The Brussels Post, 1886-3-26, Page 1-
AMIN vent
. _.�_. vent .
NO. 38,
Our Present Political
. Tho following paper was read by oar old
friend A. M. Taylor before the Young
lien's Liberal Club of Toronto.
The histerlans have wisely considered it
an axiom that the ohmmeter o£ an event
meal, not be appreciated in relation to its
present otvironmonts, but no the long re-
ouit of a sarins of causes and effects, origin.
Ming, it may bo, in a very remote first
mato, Por this reason the history of the
laws of a cotultty is the Watery of the
of nt ry Mien. ]f. Tho ewhient Lord Bacon
to vet,, There aro ht nature, certain
-founts of jnvtico, whonon nil civil laws are
eth vie .,1. hut ns annum ; and like as ovat-
at -
1 d "eke t.inetmee and tasters from the
ettiel. i : u ,, v htob Vicy au de civil
elite, arty o e .fling to the tc -ani:•• and
“in,vtromonte where they are phtn',•rl,"
HI. the fome:.t= who would redre0s n
"These aro the gardens of the dosoet, these
Tho unshorn Roble, l .undlose and beautiful
For which the speech of England has no
The Prairies. I behold them for the firs
And my heart dwells while the dilat
Takes in tho onoirolIng vastness. Lo th
In airy undulations far away
As if the ocean•in his gentlest Elwell
Stood still with ,all his rounded biller
And motionless forever," --
were parcelled ant amonget enocnlato
monopolists, and political eonihdonoe mwhoeo avarice preyed upon the importuni
of the perplexed immigrant, and material
impeded tho spontaneous expansion of o
dement, The aboriginal cnrnmtcnity wl
had an undoubted In tteriptive right to t
soil, surrendered their claims to tiro penmeat fora stated eou„iderntion. But t
tonin of the agreement wore capstan
1 u ,' Hai c.., reform tits phare of nn. violated by tho iii reputable conduct
u.nt , :, r nu, : mould the plastic fabriy of then ofaleials 1" whom fns c ;cartio0 w
eel; ,, opmicu into the permanent rynimet. entrusted. They petitioned, they implor
t f ,•, ttled law, must nut content himself the gtovernmeut in vain, when they aslce
for bread they were offered a steno ; wh
they sought flag they were given a serpent
when they pleaded for justice and oomph
Bien, they were threatenee with powder an
load. Their grievance became wrongs
their wounds bounce running sores ; do
ranee took the place of suppliance; cage
said revenge followed useless appeal ; de
//oration succeeded toleration. The dnsta
becomes ahem, end the most human() nun
a savage, when ho sees his wife and child
ren starving, when in justice, they shoal
have 'bread enough and to spare. Censtit
utional remedies having proven futile, re
hellion, with all tho horrible atrocities o
Milieu warfare, followed. In this conned
ing on general outline its English model, tion, ht is, I feel, ineumbeet upon me to
but, 10011g to the introduction of the feeler- Fake brief mention of the gallant manner
to which this Club responded to ito man -
try a
qua.try's call, regardless of the dubiety of the
emus or the reenit of the rising. Nor shall
we forget to nobly and warmly cherish the
memory of ono of tho bravest and youngest
of our members, who, by the eacrifiee of
hue life on the altar of hie country baptized
vidcd for, ranch made Confederation an ex- this club to the canoe of liberty, and identi-
fied ant, hazardous if pwrieoworthy. Add• fied it's name ,with that immovable loyalty
cd to thi.., the Canadian domain, extendingwhich finds expression in patriotic aotion—
mrr half n cenlinent, was peopled by the Thomas Moore,
dczrxndante of alien and hostile panes, to qhs interprovincial compact, ]mown to
un 1, ran• Wettable portioet of whom, our jurisprudence) as a Pedaral union, has been
i'o, li:lt ancestois, with a generosity which conois01y expressed by tan eminent Cana:
:tumidalways accompany c0nqueet, wisely tun jurist, as 00011 a judicious exorcise of
nr unwie,dy, vouchsafed n continuance of the central authority as is consistent with
the laws, the religion end rho customs of the absolute control of local affairs by the
their 1::rent state. But though beset with provincial legislatures. It is to bo regrett-
such foimidable difieuhties, thorn was ono ed the interpreters of our constitution have
considentio11 which augured well for the too often tailed to recognize the dietinotion
emcees of confederation—our people avero' between a federal std a logislatire union,
tulerab y puffed. Sipco the stormy days of In view of this definition of the federal
Papinenu nuc McKenzie, such important system, the rapid survey we have taken of
concessions had been made to the principles the political retrospect of Canada will pro -
responsible government, that a general oars es to adequately npprohentl our pees-
offeoling of security cad unanimity banished cut political situation. Has Confederation
the memory of race animosity and ancient had a fair trial? Surely not. The experi-
feud ; and a spirit of toleration succeeded ment has been made under the most adverse
the fruitless and irrational conflict of creeds, ciraumetanees. Subjected to sash 8 severe
The vastness of oar territory, the foes- strain, its existence i8 a cogent argument in
hauotlble ri011nee8 of our resources, the
favor of iia suoueeaEul results under mora
salubrity of our climate, and tho inspirit. favorable conditions. We should not won -
tion born of a new national hope gave a der that Confederation has not been more
splendid impulse to Canadian progress. snocossful, but rather that it has continued
But this prooporuue oo»dition of public to exist at all, in the face of ouch arbitrary
affairs was destined to be of abort duration. and unremitting opposition at the hands of
In the triumph of popular rights the Can•
its guardians and lnterpretere. But what-
people forgot that caution was neons. ever arguments may be adduoedin oxter-
mane. An arbitrary carica of the shortcomings of our system
nary in choosing their
and uuearupulens govornmont assumed of government, we aro forced to admit that
control, which, taking advantage of the it has not been, as yet, prodaotive of any of
delingttuncy of public opinion, as yet un- the more eubetantiol results which its in -
trained in the art of self•governmont, feet- auguration led ne to anticipate, At the
tiled itself with such tenacity upon the ptasent moment, the condition of public
national life, as to defy the restraints of
affairs in Canada is such no to demand the
those who 1111'ested it with the functions of earnest attention of ovary iotellegent and
its high office. Making its own perpotua- patriotio Canadian.
tion the supreme object of its pursuit; de- Our trade has experienced n period of
seising alike the just claims of private cit. abnormal depression. The scarcity of
Mens, and the loftier ends of public justice; money, and its increased tondoney to dog.
it repaid the confidence of the people who mate in certain undeeiroble entree, have
had committed to its keeping thio sacred 8arpaseed the resotrrges of many of our
trust of thein liberty, their laws and their ablest business men, and multiplied the
constitution, by directing itspersistent op- names on the List of "intention o difficulties,"
position aga1us1 the vital principles of the Mural of this is doubtless owing to the foot
tederalpnrt. Conscious of its own inability that our government has .adopted a fiscal
to retain the public support, it has persist• 'policy which own:images the manufacture
entry worded off the condemnation which of many ara10108 of Commerce, for which it
it merited from rho electors, by setting Taco has furnished no market. Our foreign
ugoin, t race, creed against creed, and pro- trade nab coma to a stand raid, • „bile our
vine() ul ainet province. By an mmnu8ti. American and European crnnpetitvrs aro
tntiunta re -adjustment of the electoral dig- actively negotiating trade relation with
tzictn, it has flagrantly violated the fired onuntries ad aides newly opened up by
prated lc0 of representtation fwd perverted adventurono colonists from various lands,
rho epleat/in of alto popular will. With our government contents itself with a pot -
die an:: teat „f 1111 vampire it has fanned to icy which gluts the 'mono market and re -
Map the (.•:,c8 of pub110 justice by the 1,11- dune the long eetalil1.+!tool p11)oipies of
ish encfcrn1u0018 of honors, offices toed tho trade tea game of chane.
lntbit lm de, while it has satiated its fetal
Appetite r tont the jugular of tho Watton, It
has closed its heart to principle, and open.
ly repudiated the exit.tcnee of eatiounl am-
meter, that it might with impunity renounce
its obligations. No part of tho Dominion
was enure, Ontario had boon compelled to
maintain her torritorial mtogriey, by long
and expensive litigation, Quebec has been
insulted by the proffered hand of corrup-
tion. A commercial polioy has boon adopt-
ed by, which the sympathy of the maritime
provineos hoe been all but irrecoverably
estranged, Newfoundland !tae profited by
the general uneasiness, and has, so for,
kept; aloof from the federation, British
Columbia and Vancouver Island• aro over-
run by obnoxious foreigners. Thole
poated appeal is answered by a partizan
80mmie8ion which gave a formal ohodianeo
to the power by w.11itih it was appointed
and the vernal areae of our Pacifies slopo
aro sacrificed to hiordee of semi -civilized
Mongolians, whoeo presence 11 loss eongelo.
ial to the nation than that of the red man
,vhouo alta conquering genius of the Anglo-
Saxon rage ie so rapidly ostia cashing,
The history of our North Woet Tereitor-
ids affords examples of officiali8m, corrup-
tion, and maladministration, wlthoh renals
the shameful pare,1181 of oriental dnepotiom.
Our magnifiaont western prairies than
which no more fertile territory ever opened
before the eager unwell of pioneering enter-
prise, of 10111011 the pact Willis wrote
With a ,:nperficial observes(, of the limos
in which he lives, but must, with the pa.
tient zeal of the reiontiat, "nay every stage
of the urowih and developuceut t f alto ercnt,
with which he deals. Our present poliricel
:rituatima is admittedly unsatisfactory. A
convidcr,ttion, however imperfect, of the
eaten whiell have combined to produce
this uulutppy state of affairs, necessarily
inc•ol33 a the question how far the Canadian
people have proven thomsolvoe e.impotent
to the tack of eelf-government, and to what
extent the executive has been representative
1,1 th,: popular will ?
Its 1+017 Canndn issued foto national ex.
stera e with a 110111en eoustitlilian 008embl-
nl 11rinchpl0, differing widely bo its opera-
tion front that pattern; its most vital pro-
w isioite balancing so nicely about the f,ti-
emon of provincial rights n8 to require of
its iutahrrters and administrators 8 deli.
tatediose nnlent of their true significance
end a judicious regard to tho rights pro -
standing at the load of organized 1.210110p
108, to seek their fortunes in a country
whoeo demoralized political Meditations
can no loiter direct tho eye of oontom
end where a more progressive governmo
has learned to cherish a livelier souse of i
dividual and public enterprise; while 0
patriotic ministers of the crown supply the
plane by the degraded offal of every n
Mon imported at the puLlio expense an
maintained by pnblio or private charity.
The liberty of the press, which, even th
must atfdaoioae autoorat dared not open
oppa8n, has been perverted to the aadveea
of the most vicious measures. The people
oracle has been subsidized; it betrayo who
it should instruct; and its clamolcue a
petite to prejudice and pension are more 11
Mottoes to the man of justice thou 11
moat criminal elleno0,
Our Lieberman are in poverty, many
them actually m starvation, because ea
government obstinately ref nod sunk Limo/
legielati00 intervention a0 was 10q»10ite fo
the reesonablc protection of their oto
from foreign erafta ; and this vast nation
resource, perhaps unequalled by that o
any other country in the world, is been
worked for the supply and enrichment u
the American people.
Whilo mach of our skilled, and more 0
our unskiflod labor ie seeking amylopsin.
at wagee barely adequate to the require
n18n10 of subsistonon,the Canadian govern
meat, which claims to exercise a materna
protection over Canadian industry, insist
that these same 011118118 and laborers, t
some of whom existence is a burden, chat
pay taxes on tho food they eat,. on th
clothing they wear, on the tools they use
and for the privileges they enjoy in orde
that an importation of foreign labor may
bo encouraged into the Canadian markot,
ly c
Schon .Board will meet on Frid.ty Tiff baby carriage business Is com-
evening of next week, tnencing to move and H Dennis wants
Coyne and Timothy Seed at McCraok. yon to inspect lila goods. Ynu aught
en's. to road Inc advt, on page 8 of this is -
A SPECIAL mooting of tho {pillage Sue.
Connell was held on Thursday oven- I. O''..Blci1Anne, harness rnaker, has
ing of this week. a fancy lot of baby carriages at his
Mower TO Lanx.--Apply a Tete lose' she anti he
Publishing House. 1? pramisCs bargains. Call
13. GEnnv, of the Beaver Hardware 0n hhn. Bead what he says in hie
store, has n now advt, in this week. 010w ndvt.
J7. has n large stook of nails, feuC+ C' xct:uT.—Ors `l'hnr Clay ew•.aling
wire, &o- of last ;eek Mist; M' tit's' concert
Fon 000010 passage, vin. Anchor Lire carne off in the Town Hell. The At-
from Now York to all point, in Europe, c'ndetoe, 10,10 000.11 owing n_ , rlonbt
lowest rnt,8. 7?m' sanity, quick pax4,ge, , r, taut that there were tv,:r ot11eY
obliging officers, this line. of ;Anil btortmc18
of crook. Apply to T. IPLr nut:c, rn r 't.iin n l+ + c '„r;'1 t•.. , t e
is m .
4se1a. ' , 1 Int° pa . ,•„1 0051 a 0015
y 1tean ilia ,rrivr. of J. G Sir,na, good , : r 0ltilo.i,;i1 owing i•. Ilio non -
Yon did not know he was a pun., hu° upp,i1, 311(1 of D. `r4•. :.fila, and
spring bring; out 8nm<, iv(111,1 i'n1 L, ±r. r, of i;1i ,a
thin!;,, Ifo Im' a sic• Io- !015 'rt, a 1 . f y, of
1V1 I ,•l,t b 1 t; ir, 1:rV. ,itiphetl
stock and sells cheap. 1‘01/1
n uud 1,111 „roux
A. Cuita» i, bn+.cher has plae...1 a ! reeding:,, it watt nut varied tnougii.
liandeomo set of scales in kis !pitcher j Miss :tluries and miss Roid played
slang, manufactured by Osborn:,, Kil srvct.•01 instrumonialecbe:lona; Miss
ley & Co., of Hamil,00. They aro I Wynn, of Godr-rieh, sang "'Within a
nicely platers, have n marble weigh- • toile of Edinboro',” "Tyrol'oa 10001 y
tattle and have a capacity of Iii pounds. doll," and "Bird of beauty," in a
IT is stated that medicine 1
a man
was going to lot daylight. (111111gl: 'Ale and A ,i1tr11Ghau gave "'i'o1 t wind
of oar young nlou hast Sntltrday even- and tem ?1•.rp," in goal rty1:-, cls,, the
lag with a revelvor. This kind of solo%'1'l:e way t11ro' the wood,' "The
thing is getting sou common rind should tolriicr's good .hyo" and "The old
be stopped short hefnr3 any damage s t ;'em ;" ills . Hill and Miss E. Kerr
is dorm. tan; the duet!. "Whit -Tiring hope ;"
hes the largo stock of letterheads,. Chu Mis El's Livingston gave an ius1rn-
noteheads, billheads, etatelnentn, me- m0titrtl death on the 0014.111 acid Inert
mosandume, envelopes, Sec. at Tun Mise Muriel played a prlatty piece
Pose! Publishing House. Don't send enth:h l "Storni at sea; The sleigh -
out your ncoonnte on 8crapa of paper rime," with whistling chortle, was
when yea con got neatly printed boll- sung by Mary and Benj. Harris and
heads for about the earn: 'cost. Willis, McCracken. Rev. W. Smyth
THE -00mm11400 of the 1311,10eis
Curling Club will meet on Wednes Pisa $kart;. --W. R. Wilson pat-
chy next at 7 p. m., in the An1erman chased the old machinery belonging
Hotel. A full meeting is regnosted to the Bennett factory that went
as the financial etetcnont for the through the fire. Thera v tie over
year will be ready and tabor Ina^tors 12 tons of it:—I1 would now b„ in
of interest to the Club diecues:,i. place for the directors of the Malt -
Now that spring will Boon be here land Skating and Curling Rink' to
it will be well for the young men tho prepare, a etatoment oft ,) financial
old men and the boys to consider standing of the Co. This ie citio the
where they can be best suitedin cloth• shareholders.—The report that a new
ing, gent's furnishings, &a. Rosa iron bridge would bo built here this
Bros. are to the front wit their spring next auminer is all gas, as there is
announcement and it will be well to no thought of it,—Geo. hiller has
see their large stock before placing hung out a fancy sign opposite his
your order. Bead their advt. this livery etable,--A. large number of ex -
week and thou go and call on them. collect cattle were shipped from this
station this week.—Cheap fares to
the Northweet, Dakota, Nebraska,
&o, ars now the order of the day.—
Our cricket club will blossom out in
handsome flannel suits_ this season.
Rocs Bros. are malting diens.—Nest
Thursday is the 1st of April.—Now
is the time to advertise. —What about
a Celebration on the Queen's birth-
day ?—Tris East Lturon Spring •
Show will be hold io Brussels, on
Friday, April 16th.— A nuiaiber of
our citizens contemplate going to the
west this spring, very fen of them to
the Northwest, however,—Tho cold
weather and little flurry of snow ou
Monday made the sleighing 'passably
good again.—The prapesed County
of bllraitlend does not make muoti of
a boom in Brnaesle.-8prnco must
be, getting a good deal stranger than
formerly as it appears to have n de-
mornlizing effect upon those who par-
take 0f it, -Exeter will so,en be here.
—:rite e1. 0. Il. lt?'. ardor i0 having
quite a boom in Brussel. this winter.
—We publish the list of Spring Shaws
in another whin-In.—There wort, titres
services in oonnootlon with the revival
mee1inge in the Methodist church this
ALNII3IS away, away down at THE
Pose, Bookstore.
The names of T. F. Hays. I,'. C.
Rogers, and Ben. Gel ry aro
mentioned as probable canclid,ttee to
re0oivo the nomination of. the Ett:,t
Huron Conservatives for filo Local
Trani O'NEIL purchased a band
801118 span of Magician colts at the
sale of Mrs. liobt. Brown, last Taus
day: .5240 was the figura. Terry ie
a good judge of a horse.
OitrCICETeoo ATT.ExrtoN.—A WOOL.
ing of 1111 intereeted in the formation
of a crioket club for this year will be
held at the American Hotel, an Wed-
nesday, 81st inst., fit 8 o'clock sharp.
Judging from the interest taken last
year in the game the attendance will
be large.
PARLOR Soo:at.—Tho parlor social
at E. E. Wade's on Thureday was a
very pleasant as well as a successful
itft'an•. The program consisting of
songs, recitations and dnetts on violin
and piano by Mrs. Geo. Thomson and
D. Ewan, whielt latter were, by many.
oanaidered the feature oftbe evening.
Mesdames Hutchinson and Hargreav-
es and Mies Wynn, of Goderiob, with
the aseistsnoe of Thos. Town and E.
E, Wade ably supported the rest of
the program." After a hearty vote of
thanks to hast and hostess, and re
gret at Mrs. Wade's illness which
prevented her being present,; the
company separated.
TILE ladies of Brucoola and vioinity
will be glad to learn that bliss Lack
'teeth takes charge of A. R. Smith's
millinery this eaaeon. She has just
returned from Toronto with her now
spring took. bliss Lack is a good
buyer, and the ladies may depend on
getting the latest etylee and novelties
at lowest prices. Lovely mantle
clothes just received. A now feature
in business. A,, R. Smith ie going
into the ordered Clothing, hot and
heavy this ep1inb. 1t is a well-known'
feet that tweeds are from 15 to 215
par cont. Cheaper than Met year
11111I100llr;lnptLlttC:, aro groaning under tiny tltorroforo, he Dan sell cheaper than
a load of taxation the rapid expansf0n and iu Lha tradc3, rn ho ora ataryttlg
rammringproportion of which aro beyond 11,130 yefir's stoat, cL, 12, 14110001. ad.
precedent in the history of free ooanmunit- Der your tiokete for Manitoba, via, G. T
les, they aro asked from year to year to
contribute for the maintenance of a 0111010
court at Ottawa, where fashionable folly
tapes the piece of virtuous h1tellegonce ; a
Civil Sorvioa which i0 ail indefinable admix-
ture of snobbery, jobbery, and robbery ; . a
00innl'e08 whore prinoiple is in a. minority
stud the voice of reason is laughed to sone;
a government which owes its majority to
its own mischievous legislation and the
dexterous manipulation of the people's
money; a politiosl asylum for the aged and
infirm dignified by the name of a Senate,
where 111e valiant who go down in battle
for their party assemble to ninon mutual
oondolanoe and pour oil into nolo other's
wounds and oherge the country at the rate
of a dollar a drop for the same,
Our immigration has all but entirely
canned. The etate.aided immigration of
the pauper and and criminal classes of Ike -
repent countries has lowered the moral
status otthe Canadian people, and done
mnoh to diminish the cordiality of our wel-
come to desoevingimmigranto,
Our fiaancoe excite rho ridicule or appeal
to the oommisoratlon of foreign etatosmen.
The flower of our yonth are driven by op-
preeeivo taxation,disoouragement of nation-
al ambition, a Harrow,. unfairly disorimhl.
Ming franchise, and a corrupt government
Ii , to'I'orouto, theuoo C. P. 11 to destinat-
ion , Cheapest and most doeiroblo route to
the Wont, No Customs delay 'or expense,
no queran1inc, no transfers. For every no-
mination, oto„ apply to T. FtETout;n, ,
' Agent.
Die following item is clipped from
the Court reports of the Huron Ae•
sizes :—The first ease taken up at
the opening of the Assizes Court
Monday morning was Graham vs.
Vanetone. Graham, who is a grain
dealer of Ilrnseels, Cllaims that -ha
sold the Messrs. Vanetona, millers, of
the same plaoo, 8,500 bushels of wheat,
tbfit the Vanetones' refused to carry
out the bargain after .reeeivjng 600
bushels of the wheat, Graham claim-'
od $1446 as life loss by reason of Van,
stones' alleged nen•performanoe of
the contract.. Verdict for plaintiff
fez $446. J, T. Garrott., Q.O, for
plaintiff ; Wm, Leant, Q.C., for de-
fendant; W. B.. Dickson and E;. E,
Wade had oll#rgo of bite ease for the
pertiee interested,
very acceptable manner ; Mlee Herr
occupied the chair.
RDIEVE ROeEE8 leas removed 1128
stook of groceries, boots & shoos, &o,
into his dry goads store and has
everything nicely settled. A num-
bar of improvements hate been made
in the arrangement of the stairway
leading upstairs, which hes been
placed in the rear of the store, the
office, "cash" office, &o. 1t is Mr.
Rogers' intention to have the whole
store, inside and outside, painted as
coon as the cold weather is past.
We understand that James Drewe
has given up the idea of again open-
ing up business in Brussels, at least
for the present. He has taken a situa-
tion as traveller for the well known
firm of Hobbs, Osborne & Hobbs, of
London, As Brusssle will be io 1.11)8
trip we expect to often sea him in
otir tow, Mr. Drown has lots of
ouorgy and nmb:tibn and as he :s eu
old hand at the business Messrs, ld.,
0, & Eft will find him an A 1 travel
ler. MIrs. Drowo and family will fol-
l0.w Mr. Drewo to London in 1110
course of a month or so.
' MAITLAND" 000NTY,—Lest Almon.
dayevening to meeting was bald in tho
Town Ball, Brussels, called by a fatty
laud bills, without any persons name i week. '.f he attendance has lull ant
attanhad, soot from Lieto • ., weI
, for rho well, The meetings will probably
close this wook.---The thunder and
0n I
and Saturday
was followed by the arrival of i,llase
sure harbingers of spring, tint r ,i.lita 1.
—L. liIoNoil has exchanged hj.. house
and lot on Queen street with W.
Newsome, for hie cottage, opposite
the Queen's hotel stables.—SevaraI
parties have received old Connery
papers that wore on the ill-fated Ore -
eon that have boen well saturated in
salt water.—G, A. Deaduann; our Bee
King, intends sending- some of his
oelebreted honey to trio, Colonial ex-
hibition,—Eob:n0 and blaekbir ds are
here.—Next Sunday afternoon an
open review of the ' Sabbath Sobool
lesaone will bo held in the Methodist
0hurcb.—J, 14. Grant is Inanufaet-
nriug a French violet iuk .that caps
anything wo over saw or used. You
want to get a bottle and try it one •
wo feel assured you will never use.
any other. " The Cblouiel exhibition
will have nn opportunity of prononno-
foe,on its merits. --•Our wagon mak-
ors ars pushing the buggy and wagon
tlepartznent just note. -•Sae our sup-
,ltlgment.Ole weep, '
purpose of 4180uaemg tho propo'od
new County formation. J. P. Mabee,
J, 0. Hay and J. W. Scott, all of
Listowel, were present and made short
speeches on ibis question, the great
advauteges to be derived from belong-
ing 10 the Co. of Maitland, &o. Thee.
Straohan, W. II. Eorr ant] Thos. Kelly
also spoke for a short time. Jae. H.
Young occupied rho chair. Tho pro-
posed new County is to be made up of
Brussels, Gxoy, llowiok:and Wroxet•
or front Huron: Co., Mornington,
Elms, Wallace and Listowel from
Perth Co., and Maryborough and
Palmerston (rola Wellington Co.
There would be a populatitm of about
140,000 in these combined municipal -
Wee and a total acreage of 856,000
acres.. Nothing will bo done in vot-
ing on this matter for some years to
dome, however, so people will have
plenty of time to consider the 111008 -
tion. Wo would suggest to.oux yrja•
towel friends the .propriety of earning
any future Public meetings through
the Roots as that is a habit we have
got into of doing that kind of 'busi-