verdict Friday et the Assizes for $500 damages for the lose large enthusiastic and reprerentahve of her buabaud, who wee 68 years of convention et Stratford last week. age, and $200 for injnriee she receiv- All the mnmcipalities vent represent. cd. eaves. Beeolutions were passed ex- The Canadian navy, consisting of •e • ing 'ratification that the couu- the steamer Lansdowne, with an rim 'd t1 ld Olt CrSS et 1...e3 POST, A. man llamsd 13311 has been arrest- ed at Orillia for issuing counterfeit notes of the Bank of Toronto, A largo force of mon will be sent out next week to finish np the work on 0. P. 13. in the meuntaiue. Motion will be made at Osgoods Hall, Toronto, to eotnmib i3, O'Brien, Solieitur for W. II. 13.ow1and, for con- tempt of court in writing a letter to n - t110 prose reflecting upon tits jades ;tent of tho eleeter an Chancery 011 - seating 111e client. Tho Court of Quoon'e Bench in Montreal has dfamtssed the appeal token by the corporation in the hope of sustaining the statute labor tax, confirming the judgment deolaring the impost illegal and ultra vires. Between ten and fifteen thousand citizens of Montreal, will bo enfran- chised by this decision, Navigation ie already open on Lake Erie. The steamer City of Detroit arrived .at Cleveland on Thursday. Last spring at this time vessel men were patiently waiting for some signs of a breaking up of ice on the great lakes, They were frozen from shore to shore. The °entitle Pacific railway com- pany will construct a branch from Algoma to Sault Ste. Mario, there to connect with the new railway to Min• neapolis, and by so doing secure tho western hyo stock and grata traffic, try had in her present great need such a 81stinguished and c0rscien- tiaua statesman as the Hon. Edward Blake lending a31 his energies to . her services, and exptessiug faitl. in 8110 breath. wo of the G. T. R. staff of cies• Bon. Oliverodministe'et's in and dire patchors at present stationed e Strat- a', he lite in the past to the beat in- ford are, it es stated, to bo transferred toreats of the 31011nce. 'Tile dela. to London, in a short time, and will galea were strongly urged to look operate the Buffalo & Goderioh, altar the preparation f tb0 Georgian Bay and St. tUary'B bran- ches from London. Some crank named Thomas Garen gives notice througb a Petrolia paper "that any person molesting , me, or looking oroteways atme,or bothering me in any way, are liable to gut the gable end of their hada blown to the four corners of tate earth. So, be- ware 1" The committee appointed by the Kinloss agricultural society, ata re• oent meeting, decided to hold three cattle chows in Lueknow during the coming season. The dates eelected for the holding of these fairs are the first Thursdays in May, August end October. Tho city of Guelph spent $258 in photographs calculated to attract at. tention of visitors at the Colonial Exhibition at London, Eng. At a enbsegnent rneeting of the Council, owiug to business and personal jeal- ousies, it wan decided to keep the pioture at home. Capt. Moore, of the ill•filted steam- er Algoma, had his certificate restored to him in compliance with a memor• ial to the Governor -in -0000011, sign- ed by nearly all the Ontario members of the House ct Commons, He will take ootemand of one of the Lake Superior vessels thie season. anent of two six•poundore, Smoot bore, is new cruising on the fishing grounds off the Nova Scotia coast, and fish pirates are holding their closely n voter~ li-te. Every eactinu, through their Vice Preeidonte, gutuauteed good work in tine direction, and all seemed to be hopeful of good results. It was ded to hold another Oon- rat tion oni25th of June to so1ool nnan• didates. tCetreadiax.n N owe. Tara will receive $105 from the land improvement fund. Lire. Eva Long has been awarded at tee Civil Assizes, Toronto, $1,000 damages against the village of Stouff• villa for injuries received by felling ower a loose plant: in a sidewalk. The young man Moore, committed ou a charge of committing a heinous assault on a AIies Munro, of Huron township, Bruce Go., is to be liberated until the spring assizes by furnishing $40,000 bail. There ie 75,000 bushels or grain ready for shipment at Belleville on the opening of navigation; consisting of barley, 80,000 bushels ; a0 lieabut 0,- 000 bu'heie ; peas, hels and rye, 18,000 bushels. Wiarton'e sensation is the mysteri• was disappearance of J. J. Jennings, one of its prominent mtizene. No one can toll where he went, or why ho left, although all believe he was too honest to cheat any person.. Tien lather of young Dempsey, who waft %died on the L. & P. S. R. at Yarwood'B oros'ing, has offered to withdraw his slut against the G. T. R, for $4,000, which will probably bo paid him. F. Saunders, of Lon• don, whoso wife and son 180x0 1311108 at tho 830110 time,has also fin action pending. which will probably bo wet. Ilea by the road. The Woodstock Bicycle Club will be officered during 1880 es follows Pres.,' A. M. Scott ; vice do., Joseph Godvillo ; sec.• trete., S. Vtoedroofe ; capt., W. A, Kern, re elected ; int lieut., W. 1I, Marten ; 2nd do., Seger McKay ; 8rd do, H. Williams; stand- ard bearer, Jas. Scofield ; bugler, W. Wnoilroofecliern, E. ommittee,lernea.aneooJ. G. Hay. It is staled that a satisfactory agree- ment has been arrived at between the encstoandrunk ana 0. P. in refer. the Toronto 1i plenado qu05' tion, whereby the latter will have in- dependent entrance to the ally. A general passenger elation will be et - acted on a lot east of look street, and oast of the peeseng08 etat1On near Young A. eeioto freight shed willbeexec ed.spkeeees to tho new Motion will be obtained by via - duets rttnn1on from 1 rout street, wile bridges acmes the Grt,nd'1't'tul11 Reil - Ivey at Y01111g end York 81113'1.88. • Arrur. 2. l x180. NEW SPRING GOODS i 4S'J NA t '.�'6• y51k,, ter telp —000000— Haviug just- received the .Largest and Bost Selected Stock of Tweeds ever shown in Brussels, we aro now prepared to Sell Aril V '..t R r Pow P R io:e Our Stock hi composed of Scotch Canadian Tweeds Velvet finished manse Stock: of Striped. �,a Checked. P thy. gz Always on Hand. Our Stook of Furuishinge, such as Ties, Lino; Celluloid Collars Linen &, Celluloid Cutis, Linen and Silk Handker- Snitings, ]!'rencli Worsteds, Borges. Also an Ini- V v Collars, BueI Gloves, Kid Gloves, Woolen and Cotton Fiore, the new route being two or three chefs, Pat t 1 hundred miles 'shorter than by OM- Braces, Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Breast Pins, Armlets and tiar- cago. tors, &e., always on hand and at Low Prices. Ata meeting of the G. T. R. em- ployoes or St. Thomas, it was decided W intent) making the Hat anti Cap trade a Specialty this Season, to remain firm in demanding the re• We snmption of the full rates of wages. as we have a Largo Stock of All Shapes and Latest Styles. Our soelc This decision was strengthened by the being Large wo intend running them oi3 at fact that London, Brantford, Hamil- ton, and Stratford had come to a Sim• . Der conclusion, and also because by the let of July, when the full h tl 81118 of wages may bo resumed, business Ave ,-gem cS is dull, and the Company may out off their empinyeoe if they so desire. Hamilton Time 1—The Western Ontario Amateur Baseball League is making slow progress to,aarde a prop• er organization. A league with 8eame in Stratford, London, St. Thomas, Woodstock, Brantford, Dundas, Ham- ilton and Toronto would offer a e0rios of interesting contests, Hamilton 1 could present several strong teams for ouch a league, and the games hero would be popular and well -attended, as the professional team will be away for several weeks at a time on Its tripe in New York State. • A despatch from Schenectady, Now York, on Sunday says:—"Wm. Bar ton, live stock dealer at Point Edward Ont., arrived at Albany last night from Hillsdale, 11Iaes., and took the 10.20 train ou the Now York Oentral Road for 1110 West. The conductor punched hie ticket aeon after leaving Albany. Just before reaching Am. stardom the conductor observed Bar- ton's absence from the oar and tele- graphed an inquiry to Schenectady about liim. An engine was sent up the road, and et Athens Junction, three miles east of the city, Barton's lifeless body was found alongside of. the Creek, with a 11010 fu his hoed, Ilia satchel lay beside him. It is supposed he walked from the train in his sleep.' The Sentinel Review, of Woodstock, an organ well posted on dairy mat- ters, says:—There is a feeling that unless the representative of Canadian dairymen, with whom has beau left the question of how Canadn shall bo represented et the Colonial, take more vigorous measures they will not do much to promote the interests of our cheese industry. At the Toronto meeting, to which we alluded lest week, Awes resolved to have a supply of cheese at the Canediau exhi11itiou restauvent. In addition to this, there was some allusion to occasional ex- hibits. But how frequent cur how large these are to be is not yet mads known. The attractions of a Canad- ian restaurant, is contrast to that English and French ones of London, Eta e not snob a6 to make the tree of Oanadian cheese at it a very great advertisement. In the interests of our cheese it is to be hoped that no Canadian cooks will be there to drive visitors away from the restaurant. Their manipulation of beefsteak, for instance, would more then offset the good impression made by the finest products of our dairies. We are not able to say how many cheese factories there are in the Dominiou—probably between three or four huudrod. There seams to be no reason why each of. Meso factories should not send ten or twenty cheeses per month to Loudon. The cliicultles of making etch an ex• bibtt are certatuly not iosapetable. There need he no loss to factories; the governmene would pay the freight, and the cheese would ee11 readily after being exhibited. If tide were done such an impressiorf of the greatness of our dairy interests would be given as Would do iocalenlebl8 good to the gauntry. there —000000— Our Tailoring Follow. epartment Is too well known to need any special mention. faction every time. The chaplain of the lazaretto at 'i'racadie, N. Be who has been urging the Government to increase the an- nual grant for the support of that in- stitution, reports that of late, owing to complete isolation, the acquirement of leprosy by inheritance is fast de- crea01ng. and a generation of two more will w1tnee8 !tit virtual extent. ination: At present the inmates number about twenty-four, females being in the majority. Frequently during the experience of the reverend chaplain, the cumber bas been larger. The oldest inmate, VS 110 is now up- ward of 70 years of age, has dragged out this mlaorable existence there since 1840. The plague stricken pass their time year after year in quietneea, looking forward to death. Tho chap- lain says of the original outbreak in New Bruaewtok that little is known, the fishermen along the coast having Buffered from it for eight or ten gen- erations. He says there aro several eases under treatment in which the fingers, toes, and arms have doeayoa at the joints and dropped off. His ex- perience, ho adds, shows that contact, unless the par88 exposed are abraded, rarely results in the transmission of the (Rime by inoculation. it is tinder stood that the . Government intends eatablishing a lazaretto at Victoria, B, 0., et which point a number of cases are reported. The discos° has been brought lnee that ooltatry by tl+e ()Unmet. We guarantee Satis- Smile's Old Stand. our I A Co Or TOE O1gT®, Take pleasure in Announcing that having pur- •chased the entire Hardware Stock of Jas. Drewe they have opened out in the O1c1 Stand where they will be pleased to wait on the general public. . New Goods ! Large Zitook arriving and being opened out. Give Us a Call. Watch for Advt. . •. ' ret;, eseeereeere To My Customers and the Public. Having decided to go out of business in Brus- sels, l wish to thank all my customers for their liberal support in the past. Messrs. Grant to Co. will continuo the business Iii the same place and as they are first-class Hardware men I believe that you will find them worthy of your patronage. ' Yours 18u1y, JAMES DBJIWF, .o,teeee7 ae»