The Brussels Post, 1886-4-2, Page 22
UR, ';rs S k:.l.t?$ r.
Gy tie. r>uthor of "3Iu•nnue karrAanaa,".
1 ors, Cebu Itatta:nrone," nPLY..�ia,••
Mot...). J3hWN," Ere.
you - bare robbed me of what «'ould
have meant to me life indeed -the poi.
session of a troa4tiro anuli as tidal "
Softly, caressingly, lie lays his hand
upou Dolores's sunny head as it lice
upon his breast. But at his tou'+h-.>r
is it at his words ?-the girl stares into
"You must not blame Leilie," Rho
says vehemently; `•no unkind thin;
/nest be said bo her-retnemher that! "
She shrinks iu part from him, and
holds out her ban bi to Miss Matinee, to
her who has been her lire's mother, and
who can never now M,supplcanted in the
first place in her alfeetious.
" She kept from illi the only sunelline
that could have glad•ione.1 toy' had
hours," sacs Mr. \lii.lmay-or rather
Sir 1U ,.rd Bouverie•-iu a stern tone. -
that is yourselt I
Atu 1 so much to be blamed?" de.
minds Mise 3laburin passionately, stop-
ping back a little and Speaking as ono
aright wl>o is addressing an imaginary
audieuee, a jury who is to deuido upou
her life or death. "What coald i
think ? "
" No one shall blame yon, Lsllie,"
exclaims the girl softly, leaving lirr
father's embrace to rue to `Sirs alatera,
and Bing her arms lovingly around her--
" no ono, whilst lam present:"
"It was such a cruel sta' e ' rope
Miss Manirin, aobbiug, bat holding the
• pretty slight form eagerly to her breast
-" cruel to me as well as to her!
Listen, sir! " she cries again, addressing
Sir Richard. "When I found my sister
dying -nay, dead -there was upou her
haul uo wotlding-ring. Like a Cash of
m>altersl, a truth it came to 1110 that
what 1 had dreaded. all along was trio.
Ah, what terrible hours that false belief
has given me 1 As I have atrraiy said,
I wronged her, and for my fault 1 have
been justly punished. Be merciful to
me now, I beseech yon 1 " sho murmurs
goutly, thinking with bitter remenl•
Urancu upou her lifelong grief, upon her
many lost hours, when happiness might
have been possible to her but for this
slur upon he: darli:lg's birth.
"I,The ring! It must have been stolen
Hien from her poor hand I" says Sir
Richard, with pale lips. " Flet "-turning
agaiu to Miss Maturiu-"had titne no
power to soften you? Did yen never
thin,. that a father had sono right in
his (hild1 "
11i11eviug what I then believed, 1
thnnght a total separation from all
titles. conoectcd with ler unholy birth
the one thing to be desired. I took her ;
I slid I would bo a mother to her, in
pace of that poor lost one. To het',"
cries Miss Maturin,tlinging out her hands
'owar•ls Dolores, "I leave it to say if 1
.have fnllilled my trust ! "
" Lathe!" cries the girl pathetically,
trying to reach her; but Miss Dfaburiu
waves her back.
" Nay, satisfy him: do :fie justice!"
she exclaims, her voice vibrating with
I will," niprmurs tate girl tenderly.
Titan she tnrns to leer father. "Tt is
enough," she says fervently, " to tell
you that its all tho years I have ;peat
with her I have never once remembered
that I was motherless."
" Yes, she has indeed been a mother
to ynnr child," interposes 13otiveriu
Sir Il:oltard start slightly as the
young man speaks. Perhaps ho bas for•
gotten his presence; now however be
taros -to hint,
" You see,' ho says graciously, " as 1
told you, I have today regained net
only a daughter, but e. nephew!"
" A nephew l" The young; man xu-
pests his words vaguely, as tuougll 1 -
sent or periled. "It i., all 440 00ufu+-
Ing," Ile says, breaking off with a curt -
Ma laugh, but pa;ai pmueptil+lr.
To think that yon --you should nu Du-
, lores father!"
Miss Maturin, who bas been scarcely
listening, terms iiow to the elder 11,x4.
"If you are Mallard Bouverio," the
mays slowly,s •gall " f w
y a t ugh olio vmg Out u
train of troublesome thonghb,
`lien yon aro the elver son; to yon tau
baronetcy belongs -you are Str leiuli• I
ted 1"
So it might be," eeturn4 he dreg-
roily. " Bob 1 have given up the world;
it is no iltlouger anything to n1e; and wily
ould I cdelete) others? .i title hat
Dug wince -ceased to leave arty same -
lou toe toe."
" But, Hoar -now that eon hare a
aughter," cries illiss Muttirin eagerly ;
"your and sorely as woolly of all
thought 1 You lutist tone, ass,.rt yu•,. •
self, and give yourself t3 11,31 „ural
again )melee your right )nun if . „
ret h,r• sake--ber:>! Conte i4':L11, .I to 1
you, front your obeturity-;t i.i yietr
duty -and lift the cloud that bangs
ever her young life! }you 111 118t 08e..1
your talo, your home, your position."
'Thieves tarns spun her is glans i 0°
agonised teproa,h. As for Diek, ire has
bean 1:Landin•g quite apart, grist her':
lownrotl. Yarliaps l.0 (tient, ha, r.>uto
understood what a terrible change this
news has 1nad0 to him, From hebig!
,heir to it largo proportyhohas sncldualy
iwindled into a very poor young inaa
mdcua, without a profession, without a
hope of ever rising out of an unenviable
mediocrity, mud with a title that, like
all bairotlltaseurs, 'will ever !leu' as a
n.ii'1te031 round Ilia beak. Atte she,
US lain, Will be heir to the money and
ata ee -very little of either is em
Eaun1- avit)sant wieieh the title wants]
but a: idle MUM: And of the title
swag eaa he be o tee 1 alis uuoiu may
seamy again, 'Vhy thenlcl he net ? And
Myo sus---Iluluros 1 -to clenches his
Mode. -fear as ua a they tools not be I
meal enough to take her flocs 111uc now,
I to look for a higher alliance to which
I her sweetness and beauty might wt'll
retible her, to take lice from his very
'11 Dick," says e, soft little Mao
'c Dick, look as me 1" She saoale ie.:
slender augers into lits, and von>! ' a
••!Niel to return her tender glance. " Dt'•
father." she says, addressing Sir Rite-
0,m- her shoulder, " if you get ell,
what is to become of Dick 9"
" 'tater husband will he nty son," re.•
tures he sententiously.
1tele-and Lady Boaverio 1"
Ile girl nervously.
'1 d>,l1 !" soya Mist Naatori❑ 1 i.,nr' •,
" One, ill this case is bound 110 g0 t e ' h •
wall: \vire is fitter to be sent thorn tit ,tr
slip ?"
' Ali, pour Lady Bouverie 1" exolti 'es
Poloro.,, a streaugo quiver in her vet ..
Lice lips "row sad with grief '
. ' A, tsv
,n0 suffer 1" ..111 roulonlbraec) o'" !tor
Lite u1111appiness and the 0a445'4 ". rt
seems obliterated front her lana ; : h
Nth see only Dick'i mother ill ,iettet
.troahl0, torn from thehigit posits
Lim been more to her than lite and .:,
affectieus. Site grows sorely distre.::,•
:xi; her eyes run over sod`leuly wit.,
bright hot Mare.
Surely charity never failed 1" mur-
murs :Miss Ilatorin; tend then aloud-
" Colne here tome, you most sweet an.
gel 1" she cries, holding out her arms to
Dolores. "!low could any evil dwell in
the same place with you ? For your
dear sake, thou, we will give that ce 11-
heartod woman one more chance of re•
leemiug herself from the charge of nut._:
heartlessness; but enough now. Von
aro overstruug, my darling, by all these
.11,covsrins, and so i$ your father. ; at.
annthur time wo will decide upou
measures to be pursued ; but, for to•da' ,
no more. Dick, take Igor into the fro,::
air for a little while." .
But, Dick, 'tylion bo has talent her
I there, is still very sad and silent. For
a little while she watches him,
and then -
"Are you sorry I havonsupplantml
you 1" she asks, hor voice vibrating
,'With gentle agitation,
I " 1: am sorry.that 1 have now t:ut'.:iu-;
to offer yell."
" Oh, Dick, are you goiug to tell use
then that your lova is no longer mine ?"
I asks she, with a careful preben.le at a
belief in her own accusat'c.l.
"Not that-novor that ! But every.
I tiling i$ so changed; you have all, I
Iiave nothing."
I " Well, I can't see it in that light,"
ex.11t.ims she, with sudden sprightlmo.,s,
" 1 was always au heiress, Dick, and
• you hail alwaysa title in perspective. 1
can't tee, then, how things aro so ter-
ribly changed as yen would make them
9n empty title is of small account,"
says Dick gloomily. " It seetn0 bor.
riely selfish of mo to keep you now to
au engagement that cannot benefit you
{ in any way."
' You aro not keeping me,"
Dick regards leer with a sudden fear.
" l thought perhaps you -might atll
feel yourself bound to—"
•' Not in the least bound. I feel free
as air 1" says :Liss Bonyerio, blowin ; ec
little (dainty kiss from the tips of 11,1r
lingers to Miss Maturiu, who appears
for a moment at an open window and
thou vanishes.'
" Yon don't mean to toll mo," exclaims
Disk, turning upon her fiercely, •• that
you mean to throw Ise over now 1"
' Dolores breaks into a merry heartfelt
Ilaugh. '
"Ah, Dick, you were never meant to
tread tho boards," cries she saucily;
• " your acting is not up to the mark at
alit Why, yea forgot all about your
part when the tragic moment arrived 1
Now confess that, in spite of all your
silly pretending, you would not give rue
up for the world."
";Vot for a thousand worlds!" returns
Dick, laughing; and after that there is
never any further mention made "- s
desire to resign her to any wauder,ug
duke or reigning prince who, coma,.
that way, may chance to be enraptured
by her charms. But, just before they
go in, a slight mention is made of an-
other topic altogether.
" I think we eugilb bo get married as
HOOD as ever we can," says J3ouverl_,
with quite a lusinestelike air.
"Wel1, perhaps so,"returus the, hest.
tati.n,, slightly.
" f eha11 never be geihe happy until I
;;PI you into my own p08se881011," goes
o>, Dick, when sundry lover•like pro-
t:ocrlanls have been gorse through. " I
feel now always as if I dare hardly take
my eyes off you, lest 1 should lose you
again. Even when you aro my wife,
1 know I shall novor lot you out of my
Do you hope I shall rtau *way from
you then 1" asks she, pinching his ea:.
" Are yon -counting upon that as a sere
way of getting rid of met Don't,
!!.'here i30't a chauoe for you there. I
shall stay with you just us long as you
" 1 wish I could live for over." says
" A letter flora that woman at (;rrty-
lander" sneers Lady Bouverie, throwing
the missive in question, with a contemp.
tuous'glaneerto her younger son,
" She has returned theta 1"--" So it
" Any news of-.-" He rune his oyes
h.ilitly over the paper. "' "Po go lie
(ircylands as soon a* yeti can eueveati.
(11113' mecuago'•--.odd---eh 1 1 hope 111e
has not got t0 comreenloat'e to you t:d1C
flews of that root ela)ld'a death."
11u11ce she i13111," reberne Inst mothee
coldly; " though why to me 1' What
l,.atc f to do with the living of dying t.1
her disreputable relatives?"
" 011 Dick's account."
"Richard Laud I have no intonate in
coalman," returns she icily. " 1110 has
chosen to renounce ins and join hitnsc'If
to those whom it would be a diegraeo
even to know. Lob him abide by his
e When a man is in lave," begins l'rie
no earnestly, " he hardly calculates the
whys and wherefores. You should re.
member that he—"
"I remember nothing, except that las
has elected to cast his lot with people
who have wilfully withdrawn bis aIle•
gianoo from his mother. But"- with
a touch of angor-" that is not the sub-
ject in hand,"
"No. You will go to Oreylands?"
"1Vhy should 1? 'What an im;morti•
nonce, her eulnnloning me to her pre-
sence." Sio rises, as though involori.
barfly, to her feet, and her itugers ukase
with a remarkable clench u1P11n a fold "i
her gown. She stands thus looking it
space for e, moment Or s0, and thea 1141
humour changes. " After all," she says
reflectively, "1 think I shall go. .Iter
asking mu to visit her at (iroylanhs as
hardly so supreme au insolence as woui,t
I be'ller attempting to force an entrance
1 here into. my own hake. Adveutn.c>os
I that she is, has she tired, then, of my
non ? Is he 110 longer of any esu :u her
now that the g'rl is head 2"
" 1 -ler death 1s a mere acts 1,nntt!n11 on
my part," says Bruno gnickiv, a shade
of iuteneeet fe-11111a eameselg his faun, t,G,ney to nae ,•• arm nrviverty at
13ut Lady Bouver:o is tier a:"u.0-1 a.! - ---o--
tohim.LOWES I' ii A'1„�S• The undersigned still ]seeps on
Yes, I shall go,” she says, " if only hand the
to let her ltuow how thoroughly err rap.
port I aol with her manoeuvres."
" if anything has happened to Do. PRIVATE ANC COMPANY FUNDS Genuine Bell Organ.
:ores, it will be a death blow be her;'
sa'y's Dr" no, rising from his neat in tome W B. Dicicsox,
a,;:batiun. " 1 implore you to be L"nt'v
with her."
Lady Bouverie shuts up her fan i,:th
a vicious little clic::, and lots a thrives
smile widen her lips for a moment. -
".Ind now too," goes on Bouverie
nervously-" now -then 1)101: must be MQYley
in 00011 sore grief, if 111y surmise prove
correct -will be the time toregain his tt-
faction. A little k;udlyword, a word of
'syntpathy dropped when the heart is
wounded, does more good than—" PRT TV.f1 TE FUNDS.
"Is it a prescription?" asks his 71404 '
thor, yv1tll a little cruel laugh. " My
dear Bruno, yon should have beort au
opou•air preacher. but, oyes if you d )
nose to womb for that lofty position,
W. ti. i11orr4:,
Exclusion IRON Wolnts_ Mx'rtuEra., ONr
pfauutauturer of t•hroelifforent kinds of
Windwilit .Tho 311101001 strungeataail ln0el
satiefautoaytVindmiilsyel made .ForuurnI'-
iug water, sawlog wood,ohoppinggrain or
driving arty light machinery they have no
equal. My Qf'Li n11AT19D PUMPS haves 5 -
mimic. world-wide reputation. I guarantee
thorn lie batngsat>0rlarto many now in the,
markot,a red aqualto any over made. They
wIllturowwater900feet,or force it a mil eon
the level, Farmers and stockmen aro re-
quested.tusond for particulars et ore huyIip
either Windmill oro Pump,as f claim that
In in ourc the bast in the market. Address
W•M MORRIS,Mitch ell,ent,
APilli, 2• L`a-di
/113811:0111 TAIL013ING.
Tile undersigned huge have to intimate
to the publio that be has opened a tailor
shop i11 the Garfield Homo block, over
Dowe11's store, whore he is prepared to at.
tend to tiro wants of the pel>lte in cutting,
fitting and melting, clashing in the latest
and most fashionable styles. lily long 0*-
perfcnce 1.484441 her with a course of inatrur.
Ron under one of the hest mutters inTorou-
to is a guarantee of being able to do satis-
factory work. Satisfaction guaranteed.
i30•Jn1 0. el. BESIU.
Any amount of Money to Loan on
Farm of Village property at
Sbraight Lonna with privilege of re-
paying when required. Apply to
Div. Court Clark, Brussels..
Brussels, Ont.
to Loan.
must bog that at least Y011 *111 130 go'ul ofPr.votePnndshave jestbeen placed in
enough not to practise your maiden e4- my handsfor Investment
forts at goody-goody eloquence upon mc.
Share me at :oast that.
" I was only suggesting to you a 1110- :1T 7 PER CENT.
per lion of conduct," says Bruno coldly,
lie speaks now withoat au attempt at I Borrowers can have their loans complete
t1,o conciliatory manner of a moment 1' throe clay s if title is satisfactory.
since. A vague affection for her, ming-
led with a Renee of duty, has held him Apply to E. E. WADE.
true to her up to this. 'There has
been no demon imam upon her, melte be-
ca.ute heir to a considerable property on
the death of a distant Collsill 41,1 111.08b las
i10 entered upon Mas tweutysecond
Do you imagine 1 want to win back
Richard?" deutauds his mother angrily.
.' Understand 1110 now Duce for all. I
have done with him. I no longer regard
Wei ana son. From his earliest infancy
bo was antagonistic to me—new he is
iusufferable 1" says she, with a sudden
change of touo that is full of a conceu.
traced and most bitter dislike.
" Still he 18 your Holl -your. child."
" And ' blood is thicker than water,' "
interrupts she c'ontetnptously-" thab
is what you would quote to me. So it
is 1 It is capahloof holding more hatred,
mom eccnmuleted contempt than
any suoh.neakdhiug as water. ('ease
your support of M1ie.lard ; it parries no
weight with it. Lob him eliug to the
womau who, with the aid of a pretty Watches, Clocks, jewelry, Etc.,
atm, enticed him from his aa.
Ieglan05 to his mother 1" She makes ra Ina manner that will give the best ofsatia-
movement towaris the bell, and then faction.
chocks herself. " ()Flier the carriage I'' All work guaranteed to be done in a
site says peremptorl,y, as though long- statiefaotory 011111101 or n0 charge '
ing to drive hies from her proseuee o,1 made. A call solicited.
any pretext. -Shop opposite Robertsons hotel, Bthel.-
:hylic undersigned takes pleasure 10 in
forming the people of Ethel and mu:tunnel
Mg country that be has opened a shop
where he is prepared to attend to the' re.
pairing of
" Bless my stars, what* volcano she
lel" mutters Bruno, with a deep breath
of relief as he (mite the room.
As Lady Bouverie enters the morning.
room Or yla cs, Miss Materiel rises
to receive her. ,tn doing so she happm,h
bo pull one of the lace curtains et the
upper window a little aside, ao that
Lady Bonveri&e sharp eyes suddenly
because aware -of the presence of a 1114111
w1101* walkiug, with 50100)11 tread an.l
up and down upou the bah,uu1
outside. The curtain ltas fallen ba,•!1
into its metal folds before she has'gaine r ;at a great reduction 10 clear Out
sutclmout Iluuwieelgo 0f tle t caia t" 011r ])1'elellt Stook. Just the thing
know of ft be friend or foe. 13u( of en0 49,.11„1.
ol-Mico 570310111/
thing she assures bersalf-it is lea
Ilieltard. E-Iancl sleighs at cost.
" Yoe wish to speak to me 1" she tiers - Presbyterian Hymnals, English
to Wass 7laturin, when sire has nun a' Church Prayer Books, Methodist
her t•nl a slightest Wiest sterner sista• Hynan Books, All the School
Books, &o.
!+achy 13ible.s, that cannot be
touched for price by travelling
agents, tit a bargain.
Nos, 1. ((11(1 Z Drawing books,
Scholar's Companion and ecol'y
Wm, Doig.
hotogb'aph 84
0 uto aph
��' }9.d�
" any niece -about .lin
Aha" says Lally Bouverie.
By au insolent uplifting of her brows
she give* Miss liaturin to understand
that the proposing snob a subject to
her fs *Roost an insult.
"'Chore have been many mud great thing a ycemp;st'sr going to school
o liangf s singe Iasi I saw yen, We have •
d1seevene,l her father," goes on :Miss 1'et•]1111'01.
Materna with painful effort. Sho (yet a copy of Jeffers' History of
0na1111' n.ote paper and -envelopes
aro having a good run. All the •
latest novelties in the stationery
would hart liked to say more, but words
fail her. Sho grows almost dumb in
the presence of this cold haughty
woman, as she thinks on what the d1s.
closure of her secret will mean to her,
" I really fail to Nee why I should be
ekpeeted to take an interest in tho dis•
o every of that very disreputable person,"
says Lady Botiverie, with icy distinct.
nese, '
"It maltose a, difference," begins; Nis*
A trona, elle,".interrupts Lady lion.
vari0. " 110 far as I cats judge about
'Small profits andquickreturns'
is the motto of
01 ;
ew Rayniond •
• Seeing Machine.
Ho also keeps ills
in rho World..
Large and Small,.
At prices to suit Pureness r..
WRINGERS, or Anything.
you want, except money..
I3russels, Dec. 10.
I beg to inform the fanning coul•-
mu11it1• that I am now prepared.
take i1'
Carding, S, -i izrriz,z,
.A nd • Weaving,
at my New Brick 1\`ooleit Mill.,
and promise to give Satisfaction.
to those favoring us with their
trade. I have on hand and will,
keep constantly in stock a full as-
sortment of
Cloths, Tweeds,
Flannels, tarn gots.
lgnrekrla, Yuma,
knitted Goods, Dress t: eons,
0011011 Shirlinga, Grey Cottons Sr,
Also Fine Canadian Tweeds,
for Suits which wo will get made
up on shortnotico and a good fit
warranted every time.,
Highest Market Price
PAID 10011,
at my New Mills befr•
Geo, -
o w o