The Brussels Post, 1886-3-26, Page 6THE 1 LU$SEL$ POST Mania 26. 18b6. alloy of Chu sad Sooioti% Maivrram Cnpnau; Sabbath Services rot I,1j,,m. and 6:30 p.m, Sunday School a 2, p.m. Bev. :Ina. Bose, B. Al pastor. Brox 0noncaf.—Sabbath Services at 11 eft. and 0:30 p.m, Sunday Sollool at 2:30 Mg. Bev. 8. domes, pastor. ST, Jorrn'e Cuomo. --Sabbath Services et 1J. a.m. nod 7 p,m. Sunday School at 9:30 Wu. Rev. W. T. Oluffe, incumbent. MM,C' llonlar Caution.—Sabbath Services at MVO a.m, and 0:30 p.m. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Bev. 'Wm. Smyth, pastor. Botox QATUO1,10 °UnaOn. —Sabbath Bor. nesethird Sunday in every month at 11 a.m. Brev. P. J. Shea, priest. - Onn fizz ow'e Lopez every Thua sday evening in Graham's block. Masons:: Lopes Tuesday at or before full moon in Vanetone's blook. A.0. U. W. Lonna meets on 2nd and Iatt Wednesday evenings of each month FOBEs9En'a LODGE 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month in Smale's hall. L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in Ok rose Hall. Poet Or' o .—Office Hours from 8 a.m. 7 p.m. Mammas' Ieseum0Tj1teadingIboom and Library in Holmes' blook, will be open frtsD 6 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Mies Jessie Boss, Librarian. Fashion 17otee. All dressy spring wraps are short, Pansies are the flowers of the pass- ing moment. Both round and pointed bodioes are fashionable. Hooks and eyes are again used on the bodies of dresses. Shoes and boots are less pointed, but not square -toed. Skirts of street suits are made lon- ger and barely escape the sidewalk. The beet wet weather coat is of rough frieze, bourette, or bounce cloth. Long wraps will be worn only for travelling and rainy weather this spring. Stripes of all widths and in every variety of cluster are immensely pop- ular. The pointed waistcoat front is the marked feature in young girl's spring frocke. Plaid buttons of ivory and of mo- hair Dome among other novelties in big buttons. That hateful nuisance and un- healthy garment, the rubber water. proof, ie. moribund. Fashion decrees that old and eld- erly ladies may wear colors as well as blank and dark gray. Another season of black hosiery is predicted, but not to the exolueion of colored stockings. White petticoats aro no longer worn directly under the dress skirt, except for indoor toilets. Oordereine is the abbreviation of corde dela reine, the sister fabrics of corduroy, its older big brother. Some of the new dresses have fall overskirts shirred on the long bodice, which is pointed back and front. Dark blue, dark green, pansy shade garnet, bronze and drab are worn by elderly as well as by younger women. Short loose jacket fronts opening over long pointed waistcoats are seen on some of the new spring street cog tames. Black silk and•finegloeey black al- paca are the materials used for the long petticoat worn under the skirt of street frocks. It 1s Simply Marvelous. Mrs. Theron Burr, of Adrian,Miehigan, writ- es that West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment cured her daughter of Rheumatism, which she hadbeen afflicted with from ohild- hood, It is infallible. Prion 35 cents and 90 ciente per bottle. Sold by John Hargreaves & Co., Druggists. Boys with flower trays filled with bunchee of pansies mads main street bright with dashes of yellow and pur- ple recently. Wide white Hercules braid, fringed and knotted at the ends, forme the sash belt falling low on the hipo of many frocks for girls of 12 to 15. Cashmere and camel's hair are aged in combination with novelly woolen goods for young women, and with watered silk for older ones. The decided alterative action of Robinson's Phosphorizedb mulsion upon the blood,adap to it In a remarkable degree as a blood purifier well worthy of rho trial of those suffering from a diseased condition of the circulating abed. Always ask for Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion, and bo sure you get 11. Sold by J. Hargreaves & 00. When hooks and eyes are used to fasten the bodices of dresses they are ao placed amid the fulness of the plastron waistcoat as to be invisible. When the eaequo form of frock is used for little girls it is now so trim- med as to simulate a long, round waist and full skirt, with high hip draperies. What troublesome cough should be at once cured ,as if not it 10 liable to terminate in eon. sumption. Thousands die annually that might have been caved if Went's Cough Syrup had been taken in time, It in an infallible cure far the worst 00500 of Throat and Lung Di.. etiasee,00ugbs, Colds, Rbateeneos, Bron6Mtis, Whoopingg Oongh. S Prise 25 cents, 50 08010, end 1!1.ee per battle, .Byrd by John Iiargoseveo & (00,, mogglets, Immeneely big buttons—too largo to pass through 'a buttonhole—are used simply decoratively, being sew - .ed on dresses abut are fastened with llooke and eyes. E'osrsu 1V ts'tef3. A very good suggestion 10 that of taxing bulls at so muoh per bead. The effect would be to kill off all the scrubs whose only eervioe is to get sows with calf when the stock is not worth reieing, and whish thug do great injury to stook tntereste. WHAT haoking c ouggli ean he so ,11uiukly oared by Shiloh's Owe, We guarantee it Sold by A, Deadman. The low price of grain the last few years has discouraged even Western farmers, who are now reducing acre age in wheat especially and devoted more land to forage crops. Corn alone of the grainy re likely to hold its own or increase, and tbie because it is the grain most largely grown for feeding to stook. Sarl.oa's Catarrh Romdey—a posative our° for Catarrh, Diptheria, cud Danker Montle Bold by G.A. Deaadmu. Most larmers smoke the shoulders and hams of bogs, but few know that an equal improvement can be made in side meat by turning it into bacon. The smoke adds not only to the flavor of the meat, but to its digestibility. It dose ono by doing the other, ae anything eatou with a relish secures a larger portion of gastric juice and thus promotes digestion. Are you made no inerab1s by Indigestion Con- tipetlon,Dizzineee,Imes of Appetite, 'inflow Skin? Shlloh'e Vitalizeris a positive cure. Sold by G. A. Deadman. A damp atmosphere ie no dlsadvan. tags in keeping fruit, providing it ie near the freezing temper ature and the fruit is not bruised or baudbed fre quently. .Apples have been kept in perfect condition under water when ice froze on the eurfaos. But any break in the skin soon causes decay, and the fruit, when taken from the water, must be used at once, as other- wise it will rot rapidly. Why will you sown whom Shiloh's Cure will give o eimd bym DAOo relmnn Price 10e.,50c.,and 01. Ono breed of dogs should be ex. ceptecl from the Condemnation which justly attaches to the oaniue race. This is the collie or shepherd dog, a breed which, by long training has de veloped an tip itude for good service that has become hereditary. It re. quires Little labor to tench a well bred collie to do anything that is wanted with sheep or cattle, and to those handling such stock one of these doge ie worth more than two extra men or boys. Sor Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to mare. Sold by G.A. Deadman, Although it is a good plan to put sugar in canned fruit at time of seal ing, it is not neceseary to keep it from spoiling. The essential thing is to exclude the air. Where this is not done the fruit will turn sour, and the additional sugar w ill only make the vinous ferment ation more active and thorough. Any that show looee covers or any mould on the top should be need before spoiling further. A Nasal Injector freo with each bottle of Bhnoh's Oatarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by G. A.Doadman. Except for sheep, which masticate and digest more thoroughly than other animals, grain for any kind of farm stook should. be ground. This is eepeeially important for sows. Though these remastiaate their food, much grain fed whole will go through them, giving little benefit. When ground meal may be mixed with out straw or other coarse feed that would not be oaten, and it will digest better in this more bulky form than if fed seperately. • The Rev. Geo. H.Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind. Paye:—"Both myself and wife owe ourllvesto Bhnoh'e ,' Oonaumptfon cureBold by G. A. Deadman. Time was when Western farmers were not careful to get the beat sheep. They thought more of numbers than of quality, and time lost much of the advantage from cheaper land and Cheaper grain for feeding. But when a Kansas farmer reports a flock of seventeen Cotswold sheep that shear. ed 17 pounde of wool each, not much improvement on these figures is pos. sible. But it is something new for Western farmers to care for flocks so small as this, though in those is the greatest profit. A 5taastlou. An unparalleled ooaaation ie Using created all over Ontario by the Neuralwonderful and uneq. uetied make,mannerin which Nouralgis,To remoe, Rheumatism, spike bo, Msadaohe, to remov- ed nota%one applloation of Fluid Lightning. No nays. Io, dtegustiag drugs coed be taken for days. t to an instant Oslo. Try a 990. bottle from J. Hargreaves & Co„ druggist. Whenever trees are planted for timber, enough should be put in at once to thoroughly shade the ground. This wilt not insure etraight upright growth, but will from the first pre- vent the blowing away of leaves whish forma natural mulch ander which the tree roots find an abundance of food. The thinnings from a thickly - planted forest will help pay the ex- panties during the first few years, when the prospective value of the tree is hardly enough to warrant keep- ing the land in Bo slow a crop. Unless farmers have conveniences fox grinding bones their reduction by burning is probably the best availiible• plan. Something to lost in this way by escape of ammonia, but the pro. portion of this in the old bones is very small and not worth saving by the expensive prooess of pounding the bones into small pieces by hand, and then reduoiug them imperfootly by acids or alkalies. The trouble with thie hand process is that it costs more than the whole thing is worth to get bones in condition to apply as a fertil- izer. Don't Be Deeelred. Beware of any druggist who will try to 1n - duce you to take anything In place of Mc- Gregor d; Parka's Carbolic Citrate, 1t Is e marvel of healing for Sores, Outs, Buren, ata. No family should be wlthoutlt, It hoe noeq- ual. Get MoGregor & Parka's, and have no other. Only 2ae..or box a1 J. Hargreaves & CO's An exchange gives the following : —A very cheap Host may be made by sawing a barrel through the centre, thereby forming two tubs ; in the bottom of each damp earth to the depth of about six inches should be placed, s000ping out the centre so that the eggs will he close together. Still better is to plaee a sod with a portion of the earth removed from the centre in the tub, put a little etraw on the earth or sod, scatter souse sulphur in the neet, mud it is ready for receiving the hen, with a china egg under her. For the first two days, until she has become se- cuetomed to her quarters, the hen should be shut on the nest, but should be taken off once every day and allowed to Foretell, elft and drink for thirty minutes, then returned and ohnt in again. By doing this a few times she will learn to get off and on without any trouble, and need not be shut up any longer. The ohms egg may be replaced by twelve or mere eggs, according, to the size of the hen. About the nineteenth day after setting the eggs they should be sprinkled with lukewarm watei, which has a tendency to soften the inner skin of the egg, giving the chicks a better chance to clear themselves. McGregor's Speedy Cure, It is popularly admitted everywhere that McGregor's Speedy Cure is the safest, most reliable and by far the cheapest remedy ror Constipation Liver Complaint, IndigeettoS, Impure Blood.Loss of appetite, and similar troubles I t is not rosemary to take a great quantity before any result is produced. A few donee will convince. you of its merits. Tri. al bottle given athiargreaves' dru g store. As an important factor in making prices for the fine wools of the oom ing spring clip, we note the following movements in foreign wools : —Up to December 22nd, 1885, there were cleared from Melbourne 10,880 bales; from Sydney, up to the same time, 4,000 bales ; from Adelaide, 2,000 bales, and from London, of the Jan- uary auction sales at that point, 11, 000 bales, making 80,880 bales. which, at 86 pounds to the bale, would make the total quantity of Australian wool cleared for this emu - try a trifle over 18,000,000 pourids. Add to this 0,000,000 pounds of Montevideo, and we have a grand total of 22,000,000 pounds of foreign fine wool for this country. Of the above, about 10,000 bales purchased in London and 4,000 bales in Aus- tralia go to manufacturers direct, and hence are now on the market. Some of the wool dealers object to these figures, and declare they are too email by 15,000,000 to 18,000,000 pounde. This we believe to be an over-estimate. In any event, how- ever, these large importations of for- eign wool show that the staple is dull and low-priced abroad, and must necessarily have some effect on the home prices of American wool. VARIETIES, "What is this man charged with ?" asked thejudge. 'With whiskey, your honor,' replied the sententious police - 10 au. An awfully lonely man at a social where kissing games are played looks as lonesome ae a straw hat in a snow storm, Where Au Dwindles.—If a man wants to know how insignifioient he is, just let him go with his wife to the dress -maker. Lottie was invited, with her mam- ma, to a dinner party. A gentleman gravely asked her, "Are you a vege. tarian ?" "No," promptly returned Lottie, "l am a Presbyterian." There is something in omens, after all. A man, who, under protest, made the thirteenth at the banquet, has just died. The banquet took place forty-three years ago, but the man died just the same. Citizen (to western tragedian)— "Your first appearance occurred last night, i understand ?" Western Tragedian --"Yes, sir -r -r." Citizen —"Did you receive any 5000159 ?" 'Western Tragedian. (darkly)—"No, slr.r•r they were apple cor-rrres." First hen: "There comas the woman to drive us out of her garden." Sec- ond hen : "Yoe, and she's picking up a stone, too 1 Let's fly out quick." First ben : "No, no ; stay here." Second hen : "But she's aiming right for us." First lien : "Yes, and if we move we might get hit." ,"It must be awful cold in Dakota, Mrs, Dusenberry. I notioe a woman had her tenth frozen during a resent cold snap," "And you believe each stuff as that ?" "Yes, my dear, Yours would have frozen, too, had you also left them in a glees of water over night. Miss Joy—'Madam, Mr,Foster has Dome to take me for a drive ; may I go, madam ?' "t'ladam—"You know Miss Joy, the rules of Vassar do not allow it, unless you are engaged—aro you engaged to Mr. Feeler ?" Mo' e Joy (doubtfully) t "N --no, but —if you will lot Ina .so 7: shall bo by the time we get back," Shiloh'eCurewilllmmedlatet)y relieve Oroup WhooA. ping Cough and Bronchitis, Bold by tet Sympathizing Friend : "Ie it true my dear Mrs. Brown, that your hus- band has committed suicide ?" ]virs. Brown (recently bereaved) "I am afraid it is," Sympathiziug Friend : "What in the world could have in ducecl him to commit such a rash and desperate act ?" Mrs, Brown ; "1 have't the faintest idea. I never knew John to do such a thing before." A Cry from the heart.—Several boys, who always play together, went off one afternoon• lately leaving one of their number behind. His oldest sister, swing him at home asked :— "Why, where are the others ?" Gone off ?" "Gone where ?" "!Well, for what they call 'rue,' but mother calls 'mischief !' "But,'i persisted his sinter, "why Jldu'1 you go, too ?" "Oh, mother trusts mo so dreadfully I can't ever have any fan!" Patrick in Court.—it is ate,ted that a lawyer lune some time ago cross-ex- amining a wituess in a local court, when he asked :—"Now, then, Pat- rick, listen to me. Did the defend. ant strike the plaintiff with malice ?" "No, sir, sure," replied Pat gravely, "he stynck him wid a poker, bedad." Again he inquired of the same wit - nese : "Did the plaintiff stead on the defensive during the affray ?" "Divil a difiineivo, yer honor ; he stood on the table." Fendersou (who has just been in- troduced)- Delighted to meet you, I'm sure. My friend Jones often speaks of you. It was only the other day that he said : "Mrs. Louisburg is such a fine, motherly lady," Hiss Louisburg (with a faint smile of au- noyance on her smiling face)—How droll 1 Pour friend Mr. Jones was probably speaking of my mother. I am Miss, not Mrs. Louisburg. Fen- dsrson (miicb agitated) -0h, I beg oour pardon 1 but, really, is it pos- sible that you have a mother living 2 A Georgian tells how a colored person in his state once mads clear even to the dullest of his flock the difficulty of treading the straight and narrow path, as contrasted with de• scent of the spaoious highway lead- in the other direction. l3efore he was well started in his disoourse he ran down the pulpit chairs and pro- ceeded to suit the action to the word. "My brotbern," ho cried, "the road to heaven is like this," and lying flat on the banister, he began to pull him- self up, hand over hand, as laborious- ly as a boy climbs a greased pole. At last he reached the top, and got on his feet again, happy in his Christian victory.' Then, having taken breath, he exhorted his hearers to look at the road to hell, doubled one leg un- der him and slid down the rail, in a half -sitting posture, with it rapidity and grace that betrayed a juvenile familiarity with the route: The Mitchell spring fair and cat- tle show will bo held on Friday, the 0th prox. Hessian fly and ahinoh bug ser- iously threaten the wheat crop of the American Northwest. Luoknow has a roller mill with a oapaoity of ono hundred barrels per day. W. Treleaven is proprietor. It is reported that G. N. Macdon- ald, lighthouse keeper, Goderieh, has resigned, and there is a terrible scramble for the vacant position. Southampton will vote on a by-law to grant a bonus of $4,000 to Robin- son & 0o., to assist in establishing a fifty -barrel roller flouring mill. Makers of brooms report an extra- ordinary scarcity of broom oorn, whish now brings an extremely high prion in wholesale market, and they pre dict that the price of brooms will soon be doubled. Ono plank nine feet wide and .20 feet long, without knot or blemish of any kind,' and another twelve feet wide, aro among the contributions of British Columbia to the Liverpool ex- hibition. This Salvation Aruiy while parad- ing the streets Wednesday night at Montreal were repeatedly attacked by a gang of roughs, but each time they beat off their assailants. &big drum was smashed during the row. The mob afterwards made an attack upon the array's barracks, but fled on the arrival of the polios. THE 4i,'01'1.E'6 COLUiltiE. OLI0ICB FARMS FOR SALE.— Atow eptondie, i,nprovod, farrp,t for sac In the tewnsliip of Grey, Morris and hioKl!- lop, Apply to A QITLGArTI,0o,buetiouoor' Britannia, 0 . 1541 '1H•IJROkIEi-i, PUBLIC 13IJ:fLD— N/ loge, and Private Rouses painted and d000rated in incident styles at reasonable refine. 1'latlmato given. Addrese— Il °LUCAS, 504 f Godorioh, rTKHREE PA ri0'1'SFOR SALE, lust outside the corporation of Breast:is Each lot oantetos nearly 3 auras. On ono 1s a small house, young or5ltard and other oon- vooioucee, Theo, will be sold separably or together t , suit the purchaser. For further particulars tie to pprloo, terms, &o., apply to JAB, DUDLEY, llrusaolo, 9640 11ATiMFOR SALE, CONTAINING 100 corns. Thera aro good bnll'1inge, 76 acres ulnar0d, or w111 null 00 ouututnrng good buildings. The above propterty lcljolas the village of Brussels and will he Bold on reason- able terms. For full parbloulars,apply to GEO. ARMSTRONG, Prbp TEED SPRING WHEAT AND . Date.—Tho anbsoribor 0ffore Whits Run - elan S%Wog Wheat and Double Headed Egypt- ian White Oats f or sale for seed. The wheat took 1st prizes at Brussels and Bolgrave Pan Shows mud the Onto also won prizes The sood is Mena. For farther particulars apply to JAS. SRllit1ME, Lob20, 500•,9 Morris 80.40 �USIC; MUSIC.--y1E S OLABA lCr01gl1b0n who has lust Marmot' frooi Beinll1ou, wner0 she Itis neon nacho iaatrust. ton train Prot =formats for the past year, is prepared to ;lye ivatrnetbine 05 the plan or organ at reasouablu ratan, ltotoreuoos 0e 10 prull00ucy cad bo furnished. Was Cret41rt00 will either go e0 the hems or tau pupil or al. low them to mime co her :hours for their lessons. 85.4 A. GIFT wndmnYt0goa adw valuable, camp le box of geode ChM will put volt lu 1110 way of marring more money at once,thau toy thing else in .lmorioa. (loth oozes of all ages can live at o:ne .and work in spare Nino , or all the time. Ottpital not required. We will start you, In -moon pay sure for those who start at onto, STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine ��Aliyl IN GREY FOR SALLA BE - tee lot 14, on the 10th oeu,00atatni ng 100 acres, south part lot 15 on 10 000., (mutatning 46 acres. Lot 14 is partly Moored,the bal- ance well timbered. A cover faling creek crosses tun lot and it is well adapted for farm. Inger grazing. Lot 1510 mostly cleared and under good oultivation, the Utlanoe wail tim- bered with nlaok Pah. will gull all together Grin parte to suit tete purohaoer. For further partioulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. Thfe Letts well drained. t! (+100. AVERY. 5 ARM FOR SALE.—THE EE- L neatest, of the estate Of the late SAatraI. SmiuxoNoffort or sale thatexcollonHarm ,be- toclot 12,00n,15,Gr0y. There are 100 acres in the farm 80 of whfob aro cleared,10 acroopart- 1vel eavedaudl0acre solgoodbardwn0uueh. fliore 15 a ,,ocd frame barn, 91r00 foot with stone stabling tnderneath. Intmodiato pea - see sionwlllbe 41 run. A. geed portion of pur- chase oonoy tv111boa11owOd to atm ndoni nbor- aat, Fort nrtherpartiattlnreeppiyto JORN Mowed E, lO7J opt 1og301t h`808501050 OT Ebho1P.0 15•tf '1A311 TO BENT:—T1 11 SU13- soribor will rent tot 00, con, 9. Dray, co u - taining100 acres, about 00 °leered, for one or more years. House, bare and 011 other con- veaieacosonthe lot. There isa quail City of fend that would be loft, by the lease agree- ing to leave a similar amount wheu laic time woe oub The neo of implements would also be allowed. Also 100 notes in 1Iowick toam- ship ,l mila from Wroxeter. 80 a5r00 oloared. There is ahnueo on the lot but no Mara. A. tenant building 0 barn would be !Oleo wed to stop it out of the runt. Possess4u u!n be given on April 1st. For further partlenhirs apply to T300. WHITE, M. BLAS IIILL, Butcher, thanking hie 'nouy customers for their liberal support for the pant six years wishes 00 inform them that be- ing bur0e , out of the old shad has dtt00 op a abop in Bemis's Block in Ilratolass style where lie hopes to see all the old ouseomera and as many now ones as sen at ti give frim n call. 11050 uoehlu4 but dret•olaas 500.110 all kinds of P sultry and Sausage Moat, Deliver- ed to all parte of the Iowa i ro0. Cash paid for Feb Stook. RAILWAY ACCIDENT! or from any other cause. The Accident Insurance Company OF NORTH AMMERICA. SIR A. T. GALT, G. 0, M. G., PiiE8Inolor, will iasuro you againsthooirtont, travelling or otherwise, for the sum of 25e. per day, or 04.- 50 4:90 per mouth seeming you 315.00 per week if laid up from the acoidont, or $8,000 in Dasa of death, if that should (mar three months at - ter the accident. J. A, OREIGHPON, &gen b, Brussels, Out FLAX 1886 FLAX 3.0 3. Livingston have for the Farmers iu the vicinity of Brussels who intend raising Flax during the Coming Season, 1,000 .I3ulaheifg of the bestlinportod Rolland or Dutch Seed, which they are preparod to Deliver et their Mill in Brussels, 40 Farmers In quantities to suit. To ensure lb Good Crop, the Bost decd in absolutely required. Order early, For flax grown from the nboyo seed 512 per ton will be paid, It of good growth, and,; harvested in•propor m1. Seed60nunaealso be obtained. at W.H. Mo. ()reckon's, J.& J. LIVINGSTON, Brussels, Marsh 2nd.1880, Poopelotore ESTATE NOTICE, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ' Parsueltt to the Aot 40 Vin Chap.0 (Ontario) tha0redltoreofMien-Atm Ztusuoa,late of the township of Groy,Yoomen, who died est or about the tat Nov., 1881, sad theta having olalmsin respect to his estatearo hereby notified to send on or before the 15Ta DIY op A ise,1880,to'Pltomas Popper, at Brussels P. 0,. loxeentor of the said deooened, their names and addrossos,and the fullpar110uler0 of tt,oir otalme and of t ho oeourltioo of any) hold by them , and Moo that immediately af. ter the said date the minas of ilio Saul doc0as- 0dw111 be distributed among the parties en. titled thereto, having regard only to claims forwhloh the executor hes tiro notioo, and the executer Will net be liable for anyassots 00 distributed teeny person, for whole olalnt poshall not havohad notice. Dated at Brussels this If '1108. PEPPER,410 day of Marsh. NZ gloater. 554, f�.